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Meaning of "fecha" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra fecha tiene su procedencia en el latín facta; y también en el latín factus.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


fe · cha


Fecha is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



The date is, in the usual sense, an indication of time oriented to define a unique day, generally referring to the Gregorian calendar. The date is used to indicate, along with the time indication, the existence or the beginning or the end of a certain temporary event. The Gregorian calendar used today in most European countries and the world, is based on the so-called earth year, that is, the time it takes for planet Earth to make a complete turn around the Sun. The year divides Usually in 12 months, with a total of 365 days. The different months each have 30 or 31 days, with the exception of February that according to whether or not leap year, has 28 or 29 days.

Definition of fecha in the Spanish dictionary

The definition of date in the Spanish dictionary is data. Another meaning of date in the dictionary is also


afecha · arrecha · brecha · cosecha · derecha · desecha · deshecha · endecha · estrecha · flecha · hecha · insatisfecha · lecha · maltrecha · mecha · pecha · satisfecha · sospecha · trecha · ultraderecha


fecal · fechador · fechar · fecho · fechoría · fechura · fechuría · fecial · fécula · feculenta · feculento · fecunda · fecundable · fecundación · fecundador · fecundadora · fecundamente · fecundante · fecundar · fecundativa


aforrecha · bistrecha · cogecha · cohecha · coniecha · contrahecha · contrecha · correcha · desfecha · dicha · duecha · erecha · ficha · lucha · malhecha · manderecha · pelecha · posfecha · ventrecha · vestecha

Synonyms and antonyms of fecha in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «fecha» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of fecha to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of fecha from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «fecha» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of fecha in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


