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Significado de "programa" en el diccionario de español



La palabra programa procede del latín programma, la cual a su vez procede del griego πρόγραμμα.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


pro · gra · ma play
Programa es una palabra llana de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Programa es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.


definición de programa en el diccionario español

La primera definición de programa en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es edicto, bando o aviso público. Otro significado de programa en el diccionario es previa declaración de lo que se piensa hacer en alguna materia u ocasión. Programa es también tema que se da para un discurso, diseño, cuadro, etc.







Sinónimos y antónimos de programa en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «programa» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de programa


programa anuncio aviso boceto borrador bosquejo conducta espacio esquema exposición línea plan planteamiento programación proyecto sistema continuo primera lengua española edicto bando público otro previa declaración piensa hacer alguna materia ocasión programa también tema para discurso diseño cuadro clean revolucionario restaurar desarrollado junger dietético mental proporciona herramientas necesarias apoyar reactivar plena capacidad nuestros sistemas detoxificación educación emocional años aquí presenta tiene como objetivo favorecer desarrollo integral niños niñas habilidades motrices básicas primaria desde perspectiva práctica esta obra aporta intervención dirigido destrezas aplicaciones info ciencias salud anual entrenamiento fútbol libro programas abarcan todos aspectos jugador futbol fitness natación enfoque práctico

Traductor en línea con la traducción de programa a 25 idiomas

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Las traducciones de programa presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de programa en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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570 millones de hablantes

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510 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

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280 millones de hablantes

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278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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260 millones de hablantes

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220 millones de hablantes

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190 millones de hablantes

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180 millones de hablantes

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130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

