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" Dar un vaso de agua a cambio de un vaso de agua no es nada; la verdadera grandeza consiste en devolver el bien por el mal."
Mahatma Gandhi

Significado de "cambio" en el diccionario de español



La palabra cambio procede del latín tardío cambium, la cual a su vez procede del galo cambion.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


cam · bio

Cambio es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Cambio es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Cambio es el concepto que denota la transición que ocurre de un estado a otro, por ejemplo: el concepto de cambio de estado de la materia en la física o de las personas en su estado civil; o las crisis, o revoluciones en cualquier campo de los estudiados por las ciencias sociales, principalmente la historia, que puede definirse como ciencia del cambio.

definición de cambio en el diccionario español

La primera definición de cambio en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción y efecto de cambiar. Otro significado de cambio en el diccionario es dinero fraccionario de billetes o monedas de mayor valor. Cambio es también vuelta.


columbio · concambio · contracambio · culombio · intercambio · librecambio · nelumbio · rebumbio · recambio


cambiacasaca · cambiada · cambiadiza · cambiadizo · cambiador · cambiadora · cambiamiento · cambiante · cambiar · cambiario · cambiavía · cambiazo · cambija · cambímbora · cambín · cambista · cámbium · cambiza · cambizar · cambizo


adverbio · agobio · anfibio · arabio · arrabio · cabio · disturbio · labio · libio · microbio · niobio · oprobio · proverbio · rubio · sabio · serbio · soberbio · suburbio · tibio · turbio

Sinónimos y antónimos de cambio en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «cambio» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «cambio» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


cambio · alteración · calderilla · cambalache · canje · eventualidad · fugacidad · metamorfosis · modificación · muda · mudanza · mutabilidad · mutación · permuta · suelto · transformación · trueque · variabilidad · variación · veleidad · versatilidad · vuelta · fijeza · inmutabilidad · tipo · aros · caja · cambios · primera · lengua · española · acción · efecto · cambiar · dinero · fraccionario · billetes · monedas · mayor · valor · también · convertir · oportunidad · solo · gran · problema · hace · pensar · hombre · así · educado · osho · este · libro · contiene · consignas · políticamente · correctas · educativo · desde · investigación · john · elliott · pedagogos · investiga · más · activamente · dentro · esta · perspectiva · proporciona · valiosas · aportaciones · imprescindibles · para · todos · aquellos · profesionales · implicados · renovación · educativa · creatividad · innovación · desarrollo · sustentable · global · editado · alejandro · nadal · buen · víctor · urquidi · trabajó · sobre · temas · fundamentales · economía · política · demográfica · integración · regional · tecnología · organizacional · realidad · innegable · nuestros · dias · cada · cuenta · ritmo · supera · capacidad · fisica · mental · adaptarse · climático · glaciaciones · calentamiento · evaluación · análisis · cualitativo · miguel · fernandez · perez · catedrático · didáctica · universidad · complutense ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de cambio a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de cambio a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de cambio presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de cambio en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

thay đổi
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de cambio en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

