Parapanta este un sport de aventură de agrement și competitiv al parapantelor zburătoare: aeronavele de zbor ușor lansate, cu zbor liber, zburătoare, fără structură primară rigidă. Pilotul este așezat într-un ham suspendat sub o aripă de țesătură formată dintr-un număr mare de celule interconectate. Forma aripii este menținută de liniile de suspensie, presiunea aerului care intră în guri de aerisire în partea din față a aripii și forțele aerodinamice ale aerului care curge peste exterior. În ciuda faptului că nu utilizează un motor, zborurile cu parapanta pot dura mai multe ore și pot acoperi multe sute de kilometri, deși zborurile de 1-2 ore și care acoperă câteva zeci de kilometri sunt mai mult normă. Prin exploatarea abilă a surselor de ridicare, pilotul poate câștiga înălțime, adesea urcând la altitudini de câteva mii de metri. Paragliderii sunt unici printre avioanele transportatoare de persoane, fiind ușor de portabil. Echipamentul complet se ambalează într-un rucsac și poate fi purtat ușor pe spatele pilotului, într-o mașină sau în transportul public. În comparație cu alte sporturi aeriene, acest lucru simplifică substanțial deplasarea către un loc de decolare adecvat, alegerea unui loc de aterizare și deplasarea înapoi.
Definiția paraglider în dicționarul Engleză
Definiția parapantă în dicționar este un parașut special conceput ca aripile flexibile. O altă definiție a parapantălui este cineva care participă la sportul de alunecare pe străzi folosind un parașut special conceput ca aripile flexibile.
Citate renumite și propoziții cu cuvântul
I started with paragliding. Paragliding is taking off from mountains with a paraglider, with the possibility to fly cross-country, distance, just with the use of thermals to soar. Also, different aerobatic maneuvers are possible with a paraglider. From there, I started with skydiving.
Descoperă întrebuințarea
paraglider în următoarea selecție bibliografică. Cărți în legătură cu
paraglider și extrase din aceasta pentru a furniza contextul de întrebuințare al acestuia în literatura Engleză.
Wind-tunnel investigation of
paraglider models at supersonic ...
An investigation was made in the Langley Unitary Plan wind tunnel to determine the behavior of paraglider models at moderate to high supersonic speeds.
Robert T. Taylor, United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Preliminary investigation of a
A preliminary investigation of the aerodynamic and control characteristics of a flexible glider similar to a parachute in construction has been made at the Langley Research Center to evaluate its capabilities as a reentry glider.
Francis Melvin Rogallo,
Gemini - Steps to the Moon
A controlled landing required a means of softening the impact, and the paraglider
was ideal for such a role. By the end of the year - as Mercury Mark II became
Gemini its use for land landing was a listed objective of the new programme.
Coming Home: Reentry and Recovery from Space
Reentry and Recovery from Space Roger D. Launius, Dennis R. Jenkins National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. was conducted for the paraglider,
including a number of component developments, scale tests, and full-scale flight
Roger D. Launius, Dennis R. Jenkins, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
New Product Success Stories: Lessons from Leading Innovators
Paraglider pilots sit in a harness and control flight by using their hands to pull
strings that adjust the tail end of the canopy. Pulling down on the left side causes
the glider to turn to the left. If the pilot does nothing, the glider floats down to earth
in ...
Escaping the Bonds of Earth: The Fifties and the Sixties
of drop tests at the Naval Parachute Facility in El Centro, California, between May
and July, four failures led to an extensive redesign and placed it and the
paraglider two months behind schedule. Its full-size counterpart also suffered
problems ...
Paraglider. "lifeboat". for. safe. return. from. orbit. Flame shoots out up to 50 feet,
barring races with. PS PICTURE NEWS When a man's duty tour in an orbiting
space station ends, he'll want to get back to earth safely. Space-General Corp.
Powered paragliding from ground school to flight. www.geocities.com/pipeline/
curb/3424 POWERED PARAGUDING MINNESOTA Mikroflight Aviation inc. sells
and provides training for the DK Whisper powered paraglider and the Six Chuter
Small-Format Aerial Photography: Principles, techniques and ...
FIGURE 8-44 Motor-powered paraglider (parafoil not attached) built by ABS
Aerolight Industries in France. M, 3.7kW two-stroke motor; T, removable 1-l tank,
enabling a flight duration of about 45minutes if completely filled; C, control box for
James S. Aber, Irene Marzolff, Johannes Ries,
Whether a tandem paraglider is an “aircraft” within the meaning ofthe 1967 Order.
4.2. Whether the Defendant's carriage of the Claimant on the flight giving rise to
this action was carriage “for reward” within the meaning of the 1967 Order and, ...
Află ce ziare naționale și internaționale au scris despre și cum este întrebuințat termenul
paraglider în contextul următoarelor știri.
New Zealander killed in paraglider accident in France
Experienced paraglider pilot Aaron Cooke reportedly tried to take off between two hanging glaciers on Mont Blanc when he struck a column of ... «Stuff.co.nz, Iul 15»
Paraglider and plane avoid collision over Glen Coe
In a report, the UK Airprox Board said the paraglider dived down while the plane "banked aggressively" to the right to avoid a collision. «BBC News, Iul 15»
SLO paraglider who died identified
ambulance 4 The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office has identified 55-year-old San Luis Obispo man Warren Brockett as the man who ... «Cal Coast News, Iul 15»
Inside Ueli Steck's 82 Summits Project
To do it, he's using his bike, feet, and a paraglider. If he succeeds, he'll break the speed record for most 4,000-meter peaks climbed in the Alps, ... «Outside Magazine, Iul 15»
Paraglider has mid-air meltdown before plunging into a lake
Writing online after the incident, the paraglider remarked: "On my very first tow I full stalled the wing, went right into stable stall, then let up just a ... «Telegraph.co.uk, Iul 15»
Man killed in Cayucos paragliding accident is identified
The San Luis Obispo County Coroner's Office identified a paraglider killed July 17 in Cayucos as Warren Brockett, 55, of San Luis Obispo. «The San Luis Obispo Tribune, Iul 15»
Paraglider crashes in Gratiot County
When he shut off the motor to his one-person ultralight flying system, a 66-year-old St. Louis man wasn't expecting to drop so dramatically. «The Morning Sun, Iul 15»
Sports tourism reigns Reunion Island's top paraglider aims high
In the mountains above the town of Itea in the Fokida region of central Greece, the qualifying was held for the World Cup Paragliding, and ... «eTurboNews, Iul 15»
Dramatic moment man left dangling 300 feet in the sky after …
This is the dramatic moment a man was left dangling 300 feet in the air when his powered paraglider ran out of fuel. Jan Sebesta was flying the ... «Mirror.co.uk, Iul 15»
Paraglider Harness Incorporates Ultra-Strong Sandwich Composite …
An extremely lightweight paraglider harness has been created for an extreme alpine crossing, using Tepex composite from LANXESS for the ... «NETCOMPOSITES, Iul 15»