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Meaning of "acceso" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra acceso procede del latín accessus.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ac · ce · so play


Acceso is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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In computing an access is the positive result of an authentication, so that the access lasts a predetermined time, the server saves a cookie on the client, this will allow the user to enter his account on the server until it expires. En informática un acceso es el resultado positivo de una autentificación, para que el acceso dure un tiempo predeterminado, el servidor guarda en el cliente una cookie, esta permitirá que el usuario pueda entrar a su cuenta en el servidor hasta que esta caduque.

Definition of acceso in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of access in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is the action of arriving or approaching. Another meaning of access in the dictionary is coitus. Access is also entry or step. La primera definición de acceso en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción de llegar o acercarse. Otro significado de acceso en el diccionario es coito. Acceso es también entrada o paso.
Click to see the original definition of «acceso» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of acceso in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «acceso» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of acceso

Translation of «acceso» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of acceso to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of acceso from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «acceso» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of acceso in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  access ; admittance ; login ; entry ; approach path.
 Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.
 New rules have made it possible to show films publicly with free admittance.
 Internet access for electronic messaging, file transfer, and remote login to computer was originally only available to individuals in education and research institutions.
 The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.
 Approach paths to site should be wide and non-slippery with liberal use being made of ramps.
acceso abierto 
open access (OA)
 Open access (OA) publishing is growing in importance, and, in parallel, the role of institutional repositories (IRs) has come to the forefront of discussion within the library community.
acceso a distancia  [En tecnología de la información, utilización de archivos de ordenador por medio de dispositivos de entrada y salida conectados a un ordenador por cable]
remote access
 Remote access involves the use of computer files via input/output devices connected electronically to a computer.
acceso a la información por el autor 
author approach
 The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
acceso a la información por el título 
title approach
 The title approach to documents and the information that they contain arises in a variety of different contexts.
acceso a la información por la materia   [Dícese de aquel área de la biblioteconomía que engloba el tratamiento de la información desde el punto de vista de su contenido temático]
subject approach to information
subject approach
 Some aspects of the creation of a good alphabetical subject index, whether it be printed or machine-held, are common to any subject approach to information.
 This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.
acceso aleatorio 
random access
 Discs provide 'direct' or 'random' access, the 'read/write' head can go straight to the data required.
acceso a los artículos de las publicaciones periódicas 
article-level access
 The article 'article-level access to the online catalog at Vanderbilt University' is a contribution to an issue on locally loaded data bases in on-line library systems.
acceso a los documentos  [En recuperación de información, acto que realiza una biblioteca de solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery
 This article examines resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery comparing the turnaround time for interlibrary loan in 1987 with that of 1989.
acceso al trono 
accession to the throne
 One controversy surrounding the Prince's future accesion to the throne is his decision to be known as the 'Defender of Faith', as opposed to the traditional 'Defender of the Faith'.
acceso concurrente  [En recuperación de información, consulta de datos por varios usuarios a la vez]
concurrent access
 An alternative for providing concurrent access is to mount journal citation files on a local library system.
acceso dedicado 
dedicated access
 OCLC Europe supports a nationwide telecommunications network in the United Kingdom and Ireland to provide users with dedicated access to the OCLC data bases and associated service in the US.
acceso de sólo lectura 
read-only access
 Read-only access to title, supplier, and patron and fund accounting information is provided by a suite of general enquiry functions.
acceso directo  [En tecnología de la información, utilización de archivos de ordenador por medio de soportes físicos, como discos, casetes, cartuchos, que el usuario inserta en el ordenador]  [Uso informático]
direct access
 Direct access involves the use of computer files via carriers (e.g. disks, cassettes, cartridges) designed to be inserted into a computer or its auxiliary equipment by the user.
 Is it possible to unpin a program on your taskbar and turn it into a shortcut on the desktop or anywhere else?.
acceso en línea 
online access
 Many reference sources which were once available only in hard copy are now available either in hard copy, or to be consulted by online access to a computer-held data base.
acceso identificado 
password access
 Participants were given password access to the papers and could download those that they wished to keep.
acceso libre   
free access
open access (OA)
 This article deals with the usefulness of self-help videos in the public library.
