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Meaning of "paso" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra paso tiene su procedencia en el latín passus; y también en el latín passus, participio pasivo de pandĕre, tender, extender.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pa · so


Paso can act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


He passed

The term step may refer to: Step, movement of the extremities of the animals as they move on a substrate; ▪ Mountain pass, place where a mountain or mass is crossed; ▪ Step, double or half light in the diaphragm or the time in the obturation when obtaining a photograph; ▪ Step, unit of anthropometric length used by the Romans; ▪ Step, name given to the images that parade in the Holy Week in conjunction with the scaffold or throne; ▪ Step, space between two threads of a screw, or distance that would advance a screw or propeller for each turn if it was in a solid medium; ▪ PASO, primary elections of Argentina of 2013; Can also refer to: ▪ Juan José Paso, doctor in laws and politician of the United Provinces of Río de la Plata; ▪ Manuel Paso, poet of Spanish Modernism. ▪ Antonio Paso and Cano, Spanish playwright brother of the former.

Definition of paso in the Spanish dictionary

The first step definition in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is successive movement of both feet when walking. Another meaning of step in the dictionary is distance traveled in each movement when walking. Step is also movement followed by an animated being.


acaso · atraso · caso · cielorraso · craso · escaso · faso · fracaso · graso · huaso · laso · naso · ocaso · parnaso · payaso · raso · repaso · retraso · traspaso · vaso


pasmar · pasmarota · pasmarotada · pasmarote · pasmo · pasmón · pasmona · pasmosa · pasmosamente · pasmoso · pasodoble · pasoso · pasota · pasote · pasotismo · paspado · paspadura · paspar · paspartú · paspié


abomaso · acceso · aliso · alonso · caguaso · cárbaso · contrapaso · entrepaso · eso · guaso · guisaso · lauroceraso · malcaso · marcapaso · narvaso · omaso · pétaso · porsiacaso · so · uso

