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Meaning of "estudiante" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra estudiante procede del antiguo participio activo de estudiar.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


es · tu · dian · te


Estudiante can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



The word student is a masculine noun that refers to the student or student within the academic field, who studies as his or her main occupation.

Definition of estudiante in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of student in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is that it studies. Another meaning of student in the dictionary is a person who studies in a teaching establishment. Student is also a man who had as an exercise to study the roles of dramatic actors.


acuciante · agobiante · angustiante · anunciante · apremiante · asfixiante · cambiante · comediante · comerciante · conferenciante · denunciante · desafiante · escalofriante · exfoliante · mediante · negociante · piante · principiante · radiante · variante


estuche · estuchería · estuchista · estuco · estucurú · estudiado · estudiador · estudiadora · estudiantado · estudiantil · estudiantina · estudiantino · estudiantón · estudiantona · estudiar · estudio · estudiosa · estudiosamente · estudiosidad · estudioso


acariciante · agraviante · asediante · chirriante · copiante · defoliante · espiante · feriante · fiduciante · injuriante · invariante · liante · lujuriante · obsequiante · oficiante · renunciante · rumiante · tertuliante · vaciante · vicariante

Synonyms and antonyms of estudiante in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «estudiante» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «estudiante» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of estudiante to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of estudiante from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «estudiante» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of estudiante in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

