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Meaning of "casa" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra casa procede del latín casa, choza.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ca · sa


Casa is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



House, from the Latin house, is a building built to be inhabited. It can be organized in one or several floors: usually not exceeding three heights. It can also have a basement or a basement, and a roof top walkable, called roof. If you have enough land, you can also have a patio and garden. Some may have a terrace. It is the place where the specific activities and relationships of social or family life have historically developed, from the birth to the death of many of its components. It serves as a refuge from rain, wind and other weather agents, and protects from possible intruders, humans or animals. It is also the place to store the goods and properties of its inhabitants. Some buildings for community services, such as the Town Hall, the charity house, the pawnshop, the maternity house, the house of help, are also called houses. To major institutional venues, such as the White House or Casa Rosada, or even to those of bad reputation, such as bed houses, dating houses, etc.

Definition of casa in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of a house in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a building for living. A house with eight floors. Another meaning of house in the dictionary is building of one or few plants for single-family housing, as opposed to floor. They want to sell the apartment and buy a house. House is also flat. My house is in the 3rd C.


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Synonyms and antonyms of casa in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «casa» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «casa» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of casa to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of casa from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «casa» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of casa in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

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5 millions of speakers


  home ; house ; household ; townhouse [town-house] ; home front.
 It is recommended for a variety of applications, amongst which are records of suppliers, staff, household possessions and so on, and is likely to find users in both the home and business worlds.
 Qualifiers function as an integral part of the index terms, so that terms of the form 'Moving (House)', 'Mergers (Industrial)' are created and used.
 For the two-car family, living in the countryside can present few problems, but most households are not in such an advantageous position.
 In comparing the residential experiences of single-family dwelling inhabitants with those living in townhouses, duplexes, & apartments, only apartment dwellers seem to experience adverse effects.
 The ongoing threat of terrorist attacks on North American soil and assets abroad, have brought asymmetric warfare to the home front.
alegría de la casa 
busy lizzy
 Tender annuals such as begonias, impatiens, busy lizzies and French marigolds are best planted out in early June in Scotland.
alfabetización en casa 
family literacy
 Family literacy programmes help the parent or caregiver to fulfil his role as the first and foremost teacher of his children.
ama de casa   [Expresión neutra para referirse tanto al hombre como a la mujer que se encarga principalmente de las tareas domésticas de la casa] 
housewife [housewives, -pl.]
 Manoeuvres that have been used, as the the percipient observer well knows, include simplifications and routines to save time, such a stereotyping users ('students', 'housewives', etc.).
 Homemaker, widow and volunteer are acceptable terms and roles.
 In Poland over 70 percent of married women are gainfully employed performing traditional female roles as wives, mothers and housekeepers, as well as the modern role of employee.
amo de casa  [Expresión neutra para referirse tanto al hombre como a la mujer que se encarga principalmente de las tareas domésticas de la casa]
 Homemaker, widow and volunteer are acceptable terms and roles.
andar rodando por la casa 
lie (a)round + the house
 If you happen to have a couple of turntables lying around the house, we've got the perfect project for you this weekend.
artículos de la casa 
household goods
 The experiments studied the feasibility of keeping children away from harmful household goods through the use of odorous chemical substances which elicit inherent aversive reactions.
asuntos de la casa, los 
home affairs
 Women were encouraged to manage home affairs thriftily.
banco en casa 
home banking
 Applications include home banking, booking holidays and theatre tickets and ordering from mail order companies.
barrer para casa   
look after + number one
feather + Posesivo/the + nest
look out for + number one
 The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.
 The article 'Feathering the nest' explains how much publishers need their bestsellers in recessionary times.
 Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one - you are all you have.
bata de casa 
 Illustrated sources indicate that in the 18th Century women gave the same importance to change in their housedress, as they did to street clothes.
cambiarse de casa  
move + house
move out
 Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.
 This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.
casa adosada      
terrace(d) house
terrace(d) home
townhouse [town-house]
semidetached house
duplex house
 A group of parents and teachers, however, established temporary school facilities in the area pending the building of a new school, 2 terrace houses being put to use for this purpose.
 A study centre has recently been developed in one of Hove's terrace homes.
 In comparing the residential experiences of single-family dwelling inhabitants with those living in townhouses, duplexes, & apartments, only apartment dwellers seem to experience adverse effects.
 In addition, records describing 'semi-detached' houses may also be retrieved if the retrieval system treats a hyphen as a space.
 In comparing the residential experiences of single-family dwelling inhabitants with those living in townhouses, duplexes, & apartments, only apartment dwellers seem to experience adverse effects.
 That system is increasingly insufficient due to more housing in the area built recently, more people living in duplex houses, and more apartment buildings.
casa alquilada 
house let
 We started in Hawaii, in a small house let that we shared with several geckos on the isolated eastern end of Molokai.
casa ancestral 
ancestral home
 After lunch we'll travel southwards to Culzean Castle, the ancestral home of the Kennedy family.
