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Meaning of "plazo" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra plazo procede del latín placĭtum, convenido.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pla · zo


Plazo is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



The term, legally, is the legal or contractually established time that must elapse in order for a legal effect to occur, usually the birth or extinction of a subjective right or the time during which a contract will be in force. For example: I give you a period of six months to give me back the money I give you; Or the lease agreement is agreed for a period of one year; Or when acquiring a time share right, the acquirer has a period of ten days to unilaterally resolve the contract: or against the judgment can be appealed within five days. The term is always "certain," in the sense that it is a time that will come at some point and without the possibility that it will not happen. This time of expiration of the term can be determined in advance as, for example, when a certain date is set.

Definition of plazo in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of term in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is term or time designated for something. Another meaning of term in the dictionary is expiration of the term. Term is also each part of an amount payable in two or more times.


balazo · bolazo · botellazo · cacerolazo · collazo · cuchillazo · gatillazo · golazo · ladrillazo · lazo · martillazo · palazo · pantallazo · ramalazo · reemplazo · remplazo · rodillazo · sablazo · solazo · tablazo


plausiblemente · plausiva · plausivo · plauso · plaustro · plautina · plautino · play off · playa · playada · playado · playar · playazo · playera · playero · playo · playón · plaza · plazoleta · plazuela


alazo · banderillazo · caballazo · campanillazo · candelazo · canelazo · carcelazo · costalazo · cristalazo · cuartelazo · entrelazo · metrallazo · plantillazo · puntillazo · ramblazo · riflazo · tequilazo · trallazo · zapallazo · zapatillazo

