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La base de la urbanidad, de la buena educación, es moral: no hagas a otro lo que no quieras que te hagan a ti.
Amando De Miguel

Significado de "base" en el diccionario de español



La palabra base procede del latín basis, la cual a su vez procede del griego βάσις.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


ba · se play
Base es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Base es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.


definición de base en el diccionario español

La primera definición de base en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es fundamento o apoyo principal de algo. Otro significado de base en el diccionario es conjunto de personas representadas por un mandatario, delegado o portavoz suyo. Base es también lugar donde se concentra personal y equipo, para, partiendo de él, organizar expediciones o campañas.


strip tease
strip te·a·se





Sinónimos y antónimos de base en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «base» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de base


base apoyo asiento basa cimiento fondo fundamento origen pata peana pedestal principio procedencia raíz soporte sostén zócalo bien liquidable aérea naval primera lengua española principal algo otro conjunto personas representadas mandatario delegado portavoz suyo base también lugar donde concentra personal equipo para partiendo organizar expediciones campañas agua electrolitos equilibrio ácido aprendizaje entrenamiento fútbol objetivo este libro ofrecer herramienta trabajo práctica técnico forma exponer diferentes acciones técnicas tácticas cualidades físicas pretende definir concepto mismas sino investigación como enseñanza rudduck hopkins seleccionan volumen numeroso representativo trabajos stenhouse darnos conocer pensamiento pedagógico actividad ejercicios juegos completo manual profesores