Casa Blanca, la 
White House, the
 In other words, we either have morons or thugs running the White House - or perhaps one moron, one thug, and a smattering of scalawags in between.
casa comercial 
 Many packages are available for purchase or lease, but there are also strictly in-house packages and packages developed by specific software houses under contract from one organisation.
casa consistorial 
civic hall
 The planned library will be part of a complex including a civic hall, information lobby, exhibition rooms and a restaurant.
casa cuna  
foundling home
foundling hospital
 By contrast, in the foundling home, the infants were cared for by nurses, each of whom was responsible for seven children.
 Foundling hospitals have for the most part been replaced by foster care programs under the supervision of state welfare agencies.
casa de acogida  
shelter home
foster home
 Many elderly people residing in publicly-funded shelter homes are underweight and may be at risk of undernutrition.
 Hollis is an orphan who is shuffled from foster home to foster home despite her heart of gold.
casa de apuestas   [Abreviatura de bookmaker] 
betting shop
 We believe that an increase in betting shops is related to an increase in crime.
 Manchester City leave the bookies out of pocket and three things we learned about betting from the weekend.
 Some smart bookmakers use their successful bettors and adjust their odds depending on these customers' bets.
casa de beneficiencia 
 The author explains the reconstruction of charitable institutions (including hospitals, cemeteries, almshouses, orphanages and schools) in California after the 1783 earthquake.
casa de campo  
holiday home
country residence
 In recent decades tourism has vastly increased in the area and many once empty houses have been restored as second or holiday homes.
 S. Augustine's abbey became later the country residence of the abbots.
casa de culto   
house of worship
house of prayer
cult building
 A few of these mosques, in comparison to traditional houses of worship, seem almost futuristic; some even do away with the traditional minaret.
 This is a house of prayer for those who wish to make space and time in their lives to nurture their souls.
 Pylons were often decorated with scenes emphasizing a king's authority since it was the public face of a cult building.
casa de empeño  
hock shop [hockshop]
 Fortunately, banks have successfully weaned people away from pawnshops and moneylenders.
 IN 1999, David Zinberg took jewelry from a handful of his hock shops and began auctioning them online.
casa de ensueño 
dream house
 These are some of the things you need to look for when finding your dream house.
casa de huéspedes     
guesthouse [guest house]
bed and breakfast (B&B)
boarding house
rooming house
lodging house
 The aim is to establish a central library with a network of branches in guest houses and other places of accommodation.
 Comparing this car to other people carriers is like comparing the Ritz Hotel to a bed and breakfast.
 A wide range of accommodation is available including low cost hotels, boarding houses and youth hostels for people attending the conference.
 A rooming house is considered illegal if it contravenes city bylaws.
 According to the law, all barber shops, hairdressing salons, lodging houses and eating houses are required to register with the City Council = Por ley, todas las barberías, peluquerías, hostales y restaurantes están obligados a registrarse en el Ayuntamiento.
casa de ladrillos de adobe 
mud-brick house
 Although rain is extremely scarce in Jericho, if it occurred, the mud-brick houses would collapse and turn into mud.
casa de la moneda 
 The author shows that silversmith Jan de Booser was responsible for cutting the dies of the mint of the Province of Groningen during 1673-1693.
casa de la playa 
beach house
 He created a garden on the shingle around his beach house.
casa del guarda 
 Dinner will be served in the boma at the Lodge, where you will again spend the night.
casa de locos    [Usado en el sentido figurado para indicar desorden y caos] 
lunatic asylum
booby hatch
 The writer argues that the steady growth in lunatic asylums in early-19th-century British India played an important role in the making of colonial society.
 In the book, Romania is a madhouse filled with the handicapped, deaf mutes, and stutterers.
 In subsequent years, Bethlem became 'Bedlam,' a metaphor for madness; being so long the only public receptacle for the insane, it became equated with madness itself.
 The men in white coats will put you in the booby hatch where you belong someday.
casa de los locos   
mental asylum
 Most of the early asylums for the insane in the USA established libraries for their patients.
 The book starts with the author's mother being taken away for committal to a mental asylum.
 In the book, Romania is a madhouse filled with the handicapped, deaf mutes, and stutterers.
casa del párroco  
parsonage house
 Up to 1890 there were 11 ancient libraries in various churches and parsonage houses in Suffolk; 8 still survive.
 Trollope's 'Framley parsonage' sold more than double the number of the most popular of Dickens's novels.
casa de madera  
log house
wood house
 In this little town of about a dozen log houses, they were initiated into the mysteries, pleasures, and sufferings of a gold-digger's life.