Synonyms and antonyms of plazo in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «plazo» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «plazo» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of plazo to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of plazo from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «plazo» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of plazo in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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kỳ hạn
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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  instalment [installment, -USA] ; schedule ; time frame [timeframe] ; deadline ; term ; dateline ; period ; time limit ; timeline [time line].
 A fascicle is one of the temporary divisions of a work that, for convenience in printing or publication, is issued in small instalments, usually incomplete in themselves.
 The head librarian had set up a timetable of activities for her in advance and topics and schedules for the courses she would teach at the library school.
 This not only gives the decision maker an idea of the time frame involved but also aids in identifying potential weaknesses.
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 The board consists of seven members elected by popular ballot for three-year terms.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
 Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.
 The time involved in all searches was carefully measured; in test 1 the time limit was set at 10 minutes, while for searchers in test 2 the time limit was extended to 15 minutes.
 This article describes a city-wide communications network, looks behind the scenes at how it was developed, and summarises what was learned from creating the system on a tight timeline.
a corto plazo           
before very long
short term [short-term]
in the short run
at short notice
in the short term
for the short haul
for the short run
over the short run
over the short haul
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
 Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.
 In the short run, the most likely prospect is for all current systems to continue with electronic formats merely adding to the richness of the human record.
 The astute leader will establish short- and long-range goals for the institution, develop specific objectives to accomplish those goals, and activities to meet the objectives.
 Each of the experts is available for telephone consultation at short notice.
 Controlled vocabulary is the best option in the short term.
 Findings indicate that the short-run success of methadone programs does not automatically translate into long-run abstinence.
 Some jobs are good for the short haul, while others are built for the long run.
 I believe the answer to that is still negative, at least for the short run behavior of exchange rates.
 The concept is that wages don't change over the short run.
 Over the short haul the body might be able to handle high doses of a chemical without it causing damage.
a largo plazo             
in the long term
over the long term
in the long run
over the long run
over the long haul
in the far term
for the long haul
for the long pull
for the long run
 For a scheme to be successfull in the long term it is vital that there should be an organisational structure to support the scheme.
 This project ought to develop over the long term from a system designed to support the exchange of entries in micro-print to a fully automated network for the processing of records.
 In September 1973, the University of Washington initiated implementation of a formal long-range planning process for the total university system.
 Ostensibly, the maneuver was accomplished to curb patronage abuses and make it easier to dismiss deadwood employees in the long run.
 The use of agents is necessary but not ideal, because an agent often represents rival concerns, and aims for a quick turnover rather than long-term profitability.
 Some feel that these sessions can be 'self-defeating over the long run because they are based on a reward-punishment psychology that serves to intensify the pressure on the individual'.
 But over the long haul you'll just find that your data is easier and cheaper to get at if you use XML.
 Findings indicate that the short-run success of methadone programs does not automatically translate into long-run abstinence.
 In the far term novel techniques are being developed to remove carbon dioxide from fuel gas or flue gas from energy conversion systems.
 These processes can be viewed as near-term and far-term.
 As a sign that the protesters are hunkering down for the long haul, they erected a larger tent on Sunday.
 Thus, the public library in this country for the next few years and for the long pull may be presented with a first-rate opportunity for greater service to its community by defining its service with reference to some qualitative standards.
 Some jobs are good for the short haul, while others are built for the long run.
a más largo plazo 
 Long-distance high-rate data transmission is possible at the present time by combining a number of narrow-band channels, but the longer-term solution is the installation of a new wide-band network.
a medio plazo     
in the medium term
in the mid-term
mid-term [midterm]
 One of the recommendations made by the group was to identify medium-term (five years) and longer-term needs for expanding the existing system.
 The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is another volunteer organization; it meets regularly to discuss operational and near-term technical problems of the Internet.
 CD-ROM may be a transient technology being overtaken by multimedia and improved online services but in the medium term its applications will increase.
 A reduction of approximately 40% is to be expected in the mid-term.
 The mid-term weight loss is similar with both techniques.
a plazos 
in instalments
 Money is deposited in a lump and can be withdrawn in a lump or in installments.
cierre de plazo  
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
compra a plazos apartando el producto  [Según este sistema el cliente "aparta" el producto y no se lo lleva hasta que ha terminado de pagarlo]  [Según este sistema el cliente "aparta" el producto y no se lo lleva hasta que ha terminado de pagarlo]
 Layaway or lay-by is a system where the customer gives the store a deposit on merchandise, which is held until a later date when the customer completes payment in full or through installments.
 Layaway or lay-by is a system where the customer gives the store a deposit on merchandise, which is held until a later date when the customer completes payment in full or through installments.
comprar a plazos 
buy in + instalments
 Most used cars are bought in installments, meaning you make a regular monthly pay- ment to your creditor until the loan is paid in full.
