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En la elección de esposa, como en un plan guerrero, equivocarse una sola vez significa la derrota irreparable.
Thomas Middleton

Significado de "plan" en el diccionario de español



La palabra plan procede de plano.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


plan play
Plan es una palabra aguda de 1 sílaba.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Plan es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.




La planificación, la planeación o el planeamiento, es el proceso metódico diseñado para obtener un objetivo determinado. En el sentido más universal, implica tener uno o varios objetivos a realizar junto con las acciones requeridas para concluirse exitosamente. Otras definiciones, más precisas, incluyen "La planificación es un proceso de toma de decisiones para alcanzar un futuro deseado, teniendo en cuenta la situación actual y los factores internos y externos que pueden influir en el logro de los objetivos". Va de lo más simple a lo complejo, dependiendo el medio a aplicarse. La acción de planear en la gestión se refiere a planes y proyectos en sus diferentes ámbitos, niveles y actitudes. Las palabras planeación y planeamiento se utilizan en los países de habla hispana, para referirse a lo mismo, que se aborda en el presente escrito, por lo que se utilizará planeación, con base en las fuentes de consulta indicadas. La planeación está en la elaboración de nuevos reglamentos.

definición de plan en el diccionario español

La primera definición de plan en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es altitud o nivel. Otro significado de plan en el diccionario es intención, proyecto. Plan es también modelo sistemático de una actuación pública o privada, que se elabora anticipadamente para dirigirla y encauzarla.







Sinónimos y antónimos de plan en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «plan» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de plan


plan apunte boceto borrador bosquejo confabulación croquis diseño idea intención intriga ligue maquinación objetivo programa propósito proyecto rollo síntesis hidrológico servicios inversiones pensiones económico urbanístico agua algo obras todo primera lengua española altitud nivel otro plan también modelo sistemático actuación pública privada elabora anticipadamente dirigirla encauzarla gestión método integral elaboración libro aborda desarrollo metodológico forma seguimiento control señor iglesia this book valuable only pastors elders anyone else wants church what intended estratégico práctica entendiendo negocios busca ayudar