 The picturesque harbor is lined with colorful wood houses and a few simple hotels.
casa de maternidad 
maternity home
 For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made with an attorney in a legal assistance society and conselors in abortion clinics or maternity homes.
casa de muñecas 
doll's house
 Projects so far include recordings of Ibsen's 'A doll's house', books, and Cinderella.
casa de oficios 
vocational school
 Many vocational school libraries have limited stocks and staffing and teachers fail to promote reading.
casa de oración  
house of worship
house of prayer
 A few of these mosques, in comparison to traditional houses of worship, seem almost futuristic; some even do away with the traditional minaret.
 This is a house of prayer for those who wish to make space and time in their lives to nurture their souls.
casa de pájaros  
nest box
 A well-built birdhouse should be durable, rainproof, cool and readily accessible for cleaning.
 We suggest angling the top of the nest box to disuade hens from being able to roost on or above the nest boxes.
casa de pisos    
apartment block
apartment building
apartment complex
 To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.
 The difference between the two systems can be illustrated by analogy with a set of letter-boxes located in the entrance to an apartment block, with one box for each resident.
 The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town - the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners - gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.
 Multiculturalism is the reality of the community's neighbourhood and apartment complexes.
casa de placer  
house of pleasure
house of pleasure
 Some of the streets transform at night with garish neon lights and red lanterns signifying houses of pleasure.
 Some of the streets transform at night with garish neon lights and red lanterns signifying houses of pleasure.
casa de putas   
bawdy house [bawdyhouse]
 And there was the curious behaviour of Plantin's compositor Michel Mayer, who in June 1564 spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a brothel, then packed his things and left the establishment without saying a word to anyone.
 The author describes the cowboys, barrooms, variety theaters, and bawdy houses and their patrons in an attempt to separate historical reality from local myth.
 It turns out that her husband to be was a country music kind of guy and she ran a whorehouse.
casa de té 
 Also the Chinese teahouse with a collection of both Berlin and Meissen porcelain is situated here.
casa de tres plantas 
three-storeyed house
 The relationship between houses and three-storeyed houses is a genus/species relationship.
casa de troncos de madera 
log house
 In this little town of about a dozen log houses, they were initiated into the mysteries, pleasures, and sufferings of a gold-digger's life.
casa de vacaciones 
vacation home
 As a first time vacation home renter, the experience was like home away from home.
casa de veraneo 
holiday home
 In recent decades tourism has vastly increased in the area and many once empty houses have been restored as second or holiday homes.
casa editorial 
publishing house
 Works from international publishing houses may be more difficult to characterise in this way.
casa familiar 
family home
 5 bedroom detached family home with a magnificent mature southernly rear garden.
casa frecuentada por los espíritus 
haunted house
 This is a spine-tingling collection of real haunted houses and spooky ghost stories.
casa móvil 
mobile home
 The cost of buying the home itself, combined with the cost of renting the site, most often makes even mobile homes less than affordable without a subsidy.
casa pareada  
duplex house
 In comparing the residential experiences of single-family dwelling inhabitants with those living in townhouses, duplexes, & apartments, only apartment dwellers seem to experience adverse effects.
 That system is increasingly insufficient due to more housing in the area built recently, more people living in duplex houses, and more apartment buildings.
casa parroquial  
parsonage house
 Up to 1890 there were 11 ancient libraries in various churches and parsonage houses in Suffolk; 8 still survive.
 Trollope's 'Framley parsonage' sold more than double the number of the most popular of Dickens's novels.
casa particular  
private home
private house
 Private homes and public buildings had fallout shelters that were stocked with canned goods and other necessities.
 Many homeowners go for a private house sale rather than hiring somebody to do the marketing and sales for them.
casa piloto  
show home
show house
 Viewing show homes is becoming a popular way for people to keep up with the latest trends and seek inspiration for their own homes.
 One of the flaws we have seen with these show houses is that none of the rooms seem to go together.
casa prefabricada  
manufactured home
prefabricated house
 Over 17 million people in the U.S. live in manufactured homes.
 More and more architects are incorporating modern designs into the prefabricated houses of today.
casa proveedora 
components supplier
 This article gives a list of components suppliers for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile).
casa remolque 
mobile home
 The cost of buying the home itself, combined with the cost of renting the site, most often makes even mobile homes less than affordable without a subsidy.
casa rural 
 The new library extension is in the style of the old farm houses and forms right angles with the old, now restored, main building which houses offices and local history collection.
casa rústica 
 Tom Jones hiding in a particular copse with Molly Seagrim, Marvell lying in a certain garden, Dimitri Karamazov in that prison cell, Will and Anna in that cottage bedroom.
casa señorial  
manor house
stately home
 There are many interesting manor houses and castles worth a visit in the region.
 Librarians are no strangers to the use of mobile vans as a means of taking books to scattered rural communities, even individual farms and stately homes.
casa social 
community house
 They also set up a trial information service in a nearby community house in order to gain some experience in running this kind of service.
casa solariega    
ancestral home
country house
stately home
manor house
 After lunch we'll travel southwards to Culzean Castle, the ancestral home of the Kennedy family.