con un plazo de tiempo muy 
at (a) very short notice
 I am available weekday evenings and weekends and can work at very short notice.
con un plazo de tiempo tan corto 
at such short notice
 Cancellations after this date cannot be transferred to a future course because places cannot be filled at such short notice.
cumplir (con) un plazo  
meet + deadline
comply with + a deadline
 Sometimes authors write 'pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.
 If Iran fails to comply with the deadline imposed by the Security council, America is likely to lead the call for economic sanctions.
de plazo vencido  
 Displays of information compared are: holdings, copy locations, routing, date received, cancellations and withdrawals, bindery, late issues, claims and lapsed subscriptions.
 If the book was overdue when returned, a record is placed in a separate file, the fines file, and a notation is made in the borrower record.
en el futuro a largo plazo 
in the long-term future
 It seems possible that in the long-term future all school librarians could be dually qualified in teaching and librarianship.
en el plazo de   
in the span of
in the space of
in a matter of
 In the span of one paragraph, he made me break out in goosebumps then made me laugh and cry at the same time.
 Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.
 A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.
en el plazo de una hora 
in the span of one hour
 In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.
en un plazo de tiempo muy corto 
in a very short space of time
 Texting is a startling modern phenomenon, one that has gripped the imagination of the UK in a very short space of time.
final del plazo   
closing date
 In all, 93 proposals were submitted by the closing date of 2nd December, involving 379 different organisations from all EC Member States = En total, para la fecha límite del 2 de diciembre se habían presentado 93 propuestas de 379 organizaciones diferentes de todos los estados miembros de la Comunidad Europea.
 The deadline for these second phase reports is, I believe, October 30, 1975.
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
fuera de plazo 
 If the document is returned late, any fine is calculated according to the library's fine policy = Si el documento se devuelve tarde, la sanción se calcula de acuerdo con la politica sancionadora de la biblioteca.
futuro a largo plazo 
long-term future
 Most journals are increasingly subsidised by members of their parent societies or from other sources, and their long-term future is unclear.
imposición a plazo fijo 
certificate of deposit
 To be sure, big banks also are reaching out for new depositors and are advertising new rates on certificates of deposit.
incentivo laboral a largo plazo  [Incentivos que se le dan a los buenos empleados y/o clientes para conservarlos ]
golden handcuffs
 The lures to keep the employees include given them 'golden handcuffs' in the form of bonuses that are not payable until the end of a year or stock options that vest over time.
no cumplir con el plazo de publicación 
miss + publication deadline
 However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.
pagar a plazos 
pay in + instalments
 Tuition paid in installments must normally be paid off by the end of the relevant academic period, such as a semester or academic year.
plan a largo plazo 
long-term plan
 Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.
plazo de ejecución  
time scale [timescale]
time scale [timescale]
 An appendix outlines the timescale of the whole project.
 An appendix outlines the timescale of the whole project.
plazo de presentación  
call for projects
call for papers
 Calls for projects will be advertised in the 'C' series of the Official journal, from time to time.
 Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.
plazo de presentación de proyectos 
call for proposals
 A total of 266 proposals was received by the Commission of the European Communities in response to a call for proposals for the development of information systems.
plazo de respuesta  [Tiempo que transcurre entre que se pide un documento mediante el préstamo interbibliotecario y el momento en que llega a la biblioteca] 
turnaround time
turnabout time
 It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.
 Turnabout time was 2.34 days compared to 10.9 days when priority post was used.
plazo de tiempo 
timeline [time line]
 This article describes a city-wide communications network, looks behind the scenes at how it was developed, and summarises what was learned from creating the system on a tight timeline.
plazo legal 
statutory term
 Failure to make a renewal fee payment can result in the expiration of the patent prior to its statutory term.
plazos   [En un proyecto o plan de trabajo, enumeración del período de comienzo o duración de cada una de las tereas u objetivos del mismo]
time scale [timescale]
time schedule
 An appendix outlines the timescale of the whole project.
 Time schedule of tasks for implementing decisions concerning archives is described.
plazos de amortización 
repayment schedules
 The economic emergency, attributed to massive foreign debts and repayment schedules, has begun to threaten the very existence of libraries in some countries.
política a largo plazo  
long term policy
long term policy
 One of the key recommendations for long term policy was the confirmation of the responsibility of the national bibliographic agency for establishing the authoritative form of name for its country's authors.
 One of the key recommendations for long term policy was the confirmation of the responsibility of the national bibliographic agency for establishing the authoritative form of name for its country's authors.
préstamo de plazo intermedio 
intermediate-term loan
 For example, a university library might have several types of borrowers for circulation purposes, graduate students (intermediate-term loans) and undergraduate students (short-term loans).
solución a corto plazo 
short-term solution
 Although microform can provide a short-term solution the long-term one may lie with the electronic journal.
solución a largo plazo 
long-term solution
 The long-term solution involved microfilming documents.
tarifa por inscripción fuera de plazo 
late registration fee
 These late registration fees do not apply to students who register prior to the beginning of the academic semester.
tener el plazo cumplido 
be due
 The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.
tener el plazo vencido 
be overdue
 If the book was overdue when returned, a record is placed in a separate file, the fines file, and a notation is made in the borrower record.
trabajar con plazos de entrega estrictos 
work to + deadlines
 Businesses work to deadlines that put a premium on convenience and ready availability.

