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Meaning of "bibliográfico" in the Spanish dictionary



bi · blio · grá · fi · co


Bibliográfico is an adjective.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



The bibliography is the reference study of the texts. It comes from the Greek βιβλίο: 'books', and γράφω: 'to write'.

Definition of bibliográfico in the Spanish dictionary

In the Spanish dictionary, bibliographical means belonging to or relating to the bibliography.


autobiográfico · biográfico · cartográfico · cinematográfico · coreográfico · demográfico · discográfico · etnográfico · fotográfico · geográfico · gráfico · hidrográfico · monográfico · narcotráfico · oceanográfico · ortográfico · pornográfico · tipográfico · topográfico · tráfico


bibliobús · bibliófila · bibliofilia · bibliófilo · bibliógrafa · bibliografía · bibliográfica · bibliógrafo · bibliología · bibliómana · bibliomancia · bibliomancía · bibliomanía · bibliómano · bibliopola · bibliorato · biblioteca · bibliotecaria · bibliotecario · bibliotecóloga


caligráfico · criptográfico · ecográfico · escenográfico · estratigráfico · fonográfico · heliográfico · historiográfico · holográfico · iconográfico · infográfico · litográfico · mecanográfico · museográfico · orográfico · radiográfico · seráfico · serigráfico · telegráfico · videográfico

Synonyms and antonyms of bibliográfico in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «bibliográfico» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of bibliográfico to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of bibliográfico from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «bibliográfico» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of bibliográfico in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