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Las traducciones de base presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de base en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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căn cứ
80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de base en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  base ; base ; base plate ; basis [bases, -pl.] ; basis [bases, -pl.] ; bedrock ; core ; cornerstone [corner-stone] ; foundation ; grounding ; underpinning ; cradle ; warp and woof ; mounting ; building block ; fundament.
 The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
 The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
 The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
 These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
 These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
 We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
 The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
 Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
 If this story is correct, it's the latest evidence that copyright law has become unmoored from its foundations.
 The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
 The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
 Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
 The bike's vibrations may cause the unit to oscillate severely within its mounting.
 This article seeks to explain why current on-line products have, despite tremendous capitalisation, not yet achieved satisfactory returns, but have provided the necessary building blocks towards future products.
 As a consequence some cracks sneaked into the fundaments of this branch of physics.
a base de  
in the form of
on a diet of
 Thesauri often boast an additional explicit statement of the structure of the relationships between terms in the form of categorised lists or displays.
 No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts on regardless of how well chosen they are.
a base de carne 
meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.]
 Natural diets based on raw meaty bones promote the health of pets, the human economy and the natural environment but, I admit, I used to believe the opposite.
a base de cometer errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a base de errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a base de plantas 
 A plant-based diet supports a sustainable world, by reducing the need for pasture land and subsequent pressure on forests.
afianzar las bases 
strengthen + foundations
 An improved awareness of existing work should strengthen the foundations of new investigations, and reduce the degree of duplication.
aplicar una capa base 
 Some people prime and paint their doghouses to match their homes.
aprender Algo a base de cometer errores 
learn + Nombre + the hard way
 The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.
banda de base 
 This article makes a comparison of the transmission media of twisted pair, baseband cable, broadband cable and fibre optics.
basado en un gestor de bases de datos 
 Fig.5.4 shows a full record from a DBMS-based acquisitions file, together with that record in the eventual order to the bookseller.
base cognitiva 
knowledge base [knowledge-base]
 An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.
base de conocimiento 
knowledge base [knowledge-base]
 An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.
base de datos   [Colección de registros afines, organizados y dispuestos con arreglo a un método específico que requiere el uso de una máquina para su proceso, generalmente un ordenador] 
data bank [databank]
database [data base]
database software
 Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
 Information is held in files or databases, which are comprised of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
 A transfer format may be specified if the report is to be used with spreadsheets or other database software.
base de datos automatizada    
computer database
computer-held database
computerised database
machine-readable database
 A catalogue may be held as a card catalogue, microfilm catalogue or as a computer data base = Un catálogo puede ser de fichas, en microfilm o una base de datos automatizada.
 A computer-held data base is a collection of similar records, with relationships between the records.
 Some feel that the non-expressive nature of the notation limits the scheme's usefulness in computerised data bases.
 A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.
base de datos bibliográfica 
bibliographic database
 Because of their ready availability, database management systems (DBMS) are being applied to bibliographic data bases with increasing frequency.
base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes 
abstracts based bibliographic database
 This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.
base de datos catalográfica  
catalogue database
cataloguing database
 Controlled indexing languages are well embedded in many of the bibliographic and catalogue databases created today.
 If a library expects constant use of a particular database from a supplier or vendor (perhaps a cataloging database such as OCLC), there may be a 'leased' or 'dedicated' line devoted solely to the access of a particular database in return for a stipulated annual fee.
base de datos comercial 
commercial database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos completa  [Base de datos que contiene la referencia y el texto completo]
full-provision database
 The result could be termed a full-provision data base - a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
base de datos con información confidencial 
intelligence database
 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.
base de datos cruzada 
cross database
 Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.
base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción 
subscription database
 With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.
base de datos de autoridades 
authority database
 One of the proposals is to create a single Anglo-American authority database comprising name, series, and subject headings created by the various Anglo-American national cataloging agencies.
base de datos de carburantes 
 TULSA is the equivalent of the printed Petroleum Abstracts.
base de datos de documentos primarios 
source database
 Source databases contain the original source of data.
base de datos de documentos secundarios 
reference database
 Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.
base de datos de dominio público 
public domain database
 This article considers the relunctance of governments to provide the capital input for these developments as a backdrop for discussion of the issue of privatisation of public domain data bases.
base de datos de educación 
 ERIC is a good example of such a database, covering most of education.
base de datos de imágenes  
image database
image bank
 The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.
 An image bank is a collection of images, usually, but not always, held in electronic format for retrieval by computer.
base de datos de investigación 
research database