 Over 180 country houses were demolished or gutted in Scotland in the years after the Second World War.
 Librarians are no strangers to the use of mobile vans as a means of taking books to scattered rural communities, even individual farms and stately homes.
 There are many interesting manor houses and castles worth a visit in the region.
cine en casa  
home theatre
home cinema
 DVD players, CD players, speakers and cassette decks that have provisions for expanding a stereo system into a complete home theater are the recommended best buys.
 The main thing that sets a home cinema apart from an ordinary television setup is the surround sound.
cocinero de casa 
home cook
 The market for books on cooking is increasingly made up of home cooks with an amazingly sophisticated set of skills and tastes.
comer en casa 
eat in
 The article is entitled 'Getting on the Internet: eating in or dining out?'.
como en casa 
like home (away) from home
 As a first time vacation home renter, the experience was like home away from home.
como en casa no se está en ningún sitio 
there's no place like home
 The article 'There's no place like home: the Web, the World, and you' discusses what home pages could include, how to maintain them, and possible future styles.
como si estuviera en + Posesivo + (propia) casa 
home (away) from home
 It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.
compra desde casa 
armchair shopping
 The article 'armchair shopping in Bradford' describes the Centrepoint Scheme based on a viewdata network having 50 terminals linked to a microcomputer, one of which is based in a library, which is both a teleshopping and local information service.
confinado a la casa 
housebound [house-bound]
 The needs of readers housebound by physical disability, or made immobile by increasing age, are met by a supply of reading material from a van delivery service.
construcción de casas 
building construction
 This new Act states conditions to prevent danger, damage, or nuisances, although it does not cover building construction, demolition, road construction.
de camin a casa 
on the way (back) home
 A pensioner who carried around her life savings because she was afraid of being burgled was mugged on the way home from a casino.
dejarse caer por casa    
drop in
pop by
pop in
nip in
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
 My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
 We were on our way to the market and decided to nip in here for a quick late lunch.
de vuelta a casa 
on the way (back) home
 A pensioner who carried around her life savings because she was afraid of being burgled was mugged on the way home from a casino.
de vuelta a casa del trabajo 
on the way (back) home from work
 On the way home from work me and five other cars were hit by a breakdown lorry coming down the hill whose brakes had stopped working.
dueño de la casa 
 It is the responsibility of the householder to ensure the refuse is bagged securely.
el enemigo en casa 
the enemy within
 Ever since Margaret Thatcher referred to striking miners in 1980s Britain as 'the enemy within', mere mention of the concept has seemed a symptom of paranoia.
embargar la casa de Alguien  
repossess + Posesivo + home
repossess + Posesivo + house
 Regardless of the reason, the borrower must take action quickly or the lender will end up repossessing their home.
 Marcus' family are in deep debt and, when they fail to pay, soldiers are sent in to repossess their house.
empezar la casa por el tejado  
tail wagging the dog
put + the cart before the horse
 Such an approach is much like the tail wagging the dog.
 Many people want to have a godly home but are putting the 'cart before the horse'?.
emprender el camino de vuelta a casa 
head back + home
 After a few more hours, we joined the traffic caravan and headed back home.
en casa 
in the home
 The author discusses a new book of which he is editor about the response of children to the information revolution at school, in the home, at study and at play.
en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo 
the cobbler's children run barefoot
 Given the line of business they're in, it would be pretty embarrassing not to, but many cobblers' children run barefoot out there.
encontrar casa 
find + a home
 This service concentrated on helping people to purchase houses and to find jobs and homes outside London.
encontrar + Posesivo + propio techo 
find + Posesivo + own roof
 My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.
encontrarse en casa 
be in
 He wasn't in when we arrived at the farm, but we hung about like 2 freaky stalkers and finally got to speak to him.
en dirección a casa 
on the way (back) home
 A pensioner who carried around her life savings because she was afraid of being burgled was mugged on the way home from a casino.
en la casa 
around the house
 Throughout history, women have always done the cooking around the house.
enseñanza escolar en casa 
homeschooling [home schooling]
 This is an annotated bibliography of materials dealing with the issue of homeschooling, that is parents teaching their children at home rather than sending them to school.
equipo de casa  
home team
home side
 This finding contradicts the general belief that spectators' cheering encourages better performance in a home team.
 Then in a grandstand finish the home side, on top throughout, were kept at bay by the agility of the visiting team's goalkeeper.
escolarización en casa  [Enseñanza escolar de los padres a los hijos en su propia casa generalmente por disconformidad con el sistema estatal] 
homeschooling [home schooling]
 This article provides a list of homeschool resources including World Wide Web sites, books and journal articles.