libre cambio
libre cambio 
 This may be seen as a good or a bad thing, depending on your faith in the market forces and laissez-faire of Prestel or the benign dictatorship of the BBC and ITV.
  adaptive response ; alteration ; change ; editing ; modulation ; move ; recasting ; redesign ; rotation ; shift ; transfer ; transformation ; changeover [change-over] ; disturbance ; mutation ; permeability ; reformation ; switchover ; reverse ; shift away from ; shifting ; changing of the guard ; swing ; bartering ; switch ; switching ; change ; swapping.
 It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.
 A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).
 These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
 To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.
 There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
 Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
 This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.
 This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
 The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.
 Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.
 When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
 Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
 The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
 A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
 The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict.
 There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.
 The author presents suggestions for the reformation of medical library education.
 The transition date for the switchover is 1 Oct 2000.
 Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.
 This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.
 This article considers the use of a spreadsheet in the shifting of periodicals collections in order to save time.
 The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
 The addition of new feedback techniques produced a significant swing in favour of the application.
 Holdings will become increasingly important as a bartering tool to gain additional access benefits.
 Office automation have brought about a switch to a paperless office.
 These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.
 Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money/ is received in payment of fines.
 The accidental swapping of babies at birth is an extremely rare occurrence in UK hospitals.
a cambio  
in return
in exchange
 In return, the young librarian took it upon himself to design an entire section of the second floor to be the domain of young adult.
 If the musician's landlord were to throw a party and desire music for it, he could hire the musician to play it by offering the month's rent in exchange.
a cambio de   
in exchange for
in return for
in compensation for
 A number of libraries receive full sets of Library of Congress cataloguing records in exchange for certain cataloguing information.
 In practice, however, the gilds were federations of tradesmen who, in return for monopolistic privileges, co-operated with the government in its censorship of the press.
 If you receive a lump sum in compensation for the loss of employment, part of it may be tax free.
a cambio de nada 
for nothing
 This is not to say that scholarly authors are so altruistic that they are prepared to write books for nothing; indeed in my own researches I have come across situations where authors felt deeply about the way that publishers had treated them financially.
aceptar el cambio 
embrace + change
 Some staff are 'change junkies' and others are less able to embrace change.
aceptar un cambio 
accommodate + change
 This paper discusses the development of classification schemes and their ability to adapt to and accommodate changes in the information world in order to survive.
adaptarse al cambio  
accommodate to + change
adapt to + change
 Nevertheless, each library will have to consider whether it will continue to accommodate to changes in the same way that it has in the past.
 Adapting to change - and staying on top of the changes - is a huge key to success in industry.
adaptarse a los cambios 
flow with + the tides
 The public library, if managers can learn to flow with the tides, can be a major player in the new century.
adoptar un cambio  
adopt + change
accommodate + change
 Libraries in effect will need to unfreeze themselves to adopt change, then re-freeze around the new structure to exploit and secure the advances.
 This paper discusses the development of classification schemes and their ability to adapt to and accommodate changes in the information world in order to survive.
agente de cambio   
agent of(for) change
force for change
force of change
 Geoffrey Burke urged librarians to see themselves as agents of change by promoting multicultural attitudes.
 Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change.
 The author explores the powerful forces of change which encourage a transition from a print to an electronic environment.
agente del cambio 
change agent
 One of the most significant change agents that will pervade all other trends is the establishment and regular use of high-speed, fiber optic communication highways.
aires de cambio  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
wind(s) of change, the
seas of change, the
 The author of the article 'Exciting times - another view of how the LA responded to the wind of change' was President of the Library Association in 1962.
 The article 'The seas of change: new sources for company information' briefly describes two new company information data bases.
bicicleta de cambios 
road bike
 If you are in doubt, you can always go for a recce on the road bike and design yourself a route with manageable hills.
cambio a 
flight to
 It was under his guidance that the scheme survived the flight to LC which was such a notable feature of the 1960s (a change which some librarians may no be regretting).
cambio brusco  
 I have spoken of enumeration in terms perhaps dictated by a revulsion from the view so often held that the compilation of subject catalogues is the true and proper function of the bibliographer.
 Within this debate, there is flip-flop between those who argue for methods influenced by objectivism and those who argue for a more egalitarian approach.
cambio brusco de velocidad del viento  [Cambios en la velocidad del viento dependiendo de la altura]
wind shear
 Find conference papers that discuss wind shear and aircraft.
cambio climático  
climate change
climatic change
 Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.
 Selected examples of the use of various older records are given to extend and improve modern analysis of climatic changes.
cambio cualitativo  
step change
qualitative change
 Many new learning resource centres have facilitated a 'step change' in learning support provision within their institutions = Muchos centros de recursos para el aprendizaje nuevos han facilitado un 'cambio cualitativo' en la ayuda para el aprendizaje dentro de sus instituciones.
 Important quantitative and qualitative changes are affecting employment in the telecommunications industry worldwide.
cambio cuantitativo 
quantitative change
 Important quantitative and qualitative changes are affecting employment in the telecommunications industry worldwide.
cambio cultural 
cultural change