Synonyms and antonyms of paso in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «paso» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of paso to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of paso from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «paso» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of paso in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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He passed
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bước đi
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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  footstep ; step ; footprint ; pace ; footfall.
 Leforte could usually identify those footsteps easily; but today they sounded less forceful and deliberate.
 The first step in assigning intellectual responsibility to a corporate body must be a definition of a corporate body.
 In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.
 Among other buildings afire or still smoldering in eastern Baghdad today were the city hall and the National Library which was so thoroughly burned that heat still radiated 50 paces from its front doors.
 This paper describes an electronic method for determination of the quadrupedal footfall patterns of animals during locomotion.
abrir paso a 
make + way (for)
 This printing press was evicted from its premises in 1984 to make way for a seminar room.
abrirse paso    
break through
elbow + Posesivo + way into
elbow into
 In the case of flax the Library of Congress does not provide an enumerated division and so books on flax spinning must jostle in alphabetic order with books on other aspects of flax = En el caso del lino la Biblioteca del Congreso no proporciona una división enumerada por lo que los libros sobre el hilado del lino deben competir en la ordenación alfabética con otros libros que tratan sobre diferentes aspectos del lino.
 Is there a glass ceiling for librarians? If so, what's the best way to break through it?.
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
 More and more companies are already elbowing into this fledgling but potentially lucrative industry.
abrirse paso por 
work + Posesivo + way through
 Read the sections on summarization and work your way through the questions again.
acelerar el paso    
quicken + Posesivo + pace
smarten + Posesivo + pace
speed up + Posesivo + steps
pick up + Posesivo + pace
 Make a note of the story's climax in your mind, so that you can indicate to the children by pause, by quickening of the pace, the peak of the tale.
 He pulled his collar close to his neck, shoved his icy hands into his pockets and smartened his pace.
 Justine saw it out of the corner of her eye, and automatically sped up her steps.
 I'm not sure what thoughts Mikayla was having, but she picked up her pace and vanished ahead of us into the woods.
a este paso 
at this rate
 At this rate, Bryant has a chance to become the greatest scorer the NBA has ever seen.
aflojar el paso  
slow down
slow up
 However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
 Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
aligerar el paso   
quicken + Posesivo + pace
pick up + Posesivo + pace
smarten + Posesivo + pace
 Make a note of the story's climax in your mind, so that you can indicate to the children by pause, by quickening of the pace, the peak of the tale.
 I'm not sure what thoughts Mikayla was having, but she picked up her pace and vanished ahead of us into the woods.
 He pulled his collar close to his neck, shoved his icy hands into his pockets and smartened his pace.
aminorar el paso  
slow down
slow up
 However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
 Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
andar al mismo paso 
fall into + step
 I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.
andar con paso majestuoso 
 She stalked across the room and picked up the dirty ball of rumpled paper, carefully pulling apart the crumples and smoothing away the wrinkles as best she could.
a paso de tortuga 
at a snail's pace
 For our small academic center, we're trying to do something for free, and muddling along at a snail's pace.
a paso ligero 
on the double
 The article is entitled 'Learning on the double'.
a pasos agigantados   
at an exponential rate
at exponential rates
by leaps and bounds
 Information technology continues to develop at an exponential rate.
 Computer and telecommunication technologies, which are advancing at exponential rates, are greatly enhancing the ability to communicate.
 Diagnostic procedures, treatment and surgical techniques for zoo animals have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years.
a un paso  
within a stone's throw (away/from)
a stone's throw away
 His childhood home is a squat little bungalow perched on a hill within a stone's throw from Jack London's cabin.
 Though only a stone's throw away across the grand Atlantic, Europeans and Americans are as different as night and day.
a un paso asombroso 
at an astounding pace
 Classroom use of the World Wide Web is growing at an astounding pace and affecting the way teachers and students function.
a un paso de 
a heartbeat away from
 Each of us lives every minute of every day just a heartbeat away from death.
a un paso rápido 
at a rapid pace
 Capitalism in the US & GB is steaming ahead at a rapid pace relatively unthreatened by other economies of the world.
a un paso relajado 
at a strolling pace
 The walk should take about 50 minutes at a strolling pace.
barrera de paso a nivel 
level-crossing gate
 The waters had destroyed the station and railway lines and level-crossing gates lay bent and twisted .
caminar con paso pesado 
plod (along/through)
 He or she has to plod through the menu each time, and so it is useful if mnemonics and/or abbreviated commands can be provided.
ceder el paso  
give + way (to)
yield + the right of way
 But since to have chosen to use the alternative rule would have committed us to extensive and expensive recataloging of LC copy, service considerations gave way to economic considerations.
 When an emergency vehicle approaches with its siren on you must yield the right of way as quickly as possible.
contador de pasos 
step counter
 A step counter, also known as a pedometer, is a small device worn on your waist that counts the number of steps you take in a day.
dar el primer paso   
make + a start
take + the first step
make + the first move
 But someone has to make a start, and I hope that what I have done will encourage others to correct the errors and fill the gaps.
 If you would like to become a doer, this section aims to help you take the first steps.
 Times have changed and women no longer are expected to wait for a man they're interested in to make the first move.
dar los pasos necesarios 
take + steps
 The library staff must then take steps to remedy the damage.
dar los primeros pasos en 
venture into
 All these factors have deterred women from venturing into politics.
dar otro paso muy importante 
reach + another milestone