 This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
al cumplir la fecha 
at term
 When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).
certificado de fecha de registro 
time stamp [timestamp]
 This pan-European service enables copyright owners to register their content online followed by certification and a time stamp.
como fecha final 
at the very latest
 To this end we shall continue to accept questionnaires until May 17th at the very latest.
con fecha 
 For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
con fecha + Fecha 
dated + Fecha
 We must also question the value of a list dated 1967, which has never been revised.
cuya fecha se anunciará más adelante 
at a time to be announced later
 Modifications to this ISBD will then be posted on IFLANET for world-wide review at a time to be determined and announced later.
cuya fecha se determinará más adelante 
at a time to be determined later
 Modifications to this ISBD will then be posted on IFLANET for world-wide review at a time to be determined and announced later.
fecha de aparición  [Elemento del área publicación, distribución, etc que detalla la fecha en la que se publicó el material que se describe]
date of publication
 The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
fecha de caducidad       
date due
expiry date
expiration date
best by date
best before date
limited life
sell-by date
 A screen is then displayed which lists the locations, call numbers and dates due of each copy held by the chosen library.
 If you wish to pay with a VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card, please write you Credit Card Number and its expiry date below.
 The file contains information about journal subscriptions, such as the publisher, vendor, issue frequency, expiration date, and price per copy.
 Each carton is marked with a 'Best By' date, which is located on the bottom of the box.
 It should be safe to eat food after the 'best before' date, but the food will no longer be at its best.
 Cambelts have a limited life, if they break while the engine is running major damage can occur.
 The sell-by dates on the egg cartons are just to appease those who want a date on everything.
fecha de cierre 
closed date
 If a branch-specific list of closed dates is not necessary, the closed dates defined for the local library as a whole are taken instead.
fecha de cobertura  [Período que abarca el contenido de una publicación]
date of coverage
 The date of coverage is the period or date designated by the publisher on a bibliographic unit to define the chronological limits of the content of the unit.
fecha de comienzo   
starting date
beginning date
date of commencement
 One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is the length of the data base available online, or its starting date.
 Each entry contains details of full title, place, publisher, editor, beginning date, frequency, and contents.
 A chart gives details of 12 university library buildings in India - date of commencement, completion date, cost, area, and cost of furniture.
fecha de defunción 
date of death
 Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.
fecha de devolución 
return date
 A record would contain reader and book number, return date and a field to take messages such as `reserved'.
fecha de edición  [Fecha en que se editó una publicación]
edition date
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
fecha de entrega 
delivery date
 We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.
fecha de expurgo  [Fecha límite a partir de la cual se elimina un registro o un documento de una colección]
purge date
 The deletion is done on the basis of the date on which each record was added to the data base and the purge date in each record.
fecha de finalización  
completion date
completion target
 Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.
 The completion target is November 1999.
fecha de impresión  [Fecha que en se imprimió una publicación]
imprint date
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
fecha de inicio 
trigger date
 After confirmation of the action, the system request a trigger date from the terminal user.
fecha de la cubierta 
cover date
 All copies from all subscriptions are listed together in reverse chronological order by cover date (Figure 176).
fecha del copyright  [Fecha en que se registró una publicación como propiedad]
copyright date
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
fecha de llegada 
arrival date
 Prediction of the arrival date for irregular serials is a major problem.
fecha de nacimiento  
birth date
date of birth
 If the local number is used to store the birth date of the borrower, all borrowers in a specified age range can be selected.
 Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.
fecha de pedido  [Fecha en que se realiza o realizó un pedido de libros]
date of order
 This copy will have the supplier's name and date of order added to it.
