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" Mostrarse orgulloso de la propia virtud es como envenenarse con un antídoto."
Benjamin Franklin

Significado de "como" en el diccionario de español



La palabra como procede del latín quomŏdo.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


co · mo

Como es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Como puede actuar como un sustantivo, un adverbio, una preposición y una conjunción.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.

La preposición es una categoría gramatical invariable, que no tiene significado propio y que sirve para relacionar términos.

La conjunción es una categoría gramatical invariable que se utiliza para unir palabras y oraciones.



Como es una ciudad en la Lombardía, Italia. Es la capital de la provincia de Como. Se encuentra a 45 km al norte de Milán. La ciudad bordea el lago de Como. En 2001 Como tenía unos 78.315 habitantes, con una densidad de 2097,4 hab/km². La economía de Como se basa principalmente en la industria y el turismo. Situada en el vértice del ramal occidental del lago al que da su nombre, Como es una de las localidades de veraneo más frecuentadas de Lombardía.

definición de como en el diccionario español

En el diccionario castellano como significa burla, chasco. Dar como, o un como.


aplomo · aromo · asomo · bromo · cardamomo · cromo · domo · gnomo · Homo · lomo · mayordomo · momo · monocromo · nomo · palomo · plomo · pomo · romo · somo · tomo


commelináceo · cómo · cómoda · comodable · cómodamente · comodante · comodataria · comodatario · comodato · comodidad · comodidoso · comodín · comodino · comodista · cómodo · comodón · comodona · comodoro · comoquiera · comorana


aeródromo · agrónomo · amomo · astrónomo · átomo · autódromo · autónomo · canódromo · cinamomo · citocromo · cosmódromo · desplomo · eccehomo · gastrónomo · hipódromo · maromo · metrónomo · rocódromo · solomo · velódromo

Sinónimos y antónimos de como en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «como» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
a · tal · tanto


como · tanto · quier · como · ciudad · lombardía · italia · capital · provincia · encuentra · norte · milán · bordea · lago · tenía · unos · habitantes · densidad · km² · economía · basa · principalmente · industria · turismo · situada · vértice · ramal · occidental · nombre · burla · chasco · guía · para · progresar · corredor · quot · este · libro · valor · incalculable · corredores · aceptan · desafíos · recompensas · supone · mejor · continúan · disfrutando · toda · vida · saludables · carreras · pedestres · arquitectura · experiencia · espacio · cuerpo · sensibilidad · novel · approach · understanding · architecture · thinking · about · buildings · presented · this · book · uses · analogies · metaphors · bring · architectural · design · closer · sensual · experiences · music · literature · novela · aprender · amar · nuevo · rebuilding · when · your · doctor · bruce · fisher · especialista · años · trabajo · personas · separadas · divorciadas · viudas · aborda · manera · encarar · manejar · fuertes · diversos · sentimientos · separación · provoca · estructura · estudia · posibilidades · tiene · decir · vigas · pilares · entramados · soportes · otros · elementos · enriquecer · pensar · einstein · claves · creativo · eficiente · mejorar ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de como a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de como a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de como presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de como en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

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50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

в якості
40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de como en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

