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Es un error creer que siempre van a existir los libros. La raza humana no los ha necesitado durante millares de años; puede decidir hacer otra vez lo mismo.
E. M. Forster

Significado de "vez" en el diccionario de español



La palabra vez procede del latín vicis.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


vez play
Vez es una palabra aguda de 1 sílaba.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Vez es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Vez es una población y comuna francesa, situada en la región de Picardía, departamento de Oise, en el distrito de Senlis y cantón de Crépy-en-Valois.

definición de vez en el diccionario español

La primera definición de vez en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es alternación de las cosas por turno u orden sucesivo. Otro significado de vez en el diccionario es tiempo u ocasión determinada en que se ejecuta una acción, aunque no incluya orden sucesivo. Vez hubo que no comió en un día. Vez es también tiempo u ocasión de hacer algo por turno u orden. Le llegó la vez de entrar.







Sinónimos y antónimos de vez en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «vez» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de vez


vez alternación alternativa ciclo coyuntura frecuencia lance mano momento ocasión oportunidad orden punto serie situación sucesión tanda trance turno otra cual mala cada población comuna francesa situada región picardía departamento oise primera lengua española cosas sucesivo otro tiempo determinada ejecuta acción aunque incluya hubo comió día también hacer algo llegó entrar gerente edición reciente verdadero clásico sobre administración empresas cubre elemental gerentes necesitan para obtener éxito heidi este nuevo libro cargado humor osho explora introduce particular visión hombre encarna toda sabiduría esta única lección zorba buda herramientas necesita guiar

Traductor en línea con la traducción de vez a 25 idiomas

online translator


Conoce la traducción de vez a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de vez presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de vez en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

thời gian
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de vez en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

