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Significado de "índice" en el diccionario de español



La palabra índice procede del latín index, -ĭcis.

Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


ín · di · ce

Índice es una palabra esdrújula de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras esdrújulas van acentuadas en la antepenúltima sílaba.


Índice es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Un índice es una lista de palabras o frases e indicadores asociados, que permite la ubicación de material al interior de un libro o de una publicación. En un índice tradicional, los encabezados incluirán nombres de personas, lugares y eventos, y conceptos seleccionados como relevantes y de interés para el lector. Los indicadores suelen ser números de páginas.

definición de índice en el diccionario español

La primera definición de índice en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es indicio o señal de algo. Otro significado de índice en el diccionario es en un libro u otra publicación, lista ordenada de los capítulos, artículos, materias, voces, etc., en él contenidos, con indicación del lugar donde aparecen. Índice es también catálogo de las obras conservadas en una biblioteca, archivo, etc., clasificadas según diversos criterios.


apéndice · ápice · artífice · cálice · códice · cómplice · conyúdice · espádice · hélice · óbice · ónice · pontífice · sílice · sub júdice · subíndice · superíndice · tríplice · turbohélice · vértice · vórtice


índica · indicación · indicador · indicadora · indicante · indicar · indicativa · indicativo · indicción · indiciada · indiciado · indiciador · indiciadora · indiciar · indiciaria · indiciario · indicio · indiciosa · indicioso · índico


arúspice · bómbice · dúplice · felice · fenice · fice · íbice · infelice · lárice · multíplice · múrice · office · orífice · pólice · réspice · sardónice · self service · varice · várice · vice

Sinónimos y antónimos de índice en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «índice» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


índice · catálogo · censo · clasificación · indicativo · inventario · lista · nomenclátor · registro · serie · cefálico · expurgatorio · refracción · octano · audiencia · palabras · frases · indicadores · asociados · permite · ubicación · material · interior · libro · publicación · tradicional · encabezados · incluirán · nombres · personas · primera · lengua · española · indicio · señal · algo · otro · otra · ordenada · capítulos · artículos · materias · voces · contenidos · indicación · lugar · donde · aparecen · índice · también · obras · conservadas · biblioteca · archivo · clasificadas · según · diversos · criterios · miedo · pero · además · vale · pena · leerla · porque · muchas · cosas · está · haciendo · programa · artificial · imaginado · robert · harris · realidad · york · times · muestra · absoluta · falta · moralidad · tabla · glucémico · alimentos · adelgazar · teoría · privaciones · pasar · hambre · perder · tiempo · contando · caloríasíndice · general · libros · prohibidos · compuesto · griego · hebreo · texto · antioqueno ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de índice a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de índice a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de índice presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de índice en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

mục lục
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de índice en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