 Their Web based manuscript management system promises rapid peer review, multimedia content, searchability and linkability, and free access to all individuals with browsers.
 Open access (OA) publishing is growing in importance, and, in parallel, the role of institutional repositories (IRs) has come to the forefront of discussion within the library community.
acceso mediante contraseña 
password access
 Participants were given password access to the papers and could download those that they wished to keep.
acceso mediante línea telefónica 
 Remote or invisible users are increasing in numbers as more libraries implement dial-access to their catalogues and investigate the viability of networks.
acceso mediante llamada telefónica   
dial-in access
dial-up access
dial up phone line
 It describes recent software developments and those planned for the future, such as dial-in access to Silverplatter data bases.
 It is possible to use dial-up access via the public switched telephone network.
 This article discusses the use of diskettes, Bernoulli removable disc cartridges, CD-ROM's, modems using dial up phone lines, leased phone lines, satellites and frequency modulated (FM) subcarriers.
acceso múltiple  [Expresión utilizada para referirse a la posibilidad de acceder a un registro biblográfico por varios de sus elementos, como pueden ser el autor, título, materia, etc]
multiple access
 Because the catalogue can contain more than one substitute for each document it is said to allow for multiple access to documents - ie access via all the different characteristics by which a document is liable to be sought and which define its class membership.
acceso para todos 
access for all
 We took the view that to fulfil the principle of access for all libraries must continue to provide information in a variety of ways, for example through print and the oral tradition.
acceso por CD-ROM 
CD-ROM access
 The Library set out to compare the relative merits of remote access, CD-ROM access, and locally loaded data files.
acceso por materias 
subject access
 So bringing together the works of an author is of importance even from the perspective of subject access.
acceso público 
public access
 This article argues that the OTA report, despite its affirmation of public access to information, is unlikely to cause a redeployment of resources unless librarians argue vociferously that there is a real need for this information.
acceso remoto  [En tecnología de la información, utilización de archivos de ordenador por medio de dispositivos de entrada y salida conectados a un ordenador por cable]
remote access
 Remote access involves the use of computer files via input/output devices connected electronically to a computer.
acceso restringido 
restricted access
 All storage rooms where flammable liquids are stored should have restricted access and be properly identified.
demand load
 Server logs were designed to measure traffic and demand loads on a computer server, and they work well for this purpose.
acceso selectivo 
selective access
 Censorship operates detrimentally to the community itself, unless the means are found to allow selective access to information to those who need it.
acceso simultáneo  [En recuperación de información, consulta de datos por varios usuarios a la vez]
concurrent access
 An alternative for providing concurrent access is to mount journal citation files on a local library system.
acceso sólo electrónico 
e-only access
 UK universities are increasingly moving to e-only access to e-journals through licensing content.
base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción 
subscription database
 With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.
biblioteca de acceso restringido 
closed-stack library
 The location may be a branch library (such as the music library) or a part of the stacks of a closed-stack library.
biblioteca de libre acceso 
open access library
 Open access libraries, where the public are expected to locate documents for themselves, are different.
camino de acceso 
approach path
 Approach paths to site should be wide and non-slippery with liberal use being made of ramps.
clave de acceso  [En tecnología de la información, combinación de letras y símbolos utilizada para utilizar un sistema de acceso restringido]
 Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
Comisión Europea para la Preservación y el Acceso (ECPA) 
European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA)
 The European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) was founded in 1994 by librarians, archivists and scholars out of concern for millions of endangered books to raise awareness and convince decision makers of the importance of preservation.
conseguir acceso  
gain + access
gain + admittance
 Libraries gain access to their own files by means of terminals connected to the central computer.