 The CEC Libraries' programme has reached another milestone witht the completion of the evaluation of proposals submitted under the first Call for Proposals.
dar paso (a)  
give + way (to)
make + way (for)
 But since to have chosen to use the alternative rule would have committed us to extensive and expensive recataloging of LC copy, service considerations gave way to economic considerations.
 This printing press was evicted from its premises in 1984 to make way for a seminar room.
dar paso a 
yield to
 Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.
dar un gran paso adelante 
reach + a milestone
 In late Feb 1999 the library reached the milestone of 200,000 titles processed.
dar un paso 
make + step
 Schucking noted that early step when a child's 'imagination awakes, without corresponding development of the critical faculty,' a step most children make before they reach school age = Schucking se percató de ese primer paso en el niño cuando "se despierta su imaginación sin el correspondiente desarrollo de la capacidad crítica", un paso que dan la mayoría de los niños antes de alcanzar la edad escolar.
dar un paso adelante 
step up
 Another growing group in this annual pro-life event is women who are stepping up to proclaim their regret for their own abortions.
dar un paso al frente 
step up
 Another growing group in this annual pro-life event is women who are stepping up to proclaim their regret for their own abortions.
dar un paso atrás 
step back
 She stepped back and studied Jasmine from head to foot, then glanced at him, giving him a wink.
dar un paso en falso 
make + a false move
 A man with a gun said, 'If you make a false move, you're dead'.
dar un paso hacia delante  
take + a step forward
step up
 LCSH has taken a further step forward with the use of computer-controlled typesetting.
 Another growing group in this annual pro-life event is women who are stepping up to proclaim their regret for their own abortions.
dejar paso 
step + aside
 True, we do have our unselfish heroes, men who willingly have laid down their lives for others, the wholly unselfish mother, the man who will step aside for the benefit of others.
dejar paso (a) 
give + way (to)
 But since to have chosen to use the alternative rule would have committed us to extensive and expensive recataloging of LC copy, service considerations gave way to economic considerations.
derecho de paso  
the right of way
right of entry
 Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress - there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence - a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.
 The right of entry is reserved during reasonable hours for inspection or repair deemed necessary.
desandar + Posesivo + pasos  
retrace + Posesivo + footsteps
retrace + Posesivo + steps
 Visitors of this exhibition retrace Darwin's footsteps from his youth all the way to the publication of The Origin of Species and his death in 1882.
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
hacer que + Nombre + dé un paso hacia delante 
take + Nombre + a/one step forward
 In 1911 J Kaiser published a work entitled 'Systematic Indexing,' which took the practice of alphabetical subject indexing an important step forward.
impedir el paso 
block in
 A man who blocked in a rubbish lorry with his car in a dispute over waste collection was allegedly hit on the head and sworn at by a binman.
ir al mismo paso 
fall into + step
 I called her to heel and she fell into step nicely, but after a few paces she veered left to go sniff something.
llave de paso      
stop valve
shut-off valve
 What I think the president ought to do is get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots.
 Unless the library has a whole book devoted to the repair of faucets they will have to look under one of the less specific heading.
 The cinema would be enormously the poorer if deprived of its loaded pistols, banana skins, ticking timebombs and dripping taps.
 Stopcocks seize up if left untouched for too long, so turn it off and on again every six months.
 If you install a stop valve, it will save you the trouble of shutting off the water in the entire home for a single sink or toilet repair.
 If you have a leak inside your house, look under the sinks or toilets for a shut-off valve.
llave de paso del agua 
water valve
 Knowing how to turn off your home's water valves can be vital during an emergency.
llevar a cabo una serie de pasos anteriormente realizados 
execute + steps
 The steps from your previous search will be automatically executed in the new database.
obstaculizar el paso 
block in
 A man who blocked in a rubbish lorry with his car in a dispute over waste collection was allegedly hit on the head and sworn at by a binman.
otro paso más hacia + Posesivo + destrucción 
another nail in + Posesivo + coffin
 In the long run this is another nail in his coffin and a severe dent for Britain within the EU.
paso adelante 
step up
 In terms of intellectual evolution, it is a radical step up and great leap forward for mankind.
paso a nivel 
 An unmanned level-crossing was the scene of an accident in which 12 migrants without work permits died when a train smashed into their van.
paso a paso    
one step at a time
step by step
stage by stage
 To avoid problems, build complex searches one step at a time.
 The VDU gives step by step instructions for those not familiar with search procedures.
 The author outlines a stage by stage on-line search strategy to help find pairs of journals that are logically and scientifically related.
 Object knowledge progresses stepwise from the object as a whole to its parts, subparts, etc, and can be visualised as an object-specific tree structure.
paso atrás  
backward step
retrograde step
 At first, displaying an image on a TV screen instead of providing the actual object may seem to be a backward step.
 Indexing and searching on the Internet appears to have taken a retrograde step.
paso de baile 
dance step
 Often the aerobic dance steps call for arm movements which in turn increases the heart rate.
paso (de) cebra  
zebra crossing
 Zebra crossings consist of thick black and white strips across a road with an orange flashing beacon on either pavement.
 Before crossing into a crosswalk, ensure you make eye contact with the approaching drivers in both directions of traffic.
paso de danza 
dance step
 Often the aerobic dance steps call for arm movements which in turn increases the heart rate.
paso de la gente 
flow of people
 Its location on a navigable river gave it a place in the flow of people and commerce.
paso del comercio 
flow of commerce
 Its location on a navigable river gave it a place in the flow of people and commerce.
Paso del Noroeste, el 
North West Passage, the
 The article 'Furthest North' describes the catalogue of the library aboard one of the ships involved in the search for the explorer Sir John Franklin and companions, lost in the search for the North West Passage.
paso de peatones    [Con semáforo y botón accionado por el propio peatón] 
zebra crossing
pedestrian crossing
pelican crossing