índice de precios al consumo (IPC)
índice de precios al consumo (IPC) 
  consumer price index (CPI) ; cost of living index.
 While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
 A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
  index [indices/indexes, -pl.].
 An index, in the context of information retrieval, is some kind of physical mechanism, or tool, which serves to indicate to the searcher those parts of an information store which are potentially relevant to a request.
al estilo de los índices de materia 
 Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.
basado en índices 
 The objective here is to select representative products from the array of abstracts and index-based services.
boletín de índices  [Publicación que periódicamente indiza los documentos aparecidos sobre una disciplina concreta y que a diferencia de la boletín de resúmenes abstracting bulletin no incluye resúmenes o abstracts]
indexing bulletin
 This information centre produces an indexing bulletin on the role of women, of which half of the subscriptions are from individuals, and half from libraries.
buscar a través de los índices  [Hojear u ojear material bibliográfico]
 This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
búsqueda en el índice 
index searching
 Computer searching has many facilities and permits a more flexible approach to index searching, but printed indexes have the advantage of ease of perusal.
consultar a través de los índices  [Hojear u ojear material bibliográfico]
 This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
consultar un índice 
search + index
 Still, however, it is necessary for users to leave the online catalogue and move to an entirely separate system to search the indexes.
creación de los índices de un libro  [Proceso de confección de los índices que aparecen al final de un libro] 
back-of-the-book indexing
back-of-book indexing
 Though statistical techniques have a lot to offer for free-text data base systems, neither method has had much success with back-of-the-book indexing.
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
crear un índice 
generate + index
 Usually indexes are generated at intervals to cover several issues.
disco índice  [En una base de datos montada en varios discos, aquel disco que contiene el índice o índices acumulativos de los demás y que suele ser el último]
index disc
 Before starting Bibliofile be sure that the CD-ROM drive is turned on and loaded with the index disc.
distribución de una materia en su índice 
subject scatter
 Editing the input to a KWIC program with the object of controlling subject scatter can make the resultant index easier to use.
elaborar un índice 
produce + index
 A similar program, Newsdex, produces indexes to journals and newspapers from terms assigned to each article.
entrada del índice 
index entry
 All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
hacer un índice digital  [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]
thumb index
 The practising classifier is almost obliged to thumb index the volumes to make their use less time-consuming.
índice acumulativo  [Indice que reúne en una sóla secuencia los índices de varios números de una publicación seriada que han sido publicados por separado] 
cumulative index
cumulated index
 A cumulative index covering the first five years, 1970-74, has been published in a separate volume.
 The computer merely has to reprint the index to include all titles to be covered by the cumulated index.
índice alfabético  [En un documento, lista de nombres o temas tratados en él ordenados alfabéticamente y con una referencia a su localización en el mismo]
alphabetical index
 An alphabetical index is an alphabetical arrangement of concepts which gives their respective notations and thus their exact position within the schedules.
índice alfabético de materias  [Lista de las materias de las que tratan un conjunto de obras con una referencia a las obras en las que aparecen ordenada alfabéticamente como contrapuesto a una ordenación sistemática]
alphabetical subject index
 The first function of the alphabetical subject index to the classified file is to provide for the approach to subjects via their names: subjects are stated in verbal terms and provided with their corresponding class numbers.
índice articulado de materias 
articulated subject index
 Articulated subject indexes are based on title-like phrases that have some conventions concerning citation order.
índice bibliométrico 
bibliometric index
 It is the bibliometric index more used around the world.
Indice Británico de Tecnología (BTI) 
BTI (British Technology Index)
 However, both BTI and LCSH occasionally use headings of this kind, though one could argue strongly that these are out of place in direct entry methods, and they come in for trenchant criticism from Metcalfe.
índice colectivo 
pool index
 If the entries are KWIC indexed in the regular files, they are KWICed in the pool index as well.
índice cruzado 
dual dictionary
 Dual dictionaries are not card-based, but are computer produced post-co-ordinate indexes where usually two identical lists are printed on continuous computer stationery.
índice de autores 
author index
 The author index, or 'author/title index', of a classified catalogue consists of entries and references arranged in alphabetical order of author and, where required, title, translator, series etc, headings.
Indice de Autores Corporativos 
Corporate Index
 This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.
índice de citas  [Indice que consiste esencialmente en una lista de obras que han sido citadas en otros trabajos posteriores y una lista de los trabajos de los que se han recogido las citas y que se utiliza para identificar obras publicadas posteriormente cuyo tema está relacionado con el de la obra citada] 
citation index
Citation Index
 A citation index is 'an ordered list of references (cited works) in which each reference is followed by a list of the sources (citing works) which cite it'.
 This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.
Indice de Citas de Ciencia (SCI) 
Science Citation Index (SCI)
 The Permuterm index (as featured in Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes) is similar to a Double-KWIC index in that it provides for simple coordination of index words.
Indice de Citas de las Ciencias Sociales (SSCI) 
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
 The Permuterm index (as featured in Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes) is similar to a Double-KWIC index in that it provides for simple coordination of index words.
índice de contenido   [Lista de epígrafes y subepígrafes de las partes de un documento siguiendo el orden de presentación e indicando la página donde comienzan] 
contents list
table of contents [ToC]
contents table
 Highlight abstracts feature in some primary journals, either as captions preceding the article to which they pertain, or as a supplement to or an expansion of the contents list.
 If an index, title page, or table of contents arrives, the number '11' should be entered.
 Content-enriched access is defined as including information such as contents tables and book indexes, as well as standard bibliographic information, in a computerised system = El acceso de contenido enriquecido en un sistema automatizado se define como aquél que incluye información como, por ejemplo, sumarios e índices de libros además de la información bibliográfica normal.
Indice de Documentos de las Naciones Unidas (UNDEX)  [Antes conocida como UNDI: lista de todas las publicaciones de las diferentes agencias de las Naciones Unidas]
UNDEX (United Nations Documents Index)
 Until the early 1960s UNDEX (then known as UNDI - United Nations Documents Index) was the principal source of bibliographic information about the publications of the various United Nations specialized agencies.
Indice de Documentos de las Naciones Unidas (UNDI)  [Actualmente conocido como UNDEX: lista de todas las publicaciones de las diferentes agencias de las Naciones Unidas]
UNDI (United Nations Documents Index)
 Until the early 1960s UNDEX (then known as UNDI - United Nations Documents Index) was the principal source of bibliographic information about the publications of the various United Nations specialized agencies.
índice de fuentes  
source index
Source Index
 The source index lists all documents included in the journals covered by the index, and issues published in the time span of the particular cumulation.
 This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.
índice de libro  [Documento secundario que presenta una lista ordenada de términos seleccionados de un documento con referencia a su localización]
book index
 A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific names appear.
índice de listado de ordenador compuesto tipográficamente 
typeset computer book form index
 As opposed to more professionally typeset computer book form catalogues and indexes.
índice de localización 
localisation index
 Here, the localisation index of a union catalogue is defined as the percentage of interlibrary lending (ILL) requests this catalogues can localise correctly.
índice de materias  [En la clasificación y recuperación de documentos, una lista términos que nos permite acceder al contenido de una publicación, catálogo o colección]  
subject index
topical index
subject guide
 Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.
 Both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia sections are arranged alphabetically, with access to specific information enhanced by the 513-page Propaedia (which functions in part as a topical index to articles in both the Micropaedia and Macropaedia).