Traductor en línea con la traducción de plan a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de plan a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de plan presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de plan en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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Conoce las traducciones de plan en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  agenda ; arrangement ; framework ; plan ; scheme.
 The session on library and information services to people with disabilities addressed on agenda developed out of the feedback from various regional groups.
 This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
 The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.
 Plans were made to issue a concise version of AACR1, but these plans never came to fruition.
 There are forty-six centres in twenty-five countries participating in the scheme.
arruinar los planes de Alguien 
spike + Posesivo + guns
 As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.
arruinar + Posesivo + planes 
shut + the door on
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
chafar los planes 
upset + the applecart
 It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.
chafar + Posesivo + planes    
upset + Posesivo + plans
ruin + Posesivo + plans
spoil + Posesivo + plans
shut + the door on
 The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.
 She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.
 She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
concebir un plan   
devise + a plan
craft + a plan
hatch + a plan
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
con planes ocultos 
 While some sites are strictly parody intended or product-promoting, some intentionally lure the unsuspecting into information provided by hate groups or other agenda-laden organisations.
dar al traste con los planes 
upset + the applecart
 It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.
dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes    
upset + Posesivo + plans
ruin + Posesivo + plans
spoil + Posesivo + plans
shut + the door on
 The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.
 She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.
 She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + plan(es) 
according to + Posesivo + plan(s)
 And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.
de plan abierto  
 The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.
 In an open-planned building designed flexibly to cater for adaptations, the librarian is not inhibited for making changes or instituting experiments.
desarrollar un plan de trabajo 
develop + agenda
 We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.
desarrollo del plan de estudios 
curriculum development
 Recent developments in education: including community education; localisation; and curriculum development, are reported.
desbaratar los planes 
upset + the applecart
 It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.
desbaratar + Posesivo + planes   
upset + Posesivo + plans
ruin + Posesivo + plans
spoil + Posesivo + plans
 The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.
 She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.
 She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.
diseñar un plan 
draw up + plan
 A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.
diseño de planes de estudios 
curriculum design
 The 3 steps of curriculum design are planning, implementation and evaluation.
echar por tierra los planes de Alguien 
spike + Posesivo + guns
 As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.
echar + Posesivo + planes a perder   
upset + Posesivo + plans
ruin + Posesivo + plans
spoil + Posesivo + plans
 The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.
 She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.
 She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.
edificio construido según un plan cúbico 
deep building
 The diagram above compares deep and linear buildings to demonstrate the difference in travel distance.
elaborar un plan        
formulate + plan
draw up + plan
think out + a plan
think out + a plan
devise + a plan
work out + a plan
craft + a plan
hatch + a plan
 This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.
 A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.
 At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.
 At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 Now you have the opportunity to work out a plan to pay off your debt to the lender within the next three to five years.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
elaborar un plan de trabajo 
develop + agenda
 We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.
encontrar un plan 
come up with + a plan
 In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.
estropear los planes 
upset + the applecart
 It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.
estropear + Posesivo + planes   
upset + Posesivo + plans
ruin + Posesivo + plans
spoil + Posesivo + plans
 The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.
 She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.
 She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.
fraguar un plan   
hatch + a plan
devise + a plan
craft + a plan
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
hacer planes  
make + plans
 An expansion of this edition which will serve school librarians throughout the English-speaking world is planned.
 Subject access plays an important part when plans are made for an on-line public access catalogue (OPAC).
hacer un plan  
draw up + plan
figure out + plan
 A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.
 Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.
hacer un plan de emergencia 
produce + contingency plan
 This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.
idear un plan    
devise + a plan
work out + a plan
craft + a plan
hatch + a plan
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 Now you have the opportunity to work out a plan to pay off your debt to the lender within the next three to five years.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
ocrurrírsele un plan 
come up with + a plan
 In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.
organizar un plan 
put + a plan in place
 One key to success is a principal who knows what is needed and can put a plan in place.
persona que elabora el plan de estudios 
syllabus maker
 Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.
plan abierto  
open plan
 The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.
 Universities seem to have ignored some of the new approaches adopted by the modern corporate world where the emphasis is on downsizing, flexibility, open plan, hot desking and plug and go = Las universidades parecen haber ignorado algunos de los nuevos métodos adoptados por el mundo empresarial moderno donde se hace hincapié en la reducción de plantilla, la flexibilidad, el diseño abierto, el uso compartido de mesas de trabajo y el 'plug and play'.
plan a largo plazo 
long-term plan
 Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.
plan alternativo 
contingency plan
 This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.
plan blanco 
white bread
 The author, a dietitian, distinguishes fact from fiction with statements regarding a variety of foods - potatoes, honey, carrots, lemon and grapefruit juices, white bread, garlic, red meat and oranges.
plan de actuación        [Referido especialmente ante un siniestro] 
action plan
business plan
plan of action
action statement
road map [roadmap]
plan for action
response plan
ground plan
 This article outlines the background to an EC library action plan over 5 years supported by some 5 million Ecu.
 Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.
 Libraries in the UK have welcomed the plan of action for Libraries in the European Community.
 The revised mission lends substance and form to the process that follows: the development of goals, objectives, and action statements.
 The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.
 Even in casual discussions between the director and department heads ideas may come up which are suddenly translated into plans for action or procedural changes.
 This article describes a disaster exercise drill involving a broken ceiling and mud and water damage to books, designed to test response plans to salvage operations.
 This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.