 Cultural change is a critical issue if we wish to see long-term institutional change.
cambio de actitud  
change in attitude
change of heart
 If librarians would calmly and publicly and increasingly lay claim to this area as their professional domain, they would gradually bring about the change in attitude that many desire to see.
 It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.
cambio de aires      [Usado comúnmente en sentido figurado] 
change of scenery
change of air and scene
change of air
change of scene
greener pastures
pastures new
 He felt the firm needed a change of scenery and a visible break from the past.
 Just what she needed: a change of air and scene to wean her away from her former owners and make her happy.
 He merely told me that Margaret was not very strong, and that she needed a change of air, and that she should keep out of doors.
 Maybe the penguins needed a change of scene, so they flew to the arctic.
 This threatens to reverse the recent brain drain that has seen scientists flee the US for greener pastures north of the border.
 Therefore this would be a good time to explore pastures new, so make an extra effort and put yourself in the shop window and show the world what you can do.
cambio de ambiente    
change of scenery
change of air and scene
change of air
change of scene
 He felt the firm needed a change of scenery and a visible break from the past.
 Just what she needed: a change of air and scene to wean her away from her former owners and make her happy.
 He merely told me that Margaret was not very strong, and that she needed a change of air, and that she should keep out of doors.
 Maybe the penguins needed a change of scene, so they flew to the arctic.
cambio de aspecto 
lick of paint
 It's amazing what a lick of paint and a scrubbing brush can do to brighten your brickwork!.
cambio de ciudadanía 
change of citizenship
 Within the group 'Change of name' will be listed those occasions which give rise to a change of name such as marriage, joining a religious order, change of citizenship, and so on = Dentro del grupo "Cambio de nombre" se incluirán aquellas ocasiones que dan lugar a un cambio de nombre como, por ejemplo, el matrimonio, el ingreso de una orden relgiosa, el cambio de ciudadanía, etc.
cambio de dirección 
change of hands
 Most importantly, though, the change of hands in the committee marks the transition from global warming denial to global warming activism.
cambio de dueño 
change of hands
 Most importantly, though, the change of hands in the committee marks the transition from global warming denial to global warming activism.
cambio de énfasis  
shift of emphasis
shift in emphasis
 The aggregated data give greater confidence in the earlier survey and identify some shift of emphasis over the 2-year period.
 This article discusses the shift in emphasis from the holdings to actual user needs in recent years.
cambio de entorno    
change of scenery
change of air and scene
change of air
change of scene
 He felt the firm needed a change of scenery and a visible break from the past.
 Just what she needed: a change of air and scene to wean her away from her former owners and make her happy.
 He merely told me that Margaret was not very strong, and that she needed a change of air, and that she should keep out of doors.
 Maybe the penguins needed a change of scene, so they flew to the arctic.
cambio de hora estacional 
daylight saving time
 The software displays sunrise and sunset and automatically adjusts to summer or daylight saving time.
cambio de idea  
change of heart
change of mind
 It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.
 The irresistible implication is that the change of mind was the result of political pressure.
cambio de imagen  
makeover [make-over]
makeover [make-over]
 The article is entitled 'TI: 'Changing floors': a summer 2000 stock makeover for the Robinson Library'.
 The article is entitled 'TI: 'Changing floors': a summer 2000 stock makeover for the Robinson Library'.
cambio de instalación eléctrica 
 This article describes the planning, funding and implementation of the rewiring programme of the library.
cambio de la guardia 
changing of the guard
 The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
cambio de look 
lick of paint
 It's amazing what a lick of paint and a scrubbing brush can do to brighten your brickwork!.
cambio de lugar 
 A scheme should allow relocation, in order to rectify an inappropriate placement, to eliminate dual provision (more than one place for one subject) to make room for new subjects.
cambio de manos 
change of hands
 Most importantly, though, the change of hands in the committee marks the transition from global warming denial to global warming activism.
cambio de mirada 
 It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.
cambio demográfico 
population trend
 Again, the same subject may be required for a number of reasons, e.g an article on population trends in a certain area may be of interest to the statistician, the actuary, the market research worker, the economist, the sociologist, and so on = De nuevo, pueden existir varias razones por las que se necesita una misma materia, por ejemplo, un artículo sobre los cambios demográficos en una zona determinada puede ser de interés para el estadístico, el actuario de seguros, el investigador de mercado, el economista, el sociólgo, etc.
cambio de nacionalidad 
change of citizenship
 Within the group 'Change of name' will be listed those occasions which give rise to a change of name such as marriage, joining a religious order, change of citizenship, and so on = Dentro del grupo "Cambio de nombre" se incluirán aquellas ocasiones que dan lugar a un cambio de nombre como, por ejemplo, el matrimonio, el ingreso de una orden relgiosa, el cambio de ciudadanía, etc.
cambio de nombre 
 This article describes the new face of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, born in October 1996, focusing on the 7 sites throughout the UK, the nature of the bookstock, accounts, business and the rebranding of the chain.
cambio de opinión  
change of heart
change of mind
 It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.
 The irresistible implication is that the change of mind was the result of political pressure.
cambio de orientación  
paradigm change
paradigm shift
 This paper argues that the scientific and technical information sector is in the midst of a paradigm change.
 Library schools historically have paid little attention to paradigm shifts in society.
cambio de paradigma  
paradigm change
paradigm shift
 This paper argues that the scientific and technical information sector is in the midst of a paradigm change.
 Library schools historically have paid little attention to paradigm shifts in society.
cambio de parecer  
change of heart
change of mind
 It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.
 The irresistible implication is that the change of mind was the result of political pressure.
cambio de procedimiento 
procedural change
 Even in casual discussions between the director and department heads ideas may come up which are suddenly translated into plans for action or procedural changes.
cambio de propietario 
change of hands
 Most importantly, though, the change of hands in the committee marks the transition from global warming denial to global warming activism.