tal vez
tal vez 
  perhaps ; perchance.
 For our profession, what we call information science, we need the courage of our conviction that we can establish or perhaps re-establish our credibility as a profession = For our profession, what we call information science, we need the courage of our conviction that we can establish or perhaps re-establish our credibility as a profession.
 He who deliberately kills another without provocation, shall lose his life, unless he be able to prove his innocence of said crime; and if perchance he escape, let him never return.
  turn ; moment.
 In particular note, for example by ticking them, those terms that merit a turn in the lead position, and those that do not.
 There were moments when he could be almost affectionate, moments when his thoughts did not seem to be turned inward upon his own anxious solicitudes.
acabar de una vez por todas  
get it over (and done) with (once and for all)
get it out of the + way (once and for all)
 Let's get it over and done with once and for all, forget the debt ceiling, let the government go out of business.
 Try to find out the root cause and tackle it and get it out of the way once and for all.
ahorrar Algo para otra vez 
put aside for + a rainy day
 A fifth of Britons admit to having no savings whatsoever while only just over a third of adults had less than £500 put aside for a rainy day = Una quinta parte de los británicos dice que no tienen ningún tipo de ahorro mientras que un poco más de un tercio tiene menos de 500 libras ahorradas para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles.
a la vez               
at once
at one time
at similar times
at the same time
at the same instant
in parallel
in tandem
at the one time
in a tandem fashion
at a time
in unison
pari passu
 Because not all files need to be reorganized at once, but only those which are very full, the time required for this procedure is reduced to a minimum.
 Maximum number of documents which can be charged out at one time.
 However, this joint venture may not be justifiable unless both a thesaurus and a classification scheme are in demand by one organisation at similar times.
 Author entry gives direct access to particular documents whilst at the same time collocating documents with the same author.
 An indexer who is familiar with a given indexing language may be capable of accomplishing the three stages concurrently.
 This sub-stage and the next one must proceed side-by-side.
 No one catalogue can satisfy all the requirements of all users simultaneously.
 He then dropped the metal suddenly into the mouth of the mould, and at the same instant gave it a jerk or toss to force the metal into the recesses of the matrix (the precise form of the jerk varying with the different letters).
 The afternoon sessions will run in parallel.
 In tandem, tiered instruction and assessment offer the opportunity to analyze the outcomes of specific levels of information literacy.
 For example, an obvious question is do most people only have one book on the go at the one time?.
 Most of them are mitotically stable, and the integration of the vector into the host genome frequently occurred in a tandem fashion.
 It is important to recognise that division must be by one principle at a time.
 Macaronic poetry is often used as a vehicle for humorous social criticism, but also as a ludic exercise and linguistic challenge, or simply for the delight of hearing different languages in unison.
 According to Walker, if a just system permits mercy, it nearly always becomes, pari passu, unjust = Según Walker, si un sistema justo permite la misericordia, casi siempre se convierte en injusto a la vez.
a la vez (que) 
hand in hand (with)
 Hand in hand with this comes the need for nurses to be able to question, evaluate and reflect on existing practice.
a la vez que   
in conjunction with
in unison with
 Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.
 Rules for any given class must be used in conjunction with the schedules for that class.
 Good literature, in order to fulfil the demands of the time, must move in unison with society, keeping control over its speed.
alguna que otra vez     
from time to time
every once in a while
every now and then
every now and again
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 It does help to every once in a while ask where we came from and where we are going as a library.
 BLAISE conduct the occasional search for those libraries which do not have access to a terminal.
 I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.
 Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.
algunas veces   
from time to time
 Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 Only occasionally although increasingly is the full text of a document used.
alguna vez  
on any one occasion
 And then, emitting a short laugh, she said: 'if they ever do it!'.
 On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.
aparecer por primera vez 
 But subscription and sales of spin-off products turns out not to be the only financial model, so (a free site sponsored by advertising) premiered last September.
a su vez   
Verbo + further
in turn
in its/their turn
 Main classes are divided into subclasses which are further subdivided into form, place, time and subject aspects.
 However, any refinement involves greater human intervention, and this in turn can easily overturn the arguments in favour of subject indexes based upon titles.
 And because the teller is sharing something of himself, the children in their turn respond by wanting to share something of themselves in the same way.
a veces     
at times
at various times
from time to time
on occasion(s)
 The term category has been at times used somewhat loosely in the literature of indexing and, for this reason, it can cause confusion.
 Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
 At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 The notation uses upper case letters and arabic numerals 1 to 9; and on occasion the hyphen.
a veces las cosas salen mal 
shit happens
 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
a veces sales jodido 
shit happens
 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .
buscar en varios + Nombre + a la vez 
search across + Nombre
 These preliminary results show the importance of the abstract for subject searching and the continued necessity for online searching across multiple databases.
búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez 
multi-file searching
 Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.
cada vez   
at a time
each time
every time [everytime]
 It is important to recognise that division must be by one principle at a time.
 Each time a corporate body changes its name, a new heading is established and appropriate references are made to link the two headings.
 DOBIS/Leuven places the union catalog mark against a bibliographic record in the system catalog every time a new title is added to the holdings of the library.
cada vez en mayor grado 
 Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
cada vez más          
more and more
ever more
ever greater
in increasing numbers
 To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish, not forgetting the ever-growing list of translations of oriental works.
 Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
 Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.
 The tell-tale sign that an institution is no longer serving its initial function is that its energies are more and more consumed by is efforts to preserve and maintain its structure.
 After a variety of progressively more responsible positions at LC, he was promoted in 1964 to Associate Director of the Processing Department.
 As costs continue to rise and funds remain limited, the importance of spending each acquisitions dollar wisely becomes ever more apparent.
 The position of the library as source provider has been eroded in an age of information explosions and mushrooming technology.
 The results has been an ever greater obfuscation of what constitutes the profession of librarianship.
 Libraries are beginning to recognize that customers have choices for their information needs nd that some of these choices are drawing customers away from the library in increasing numbers, and perhaps for good.
 The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.
cada vez más abultado 
 By far the most difficult new challenge looming for librarianship will be preserving and providing access to 'born-digital' materials, that swelling mass of material that appears only in electronic form.
cada vez más + Adjetivo 
ever + Adjetivo Comparativo
 As time passes by, our collections grow ever larger and the problems of storage and retrieval become ever more pressing.
cada vez más alto   
constantly rising
steadily rising
steadily growing
 Recently there has been more than the usual talk about the exceptionally-high and constantly-rising costs of scholarly journals and what scholar, editors, and libraries can do about the situation.
 Poland is currently enjoying a steadily rising national income, declining inflation, receding unemployment and an educational boom.
 The strategy is to maintain a steadily growing base line which can expand in better times.
cada vez más amplio  
 The inter-library loan network operates like a spiral with the individual library at the centre and the local, regional, national and international back-up services forming an ever-widening circle around it.
 Blood stem cell grafts: a possible treatment for an ever-wider range of cancers.
cada vez más extendido 
 Some discernable trends are an interest in learning resources, growing acceptance of microforms, and the spreading use of the computer for acquisitions, catalogues and information services.
cada vez más fácil 
ever easier
 Continuing progress in on-line and CD-ROM technology is leading to new possibilities in information retrieval, and future developments promise ever easier access and use.
cada vez más lejos 
further and further
 Little by little his heath improved and he was able to walk further and further each day.
cada vez más + Participio 
ever + Gerundio
 For all national libraries a major factor is technological change in communication proceeding at an ever accelerating rating which has brought them to the current juncture.
cada vez más rápido 
ever faster
 Today's world turns ever faster on the axis of change.
cada vez más restringido  [Adjetivo]
 Representatives from 35 academic libraries discussed their tightening economies, some solutions, and the need to run academic libraries like businesses.
cada vez más tenue 
 With the fading significance of these physical forms, some of the rationale for unit entries has disappeared.
cada vez más viejo 
aging [ageing]
 The library director and the architect cooperated to preserve the distinctness of an aging building while providing the public with up-to-the-minute services.
cada vez mayor                         
spiralling [spiraling, -USA]
rapidly growing
constantly rising
ever larger [ever-larger]
steadily rising
steadily growing
ever greater
rapidly expanding
 Findings emphasised the escalating deprivation of applied social scientists in general and the local government and voluntary sectors in particular.
 To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish, not forgetting the ever-growing list of translations of oriental works.
 Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
 Co-operatives have played a much more extensive role in recent years and are set to continue in their expanded role.
 Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.
 The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.
 If the approach is not too blinkered, such situations, on the basis of mounting evidence, quickly lead to the realisation that technological solutions to information problems are at best partial.
 But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.
 The ARL Serials Project is an initiative by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) designed to combat the spiralling increases in periodicals prices.
 The scheme was designed by the Library of Congress staff to be tailor-made for their own library with its immense and rapidly growing stock and with its bias towards law and the social sciences.
 There is an expanding interest in the idea of local government information services on the part of public libraries.
 Recently there has been more than the usual talk about the exceptionally-high and constantly-rising costs of scholarly journals and what scholar, editors, and libraries can do about the situation.
 Technology plays an ever larger role in the delivery of services in libraries of all sizes.
 But the introduction of market economics, galloping inflation and the breakdown of old administrative structures are causing problems, especially over funding..
 Poland is currently enjoying a steadily rising national income, declining inflation, receding unemployment and an educational boom.
 The strategy is to maintain a steadily growing base line which can expand in better times.
 The position of the library as source provider has been eroded in an age of information explosions and mushrooming technology.
 The results has been an ever greater obfuscation of what constitutes the profession of librarianship.
 A rapidly expanding number of organizations have begun to use high performance, completely digital networks, such as the Internet.
 The period from World War 2 to the present day saw the quickened pace and deepening specialisation of researches.
 By far the most difficult new challenge looming for librarianship will be preserving and providing access to 'born-digital' materials, that swelling mass of material that appears only in electronic form.
 The inter-library loan network operates like a spiral with the individual library at the centre and the local, regional, national and international back-up services forming an ever-widening circle around it.
 It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
 The rising tension over the Olympic torch relay is heightening concerns whether this summer's Games will be clouded by political rancor.
 Blood stem cell grafts: a possible treatment for an ever-wider range of cancers.
cada vez mejor 
from strength to strength
 The article is entitled 'From strength to strength: Judaica collections facing the future'.
cada vez menor             
 It is impossible to read the library press today without reading about the increasing costs of maintaining, and the decreasing budgets of libraries, and particularly about the increasing costs of technical services.
 Squeezed between the upper and nether millstones of increasing demand and dwindling resources, individual librarians develop ways in which to make their jobs easier.
 It is remarkable how, in an economy with diminishing job opportunities, librarians compensate for their inability to demonstrate the value of their skills by seeking the protection of educational and certification requirements.
 This article discusses the impact of growing number of students and waning financial resources on library services and acquisition focusing on book shortages, security problems and inadequacy of staffing.
 The public library is a complex institution, evolving through many decades of human history and colliding today with the perplexing realities of change, declining funding, and shifting purpose.
 As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.
 Many challenges lie ahead for those selling children's books with increased competition and shrinking profit margins.
 Poland is currently enjoying a steadily rising national income, declining inflation, receding unemployment and an educational boom.
 It has not yet been decided what strategies libraries will use to face the crisis of rising personnel costs and sinking funds for book acquisitions.
 Every publisher, materials vendor, systems vendor and bibliographic utility that serve libraries face sharp competition for a share of the ebbing library market.
 The second reason is that companies have to take care of costs to meet the descending price rate of the market.
 World share markets sank Thursday after a slide on Wall Street sparked by tumbling demand for oil and fears of slackening growth in the U.S.
 News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.
cada vez menos 
less and less
 As continuing deterioration of postal services renders present methods of inter-library co-operation less and less effective, a radically different balance of cost-factors will emerge.
cada vez mucho mayor  
 Senior management must be willing to commit funds and manpower to ensure security doesn't fall behind the exploding use of computers in government.
 The impermanence of magnetic media has led to a concern in the library and information community with the fate of the fast-increasing amount of information which is electronically published.
cada vez peor 
 This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.
cambiar de una vez a otra  
change from + time to time
vary + from time to time
 Duties of the post may be varied, and or changed, from time to time as required.
 The precise form of the signatures varied from time to time and from place to place.
cien veces 
 During the same period output increased about a hundred-fold, while prices went down by factors of about ten.
cinco veces 
five times
 The man in the jersey climbed onto the stage, started yelling and shot the guitarist five or six times at close range.
confirmar de una vez por todas 
put it + to rest
 If one has any doubt about Mitt Romney's mendacious temperament, the first presidential debate should have put it to rest.
cuantas veces se quiera 
any number of times
 A student may repeat a course any number of times to improve the grade in the course.
cuatro veces 
four times
 These work schedules offer your employees a weekday off two or four times a month with no cut in pay or benefits.
de cada + Número + veces + Número 
Número + times out of + Número
 If in desperation they do ask at the library, nine times out of ten what they want takes no more than a minute or two to find.
demanda cada vez menor 
falling demand
 The Spanish airline swung to a net loss in the second quarter, hurt by falling demand for air travel as the recession grips Spain.
demandar cada vez más enérgicamente 
build + pressure
 Pressure for more open access to resources and better library services is building in the research community and academics are writing to Gorbachev urging open access to all kinds of information = La comunidad científica está demandando cada vez más enérgicamente mayor libre acceso a los recursos y mejores servicios bibliotecarios y los académicos le están pidiendo a Gorbachov por escrito el libre acceso a todo tipo de información.
demasiadas veces 
one too many times
 It was just one too many times for him.
desajuste cada vez mayor entre y  
widening of the gap beween .... and
widening gap between ... and
 The dominance of cyberspace will lead to a widening of the gap between the industrialized and the developing world.
 The author describes the widening gap between Europe on the one hand and the USA and Japan on the other in the size of their respective information technology industries.
desajuste cada vez menor entre y  
narrowing gap between ... and
narrowing of the gap between ... and
 Trends noted include the narrowing gap in interactive searching between Europe and the USA, and the inter-regional imbalance within Europe in volume of searches.
 The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.
de una sola vez           
at one pull
at one whack
in one shot
in one lump
in one action
in one go
in one fell swoop
at one fell swoop
at a clip
at a stroke
 This pricing strategy maybe attractive to both users and database producers, both of whom have the security of a predictable and once-only financial transaction.
 In this way the whole forme was printed at one pull.
 I am involved with systematic reviews which routinely result in 4,000+ citations at one whack.
 Then in one second ten programs could work consecutively, and it will look like the computer is doing all ten in one shot.
 LCSH revision is continuous, and may be quite large scale, though this is less obvious because it does not take place in one lump every few years.
 To remove the borrower from all routing lists in one action, enter the code for delete.
 He jumped in with both feet, opening five stores in one go and declaring his intention to open 30 more within five years.
 He fired them all, in one fell swoop when he took office as do most all Presidents.
 Life on board ship is not easy for anyone, least of all for a small child, who is deprived of nursery and toys at one fell swoop.
 She could sit down and read for five or ten minutes at a clip.
 This is a time of great tension because we know that at any moment, when we least expect it, our lives can be cut short at a stroke.
de una vez             
at one blow
at one time
in one action
in one step
in a single step
at one whack
in a single phase
in one shot
in one fell swoop
at one fell swoop
at a/one sitting
at a stroke
in one sitting
 This approach eliminates, at one blow, both the problems which exercise the designer of a pre-co-ordinate index, that is citation order and reference structure.
 Maximum number of documents which can be charged out at one time.
 To remove the borrower from all routing lists in one action, enter the code for delete.
 The program automatically swaps CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and executes a warm boot in one step.
 BEGIN X combines the BEGIN and EXECUTE STEPS commands in a single step.
 I am involved with systematic reviews which routinely result in 4,000+ citations at one whack.
 The new library was built in a single phase, with stock and facilities housed in temporary accommodation during demolition and construction.
 Then in one second ten programs could work consecutively, and it will look like the computer is doing all ten in one shot.
 He fired them all, in one fell swoop when he took office as do most all Presidents.
 Life on board ship is not easy for anyone, least of all for a small child, who is deprived of nursery and toys at one fell swoop.
 Louis was such a gourmand, that he would eat at a sitting four platefuls of different soups, a whole pheasant, a partridge, a plateful of salad.
 This is a time of great tension because we know that at any moment, when we least expect it, our lives can be cut short at a stroke.
 Whatever the reason, after getting herself together, Myrielle wrote this book almost in one sitting.
de una vez por todas  