chương trình
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de programa en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  agenda ; programme [program, -USA] ; programme area ; software program ; catalogue ; programme schedule.
 The session on library and information services to people with disabilities addressed on agenda developed out of the feedback from various regional groups.
 Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.
 Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.
 In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
 This discussion of present trends is based on a survey of course offerings as found in library school catalogues.
 Programme schedules are subject to change without prior notification.
actualización de programa informático 
maintenance release
 The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.
archivo de programas  [Archivo de datos que contiene instrucciones para controlar las operaciones del ordenador de tal modo que éste realice de forma adecuada las tareas previstas]
programme file
 A program file is a machine-readable data file that contains the instructions that control the operation of a computer so that it performs the tasks required to produce the desired result.
capacidad crítica de los programas televisivos 
 This article stresses the importance of teleliteracy, as children need to be able to interpret television stimuli with the same discrimination that they need to apply in their reading.
centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios 
curriculum material centre
 The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the nature of curriculum material centres in academic libraries and relation to the type of university in which they centres are located.
colección de programas informáticos 
software library
 In addition, a software library is being developed at which potential users can `browse' amongst the software and its documentation.
conjunto de programas 
 Such a module is desirable as part of a workbench of computer-aided translation.
demostración de programa 
software demo
 The deadline for the submission of proposals for papers, poster presentations, sessions and software demos is November 22nd, 2004.
desactivar un programa de protección  [Inutilizar el programa de protección que algunas aplicaciones de ordenador tienen para proteger su copia indebida]
unlock + protection program(me)
 In the case of a software protection program, the producer claimed breach of license agreement against a software producer whose software unlocks the protection program.
desarrollo de programas 
software development
 The company now has offices in the UK, the USA and Asia, and has branched out into consultancy and software development.
descodificar una programa de encriptación 
crack + encryption software
 However, the encryption software which prevents users from searching for a name and address by entering a telephone number had not been cracked.
ejecución del programa 
computer run
 In such applications the search statement, usually referred to as a user interest profile is a linked set of index terms, which remains relatively stable over several computer runs.
elaborar un programa 
draw up + program(me)
 Projects must fall within the framework of an investment programme drawn up by each member state.
homologar un programa 
accredit + programme
 The master's degree in librarianship from a programme accredited by the American Library Association is a valid minimum educational requirement for library practice at the professional level.
paquete de programas 
 The package is available as a separate package for running on the purchaser's own computer.
paquete de programas de ordenador 
software package
 A software package is a set of programs intended to achieve a specific objective, or designed to instruct the computer to execute a set of tasks in order to organise information in a pre-assigned manner.
paquete integrado de programas 
software suite
 The team decided to base the software on an existing computer teleconferencing system rather than produce a new software suite.
paquetes de programas 
programme packages
 Standard program packages are available which will crate such indexes.
poner en funcionamiento un programa 
implement + program(me)
 The programme will be implemented mainly on the basis of shared-cost contracts with organizations in the member states.
presentar un programa 
present + programme
 The project described was undertaken at juvenile detention centre to present programs that would motivate reading and stimulate interest in human interrelationships.
programa -7 área flotante del programa 
transient program area (TPA)
 The various components which are stored in RAM take up about 8 K thus leaving around 56 K for the application program which occupies the transient program area (TPA).
programa académico 
academic programme
 Although university education in modern India dates back to 1856, libraries developed haphazardly and were more embellishments than an integral part of the academic programme.
programa acelerado 
crash program(me)
 The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.
programa antivirus  
antivirus software
antivirus programme
 The author explains the techniques employed by antivirus software and offers advice and resources for choosing the right product.
 Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
programa añadido  [En Internet, programa que se añade a otro más grande, como por ejemplo Netscape, para aumentar sus prestaciones]  [En Internet, programa que se añade a otro más grande, como por ejemplo Netscape, para aumentar sus prestaciones]
plug-in program
 Plug-in programs have grown widely, they add functionality to a WWW browser but also use up drive storage space or conflict with other types of programs.
 The machines will have the full complement of plug-ins that come with the OS and IE.
programa autodidacta  
tutorial program(me)
 Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
programa básico 
Core Programme
 Involvement in the five IFLA Core Programmes pays a valuable dividend in the national context.
programa bibliotecario  [Plan de actividad prioritaria de una biblioteca]
library program(me)
 It examines the reasons why retrospective conversion features more highly in some library programmes than others in the UK and considers the problems thay may be encountered en route.
programa cliente  [Programa instalado en un ordenador personal que permite acceder y presentar información en Internet como Netscape and Internet Explorer]  [En Internet, un programa "cliente" que sirve para poder acceder a los recursos de Internet]
browser software
 The author describes a strategy using free browser software to deliver local information on the Internet.
 In the Internet, a browser is a client program that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources.
programa compilador 
 A compiler is a computer program that converts each program statement of the source program into many machine-language instructions.
programa creador de informes 
report writer
 DOBIS/LIBIS report writer is CPU intensive and cumbersome to operate.
programa cultural 
cultural programme
 Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.
programa de acceso a Internet  [Programa instalado en un ordenador personal que permite acceder y presentar información en Internet como Netscape and Internet Explorer]
browser software
 The author describes a strategy using free browser software to deliver local information on the Internet.
programa de actividades   
timetable of activities
calendar of events
events calendar
 The head librarian had set up a timetable of activities for her in advance and topics and schedules for the courses she would teach at the library school.
 The 1st calendar of events included a slide show, a literary afternoon, travel tips, and a picnic and outing.