 In the early 1800s libraries were used by only the small portion of the population that could gain admittance.
control de acceso 
access control
 Apart from serving as 'electronic money', smart cards are already being envisaged as identification and access control passes, bearers of personal records, encryption devices and so on.
dar acceso 
provide + access
 One solution is to set up a national centre to provide access on-line to as many users as require a particular service.
dar acceso a 
give + access to
 The Science Citation Index CD Edition gives you access to the world's most important science & technology journals by title word, author's name, author's address or institutional affiliation, and journal.
de acceso público 
publicly accessible
 Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.
de acceso rápido 
 Data which are to be permanently stored in directly addressable, fast-access storage can be placed in ROM.
de acceso restringido 
closed access
 With closed access collections the choice of arrangement may present only limited problems, since the librarian will act as an intermediary between the stock and the user.
de fácil acceso   
easily available
over the counter
 This means there must be plenty of books to select from and that they must be easily available.
 With minor revision, the design recommendations were appropriate for developing over the counter medicinal leaflets.
 The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy = El deseo pronto muere y el libro se olvida si no hay ejemplares a mano.
derecho de acceso 
access right
 University or industrial employment contracts seldom promise email accounts, space on servers, or other access rights.
derecho de acceso a la información 
right of access to information
 The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.
estanterías de libre acceso  [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]
open shelves
 The cry is often heard that it is impossible to put nonbook materials on open shelves because they will be stolen.
examen de acceso a la licenciatura  [Examen que todo diplomado debe hacer como requisito previo para ser aceptado en cualquier licenciatura en los Estados Unidos]
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
 Undergraduate grade point average, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, ethnicity, gender and library experience were variables which tended to predict GSLIS grade point average and completion of the programme.
facilidad de acceso 
 Most important factors were reachability of the udder for the piglets and reachability of the sow and piglets for the stockman.
falta de acceso 
 The unavailability of a document for examination deprives the user of a theoretically perfect decision about the relevance of an item.
fichero de acceso aleatorio 
random access file
 This article considers a random access file which consists of a given number of buckets.
fichero de punto de acceso 
access-point file
 Access-point files are the equivalent of library catalogs, each from a different point of view.
filtrar el acceso 
filter + access
 This law requires public libraries in the USA to filter access to the Internet.
fondo de acceso restringido  [En el préstamo bibliotecario y en una biblioteca de libre acceso, conjunto de materiales a los que el público en general no puede acceder libremente]
reserve collection
 Many libraries planned to keep much stock in a reserve collection, not open to the public.
fondo de recursos electrónicos de acceso restringido  [En una biblioteca, documentos en formato electrónico que generalmente debido a las licencias que los proveedores mantienen con la biblioteca sólo pueden ser consultados por aquellos usuarios que tienen los permisos necesarios]
electronic reserve
 The user survey revealed that some academics were concerned about the 'spoon-feeding' possibilities of an electronic reserve.
fondos de acceso libre  [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]
open stacks
 Consoles would replace the conventional catalogue and would provide the facility for browsing now afforded by the open stacks.
fondos de acceso restringido   [Colección no accesible al público en general y a la que sólo puede acceder el bibliotecario y otras personas especialmente autorizadas]  [Colección no accesible al público en general y a la que sólo puede acceder el bibliotecario y otras personas especialmente autorizadas]
closed access collection
closed stacks
closed access stacks
 With closed access collections the choice of arrangement may present only limited problems, since the librarian will act as an intermediary between the stock and the user.
 Access to books has improved with transfer from closed stacks to open shelves.
 Until recently movable shelving was used mainly in closed access stacks, but since some systems can be operated safely by anyone, it is being used increasingly in open access stacks.
fondos de libre acceso  [Colección a la que puede acceder el público en general]
open access stacks
 Until recently movable shelving was used mainly in closed access stacks, but since some systems can be operated safely by anyone, it is being used increasingly in open access stacks.
igualdad de acceso 
equity of access
 Reference services exist to help the less adroit find information and their fundamental value lies in equity of access to information.
libertad de acceso a la lectura 
freedom to read
 Librarians must turn to their own communities for the best defences against any restrictions in the freedom to read and think.
libre acceso 
open access (OA)
 Open access (OA) publishing is growing in importance, and, in parallel, the role of institutional repositories (IRs) has come to the forefront of discussion within the library community.
licencia de acceso 
subscription license
 By providing subscription licenses on behalf of rights holders, both suppliers and users of content will benefit in the networked environment.
licencia de acceso a información electrónica  
license [licence, -USA]
 The use of electronic information everywhere in the world is usually defined and described by contractual agreements, otherwise known as licenses = El uso de la información electrónica en todo el mundo normalmente se define y describe mediante acuerdos contractuales que se conocen como licencias.