tal y como es/son
tal y como es/son 
  as it/they stand(s).
 An analysis of this class number, as it stands, would not reveal this concept in the chain and thus the specific subject would receive no A/Z index entry.
  as ; by way of ; for the purpose of + Nombre ; in the guise of ; just as ; like ; qua ; much as ; as a kind of ; as serving as ; along the lines of ; in + Posesivo + capacity as ; such as ; kind of like ; how ; kind of like.
 This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
 An annotation is a note added to the title and/or other bibliographic information concerning a document, by way of comment or explanation.
 Taking the second situation for the purpose of illustration, there are four options for choice of title.
 Further, these indexers are probably so familiar with their subject area that, they whether in the guise of indexer or searcher, will profit little from any additional guides to relationships.
 Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.
 Thus, the computer-held term record files are most suitable for applications like Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) systems.
 Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.
 More studies are needed to identify the full temporal effects of the personal computer, much as they did for television.
 In a way, it is acting as a kind of bridge between the two, permitting traffic both ways where once there was a divide.
 45 libraries have been unofficially recognised by librarians as serving as model children's libraries.
 The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.
 Strange that so helpful and charming a person in his capacity as a librarian could behave so monstrously; but behave thus he did.
 Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
 It's kind of like trumping in public - You simply do not do it!.
 That was how she wanted to live her life, and that was how she wanted to end it.
 He used his holy stick which was serpentine in shape - kind of like a shepherd's crook.
aducir como evidencia 
adduce as + evidence
 If the recent closures of North American SLIS may be adduced as evidence, this deficiency is likely to have serious consequences for UK SLIS also.
algo así como 
something like
 First, Sholom Aleichem I recently spent something like twenty minutes talking over the telephone with a suitably irate and properly frustrated borrower.
añádase como 
expand like
 Extensive provision for synthesis is made including auxiliary schedules, expand like instructions, and synthetic features in the notation.
así como  
as well as
 This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
 All means of conveying affinitive relationships list a number of terms which may be used as well as, or instead of, the original entry term.
así como así 
just like that
 All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
así como de igual modo  
just as ... so ...
 But just as pidgin English is inadequate for the expression of fine shades of meaning, so a limited index vocabulary may not be able to do justice to the subjects encountered in documents or required by readers.
así es como 
this is how
 This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
así es como es 
that's how it is
 Like it or not, that's how it is.
caer como moscas 
drop like + flies
 Rural post offices are dropping like flies, taking with them village shops for whom the postal business made the difference between life and death.
como abejas en panal 
like bees around a honey pot
 Men always did flock around you like bees around a honey pot.
como aclaración 
in parenthesis
 Let us hope too, in parenthesis, that one error it is no longer necessary to extirpate is that a reference book is one that is not available for loan.
como algo natural 
as a matter of course
 It is easy to forget that in negotiations in Brussels, ministers of the member states usually do begin talking from different standpoints as a matter of course.
como algo normal 
as a matter of course
 It is easy to forget that in negotiations in Brussels, ministers of the member states usually do begin talking from different standpoints as a matter of course.
como algo opuesto a 
as against
 To the extent that headings are dictated by conformity to a pattern, as against the likely approach of the reader resting on psychological rather than logical grounds, the subject catalog will lose in effectiveness.
como algo residual 
 In colonial times, and residually in so-called postcolonial times, the knowledge of Indigenous peoples occupied the realm of the 'primitive', an obstacle to progress along the path to modern civilisation and was largely ignored or suppressed.
como alma que lleva el diablo 
hell (bent) for leather
 Unlike the previous rider, this competitor was hell bent for leather as he attacked the mud ponds at full throttle.
como alternativa 
as an alternative
 The classification for Law compiled by E Moys has been suggested as an alternative.
como anillo al dedo     
just the ticket
the right twigs for an eagle's nest
perfect fit
perfect match
that's the ticket!
 The article 'Just the ticket' describes how a resource library can provide answers to many questions that concern anxious health care users = El artículo "Como anillo al dedo" describe cómo una biblioteca de recursos puede dar respuesta a muchas cuestiones que preocupan a los usuarios de la asistencia sanitaria.
 The article 'The right twig for an eagle's nest' explores the social and political advantages of a good public library.
 Terms of the sale are undisclosed but the acquisition is believed by Gale to be a perfect fit with its own group growth strategy.
 The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.
 He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.
como antes 
as before
 As before, the arguments are included in the report.
como apoyo a 
in support of