 The library has 9 staff who, apart from serving the 1,500 visitors a month, also find time to compile subject guides to the collection.
índice de medicina 
medical index
 The aim of the study was to determine which of 5 medical indexes provides the most comprehensive review of journals cited.
índice de nombres 
name index
 For example, the name, title and subject indexes are KWIC-indexed, to make every significant word in these headings available in context.
índice de publicaciones periódicas 
periodical index
 A periodical index is an index to a specific periodical title.
índice derivado automáticamente de los títulos  [Indice obtenido de la manipulación automática de las palabras significativas de los documentos, especialmente los títulos]
derived index
 Derived indexes such as Key Word In Context (KWIC) and Key Word Out of Context (KWOC) all depend on titles being fully representative of content, an often unwarranted assumption, particularly in the fields of the humanities and social sciences.
índice de términos permutados 
Permuterm index
 Double KWIC and Permuterm indexes arrange pairs of keywords, so that the entries under one keyword are organised according to the second keyword.
índice de títulos 
title index
 Title indexes are indexes in which the title is used as the headings or access point in entries.
índice digital  [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]  [En un libro de referencia, muescas que se hacen en el borde externo para indicar las diferentes secciones del mismo siendo este tipo de índice más comúnmente usado en diccionarios]
thumb index
thumb holes
 The librarian should provide the means whereby the catalogue user can quickly locate the required section of the catalogue just as a thumb index helps the person consulting a reference book to locate the appropriate section or chapter.
 Tabs should be used in card or sheaf catalogues, and thumb holes in the latter where possible.
índice encuadernado de listado de ordenador  
computer book form index
computer book form index
 Computer book form catalogues and indexes are one the products of computer processing of catalogue and index records.
 Computer book form catalogues and indexes are one the products of computer processing of catalogue and index records.
índice encuadernado en forma de listado de ordenador 
computer book form index
 Computer book form catalogues and indexes are one the products of computer processing of catalogue and index records.
índice en lenguaje natural 
natural language index
 Natural language indexes are based on the premise that titles, or more specifically the words in titles, convey the subject content of the document to which the title pertains.
índice en microfilm 
microfilm index
 The arrangement of headings into an overall sequence is important, and an order which is erratic, unpredictable, or with which the user is not familiar can lead to poor retrieval in any printed, card or microfilm index or catalogue.
índice especializado  
special index
specialist index
 In a special index the meaning of a homograph may be obvious by its having been placed in an index on the given subject.
 For example, in a general index it might be adequate to regard Prisions and Dungeons as one and the same, but in a specialist index devoted to Criminology this would probable not be acceptable.
índice específico 
specific index
 A specific index can be devised if the classification scheme is such that there is only one location for each subject so that one specific entry can be made for each subject in the index.
índice final  [Indice que aparece al final de un documento generalmente de conceptos o autores citados en el mismo] 
back-of-the-book index
back-of-book index
 Subject access might be improved considerably by the addition of further access points taken, for example, from tables of contents or back-of-the-book indexes.
 We will, however, look first at a related topic, namely the preparation of back-of-book indexes.
índice general 
general index
 In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises.
índice impreso 
printed index
 A printed index is a pointer, or indicator, or more fully, a systematic guide to the items contained in, or concepts derived from a collection.
índice invertido  [En una base de datos documental, índice que recoge las palabras que aparecen en los documentos ordenadas alfabéticamente y con referencia al número de documentos en que aparecen]  
inverted index
inverted list
 We can open the title word dictionary to check for spelling variations of our search term by pressing 'Alt-D'.
 When a new record is added to the data base or an existing record amended, the inverted indexes will need to be updated.
 The entries in the inverted lists are often linked to their respective records in the main file through a postings file which stores the record numbers corresponding to the entries in the inverted lists.
índice invertido de las citas bibliográficas 
citation dictionary
 We can look at the citation dictionary to locate Bednorz's 1986 paper by pressing 'Alt-D'.
índice invertido de las palabras del título 
title word dictionary
 We can open the title word dictionary to check for spelling variations of our search terms by pressing 'Alt-D'.
índice jerárquico 
hierarchical index
 The display in the hierarchical index shows all terms related to the main term, either directly, or at one or more removes from it, by an 'NT' reference.
índice KWIC  [³ndice que contiene los títulos ordenados alfabéticamente por cada una de las palabras con contenido y presentados de modo que la palabra clave aparece en el centro de la pantalla con el resto del título a ambos lados en su orden natural]
KWIC index
 A simple KWIC index is, as the name suggests, based upon 'keywords' that appear in the titles of documents.
índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto)  [Indice generado por ordenador, en el que han sido permutadas todas las palabras claves del título de un documento, con un número limitado de caracteres, para presentarlas ordenadas alfabéticamente de manera que cada una de ellas aparezca como un punto de acceso]
KWIC (Keyword-in-Context)
 A KWIC or Keyword In Context index is the most readily produced type of index.
índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) 
KWIT (Keyword-in-Title)
 KWIT indexes is merely another name for the same type of index (i.e., KWIC index); KWIT stands for Keyword-in-title.
índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto)  [Indice que presenta las palabras claves significativas de los títulos de los documentos ordenadas alfabéticamente, pero sin permutación, de forma que el título aparece en el orden normal de su presentación, y la palabra retenida como encabezamiento]
KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context)
 A KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context) index, for instance, is a title index where the keywords are extracted from the titles and displayed as a heading.
índice permutado  
permuted index
shunted index
 KWICed or permuterm index entries are filed under each significant word in an entry.
 PRECIS indexing, cycled indexing, rotated indexing and SLIC indexing are all different types of shunted indexes in which the components of index headings are moved to generate additional entries.
índice permutado del tipo KWIC 
KWICed index
 KWICed or permuterm index entries are filed under each significant word in an entry.
Indice Permutado de Materias 
Permuterm Subject Index
 This article describes the 4 indexes comprising the SCI: the Source Index, the Citation Index, the Permuterm Subject Index and the Corporate Index.
índice permutado de palabras clave 
permuted keyword index
 Interestingly enough, Green himself had paid a visit to the 'Manchester Reference Library' where he was shown round by the librarian, Andrea Crestadoro, now best remembered as the pioneer of permuted keyword indexes.
índice permutado de títulos 
permuted title index
 This update comprises a bibliography of 910 references to on-line information retrieval covering the approximate time period 1984 to early 1985, permuted title (KWIC) index and author index.
índice por unitérminos 
uniterm index
 In the uniterm index each individual index card represents a simple subject concept.
índice postcoordinado 
post-coordinate index
 In a post-co-ordinate index each document is first assigned some type of accession or serial number, and is then analysed, and its subject represented by a number of index terms, perhaps as many as ten or twenty.
índice precoordinado 
pre-coordinate index
 Because the co-ordination of index terms in the index description is decided before any particular request is made, the index is termed a pre-co-ordinate index.
índice quinquenal 
quinquennial index
 The latest quinquennial index occupies over sixty volumes!.
índice relativo  [Lista alfabética de todas y cada una de las materias presentes en un sistema de clasificación adjunta a las tablas para facilitar la labor de asignación de notaciones]
relative index
 A relative index contains at least one entry for each subject in the scheme, and, by use of the alphabetical sequence, gathers together all aspects of a concrete subject, which are likely to have been scattered by a discipline-orientated approach in the basic order of the scheme.
índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia 
subject-type title indexes
 Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.
índices postcoordinados de fichas 
card based post-coordinate index
 Card based post-coordinate indexes and some computerized information storage and retrieval systems can be viewed as belonging to the same family of indexing systems.
índice temático  [En la clasificación y recuperación de documentos, una lista términos que nos permite acceder al contenido de una publicación, catálogo o colección]  [Lista de las obras de un compositor, generalmente ordenada cronológicamente o por categorías, en la que aparece el tema de cada una de las composiciones] 
subject index
thematic index
subject directory
 Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.
 A thematic index is a list of a composer's works, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
 The quantitative analysis concentrates on the content of this virtual library through examining the subject directories of more than 100 of its search engines.
índice visible  [Indice en el que las entradas o fichas están superpuestas escalonadamente de tal modo que de cada entrada sobresale sólo el encabezamiento dando la impresión de ser una línea de texto en una página]
visible index
 Visible indexes, strangely, are normally used for catalogues.
revista de índices  [Publicación que periódicamente indiza los documentos aparecidos sobre una disciplina concreta y que a diferencia de la revista de resúmenes abstracting journal no incluye resúmenes o abstracts]
indexing journal
 Indexing journals (and the indexes to printed abstracting journals) are alphabetical indexes to the literature of a subject area.
sin índice 
 This article offers reasons for indexless books and gives suggestions and guidelines for deciding whether or not a publication should have an index.
sistema en el que el documento aparece representado en un único lugar del índice 
one-place system
 Both of the above issues arise because pre-coordinate systems are fundamentally one-place systems.
término del índice  [En lenguajes documentales, término que se utiliza para describir el contenido de un documento]
index term
 This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
indicator ; rate ; ratio ; incidence ; index [indices/indexes, -pl.] ; rating.
To indicate from which field a given work was Cuttered, these second indicators could be further redefined = To indicate from which field a given work was Cuttered, these second indicators could be further redefined.
Whether, in the future, the co-operatives will be able to fund appropriate developments at a sufficiently rapid rate remains an unanswered question.
The microfiche is a common form for catalogues and indexes, usually 208 or 270 frames per fiche, in a piece of film and with a reduction ratio of 42 or 48:1.
The number of entries in pre-co-ordinate system will depend upon the incidence of references and multiple entries.
As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
índice de abandono escolar
dropout rate
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de acierto [En recuperación de información, porcentaje de documentos válidos en relación con los documentos obtenidos en una búsqueda]
hit rate
Some individuals are satisfied with a 50% 'hit' rate because they feel they can more quickly weed out the 'garbage' than they could compile the needed bibliography by hand.
índice de afinidad
affinity index
Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the Openness Index and the affinity index.
índice de alcoholemia
blood alcohol level
A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
índice de alcohol en sangre
blood alcohol level
A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
índice de apertura
openness index
Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the openness index and the Affinity Index.
índice de asistencia
attendance rate
If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.
índice de audiencia
The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on 'nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
índice de calidad del aire
air quality index
With the help of the air quality index, the concentrations of different pollutants are divided into five categories, from good to very poor.
índice de colesterol
cholesterol level
Patients with a violent suicidal attempt have significantly lower cholesterol levels than the control subjects.
índice de confianza del consumidor
consumer confidence index
Indonesia's consumer confidence index in October showed more respondents were optimistic about the economy than those who are pessimistic.
índice de criminalidad
crime rate
Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
índice de desempleo
unemployment rate
joblessness rate
A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.
A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
índice de deserción escolar
dropout rate
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de divorcios
divorce expectancy
According to the article, persons who eat onions with every meal have a life expectancy of some 1% above the national average, but they are invited to only 20% as many parties and their divorce expectancy is 200% above the national average = De acuerdo con el artículo, las personas que comen cebollas en cada comida tienen una esperanza de vida de un 1% por encima de la media nacional, pero se les invita sólo a un 20% de las fiestas y su índice de divorcios es del 200% por encima de la media.
índice de evaporación
evaporation rate
The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.
índice de exhaustividad [Relación entre el número de documentos pertinentes recuperados y el número total de documentos pertinentes en el sistema]
recall ratio
The recall ratio is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of relevant documents in the collection.
índice de exhaustividad de la recuperación
recall measure
The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.
índice de éxito
success rate
This article traces the development of the system, discusses the way it works, and its success rate = Este artículo describe el desarrollo del sistema, cómo funciona y su índice de éxito.
índice de fracaso escolar
failure rate
dropout rate
However, the failure rate in examinations at Sheffield does not seem to be at all high = No obstante, el número de suspensos en los exámenes de Sheffield no parece ser del todo alto.
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de impacto [Medida de la importancia de una publicación en función de la frecuencia con la que ha sido citada]
impact indicator
impact factor
The author presents a model experiment for the quantitative selection of relative scientometric impact indicators used in evaluating the scientific impact of papers = El autor presenta un experimento modelo para la selección cuantitativa de indicadores de impacto cientométricos relativos usados en la evaluación del impacto científico de los artículos.
A further ranking was therefore calculated showing the impact factor, ie the number of times a journal was cited as a function of the total number of articles it contained.
índice de impacto de una publicación periódica
periodical impact factor
The periodical impact factor is a ratio between the number of citations to that periodical and the number of articles in that periodical for a given period of time.
índice de impacto inmediato [Medida de la importancia de una publicación en función de la frecuencia con la que ha sido citada en el pasado inmediato]
immediacy index
This article reports the findings of an investigation which was conducted in order to determine if either the impact factor or the immediacy index provide useful insights into the qualitative relations among scientific journals.
índice de irrelevancia [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección] [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección]
fallout ratio
A simulation method is described for estimating recall and fallout in a document retrieval system.
The fallout ratio is particularly useful when comparing performances of document collections of different sizes.
índice de Jaccard
Jaccard's index
This article shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.
índice del coste de (la) vida
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice del costo de (la) vida
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice de legibilidad [Grado de dificultad de la lectura de un texto] [Formula que se aplica a textos para determinar su dificultad de comprensión] [Grado de dificultad de la lectura de un texto]
readability rating
readability formula
readability index
Subdivision is by readability ratings.
This article examines in detail the origins and developments of readability formulas.
The readability index for popular literature suggests that there are still serious barriers to mass audience consumption.
índice de masa corporal (IMC)
body mass index (BMI)
The purpose of this analysis was to document the change in body mass index (BMI) over a two-year period in poor women from urban Mexico.
índice de morbosidad [Total de enfermos de un país]
morbidity rate
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de morbosidad infantil
infant morbidity rate
Results are presented of a study on the relationships between beryllium content of soil and infant morbidity rate.
índice de mortalidad
death rate
mortality rate
In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de mortalidad infantil
infant mortality rate
Infant mortality rates also vary within race and ethnic populations.
índice de mortalidad materna
maternity mortality rate