 The library has developed an online community database and events calendar which is available to the public.
programa de actuación    
programme of action
action programme
action plan
operating programme
 In this laboratory situation, students' analyses and programs of action may undergo some modification as collectively the class debates alternatives.
 In the consumer protection field, Community action programmes were agreed in 1975 and 1981 and legislation has been adopted within this framework.
 This article outlines the background to an EC library action plan over 5 years supported by some 5 million Ecu.
 A close knowledge of the institution is also needed to distinguish between professed objectives, the official and manifest ones which appear in organizational preambles, and the practiced ones which are often latent in the operating program.
programa de adultos 
adult programme
 Other services the library may provide include a learning exchange, adult programs on topics of high interest, or occupational counseling.
programa de alfabetización  
literacy programme
literacy movement
 The library may reserve special materials to meet classroom assignment needs or sponsor a literacy programme.
 The contemporary literacy movement got underway in 1977.
programa de alfabetización de adultos 
adult literacy programme
 This is a survey of resources available in UK institutions and organisations which could be of service in adult literacy programmes in the developing world.
programa de análisis de ficheros de transacciones 
log analysis software
 The author provides advice on choosing log analysis software.
programa de baile 
dance show
 And she tells MTV that she's 'out of her element' on the dance show.
programa de búsqueda   [Programa especialmente desarrollado para facilitar las búsquedas en bases de datos de acceso en línea a los usuarios]
search software
search software package
 Now ISI has added to its compact disc line the Social Sciences Citation Index and new, improved search software.
 A study was designed to address this question, particularly as applied to clinicians and user-friendly search software package such as Grateful Med.
programa de capacitación 
training programme
 Training programmes, search aids and various publications all support the SDC ORBIT services.
programa de código abierto 
open source software
 From a historical perspective, open source software seems to be a particular case of what Robert C. Allen has termed 'collective invention'.
programa de comunicaciones  
communication software
communications software
 Remote users can now access and download data using a microcomputer and one of several commercially available communication software packages.
 Microcomputers with communications software are replacing the older dumb terminals for remote access to on-line data bases.
programa de conexión 
logging programme
 This article provides an overview of the automated process and the Psion organiser's logging programs.
programa de corrección ortográfica 
spelling correction program
 A typical spelling correction program detects spelling errors by searching through a list of correctly spelled words.
programa de correo electrónico 
electronic mail system
 Messaging for ILL is done via the post or though entirely separate and dedicated electronic mail systems.
programa de curso 
course program(me)
 Credibility as providers of information technology-based programmes required SLIS to develop radically different course programmes with substantial additional resourcing.
programa de debate 
talk show
 He conducted the morning sessions as if he were a roving talk show host.
programa de descodificación 
 This article lists some of these threats to privacy and security, including spamming, mail bombing, worms, trojans, cookies, viruses, crackers, etc..
programa de dinamización bibliotecaria 
library outreach programme
 It has been found that library outreach programmes which fail are most likely to do so because the library has acted in isolation.
programa de doctorado  
doctoral program(me)
doctoral degree programme
 Danton's study stressed 2 urgent issues: the need for financial support in doctoral programmes and the low research productivity of doctoral students.
 This largish university has more than 20,000 students and offers over 200 undergraduate majors, over 100 master's degree options, and 17 doctoral degree programmes.
programa de dominio público 
public domain software
 Shareware, public domain software, and demos can legally be copied and distributed.
programa de edición de texto 
 More sophisticated editors may offer full screen editing facilities, and automatic input and output.
programa de ejercicio físico 
exercise programme
 The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.
programa de entrevistas 
talk show
 He conducted the morning sessions as if he were a roving talk show host.
programa de escritores en estancia  [Actividad organizada por la biblioteca por la cual invita a un escritor a realizar su trabajo en ella durante un período más o menos largo para fomentar el intercambio de opiniones con los lectores a cambio de ayuda económica]
writers in residence programme
 Talks by popular fiction writers has led to a writers in residence programme.
programa de estudio 
programme of study
 People have employed this term to encompass programmes of study stretching from the furthest shores of technology-based activity to the vaguest and most nebulous-seeming courses of study in the arts/humanities areas.
programa de estudios      
course brochure
educational program(me)
school program(me)
study program(me)
syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.]
education programme
 Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.
 Those of you here can best answer the question: What are the goals of your educational programs?.
 This book examines Dewey's enhanced educational views on topics such as the qualifications of a librarian, the value of personal qualities and a college education, and technical qualifications and the school programme.
 The reasons for this are varied but can depend largely on the importance placed on the provision of these skills by both the library and the course planners in the early stages of the student study programme.
 Examine a few syllabuses for basic courses in geography.
 Out of 18 different education programs conducted by small companies, two-thirds were conducted by manufacturing companies, the remainder were in health services, construction, or transportation companies.
programa de estudios común 
common core syllabus
 Thus all students will initially follow a common core syllabus, then opt for particular specialisms linked to specific fields of activity.
programa de estudios homologado  [En los Estados Unidos, programa de estudios de una escuela o facultad de bibliteconomía/bibliotecología que ha sido reconocido como válido para la profesión por la ALA]
accredited programme
 A study of the core requirements in accredited programmes in the USA shows that only cataloguing and reference work are required in more than half the library schools.
programa de extensión bibliotecaria 
library outreach programme
 It has been found that library outreach programmes which fail are most likely to do so because the library has acted in isolation.
programa de formación   
training programme
training scheme
instructional programme
 Training programmes, search aids and various publications all support the SDC ORBIT services.
 Training schemes can be introduced so that staffs can learn to do better the jobs they have always done.
 Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
programa de formación en el trabajo  [Reciclaje que el personal de una biblioteca (o empresa ) recibe en su propio lugar de trabajo o programa para la iniciación en el funcionamiento de una biblioteca (o empresa) para los nuevos empleados]