 This paper contrasts the roles of the library in support of science and technology with those in the arts and humanities.
como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche) 
like passing ships (in the night)
 The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.
como barcos que se cruzan (en la oscuridad) 
like passing ships (in the night)
 The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.
como base para 
as a basis for
 The results of these polls can often be used as a basis for further information action.
como caballo desbocado  
 The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.
 Act rashly, and our children will suffer in years to come.
como cabe esperar     
as one might expect
as expected
true to form
true to pattern
 In all these regards, the public library is distinctly unlike the school, academic, or research library and, unsurprisingly, its collection development reflects this, too.
 And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.
 As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como cabía esperar   
as expected
true to form
true to pattern
 As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como cabría esperar  
as might be expected
as one might expect
 As might be expected, the terminology is noticeably British as opposed to the American terminology in the previous examples.
 And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.
como cabría suponer 
as might be expected
 As might be expected, the terminology is noticeably British as opposed to the American terminology in the previous examples.
como camaradas 
 As I said in the introduction to my article, we all hope this can be the beginning of a comradely exchange of ideas and debate.
como campo de adiestramiento 
as a training ground
 Bush said in November 2002: 'Imagine a terrorist network with Iraq as an arsenal and as a training ground'.
como campo de prácticas 
as a training ground
 Bush said in November 2002: 'Imagine a terrorist network with Iraq as an arsenal and as a training ground'.
como complemento a/de 
in adjunct with
 The use of an antibiotic in adjunct with a root canal treatment is based on the judgement of the dentist treating a patient.
como consecuencia     
on this basis
on that basis
in doing so
in consequence
in accordance
 On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.
 On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.
 The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.
 In consequence, libraries found that they had to classify a substantial proportion of their intake if they were using DC, but very much less if they used LC.
 In accordance, the arterial concentration of free tryptophan increased.
como consecuencia (de)  
as a result (of)
as a consequence (of)
 As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.
 As a consequence of this fact the bibliographic control of maps is usually quite good in most countries.
como consecuencia de 
in the wake of
 Of course uniformity tends to follow in the wake of centralization.
como con todo en la vida 
as with everything in life
 When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.
como con todo lo demás 
as with everything else
 As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of contex.
como contrapartida  
in return
in exchange
 In return, the young librarian took it upon himself to design an entire section of the second floor to be the domain of young adult.
 If the musician's landlord were to throw a party and desire music for it, he could hire the musician to play it by offering the month's rent in exchange.
como contrapartida a   
in return for
in exchange for
in compensation for
 In practice, however, the gilds were federations of tradesmen who, in return for monopolistic privileges, co-operated with the government in its censorship of the press.
 A number of libraries receive full sets of Library of Congress cataloguing records in exchange for certain cataloguing information.
 If you receive a lump sum in compensation for the loss of employment, part of it may be tax free.
como cooperativa 
 The staff has gone through an evolutionary change from a hierarchically organised professional staff of 6 with faculty status to a collegially organised professional staff of 7 with the status of librarian.
como cordero al matadero 
like a lamb to the slaughter
 A man tells a court he felt 'like a lamb to the slaughter' when he was allegedly sexually abused as a boy by a priest.
como corresponde 
 1982 has been designated, fittingly, the Year of Information Technology - a recognition that we are now living in an information society.
como corresponde a 
as befits
 On the third hand, as befits robots, we have on-going work on the appropriate use of 'intelligent' machines in relation to the human work-force they are supposed to replace.
como cuando + Indicativo 
as in + Gerundio
 At first, as in playing the violin or riding a bike, the storyteller or reader is so busy concentrating on the mechanics of the business that he has no time think about his effect on other people.
como de costumbre      
as usual
as always
according to normal practice
true to form
as per usual
true to pattern
 As usual, the presence of a term in a title and the stop-list will definitely cause an entry not to be created.
 As always, our members are ready to speak out clearly if the Cuban authorities dare to seize any of the uncensored books being sent to Cuba by President Carter.
 The vendor shall select the means of transport according to normal practice in the sector.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 Tonight Italy will enter the tournament and the reigning champions are seen as one of the candidates to lift the trophy this year, as per usual.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como dice el dicho  
as the saying goes
so the saying goes