fecha de publicación    [Elemento del área publicación, distribución, etc que detalla la fecha en la que se publicó el material que se describe]
date of issue
date of publication
 A helpful arrangement supports browsing by grouping documents which have some characteristic in common, for example, author, subject, age.
 The components of a full citation for a periodical article will normally be: source reference, including periodical title, date of issue, volume number, issue number and pagination....
 The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
fecha de registro  [Fecha en la que los datos esenciales de un documento se anotan en el libro de registro de la biblioteca] 
accession date
time stamp [timestamp]
 The accession date of a document is the date on which it was entered into the accessions register.
 This pan-European service enables copyright owners to register their content online followed by certification and a time stamp.
fecha de reimpresión  [Fecha en que se hizo una reimpresión de una publicación]
reprint date
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
fecha de retención  [Fecha límite más allá la cual un registro o documento será expurgado]
retention date
 The default is that a record is deleted when the retention date exceeds the purge date in the record.
fecha de salida 
departure date
 Data pertaining to student arrival and departure dates were collected in Washington and Michigan, two of the largest migrant receiving states.
fecha de vencimiento         
date due
expiry date
due date
expiration date
best by date
best before date
sell-by date
 A screen is then displayed which lists the locations, call numbers and dates due of each copy held by the chosen library.
 If you wish to pay with a VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card, please write you Credit Card Number and its expiry date below.
 Also, various strategies using publicity should be tested in order to find ways to increase the percentage of books returned by the due date.
 The file contains information about journal subscriptions, such as the publisher, vendor, issue frequency, expiration date, and price per copy.
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 Each carton is marked with a 'Best By' date, which is located on the bottom of the box.
 It should be safe to eat food after the 'best before' date, but the food will no longer be at its best.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
 The sell-by dates on the egg cartons are just to appease those who want a date on everything.
fecha límite     
cut-off date
closing date
timeline [time line]
 The borrower file is then searched to obtain a list of all those borrowers with registration dates before the cut-off date.
 In all, 93 proposals were submitted by the closing date of 2nd December, involving 379 different organisations from all EC Member States = En total, para la fecha límite del 2 de diciembre se habían presentado 93 propuestas de 379 organizaciones diferentes de todos los estados miembros de la Comunidad Europea.
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 This article describes a city-wide communications network, looks behind the scenes at how it was developed, and summarises what was learned from creating the system on a tight timeline.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
fecha tope  
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
fijar fecha con antelación 
 Orders may be predated by up to 30 days, if desired.
hasta la fecha   
to date
up to now
so far
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
hoja de fecha de devolución  [Hoja que se incluye en el libro de la biblioteca para indicar la fecha de devolución del mismo]
date label
 A wide variety of stationery is inserted into library books: a book plate, a rule sheet, a date label, a book pocket, combined date label and pocket, combined book and rule sheet.
línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la 
International Date Line, the
 The International Date Line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is 180° away from the Greenwich meridian.
ordenado por fecha 
in date order
 The slips for items in stock should be separated from the rest, those for books rearranged in class number order, those for periodicals in date order.
poner la fecha 
 When an invoice is received all copies and attachments must be date-stamped the same day it is received.
sello de fecha 
date stamp
 The issue terminal is equipped with a data pen to which may be attached a self-inking date stamp.
sin fecha 
 There has always been a proportion of undated books, especially in the machinepress period when cheap reprints were left undated so that they could be sold over periods of years without advertising themselves as old stock.
tener la fecha de + Fecha 
be dated + Fecha
 The latest abridged edition is dated 1961.