in-service training program(me)
 A community college district librarian is assigned the task of developing an in-service training program for five community colleges and answering some questions about learning.
programa de gestión bibliográfica personal 
personal bibliographic software
 The system is based on an innovative personal bibliographic software for capturing and reformatting data from different sources.
programa de gestión bibliotecaria 
library software package
 The evaluation and selection of a library software package, whether it be for library housekeeping, text retrieval or the creation of some other data base should be approached as a project.
programa de gestión de bases de datos  [Programa que permite almacenar y manipular datos]
database management software
 Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.
programa de gestión de datos  [Programa que permite almacenar y manipular datos]
database management software
 Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.
Programa de Gestión de Registros y Archivos (RAMP)  [Programa de la UNESCO]
Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP)
 This a study prepared by Unesco's Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP) under contract with the International Council on Archives (ICA) to provide a summary of available techniques and processes for managing preservation and conservation of archives.
programa de gestión documental 
information retrieval software
 As mini and micro computers become cheaper and information retrieval software becomes available in more financially attractive, user friendly and tried and tested packages, the trend towards local mechanized information retrieval systems is likely to be reinforced.
programa de gestión financiera  
cash management package
cash management software
 Computer aids to decision making range from the personal computer-based financial planning ('spreadsheet') and cash management packages to large-scale decision support systems.
 Cash management software enables the manager to obtain instantaneous information about the budgets and bank balances under his control.
programa de grabación en CD 
burning software
 I am using Nero as a burning software and I need to use a multi-session backup in order to burn to disc the images at the end of each working day.
programa de humor 
comedy programme
 'Till death do us part' is a 'comedy' programme in the sense that it treats significant issues in a mature way = "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" es un programa de "humor" en el sentido de que trata asuntos importantes de una forma madura.
programa de imitación 
mimicry software
 Mimicry software mimics - through free viewer programs - the look and feel of an original document thus solving the problems in electronic document delivery caused by different platforms and software = Los programas de imitación emulan, usando visualizadores gratis, el aspecto de los documentos originales resolviendo de este modo los problemas de la difusión de documentos electrónicos causados por el hecho de que provienen de diferentes aplicaciones y plataformas.
programa de inserción social 
Head Start program
 Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.
programa de intercambio 
exchange programme
 There is now a possibility to enlist the benefits of exchange programmes through 'library twinning' arrangements.
programa de introducción a la biblioteca  [Actividades que una biblioteca organiza para introducir a los nuevos usuarios a los diferentes servicios de la biblioteca]
library training programme
 Librarians should use the library training programme for new students to emphasise the deleterious effect of theft on the library's resources.
programa de inversiones 
investment program(me)
 Projects must fall within the framework of an investment programme drawn up by each member state.
programa de investigación 
research agenda
 He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
programa + dejar de funcionar 
programme + crash
 If a program receives an instruction for which it is not programmed it will 'crash', which is the computer equivalent of a nervous breakdown!.
programa de la asignatura 
learning program(me)
 The learning programs themselves can influence whether e-learners sink or swim.
programa del congreso 
conference programme
 A kaleidoscope of possibilities is the theme of this year's conference programme.
programa del curso 
course syllabus
 The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.
programa de lectura 
reading programme
 Perdiguier opposed reading programmes proposed by the ruling class.
programa de marketing 
marketing programme
 Now that the true user community has been identified, an aggressive marketing programme is needed.
programa de mayor audiencia 
prime time show
 There was no support for a hypothesis that there would be more provocatively dressed women in sporting event adverts than in those accompanying soap operas or prime time shows = No se confirmó la hipótesis de que habría más mujeres vestidas de una forma provocativa en los anuncios de los acontecimientos deportivos que en los que se emiten con las telenovelas o con los programas de mayor audiencia.
programa de medición de los recursos usados 
metering software
 Metering software, used to measure customer usage of an electronic file, provides valuable information on what information customers are using.
programa de montaje de aplicaciones 
software packager
 This software packager allows programmers to deal with interfaces between software components and ignore complex integration details.
programa de navegación por las redes 
network navigator
 Other information resources such as electronic journals, bulletin boards, network navigators, imaging and others will also be part of the services offered in the future by libraries.
programa de noticias 
news programme
 This content analysis evaluates political topics and themes of telly evangelist Pat Robertson's high profile news programme during the early months of the 1992 presidential campaign.
programa de ordenador 
computer programme
 This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.
programa de orientación 
orientation programme
 A common feature of all orientation programmes is the production of a printed guide to the library.
programa de orientación bibliográfica 
bibliographic instruction program(me)
 This study yielded mixed results but has proven valuable in reshaping the freshman bibliographic instruction programme.
programa de prácticas en la empresa   [Véase ship para otras entradas acabadas con este sufijo]
internship program(me)
 Library schools and science-engineering libraries should cooperate over internship programmes so that students can gain practical experience.
 She concludes that the internship has got off to a good start and some of the goals have been achieved.
programa de protección   [En tecnología de la información, programa de ordenador que utilizan los productores de aplicaciones de ordenador para proteger la copia indebida de las mismas]
protection program(me)
software protection program(me)
 Precautions that may be taken to minimise risks are described including the use of software protection programs.
 In the case of a software protection program, the producer claimed breach of license agreement against a software producer whose software unlocks the protection program.
programa de prueba beta  [Conjunto de pruebas realizadas por una institución de un programa o equipo informático con el compromiso de informar al fabricante de los resultados]
beta test programme
 Analysis of the log from a recent beta test programme at the Welch Medical Library indicates that most searches occur in the MEDLINE data base.
programa de radio   
radio broadcast
radio programme
radio show