 Licensing is increasing in importance as a means of gaining access to commercially available digital information = Las licencias están creciendo en importancia como forma de acceder a información digital comercial.
memoria de acceso aleatorio (RAM) 
random access memory (RAM)
 Random access memory (RAM) is the most important type of central memory in general-purpose microcomputers.
módulo de aceso de un portal  [En un portal, nombre dado a cada una de las ventanas que aparecen en una página para acceder a los diferentes componentes del mismo presentando cada uno información relacionada con la búsqueda realizada]
 Today's portal systems allow combining access modules or 'portlets' to different information sources side by side on a single portal webpage.
módulo de catálogo de acceso público en línea 
online public access catalogue module
 Functions of this library system include: cataloguing; authority control; online public access catalogue; circulation; acquisitions; and serials control modules.
nombre de acceso  [Nombre utilizado para acceder a un ordenador cuyo acceso está restringido y necesita además de una contraseña]
 As a noun, login is the account name used to gain access to a computer system.
nombre de acceso al sistema 
system logon name
 The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.
obtener acceso   
gain + access
gain + admittance
gain + entry
 Libraries gain access to their own files by means of terminals connected to the central computer.
 In the early 1800s libraries were used by only the small portion of the population that could gain admittance.
 The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.
ofrecer acceso 
provide + access
 One solution is to set up a national centre to provide access on-line to as many users as require a particular service.
posibilidades de acceso 
access capabilities
 Large central research libraries want improved access or searching capabilities most, while multilocationed libraries (public, academic, or special) want remote catalog access the most.
programa de acceso a Internet  [Programa instalado en un ordenador personal que permite acceder y presentar información en Internet como Netscape and Internet Explorer]
browser software
 The author describes a strategy using free browser software to deliver local information on the Internet.
programas de acceso  [Programas de acceso a la información contenida en las bases de datos]
access software
 This paper lists areas of user expectations in access software for CD-ROM and other optical products.
puerta de acceso 
 One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.
punto de acceso  [En lenguajes documentales, nombre, término o símbolo por el que se accede a un registro bibliográfico, generalmente el nombre del autor, el título de la obra, la materia]      [Elementos por los que un registros puede ser recuperado]  [Aquello que actúa como elemento de conexión a otros elementos]   [En lenguajes documentales, nombre, término o símbolo por el que se accede a un registro bibliográfico, generalmente el nombre del autor, el título de la obra, la materia] 
access point
entry point
entry term
index entry
retrieval access
search key
access point
service point
point of access
entrance point
 This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
 UNIBID has less redundancy and covers more types of bibliographic material than UNIMARC, whereas the latter probably has more entry points for catalogue headings.
 These instructions codes convert the operators into machine-readable manipulation codes, and show which terms are to be used as entry term.
 All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
 Much more important, however, is the fact that an online catalog contains many more retrieval accesses than a catalog based on the Paris Principles and is therefore a far more effective tool from the user's point of view.
 Typically some parts of records can be searched and their elements used as search keys.
 Such libraries act as access points to the full range of resources that are housed in the central libraries with which they are linked.
 One of the greatest assets that libraries possess as potential hosts for community information services is their extensive network of service points.
 Simplifying the filing rules and adding more points of access are exactly what we need.
 Written in engaging, lively prose, the biography might offer an accessible entrance point into 17th-century studies for scholars new to the period.
puntos de acceso 
entry vocabulary
 The alphabetical index provides an entry vocabulary, or a list of terms for first consultation, and identification of the place for a subject within the scheme.
rampa de acceso  
access ramp
 The article hast the title 'Meeting the information needs of the print handicapped - more than ramps and sliding doors'.