ग्रन्थसूची का
380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

thư mục
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

ஆதார நூற்
75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  bibliographic ; bibliographical.
 Most of the data bases are bibliographic in nature, but DIALOG does offer some statistical and directory files.
 Prior to this appointment he was Director of LC's Processing Department where his span of authority included the single most comprehensive bibliographical distribution service in the world today.
agencia bibliográfica 
bibliographical agency
 The statement of edition is an indication of the edition or impression to which the document belongs, quoted from the document or if necessary provided by the bibliographical agency.
agencia nacional bibliográfica 
national bibliographic agency
 A national bibliographic agency is the agency designated as having responsibility, inter alia, for establishing the authoritative form of names for its country's authors.
asiento bibliográfico  [Conjunto de los elementos que forman la descripción bibliográfica y el encabezamiento o encabezamientos y que se incluyen en un catálogo o en una bibliografía]
bibliographic entry
 The bibliographic entry consists of the set of elements forming the bibliographic description and the heading(s) for a document for inclusion in a catalogue or in a bibliography.
base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes 
abstracts based bibliographic database
 This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.
búsqueda bibliográfica   
bibliographic search
literature searching
literature search
 It is often the case that the enquirer can be much better served by a reference book than by a bibliographic search, on-line or manual.
 For example, in an academic library, guides to literature searching in the various fields of study undertaken by the students in that institution are an effective means of explaining the use of various information retrieval tools.
 These challenges require comprehensive literature searches of the various pharmaceutical and medical data bases.
campo bibliográfico 
bibliographic field
 The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.
catalogación bibliográfica 
bibliographic cataloguing
 But a descriptive approach to bibliographic cataloging would be title page cataloging; the result of this approach in our catalogs would be appalling.
catálogo bibliográfico  
bibliographic catalogue
library catalogue
 Because this style of catalogue attempts to group documents which are related to each other by having the same author this type of catalogue is sometimes referred to as a bibliographic catalogue.
 You will recall that a library catalogue constitutes a complete record of the library's collection of documents.
CBU (Control Bibliográfico Universal)  [Propuesta universal a cada servicio nacional de catalogación para que asuma la responsabilidad de hacerse con todas las nuevas publicaciones de ese país, catalogarlas y distribuir estos asientos bibliográficos a otros países]
UBC (Universal Bibliographic Control)
 The Shared Cataloguing Program is an essential element in the move towards Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC).
Centro Internacional para la Descripción Bibliográfica del 
 UNIBID is an attempt to offer a standard record format for use by abstracting and indexing services, independent of any existing description or cataloguing rules.
cita bibliográfica  
document citation
reference citation
 Usually each of these names will be accompanied by document reference numbers or classification numbers and document citations.
 Citation analysis of 7 core periodicals of the geological literature for 1985, showed that government document citations averaged 16% of all reference citations.
clasificación bibliográfica  
bibliographic classification
library classification
 Classification is the activity of forming classes and in the particular context of information retrieval, this activity is sometimes referred to as library or bibliographic classification.
 Classification is the activity of forming classes and in the particular context of information retrieval, this activity is sometimes referred to as library or bibliographic classification.
Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) 
Bibliographic Classification (BC)
 The Bibliographic Classification (BC) was the work of Henry Evelyn Bliss.
colección bibliográfica 
book collection
 The article 'Breathe new life into your collection' describes how a book collection might be improved in order that its use may be maximised.
control bibliográfico  
bibliographic control
bibliographical control
 In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.
 Had this venture succeeded, the complete face of bibliographical control today would have been different.
control bibliográfico internacional 
international bibliographical control
 A further contribution to the international bibliographical control of serials was the CONSER Project (Conversion of Serials).
datos bibliográficos 
 Biobibliometrics has been defined as a quantitative and analytical method for discovering and establishing functional relationships between biodata and bibliodata elements.
descripción bibliográfica  [Conjunto de datos bibliográficos con que se registra o identifica un documento]
bibliographic description
 A cataloguing code also touches on the subject of bibliographic description.
descripción bibliográfica de primer nivel  
first-level bibliographic description
first-level bibliographic description
 Output approximates to first-level bibliographic description as defined in Anglo American Cataloguing Rules.
 Output approximates to first-level bibliographic description as defined in Anglo American Cataloguing Rules.
diccionario biográfico 
biographical dictionary
 Even more useful as author bibliographies are biographical dictionaries of the 'Who's Who' type and, indeed, individual biographies and autobiographies.
dispersión bibliográfica 
bibliographic scattering
 So far all the equations for bibliographic scattering have been derived or formulated through item approach.
elemento bibliográfico  [Palabra, frase o grupo de caracteres que describen datos homogéneos de un documento y que forman parte de un área de la descripción bibliográfica]
bibliographic element
 An element is a group of characters, a word, phrase, etc., representing a distinct unit of bibliographic information and forming part of an area (q.v.) of the description.