 This is an annotated bibliography of materials dealing with the issue of homeschooling, that is parents teaching their children at home rather than sending them to school.
escolarizar en casa  [Enseñanza escolar de los padres a los hijos en su propia casa generalmente por disconformidad con el sistema estatal]
 Upon hearing that we homeschool, she responded with, 'You must have the patience of a Saint!'.
especialidad de la casa, la 
house specialty, the
 This dish, billed as the house specialty, was just an unremarkable griddled steak topped with some green bell peppers and green onions.
estar arrinconado en la casa 
lie (a)round + the house
 If you happen to have a couple of turntables lying around the house, we've got the perfect project for you this weekend.
estar en casa 
be in
 He wasn't in when we arrived at the farm, but we hung about like 2 freaky stalkers and finally got to speak to him.
estar rodando por la casa 
lie (a)round + the house
 If you happen to have a couple of turntables lying around the house, we've got the perfect project for you this weekend.
esterilla de la entrada de la casa 
welcome mat
 There were silvery snail tracks on the welcome mat in the vestibule.
estilo de la casa  [En la corrección de pruebas, manera de presentar información (puntuación, uso de las mayúsculas, cursivas, etc) típico de una editorial]
house style
 Many academic publishers insist upon any references supplied to books and papers being cited in their particular house style.
fuera de la casa 
 Fighting among adolescents was tested for association with alcohol/drug use & out-of-home activities without adult control (such as 'hanging out' on the streets).
hacer que Algo se haga en casa 
bring + Nombre + in-house
 Desktop publishing is a technology that brings the prepress phases of publishing in-house.
hecho en casa  
 The author chronicles the exuberant stories, hyperbole, homespun speech and demigod characteristics of American 'tall tales'.
 And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.
hora de volver a casa 
 Juvenile arrests for curfew and loitering violations increased 113 percent between 1990-99.
imposibilitado para salir de casa  
housebound [house-bound]
homebound [home-bound]
 The needs of readers housebound by physical disability, or made immobile by increasing age, are met by a supply of reading material from a van delivery service.
 The library extends its traditional services to those homebound due to illness or handicaps through its community services librarian.
ir a casa de 
make + house calls
 For the next three months, Walsh and the team made house calls under the cloak of darkness into the dangerous city to help the baby.
ir a ver a Alguien a su casa 
 Some problems are simply 'undealable with' on the phone, so some back-up such as home-visiting is necessary.
irse a casa 
go + home
 Shortly after lunch, he went home without permission.
irse de casa  
leave + home
move out
 Few researchers have applied this experience to the last remaining sibling when all other siblings have left home.
 This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.
joven que huye de su casa 
 Many of the teenaged runaways left home in search of freedom from what they considered abusive treatment, whether physical, sexual, or emotional.
la casa de al lado 
next door
 A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.
lejía de casa 
household bleach
 If you can't boil water, you can disinfect it using household bleach.
llamar a casa 
call + home
 The best way to call home from the US are the prepaid phone cards.
llamar a una casa para vender 
cold call
 If you're like most sales people you can think of a million excuses not to cold call because - let's face it - you hate it.
llave de la casa 
house key
 The other day some crazy old bat stole both my house keys and car keys.
llegar a casa 
get + home
 As it happened, the snowfall was moderate and all the rest of us worked all day and got home without difficulty.
llegar tarde a casa 
stay out + late
 Staying out late, lots of glasses of wine and having way too much fun has resulted in us both feeling under the weather all weekend long.
llevar a casa 
bring + home
 What he actually brings home from his shopping spree is dependent on further factors, such as the actual availability of the goods or his resources.
llevar los pantalones (en + Posesivo + casa) 
wear + the trousers (in + Posesivo + house)
 It appears that she wears the trousers in their house and he does as he is told!.
llevarse a casa 
take + Nombre + home
 She has no faith in doctors, blames his paralysis on black magic and wishes to take him home so the curse can be lifted by faqirs.
llevarse los problemas a casa 
bring + problems home
 'I'm getting tired of it, really, and my bringing these problems home to my husband every night is not at all helpful, you know what I mean?' She lowered her voice.
menú de la casa 
set menu
 This superb restaurant will tempt you with lavish buffets or set menus while feasting your eyes on the breathtaking view.
mudarse de casa  
move + house
move out
 Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.
 This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.
negocio llevado desde casa 
home-based business
 After successfully owning and operating a small home-based business for 7 years, Melyssa decided to upscale her business.
niño que recibe la educación escolar en su casa 
homeschooler [home schooler]
 Librarians can keep the lines of communication with homeschoolers open and approach homeschooling families to find out what they need in a public library.
no volver a casa en toda la noche 
stay out + all night
 It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and I was worried sick that he'd been in an accident.
obrero de la casa 
stab hand
 'Stab' (establishment) hands on weekly wages were also employed in the composing room, but more frequently in the late than in the early nineteenth century, and always in relatively small numbers.
para el inglés su casa es su castillo 
an Englishman's home is his castle
 Reputedly, an Englishman's home is his castle.
partido que se juega en casa 
home game
 Watford gaffer believes his team's home games hold the key to their ability to survive in the Premiership.
partido que se juega fuera de casa 
away game
 Any more than two away games in a row is out of order.
pasarse por casa     
drop in
pop by
pop in
nip in
come (a)round
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
 My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
 We were on our way to the market and decided to nip in here for a quick late lunch.