 The library should provide facilites for disabled people, including special toilets, access ramps and automatic doors.
servicio de acceso público 
public delivery service
 Later phases will include data storage on optical disks, which will provide the capacity for a public delivery service.
sistema de acceso mediante tarjeta 
card access system
 The experts respond to the following questions: will schools ever be free of weapons; will card access systems become common in public schools; will metal detectors solve school security problems; and will students ever be issued bullet-proof vests along with textbooks?.
tarjeta de acceso 
swipe card
 The continuous collection of statistics of student library use is carried out by computerized entry turnstiles which read the students' university swipecards.
tener acceso (a)  
have + access (to)
get + access (to)
 This could be useful if you want to find whether someone else has access to your account.
 The customers only need to spend an initial amount on the software after which they can get access to a number of Apple products free of cost.
tener acceso a información confidencial 
be on the inside
 He's a guy who was definitely on the inside, but he doesn't spend the whole book aggrandising himself or justifying everything he did.
tiempo de acceso  [En tecnología de la información, tiempo que tarda un ordenador en obtener información de su dispositivo de almacenamiento y presentárselo al usuario]  [Los milisegundos que la cabeza lectora tarda en encontrar la información que se desea en un disco]  [Los milisegundos que la cabeza lectora tarda en encontrar la información que se desea en un disco]
access time
seek time
access speed
 Access time is the time taken by a computer to obtain information from its backing store.
 However, the storage capacity of the REO-130 cartridge compares favourably with capacities offered by removable magnetic disc systems, and its seek time is lower than seek times supported by 5.25-inch magneto-optical drives.
 Floppy disks offer higher data access speed and transfer than Winchester disks.
todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información 
access for all
 We took the view that to fulfil the principle of access for all libraries must continue to provide information in a variety of ways, for example through print and the oral tradition.
vía de acceso rápido 
fast track
 The recently announced plan calls for creating a fast track for approving drugs for life threatening diseases = El plan anunciado recientemente demanda la creación de un procedimiento rápido para aprobar el uso de fármacos para enfermedades mortales.
 Laura Carpozzi, head of the circulation department, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.
acceso de cólera 
outburst of rage
 He was an exemplary citizen before the accident but afterwards became a completely different person - impatient, rude and prone to outbursts of anger and rage.
acceso violento 
 The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.

Trends of use of acceso



The term «acceso» is very widely used and occupies the 414 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «acceso» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of acceso
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «acceso».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «acceso» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «acceso» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about acceso



Famous quotes and sentences with the word acceso.
Victor Hugo
La insurreción es el acceso de furor de la verdad. A veces insurrección es resurreción.
Henry George
El estado ideal no es aquel en que cada uno tiene acceso a la misma cantidad de riqueza, sino en proporción a su contribución a la riqueza general.
Friedrich Weber
El amor es un verdadero acceso de fiebre, con la diferencia de que ésta comienza con frío y termina con ardor, mientras que el amor sigue el camino contrario.


Discover the use of acceso in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to acceso and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Matemáticas: Prueba de acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado ...
Este es un libro de texto para impartir las Matemáticas del Curso de Preparación de la Prueba de acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior.
Alicia Espuig, 2011
El acceso a la justicia: la tendencia en el movimiento ...
Frente a un entorno juridico de tipo tradicionalista, los autores oponen una vision nueva que incorpora las esferas de disciplinas como la sociologia, la antropologia y la psicologia a la orbita del derecho en una dinamica mas creativa, ...
Mauro Cappelletti, Bryant G. Garth, 1996
El derecho de acceso a la radiotelevisión pública: el acceso ...
El acceso a los medios públicos de comunicación constituye genéricamente una forma de procurar la participación, directa o indirectamente, de lso sujetos pasivos del proceso comunicativo en la explotción, en la gestión y, en su ...
Antonio Montoro, Antonio Montoro Fraguas, 2007
Las cuestiones de género y el acceso a la tierra
Esta guía se ha preparado para prestar apoyo a los administradores de tierras de los gobiernos y sus contrapartes de la sociedad civil sobre asuntos relacionados con el acceso a la tierra y la administración del desarrollo rural.