 The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.
 Behind every good man, so the saying goes, is a good woman, and behind every maniac, is a good woman losing her sanity!.
como dice el refrán  
as the saying goes
so the saying goes
 The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.
 Behind every good man, so the saying goes, is a good woman, and behind every maniac, is a good woman losing her sanity!.
como diferente a 
as distinct from
 In the author approach there is a clear emphasis on document retrieval as distinct from information retrieval.
como Dios manda 
 This group of fields should be completed before the fixed fields are entered, because the record type is needed for handling these fields properly.
como Dios + Pronombre + trajo al mundo 
in + Posesivo + birthday suit
 The police thought he was mental and arrested him when he was going about in his birthday suit.
como dos gotas de agua 
as alike as two peas in a pod
 The core questionnaire asked for data on birth weight, age at first spoken word, and whether the twins were as alike as two peas in a pod.
como dos y dos son cuatro 
as sure as eggs is eggs
 You know the kind of thing: if you put your hand in the fire then, as sure as eggs is eggs, your hand will get burnt.
como ejemplo  
as an example
by way of illustration
 As an example, if you have typed 'DDOBIS/Leuven', you can correct the spelling by positioning the cursor under one of the 'D's' and pressing the delete key.
 The author discusses the use of puppets to complement storytelling sessions in libraries using a well-known fairy tale by way of illustration.
como el cuero 
 Since then the sands of time have taken their toll, making my face all leathery, wizening my gaze.
como el desierto 
 Desertification is the diminution or destruction of the biological potential of the land, and can lead ultimately to desert-like conditions.
como el día y la noche    
worlds apart
like oil and water
like chalk and cheese
like apples and oranges
 International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.
 The two are like oil and water.
 In many ways they are like chalk and cheese to the point where I find myself even questioning how on earth their relationship works.
 Observation and theory are generally like apples and oranges - they don't interact.
como el fuego 
like wildfire
 Distance learning is sweeping through higher education like wildfire, and it is simultaneously capturing the interests of libraries and librarians.
como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer 
a dog in the manger
 What is meant by the phrase 'a dog in the manger'?.
como en casa 
like home (away) from home
 As a first time vacation home renter, the experience was like home away from home.
como en casa no se está en ningún sitio 
there's no place like home
 The article 'There's no place like home: the Web, the World, and you' discusses what home pages could include, how to maintain them, and possible future styles.
como en el caso de   
as with
just as for
as in the case of
 As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.
 The first line contains the volume, issue, cover date, number of copies, and the date received, just as for regular issues.
 Such documents are often not, strictly speaking, anonymous but, because they are written by several authors or appear at intervals over an indefinite period of time as in the case of periodicals and directories they tend to be known by their titles.
como era de esperar   
as expected
true to form
true to pattern
 As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como es debido 
 1982 has been designated, fittingly, the Year of Information Technology - a recognition that we are now living in an information society.
como es de esperar      
not surprisingly
as expected
true to form
true to pattern
quite naturally
 Perhaps predictably many of these problems are concerned with the label that is given to a subject in an alphabetical index.
 Not surprisingly, no one physical form meets all these criteria.
 As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
 This work thus gave rise, quite naturally, to the use of figure drawing for teaching some of the basic aspects of positional astronomy and astronavigation.
como es el caso de  
as it is with
as with
 Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.
 As with author headings, sometimes one heading or title will be both sought and provide collocation, but on other occasions there will be a conflict between soughtness' and collocation.
como es habitual 
as always
 As always, our members are ready to speak out clearly if the Cuban authorities dare to seize any of the uncensored books being sent to Cuba by President Carter.
como es lógico 
quite naturally
 This work thus gave rise, quite naturally, to the use of figure drawing for teaching some of the basic aspects of positional astronomy and astronavigation.
como es natural  
not unnaturally
quite naturally
 Not unnaturally they snipe back by loading onto the symbol of their failure - books - all the things they resent.
 This work thus gave rise, quite naturally, to the use of figure drawing for teaching some of the basic aspects of positional astronomy and astronavigation.
como es normal 
as always
 As always, our members are ready to speak out clearly if the Cuban authorities dare to seize any of the uncensored books being sent to Cuba by President Carter.
como esto 
like this
 And as small as Iowa as, I think something like this can have a far larger effect than you might realize if you live in a large industrial area.
como fecha final 
at the very latest
 To this end we shall continue to accept questionnaires until May 17th at the very latest.
como forma de vida 
as a way of life
 Results suggest that this attitude may exercise a dissuasive influence on the intergenerational perpetuation of fishing as a way of life.