 Zebra crossings consist of thick black and white strips across a road with an orange flashing beacon on either pavement.
 Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.
 At some pelican crossings there is a bleeping sound to indicate to blind or partially-sighted people when the steady green figure is showing.
 Before crossing into a crosswalk, ensure you make eye contact with the approaching drivers in both directions of traffic.
paso de tortuga 
snail's pace
 The snail's pace of theological librarianship in adapting to the pragmatic and technical character of early-20th-century librarianship resulted in a mature integration of 19th century scholarly pursuits and late-20th-century information science.
paso en falso 
false move
 In this perspective, fallacies are false moves employed in the attacker's efforts to refute the defender's thesis.
paso fronterizo 
border crossing
 The theme of the conference was 'border crossings: exploring new territories for special collections'.
paso hacia adelante 
step forward
 This article represents a step forward in attempting to systematize the redefinition of library purpose, not simply by basing purpose on community needs but by 'linking needs and libraries in a coherent way'.
paso hacia atrás   
retrograde step
step backward(s)
step back
 Indexing and searching on the Internet appears to have taken a retrograde step.
 This is a major step backward in the ideology of bibliographic cataloging.
 The article is entitled 'Two steps forward, one step back? Multicultural library services in Australia in the 1990s'.
paso inferior   [Usado principalmente en el Reino Unido]
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
paso ininterrumpido de 
steady flow of
 There was a steady flow of people charging out materials, and the checker was inspecting their bags as usual.
paso intermedio  
half-way house
stepping stone
 Minicomputers are the half-way house.
 The workforce is youthful, itinerant and frequently hopeful of using the libary as a stepping stone to jobs in marketing or publishing.
paso peatonal 
pedestrian crossing
 Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.
paso subterráneo    [Usado principalmente en el Reino Unido]
underground walkway
 The group wants to make the city's underground walkways safe by installing surveillance cameras and intercom systems.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
Posesivo + primeros pasos 
Posesivo + first steps
 They have provided the information needed to assist online students in their first steps.
preferencia de paso 
the right of way
 Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress - there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence - a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.
primer paso 
stake in the ground
 The first version of any software is usually best seen as a stake in the ground.
primer paso de, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
thin edge of the wedge, the
 Internet brings a new generation of information services that are the thin edge of the wedge of a radically transformative change in how people will access information.
realizar una tarea paso a paso 
go through
 If you went through the test without any need for revision, so much the better.
saltarse pasos intermedios 
jump + steps
 To jump steps would result in dozens and even hundreds of references from broad headings.
seguir los pasos de 
follow in + the footsteps of
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
seguir + Posesivo + pasos   
follow in + Posesivo + footsteps
trace + Posesivo + steps
trace + Posesivo + footsteps
 The librarians who are moving in these new directions serve as models for others who follow in their footsteps = Los bibliotecarios que hacen esto sirven de modelo para que otros sigan sus pasos.
 I have traced his steps very closely and I am now tring to find the last piece to the puzzle.
 I traced her footsteps down to the shore afraid she was gone for evermore.
seguir unos pasos 
follow + steps
 To bind a book, or rebind it, one of the steps to follow is to check that the book is complete, ie no pages missing.
señal de prohibido el paso 
No Entry sign
 Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.
ser un gran paso adelante 
be half the battle
 Knowing the problem is half the battle.
tener derecho de paso 
have + the right of way
 The new owner doesn't like it, but hikers have had the right of way through these woods for decades.
tomar un paso decisivo 
take + the plunge
 The article is entitled 'Internet access to OCLC: should the smaller library take the Internet plunge?'.
un paso por delante de 
one step ahead of
 Further warrants for his arrest were issued but he remained one step ahead of the police and died in Paris in 1900.
válvula de paso   
stop valve
shut-off valve
 If you install a stop valve, it will save you the trouble of shutting off the water in the entire home for a single sink or toilet repair.
 Stopcocks seize up if left untouched for too long, so turn it off and on again every six months.
 If you have a leak inside your house, look under the sinks or toilets for a shut-off valve.
volver sobre los pasos de uno  
go back on + Posesivo + steps
 But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
 We then realized we had been walking the wrong path and had to go back on our steps, adding one hour to an already long walk.
volver sobre + Posesivo + pasos  
retrace + Posesivo + steps
retrace + Posesivo + footsteps
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
 Visitors of this exhibition retrace Darwin's footsteps from his youth all the way to the publication of The Origin of Species and his death in 1882.
  stage ; passing.
 The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.
 Perhaps an openly expressed disbelief in his activities is one of the marks of the passing of this stage.
ave de paso 
bird of passage
 So thousands of harvest hands come and go every year like birds of passage.
cambiar con el paso del tiempo 
change over + time
 When you start getting into these cases, you realize how much things change over time and how they're not cut and dried.
con el paso de 
with the passing of
 The world round me may have grown dimmer with the passing of the years, but not the world reflected in the magic mirror of literature.
con el paso de las semanas 
from week to week
 If your baby is crying inconsolably for long periods of time and it gets worse from week to week, it is reasonable to ask whether something must be wrong.
con el paso de los años 
with the passing of (the) years
 Its prediction that, with the passing of years, the taint of scandal will blow away, looks over-optimistic.
con el paso del tiempo           [Expresión usada con una frase en el pasado]  [Expresión usada con una frase en el presente]  
over the years
over time
with the passage of time
as time goes by
in due course
over a period of time
in the course of time
over the course of time
in the process of time
as time passed (by)
as time passes (by)
as time went by