cambio de proveedor 
 The author attempts to identify the determinants of subscriber churn and customer loyalty in the mobile telephony market.
cambio de registro 
code switching
 Too often US library professionals have difficulty 'code switching' in order to accommodate the foreign students' needs and resort to familiar but ineffective patterns.
cambio de residencia 
 Non-repayable grants are available for vocational training and guidance, recruitment and wage subsidies, resettlement and technical advice concerned with job creation.
cambio de ritmo 
change of pace
 This potato omelette can be a real change of pace if you are tired of plain old omelettes or scrambled eggs.
cambio de servicio 
 The author attempts to identify the determinants of subscriber churn and customer loyalty in the mobile telephony market.
cambio de sexo 
sex change
 There is no such thing as a sex change: no amount of hormones could turn the billions of XY chromosomes in the body into XX chromosomes.
cambio de título 
title change
 A list of title changes and cessations is included at the end of each issue.
cambio escénico 
scene changing
 They seek plays which can be represented with only one set or with limited scene changing.
cambio estacional 
seasonal change
 Salt efflorescence on the brick wall there shows seasonal changes with an annual cycle.
cambio hormonal 
hormonal change
 It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.
cambio imprevisto de los acontecimientos 
turn of events
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
cambio inesperado 
 'But human creatures must not help each other nor must they make any maudlin twist'.
cambio inesperado de los acontecimientos 
turn of events
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
cambio institucional 
institutional change
 Cultural change is a critical issue if we wish to see long-term institutional change.
cambio meteorológico 
weather modification
 Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.
cambio + ocurrir 
change + take place
 The author examines changes likely to take place and warns local library and information services of the need to adapt to reflect these changes = El autor exmamina los cambios que probablmente sucedan y advierte a los sistemas bibliotecarios y de información locales de la necesidad de adaptarse a ellos.
cambio + producirse 
change + come about
 In my judgment, these changes will come about in one of two ways.
cambio profundo 
profound change
 This revolution is related to the profound changes which have been taking place in British society.
cambio radical   
sea change
radical change
 I have spoken of enumeration in terms perhaps dictated by a revulsion from the view so often held that the compilation of subject catalogues is the true and proper function of the bibliographer.
 Local publishing in the developing world will undergo a sea change if the Bank adopts the recommendations of the seminar as policy.
 Theses paintings represent the continuation of China's long pictorial heritage in an era of radical change and challenges for artists.
cambio radical de postura  
 Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.
 The Attorney General was left with egg on his chin when no-one, not even his Prime Minister, bothered to inform him of this about-turn.
cambio revolucionario 
revolutionary change
 New computer based technologies are evincing revolutionary changes in the educational curriculum for schools of library and information science.
second thoughts
ebb and flow
 Secondly, a clean proof of the sheet was generally shown to the author for his approval and (if the printer was unlucky) his second thoughts.
 This natural ebb and flow necessarily picks up speed as change accelerates.
cambio social  
social change
societal change
 We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.
 Societal changes shaking all established institutions to their foundations also threaten to engulf the public library.
cambio + suceder 
change + take place
 The author examines changes likely to take place and warns local library and information services of the need to adapt to reflect these changes = El autor exmamina los cambios que probablmente sucedan y advierte a los sistemas bibliotecarios y de información locales de la necesidad de adaptarse a ellos.
cambio + tener lugar 
change + take place
 The author examines changes likely to take place and warns local library and information services of the need to adapt to reflect these changes = El autor exmamina los cambios que probablmente sucedan y advierte a los sistemas bibliotecarios y de información locales de la necesidad de adaptarse a ellos.
cambio total  
turnabout [turn-about]
 Current uncertainties and frustrations are creating a possible turn-about by many academic librarians from their 1969 position of demanding equal status with faculty.
 This article describes how an innovative response to the problem led to a turnaround in the company's fortunes.
cambio transformador  
transformative change
transforming change
 Internet brings a new generation of information services that are the thin edge of the wedge of a radically transformative change in how people will access information.
 There are changes and there there are transforming changes.
cambio traumático 
traumatic change
 It has survived for 70 years, enduring colonialism, Japanese occupation, the struggle for independence, wars, and traumatic changes of government and social structure.
cambio vertiginoso 
spiral of change
 Digital technology has ushered us into a ceaseless spiral of change which represents, not so much an evolution from, but a formidable disjunction with the analog world.
clima de cambio 
climate of change
 A major challenge in the climate of change is that of maintaining an adequate and well balanced collection and of fostering a universal pool of knowledge.
con un cambio de actividad se renuevan las energías 
a change is as good as a rest
 As the old adage goes, a change is as good as a rest.
efectuar cambios 
wreak + changes
 The changes wrought by information technology have been at the margins.
efectuar un cambio 
effect + a change
 Consequently, we would probably often consider cutting corners and not effecting the change under all of the added entries.
elemento de cambio 
agent of(for) change
 Geoffrey Burke urged librarians to see themselves as agents of change by promoting multicultural attitudes.
en cambio     
by contrast
in contrast
by comparison
 By contrast, information-driven programmes have a totally different orientation being designed to produce personnel skilled in the application of IT to information problems.
 In contrast, the choice of a subject heading or notation presents many varied problems of interpretation.
 In this case we find a tendency to ignore the author's identity as found in the document, and to prefer instead a real name to a pseudonym.
 He wrote a report on the shifting cultivation of hill rice.
 By comparison, airline passengers in the USA numbered 418 million, of whom 393 million were on domestic flights.
en constante cambio     
ever-changing [ever changing]
on the move
fast changing [fast-changing]
 These new titles are not just cosmetic, they do reflect the ever-changing role of the library service.