como grogui  
 Drowsily he slithered out of bed, opened his closet door and got dressed like he had done every morning before.
 As he groggily pulled the sweat-soaked sheet from his body, he rolled his head sideways to see the clock radio displaying 7:00 a.m.
como grupo 
 Enter an agreement contracted by the member governments of an international intergovernmental body acting as individual entities rather than collectively as instructed in 21.35A.
como guía 
for guidance
 If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.
como indemnización 
in compensation
 Injured servicemen often have to fight the MOD for a few thousand pounds in compensation when they lose limbs, etc.
como la noche y el día    
like oil and water
worlds apart
like chalk and cheese
like apples and oranges
 The two are like oil and water.
 International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.
 In many ways they are like chalk and cheese to the point where I find myself even questioning how on earth their relationship works.
 Observation and theory are generally like apples and oranges - they don't interact.
como la pólvora 
like wildfire
 Distance learning is sweeping through higher education like wildfire, and it is simultaneously capturing the interests of libraries and librarians.
como las ardillas 
 What one might call 'fetishistic bibliomania' is a disease - and few serious book-readers, let alone librarians, are free from a squirrel-like proclivity to hoard books.
como las empresas 
 It was generally felt that US libraries are organised on more business-like lines than those in the Netherlands.
como loca 
like a madwoman
 Oh, summer of 2005, windows down, driving as fast as I can whilst beating on the steering wheel like a madwoman.
como loco      
like hell
like crazy
like mad
like a lunatic
like a madman
in a frenzy
 What's the ordinary response if you're a red-blooded American consumer? I mean, you scream like hell and run to the store and demand your money back.
 We have no idea what will capture people's imagination and work, but all we can do in any period of great change is experiment like crazy.
 With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot - feeding like mad - the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.
 It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.
 He was 'driving like a madman' moments before he was involved in a car crash with a lorry, according to an eyewitness.
 In those days, there was something unsavory about a woman being gripped in a man's embrace while whirling in a frenzy around the dance floor.
como los chorros del oro 
 Microfibre cloths are fantastic for removing dust and they dry the surface spotlessly in seconds.
como más conveniente lo + creer 
in the manner of + Posesivo + choosing
 Each year, we encourage our staff members to devote 5% of their working hours to the charity of their choice, in the manner of their choosing.
como medida de seguridad 
as a backup
 Will the electronic version become the primary mode of access/distribution with print as a backup?.
como medida provisional 
as an interim measure
 A dehumidifier would serve as an interim measure, but it may not be sufficient to stop mold from growing until the problem is corrected.
como medida temporal  
as an interim measure
as a temporary measure
 A dehumidifier would serve as an interim measure, but it may not be sufficient to stop mold from growing until the problem is corrected.
 Yet, during the American Civil War, the first U.S. income tax was created, but this one was meant only as a temporary measure to help pay for the war.
como medida transitoria 
as an interim measure
 A dehumidifier would serve as an interim measure, but it may not be sufficient to stop mold from growing until the problem is corrected.
como mejor + poder 
as best (as) + Pronombre + can
 We must plan as best we can for known events while contriving to improvise when, as often happens, such stirring distractions occur unannounced.
como mínimo   
at least
at a minimum
 At least one reference or added entry is usually deemed to be necessary from each of the 'secondary' concepts in the preferred order.
 The audit report commented upon the inadequate storage facilities available to house the national collection, conservatively estimated at a value in excess of $200 million.
 At a minimum, programme budgets allow us the options of reviewing and revising priorities, and making room for 'new ideas'.
como mínimo hasta que 
minimally until
 Presumably at least some libraries will retain this material - minimally until it is digitized.
como moscas en panal 
like bees around a honey pot
 Men always did flock around you like bees around a honey pot.
como mucho   [También at the most]   [También at most] 
at best
at most
if at all
at the most
at the very latest
 Facet analysis in UDC is, at best, inconsistent.
 The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.
 Local vendors offer, if at all, mainly western popular literature and newspapers.
 The chemical systems described must be based on a small number of elements and composed of molecules having 8 atoms at the most.
 To this end we shall continue to accept questionnaires until May 17th at the very latest.
como muestra de 
as a sign of/that
 A newly published study has been interpreted by some as a sign that search engines are damaging people's memory skills.
como muestra de agradecimiento 
as a token of thanks
 The author discusses the phenomenon of votive paintings of ships, typically donated to churches by crews and captains as a token of thanks for deliverance from danger.
como muestra de + Posesivo + agradecimiento 
as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation
 As a token of our appreciation, we are happy to provide you with a gift annual subscription.
como muestra de + Posesivo + amor 