 This dynamic thesaurus is used for intelligent access to research databases.
base de datos del gobierno de USA   [Base de datos del gobierno americano]
 Other data bases include several offering access to US government information such as CRECORD, the index of the Congressional record, and FEDREG, the Federal Register.
 Other data bases include several offering access to US government information such as CRECORD, the index of the Congressional record, and FEDREG, the Federal Register.
base de datos de lógica difusa 
fuzzy database
 The idea of fuzzy data base has been investigated along many different lines.
base de datos de medicina  [Base de datos de medicina]
 MEDLINE is produced by the US National Library of Medicine.
base de datos de negocios 
business database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos de pago 
subscription database
 With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.
base de datos de patentes 
 Also available are other assorted data bases, including ACCOUNTANTS (index), SPORT (printed equivalent is Sport and Recreation Index), and WPI (World Patents Index covering the patent specifications issued by patent offices in major industrial nations).
base de datos de propiedades 
properties database
 Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.
base de datos de referencia 
reference database
 Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.
base de datos de referencia a especialistas 
referral database
 Referral databases offer references to information or data such as the names and addresses of organizations and other directory type data.
base de datos de registros de catálogo 
catalogue record database
 One type of bibliographic data base is the catalogue record data base.
base de datos de texto   
textual data base
text-oriented database
text database
 The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.
 In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.
 The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
base de datos de texto completo 
full text database
 Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text databases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
base de datos de texto libre 
free text database
 In the last 2 years micro-computers have been introduced which are capable of supporting free text databases.
base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico 
niche database
 This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.
base de datos distribuida 
distributed database
 The system will consist of a distributed data base containing 25 million items.
base de datos documental 
textual data base
 The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.
base de datos en CD-ROM 
CD-ROM database
 This article reviews Hewlett-Packard's involvement in the production of CD-ROM data bases, such as HP LaserRETRIEVE and HP LaserRELEASE, through an interview with Marc Hoff.
base de datos en disco óptico 
optical disc database
 Computerised information products, such as optical disc data bases and microforms, compete with traditional print resources for limited budgets in today's reference departments.
base de datos en estado original  [Base de datos antes de ser modificada por requerimientos de la búsqueda]
raw database
 Alternatively the query may undergo modification at a second stage after the raw database has been accessed.
base de datos en línea 
online database
 It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.
base de datos estadística 
statistical database
 In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.
base de datos externa 
external database
 Similar, but appropriately adjusted considerations, must be taken into account when considering whether to build an in-house database or to use an external database.
base de datos factual 
factual database
 Most computer bureaux which host the factual databases have their own world-wide networks.
base de datos financiera 
financial database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos interna 
in-house database
 In-house databases may be constructed with the aid of text retrieval packages to cover a plethora of different applications.
base de datos jurídica 
legal database
 Use of the legal data bases is partly restrained by cost considerations, partly by the fact that their coverage is not exhaustive and partly by the reserved attitude of the legal profession and the judiciary.
base de datos local 
local area database
 The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.
base de datos multimedia 
multimedia database
 This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.
base de datos no bibliográfica 
non-bibliographic database
 The database may be bibliographic (storing references to documents available elsewhere) or non-bibliographic (storing facts, figures, text or graphics).
base de datos numérica  
numeric database
numerical database
 Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.
 The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.
base de datos numérico-textual  
textual-numeric database
text-numeric database
 Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.
 Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.
base de datos relacional 
relational database
 It can be very like the sort of data structures found in relational data bases in which data are arranged in simple tables called relations.
base de datos residente 
resident database
 This software will facilitate the integration of LANs, wide area networks, hard disc resident databases, dial-in access and more.
base de datos terminológica 
terminology database
 The task is part of a project entitled Euro-Arabic terminology database.
base de datos textual 
textual data base
 The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.
base de operaciones  
home base
base of operations
 The library will become the 'home base' for multi media projects.
 For 20 years and counting, 'Law & Order' has made Gotham not just its base of operations, but has given it a starring role in the show.
base de un número 
subscript numeral
 The ALA Rules provide guidance on how to file fractions and superscript and subscript numerals.
base impositiva 
tax base
 This article attributes the Americans' accomplishments to political and cultural reasons such as the progressive tradition of service to the community; federalism that allowed for higher tax bases in certain localities; professional concerns such as status-anxieties.
base lógica 
 The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.
base militar 
military base
 It is believed that telemedicine services may help offset the emotional stress and sense of inequality experienced by islanders and civilians living around military bases.
 This article describes the Nordic online data base situation, outlining its background and future developments, as well as the supply of different kinds of data base.
base teórica   
theoretical underpinning
theoretical underpinning
theoretical foundation
 The lack of a theoretical underpinning to provide a unified vision of librarianship, it is suggested, exacerbates this crisis.
 The lack of a theoretical underpinning to provide a unified vision of librarianship, it is suggested, exacerbates this crisis.