 The public library needs to be staffed with personnel who have deep interest into the ever-fluid aspects of human development.
 This article considers use of Internet electronic mail forwarding services to solve the problem faced by Internet users who are constantly on the move or changing Internet providers.
 The author identifies fundamental attitudes necessary for information professionals to navigate 'nimbly' in a fast changing environment.
 Phil Bradley looks at various developments that have occurred recently in the ever-shifting scene of the search engine.
en continuo cambio    
constantly shifting
ever-changing [ever changing]
fast changing [fast-changing]
 The variant and constantly-shifting price structures adopted by hosts were at the heart of their problems.
 These new titles are not just cosmetic, they do reflect the ever-changing role of the library service.
 Phil Bradley looks at various developments that have occurred recently in the ever-shifting scene of the search engine.
 The author identifies fundamental attitudes necessary for information professionals to navigate 'nimbly' in a fast changing environment.
en estado de cambio 
in a state of flux
 Many centres were short-lived, so the picture was always in a state of flux.
enfrentarse a los cambios 
cope with + change
 Education can be the corresponding catalyst for coping effectively with change.
en proceso de cambio 
 These are the kinds of problems that characteristically arise in the complex and continually changing milieu of libraries and media and information centers.
en tiempos de cambio 
in times of change
 Every airline needs to adapt in times of change with safety being the number one priority.
estado de cambio 
state of flux
 Many centres were short-lived, so the picture was always in a state of flux.
estar en estado de cambio 
be in flux
 The law of copyright in relation to electronic media is still very much in flux.
estar en proceso de cambio 
be in flux
 The law of copyright in relation to electronic media is still very much in flux.
estar sujeto a cambios  
be written in sand, not stone
be subject to change
 However, an assumption must undergird the entire process: All decisions are written in sand, not stone.
 Most serial publications are intended to be issued indefinitely and are subject to change of authorship.
experimentar un cambio    
bring about + change
undergo + modification
undergo + change
undergo + transition
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
 In this laboratory situation, students' analyses and programs of action may undergo some modification as collectively the class debates alternatives.
 The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.
 Mexico is undergoing an intense epidemiological transition characterised by a decline in the incidence of infectious diseases and a rapid increase in the importance of chronic illnesses and accidents.
experimentar un cambio + Adjetivo 
take + a + Adjetivo + turn
 He wrote an article titled 'The New Library project takes a favourable turn: a progress report'.
hacer cambios en la búsqueda 
renegotiate + search
 Interactive online systems do permit the user to renegotiate his/her search as s/he proceeds.
hacer cambios indebidamente 
tamper (with)
 Their effective operation is not immediately obvious to the uninitiated and the cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
hacer el cambio 
make + the change
 However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
hacer frente al cambio 
manage + change
 To implement the plan will require librarians to actively manage change and foster the cooperation of vendors.
hacer frente a un cambio 
meet + change
 All professionals need consciously and continously to update their skills in order to meet the challenges and changes in technology and in their fields.
hacer un cambio 
make + change
 The person assigned as coach goes over the work of the new abstractor, makes editorial changes, and discusses these changes with the new man.
impulsor del cambio 
driver of change
 However, less attention has been paid to the technological and social drivers of change in the music industry.
introducir un cambio 
bring + change
 Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.
libre cambio  [Política no intervencionista]
 This may be seen as a good or a bad thing, depending on your faith in the market forces and laissez-faire of Prestel or the benign dictatorship of the BBC and ITV.
línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la 
International Date Line, the
 The International Date Line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is 180° away from the Greenwich meridian.
lograr un cambio 
accomplish + change
 It seems like he's itching for a change but doesn't know exactly the direction or directions to pursue in order to accomplish the change.
los constantes cambios de  
the changing face of
the changing nature of
 Complicated issues continue to expand as preservation tries to keep up with the changing face of technology.
 The themes were the changing nature of scholarly communication and the traditional role of libraries.
mercado sin cambios 
flat market
 In this flat market we have sold our property for a reduced price in order to move on.
momento clave del cambio 
tipping point
 The article is entitled 'The indexing of scholarly journals: a tipping point for publishing reform?'.
moneda de cambio  
bargaining chip
bargaining counter
 The only ones 'using' the war dead as a political bargaining chip are the Republicans who have fought to keep the images of these fallen heroes in the dark.
 One might recall the threat issued by the Chechen terrorists to Moscow in 1995 to seize nuclear reactors and use them as a bargaining counter.
mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo 
flash up
 On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.
motor del cambio 
driver of change
 However, less attention has been paid to the technological and social drivers of change in the music industry.
no hacer ningún cambio 
stand + pat
 To quote Bill Ford in a recent interview, 'the risk of standing pat is far greater than the risk of being bold'.
no sufrir cambios 
remain + normal
 The old method of publication by syndicates of retail booksellers (who might also be wholesalers and/or printers) remained normal during the last quarter of the eighteenth century.
ocasionar un cambio  
bring about + change
trigger + change
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
 The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.
operación de cambio de sexo  
sex-change surgery
sex-change operation
 Another doctor confirmed Karr's reputed plans for sex-change surgery.
 Iran's mullahs have approved sex-change operations despite their conservative Muslim and cultural beliefs.
permanecer sin cambios 
remain + unchanged
 The need to design the buildings so that books, readers and staff are interchangeable remains unchanged.
proceso de cambio 
process of change
 Many individuals have difficulty with the process of change because it can create much anxiety getting outside one's comfort zone.
producir un cambio   
effect + a change
produce + change
trigger + change
 Consequently, we would probably often consider cutting corners and not effecting the change under all of the added entries.
 Results fail to support the expectation that DOCLINE would produce major change in ILL volume or pattern.