once (and) for all
once for all
 I cannot tell you how happy we in the circulation department will all be to put an end once and for all to the smiling delinquent patron who rejoices in paying his fine because he is thereby 'supporting a worthy cause'.
 Dead men have no friends; consequently, Israel must abandon its love affair with its putative, feckless friends and kill, once for all, its mortal foes.
de vez en cuando              
from time to time
now and then
now and again
once in a while
every once in a while
at various times
off and on
on and off
every so often
every now and then
every now and again
on occasion(s)
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 All talk now and then wanders down byways, for a moment or two, during which the participants gather themselves for a fresh attack on the main subject.
 Such paper was rarely made, but may now and again be found with the watermark in the middle, or next to an edge, of the sheet.
 But why, I ask you, can he not be supportive, even once in a while?.
 It does help to every once in a while ask where we came from and where we are going as a library.
 At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.
 Only occasionally although increasingly is the full text of a document used.
 Off and on for the past decade a small group of transpeople have set up a protest camp across the road in the hope of changing the law.
 On and off for the past two decades, her father has been gathering information about their family genealogy.
 BLAISE conduct the occasional search for those libraries which do not have access to a terminal.
 Every so often, the mist cleared and I could see sunlight in the distance.
 I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.
 Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.
 The notation uses upper case letters and arabic numerals 1 to 9; and on occasion the hyphen.
diez veces  
ten times
 The tenfold increase in the number of requests handled each year is ample confirmation of this, if any is needed.
 Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.
diferencia cada vez mayor entre y  
widening of the gap beween .... and
widening gap between ... and
 The dominance of cyberspace will lead to a widening of the gap between the industrialized and the developing world.
 The author describes the widening gap between Europe on the one hand and the USA and Japan on the other in the size of their respective information technology industries.
diferencia cada vez menor entre y  
narrowing gap between ... and
narrowing of the gap between ... and
 Trends noted include the narrowing gap in interactive searching between Europe and the USA, and the inter-regional imbalance within Europe in volume of searches.
 The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.
distanciamiento cada vez mayor entre y  
widening gap between ... and
widening of the gap beween .... and
 The author describes the widening gap between Europe on the one hand and the USA and Japan on the other in the size of their respective information technology industries.
 The dominance of cyberspace will lead to a widening of the gap between the industrialized and the developing world.
dos veces    
on two occasions
two times
 For example, a book on Bridges should be entered under Bridges and not under a broader heading such as Engineering, nor doubly under both headings.
 They are slower because they actually print each character twice.
 Life is most enjoyed on two occasions: when intoxicated or not giving a fuck.
 These work schedules offer your employees a weekday off two or four times a month with no cut in pay or benefits.
dos veces al año  
twice yearly [twice-yearly]
semiannual [semi-annual]
 The journal was originally intended as a quarterly, but changed to twice yearly publication with the 1st issue of 1977.
 Information dissemination is via monthly and semiannual publications to subscribers.
dos veces a la semana   [Generalmente el significado es que se hace u ocurre cada dos semanas, aunque también se podría utilizar para indicar dos veces a la semana] 
biweekly [bi-weekly]
twice a week
 In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.
 The data base is updated biweekly with approximately 1,200 to 1,500 records.
 The volunteers receive training once a fortnigt in the winter and twice a week in the summer.
dos veces al día 
twice a day
 The most important part of dental care is to brush and floss your teeth regularly (at least twice a day, better yet after every meal or snack).
editar varias veces 
go into + a number of editions
 A work which has gone into a number of editions is likely to have proved its worth and may be a standard text.
en la mayoría de las veces  
in most cases
 The classification number stands on its own to the upper left of the card and this will probably be acceptable in most cases.
 Mostly such new schemes will not be general schemes.
entrada de datos sólo una vez 
one-time entry
 If one-time entry is to be effective, however, the data entered must be accurate and complete and must be consistent with other data in the system.
en un número cada vez mayor 
in increasing numbers
 Libraries are beginning to recognize that customers have choices for their information needs nd that some of these choices are drawing customers away from the library in increasing numbers, and perhaps for good.
en vez de    
in place of
instead of
rather than
in lieu of
 For example, the accession number might be used in place of the call number until the bibliographic information can be entered.
 It had three novel features: relative location, instead of the more usual fixed location.
 Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.
 The bibliography cannot be used in lieu of a library's own catalogue as it would contain entries for many books not in a particular library's own stock.
Érase una vez  [Forma tradicional de empezar un cuento]
Once upon a time
 Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village.
esta vez  
this time (a)round
this time
 It is the complacency and lack of reflectiveness surrounding machines, not the machines themselves, that need to be smashed this time round.
 His heart is telling him to hang on for dear life because deep down he knows she's letting go for good this time.
ganar cada vez más importancia 
grow from + strength to strength
 Since then the group has grown from strength to strength developing a number of projects of mutual benefit.
ganarle la vez a Alguien         [Literalmente significa "ser más listo que"]    
beat + Nombre + to the post
outmanoeuvre [outmaneuver, -USA]
out-think [outthink]
out-strategise [out-strategize, -USA]
 This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
 If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.
 Walker beat him to the post but there was no acrimony from Copland.
 This will turn out to be just another way for vendors to outmaneuver one another, with the more aggressive periodicals managers thriving at the expense of the others.
 Today's online information industry is playing a game of catch-up, and must out-think current market leaders in order to find profitable new markets.
 It also led to a continuing guerilla war between the authorities and caricaturists who sought to evade, outfox, or entirely defy them.
 Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
 Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.
 Radical Islamist extremists have out-spent, out-manoeuvred and out-strategised democracies around the world.
 She was sensational throughout the competition and outshone her opponents with singing skills that seemed to stretch beyond the talent of a 17 year old.
 He also laughingly joked about Kelly not being able to outclass him this time.
 Adams is a lovely and subtle performer, but she is overmatched by her co-star and handicapped by the material.
guardar Algo para otra vez 
save for + a rainy day
 Americans have stopped saving for a rainy day, living paycheck to paycheck and depending on credit cards to get them through emergencies = Los americanos han dejado de ahorrar para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles, viviendo al día y dependiendo de las tarjetas de crédito para ayudarles a superar las emergencias.
Había una vez  [Forma tradicional de empezar un cuento]
Once upon a time
 Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village.
hacer clic dos veces 
double click
 For the past several days, I've had to double click on each email to open it - Why?.
hacer las veces de  
step into + the role of
step into + Posesivo + shoes
 Sidel, who was raised by a single father, said the difference is that single fathers are lionized for stepping into the role while single mothers can be vilified as welfare queens or worse.
 If students find it impossible to step into the shoes of any character in the case, thereby becoming that person, they are advised to select a character for whom they would be willing to serve as a 'consultant'.
hacerse cada vez más grande 
get + bigger and bigger
 Hard disks keep getting bigger and bigger, but somehow we still run out of space.
hacerse cada vez más importante 
increase in + importance
 Licensing is increasing in importance as a means of gaining access to commercially available digital information = Las licencias están creciendo en importancia como forma de acceder a información digital comercial.
hacerse cada vez más pequeño 
get + smaller and smaller
 Trust is like an eraser it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.
importancia cada vez mayor  
growing importance
growing significance
 The author briefly reviews the growing importance of international telecommunications networks and computers to the business activities of companies.
 Information retrieval, particularly from new media, is of growing significance and requires continuing research effort.
infinidad de veces 
countless times
 Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.
infinitas veces 
countless times
 Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.
innumerables veces 
countless times
 Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.
intentar hacer demasiadas cosas a la vez 
spread + Reflexivo + (too) thin
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
interés cada vez mayor 
growing interest
 The search for national identity and a strong sense of communion with nature fueled a growing interest in the genre.
ir cada vez mejor     
go from + strength to strength
go from + strength to strength
go + great guns
do + great guns
go + swimmingly
 This was achieved with great success, and the scheme goes from strength to strength.
 This was achieved with great success, and the scheme goes from strength to strength.
 He said the growth in enrollment in health professions programs continues 'going great guns'.
 She is doing great guns and has turned in some fantastic work which really shows she's understanding what she's researching and learning.
 She responded, all a-flutter, that it was going swimmingly as she had just come face-to-face with one of her hero's.
la mayoría de las veces  
most of the time
more often than not
 Historically the Spanish Civil Service has been a service for the state rather than for the public most of the time.
 Access to remote services is more often than not by means of dedicated terminal connections.