 In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos 
cross database searching
 There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.
campamento base 
base camp
 Originally used as a base camp for warfare training, the settlement has become a popular tourist destination which now receives around 400,000 visitors annually.
comenzar desde la base  
start at + ground zero
begin from + scratch
 Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.
 If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.
como base para 
as a basis for
 The results of these polls can often be used as a basis for further information action.
con base de arena 
 The university has a full-sized, sand-based, all-weather pitch that is flood lit for evening use.
con base empírica 
 This article attempts to develop an empirically-based statistical formula to help in library budget allocation = Este artículo intenta desarrollar una fórmula estadística con base empírica para ayudar en la asignación del presupuesto de la biblioteca.
con base en 
based in
 Other European host include DIMDI (Deutsches Institut fur Medizinisches Dokumentation und Information), the German Service, and Telesystèmes-Questel based in France.
conformar las bases 
set + the framework
 According to Freud, the oral stage set the framework for the adult's capacity to cooperate and share.
conocimiento de base 
foundation study
 In biblography, as in many subjects, the great foundation study is historical.
constituir la base 
form + the foundation
 Bibliographic instruction can be instrumental in developing the information handling, thinking and writing skills that form the foundation of the academic experience = La formación de usuarios puede contribuir positivamente a desarrollar la capacidad de manejar la información, la capacidad de razonamiento y las técnicas de redacción que forman la base de la experiencia universitaria.
constituir la base de 
form + the basis of
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
construir la base 
form + the skeleton
 A description of the main subject areas forms the skeleton of the main list of terms.
con una base sólida 
 No citation order, no matter how well-founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.
creador de bases de datos 
database producer
 However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.
crear una base 
form + a basis
 Full consideration of the above factors should form a firm basis for the design of an effective thesaurus or list of subject headings.
de base popular 
grassroots [grass-roots]
 For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.
descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de información que en principio no es obvia]
knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
 Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) aims at identifying new knowledge about an application domain using the domain data stored in a database.
directorio de empresas en base de datos 
company directory database
 Some of the most valuable industry information can be compiled from company directory databases.
directorio en base de datos 
directory database
 Data from directory databases often has a geographic location and thus is available for mapping by geographic information system (GIS) software.
distribuidor de bases de datos    
online system host
database host
host system
online service vendor
 Online system hosts, sometimes known as online system suppliers, online service vendors and online service spinners, are responsible for mounting data bases upon a computer and making the arrangements necessary for such data bases to be searchable from a large number of remote user terminals.
 This article covers the structure of a bibliographic data base, the differences in the basic index between different data base hosts, and how to link terms to make multiword concepts.
 Using the cross-file searching capabilities of the Dialog and ESA-IRS host systems, 53 data bases were investigated.
 EasyNet is an American-based, menu-driven information retrieval system which links untrained users to over 800 data bases from nearly 20 on-line service vendors.
distribuidor de bases de datos en línea 
online vendor
 This article describes some examples of SDI facilities, offered by commercial on-line vendors (DIALOG, NEWSNET, Pergamon ORBIT, BRS, DATA-STAR, Mead Data Central).
empezar desde la base   
start at + ground zero
start from + scratch
begin from + scratch
 Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.
 In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.
 If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.
en base a   
in terms of
on the grounds that/of
on the basis of
 And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.
 AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.
 In addition, there is an element of perpetuation about the establishment of headings on the basis of reference sources.
en la base 
at the core (of)
 Preservation has always been at the core of the archival mission.
en su base 
at its core
 Lifelong learning is central to our future, with information technology training at its core.
específico de una base de datos 
 The fields of a record are defined in the database-specific documentation.
formar la base 
form + the foundation
 Bibliographic instruction can be instrumental in developing the information handling, thinking and writing skills that form the foundation of the academic experience = La formación de usuarios puede contribuir positivamente a desarrollar la capacidad de manejar la información, la capacidad de razonamiento y las técnicas de redacción que forman la base de la experiencia universitaria.
formar la base de 
form + the basis of
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
gestión de bases de datos 
database management
 Students can use personal computers offering software for such tasks as word processing, financial analysis, database management, desktop publishing, drawing, and drafting.
gestor de bases de datos   
database management system (DBMS)
DBMS system
database manager
 Loosely, the first type of base may be referred to as IR (Information Retrieval) and the second as DBMS (Data Base Management System).
 DBMS systems aim to allow data to be re-organised to accommodate growth, shrinkage and so on.
 The article 'IZE: the all-terrain vehicle of database managers' presents details of IZE, an information retrieval program that can handle any ASCII text file, regardless of record structure.
gestor de bases de datos relacionales 
relational database management system
 This article discusses the application of relational data base management systems to textual data bases and the problems involved in implementing the scaled-up hypertext techniques.
hecho a base de parches 
 The article 'Spying the flagships' is a report of an Association of Assistant Librarians national weekend school, 8-10 May 87, on the theme of 'Off the peg, tailored or patchwork?' in relation to choosing library computer systems.
industria de las bases de datos 
database industry
 Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.
línea base 
baseline [base line]