 When she came around she came into my room where I stood on my matress on the floor.
personas confinadas a permanecer en casa por cualquier impedimento, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
housebound, the
 In this way, the needs of those such as shift workers and the housebound who are prevented from attending normal college courses for a variety of reasons, are now being met.
personas que no pueden salir de casa 
homebound, the
 The system incorporates a mail service to the homebound.
pisar + Posesivo + casa 
darken + Posesivo + door
 This law permitted private schools to charge whatever tuition would assure that no low-income families would darken their door.
poner la casa al revés 
turn + everything upside down
 The offenders broke into rooms and systematically turned everything upside-down, throwing papers out of drawers and off shelves.
poner la casa patas arriba 
turn + the house upside down
 Summer holiday means that your kids are at home from school and also that they are turning the house upside down.
poner los pies en + Posesivo + casa 
darken + Posesivo + door
 This law permitted private schools to charge whatever tuition would assure that no low-income families would darken their door.
quedarse a dormir en la casa de un amigo 
 Almost everyone remembers those childhood sleepovers: a rainbow of sleeping bags, lots of eating and laughing, maybe even a silly prank phone call.
quedarse dentro de casa 
stay + indoors
 Precautionary measures include staying indoors between dusk and dawn, avoiding perfume or aftershave, and the use of insect repellent and mosquito nets.
quedarse en casa  
stay + indoors
stay in
 Precautionary measures include staying indoors between dusk and dawn, avoiding perfume or aftershave, and the use of insect repellent and mosquito nets.
 It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.
quehaceres de la casa 
 Five options of help with housework are investigated: domestic help, take-out meals, the microwave, the dishwasher, & the dryer.
que trabaja desde casa 
 Data base producers will increasingly rely on home-based abstractors who receive, create and send all their material by electronic means.
realización de los estudios escolares en casa 
homeschooling [home schooling]
 This is an annotated bibliography of materials dealing with the issue of homeschooling, that is parents teaching their children at home rather than sending them to school.
regresar a casa  
go + home again
come + home
 The article is entitled 'Going home again: a review of computers and writing 1999'.
 Don't wait up for her tonight 'cause she won't be coming home.
regreso a casa  
journey home
 On his homecoming, he arrived at the train station to be met by hundreds of people who carried him shoulder-high to a taxi.
 When she discovers that she has been stricken with a terminal illness, she embarks on a journey home to the place where so many sad things happened to her.
revolver toda la casa 
turn + the house upside down
 Summer holiday means that your kids are at home from school and also that they are turning the house upside down.
ropa de casa 
 They offer a fun line of pajamas, sleepwear and loungewear to help women feel good about themselves.
ropa de estar en casa 
 They offer a fun line of pajamas, sleepwear and loungewear to help women feel good about themselves.
salir de casa   
leave + home
get out of + the house
set + foot out of the house
 The symptoms of agoraphobia, a condition in which an individual fears entering public areas, include fears of leaving home, fainting, entering open and closed spaces, shopping, entering social situations, and traveling far from home.
 Aside from just being able to get out of the house, there are a number of other reasons why working away from home from time to time is a great idea.
 By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.
salir de la casa 
go + outside
 We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
segunda casa 
second home
 In recent decades tourism has vastly increased in the area and many once empty houses have been restored as second or holiday homes.
seguro de la casa 
home insurance
 You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
sentirse como en casa  
feel at + home
feel like + home (away) from home
 The writer goes out of her way to make her meaning plain, and to achieve a level of language and simplicity of structure she assumes most of her intended readers will feel at home with.
 The apartment was full of character and it really felt like home away from home.
sentirse en casa 
home (away) from home
 It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.
ser + Posesivo + casa 
call + home
 You'll share this tropical environment with beautiful birds, flowers, monkeys, and more aboard a restored riverboat you'll call home during your expedition.
tener arrinconado en la casa 
lie (a)round + the house
 If you happen to have a couple of turntables lying around the house, we've got the perfect project for you this weekend.
tirar la casa por la ventana       
lash out (on)
go to + town on
spare + no expense
go for + broke
go + all out
splash out on
push + the boat out
 The company is too tight to lash out on anything for the employees, even tools to increase productivity.
 He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.
 These stars have spared no expenses when it comes to buying extravagant gifts for their partners.
 The article 'Going for broke' reports on the Association of Assistant Librarians National Student Conference held at Manchester Polytechnic, Feb 87.