Trends of use of plazo



Principal search tendencies and common uses of plazo
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «plazo».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about plazo



Famous quotes and sentences with the word plazo.
Ninon de Lenclos
La belleza es una carta de recomendación a corto plazo.


Al mal pagador, plazo corto es lo mejor.
Al mal pagador, plazo corto.
Enfermedad a plazo fijo, señal es de nuevo hijo.
No hay plazo que no se cumpla, ni deuda que no se pague.
No hay plazo tan lueñe que no lo tema el que debe.
No hay río bravo que no tenga vado, ni plazo que no llegue a cabo.
Si das, loco estás; si prestas, al cobrar será la fiesta; y si fías, al llegar el plazo vendrán las porfías.


Discover the use of plazo in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to plazo and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Ventas basadas en la confianza: crear relaciones a largo ...
Tras el best seller The Trusted Advisor, Charles Green describe una forma de vender que valora la relación por encima de la transacción, instaura la confianza en el proceso de venta y se centra en actuar en beneficio de la clientela.
Charles H. Green, 2007
Perspectivas a plazo medio de los productos básicos ...
La FAO realiza periódicamente proyecciones sobre la producción, la demanda y el comercio de todos los productos agropecuarios principales y prácticamente todos los países del mundo, que sirven de base para analizar las políticas de ...
FAO (Roma), 2004
Neuropsicología humana
Memoria a corto plazo En 1890, William James planteó la distinción entre los recuerdos que duran un tiempo breve y los recuerdos a largo plazo. Sin embargo, no fue hasta 1958 cuando Broadbent postuló específicamente la separación de ...
Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw, 2006
Macroeconomía: introducción a la Economía
En la ilustración 10-1 se muestra un movimiento a lo largo de la curva de oferta agregada a corto plazo, ya que el nivel de precios agregado y la producción agregada cayeron de 1929 a 1933. Pero también existe la posibilidad de que se  ...
Paul R. Krugman, Robin Wells, 2007
Manual 110 De las obligaciones
volver lo recibido si no se fijó término; plazo del partidor, del art. 1332; plazo del albaceazgo, del art. 1304, etc.), pero abundan en derecho procesal (Ej., plazo para contestar la demanda, plazo para la dúplica, para apelar, término de prueba, ...
René Ramos Pazos, 1999
Economics (Spanish Translation)
El corto plazo es un marco de tiempo en donde las cantidades de algunos recursos son fijas. Casi siempre los recursos fijos de una empresa son su tecnología, sus edificios y su capital. La organización administrativa también es fija en el ...
Michael Parkin, 2004
Economía de empresa
Función de costo de largo plazo quizá tengan que decidir cuántas horas de mano de obra se requieren para un proyecto en particular o si la mano de obra existente requiere más maquinaria para satisfacer la demanda creciente.5 Pero a ...
Paul G. Keat, Philip K. Y. Young, 2004
La memoria a corto plazo Porcentaje de participantes que recordaron las consonantes De la enorme cantidad de información que registra nuestra memoria sensorial, destacamos solo una parte con nuestra atención. También recuperamos ...
David G. Myers, 2006
Procedimientos contencioso-administrativos: síntesis y ...
Dado que en el caso de autos no consta que tal información se ofreciese, no puede admitirse que el plazo de caducidad del recurso cont.-administrativo volviese a contar a partir de los dos meses de pedida la designación de Abogado sin ...
José-Alfredo Caballero Gea, 2007
Gestión práctica de la Seguridad Social: guía 2004
otra cuota fija que pudiera establecerse, siempre que los sujetos obligados a que se refieran dichas cuotas hayan sido dados de alta en el plazo reglamentariamente establecido. En tales casos, será aplicable lo previsto en esta ley para los ...
Manuel Planas Gómez, 2007


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term plazo is used in the context of the following news items.
Un tercio de los consistorios de la provincia incumplen el plazo de ...
Lo más preocupante es que, como viene alertando la patronal, los plazos de pago de la mayoría de los ayuntamientos morosos no están mejorando, sino todo ... «Sur Digital, Sep 16»
Maeztu pide más medidas para garantizar que se cumplan plazos ...
La Oficina del Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz, dirigida por Jesús Maeztu, pide a la Consejería de Salud que se adopten las medidas organizativas "oportunas" ... «, Sep 16»
Espadas asegura que la obra del vallado de la zona franca "está ...
En un escenario en el que este miércoles expira el plazo habilitado para la ejecución del cerramiento perimetral de la zona franca de Sevilla, creada sobre ... «, Aug 16»
Gratificaciones: Razones para abrir un depósito a plazo | El ...
Las oportunidades de ahorro en el sistema financiero son diversas: desde el ahorro a través de las AFP, los Fondo Mutuos de las SAB, los depósitos a plazo ... «El Comercio, Jul 16»
Gratificaciones: ¿Invertir en fondos mutuos o depósitos a plazo fijo?
“En plazo fijo, a mayor plazo – mayor ganancia. Antes los depósitos a plazo a corto plazo pagan más porque las financieras necesitaban capitales y ofrecían ... «Diario Gestión, Jul 16»
La 'salvación' del largo plazo
Con toda la cautela que impone una situación sin precedentes como la actual, los expertos recuerdan una y otra vez: ampliar horizontes, mirar a largo plazo, ... «Dirigentes Digital, Jul 16»
¿Qué pasa si entrego la declaración fuera de plazo?
Presentar la declaración de la renta fuera de plazo tiene sus consecuencias. Ya sea por un descuido o por una decisión intencionada, lo cierto es que ... «Información, Jun 16»
Fondos comunes: una alternativa de inversión que compite con las ...
En la industria de fondos, los que compiten con instrumentos de corto plazo como las Lebac son los fondos de renta fija de corto plazo en pesos, denominados ... «LA NACION, Jun 16»
¿Cuándo finaliza el plazo para entregar la declaración de la Renta ...
Desde hoy quedan 20 días hábiles a efectos de cómputos de plazo para la Administración para terminar la campaña de la Renta 2105 (salvo en Murcia, La ... «Expansió, Jun 16»
Ampliado el plazo para presentar las ayudas de la PAC hasta el 15 ...
El Ministerio de Agricultura ha escuchado las demandas de los agricultores y de la Junta de Andalucía que habían solicitado una ampliación del plazo para ... «Diario Córdoba, May 16»


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