la mayor parte de las veces 
more often than not
 Access to remote services is more often than not by means of dedicated terminal connections.
la primera vez 
the first time around
 Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.
las cosas sólo pasan una vez 
lightning never strikes twice
 Tall television towers and large skyscrapers blow the 'lightning never strikes twice' myth out of the water.
la segunda vez 
the second time around
 His luck ran out the second time around after surviving an attempt on his life last April.
la última vez 
last time
 When they arrived, the body was there, but in a different position than they saw it last time.
la última vez que 
the last time
 'The Last Time They Met' is a love story that draws together a myriad of issues and themes to challenge the reader = "La última vez que se reunieron" es una historia de amor que combina un gran número de cuestiones y temas para desafiar al lector.
más de una vez 
more than once
 I knew all the ways to control lunatics, but she was strong in her ravings and knocked me cold more than once.
mostrar por primera vez 
 But subscription and sales of spin-off products turns out not to be the only financial model, so (a free site sponsored by advertising) premiered last September.
muchas veces    
multiple times
on many occasions
many a time
many times
 This frequency type is used to specify periodicals which are published multiple times in a month.
 On many occasions we have heard that a person went through surgery and had a speedy recovery.
 I have been victim of deceptive advertising many a time.
 Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.
muchísimas veces 
countless times
 Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.
muy rara vez   
all too seldom
all too seldom
once in a blue moon
 Taylor and Johnson's figure of 11.3 per cent of users being there 'on behalf of someone else' raises a point which is all too seldom discussed as a feature of the public library service.
 Taylor and Johnson's figure of 11.3 per cent of users being there 'on behalf of someone else' raises a point which is all too seldom discussed as a feature of the public library service.
 Among the essays he presents we find a explanation of the phrase 'once in a blue moon'.
ni siquiera una vez 
not once (did)
 Not once did it occur to me that I was having a heart-to-heart with a woman who faked orgasms for a living.
ni una sola vez 
not once (did)
 Not once did it occur to me that I was having a heart-to-heart with a woman who faked orgasms for a living.
Nombre + por primera vez 
Nombre + ever
 I sometimes imagine that the first article on the high costs of cataloging was written as the first book, ever, was being cataloged.
nueve veces 
nine times
 Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.
número cada vez mayor 
rising numbers
 This is the practice of many libraries today that are catering to the sharply rising numbers of children and students.
Número + veces más 
Número + times as many
 That is, a library that has three different files to look up loses nine times as many potential users as a library that has only one file.
Número + veces más de 
Número + times the number of
 It has been shown that manual services can retrieve 2 to 7 times the number of relevant references obtained by computerised services.
ocurrir todo a la vez 
happen + all at once
 If you are lucky this will not happen all at once!.
Ordinal + vez 
Ordinal + time (a)round
 A number of students failed to guess the icon function the second time around.
otra vez    
once again
once more
 Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.
 If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again.
 Read section 10 once more and reconsider the question.
 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.
pagar dos veces 
 Some U.S. citizens sucessfully argued that U.S. taxpayers were double-paying for MEDLINE's development.
pagar una vez vencido 
pay in + arrears
 Unlike rent, which is paid in advance, mortgage interest is paid in arrears.
pedir la vez   
stand in + line
queue up
form + a queue
 This might just be the one time you don't mind standing in line to use the restroom.
 You will be disliked and turfed out as a sacrificial goat once your job is done but there will be many others queuing up for your services.
 As you can see, the crowd waiting to get in had formed a queue that went up the street and around the corner!.
pedirse la vez  
call + dibs on
have + dibs on
 For starters, the idea of calling dibs on a human being is objectifying to the person, whether they're a guy or a girl.
 If you're going to rent it out I'd like to have dibs on it this summer.
pensárselo dos veces  
think + twice
give it + a second thought
 I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.
 If I had known it would be like this I might have given it a second thought.
pero a la vez 
but then again
 But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.
pinchar dos veces en 
double click
 For the past several days, I've had to double click on each email to open it - Why?.
población cada vez más envejecida 
greying population [graying population]
 The article 'Redefining library services for a graying population' addresses the question of public library services for elderly people in the USA.
popularidad cada vez mayor 
growing popularity
 The growing popularity of cycling is leading to an increased share in the area of physical education.
por enésima vez 
for the umpteenth time
 Standing nervously before the full-length mirror, she adjusted her hair for the umpteenth time and smoothed the rumples out of her dress.
por primera vez   
first + Verbo
for the first time
for once
 The concept of corporate authorship was first formulated in the BM code and has been adopted in all subsequent English language codes.
 No two instructors will follow the same pattern in introducing a case to a group for the first time.
 Note that for once standards have been drawn up before production of equipment started!.
por segunda vez    
a second time
the second time around
a second time around
for a second time
 The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.
 His luck ran out the second time around after surviving an attempt on his life last April.
 Will Fiat fare better a second time around in US market?.
 After getting back on course the difficulties continued when she went off course for a second time and her bike became entangled in a fence.
por última vez  
for the last time
one last time
 He said he had voted for the last time in any presidential election since its is a waste of time.
 And, if you use harsh cleansers on your sink, be sure to wash it really well with soap and water and then rinse it one last time with hot water to get rid of any residue.
pospuesto una y otra vez 
 At one time it was hoped that the new edition would be published in two volumes in 1973, but this proved impossible, and it began to seem that the publication would begin to parallel the publication of the full English edition of UDC, with its ever-postponed completion date.
práctica cada vez más frecuente 
growing practice
 The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.
preocupación cada vez mayor (por) 
growing concern (about)
 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.
presupuesto cada vez más pequeño 
shrinking budget
 In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.
presupuesto cada vez menor 
shrinking budget
 In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.
primera vez, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
first time, the
 If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again.
problema cada vez mayor 
growing problem
 These descriptions are seen as a key factor to finding a way out of the growing problems of traversing an ever expanding Web.
problemas cada vez mayores 
mounting problems
 Wouldn't it be great if he could fix his mounting problems by simply making a wish?.
próxima vez, la 
next time
 In a sense she was relieved, because, while she thought that she had acquitted herself reasonably well, she wanted next time to be better prepared.
pruebas cada vez más concluyentes 
mounting evidence
 There is mounting evidence that omega-3 fatty acids from fish help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
que se repite una y otra vez 
 After the probationary period, performance evaluations are administered on a recurring basis.
que sucede sólo una vez 
 Associated with full-time staffing reductions has been the virtual elimination of part-time teachers and 'one-off' expert lecturers.
que tiene lugar una vez a la semana 
 Selected key villages would be the focal points for once-weekly public sector 'markets'.
quitarse Algo de encima de una vez por todas  
get it over (and done) with (once and for all)
get it out of the + way (once and for all)
 Let's get it over and done with once and for all, forget the debt ceiling, let the government go out of business.
 Try to find out the root cause and tackle it and get it out of the way once and for all.
rara vez     
on rare occasions
 Taking into account both indexing and searching effort a KWIC index is most appropriate for an index that will be studied only infrequently.
 An unsought term is one which a user would rarely, if ever, think of consulting in the A/Z index when formulating his request for information about a particular subject.
 It can be indexed by the all access-point files in the system catalog, but it is seldom necessary to have more than name, title, and subject indexes.
 At all periods, but uncommonly before the eighteenth century, the lines of type might be 'leaded', thin strips of typemetal, reglet, or card being slipped in between each one.
 If either spouse on rare occasions out of frustration or anger slams a door or speaks angry words is it fair to label he or she as an abuser?.
relación cada vez más tirante 
mounting tension
 China urged all sides to try to ease mounting tensions over Iran's nuclear plans and focus on negotiations.
repetidas veces    
time after time
time and again
time and time again
 This capability can be used to save command chains which will be used repeatedly with slight modification.
 These plates can be stored and used again time after time provided they are wiped over with a gum solution after each use to prevent oxydization.
 Against that kind of thinking it is pointless to quote research figures and surveys and reports that provide evidence time and again of the importance of book ownership in the acquisition of the 'better education' everybody wants for their children.
 The reference people time and time again say that the subject catalog, which is based wholeheartedly on the LC subject heading list, is one of the most important things that they use in serving their clientele.
separación cada vez mayor entre y 
widening gap between ... and
 The author describes the widening gap between Europe on the one hand and the USA and Japan on the other in the size of their respective information technology industries.
ser cada vez más importante 
increase in + importance
 Licensing is increasing in importance as a means of gaining access to commercially available digital information = Las licencias están creciendo en importancia como forma de acceder a información digital comercial.
si alguna vez lo fue 