plan de adquisición de material a vista 
approval plan
 Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.
plan de adquisiciones  [Sistema que utiliza una biblioteca para comprar libros de un proveedor, como, por ejemplo, a vista]
acquisitions plan
 The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court - library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.
plan de choque 
shock tactics
 Shock tactics are sometimes necessary in order to expose injustice and kick-start the process of reform.
plan de cómo disponer de (algo) 
disposition instruction
 The National Archives must cooperate with agencies involved in federal geoscience to communicate clear records disposition instructions to present-day federal geoscientists.
plan de cómo disponer de Algo 
disposition instruction
 The National Archives must cooperate with agencies involved in federal geoscience to communicate clear records disposition instructions to present-day federal geoscientists.
plan de compra 
purchase plan
 This guide to punch press selection examines the advantages/disadvantages of available machine designs and stresses how workpiece size and shape is critical to every purchase plan.
plan de conservación 
conservation plan
 Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.
plan de contingencia 
contingency plan
 This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.
plan de disposición 
disposition plan
 Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.
plan de emergencia      
disaster plan
emergency plan
disaster recovery plan
backup plan
safety net
disaster recovery
 This article describes how the library developed a strategic disaster plan, staff training and implementation, and the role of debriefing following incidents.
 Above all there should be an emergency plan, in writing, and known to all staff.
 The author suggests a plan for developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan for business information systems.
 It was then found that the backup plan could not be implemented without costly and lengthy modification of the wiring system in the building.
 Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.
 There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.
plan de estudios    
curriculum [curricula, -pl.]
syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.]
school curriculum
study plan
 For example, language and literature go hand-in-hand in the school curriculum but Dewey separates the two.
 Examine a few syllabuses for basic courses in geography.
 For example, language and literature go hand-in-hand in the school curriculum but Dewey separates the two.
 Professional and other institutions have been asked for their opinions on the study plan for these courses.
plan de expurgo  
weeding policy
weeding project
 The library could develop a weeding policy that will enable it to remove from the shelves those materials that have remained unused or little used for 25 years or more.
 This article presents the results of a stock weeding project at Newcastle University Library in 1973.
Plan de Información y Bibliotecas 
Library and Information Plan (LIP)
 Library and Information Plans (LIP) are 5-year management plans for information provision in a circumscribed region.
plan de jubilación  
pension plan
retirement plan
 The personnel policy should make provision for pension plans, income continuation insurance, workers's compensation coverage, vacation and other leaves.
 As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.
plan de mejora 
improvement plan
 The improvement plan was written in 1993 and will continue until 1998.
plan de ordenación urbana 
town planning
 Thus entries about, say, town planning are not filed under the term 'town planning', but under the notation for this subject, 711.4.
plan de pensiones   
pension plan
retirement plan
pension scheme
 The personnel policy should make provision for pension plans, income continuation insurance, workers's compensation coverage, vacation and other leaves.
 As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.
 From next year, it will start to become compulsory for all UK firms to have a pension scheme.
plan de recuperación tras una catástrofe  
disaster recovery
disaster recovery plan
 There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.
 The author suggests a plan for developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan for business information systems.
plan de retención 
retention plan
 Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.
plan de seguridad 
backup plan
 It was then found that the backup plan could not be implemented without costly and lengthy modification of the wiring system in the building.
plan de seguros 
insurance plan
 They offer a wide range of affordable insurance plans to cover your whole life and your changing needs, including your car, home and family.
plan de sucesión  [Aplicado generalmente al mundo empresarial y referido al relevo del personal]
succession plan
 A good succession plan enables a smooth transition with less likelihood of disruption to operations.
plan de trabajo    
research agenda
work plan
working plan
work schedule
 He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
 The scope of the collections of the eight participating libraries is discussed and a three-phase work plan outlined.
 The tasks undertaken by working parties include the coordination of working plans of individual library networks and the preparation of long term development plans.
 A part-time work schedule is one way for a working mother to manage the demands of career and family.
plan dietético 
diet plan
 The ab muscles are what really identify someone who is serious about their fitness and diet plan.
planes de estudios  [Plural de syllabus]
 The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..
planes + fracasar 
plan + fall through
 Her plans for the night fell through, none of her friends were around, and her husband was out with the guys.
planes futuros  [Usado en plural generalmente]
future plans
 The author describes the development, current state and future plans of the British Library Document Supply Centre.
planes ocultos  
hidden agenda
ulterior motives
 This paper looks at the hidden agendas and values that conflict with the concept of cheap, easy-to-get, comprehensive, accurate information.
 From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him - sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.
plan estratégico  
strategic plan
ground plan
 The article 'Creating an e-mail brainstorm' describes the attempts to involve all library staff at an academic library in the USA in providing ideas for a new strategic plan.
 This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.
plan fundamental 
ground plan
 This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.
plan grandioso 
grand design
 The grand design is visible in the sweep of development from baked clay tablets to computerized typesetting.
plan maestro 
master plan
 He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.
plan magistral 
grand design
 The grand design is visible in the sweep of development from baked clay tablets to computerized typesetting.
plan para después de la jubilación  [Actividades a realizar tras la jubilación]
retirement plan
 His numerous retirement plans include using, not administering, libraries.
plan + prosperar 
plan + come through
 And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.
plan + tener éxito 
plan + come through
 And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.
plan urbanístico 
 Local communities were not prepared for the legal battles needed to protect their local zoning and land use decisions.
proponer un plan 
come up with + a plan
 In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.
reforma del plan de estudios 
curriculum development
 Recent developments in education: including community education; localisation; and curriculum development, are reported.
tener un plan 
figure out + plan
 Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.
tramar un plan   
hatch + a plan
devise + a plan
craft + a plan
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
urdir un plan   
devise + a plan
craft + a plan
hatch + a plan
 As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
 It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.
 But the man who became famous for his flings believes celibacy is a revolutionary act to strengthen his spiritual journey.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra plan