 The police are going all out to curb rising road accidents in the country.
 While the rest of the lads are splashing out on luxury cars or expensive holidays in the sun - O'Brien is pumping the money back into the farmland.
 I finaly decided to push the boat out a buy a nice, upmarket pair of boots.
todo queda en casa 
all in the family
 The article is entitled 'All in the family: parents in teen fiction'.
trabajar desde casa 
work from + home
 In fact, there are more scams than real work from home opportunities.
trabajar fuera de casa 
work away from + home
 Aside from just being able to get out of the house, there are a number of other reasons why working away from home from time to time is a great idea.
trabajos de la casa 
 Five options of help with housework are investigated: domestic help, take-out meals, the microwave, the dishwasher, & the dryer.
traer a casa 
bring + back home
 The article 'Bringing it all back home: insourcing what you do well' examines one library's ability to insource some of its operations.
traer el pan a casa   
bring + home the bacon
make + a living for the family
put + bread on the table
 Are you one of the millions of people, who are still unemployed, and wondering how you are going to bring home the bacon?.
 His wife sewed for others to make a living for the family while he was gone.
 If in your mind your job is solely for the purpose of 'putting bread on the table,' you are, in a sense, prostituting your labor.
un hogar fuera de casa 
home (away) from home
 It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.
un hogar lejos de casa 
home (away) from home
 It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.
vender de casa en casa 
 It could lose those shareholders who may not want to be associated with a conglomerate which also peddles death and destruction.
venir a casa 
come (a)round
 When she came around she came into my room where I stood on my matress on the floor.
volver a casa    
go + home again
head back + home
come + home
get + Reflexivo + home
 The article is entitled 'Going home again: a review of computers and writing 1999'.
 After a few more hours, we joined the traffic caravan and headed back home.
 Don't wait up for her tonight 'cause she won't be coming home.
 She wasn't particularly worried though, she knew the ropes and could get herself home safe and sound.
volver la casa al revés 
turn + everything upside down
 The offenders broke into rooms and systematically turned everything upside-down, throwing papers out of drawers and off shelves.
volver tarde a casa 
stay out + late
 Staying out late, lots of glasses of wine and having way too much fun has resulted in us both feeling under the weather all weekend long.
vuelta a casa  
journey home
 On his homecoming, he arrived at the train station to be met by hundreds of people who carried him shoulder-high to a taxi.
 When she discovers that she has been stricken with a terminal illness, she embarks on a journey home to the place where so many sad things happened to her.
zapatillas de casa 
 The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
zona para casas móviles  
mobile home park
trailer park
 Mobile home parks originally became popular among laborers flocking to urban areas for war-related employment during World War II.
 Tornadoes and hurricanes often inflict their worst damage on trailer parks and caravan sites, usually because the structures are not secured to the ground.

Trends of use of casa



Principal search tendencies and common uses of casa
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «casa».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about casa



Famous quotes and sentences with the word casa.
Alphonse Daudet
Una sociedad sin jerarquía es una casa sin escalera.
Se decía de un hombre muy egoísta: pegaría fuego a nuestra casa para freír un par de huevos.
Una casa será fuerte e indestructible cuando esté sostenida por estas cuatro columnas: padre valiente, madre prudente, hijo obediente, hermano complaciente.
Edmondo De Amicis
Una casa sin libros es una casa sin dignidad.
Enrique Tierno Galván
Todos tenemos nuestra casa, que es el hogar privado; y la ciudad, que es el hogar público.
Georg Ch. Lichtenberg
Cuando una beata se casa con un beato, el resultado no es siempre una pareja beatífica.
Jacques Amyot
El dinero no debe entrar en casa de las gentes honradas más que por la puerta de la virtud.
Sin concordia no puede existir ni un estado bien gobernado ni una casa bien administrada.
John Morley
Cuando el menor de los hijos ya ha aprendido a no revolver la casa, llega el mayor de los nietos a dejarla como un asco.
Miguel De Cervantes
En casa llena, presto se guisa la cena.


A quien Dios quiere bien, la casa le sabe.
Ni por casa ni por viña, tome el hombre mujer jimia.
A casa de tu vecino a prestar favores y no a pedirlos.
Antes de tomar casa donde morar, mira su vecindad.
Cada casa es un mundo, y cada cabeza una alcancía.
Casa ajena y caballo que no come hierba, déjale que se pierda.
Casa convidada, pobre y denostada.
Casa de esquina, para mi vecina; aunque no enseña eso la medicina.
Casa de pan tierno, casa sin gobierno.
Casa que a viejo no sabe, poco vale.


Discover the use of casa in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to casa and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El secreto de la casa gris
Micaela and her parents move from Montevideo to a small town where a great mystery surrounds a gray house. Her adventure change the life of all the inhabitants of the town.