if it ever was
 He sees the cult of the body as an indication that America is no longer puritanical, if it ever was.
si es que sucede alguna vez 
if ever
 A search of a collection very rarely, if ever, retrieves all the relevant documents possessed in that collection.
siete veces 
seven times
 This well known challenge was to fold paper in half more than seven or eight times, using paper of any size or shape.
sinfín de veces 
countless times
 Countless times I would be pulled over drunk by state police without a license and when I would present my military I.D. I was simply told to sleep it off.
sin pensárselo dos veces    
without a second thought
on the spur of the moment
at the drop of a hat
 The worst interruptions of all, in my experience, come from those public address systems rigged in many schools in every room and used apparently without a second thought by administrative staff.
 According to their friends, the couple made a spur-of-the-moment decision to tie the knot during a holiday = Según sus amigos, la pareja tomó la decisión de casarse de improviso durante las vacaciones.
 The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.
 Sometimes these tantrums start at the drop of a hat for often no apparent reason other than the fact that he's 2 years old.
sólo se vive una vez 
you only live once
 That being only live once, so if you decide to jump in head first, and if things don't work out, remember, you can always leave.
tal vez 
 He who deliberately kills another without provocation, shall lose his life, unless he be able to prove his innocence of said crime; and if perchance he escape, let him never return.
tenerlo todo a la vez 
have it + both ways
 You can't have it both ways - you've got to think before you post every detail of your life to the Internet.
terminar Algo de una vez por todas  
get it over (and done) with (once and for all)
get it out of the + way (once and for all)
 Let's get it over and done with once and for all, forget the debt ceiling, let the government go out of business.
 Try to find out the root cause and tackle it and get it out of the way once and for all.
tirantez cada vez mayor 
mounting tension
 China urged all sides to try to ease mounting tensions over Iran's nuclear plans and focus on negotiations.
todo a la vez 
all at once
 Best of all, you get all the cash all at once, no annuities, just one big fat lump sum!.
todo de una vez 
in one lump
 LCSH revision is continuous, and may be quite large scale, though this is less obvious because it does not take place in one lump every few years.
tres veces   
three times
on three occasions
 Under certain circumstances, the author's name may be repeated thrice - in the heading, the title, and after the title.
 A boy on trial in the shooting death of his principal told investigators that he 'just freaked out' and pulled the trigger three times.
 I guess I'm becoming quite the New Yorker because on three occasions I had to give directions to other tourists.
una necesidad cada vez mayor 
a growing need
 There is a growing need for the storage and management of pictorial data.
una primera y última vez 
a first and last time
 There's a first and last time for everything.
una segunda vez   
a second time around
a second time
for a second time
 Will Fiat fare better a second time around in US market?.
 The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.
 After getting back on course the difficulties continued when she went off course for a second time and her bike became entangled in a fence.
una última vez 
one last time
 And, if you use harsh cleansers on your sink, be sure to wash it really well with soap and water and then rinse it one last time with hot water to get rid of any residue.
una vez   
one time
on one occasion
 Common facets are facets that, although only listed once, can be applied anywhere in the citation order.
 One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said 'Nice tits, uh?'.
 On one occasion one lady waited three weeks for a cot - during this three weeks she shared a bed with her tiny baby.
una vez al año  
once a year
 The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
 Annual reports have the disadvantage, of course, of appearing only once a year.
una vez a la semana 
once a week
 Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.
una vez al día 
once a day
 Kivexa can simplify treatment for patients with HIV because it combines two medicines in one tablet and is taken just once a day.
una vez al mes 
once a month
 Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.
una vez cada dos semanas 
once a fortnight
 The volunteers receive training once a fortnigt in the winter and twice a week in the summer.
una vez cada quincena 
once a fortnight
 The volunteers receive training once a fortnigt in the winter and twice a week in the summer.
una vez cumplimentado 
 Returning a completed questionnaire was one of the requirements for futher participation in the study = Uno de los requisitos para que las bibliotecas pudieran participar en el estudio es que hubiesen devuelto el cuestionario debidamente cuplimentado.
una vez dicho esto 
having said that
 Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.
una vez en la vida 
once in a lifetime
 The article 'Once in a lifetime: a student at Conference' presents a student's view of the Library Association's Centenary Conference, 1977.
una vez en + Posesivo + vida 
once in + Posesivo + lifetime
 The Centre was set up in 1975 to study the environment of Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca performed by all Moslem adults once in their lifetime.
una vez más   
yet again
once again
 Smaller libraries may increasingly use the Concise AACR2, and here again the recommendations are not always precisely consistent with AACR2.
 Then he added, yet again frowning, 'You should do something about this young man's attitude'.
 If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again.
una vez + Participio 
upon + Nombre
 Upon completion of his Peace Corps commitment he served as Chief of the Catalog Department at the Washington University Library in St. Louis, Missouri.
una vez + Participio Pasado  
having + Participio Pasado
having + just + Participio Pasado
 Having proclaimed the merits of pre-coordination in effective and efficient retrieval, the next chapter examines pre-coordinate indexing systems in greater detail.
 Having just demolished enumerative classification to some extent in the previous section, it is reasonable to ask how effective menu-based information retrieval systems might be.
una vez + Participio Pasado + Nombre 
with + Nombre + Participio Pasado
 With the preliminary investigations completed, a joint working group designated as the IFLA Working Group on an International Authority System was established.
una vez que 
 When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
una vez que + Frase 
once + Frase
 However, once responsibility has been allocated, the types of names that can arise in headings will be the same for all types of materials.
una vez quincenalmente 
once a fortnight
 The volunteers receive training once a fortnigt in the winter and twice a week in the summer.
una vez relleno 
 Returning a completed questionnaire was one of the requirements for futher participation in the study = Uno de los requisitos para que las bibliotecas pudieran participar en el estudio es que hubiesen devuelto el cuestionario debidamente cuplimentado.
una y otra vez        
over and over
time after time
time and time again
again and again
time and again
over and over again
 After you have chosen a story you long to tell, read it over and over and then analyse it.
 This capability can be used to save command chains which will be used repeatedly with slight modification.
 Figure 5 demonstrates how this technique could be applied repetitively to create the heading, AEROPLANES - STANDARDS - HISTORY - SOURCES.
 These plates can be stored and used again time after time provided they are wiped over with a gum solution after each use to prevent oxydization.
 The reference people time and time again say that the subject catalog, which is based wholeheartedly on the LC subject heading list, is one of the most important things that they use in serving their clientele.
 Not the least remarkable feature of reference work is the way that identical enquiries turn up again and again.
 Against that kind of thinking it is pointless to quote research figures and surveys and reports that provide evidence time and again of the importance of book ownership in the acquisition of the 'better education' everybody wants for their children.
 The practical experience of any librarian at a catalog information desk will confirm this over and over again.
un conjunto cada vez mayor de  
a growing body of
a growing body of
 A growing body of research supports the view that the learning process is strongly influenced by the learner's goals.
 A growing body of research supports the view that the learning process is strongly influenced by the learner's goals.
un grupo cada vez mayor de  
a growing body of
a growing body of
 A growing body of research supports the view that the learning process is strongly influenced by the learner's goals.
 A growing body of research supports the view that the learning process is strongly influenced by the learner's goals.
un número cada vez mayor 
growing numbers
 The base of higher education is shrinking because of an evident disinclination on the part of growing numbers of eligible students to extend their education.
un número cada vez mayor de  
a growing number of
a growing body of
 There are also a growing number of local resource centres providing facilities and support for community groups and trade unionists.
 A growing body of research supports the view that the learning process is strongly influenced by the learner's goals.
variar de una vez a otra 
vary + from time to time
 The precise form of the signatures varied from time to time and from place to place.
varias veces 
several times
 I saw Mitch take her aside several times and she was almost in tears after being lectured.
eight times
 This well known challenge was to fold paper in half more than seven or eight times, using paper of any size or shape.
veinte veces 
 The number of properties worth more than a million pounds has increased twenty-fold over the past decade.
verificar dos veces  
double-check [doublecheck]
make + double sure
 Duplicates should be double-checked before being handled as duplicates.
 He said firefighters were there mostly to make double sure it wasn't still smoldering.
volverse cada vez más grande 
get + bigger and bigger
 Hard disks keep getting bigger and bigger, but somehow we still run out of space.
volverse cada vez más pequeño 
get + smaller and smaller
 Trust is like an eraser it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.
y a la vez  
 Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.
 Is it possible to develop a generalized yet customizable data collection system that can be standardized across different public libraries? = ¿Es posible desarrollar un sistema de recogida de datos generalizado y al mismo tiempo adaptable a las circunstancias que se pueda aplicar en diferentes tipos de bibliotecas públicas?.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra vez