El término «plan» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 1.006 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «plan» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de plan
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «plan».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «plan» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «plan» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre plan



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra plan.
Thomas Middleton
En la elección de esposa, como en un plan guerrero, equivocarse una sola vez significa la derrota irreparable.
Ernesto Sábato
Al parecer, la dignidad de la vida humana no estaba prevista en el plan de globalización.


Descubre el uso de plan en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con plan y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El Plan de gestión: un método integral para su elaboración y ...
El libro aborda el desarrollo metodológico de una forma integral del proceso de planificación, seguimiento y control del plan de gestión.
Salvador Vercher Bellver, 2004
El Plan del Señor para la Iglesia
This book is valuable not only for pastors and elders, but for anyone else who wants the church to be what God intended it to be.]
John MacArthur, 2005
Entendiendo El Plan de Negocios
Busca ayudar a entender qué es un Plan de Negocios y por qué es tan importante dentro del entorno actual de negocios, no sólo desde el punto de vista de un nuevo negocio por desarrollar y poner en marcha, sino como herramienta para ...
Sergio Viniegra, 2007
El plan de marketing en la práctica
- El Plan de Marketing dentro del Proceso de Planificación Global.- El Plan de Marketing.- Parte II: Fases de elaboración del Plan de Marketing “paso a paso”.- Análisis de la Situación.- Diagnóstico de la Situación.
José María Sainz de Vicuña Ancín, 2011
Plan B: ¿Qué hacer cuando Dios no se manifiesta de la manera ...
Aprende cómo Dios hace su mejor obra en nuestras situaciones más desesperadas. ¿Qué haces cuando un sueño desbaratado o una expectativa insatisfecha te hace volverte al Plan B? El pastor Pete Wilson usa historias actuales de tragedias ...
Pete Wilson, 2010
El plan de marketing en la PYME
- Importancia del plan de marketing para la PYME.- Parte II: Cómo tener éxito con su plan de marketing.- Cómo una PYME puede elaborar, con éxito, su plan de marketing.- Cómo hacer el seguimiento y el control del plan de marketing.
José María Sainz de Vicuña Ancín, 2010
II Plan estratégico de Cáritas Española 2010 - 2013
El II Plan Estratégico 2010-2013 de Cáritas Española responde a la necesidad de dotarnos de unas orientaciones comunes en nuestro trabajo y de avanzar en el camino programático iniciado en 2003 con nuestro anterior Plan.
VV.AA:, 2011
El plan empresarial: la guía de Ernst & Young
INDICE: El plan empresarial. Quienes leen el plan empresarial?. La forma legal del negocio. Indice. Resumen ejecutivo. Descripción general de la compañía. Productos y servicios.Plan de marketing. Plan de operaciones.
La elaboracion del plan estratégico a través del Cuadro de ...
Este libro pretende contestar a una pregunta sencilla, cuya solución sin embargo es compleja. ¿Cual es la clave del éxito o del fracaso de las organización es empresariales?
Daniel Martinez Pedros, Artemio Milla Gutiérrez, 2012
Elaboración de un plan de emergencias
A través de esta publicación el lector aprenderá de manera práctica qué es y cómo se realiza un plan de emergencias con su correspondiente evacuación.
Equipo Vértice, Estela Jiménez España, 2011


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término plan en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
La defraudación por el plan Qunita sería de 300 millones de pesos
La legisladora porteña Graciela Ocaña (Confianza Pública) afirmó hoy que con el plan "Qunita", que contemplaba la entrega de 140.000 kits para recién ... «Clarí, Sep 16»
Maduro llama a preservar la paz en Venezuela ante planes ...
El presidente Nicolás Maduro denunció la aplicación del nuevo Plan Cóndor en América Latina y planes golpistas contra Venezuela. El presidente de ... «teleSUR TV, Ago 16»
Alemania aprueba un plan contra grandes crisis que pide a familias ...
El Gobierno alemán aprobó este miércoles un controvertido plan de actuación para grandes crisis, desde atentados terroristas a catástrofes naturales, así como ... «, Ago 16»
La ayuda de los 400 euros del Plan Prepara, prorrogada seis meses ...
El Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) publica este miércoles la prórroga, hasta el 15 de febrero de 2017, del plan de recualificación profesional para las personas ... «, Ago 16»
Macri anunció su plan contra la violencia
La presentación del “Plan para la Prevención, Asistencia y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres” comenzó con las palabras de Fabiana Tuñez, ... «La Izquierda Diario, Jul 16»
El nuevo y loco plan de Elon Musk que podría funcionar
El sudafricano describe en cuatro puntos los planes que tiene para el futuro de ... Tras mucho retraso, hoy Elon Musk publicaba su Plan #2 en el blog de Tesla. «Hipertextual, Jul 16»
ProCreAr: el Gobierno anunció cómo será el nuevo plan
La nueva versión del plan de viviendas subsidiará parte del monto de la compra, pero no la tasa de interés. El préstamo se ajustará por la inflación, por lo que ... «La Izquierda Diario, Jul 16»
El Gobierno y las FARC inician un plan piloto de sustitución de ...
En Pueblo Nuevo, una de las diez veredas en la que se empezará este plan de sustitución, fueron revelados algunos detalles del considerado primer ... «EFE, Jul 16»
Plan de racionamiento eléctrico en Venezuela llega a su fin
A partir de la semana próxima quedará sin efecto el plan de racionamiento iniciado en Venezuela por la sequía ocasionada por el fenómeno El Niño que afectó ... «teleSUR TV, Jul 16»
Volvió el plan Procrear, cuánto hay que ganar y cuáles serán los ...
Volvió el plan Procrear, cuánto hay que ganar y cuáles serán los requisitos. El martes 5 de julio se lanzará el plan de Viviendas, que ya no será por sorteo, sino ... «Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero, Jun 16»



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