 This article reports on a seminar on the implications for education of the legalising of off-air recording of radio and television broadcasts.
 These field recordings were sent to the Library of Congress where they were used in a series of radio programs that were distributed to schools and radio stations around the country.
 They recount their first meeting with Tony Hancock and discuss how they subsequently became partners with him, producing radio, television, and stage shows.
programa de televisión    
television programme
television broadcast
television show
TV show
 The article 'Signposts and semaphores: art of the western world' outlines an information kit used by libraries to help publicise the television programme 'Art of the Western World' in which the role of art in western society is explored.
 This article reports on a seminar on the implications for education of the legalising of off-air recording of radio and television broadcasts.
 Television shows foster titillating discussion topics and trivialize troubles.
 Funnily enough, it's an accusation that can be levelled at many TV shows.
programa de trabajo 
work schedule
 A part-time work schedule is one way for a working mother to manage the demands of career and family.
programa de trabajo como interno residente  
residency programme
 The author reports results of a questionnaire survey of 230 former post master's residents to gather information about their experiences on residency programmes.
 The residency is structured to provide residents not only with a practical working situation but also with specialised instruction in skill and issues central to the practice of research librarianship.
programa de utilidades 
 Often referred to as utilities, basic software packages are available for performing basic operations such as data entry and validation, sorting and merging files and editing data.
programa de variedades 
variety show
 Variety shows began to fade from popularity in the early 1970s, when research began to show that variety shows appealed to an older audience that was less appealing to advertisers.
programa de viaje 
travel plan
 While Web resources are in the main far superior to CD-ROMs, there are CD-ROM products which are excellent for constructing a travel plan for multiple destinations.
programa didáctico 
 The resulting lack of adequate pictorial content often lessen the overall impact of the courseware = La consecuente falta de gráficos adecuados con frecuencia reduce el impacto global de los cursos virtuales.
programa educativo    
educational program(me)
education programme
instructional programme
learning program(me)
 Those of you here can best answer the question: What are the goals of your educational programs?.
 Out of 18 different education programs conducted by small companies, two-thirds were conducted by manufacturing companies, the remainder were in health services, construction, or transportation companies.
 Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
 The learning programs themselves can influence whether e-learners sink or swim.
programa electoral 
 Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.
programa en CD-ROM 
CD-ROM software
 This article examines 3 different types of user - the dabbler, the researcher and the beginner - and their possible reactions to CD-ROM software.
programa ensamblador 
assembler program
 The data base was stored on magnetic tape and searching used assembler programs on a Univac 9300.
programa filtro  [En Internet, aplicación que se utiliza para impedir, filtar o vigilar el acceso a un servidor o a una intranet]
filtering software
 The article 'Filtering software: regular or decaf?' explains that most vendors define filtering software as that which blocks, filters, or monitors Internet use.
programa fuente  [En tecnología de la información, programa que el ordenador utiliza como conjunto de órdenes para realizar algún tipo de operación o presentación en pantalla]
source programme
 The program to be compiled, which is often known as the source program, is treated as data by the compiler.
programa fundamental 
Core Programme
 Involvement in the five IFLA Core Programmes pays a valuable dividend in the national context.
programa gratuito 
user-supported software
 This article suggests that a natural adjunct to loaning commercial software and maintaining public-access microcomputers is the acquisition of an appropriate self-service collection of public-domain and user-supported software which patrons can copy and keep.
programa informático   
computer programme
software system
computer application
 This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.
 READS is a software system designed to run on a local area network (LAN) file server and accessed by multiple workstation.
 This computer application allows the student to simulate the role of a volcanologist and provides insight into the role of a research scientist and the science of volcanology.
programa informático comercial     
off-the-shelf software
turnkey system
turnkey software system
pre-written software
commercial application
 This is one area in which off-the-shelf software will be of little use, except perhaps for very general introductions.
 Over the years there has been a move away from locally written at the university's computer centre to stand-alone turnkey systems in the library.
 This article presents an annual survey of turnkey software systems commercially available for the automation of records management functions.
 The title of the article is 'Pre-written software: identification, evaluation and selection'.
 Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.
programa informático con mantenimiento incluido 
supported software
 This article briefly describes the sales performances of each of 17 vendors of turnkey systems and of each of 8 vendors of supported software.
programa informático hecho por encargo 
tailor-made software
 The amount of programming required for complex tailor-made software can be reduced considerably by the use of a 'programmable' DBMS such as Dbase II.
programa integrado de gestión de bibliotecas  [Sistema automatizado de gestión de todos los procesos bibliotecarios de tal modo que toda la información está disponible para todos los procesos] 
integrated library system (ILS)
integrated library management system (ILMS)
 He recommends that libraries which are purchasing or migrating to new or different integrated library systems should examine whether TCP/IP or OSI are supported or planned.
 Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS) - or ILS as they are generally referred to in North America - have been part of the library scene since the early 1980's.
programa intensivo 
crash program(me)
 The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.
programa maligno  [Aplicaciones informáticas cuyo objetivo es causar daño en el ordenador que los recibe] 
malicious software
 Among the malicious programs ('malware') that can now be found on computer networks is one called the Trojan Horse.
 This article discusses the various types of malicious software, particularly computer viruses.
programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa 
sandwich programme
 The article is entitled 'Alternating work and education: a sandwich programme for an undergraduate diploma in library science'.
programa MOO (multiusuarios y orientado a objetos)  [En Internet, entorno virtual donde el usuario se mueve a través de hiperenlaces]
MOO (Multi-user Object Oriented) software
 Based on free multi-user, online, object-oriented (MOO) software, low-cost virtual libraries are a reality on the Internet.
Programa Mundial de Alimentos, el 
World Food Programme, the
 The World Food Programme, the world's largest humanitarian organisation, is on the front line of the fight against climate change.
Programa Nacional para las Adquisiciones y la Catalogación (NPAC) 