El término «vez» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 109 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «vez» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de vez
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «vez».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «vez» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «vez» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre vez



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra vez.
August Von Platen
No abandones tu embarcación en el mar de la suerte; sigue remando, pero rema con desenvoltura, y reflexiona una vez más.
No se puede, a la vez, ser y haber sido.
Los cautos rara vez se equivocan.
E. M. Forster
Es un error creer que siempre van a existir los libros. La raza humana no los ha necesitado durante millares de años; puede decidir hacer otra vez lo mismo.
José Ortega Y Gasset
La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora.
Aunque nunca obres mal, no por eso escaparás al dolor alguna vez.
Miguel Delibes
Permitamos que el tiempo venga a buscarnos en vez de luchar contra él.
Proverbio Italiano
Una buena reputación es como un ciprés, que, una vez cortado, jamás da ya ramas.
Thomas Middleton
En la elección de esposa, como en un plan guerrero, equivocarse una sola vez significa la derrota irreparable.
Si alguna vez ven saltar por la ventana a un banquero suizo, salten detrás. Seguro que hay algo que ganar.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término vez.
Al novio y al cochino, una vez el camino.
Al que va a la bodega, por vez se le cuenta, beba o no beba.
Al que yerra, perdónale una vez, mas no después.
Hijo, Andrés, embúdamelo otra vez.
Más vale ponerse una vez colorado que ciento amarillo (o morado).
La probabilidad de hacer mal se encuentra cien veces al día; la de hacer bien una vez al año.
A casa de tu hermana, una vez a la semana.
A la mujer dile tu amor una vez, que el diablo se lo dirá diez.
A los treinta doncellez, muy rara vez.
A quien te engañó una vez, jamás le has de creer.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de vez en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con vez y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Gerente por primera vez
Una edición reciente de un verdadero clásico sobre la administración de empresas, que cubre lo elemental que los gerentes necesitan para obtener el éxito.
Loren Belker, 2007
Ven otra vez, ven
En este nuevo libro cargado de humor, Osho explora e introduce su particular visión de un nuevo hombre que encarna toda la sabiduría de esta única lección: Zorba el Buda.
Osho Osho, 2012
Gerente por Primera Vez
Las herramientas que necesita para guiar a su equipo al éxito Gerente por primera vez: Cómo desarrollar a su equipo le ayuda a descubrir su propio estilo de liderazgo y administración y le muestra cómo usarlo para crear y mantener un ...
Gary S. Topchik, 2008
Érase una vez la primera vez: cómo hablar de sexo y amor en ...
El texto de forma sencilla presenta algunos aspectos relacionados con la educación sexual para adolescentes. Está dirigido a padres de familia y docentes en su labor de formación.
Fabio Veglia, Rossella Pellegrini, 2007
Érase una vez el amor pero tuve que matarlo: música de Sex ...
Efraim Medina Reyes es el más brillante, peligroso y sagaz escritor de la actual narrativa colombiana, y en esta novela da muestras de eficacia, sensibilidad sin límites (entendida como capacidad de moverse entre lo sublime y lo vulgar) y ...
Efraim Medina Reyes, 2004
Los autores de éxito, Allan y Barbara Pease, echan una mirada despreocupada a las diferencias existentes entre hombres y mujeres.
Érase una vez el zorro y el erizo: Las humanidades y la ...
El título de este libro que no esperábamos es Érase una vez el zorro y el erizo, y su tema, la interacción entre ciencias y humanidades, los beneficios que ambas pueden extraer de una fructífera relación.
Stephen Jay Gould, 2010
A Clases Otra Vez, Mallory
After moving, eight-year-old Mallory struggles with being new at school, especially because her mother is now the music teacher and director of the third grade play.
Laurie B. Friedman, 2008
Sedúceme otra vez: Claves para renovar la pasión en la pareja
Sonsoles Fuentes nos encamina hacia la proximidad y la cercanía emocional, de manera que podamos elaborar nuestras propias fórmulas, encontrar los aderezos adecuados para avivar la llama, y aprender a interpretar las señales físicas y ...
Sonsoles Fuentes, 2011
Pero-- hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes?
Enrique Jardiel Poncela consideró siempre el humor no como un rasgo estilístico, sino como un género literario en sí mismo.
Enrique Jardiel Poncela, Luis Alemany, 1988