The low maternal mortality rates in well-resourced countries are not an automatic consequence of prosperity.
índice de mortandad
death rate
mortality rate
In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de no citación [En bibliometría, se aplica a aquellos artículos que no han sido citados en un período de cinco años aproximadamente]
Large scale uncitedness refers to the significant proportion of articles that do not receive a single citation within 5 years of publication.
índice de obsolescencia
aging rate [ageing rate]
aging factor [ageing factor]
Aging rates vary among journals and it is relatively easy to identify journals which age at the rate the literature grows and those which exhaust their utility in a few years.
While most specialised dental journals had a lower aging factor than dental journals as a whole, orthodontic journals had an aging factor of 0.92 (half-life 8.7 years).
índice de octano
octane number
For example, an indicative abstract might have the sentence, 'The octane number of benzene was determined and reported'; an informative abstract might read, in part, 'The octane number of benzene is 100' = Por ejemplo, un resumen indicativo podría incluir la frase, "Se determina y presenta el índice de octano del benceno"; un resumen informativo podría decir, en parte, "El índice de octano del benceno es 100".
índice de palabras del documento [Relación entre las palabras del documento usadas en la búsqueda y el número total de términos de búsqueda usados]
textwords ratio
Textwords ratio is the number of textwords divided by the number of search terms.
índice de pertinencia [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes]
precision ratio
relevance rating
relevance ranking
The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.
Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.
SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.
índice de pobreza
poverty rate
A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
índice de ponderación
threshold weight
A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
índice de precios
price index
Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.
índice de precios al consumo (IPC) [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida] [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida]
consumer price index (CPI)
Retail Price Index (RPI)
While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
One problem encountered was the difficulty in obtaining information about the means used to calculate the book component of the Retail Price Index (RPI).
ndice de precios al consumo
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice de precipitación
rainfall figure
The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.
índice de precisión
precision figure
The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.
índice de predicción
If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.
índice de probabilidad
expectancy ratio
The expectancy ratio supposes that each category cell has an expected value.
índice de producción
output indicator
Scientists in 11 laboratories described their research activities over 5 years and provided output indicators, including publications in the refereed and general literature = Científicos de 11 laboratorios describieron sus actividades investigadoras durante 5 años y proporcionaron indicadores de producción, incluidas publicaciones en la literatura general y en la evaluada por expertos.
índice de productividad
output measure
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice de registro por documento
item record index
Item record indexes, whatever their physical format, share certain advantages and disadvantages.
índice de registro por término
term record index
Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
índice de rendimiento
performance rating
performance measure
output measure
A performance rating should be administered at the end of the probationary period.
Performance measures refer collectively to several kinds of measures that reflect the performance of the organization.
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice de rendimiento personal
individual performance index
In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.
índice de respuesta
response rate
rate of response
The response rate to her questionnaire was 84% = La tasa de respuesta a su cuestionario was del 84%.
The rate of response for this survey was 33%.
índice de satisfacción [En recuperación de información, proporción de búsquedas y peticiones o preguntas satisfechas]
fill rate
satisfaction rating
It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.
The table below measures sales satisfaction ratings among the major automakers.
índice de suicidios
suicide rate
The majority of such Internet-related suicide pacts have occurred in Japan, which has one of the highest overall suicide rates in the world.
índice de uso
performance measure
output measure
Performance measures refer collectively to several kinds of measures that reflect the performance of the organization.
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice económico
economic index
These key economic indexes have now touched the yellow alert point for the first time this year.
índice proporciométrico [Método para calcular la producción de un autor según el número de páginas publicadas y no los documentos]
proportiometric index
A new bibliometric indicator, the hierarchically-adjusted author proportiometric index, is described.
indicator ; rate ; ratio ; incidence ; index [indices/indexes, -pl.] ; rating.
To indicate from which field a given work was Cuttered, these second indicators could be further redefined = To indicate from which field a given work was Cuttered, these second indicators could be further redefined.
Whether, in the future, the co-operatives will be able to fund appropriate developments at a sufficiently rapid rate remains an unanswered question.
The microfiche is a common form for catalogues and indexes, usually 208 or 270 frames per fiche, in a piece of film and with a reduction ratio of 42 or 48:1.
The number of entries in pre-co-ordinate system will depend upon the incidence of references and multiple entries.
As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
índice de abandono escolar
dropout rate
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de acierto [En recuperación de información, porcentaje de documentos válidos en relación con los documentos obtenidos en una búsqueda]
hit rate
Some individuals are satisfied with a 50% 'hit' rate because they feel they can more quickly weed out the 'garbage' than they could compile the needed bibliography by hand.
índice de afinidad
affinity index
Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the Openness Index and the affinity index.
índice de alcoholemia
blood alcohol level
A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
índice de alcohol en sangre
blood alcohol level
A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
índice de apertura
openness index
Improvements on the above measures lead to 2 new citation indicators: the openness index and the Affinity Index.
índice de asistencia
attendance rate
If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.
índice de audiencia
The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on 'nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
índice de calidad del aire
air quality index
With the help of the air quality index, the concentrations of different pollutants are divided into five categories, from good to very poor.
índice de colesterol
cholesterol level
Patients with a violent suicidal attempt have significantly lower cholesterol levels than the control subjects.
índice de confianza del consumidor
consumer confidence index
Indonesia's consumer confidence index in October showed more respondents were optimistic about the economy than those who are pessimistic.
índice de criminalidad
crime rate
Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
índice de desempleo
unemployment rate
joblessness rate
A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.
A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
índice de deserción escolar
dropout rate
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de divorcios
divorce expectancy
According to the article, persons who eat onions with every meal have a life expectancy of some 1% above the national average, but they are invited to only 20% as many parties and their divorce expectancy is 200% above the national average = De acuerdo con el artículo, las personas que comen cebollas en cada comida tienen una esperanza de vida de un 1% por encima de la media nacional, pero se les invita sólo a un 20% de las fiestas y su índice de divorcios es del 200% por encima de la media.
índice de evaporación
evaporation rate
The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.
índice de exhaustividad [Relación entre el número de documentos pertinentes recuperados y el número total de documentos pertinentes en el sistema]
recall ratio
The recall ratio is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of relevant documents in the collection.
índice de exhaustividad de la recuperación
recall measure
The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.
índice de éxito
success rate
This article traces the development of the system, discusses the way it works, and its success rate = Este artículo describe el desarrollo del sistema, cómo funciona y su índice de éxito.
índice de fracaso escolar
failure rate
dropout rate