 The letters are upright, narrow, and angular, standing on crooked feet, and the ascenders are usually decorated with barbs or thorns; f and p do not normally descend below the base line.
meta base de datos 
 If the prototype proves satisfactory, the next phase will include development of the meta-database on a host computer with more 'knowledge' of the contents of the IANI database.
montar una base de datos 
mount + a database
 This article describes some of the current planning efforts to mount additional data bases as part of the MELVYL catalogue.
novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés 
formula fiction
 The article 'Why girls flock to Sweet Valley High' investigates the appeal to girls of adolescent romances and what, if anything, could be done to broaden the reading habits of such fans of formula fiction.
organismo de base popular 
grassroots organisation
 The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups - consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, Civic Trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.
partir de la base de que  
start from + the premise that
build on + the premise that
 The author starts from the premise that meaning is not an intrinsic property of information items.
 Our strategy is built on the premise that progress in security will pave the way for political progress.
poner las bases  
lay + foundation
lay + the basis for
 Central practices are highlighted and should lay a firm foundation for more advanced studies.
 The library can lay the basis for lifelong independent learning through library use instruction.
portada de una base de datos  [Primera pantalla que aparece al acceder a una base de datos y que contiene el nombre y otras menciones de responsabilidad]
file banner
 The file banner for the selected database will then display on your screen.
presupuesto de base cero  [En gestión de bibliotecas, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos]  [En contabilidad, método por el cual al establecer el presupuesto de una empresa no se dan por válidos ninguno de los elementos del presupuesto anterior y se someten a discusión tanto los elementos antiguos como los nuevos]
zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB)
zero-base(d) budget
 Because the assumption in this method is that none of the preceding years' operations are worth continuing unless they can be shown to be necessary, zero-based budgeting (ZZB) can be useful for paring out the deadwood of obsolete or uselessly extravagant programs.
 With a zero base budget every activity must be justified afresh each year.
productor de bases de datos 
database producer
 However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.
programa de gestión de bases de datos  [Programa que permite almacenar y manipular datos]
database management software
 Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.
proveedor de bases de datos 
database provider
 An increasing number of database providers are offering all or a portion of their information via the World Wide Web.
que funciona a base de órdenes 
 This article reviews a range of business data bases that specifically have menu-driven as opposed to command-driven retrieval systems.
remedio a base de hierbas 
herbal remedy
 The resources cover: drug information; medical diagnosis and treatment; medical dictionaries; and herbal and natural remedies.
sentar base 
make + things happen
 The Intel 8080 was the device which really made things happen, the 8085 being the current version of it = El Intel 8080 fue el procesador que sentó base y el 8085 es su versión actual.
sentar las bases         
lay + foundation
set + the scene
set + the wheels in motion
set + the tone
set + the framework
set + the pattern
provide + the basis
lay + the basis for
provide + the material for
 Central practices are highlighted and should lay a firm foundation for more advanced studies.
 Before we look at how libraries in Great Britain have responded to community information, first it is important to set the scene by examining in more detail some of these other information and advice services.
 Steinhagen conducted database searching demonstrations for information professionals and set the wheels in motion for the establishment of the country's first demonstration center of compact disc databases.
 For instance, if a person is working on building a radio program, the librarian should provide her with background information that helps to set the tone of the program, with facts and foibles of celebrities, with case histories of successful campaigns, with analogies, quotations, and anecdotes, and so on.
 According to Freud, the oral stage set the framework for the adult's capacity to cooperate and share.
 According to Freud, the successful resolution of the Oedipus conflict sets the pattern for healthy sexual identity.
 At the University of Guelph, Ontario, innovative and far-sighted decisions made in its early years provided the basis for continuing development of the collections and services.
 The library can lay the basis for lifelong independent learning through library use instruction.
 He believed that Jewish mysticism and Zionism could provide the material for the historical redemption of the Jews.
sentar las bases de Algo 
lay + the groundwork for
 But if the groundwork for these accomplisments can be laid with patient, constructive efforts, that contribution is more important than presiding over the final act.
ser la base de   
be at the core of
form + the basis of
be at the heart of
 This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
 This idea is at the heart of the Theseus Project which proposes a teaching/learning methodology for the development of a distributed public database of audiovisual information.
sin base  
 Even more reprehensible than the unsupported recollection is the guess, however well informed.
 The society appears to have assumed that these bibliographies would remain valid indefinitely, an assumption that is unfortunately ill-founded.
sobre base de arena 
 The university has a full-sized, sand-based, all-weather pitch that is flood lit for evening use.
sobre esta base  
on this basis
on that basis
 On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.
 On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.
sobre la base de  
in relation to
on the usual basis
 It is easiest to discuss the criteria for effective schedules in relation to the treatment of specific subjects.
 The system has fairly low specificity, and topics are not included on the usual basis of literary warrant, but rather on the basis of organisational warrant.
subsistir a base de 
live on
 The enormous amount of commercial capital accumulated during the war had created a host of persons living on fixed incomes.
tipo de interés base  [Inglés británico]  [Inglés americano]
base rate
prime rate
 Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still 'measly'.
 The prime rate is set by Bank of America based on various economic factors and is used as a reference point for pricing some loans.
tratamiento a base de hierbas 
herbal treatment
 In the 1930s a nurse, Rene Caisse, gained much attention through the use of a herbal treatment for cancer which she called Essiac.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra base