sinh viên
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  student ; pupil.
 Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
 It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.
atención al estudiante 
student services
 This group has focused its efforts particularly on student services.
basado en el estudiante  [Método de enseñanza que da prioridad al aprendizaje individual por parte del alumno más que a la enseñanza única impartida por el profesor]
 A student-centred model is recommended, which implies independent or self-study under the direct supervision of the lecturer, under whose guidance the student learns at his/her own pace.
centrado en el estudiante  [Método de enseñanza que da prioridad al aprendizaje individual por parte del alumno más que a la enseñanza única impartida por el profesor]
 A student-centred model is recommended, which implies independent or self-study under the direct supervision of the lecturer, under whose guidance the student learns at his/her own pace.
descuento por ser estudiante 
student rate
 Student rates and day registrations are also available.
estudiante a distancia 
distance student
 Bibliographic instruction is one of the major challenges facing libraries that support distance students.
estudiante adulto  
mature student
adult student
 You will be defined as a mature student if you are aged 21 or over at the start of your course.
 In this section we will deal with the reasons why it is difficult for adult students to learn a foreign language successfully.
estudiante con buenas notas 
high achiever
 Gifted and high achievers are related terms to Academic achievement in that Academic achievement is a Property of the gifted and the high achiever.
estudiante de bachiller que abandona los estudios 
high-school dropout
 It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.
estudiante de ciencias de la educación  
education student
student teacher
 During the winter semester of 1988, 231 education students from Concordia University, Montreal, were surveyed.
 I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.
estudiante de cursos superiores 
 This article presents and compares results from 2 surveys of basic library skills administered to freshmen and upperclassmen.
estudiante de diplomatura   
undergraduate student
honours student
 Male librarians believed the public's image of themselves to be more submissive, meek, nervous, effeminate, reserved, following, subdued and less approachable, athletic, and attractive than the undergraduate sample actually saw them.
 For example, a university library might have several types of borrowers for circulation purposes, graduate students (intermediate-term loans) and undergraduate students (short-term loans).
 This paper is a proposal to enhance the research capabilities of undergraduate honours students.
estudiante de doctorado     
doctoral student
Ph.D. candidate
Ph.D. student
doctoral candidate
doctoral graduate
 Danton's study stressed 2 urgent issues: the need for financial support in doctoral programmes and the low research productivity of doctoral students.
 Despite the cynical opinion of the general public, important original research can originate from Ph.D. candidates at universities.
 It cannot be taken for granted that a successful Ph.D. student with some highly cited papers connected with his/her doctoral thesis will become a prolific successful researcher.
 Scientists, visiting fellows, and doctoral candidates participated in the survey.
 Data on doctoral graduates are discussed in terms of socioeconomic factors, educational background, position held, prior professional experience, salaries, professional membership, and publications.
estudiante de empresariales 
business student
 The multimedia programme designed to teach research skills to business students, from one based on an instructivist model to one underpinned with a constructivist philosophy.
estudiante de enfermería 
nursing student
 Today one of the nursing students was slapped in the face by a grumpy old man.
estudiante de enseñanza superior 
tertiary student
 Improvement in the effectiveness of school libraries (e.g., the appointment of qualified librarians instead of seconded teachers) would mean an improvement in the performance of tertiary students.
estudiante de intercambio 
exchange student
 Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.
estudiante de licenciatura 
graduate student
 For example, a university library might have several types of borrowers for circulation purposes, graduate students (intermediate-term loans) and undergraduate students (short-term loans).
estudiante de magisterio 
student teacher
 I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.
estudiante de matrícula libre 
external student
 This article aims to examine the effects which free access to tertiary libraries close to home has on the library use patterns of external students.
estudiante de medicina 
medical student
 The article is entitled 'Teaching third-year medical students to search MEDLINE'.
estudiante de penúltimo año  
junior student
 The joint programme includes visits to the library by junior students.
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante de primaria 
elementary student
 The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.
estudiante de recuperación 
 Then there are those children made to think themselves failures because of the hammer-blow terms like dull, backward, retarded, underprivileged, disadvantaged, handicapped, less able, slow, rejected, remedial, reluctant, disturbed.
estudiante destacado 
 Gifted and High achievers are related terms to Academic achievement in that Academic achievement is a Property of the gifted and the high achiever.
estudiante de último año  
senior student
 The aim of this project is to provide a specialised reference service to faculty and senior students.
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante de último curso 
final year student
 96% of final year students consider the Library a 'very good' to 'satisfactory' place to study, with 78% rating it 'good' or 'very good'.
estudiante de un día a la semana  [Estudiante que trabaja en una empresa pero un día a la semana asiste a clases en la universidad]
day release student
 By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.
estudiante escogido para pronunciar el discurso de despedida en la ceremonia de graduación 
 He was class valedictorian at Princeton University, where he graduated with highest honors in 1950.
estudiante externo  [Estudiante universitario que no reside en el campus universitario]
off campus student
 Off campus students' perceptions of the technology's effectiveness were more positive than local students.
estudiante extranjero    
foreign student
overseas student
international student
exchange student
 Ethnic minorities, foreign students and males dropped out in larger proportions than other kinds of students.
 The present increasse in numbers of overseas students in Australian tertiarian institutions has implications for libraries.
 The librarians in Uris Library at Cornell University, New York, have worked closely with faculty in the Intensive Program for 10 years to develop a programme of library instruction for international students.
 Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.
estudiante fracasado   
high-school dropout
school dropout
 Thus, if one has already had an online search to produce a large retrospective bibliography on pregnancy as a factor in high school dropouts, the librarian can instruct the computer to perform the same search each month when new data have been added to the file.
 It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.
 Early childhood interventions are critical to reducing school dropouts over the long term.
estudiante internacional 
international student