 The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.
provocar cambios 
wreak + changes
 The changes wrought by information technology have been at the margins.
provocar un cambio 
bring about + change
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
reacio al cambio 
resistant to change
 The problem reside in the fact that they environment we seek to tame and control is an open, unstructured dynamic process, while human organizations are static and highly resistant to change.
realizar un cambio  
make + alteration
implement + change
 They are able to make any alterations required immediately and the system saves time and manpower.
 Research librarians must be prepared to design and implement these changes.
repercusiones del cambio 
impact of change
 The benefits have to be weighed against the costs of new systems and the impact of change = Se deben sopesar los beneficios frente a los costes de los nuevos sistemas y las repercusiones del cambio.
resistente al cambio 
resistant to change
 The problem reside in the fact that they environment we seek to tame and control is an open, unstructured dynamic process, while human organizations are static and highly resistant to change.
ritmo del cambio  
rate of change
pace of change
 This situation is unlikely to stabilize; indeed the rate of change will almost certainly continue to accelerate.
 In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the introduction of on-line information retrieval.
ser susceptible de cambios 
be subject to change
 Most serial publications are intended to be issued indefinitely and are subject to change of authorship.
sin cambio 
 The number should remain inviolate regardless of the heading's metamorphoses.
sin cambios   [Adjetivo]     
 The notion of functional dependency requires an additional structure in the form of a monotone nondecreasing function.
 Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.
 Notice that the bibliographic record is undisturbed, as the linking number remains the same.
 The most recent book on the subject, almost fifty years later, makes it plain that the situation is unchanged.
 The terms in the source will already be in a standard form ready for lifting wholesale and unmodified into a thesaurus.
 The unaltered message remains in your list of messages unless you request that the changed message be saved.
 This bank of data represented a valuable source of unedited views about users' perceptions, thoughts and attitudes about libraries and electronic resources.
subsidio para cambio de residencia 
resettlement allowance
 These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.
suceder un cambio 
occur + change
 Online cataloging will involve extensive changes and simplification in rules, unlike the changes that occurred when card catalogs replaced bookform catalogs.
sucesión de cambios bruscos   
roller coaster ride
roller coaster
wild ride
 Fox's memoirs can be read as a roller-coaster ride of abandonments and losses relieved by periods of rest and respite.
 The book likens the early adolescent years to a roller coaster, often unpredictable but exciting and filled with possibility.
 The market's wild ride in the last few weeks has created extra work for advisors - who have spent a lot of time reassuring panicky clients about their investments.
sufrir un cambio  
experience + change
undergo + change
 A large proportion of employees reported little change in factors likely to affect prestige and self-esteem and most had not experienced adverse social changes.
 The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.
suponer un cambio 
bring about + change
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
trabajar a cambio de nada 
work for + nothing
 Remuneration for abstracting is not a principal motivating factor, since many abstractors work for nothing.
venderse a cambio de oro 
sell + Reflexivo + for gold
 We all agreed that he was a spy and a deserter, who had gone over to the enemy camp and sold himself for gold.
  loose change.
 Forget climate change, voters want more loose change.
bolsa de cambio 
stock exchange
 This article reviews the Moody's 5000 Plus data base, of over 5000 companies listed on the New York and American stock exchanges, on CD-ROM.
cambio de divisas  
currency rate
currency exchange
 These systems carry up-to-the-minute information on stock prices, currency rates, world and national events, etc.
 However, not all banks provide a currency exchange service.
cambio de moneda        
exchange rate
foreign exchange
currency exchange rate
market rate of exchange
foreign exchange rate
currency rate
rate of exchange
currency exchange
 The price in the local currency is then calculated from the information in the exchange rate table.
 This article defines financial information by looking at the information needs of 4 major divisions of the financial community: commodities; foreign exchange; capital markets; and securities and equities.
 Their response was significantly different, however, in large part due to much better understanding of the effect of foreign currency exchange rates on subscription prices of scientific and technical journals.
 For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.
 This article highlights the foreign exchange rate problem in library periodicals purchasing.
 These systems carry up-to-the-minute information on stock prices, currency rates, world and national events, etc.
 As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.
 However, not all banks provide a currency exchange service.
letra de cambio 
bill of exchange
 A bill of exchange is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.
moneda de cambio  
bargaining chip
bargaining counter
 The only ones 'using' the war dead as a political bargaining chip are the Republicans who have fought to keep the images of these fallen heroes in the dark.
 One might recall the threat issued by the Chechen terrorists to Moscow in 1995 to seize nuclear reactors and use them as a bargaining counter.
oficina de cambio   
exchange office
currency exchange bureau
exchange bureau
 An original passport (not a copy) is required for the majority of exchange offices.
 In banks and currency exchange bureaux you will see exchange rates quoted with very different buy and sell commissions.
 Exchange bureaux have longer business hours than banks and are usually open at the weekend.
tipo de cambio  
exchange rate
rate of exchange
 The price in the local currency is then calculated from the information in the exchange rate table.
 As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.
variación de los tipos de cambio 
exchange rate change
 Increases given are based on publishers' prices only and do not take account of the effect of exchange rate changes.
  gear ; derailleur.
 Their products were charming and much less expensive than American clockwork toys because they used tinplate gears rather than brass.
 There is a front and a rear derailleur on most modern bikes.
caja de cambios 
 I just did my clutch and the only issue doing it myself was hoisting up the gearbox and trying to swing it into position.
palanca de cambio  [De bicicleta]
 If you're sitting on your bike, the shifter on your left controls shifting over the chainrings.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra cambio