emparejamiento bibliográfico  [Medida usada para determinar la afinidad temática de varias publicaciones en base al número de citas bibliográficas que tienen en común]
bibliographic coupling
 Bibliographic coupling is based on the idea that two articles which both cite another earlier article must have something in common; if they both cite two earlier articles, the linking is increased; while if their bibliographies had half a dozen earlier articles in common we should be justified in assuming that they covered very much the same subject.
fondo bibliográfico  [En una biblioteca, colección de libros que contiene]
bookstock [book stock]
 Non-librarians find the logic of this principle easy to accept if it is related to the control of the size of the bookstock and user body.
fondos bibliográficos  [Conjunto de documentos que hay en una biblioteca o centro de documentación]  [Conjunto de documentos que hay en una biblioteca o centro de documentación]
 A union catalogue then is, a catalogue listing in one sequence the holdings or part of the holdings of two or more libraries.
 The second function of the catalogue is concerned with the housekeeping activity of keeping a record of the library stock.
fuente bibliográfica  
bibliographical source
bibliographic source
 A stratified, proportional random sample of faculty was taken and data collected from questionnaires, faculty vitae, on-line data bases, and standard bibliographical and reference sources.
 The printed catalogues of these libraries will, themselves, constitute important bibliographic sources.
fuente bibliográfica especializada 
specialist bibliographic source
 The article 'Taipiece on bibliographies of special material' shows that in studying the structure of bibliographic control it is not difficult to discover strange, and even hilarious, examples of specialist bibliographic sources.
guía bibliográfica  
bibliographic guide
bibliographical guide
 Bibliographic guides, in particular, should be remembered for their special value in the selection process.
 This trepidation is somewhat quieted when students discover the abundance of bibliographical guides that list and describe reference works.
herramienta bibliográfica 
bibliographical tool
 It might be to the point to mention that most printed bibliographical tools are of this kind.
identificación bibliográfica y de copyright de la contribució  [Datos bibliográficos (título completo o abreviado de la revista, volumen, número, año y páginas) y de copyright que aparecen en la cabecera o el pie de la primera página de una contribución con objeto de facilitar la identificación de la contribución en caso de reproducción]
catch line
 A catch line (which should not be confused with a running head) should be printed in small type in a consistent position on the first page of each article in a journal.
información bibliográfica 
bibliographic information
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
instrumento bibliográfico  [Cualquier tipo de publicación en cualquier tipo de soporte documental que presenta de un modo sistemático referencias a material documental especializado]  [Cualquier tipo de publicación en cualquier tipo de soporte documental que presenta de un modo sistemático referencias a material documental especializado]
bibliographic aid
bibliographic tool
 The approach in this case is almost invariably by subject and the principal categories of bibliographic aid employed are abstracting and indexing services.
 Not all users are equally proficient in using abstracts and other bibliographic tools, and thus the user imposes a self-limitation on the tools.
ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material antiguo) 
ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian)
 To meet the especial problems posed by early books a special International Standard Bibliographic Description (Antiquarian), familiarly known as ISBD(A), has been evolved.
ISBD (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional)  [Conjunto de reglas normalizadas según acuerdo internacional para presentar los elementos de la descripción bibliográfica de un documento, su orden y los símbolos que indican los diferentes elementos]
ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description)
 Information about ISBD punctuation is given in Figure 2217.
ISBD(S) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Publicaciones Seriadas) 
ISBD(S) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Serials)
 The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) programme has, to date, established standards for monographs (ISBD(M)), serials (ISBD(S)), maps (ISBD(CM)), music (ISBD(PM)), and non-book materials (ISBD(NBM)).
justificación bibliográfica  [Uso de fuentes escritas para justificar el encabezamiento elegido]
literary warrant
 On the basis of literary warrant, any classification scheme or indexing language will reflect the subjects, and the relationships between subjects present in the literature that the scheme or language has been designed to organise.
no bibliográfico   
non-book [nonbook]
 I am the original music inputter; I do a lot of music scores and a lot of the nonbook cataloging as well.
 In addition, 10 non-bibliographic CD-ROMs, containing full-text, numeric or graphic data, were acquired and evaluated.
 The need for switching to non-bibliographical methods in certain phases of such investigations is discussed.
organización bibliográfica 
bibliographic organisation
 Bibliographic organization may be defined as the pattern of effective arrangements which results from the systematic listing of the records of human communication.
patrimonio bibliográfico   
published heritage
documented heritage
bibliographic heritage
 The system of legal deposit ensures that Australia's published heritage is preserved for present and future generations.
 India has a documented heritage of stable family life and structure that has been able to withstand the vicissitudes over the centuries.
 RECON is a tool for the future and aims to provide open access to the bibliographic heritage.
producción bibliográfica 
bibliographic output
 This data base is intended to control the bibliographic output of Australian agriculture, and to provide the means whereby lists, bibliographies, etc. may be generated for the purposes of the cooperating bodies.
producción bibliográfica sobre biblioteconomía 
library literature