National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging (NPAC)
 Because of the Edith Green sponsored investigation of several years ago, Congress has not given us monies to expand the National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging (NPAC).
Programa Nacional para las Publicaciones Seriadas (NSDP) 
National Serials Data Program (NSDP)
 NSDP (National Serials Data Program) is responsible for assigning International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) and key titles to serials published in the United States.
programa nuclear 
nuclear programme
 If Iran, which is moving ahead with its nuclear program, is allowed to become a nuclear power then a regional nuclear race will be unavoidable.
programa objeto 
object program(me)
 An object program is the computer-language program prepared by an assembler or a compiler after acting on a programmer-written source program.
programa para descifrar contraseñas 
password cracking programme
 This system offers powerful resistance to password cracking programs run by hackers.
programa para el aprendizaje de idiomas 
language-learning sofware
 We can give advice on all major makes of language laboratory and language learning software.
programa para inventariar  [Programa para la enumeración y descripción de los documentos de una colección generalmente en orden cronológico de adquisición]
inventory program
 The inventory programs make possible a partial inventory of a record collection.
programa personalizado 
tailor-made software
 The amount of programming required for complex tailor-made software can be reduced considerably by the use of a 'programmable' DBMS such as Dbase II.
programa piloto 
pilot program(me)
 Commencing with a pilot programme in 1982-83, the French PTT introduced a national videotext service, Teletel, based on distribution of Minitel terminals to each telephone subscriber.
Programa Piloto sobre Discos Opticos 
Optical Disc Pilot Program
 The Optical Disk Pilot Program is an innovative research and development excursion into laser-based information storage and retrieval that is now under way at the Library of Congress.
programa político 
 Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.
programa presidencial 
presidential programme
 Within the party in government, presidents cannot assume that their party's members of Congress will be loyal supporters of presidential programs.
programa principal 
Core Programme
 Involvement in the five IFLA Core Programmes pays a valuable dividend in the national context.
programa puente 
 Thus, a predominant feature of such software packages is the user related interfaces, which permit a non-programmer to comprehend and interrogate the data stored.
programa que se añade 
add-on pack
 Off-the-shelf systems are available with 128K and 256K RAM, and many others can be upgraded with add-on packs or cards.
programa respiro 
respite care
 This convalescent home provides high quality rest, recuperation and respite care for adults of all ages and from all walks of life.
programas básicos 
basic software
 Often referred to as utilities, basic software packages are available for performing basic operations such as data entry and validation, sorting and merging files and editing data.
programas comerciales 
commercial software
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
programas de acceso  [Programas de acceso a la información contenida en las bases de datos]
access software
 This paper lists areas of user expectations in access software for CD-ROM and other optical products.
programas de alfabetización 
literacy promotion
 The author proposes the idea that literacy promotion should include all the modern as well as the traditional tools of learning.
programas de automatización de bibliotecas 
library automation software
 Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.
programas de estudios  [Plural de syllabus]
 The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..
programas de recuperación 
retrieval software
 SilverPlatter were chosen because of the flexibility of their retrieval software and their participation in other CD-ROM projects such as LISA.
programas de software libre 
 Software which is free (freeware) or where the author encourages copying hoping satisfied users will give him a fee (shareware) is plentiful and easily downloaded.
programas distribuidos por el autor 
 Software which is free (freeware) or where the author encourages copying hoping satisfied users will give him a fee (shareware) is plentiful and easily downloaded.
programa servidor 
server software program
 In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
programas espía  [En Internet, programa pirata que se infiltra en el ordenador sin permiso y recoge información sobre los movimientos en Internet del usuario para luego enviarle propaganda]
 This is a free program available for download that is meant to detect and remove 'spyware'.
programas espía de anuncios  [En Internet, programa pirata que se infiltra en el ordenador sin permiso y recoge información sobre los movimientos en Internet del usuario para luego enviarle propaganda]
 The author describes the dangers posed to Internet users by the inadvertent downloading of software called spyware or adware, designed to gather information about a computer user's online activity, and use it for marketing purposes.
programas HyperCard 
HyperCard software
 This article describes some of the authoring tools available for use with Apple Computer's HyperCard software to permit the integration of voice to produce multimedia applications.
programas informáticos  [Conjunto de instrucciones secuenciales que, transmitidas al equipo físico de un ordenador, permiten la realización de un proceso de datos con un determinado fin] 
computer software
 Software is the programs or lists of instructions which are necessary to enable a computer system to conduct specific tasks.
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer hardware and software that enables geographic or spatial data to be recorded, manipulated and presented to the user.
programas informáticos comerciales 
commercial software
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
programas intermedios  [En Internet, aplicaciones especiales que interpuestas entre otras dos aplicaciones permiten que éstas se comuniquen entre sí a pesar de utilizar protocolos, arquitecturas, sistemas operativos, etc diferentes]
 Middleware is software that allows elements of applications to operate across network links, despite differences in underlying communications protocols, system architectures, operating systems, databases and other application services.
programas malignos 
 Computer viruses and other badware is a real threat to computer users.
programa social 
social program(me)
 Librarians should be part of initiatives which work closely with community structures to address community based social programmes.
programas para la gestión de mapas 
map software
 This article describes attempts by manufacturers, retailers and distributors of map software to persuade booksellers in the USA to carry their products.
programas televisivos de entretenimiento 
entertainment television
 This article discusses how it should be possible to lure children away from pure entertainment television by ensuring that books are made irresistible.
promover un programa 
launch + a program(me)
 One of its operational lines is aimed at launching professional training programmes.
tecla de función del programa 
programme function key
 The program function keys (PF), an optional feature of the terminal, can be programmed to provide the user with special input capabilities.
un paquete integrado de programas 
a suite of + programmes
 This is a suite of programs for the production of indexes by microcomputer.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra programa