Acceso a la justicia como garantía de igualdad: ...
Acceso a la justicia y nuevas formas de participación en la esfera política Víctor Abramovich Con frecuencia, en diversas concepciones acerca de la teoría de la democracia se ha planteado el vínculo entre el acceso a la justicia y la ...
El derecho de acceso a archivos y registros administrativo
Autor: Leonor Rams Ramos es doctora en Derecho y profesora de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.
Leonor Rams Ramos, 2010
Telecomunicaciones móviles
INTRODUCCIÓN En cualquier sistema de radio celular, o de comunicaciones personales en general, un cierto número de usuarios se comunica con una estación de base que, a su vez, da acceso a la red fija mediante portadores adecuados ...
Marcombo, S.A., 1998
Guía Para Endodoncia Preclínica
Anatomía. interna. de. los. conductos. y. formas. de. cavidades. de. acceso. Como generalidad, es preciso entender que en cualquier pieza dental que necesite tratamiento radicular, se debe valorar, antes que nada, las condiciones generales ...
Rodolfo Zeledón Mayorga, 2005
Endodoncia: técnica y fundamentos
Un acceso bien realizado propicia la iluminación y la visibilidad de la cámara pulpar y de la entrada de los conductos, y facilita su instrumentación. Los accesos ejecutados de manera descuidada o sin observar los postulados básicos ...
Ilson José Soares, Fernando Goldberg, 2002
Mejorar el acceso a la información bancaria por motivos fiscales
Este informe ha sido preparado por el Comité de asuntos fiscales para examinar las formas de mejorar la cooperación internacional en el intercambio de información en posesión de los bancos y demás entidades financieras a efectos ...
OECD, 2000


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term acceso is used in the context of the following news items.
Cerca de 43.000 alumnos andaluces se examinarán de la Prueba …
Los alumnos de FPGS que quieran subir su nota de acceso a la Universidad deberán realizar también la Fase Específica, al igual que los de Bachillerato, ... «Teleprensa periódico digital, Jun 16»
La Gendarmería liberó el piquete en el Acceso Oeste
La Gendarmería liberó el piquete en el Acceso Oeste. Los efectivos contaban con la orden judicial para despejar la autopista. Los manifestantes reclaman por ... «, Jun 16»
Las pruebas de acceso a la universidad comienzan con "total …
El director general de Universidades e Investigación, Juan Monzó, ha resaltado que las pruebas de acceso a la universidad de este lunes transcurren "con total ... «, Jun 16»
Zacatecas aprueba Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información
El Poder Legislativo aprobó la iniciativa de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública del Estado de Zacatecas, con lo que cumplió en el último ... «, Jun 16»
«La nueva prueba de acceso a la Universidad no puede ser una …
Asturias estrena la última PAU con Hume y Platón, la Constitución Española del 78 y un texto sobre Valle-Inclán. La vicerrectora de Estudiantes aboga por una ... «La Voz de Asturias, Jun 16»
Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información es consultada por …
La Asamblea Nacional realiza la fase de consulta pública del proyecto de Ley de Transparencia, Divulgación y Acceso a la Información. En ese sentido, el ... «Analí, May 16»
La ley de acceso a la información pública ya tiene media sanción
Arranque de la sesión maratónica en Diputados, donde se dio media sanción a la ley de acceso a la información pública. Foto: Emiliana Miguelez). «Clarí, May 16»
Ledesma concluye la entrega de la vivienda número 1.000 del …
... Mauricio Macri, y del gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, la compañía llevó a cabo el acto de entrega de la vivienda número 1.000 del Programa “Acceso ... «ComunicaRSE, May 16»
Ledesma: Mauricio Macri entregará la vivienda 1.000 del Programa …
... Mauricio Macri, viajará el lunes 16 de mayo a Jujuy para presidir el acto de entrega de la vivienda número 1.000 del Programa "Acceso a la Casa Propia”; ... «El Intransigente, May 16»
Hoy entra en vigor la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la …
La nueva Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública consta de 206 artículos y nueve artículos transitorios, y está armonizada con la Ley ... «Economí, May 16»



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