 The librarians in Uris Library at Cornell University, New York, have worked closely with faculty in the Intensive Program for 10 years to develop a programme of library instruction for international students.
estudiante pos(t)doctoral 
 The main goal of this school is to introduce graduate students and postdocs to active fields of current research in the theory of moduli.
estudiante posterior a la diplomatura 
postgraduate student
 A different case was the young lecturer whose PhD supervisor was an editor of a series for a publishing house and who made it clear to the postgraduate student that he hoped the thesis could also be a book.
estudiante proveniente de otra universidad 
transfer student
 Those alternatives call for the tapping of new pools of potential students: high school graduates who are nonattenders; college dropouts; transfer students from two-year colleges; adults.
estudiante que ha completado los estudios secundarios  
high school graduate
high school leaver
 Those alternatives call for the tapping of new pools of potential students: high school graduates who are nonattenders; college dropouts; transfer students from two-year colleges; adults.
 CAAT is designed to train high school leavers in varying occupations (bakers, plumbers, journalists, library technicians).
estudiante que trabaja como auxiliar  
student assistant
student aid
 They believed that taking on student assistants would not solve the problem because they cannot handle the complex problems involved in the work.
 France has the same problem which the US and other places do: student aides and part-timers and other non-professionals increasingly perform many library functions, including 'answering the fones...'.
school population
student body
 The real issue was whether school populations can be fully served by a media specialist commuting between several campuses = El cuestión real era si un único especialista en multimedia desplazándose por varios campus universitarios podía atender bien la población estudiantil.
 The microcomputer is a time and labour saving device which frees the librarian to perform the most imporant aspects of library services to the faculty and student body.
estudiante superdotado 
gifted achiever
 Gifted and High achievers are related terms to Academic achievement in that Academic achievement is a Property of the gifted and the high achiever.
estudiante trabajador 
student worker
 The library has a staff of 23 people - 5 professionals, 11 clerks, and 8 student workers.
estudiante universitario  
university student
college student
 Because Denmark is small, university students have to use foreign, mostly English, textbooks.
 She entered the 'in-crowd' when she was hired by a posh country club and befriended the charismatic leader of a clique of wealthy college students.
estudiante universitario de primer año     
freshman [freshmen, -pl.]
first-year student
college freshman
first year
 This study yielded mixed results but has proven valuable in reshaping the freshman bibliographic instruction programme.
 One wondered, did daring first-year students lose their nerve at the last minute and kneel as evidence that their audacity in approaching this 'holy of holies' was tempered by the proper reverence?.
 College freshman enrolled in English composition classes were polled to determine their attitudes towards two different methods of bibliographic instruction: the lecture-discussion practicum and the workbook.
 University freshers lack basic life skills, with many never having cooked, cleaned, or shopped for themselves, according to research.
 They have a mentoring system in place whereby older students take some responsibility for first years within the induction week.
estudiante universitario de segundo año 
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante universitario de último curso 
senior major
 The target user group was the approximately 100 senior economics major completing theses.
estudiante universitario externo  [Estudiante universitario que no reside en el campus universitario]
off-campus university student
 This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.
estudiante universitario que abandona los estudios 
college dropout
 Those alternatives call for the tapping of new pools of potential students: high school graduates who are nonattenders; college dropouts; transfer students from two-year colleges; adults.
estudiante virtual 
e-learner (electronic learner)
 The learning programs themselves can influence whether e-learners sink or swim.
generación de estudiantes 
cohort of students
 This emersion means that the current cohort of students think in fundamentally different ways from those that have gone before.
habitación de residencia de estudiantes 
dorm room
 This article discusses the process of implementing a telecommunications system in a universtiy campus which affected every office, dorm room, and family-residence on campus = Este artículo trata del proceso de implementación de un sistema de telecomunicaciones en un campus universitaria que afectó a todos y cada uno de los despachos, las habitaciones de residencia de estudiantes y las residencias para estudiantes con familia del campus.
intercambio de estudiantes 
student exchange
 Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.
precio para estudiantes 
student rate
 Student rates and day registrations are also available.
promoción de estudiantes 
cohort of students
 This emersion means that the current cohort of students think in fundamentally different ways from those that have gone before.
relacionado con los estudiantes 
 Instead of football and basketball games, Greene says his school hosts as many student-related events as possible.
representante de los estudiantes 
student representative
 Alternatively issues with library services can be raised through course committees, with your student representatives, the Students' Union or your course tutor.
residencia de estudiantes  [En las universidades americanas, nombre dado al edificio administrado por la propia universidad donde residen los estudiantes]  [Abreviatura de dormitory]    [En las universidades británicas, nombre dado al edificio administrado por la propia universidad donde residen los estudiantes] 
dormitory [dorm, -abbr.]
students' home
hall of residence
residence hall
student residence
 She then returned to campus and finished packing her belongings in her dormitory room.
 Students and faculty use over 3,000 personal computers and terminals, in dorms, offices and off-campus homes.
 A simple PC connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students' home) is not counted as an external sercive point.
 The computers connect to the campus network from classrooms, halls of residence, the library and beyond.
 This programme may serve as a model for other university library systems interested in expanding library services and access to library resources to students in thier residence halls.
 Package B includes full-board accommodation in a student residence in a single or double room with shared bathroom.
sala de estudiantes 
student common room
 The school has recently added changing and shower rooms, a gym, and a student common room.
semana de orientación a los estudiantes 
student orientation week
 As a result, there will be information available to new students during student orientation week as well as displays.
servicios a los estudiantes 
student services
 This group has focused its efforts particularly on student services.
servicios de atención al estudiante 
student services
 This group has focused its efforts particularly on student services.
sindicato de estudiantes 
students' union
 Alternatively issues with library services can be raised through course committees, with your student representatives, the Students' Union or your course tutor.