El término «base» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 788 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «base» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de base
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «base».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «base» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «base» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre base



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra base.
Amando De Miguel
La base de la urbanidad, de la buena educación, es moral: no hagas a otro lo que no quieras que te hagan a ti.
Charles De Gaulle
La base de nuestra civilización está en la libertad de cada uno, en sus pensamientos, en sus creencias, sus opiniones, su trabajo y sus ocios.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Las escuelas son la base de la civilización.
Friedrich Von Schiller
La excesiva libertad es base de muchos errores, y la senda del deber, mientras más estrecha, más segura.
La vanidad es la base de toda revolución, la libertad no es más que un pretexto.
José Luis Sampedro
Uno escribe a base de ser un minero de sí mismo.
Oscar Wilde
La razón de que todos seamos tan amigos de pensar bien de los demás, es que todos tememos por nosotros mismos. La base del optimismo es simplemente el miedo.
No hay ninguna cosa buena que no tenga su base en la razón.
Sri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
No se puede cambiar el curso de la historia a base de cambiar los retratos colgados en la pared.
Los buenos modales se consiguen a base de pequeños sacrificios.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término base.
Base la paloma su nido, y hacerlo quiere su amigo.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de base en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con base y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El objetivo de este libro es ofrecer una herramienta de trabajo práctica para el técnico, de forma que al exponer las diferentes acciones técnicas, tácticas y cualidades físicas no se pretende definir el concepto de las mismas sino ...
Álex Sans Torrelles, César Frattarola Alcaraz, 2006
La investigación como base de la enseñanza
RUDDUCK y HOPKINS seleccionan en este volumen un numeroso y representativo conjunto de trabajos de STENHOUSE, para darnos a conocer su pensamiento pedagógico y su actividad práctica.
Lawrence Stenhouse, J. Rudduck, David Hopkins, 1987
1000 ejercicios y juegos de fútbol base
Un completo manual de entrenamiento para profesores y entrenadores, con 1000 ideas detalladas en gráficos y textos cortos de fácil comprensión
Walter Bucher, 2003
También se dedica un capítulo a ejercicios combinados que hacen ejercitar al portero varias destrezas simultáneamente, y otro a ejercicios con el resto del equipo. Aitor Ares Ikaran. Pedagogo.
Aitor Ares Ikaran, Francisco Tomás Chicharro, Francisco Chicharro Lezkano, 2005
Jesús Velasco Tejada es licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y actual entrenador del Prato Calcio a 5. División de Honor en Italia Javier Lorente Peñas es jugador del Atlético Boadilla.
Jesús Velasco Tejada, Javier Lorente Peñas, 2003
FÚTBOL BASE. (12-13 años). Programas de entrenamiento
La adquisición de la capacidad de juego y las habilidades técnico-tácticas dependen de un entrenamiento sistemático y de la participación regular en campeonatos.
Wolfgang Koch, 1996
Fluidos, electrólitos y equilibrio ácido-base
Libro de la Serie Guias Clinicas de Enfermeria de Mosby, que revisa de manera muy concisa pero completa y en un formato muy "amistoso", para llevar en el bolsillo, toda la informacion relevante sobre los trastornos del equilibrio ...
Ursula Heitz, Mima M. Horne, 2006
FÚTBOL BASE.(10-11 años). Programas de entrenamiento
Este libro ha de servir de ayuda para estructurar unos entrenamientos divertidos y de acuerdo con la edad de los participantes.
César Frattarola Alcaraz, 2004
Fisiología humana: la base de la medicina
Como en la primera edición el objetivo de los autores de la obra es ofrecer con claridad la explicación de los procesos fisiológicos del cuerpo humano y la de mostrar como se pueden aplicar estos principios al conocimiento de las ...
Gillian Pocock, Christopher D. Richards, 2005
Fichero de educación física de base
La educación física de base representa una de las metodologías más acertadas para la educación infantil y primaria.
Miguel Navas Torres, 1999