 In addition, he has lectured in may places and has contributed numerous articles and reviews to library literature.
producto bibliográfico 
bibliographic product
 If your library is making use of a bibliographic pool, the index to this pool should also be searched.
publicación de recensiones bibliográficas  [Publicación que describe e incluye comentarios sobre los nuevos libros publicados]
reviewing source
 Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.
publicación de reseñas bibliográficas  [Publicación que describe e incluye comentarios sobre los nuevos libros publicados]
reviewing source
 Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.
recensión bibliográfica   
book review
book reviewing
 It includes an annual column on graphic novels and comparative reviews by topic or theme.
 A list of book review sources in psychology and related fields is appended.
 The author discusses 5 bibliographies published since 1985 by Greenwood Press; looks at reviews they received in the library press; and wonders what became of the critical spirit in reference book reviewing.
recursos bibliográficos 
literature resources
 This is a collection of organized, annotated links to children's literature resources available on the web.
Red Bibliográfica Australiana (ABN) 
Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN)
 The Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN) combines in effect the functions of an online cataloguing network, a national database, and a national union catalogue.
referencia bibliográfica  [Conjunto de datos que identifican una obra como pueden ser el autor, título, nombre de la revista, páginas y fecha de publicación]  [Descripción bibliográfica necesaria para la identificación de uno o más documentos que están relacionados] 
bibliographic citation
bibliographic reference
document reference
 Records in a bibliographic database usually include the bibliographic citation (author, title, journal name and pagination, publication date), abstract, and subject terms (descriptors).
 A bibliographic reference is a citation of bibliographical data necessary for the identification of one or more related documents.
 Most of the indexes considered below lead from words or index terms to an identifier, which is usually a document reference or number.
referencia bibliográfica sinóptica 
 This standard specifies the parts of a synoptic (abstract, contents), its style and clarity, and its length.
registro bibliográfico  [En informática documental, conjunto de campos que incluyen una cabecera, un directorio e información bibliográfica sobre una o más unidades bibliográficas que se consideran una entidad]  
bibliographic record
bibliographical record
document record
 Our focus in this book is on bibliographic records which contain information about documents such as books, periodical articles, conference, proceedings, theses, reports, standards and patents.
 The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.
 The search statement is matched against the indexing assigned to the latest batch or document records that have been input to the system.
repertorio bibliográfico   
literature guide
resource guide
source book
 A particular form of guide to available resources in specific subject fields is that called variously, literature guides, resource guides, source books or, indeed, other similar names.
 A particular form of guide to available resources in specific subject fields is that called variously, literature guides, resource guides, source books or, indeed, other similar names.
 A particular form of guide to available resources in specific subject fields is that called variously, literature guides, resource guides, source books or, indeed, other similar names.
reseña bibliográfica  
publications review
 It includes an annual column on graphic novels and comparative reviews by topic or theme.
 Nobody can depend exclusively on library publications reviews to identify new titles, though Publishers Weekly's computer book roundups do help.
revisión bibliográfica  [Estudio de los principales documentos publicados sobre un tema para determinar su estado de la cuestión]  [Estudio de los principales documentos publicados sobre un tema para determinar el estado de la cuestión]
literature survey
literature review
 A literature survey regarding fiction classification in US public libraries indicated that classifying fiction helps users to find the type of book they want.
 Together with indexes, abstracts have for some time constituted a major component of published abstracting services, literature reviews and bibliographies.
servicio bibliográfico  [Empresa que vende servicios y productos bibliográficos a las bibliotecas, como por ejemplo OCLC] 
bibliographic utility
bibliographic service
 During the summer of 1987 the library began a massive barcoding of the library's circulating collection using a combination of smart and dumb barcodes prepared by the bibliographic utility UTLAS = Durante el verano de 1987 la biblioteca comenzó la codificación masiva de su colección de préstamo usando una mezcla de etiquetas de código de barras precodificadas y sin codificar preparadas por el servicio bibliográfico UTLAS.
 I was sort of appalled at Mr. Welsh's comments on the future of bibliographic services that the Library of Congress is willing to provide.
Sociedad Bibliográfica de America 
Bibliographical Society of America
 Organizations such as the American Chemical Society, the American Library Association, the Bibliographical Society of America, the Modern Language Association (MLA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and many other similar groups publish some outstanding bibliographical tools.
trabajo bibliográfico 
bibliographic work
 The future development of bibliographic work in Slovakia will be influenced by several factors = El futuro desarrollo del trabajo bibliográfico en Eslovaquia se verá influido por diversos factores.
unidad bibliográfica  [Cualquier documento, parte de él o varios documentos tratados como una unidad por un sistema de descripción bibliográfica]  [Cualquier documento, parte de él o varios documentos tratados como una unidad por un sistema de descripción bibliográfica]
bibliographical unit
bibliographic unit
 In most cases such questions arise simply from the user's lack of familiarity with the mechanics of using a library to track down a separate bibliographical unit.
 Discrete bibliographic entity that f the Bible are often filed according to this criterion..