Trends of use of fecha



Principal search tendencies and common uses of fecha
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «fecha».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about fecha



Famous quotes and sentences with the word fecha.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Quien siembra en el espíritu, planta un árbol a larga fecha.
Oliver Goldsmith
Las mujeres y la música nunca deben tener fecha.


Discover the use of fecha in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to fecha and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Pareja. ¿Fecha de caducidad?
EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS: Se ha comprobado que su uso continuado puede provocar rutina, falta de comunicación e inhibición del deseo.ADVERTENCIA: Consultar la fecha de caducidad para evitar posibles intoxicaciones.Teresa Viejo nos retrata las ...
Teresa Viejo, 2010
Volumen Xvi: Tratado de Las Obligaciones. Pirmera Parte - ...
EL PROBLEMA DE LOS DOCUMENTOS DE FECHA ClERTA En los artículos 1 1 35 y 1 1 36 se hace alusión, en lo referente a la concurrencia de acreedores, al " título que conste de documento de fecha cierta más antigua", en caso de que ...
Mario Castillo Freyre, Felipe Osterling Parodi, 2001
Cuentos y cuentas de los matemáticos
Para tertulias con lápiz y papel a) Adivinar la fecha del nacimiento Para adivinar de modo sorprendente la fecha del nacimiento de una persona, invítesele a que haga las operaciones siguientes: 1. Multiplicar por 2 el número que indica el día  ...
Rafael Rodríguez Vidal, María del Carmen Rodríguez Rigual, 1987
Abstracción y estructuras de datos en C++
Antonio Garrido Carrillo y Joaquin Valdivia , Antonio Garrido Carrillo, Joaquín Fernández Valdivia. A ́ B C ́ ODIGO EJEMPLO En este capítulo B.1. T.D.A. Fecha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 B.1.1. Interfaz: fichero fecha.h .
Antonio Garrido Carrillo y Joaquin Valdivia , Antonio Garrido Carrillo, Joaquín Fernández Valdivia, 2006
Panorama del Antiguo Testamento
Introducción a Génesis Paternidad y fecha de Génesis El libro de Génesis forma parte de las Sagradas Escrituras. Por ello, en último término, Dios es el autor y la fuente de toda esta verdad registrada. Toda la Escritura es «inspirada por ...
Paul Benware, 1994
Eclipse total de sol en México, 1991
PRÓXIMOS ECLIPSES DE LUNA Fecha Tipo de Fecha Tipo de eclipse eclipse 26 jun. 1991 Penumbral 3 abr. 1996 Total 26 jul. 1991 Penumbral 27 sep. 1996 Total 21 dic. 1991 Parcial 23 mar. 1997 Parcial 15 jun. 1992 Parcial 16 sep.
Julieta Fierro Gossman, Jesús Galindo Trejo, Daniel Flores Gutiérrez, 1991
Ley 24,522: nuevo régimen de concursos y quiebras
Fecha de cesación de pagos. Efectos. Art. 115. Fecha de cesación de pagos. Efectos. La fecha que se determine por resolución Srme como de iniciación de la cesación de pagos, hace cosa juzgada respecto del fallido, de los acreedores y ...
Mario D. Holand, 1996
Método de participación patrimonial y consolidación de ...
En el caso anterior se analizó la consolidación de estados financieros en la fecha de adquisición de la inversión, con el ánimo de mostrar en este primer instante el proceso de consolidación de manera clara y sencilla. Como este no es el ...
Javier A. Carvalho Betancur, 2006
El Evangelio según Juan
FECHA DÉLA REDACCIÓN FINAL DEL CUARTO EVANGELIO Hemos de plantearnos ahora la cuestión de la fecha que haya de atribuirse a la puesta por escrito final del evangelio. Insistimos en que no nos preguntamos cuándo tomó ...
Raymond E. Brown, 1999
Cómo programar en C++
1 7 gerente . imprime ( ) ; 18 19 cout « "\nVerifica el constructor Fecha con valores no val idos :\n"; 20 Fecha ultimoDiaFest ( 14, 35, 1994 ); // mes y día no válidos 21 cout « endl; 22 23 return 0; 24 25 } // fin de main Constructor del objeto Fecha ...
Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term fecha is used in the context of the following news items.
Santamaría cree que lo importante "es la fecha del acuerdo", no la ...
La vicepresidenta del Gobierno en funciones, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, cree que lo importante ahora no es fijar la fecha del debate de investidura de ... «El Mundo, Aug 16»
El primer Superclásico entre River y Boca ya tiene fecha
En la fecha 13, los dos más grandes de Argentina se cruzan por primera vez en el certamen. Si el torneo comienza el 19 de agosto como está estipulado será el ... «PASIONFUTBOL, Aug 16»
La fecha límite marcada por EE.UU. para la transición en Siria pasa ...
La fecha límite marcada por EE.UU. para alcanzar un acuerdo de transición en Siria pasó hoy sin que el secretario de Estado, John Kerry, mencionara ninguna ... «EFE, Aug 16»
Tejería afirma que Urkullu "acertará" con la fecha de las elecciones ...
Según ha manifestado, Urkullu querrá buscar la fecha "más adecuada" y ha afirmado no tener "ninguna duda" de que la decisión que vaya a adoptar "va a ser ... «, Jul 16»
Tabla acumulada: las posiciones de fecha 10 del Torneo Clausura ...
Este martes empezó la fecha 10 del Torneo Clausura con el partido entre UTC y la Universidad San Martín en Cajamarca. El conjunto local no tuvo problemas ... «El Comercio, Jul 16»
FPF pidió postergar segunda fecha de las Liguillas por Eliminatorias
La Federación Peruana de Fútbol (FPF) solicitó a la Asociación Deportiva de Fútbol Profesional (ADFP) postergar la segunda fecha de las liguillas, para facilitar ... «América Televisión, Jun 16»
¡Anuncian segunda fecha de Roger Waters en México!
Tras el sold out de la primera fecha del concierto de Roger Waters en México para el próximo 28 de septiembre en el Foro Sol, los organizadores acaban de ... «, Jun 16»
Godzilla 2 retrasada y Godzilla vs Kong ya tiene fecha
Warner Bros acaba de hacer públicos sus próximos estrenos. Estas fechas que agradarán a unos e impacientarán a otros. Entre los estrenos retrasados se ... «IGN España, May 16»
Persona 5 anuncia su fecha y edición coleccionista
Ya es oficial, la fecha de lanzamiento de Persona 5 en Japón será el próximo 15 de septiembre. La quinta entrega de la franquicia RPG de Atlus, desarrollada ... «IGN España, May 16»
'Mighty No.9' ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento
El famoso productor de videojuegos, Keiji Inafune, afirmó hace unos meses que su nuevo videojuego saldría pronto a la venta, sin embargo, la fecha de ... «, May 16»


« EDUCALINGO. Fecha [online]. Available <>. May 2024 ».
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