El término «programa» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 269 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «programa» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de programa
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «programa».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «programa» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «programa» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre programa



Descubre el uso de programa en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con programa y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Clean: El programa revolucionario para restaurar la ...
Desarrollado por Dr. Junger, Clean es un programa dietético y mental que nos proporciona las herramientas necesarias para apoyar y reactivar a plena capacidad nuestros sistemas de detoxificación.
Alejandro Junger, MD, 2011
Educación emocional: programa para 3-6 años
El programa de Educación Emocional que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo favorecer el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas.
Èlia López Cassà, 2007
Las habilidades motrices básicas en Primaria. Programa de ...
Desde una perspectiva práctica, esta obra aporta un programa de intervención dirigido a las habilidades y destrezas básicas.
El libro presenta 75 programas de entrenamiento que abarcan todos los aspectos del jugador de futbol.
M. Vanierschot, 2006
Programa fitness. Natación
Un enfoque práctico y flexible para desarrollar ejercicios, rutinas y programas
Emmet Hines, 2001
Tabaquismo. Programa para dejar de fumar
INDICE: Introducción. El tabaco: historia, composición, formas de fumar. Efectos del tabaco en el organismo. Datos de consumo y repercusiones sanitarias. Modelo teórico de adicción al tabaco.
Programa integrado de pedagogía sexual en la escuela
Un libro escrito pensando en el profesor y en las tradicionales dificultades que el tema de la educación sexual encuentra en el medio escolar.
Carles Ariza, M. Dolors Cesari, Marian Gabriel y Galán, 1991
Programa preventivo para mayores
Así, desde hace ocho años se realiza en los Centros Municipales de Salud un programa dirigido a los mayores de 65 años -Programa Preventivo para Mayores-, que tiene como propósito la promoción de la salud y la prevención de la ...
Ma. Pilar García Crespo, 2003
Educación emocional: programa para educación primaria (6-12 ...
El programa de educación emocional que se presenta en esta obra tiene como objetivo favorecer el desarrollo integral del niño y contempla todas y cada una de las dimensiones de la vida en la formación de las personas: cognitiva, físico ...
Agnès Renom Plana, 2007
El niño hiperactivo (TDA-H): intervención en el aula : un ...
¿Cuáles son las causas? ¿Cuáles son los síntomas? ¿Es verdad que la hiperactividad afecta más a los niños que a las niñas? ¿Cómo pueden actuar el profesorado y los padres ante el problema de un niño hiperactivo?