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de cambio
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «cambio».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre cambio



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra cambio.
Hermann Hesse
Supe que ser amado no es nada; que amar, en cambio, lo es todo.
John Osborne
Sin duda los maestros están mal pagados por su labor de cuidadores de niños, pero en cambio están vergonzosamente sobrepagados por su trabajo de educadores.
Mahatma Gandhi
Dar un vaso de agua a cambio de un vaso de agua no es nada; la verdadera grandeza consiste en devolver el bien por el mal.
Pablo R. Picasso
Un pintor es un hombre que pinta lo que vende. Un artista, en cambio, es un hombre que vende lo que pinta.
Percy B. Shelley
Para el amor, la belleza y el deleite, no hay muerte ni cambio.
Santo Tomás
Lo bueno es aquello en cuya posesión el apetito descansa, y lo bello, en cambio, aquello cuya contemplación agrada.
Thomas B. Macaulay
Mal gobernante el que exprime al pueblo dándole poco a cambio.
Thomas Carlyle
Nunca debe el hombre lamentarse de los tiempos en que vive, pues esto no le servirá de nada. En cambio, en su poder está siempre mejorarlos.
Thomas Mann
El cambio de costumbres es el único medio de que disponemos para mantenernos en vida y rejuvenecernos. Tal es el objetivo del cambio de aires y de lugar del viaje de recreo.
William Shakespeare
Comprarla a cambio de demasiadas preocupaciones es perder la vida.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término cambio.
El que al pedir abusa, a cambio recibe una excusa.
Sólo es el necio el que no escucha, en cambio el sabio escucha a todos.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de cambio en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con cambio y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Cambio: Como convertir una crisis en una oportunidad.
«Solo un gran problema, una gran crisis, hace pensar al hombre en el cambio. Así es como nos han educado.» OSHO Este libro no contiene consignas políticamente correctas.
Osho Osho, 2010
El cambio educativo desde la investigación-acción
John ELLIOTT, uno de los pedagogos que investiga más activamente dentro de esta perspectiva, proporciona valiosas aportaciones que son imprescindibles para todos aquellos profesionales implicados en la renovación educativa.
John Elliott, 1993
Desarrollo sustentable y cambio global
Este libro editado por Alejandro Nadal es un buen ejemplo. Víctor L. Urquidi trabajó sobre temas fundamentales, como economía y desarrollo, política demográfica, integración regional y ciencia y tecnología.
Víctor L. Urquidi, Alejandro Nadal Egea, 2007
Desarrollo Organizacional Y Cambio
Una realidad innegable de nuestros dias es que cada vez m s personas se dan cuenta de que el ritmo del cambio supera su capacidad fisica y mental de adaptarse a l.
Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2007
Evaluación y cambio educativo: análisis cualitativo del ...
Miguel FERNANDEZ PEREZ, catedrático de Didáctica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, realiza en esta obra un estudio de síntesis de problemas muy vivos y actuales en los sistemas educativos, con una visión crítica que no sólo ...
Miguel Fernández Pérez, 1986
La aventura de innovar: el cambio en la escuela
Innovar en los tiempos presentes es una auténtica aventura, un apasionante viaje plagado de dificultades, paradojas y contradicciones, pero también de posibilidades y satisfacciones.
Jaume Carbonell Sebarroja, 2000
I Ching / I Ching: El libro del cambio / The Book of Change
El I Ching es el más antiguo y profundo de los textos clásicos chinos y ha sido venerado durante más de 3.000 años como oráculo y compendio de sabiduría.
Thomas Cleary, 2005
Cómo gestionar el cambio en contextos educativos
Esta obra ofrece estudios y métodos aplicables a cualquier situación de liderazgo o de responsabilidad.
Patrick Whitaker, 1998
Aprender a gestionar el cambio
Tiempo es lo que falta.
Emilio Ronco, Eduard Lladó, 2000
Gestión del cambio
Su Guía y Mentor para hacer negocios. Enfrentarse y tratar con el cambio y las crisis es difícil en cualquier entorno empresarial, y ya no digamos uno tan turbulento como aquel al que se enfrentan los directivos hoy en día.