However, the failure rate in examinations at Sheffield does not seem to be at all high = No obstante, el número de suspensos en los exámenes de Sheffield no parece ser del todo alto.
A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
índice de impacto [Medida de la importancia de una publicación en función de la frecuencia con la que ha sido citada]
impact indicator
impact factor
The author presents a model experiment for the quantitative selection of relative scientometric impact indicators used in evaluating the scientific impact of papers = El autor presenta un experimento modelo para la selección cuantitativa de indicadores de impacto cientométricos relativos usados en la evaluación del impacto científico de los artículos.
A further ranking was therefore calculated showing the impact factor, ie the number of times a journal was cited as a function of the total number of articles it contained.
índice de impacto de una publicación periódica
periodical impact factor
The periodical impact factor is a ratio between the number of citations to that periodical and the number of articles in that periodical for a given period of time.
índice de impacto inmediato [Medida de la importancia de una publicación en función de la frecuencia con la que ha sido citada en el pasado inmediato]
immediacy index
This article reports the findings of an investigation which was conducted in order to determine if either the impact factor or the immediacy index provide useful insights into the qualitative relations among scientific journals.
índice de irrelevancia [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección] [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección]
fallout ratio
A simulation method is described for estimating recall and fallout in a document retrieval system.
The fallout ratio is particularly useful when comparing performances of document collections of different sizes.
índice de Jaccard
Jaccard's index
This article shows that in most practical cases Salton's cosine formula yields a numerical value that is twice Jaccard's index.
índice del coste de (la) vida
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice del costo de (la) vida
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice de legibilidad [Grado de dificultad de la lectura de un texto] [Formula que se aplica a textos para determinar su dificultad de comprensión] [Grado de dificultad de la lectura de un texto]
readability rating
readability formula
readability index
Subdivision is by readability ratings.
This article examines in detail the origins and developments of readability formulas.
The readability index for popular literature suggests that there are still serious barriers to mass audience consumption.
índice de masa corporal (IMC)
body mass index (BMI)
The purpose of this analysis was to document the change in body mass index (BMI) over a two-year period in poor women from urban Mexico.
índice de morbosidad [Total de enfermos de un país]
morbidity rate
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de morbosidad infantil
infant morbidity rate
Results are presented of a study on the relationships between beryllium content of soil and infant morbidity rate.
índice de mortalidad
death rate
mortality rate
In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de mortalidad infantil
infant mortality rate
Infant mortality rates also vary within race and ethnic populations.
índice de mortalidad materna
maternity mortality rate
The low maternal mortality rates in well-resourced countries are not an automatic consequence of prosperity.
índice de mortandad
death rate
mortality rate
In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.
One of the goals of health care planning is to foster research which will lead eventually to measurable improvements in mortality and morbidity rates.
índice de no citación [En bibliometría, se aplica a aquellos artículos que no han sido citados en un período de cinco años aproximadamente]
Large scale uncitedness refers to the significant proportion of articles that do not receive a single citation within 5 years of publication.
índice de obsolescencia
aging rate [ageing rate]
aging factor [ageing factor]
Aging rates vary among journals and it is relatively easy to identify journals which age at the rate the literature grows and those which exhaust their utility in a few years.
While most specialised dental journals had a lower aging factor than dental journals as a whole, orthodontic journals had an aging factor of 0.92 (half-life 8.7 years).
índice de octano
octane number
For example, an indicative abstract might have the sentence, 'The octane number of benzene was determined and reported'; an informative abstract might read, in part, 'The octane number of benzene is 100' = Por ejemplo, un resumen indicativo podría incluir la frase, "Se determina y presenta el índice de octano del benceno"; un resumen informativo podría decir, en parte, "El índice de octano del benceno es 100".
índice de palabras del documento [Relación entre las palabras del documento usadas en la búsqueda y el número total de términos de búsqueda usados]
textwords ratio
Textwords ratio is the number of textwords divided by the number of search terms.
índice de pertinencia [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes]
precision ratio
relevance rating
relevance ranking
The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.
Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.
SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.
índice de pobreza
poverty rate
A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
índice de ponderación
threshold weight
A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
índice de precios
price index
Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.
índice de precios al consumo (IPC) [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida] [Informe mensual sobre el precio medio de diversos productos y servicios que sirve de medida de la fluctuación del coste de vida]
consumer price index (CPI)
Retail Price Index (RPI)
While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
One problem encountered was the difficulty in obtaining information about the means used to calculate the book component of the Retail Price Index (RPI).
ndice de precios al consumo
cost of living index
A cost of living index compares the average cost of living in a particular area with the average cost of living elsewhere.
índice de precipitación
rainfall figure
The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.
índice de precisión
precision figure
The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.
índice de predicción
If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.
índice de probabilidad
expectancy ratio
The expectancy ratio supposes that each category cell has an expected value.
índice de producción
output indicator
Scientists in 11 laboratories described their research activities over 5 years and provided output indicators, including publications in the refereed and general literature = Científicos de 11 laboratorios describieron sus actividades investigadoras durante 5 años y proporcionaron indicadores de producción, incluidas publicaciones en la literatura general y en la evaluada por expertos.
índice de productividad
output measure
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice de registro por documento
item record index
Item record indexes, whatever their physical format, share certain advantages and disadvantages.
índice de registro por término
term record index
Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
índice de rendimiento
performance rating
performance measure
output measure
A performance rating should be administered at the end of the probationary period.
Performance measures refer collectively to several kinds of measures that reflect the performance of the organization.
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice de rendimiento personal
individual performance index
In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.
índice de respuesta
response rate
rate of response
The response rate to her questionnaire was 84% = La tasa de respuesta a su cuestionario was del 84%.
The rate of response for this survey was 33%.
índice de satisfacción [En recuperación de información, proporción de búsquedas y peticiones o preguntas satisfechas]
fill rate
satisfaction rating
It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.
The table below measures sales satisfaction ratings among the major automakers.
índice de suicidios
suicide rate
The majority of such Internet-related suicide pacts have occurred in Japan, which has one of the highest overall suicide rates in the world.
índice de uso
performance measure
output measure
Performance measures refer collectively to several kinds of measures that reflect the performance of the organization.
Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.
índice económico
economic index
These key economic indexes have now touched the yellow alert point for the first time this year.
índice proporciométrico [Método para calcular la producción de un autor según el número de páginas publicadas y no los documentos]
proportiometric index
A new bibliometric indicator, the hierarchically-adjusted author proportiometric index, is described.
 Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes.
dedo índice   [Dedo de la mano]
index finger
 And simultaneously he curled his index finger up and down that in the vocabulary of his gesture was meant to signify 'Come over here'.
 Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra índice