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término programa en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
La UE anuncia un ambicioso programa de ayuda a refugiados en ...
MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — La Unión Europea anunció el lanzamiento de un ambicioso programa de ayuda humanitaria, dotado con 348 millones de euros ($392 ... «Sputnik Mundo, Sep 16»
Relanzan el programa "Precios Cuidados" con los productos que ...
La Secretaría de Comercio, a cargo del economista Miguel Braun, informó que el programa Precios Cuidados continuará hasta el 6 de enero de 2017. «, Sep 16»
Apple anunció su primer programa de recompensas en busca de ...
Apple está planeando un nuevo programa de recompensas que ofrecerá dinero en efectivo a cambio de descubrir vulnerabilidades en sus productos. «ENTER.CO, Ago 16»
Amplían a otros familiares programa para menores refugiados en ...
El Programa para Menores Centroamericanos (CAM) existente desde 2014, permitía a menores de edad que tuvieran un padre o madre con estatus legal en ... «La Opinión, Jul 16»
EEUU CENTROAMÉRICA Estados Unidos amplía su programa de ...
Estados Unidos amplió hoy su programa para refugiados menores de Centroamérica con el fin de que los niños puedan trasladarse al país acompañados de ... «EFE, Jul 16»
Telecinco cancela 'Quiero ser', el programa de Sara Carbonero
Telecinco ha decidido cancelar el programa de Sara Carbonero, solo dos días después de estrenarse, para pasarlo al canal Divinity. 22 de julio de ... «Qué.es, Jul 16»
Crítica del nuevo programa de Sara Carbonero, por alguien que ni ...
Esta mañana he desayunado con la noticia de que el nuevo programa presentado por Sara Carbonero no ha ido todo lo bien que se esperaba en términos de ... «GQ, Jul 16»
Como Cristina, Macri presentó un programa de celulares para todos
El presidente argentino, Mauricio Macri, presentó este lunes el Programa de Acceso a Internet Móvil, que permitirá comprar smartphones con tecnología 4G en ... «El Observador, Jul 16»
Proyecto Bullying, el programa prohibido de Cuatro
Esclavitud sexual, violencia de género, trata de seres humanos, drogadicción... Cuatro ha abordado en diferentes programas asuntos muy espinosos, pero en ... «El Mundo, Jun 16»
[TEXTO] Discurso Papa Francisco en la sede del Programa Mundial ...
El Papa Francisco realizó esta mañana en Roma una visita a la sede del Programa Mundial de Alimentos en ocasión de la sesión anual 2016 de su junta ... «ACI Prensa, Jun 16»



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