as the future unfolds
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 A search can be extended over time by cycling, that is, starting with a source document, identifying those documents which it cites, and then identifying those documents which the original cited document cites, and so on.
 Such recommendations can be viewed as attempts to shortcircuit a system which has creaked more noticeably with the passage of time.
 As time goes by, the modern inventive mind multiplies these media and the bibliographical picture becomes increasingly complicated.
 In due course, the following 19 ideas were found scribbled on six sheets of paper which were taped to the walls of the room.
 The vibration may cause the chips to work loose over a period of time, and if they have to be pushed back into their sockets, it is very easy to bend or break one of the 'legs'.
 This article presents Bradford's Law and some views on its applicability, development and modifications undergone in the course of time.
 These 'stages of development' in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.
 For we see that all things which, in the process of time, being created by the work of Divine Providence, were produced by the operation of God.
 As time passed by, she realised that most South Africans preferred orange squash to the bitter tangy taste of lemon squash.
 As time passes by, our collections grow ever larger and the problems of storage and retrieval become ever more pressing.
 As time went by, the colors started to fade and the paint began to flake from the heat and light of the sun.
 Certain experiences become meaningful only as the future unfolds.
decir de paso que 
let + it drop that
 He was as usual talking about himself and his work when he let it drop that no female writer could ever be his equal.
de paso    
by the way
by the by(e)
 It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book.
 Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name.
 The suppliers of this circulation system recommend that the readers are given numbers and names only, since it will not be cost-effective to store full addresses, particularly with a relatively transient population such as that of a university.
 The finding that some migratory ants use magnetism to find their way could illuminate one of the most elusive questions in biology.
deteriorado por el paso del tiempo 
 In the crest of the timeworn Black Mountains lies the summit of Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi.
dicho sea de paso   
by the way
on a sidenote
by the by(e)
 It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book.
 On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal.
 Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name.
el paso del tiempo  
the passage of time
the sands of time
 These principles should apply to all types of libraries and should not be changed by the passage of time or technological development.
 Since then the sands of time have taken their toll, making my face all leathery, wizening my gaze.
en varios pasos 
 In this paper, a new approach to digital image retrieval using intermediate semantic features and multi-step search has been proposed.
llave de paso      
stop valve
shut-off valve
 What I think the president ought to do is get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots.
 Unless the library has a whole book devoted to the repair of faucets they will have to look under one of the less specific heading.
 The cinema would be enormously the poorer if deprived of its loaded pistols, banana skins, ticking timebombs and dripping taps.
 Stopcocks seize up if left untouched for too long, so turn it off and on again every six months.
 If you install a stop valve, it will save you the trouble of shutting off the water in the entire home for a single sink or toilet repair.
 If you have a leak inside your house, look under the sinks or toilets for a shut-off valve.
mencionar de paso que 
let + it drop that
 He was as usual talking about himself and his work when he let it drop that no female writer could ever be his equal.
paso elevado 
 Each overpass has a call-box near each end.
paso elevado de peatones 
pedestrian overpass
 A pedestrian overpass allows pedestrians safe crossing over busy roads without impacting traffic.
paso elevado para peatones 
pedestrian overpass
 A pedestrian overpass allows pedestrians safe crossing over busy roads without impacting traffic.
paso inferior   [Usado principalmente en el Reino Unido]
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
paso inferior de peatones 
pedestrian underpass
 Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.
paso inferior para peatones 
pedestrian underpass
 Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.
paso subterráneo    [Usado principalmente en el Reino Unido]
underground walkway
 The group wants to make the city's underground walkways safe by installing surveillance cameras and intercom systems.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
 In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.
paso subterráneo de peatones 
pedestrian underpass
 Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.
paso subterráneo para peatones 
pedestrian underpass
 Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.
quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo 
be overtaken by events
 In the event, this plan was overtaken by events, in that with the introduction of MARC in 1971, BNB decided to use DC18 and abandon its own version of DC in the interests of international standardization.
resistir el paso del tiempo    
stand + the test of time
withstand + the test of time
survive + the test of time
pass + the test of time
 The structure of this book has stood the test of time well.
 Lebanon's majestic cedar trees have withstood the test of time for centuries but climate change is threatening the country's most treasured symbol.
 True love survives the test of time.
 This wisdom filled text has passed the test of time and is the most translated book in the world next to the Bible.
ser ave de paso 
be a rolling stone
 I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.
válvula de paso   
stop valve
shut-off valve
 If you install a stop valve, it will save you the trouble of shutting off the water in the entire home for a single sink or toilet repair.
 Stopcocks seize up if left untouched for too long, so turn it off and on again every six months.
 If you have a leak inside your house, look under the sinks or toilets for a shut-off valve.
  transfer ; transition ; changeover [change-over] ; handover [hand-over].
 When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
 Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that users may make the transition from a first access point to related terms or access points.
 The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
 The author assesses the prospects of Hong Kong after the handover of the colony to China in 1997 when it will once again be competing with Shanghai as the publishing hub of the Orient.