Trends of use of estudiante



Principal search tendencies and common uses of estudiante
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «estudiante».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about estudiante



Al estudiante, el tabaco no le falte.
Estudiante que no estudia, en nada bueno se ocupa.
UNA hora duerme el gallo, DOS el caballo, TRES el santo, CUATRO el que no es tanto, CINCO el capuchino, SEIS el peregrino, SIETE el caminante, OCHO el estudiante, NUEVE el caballero, DIEZ el pordiosero, ONCE el muchacho y DOCE el borracho.


Discover the use of estudiante in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to estudiante and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Guía del estudiante. Macroeconomía 6a ed. (eBook)
Una guía práctica que sigue el diseño de las diapositivas mostradas en clase y permite repasar y profundizar en los conceptos clave de cada capítulo.
Gregory Mankiw, Mannig Sim, 2007
El Estudiante
Bajo este título fueron publicadas, en 1877, las lecciones de un curso de Michelet en el CollËge de France.
Jules Michelet, 2000
Vallejo, estudiante y docente
Se da a conocer el desempeño que tuvo el gran escritor César Vallejo como alumno, como maestro, su itinerario de vida y su currículum.
Francisco Javier Delgado Benites, 2006
Gramātica Bāsica Del Estudiante de Espauol
This text is enhanced with illustrations that exhibit the appropriate use of the material in real and cultural contexts.
Rosario Alonso Raya, Alejandro Castaneda Castro, Pablo Martinez Gila, 2007
El estudiante de Salamanca:
Poema narrativo sobre el tema del seductor donjuanesco, el mejor en su género del siglo XIX. Acabado exponente del género romántico "leyenda".
José de Espronceda, 2013
El aprendizaje basado en problemas: guía del estudiante
Los estudiantes encontrarán en este libro una herramienta que les ayuda a organizar su trabajo y el profesor un apoyo para su trabajo con los estudiantes.Es, por otra parte, una herramienta esencial cuando se adopta una metodología de ...
Jos H. C. Moust, Peter A. J. Bouhuijs, Henk G. Schmidt, 2007
Guía básica de estudio de la otorrinolaringología: para el ...
Varios y numerosos factores han transformado de manera rápida los sistemas de aprendizaje, unas veces dificultándolos por la abundancia de información y otras facilitándolos con los nuevos sistemas de documentación.
Estrategias y técnicas de estudio: cómo aprender a estudiar ...
A lo largo de las páginas anteriores, hemos podido descubrir cómo convertirse en un estudiante estratégico implica detectar los desajustes que van surgiendo cuando uno, por ejemplo, toma notas — pérdida de concentración — , está ...
La voz del estudiante: el éxito de programas de retención ...
El concepto de vulnerabilidad permite otra mirada sobre el estudiante que está ad portas del abandono escolar, y parte del principio de justicia social que postula atender las especificidades y las diferencias, y ofrecer diferentes alternativas ...
Clelia Pineda Báez, 2010
Enseñanza de la Lectura en Español Para El Estudiante Bilingüe
This dual-language text provides theory and methodology for teaching reading in Spanish to Spanish/English bilingual or Spanish-dominant students.
Angela Carrasquillo, Philip Segan, 1998


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term estudiante is used in the context of the following news items.
Detenido en Italia un indigente sospechoso del homicidio de un ...
La policía de Italia detuvo a un indigente sospechoso del asesinato de Beau Solomon, un estudiante estadounidense hallado muerto el domingo en el río Tíber, ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
La estudiante india que fue a la cárcel por copiar en un examen
La joven estudiante Ruby Rai, de 17 años, obtuvo el mayor puntaje en el examen de Humanidades del último año de secundaria de Bihar, el estado donde vive ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Video: Estudiante derriba a un hombre armado durante tiroteo en ...
En este, se puede ver al perpetrador del tiroteo, conocido como Aaron Ybarra, disparar contra una estudiante con una escopeta. Momentos después, intenta ... «, Jun 16»
Volvió a México Jobany Torres, el estudiante acusado en Nicaragua ...
Tras ser expulsado de Nicaragua por fingir su desaparición, el estudiante mexicano Jobany Torres Becerra volvió a su país, confirmó en un comunicado la ... «Univisión, Jun 16»
Estudiante mexicano pide perdón - El Nuevo Diario
Con los ojos rojos y los pómulos morados se presentó ayer el estudiante mexicano Jobany Torres Becerra, de 23 años, en la audiencia preliminar en la que se ... «El Nuevo Diario • Nicaragua, Jun 16»
Estudiante de Liceo de Niñas de Concepción es torturada por ...
Diez estudiantes fueron detenidas y trasladadas a la 1° Comisaría de dicha ciudad; nueve de ellas fueron liberadas pero Constanza Vargas, estudiante de ... «Diario y Radio Uchile, Jun 16»
San Marcos: balean a estudiante cerca a universidad UNMSM ...
Un joven estudiante de economía de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco fue baleado cuando delincuentes intentaban robarle sus pertenencias en la ... «El Popular, May 16»
¿Quién mató a Eneyda? El asesinato de una estudiante conmueve ...
TIJUANA – Un joven y su novia fueron detenidos en Baja California por su presunta participación en el asesinato de la estudiante de medicina Eneyda Rosario ... «La Opinión, May 16»
Estudiante es elevado por fuerte remolino (VIDEO)
Se trata de un video que circula en las redes sociales y que muestra cómo un estudiante de China, es elevado por un potente remolino. Según informan medios ... «Mundo Hispanico, Apr 16»
Pedro Ferriz llama “pendejo” a estudiante; luego se disculpa en ...
“No seas pendejo”, le dijo Ferriz al estudiante, identificado como Alejandro Carranza, cuando éste puso en tela de juicio la relación extramarital que el ... «El Diario NY, Apr 16»


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