Trends of use of bibliográfico



Principal search tendencies and common uses of bibliográfico
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «bibliográfico».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about bibliográfico



Discover the use of bibliográfico in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to bibliográfico and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Boletín bibliográfico español
Anuario bibliográfico de la República Arjentina
Alberto Navarro Viola, Enrique Navarro Viola. 8o. La Acacia. Libertad, igualdad, fraternidad. Revista general de la Mas.', en la República Argentina. Órgano independiente. Fundador: H.\ Juan Alejandro Mac Lean. Buenos Aires. Año vn. 1886.
Alberto Navarro Viola, Enrique Navarro Viola, 1887
Anuario bibliográfico colombiano"Ruben Perez Ortiz".
Vol. for 1951/56 includes a revision of the 1951 ed.
Francisco José Romero Rojas, 1982
Catálogo bibliográfico de la literatura picaresca siglos XVI-XX
INTRODUCCIÓN Los datos bibliográficos que presento hoy en este nuevo trabajo quieren ser una continuación de los aportados hace más de una década en mi Catálogo bibliográfico de la literatura picaresca, siglos XVI-XX (Edition ...
Joseph L. Laurenti, 2000
Anuario bibliográfico mexicano
Issue for 1941/42 includes "Noticia sobre algunas bibliotecas de la capital."
Escritoras españolas del siglo XIX: manual bio-bibliográfico
Introducción. Escritoras españolas del siglo XIX. Índice onomástico. Índice de materias. Índice de publicaciones periódicas citadas. Índice de obras colectivas. Bibliotecas consultadas. Bibliografía.
Anario bibliográfico: Letras, historia, educación y filosofía
Includes books and articles grouped in four sections, with author index. Annotated.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto Bibliográfico, 1928
Boletín bibliográfico
Contains bio-bibliographical notices, lists of additions to the library.
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Biblioteca, 1966
Boletín bibliográfico español y estranjero
Imprenta de González y Vicente, librería de Calleja y depósito bibliográfico , calle de las Huertas, número 46. Un tomo en 4.° 24. 776. HISTORIA del emperador Cárlos V, insiguiendo la de Robertson. Por una sociedad de lileratos. Traducida  ...
Repertorio bibliográfico de derecho islámico (R.B.D.I.): ...
Presentación En el año 1993, se publieaba el "Repertorio Bibliográfico de Derecho Islámico (R.B.D.I.), Primera Parte", en los Cuadernos de la Biblioteca Islámica "Félix M.a Pareja", n.° 55. Queremos agradecer nuevamente a la dirección de ...
María Isabel Fierro, 1999


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term bibliográfico is used in the context of the following news items.
Un legado bibliográfico que nos honra
Un libro único para la historia bibliográfica nacional. Para hacerlo, no escatimó esfuerzos ni recursos. Solo procuró hacer las cosas bien y demostrar que los ... «Listín Diario, Jul 16»
Se actualiza la información del acervo bibliográfico del Cobat
Se actualiza la información del acervo bibliográfico del Cobat. Jueves, Junio 30, 2016 - 12:33. El COBAT ocupa primer lugar a nivel nacional, al tener ... «e-Tlaxcala Periódico Digital de Tlaxcala, Jun 16»
Un convenio permitirá realizar el Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio ...
... de Educación, Cultura y Deporte para la realización del Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura. «Región Digital, Jun 16»
La UCLM participa en el blog del grupo Patrimonio Bibliográfico de ...
Ex libris universitatis es el blog creado por el Grupo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico de la Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas (REBIUN) con el objetivo de ... «Voces de Cuenca, Jun 16»
La UCLM participa en el nuevo blog del grupo de Patrimonio ...
La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) ha tomado parte activa en el blog Ex libris universitatis, una iniciativa del Grupo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico de la ... «CLM24, Jun 16»
Exposición sobre el legado bibliográfico del Inca Garcilaso
Ruiz destacó la importancia de esta muestra «excepcional y única, que nos va a permitir conocer el magnífico legado bibliográfico y cultural que nos dejó el ... «Diario Córdoba, Jun 16»
Taller de protección de material bibliográfico
En el marco de la campaña de “Protección al patrimonio Bibliográfico ante los riesgos ocasionados por el fenómeno El Niño”, la Biblioteca Nacional ha ... «LaRepú, Jun 16»
Continúa la colaboración con Estado para catalogar patrimonio ...
... de los fondos bibliográficos de Navarra, que se ha traducido, por ejemplo, en la elaboración del Catálogo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico de la Comunidad foral, ... «, Jun 16»
Inspeccionan patrimonio bibliográfico
Como parte de la Campaña Nacional de Protección del Patrimonio Bibliográfico ante los riesgos ocasionados por el Fenómeno El Niño, la Biblioteca Nacional ... «EL Peruano, Jun 16»
El Centro de Inglés de Andújar y Bailén incrementan el fondo ...
El Centro de Inglés de Andújar y Bailén incrementan el fondo bibliográfico del Hospital Alto Guadalquivir. La responsable de ECI Andújar entregando los ... «Ideal Digital, Jun 16»


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