Trends of use of paso



Principal search tendencies and common uses of paso
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «paso».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about paso



Famous quotes and sentences with the word paso.
Adagio Español
Conviene ceder el paso a los tontos y a los toros.
La verdad se difunde a paso de tortuga, el rumor se esparce con la velocidad de una liebre.
Baruch Spinoza
La alegría es el paso del hombre de una menor perfección a una mayor.
Benjamin Franklin
Un camino de mil millas comienza con un paso.
Denis Diderot
El primer paso hacia la filosofía es la incredulidad.
Giambattista Marini
De la cuna a la tumba sólo hay un paso.
Herbert Hoover
La sabiduría muchas veces consiste en saber cuál es el siguiente paso que hay que dar.
Iván Turguéniev
El tiempo vuela a veces como un pájaro, y a veces se arrastra como un caracol. Pero la mayor felicidad del hombre sobreviene cuando no se advierte si su paso es raudo o moroso.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
El primer paso hacia el bien es no hacer el mal.
Jean-Lucien Arréat
Como no podemos cambiar a los hombres a cada paso, cambiamos las instituciones.


A camino largo, paso corto.
No da paso seguro quien corre por el muro.
A buey viejo no se le saca paso.
Al ave de paso, cañazo.
Al mal paso, darle prisa.
Buena cara y malos hechos, a cada paso los vemos.
Buey viejo asienta bien el paso.
Dar un mal paso.
De lo que más te salga al paso, no hagas caso.
El asno del gitano, en viendo el palo alarga el paso.