Gabriela Armand Ugon, 2006
La Casa
Entra en La casa, donde te encontrarás en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la única manera de ganar es perdiendo y la única manera de salir está dentro. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.
Frank Peretti, 2006
Los empeños de una casa
Comedia de capa y espada, en cuya representacion participo la misma autora dejando atonitas a su companeras de claustro. Esta obra narra la historia de dos hermanos Don Pedro y Dona Ana que viven juntos en Toledo.
sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, 2012
La Casa de Las Sombras
En estas páginas se cuenta por primera vez la leyenda de la Casa de las sombras, una vieja historia que corre por la ciudad de México y que revivió gracias a un grupo de investigadores que escarbaron en los crímenes ocultos de la casona ...
Dante Alfau, 2011
La casa criolla: popularmente llamada la casa chorizo
The book reviews the most popular domestic architecture, the "chorizo house," also known as "casa de patios" (house of patios), "casa estándar" (standard house) or "casa de los gringos" (house of gringos), and its incidence in the ...
Roberto de Gregorio, 2006
Mantenga los Cerdos Fuera de Casa
Los que leyeron el primer libro de Dickerman, Cuando los cerdos se mudan a casa,—sobre cómo deshacerse de la opresión demoníaca—desearán darle seguimiento al tema con este práctico libro que resume cómo mantenerse libre de las ...
Don Dickerman, 2010
La casa del miedo: memorias de abajo
En La casa del miedo incluye cuatro de sus primeras piezas surrealistas para conformar una obra originalísima de imaginación autobiográfica.
Leonora Carrington, 1992
Bodas de Sangre. La casa de Bernarda Alba
Cuando baja el telón, el espectador de 'Bodas de sangre' siente que ha asistido a la representación de un rito antiquísimo y renovado, casi a un sacrificio, cuyo significado último es simple y terrible: el amor más intenso solo es ...
Federico García Lorca, Pedro Provencio, 1998
El Regreso a Casa, El Regreso a Roma
Scott and Kimberly Hahn put their story into print, recounting their spiritual journey "back home" into God's worldwide family, the Catholic Church.
Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn, 1998
La casa: historia de una idea
Mediante un panorama de cinco siglos, desde las grandes salas llenas de humo de los palacios medievales hasta los ambientes y espacios de hoy, en este libro se explica de una forma extraordinariamente entretenida qué es una 'casa'.
Witold Rybczynski, 2006


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term casa is used in the context of the following news items.
"Casa Blanca": el presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, pide ...
El presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, pidió disculpas por el escándalo que también involucró a su esposa, hace dos años, por la compra de una casa ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Bernie Sanders admite que no será el candidato demócrata a la ...
El senador Bernie Sanders admitió este martes que no será el candidato demócrata a la Casa Blanca, al reconocer por primera en público de manera indirecta ... «, Jun 16»
EEUU ELECCIONES Trump: "Clinton es la candidata a la Casa ...
El virtual candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump, pronuncia un discurso en el hotel Trump SoHo de Nueva York, Estados Unidos, este 22 de ... «EFE, Jun 16»
Masacre de Orlando impone al terrorismo en la carrera a la Casa ...
El candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump, parece decidido a explotar la masacre de Orlando para mostrar que puede ser más enérgico ante el ... «El Nuevo Herald, Jun 16»
Obama respalda a Clinton para la Casa Blanca
El presidente Barack Obama camina con el aspirante presidencial demócrata Bernie Sanders en la Casa Blanca, en Washington, el jueves 9 de junio de 2016. «Hoy Los Angeles, Jun 16»
Cierran la Casa Blanca por un "contenedor sospechoso" que fue ...
La Casa Blanca ha sido cerrada este lunes después de que un "contenedor sospechoso" fue lanzado sobre la cerca que rodea la residencia presidencial, ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, May 16»
Así es la nueva casa de los Obama en Washington
El que será el nuevo hogar de los Obama después de la Casa Blanca es una bella ... Cuando al presidente Barack Obama y su familia les toque dejar la Casa ... «People en Español, May 16»
Hillary Clinton empieza a definir el papel de Bill en su Casa Blanca
Desde sus infidelidades hasta su desregulación de Wall Street, el legado de Bill Clinton se ha convertido en un tema central en la carrera a la Casa Blanca, ... «Mundo Hispanico, May 16»
Alerta en la Casa Blanca: disparan y detienen a un hombre armado
La Casa Blanca estuvo este viernes en alerta máxima durante una hora después de que se reportara un tiroteo en las inmediaciones del complejo donde ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Rodner Figueroa en la Casa Blanca: “Entre la primera dama y yo no ...
“Es muy importante para mí estar en la Casa Blanca con el presidente Obama y Michelle Obama, no solamente en apoyo a la comunidad latina en Estados ... «People en Español, May 16»


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