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de índice
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «índice».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre índice



Descubre el uso de índice en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con índice y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El índice del miedo
Pero además vale la pena leerla porque muchas de las cosas que está haciendo el programa artificial que ha imaginado Robert Harris, son hoy una realidad.» The New York Times «El índice del miedo muestra la absoluta falta de moralidad ...
Robert Harris, 2012
Tabla del índice glucémico de los alimentos
Los alimentos para adelgazar con la teoría del índice glucémico: sin privaciones, sin pasar hambre y sin perder el tiempo contando calorías
Marion Grillparzer, 2006
Índice griego-hebreo del texto antioqueno en los libros ...
La presente obra se publica en dos volúmenes, incluye un índice griego-hebreo del texto antioqueno de la Biblia griega en los libros históricos (Samuel, Reyes y Crónicas).
Natalio Fernández Marcos, María Victoria Spottorno Díaz-Caro, José Manuel Cañas Reíllo, 2005
La dieta del índice glucémico: i.g
An inspired, realistic, uncomplicated, long-term approach to successful weight management.
Rick Gallop, 2005
Índice al sistema del arrase
Hueso del asunto, no hay eso, eso, que no hay, no lo que dice “eso no hay”, poesía, lo que revela diciéndolo, callándolo, rodándolo piedra, díscola, bajo continuo bajo la capa de pasto, tenso, erizado de ondas el medio, un cielo ...
Eduardo Milán, 2008
Química de Alimentos: Manual de laboratorio
De los muchos procedimientos que se han propuesto para la determinación del índice de yodo, los mejor conocidos son los métodos de Wijs y de Hanus, siendo este último el más utilizado en el campo industrial y de laboratorio (Figura 3.5).
Nuria Bolaños V., Giselle Lutz C., Carlos H. Herrera R., 2003
REBT, reglamento electrotécnico para baja tensión : incluye ...
Incluye un completo índice analítico en el que podrá encontrar de forma rápida y eficaz cada concepto básico del reglamento, graicas a un buscador que le permitirá encontrar cada término relacionado con el trabajo que esté ...
Emilio Carrasco, 2008
Estadística para administración y economía
Cálculo de un índice sencillo índice de precios índice de cantidad En algún momento, todo mundo debe determinar qué tanto ha cambiado algo en cierto periodo. Por ejemplo, quizá desee saber cuánto ha aumentado el precio de los ...
Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, 2004
Índice Global del Hambre de 2009: El Desafío del Hambre: ...
FORTALEZA DE LA RELACIÓN (CORRELACIÓN) ENTRE EL GHI DE 2009 Y LOS SUBÍNDICES DEL ÍNDICE DE DISPARIDAD DE GÉNERO DE 2008, 90 PAÍSES Índice de Disparidad de Subíndice de Subíndice de Subíndice de Econo - ...
Klaus von Grebmer, Bella Nestorova, Agnes Quisumbing, Rebecca Fertziger, Heidi Fritschel, Rajul Pandya-Lorch, and Yisehac Yohannes
Autobiografías visuales: del archivo al índice
En el marco del cuestionamiento y la renovación de la escritura autobiográfica en el que han trabajado autores como Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Philippe Lejeune o Paul de Man, este libro acomete el estudio de la obra de On Kawara, ...
Ana María Guasch, 2009