Discover the use of paso in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to paso and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La fotografía paso a paso
A lo largo de sus distintos apartados, el autor expone con claridad y rigor todo lo que el aficionado necesita saber sobre la fotografía, desde el manejo de la cámara hasta las técnicas de revelado, pasando por cuestiones tales como la ...
Michael John Langford, Michael Langford, 2001
Terapia familiar paso a paso
Based on the idea that world salvation can be achieved by first saving the family unit, this book emerges from the tensions, arguments, disagreements, and other dysfunctions that affect modern family life.
Virginia Satir, 2007
La meditación paso a paso
Artífices pero también esclavos de una época que nos reclama cada vez más rapidez y eficacia, todos volveremos a encontrar en La meditación paso a paso ese sosiego tan deseado que nos reconcilia con la parte más honda de nuestro ...
Dalai Lama Dalai Lama, 2010
El desarrollo de los niños, paso a paso
En "El desarrollo de los niños, paso a paso” se describen los cambios más comunes que experimentan los niños a lo largo de la primera y la segunda infancia y se analizan en las distintas áreas del desarrollo sin olvidar que forman ...
Marta Sadurní Brugué, Carles Rostàn Sànchez, Elisabet Serrat Sellabona, 2008
Aikido Paso a Paso: Una Guia Practica
Aikido paso a paso ofrece una aproximación sistemática a esta disciplina.
Moriteru Ueshiba, 2010
Aprendiendo a programar paso a paso con C.
La presente obra pretende dar respuesta a las inquietudes actuales en la materia de programación.
Vicente Javier Eslava Muñoz, 2012
Gramática del inglés: Paso a paso 1
This book covers basic punctuation and capitalization in English, the verbs to be and to have, contractions, and much more. It also includes a dictionary with all words used in the books and more than 1,000 exercises with answers.
Elizabeth Weal, 2010
NUDOS. Una guía práctica para realizar paso a paso más de ...
El uso diario de hilos, cordeles, cabuyas, sedales y cabos en nuestras actividades cotidianas así como en las realizadas al aire libre resulta más fácil y seguros si tenemos algún conocimiento sobre cordaje y anudado de cabos.
Gordon Perry, 2007
El cuadro de mando integral paso a paso: maximizar la ...
Un plan detallado para desarrollar e implementar el Cuadro de Mando Integral en la empresa.
Paul R. Niven, 2003
La meditacion paso a paso / Stages of Meditation
Su Santidad el Dalai Lama nos ofrece en estas páginas un comentario brillante de los libros de meditación más venerados en Tíbet: se trata de Las etapas de la meditación, un manual escrito por el maestro Kamalashila a principios del ...


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term paso is used in the context of the following news items.
Se inunda paso a desnivel
El paso a desnivel que se ubica en las avenidas De los Insurgentes y Paso del Norte, en la zona centro, se encuentra totalmente lleno de agua por las lluvias. «Diario Digital Juárez, Aug 16»
Identifican al joven muerto en el oeste de El Paso
El Paso, (ENTRAVISION).- La Unidad de Crímenes Contra las Personas de la Policía de El Paso investiga el homicidio de un joven de 20 años. «Noticias Entravision, Aug 16»
VIDEO: Reportan el primer caso de 'Zika' en El Paso
El Paso, (ENTRAVISION).- El alcalde de El Paso, Texas, Oscar Leeser junto a los encargados del Departamento de Salud informan a la ciudadanía sobre el ... «Noticias Entravision, Aug 16»
Controlado el incendio en los municipios de El Paso y Fuencaliente
Los vecinos de El Paso y Fuencaliente que fueron desalojados, 2.500 en total, ya pueden volver a sus casas porque el incendio que ha afectado a estos ... «La Opinión de Tenerife, Aug 16»
La Operación Paso del Estrecho supera el millón de pasajeros en la ...
La Operación Paso del Estrecho (OPE), que comenzó el 15 de junio para facilitar el tránsito por España de los emigrantes magrebíes que trabajan en Europa, ... «EFE, Aug 16»
PASO ESTRECHO La Operación Paso del Estrecho supera los ...
La Operación Paso del Estrecho (OPE) ha superado los 400.000 viajeros embarcados con destino al norte de África tras alcanzar, hasta ayer, los 422.456 ... «EFE, Jul 16»
Unos 4.000 argentinos están varados en Chile por cierre de paso ...
El paso Cristo Redentor sigue inhabilitado y así puede continuar los próximos días, ya que se espera que las nevadas continúen hasta mañana jueves 14 de ... «AméricaEconomí, Jul 16»
Provincia lanzó el Plan Primer Paso 2016 y el PPP Aprendiz
El gobierno provincial lanzó este miércoles el Programa Primer Paso 2016 y el flamante Programa Primer Paso Aprendiz, iniciativas destinadas a posibilitar ... «Cba24n, Jul 16»
Detectan donantes y asesores fantasmas en las últimas PASO
La Justicia volvió a detectar en las PASO de 2015 algunas de las anomalías que ya habían sido señaladas en 2007. Consultados por LA NACION, desde los ... «LA NACION, Jun 16»
Comienza la OPE que atenderá el paso de tres millones de ...
Varios coches se disponen a embarcar en el puerto de Algeciras, hacia Marruecos, durante la operación paso del Estrecho en el puerto de Algeciras. EFE/ ... «EFE, Jun 16»


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