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término vez en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
La guerra fría con bombarderos rusos llega esta vez hasta Bilbao
La última vez, el 22 de septiembre, llegaron más al sur que nunca, hasta la costa frente a Bilbao. El Ministerio de Defensa español ha confirmado que ambos ... «EL PAÍS, Oct 16»
Por qué derrochamos agua cada vez que bajamos datos de internet
Por qué derrochamos agua cada vez que bajamos datos de internet. Zoe Kleinman BBC. 29 septiembre 2016. Compartir. Smartphone en una catarata. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Los precios suben por primera vez en 14 meses
Los precios subieron en septiembre un 0,3% con respecto al mismo mes del año pasado, según el Índice de Precios al Consumo (IPC) adelantado que ha ... «EL PAÍS, Sep 16»
¿Tu primera vez con una furgoneta?
Con estos consejos podrás conducir con seguridad la primera vez que te montes en una. ¿Tu primera vez con una furgoneta? Ford Transit Custom. «Hipertextual, Sep 16»
Tal vez el problema no sea el tipo de cambio
Esas autopistas son bienvenidas para mejorar la conectividad y bajar la cantidad de accidentes, pero tal vez no mejoren demasiado el costo del transporte de ... «LA NACION, Sep 16»
¿Por qué los japoneses tienen cada vez menos sexo?
... 6 o 7 años, aunque confiesa que podría estar interesado en una relación. Con timidez declara a BBC que la última vez que tuvo sexo fue hace "un año atrás". «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Por qué no debería asustarnos que haya cada vez más turbulencias ...
Son esas fastidiosas turbulencias que ya desde hace varios años nos vienen advirtiendo serán cada vez más recurrentes debido al calentamiento global. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Para ganar de una maldita vez
Semanas atrás, Nalbandian dijo que haría "exactamente lo mismo" si le tocara jugar otra vez la final de 2008 en Mar del Plata. Afortunadamente es sólo una ... «, Sep 16»
¿Por qué algunos países de América Latina usan el 'vos' en vez del ...
Se estima que dos terceras partes de los habitantes del continente americano 'vosea'. Pero, ¿por qué gran parte de América Latina usa el vos en vez del tú? «BBC Mundo, Ago 16»
Medusas, cada vez más cerca
La acción del hombre, la sobrepesca y el vertido de aguas residuales tienen mucho que ver con que la especie se acerque cada vez más al litoral. «SINC, Ago 16»



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