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término índice en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Colombia ganó 4 puestos y es 63 en el Índice Global de Innovación
Este lunes fue relevado el Índice Global de Innovación, documento elaborado de manera conjunta por la Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual ... «ENTER.CO, Ago 16»
El IPC-Congreso y el índice porteño reflejan en julio subas ...
Más allá de las estimaciones, lo cierto es que la Oficina de Estadística del Gobierno porteño informó hoy que el Índice de Precios al Consumidor aumentó 2,2%, ... «Télam, Ago 16»
Según el índice porteño, la inflación anual está en 47,1%
Según el índice porteño, la inflación anual está en 47,1%. Costo de vida. Es el dato que el INDEC toma como válido ya que su nuevo IPC arrancó en mayo. «Clarí, Jul 16»
Camiones, ¿nuevo índice financiero?
Todos los componentes del índice subieron de precio: vivienda, educación y diversión. Sin embargo, no se puede desconocer que el reporte del IPC del DANE ... «, Jul 16»
Vienen índice y museo en la Bolsa
Pero saben que deben dar pasos más rápidos ante el entorno competitivo y, de antemano, viene un nuevo índice bursátil que sustituirá al IPC, y será mediante ... «Dinero en imagen, Jul 16»
Gobierno actualizó el índice de jubilaciones y pensiones
El Gobierno actualizó por decreto el índice de jubilaciones y pensiones. De acuerdo a la normativa publicada en el Boletín Oficial, el nuevo índice deberá incluir ... «, Jun 16»
El CER volverá a ajustarse por el índice de inflación del Indec
El Ministerio de Hacienda comenzará a utilizar el nuevo índice de precios al consumidor (IPC) del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos como referencia ... «LA NACION, Jun 16»
Índice de Paz Global: Estos son los únicos países del mundo que ...
Asimismo, el Índice de Paz Global muestra que en los últimos 12 meses, 81 países del mundo se han vuelto más pacíficos, mientras que la situación se ha ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jun 16»
Índice Global de Esclavitud 2016: 45.8 millones de hombres ...
Londres y Perth, 31 de mayo de 2016 — En pleno siglo XXI, 45.8 millones de hombres, mujeres y niños están atrapados por la esclavitud moderna, revela el ... «, May 16»
El “Índice de Bienvenida a los Refugiados” revela que las políticas ...
“El Índice de Bienvenida a los Refugiados pone al descubierto la vergonzosa manera en que los gobiernos han jugado con la vida de personas que huyen de ... «Amnistía Internacional, May 16»


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