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término cambio en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
La reina Letizia pide luchar contra el cambio climático para mejorar ...
¿Es nuestra mentalidad lo que debemos cambiar, el modo en que nos relacionamos ... Y concluyó que “la lucha contra el cambio climático podría estar en las ... «Efesalud - Noticias, Jul 16»
Figueres, la líder global contra cambio climático que aspira a dirigir ...
La costarricense Christiana Figueres, antropóloga de profesión y dirigente de la redacción y firma de un acuerdo global contra el cambio climático, aspira ahora ... «EFEverde, el periodismo del medio ambiente, Jul 16»
El cambio climático protagoniza el Premio Princesa de Asturias de ...
... por el que se reconoce a la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático y el Acuerdo de París. La elección pretende homenajear las ... «Hipertextual, Jun 16»
Los 6 sitios patrimonio de la humanidad de América Latina más ...
"Tenemos que entender mejor, vigilar y abordar las amenazas del cambio climático a los sitios del patrimonio mundial", aseguró Mechtild Rössler, director del ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
El PSOE rescata el 'puedo prometer y prometo' y pide el cambio ...
Ahora, el PSOE se hace partido emergente con su nuevo lema y pide el cambio para conquistar de una vez por todas La Moncloa. 'Sí, un sí por el cambio' es el ... «OKDIARIO, May 16»
Mexicana Patricia Espinosa nueva secretaria de la ONU para ...
Esta nominación constituye "un claro reconocimiento" de Ban Ki-moon al trabajo de la embajadora Espinosa en materia de cambio climático, "así como a su ... «Sputnik Mundo, May 16»
Firma del acuerdo sobre cambio climático
Un número récord de países se dieron cita el pasado 22 de abril en la ONU para firmar el Acuerdo de París contra el cambio climático y dejar clara la urgencia ... «teleSUR TV, Abr 16»
El cambio de hora, ¿cómo afecta a nuestro organismo?
Este cambio de hora supone la entrada del horario de verano, como ... El cambio de hora supone perder una hora de sueño, una medida que tiene un mínimo ... «Hipertextual, Mar 16»
Venezuela anuncia nuevo sistema con dos tasas de cambio
Las autoridades venezolanas modificaron el miércoles el sistema de control de cambio, que operará ahora con una tasa fija de 10 bolívares por dólar y otra que ... «, Mar 16»
Carmena pide a "las fuerzas del cambio" que apoyen la investidura ...
La alcaldesa de Madrid, Manuela Carmena, ha reivindicado este jueves a las fuerzas del cambio que apoyen la investidura del socialista Pedro Sánchez como ... «, Mar 16»


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