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término base en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Confunden un ejercicio militar con un tiroteo en la base aérea del ...
La base aérea de Andrews, situada a las afueras de Washington y la que utiliza el presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, para sus viajes oficiales, ha reabierto ... «El Mundo, Jun 16»
Un “tirador activo”obliga a cerrar la base militar de Andrews
La base militar Andrews, próxima a Washington y donde tiene su base el avión presidencial estadounidense Air Force One, ha sido clausurada por la posible ... «EL PAÍS, Jun 16»
La sociedad Media Base Sport oficializa la venta del Granada
La sociedad Media Base Sport (MBS) ha oficializado que el italiano Gino Pozzo, propietario del Granada, y el chino Jiang Lizhang alcanzaron el pasado fin de ... «AS, May 16»
La Base Aérea espera recibir 50.000 visitantes en su jornada de ...
La Base Aérea de Zaragoza abrirá este sábado al público que desee conocer de primera mano las instalaciones y las aeronaves allí presentes, en la primera ... «, May 16»
Carlos Soria ya está en el campo base del Annapurna
Carlos Soria ya está en el campo base del Annapurna. Ayer alcanzaba la cima a las 10 de la mañana y hoy a las 8 de la tarde estaba de regreso en el campo ... «Desnivel, May 16»
Al menos dos muertos en un tiroteo en una base aérea en Texas
Tiroteo en Lackland, Texas Imagen facilitada por la oficina del 'sheriff' del condado de Bexar que muestra a varios agentes en la base de San Antonio-Lackland ... «EL PAÍS, Abr 16»
Carlos Soria: "Estamos en el campo base más cómodo de todos los ...
El veterano alpinista y su equipo están en el campo base del Annapurna a la espera de que la meteorología les permita partir hacia la cumbre. Ya tienen la ruta ... «Desnivel, Mar 16»
La base naval de Guantánamo, eje de discordia entre Cuba y ...
Con sus más de 117 kilómetros cuadrados de área, la base naval estadounidense de Guantánamo (Cuba) ha sido durante décadas y desde el triunfo de la ... «, Feb 16»
"La Base está en camino de ser una de las mejores instalaciones"
-Desde que el Gobierno tomó la decisión de establecer a los cuatro destructores del escudo antimisiles en la Base Naval de Rota, la Armada, y en particular el ... «Diario de Cádiz, Sep 15»
Así es como podrás dar forma a tu Mother Base en Metal Gear Solid V
El caso es que uno de los puntos más destacados del juego será la creación de nuestra propia Mother Base, base de operaciones que nos otorgará una serie ... «, Ago 15»



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