as a sign of + Posesivo + love
 Adult children and their elderly parents also hold hands, for balance, support and as a sign of love.
como muestra de + Posesivo + debilidad 
as a sign of + Posesivo + weakness
 Let no one mistake my silence as a sign of weakness.
como muestra de + Posesivo + gratitud 
as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude
 As a token of our gratitude, you will find below a free two years license.
como muestra de + Posesivo + respeto 
as a sign of + Posesivo + respect
 They bowed before the king as a sign of respect.
como muy tarde 
at the latest
 By July 2001 at the latest the Freedom of Information Act will become applicable to universities.
como + Nombre + no hay dos  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
como + Nombre + no hay otro  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
como norma  
as a rule
as a matter of policy
 As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.
 The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.
como norma general     
as a rule of thumb
as a general rule
as a general rule of thumb
as a rough guide
as a rule
 As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.
 As a general rule, you can 'buff up' your look by making your shoulders seem wider and your waist narrower.
 As a general rule of thumb, you want front and side fans to intake, rear and top to exhaust.
 As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.
 As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.
como nota al margen 
on a sidenote
 On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal.
como nuevo   
in mint condition
in tip-top condition
in tip-top form
 The textbooks must be in mint condition and the original sales receipt presented.
 There are a few secrets to having your hair in tip-top condition - eating well, drinking water, and not over using hairdryers or straighteners.
 Throughout countless interviews with experts, they all agree on one strategy for keeping your mood in tip-top form - eat breakfast!.
como nunca 
like never before
 You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.
como nunca antes 
like never before
 You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.
como ocurre en estos casos 
as is the way with these things
 As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.
como opuesto a  
as distinct from
as opposed to
 In the author approach there is a clear emphasis on document retrieval as distinct from information retrieval.
 This command types the information immediately at the user's terminal, as opposed to the PRINT command generating offline prints which are subsequently mailed to the user.
como otra posibilidad 
as an alternative
 The classification for Law compiled by E Moys has been suggested as an alternative.
¡como para creérselo! 
Posesivo + famous last words
 Maybe these will be his famous last words but he swears he is really committed to 'giving up taking drugs for good'.
como parásito 
 The warble fly is an insect, which parasitically infects cattle.
como persona que 
as one who
 Of course, as one who disapproves of the use of the title as a unit heading, I don't see any justification for it.
como pez fuera del agua 
like a fish out of water
 Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.
como polo opuesto 
by polar contrast
 By polar contrast the book for the mass culture reader, the 'consumer', simply aims to please.
como por arte de magia  
into thin air
 Brain structures do not magically transfer information.
 Their debates have operated with a more fluid notion of power, which at times has become so fluid as to evaporate into thin air.
como por ejemplo  
such as
to the effect of
 Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
 When a speaker's time is up, make it clear by rising and saying words to the effect of 'Thank you very much. That's all the time you have'.
como por encanto 
 Brain structures do not magically transfer information.
como poseído 
as one possessed
 It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.
como poseso 
as one possessed
 It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.
como preámbulo de 
as a preamble to
 This article provides a brief profile of academic libraries in Ghana as a preamble to a discussion of copying techniques, communications technology, microforms and data processing.
como predicar a los conversos 
like preaching to the choir
 Since many who read my articles are writers I'm sure what I am about to say will come across like preaching to the choir.
como primera elección 
as a first preference
 And the number of women choosing technology as a first preference has dropped 65 percent since 2001.
como prueba de   
as a token of
as a sign of/that
in a move of
 Pearls were used in paintings and literature as a symbol of faith and virtue and as a token of vanity.
 A newly published study has been interpreted by some as a sign that search engines are damaging people's memory skills.
 In May 1926 Britains' miners walked out and in a move of solidarity other industry workers joined them, creating the first ever general strike in Britain.
como prueba de agradecimiento 
as a token of thanks
 The author discusses the phenomenon of votive paintings of ships, typically donated to churches by crews and captains as a token of thanks for deliverance from danger.
como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento 
as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation
 As a token of our appreciation, we are happy to provide you with a gift annual subscription.
como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud 
as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude
 As a token of our gratitude, you will find below a free two years license.
como pruebas  
in evidence
in evidence
 This article discusses the admissibility of computer records and statements in evidence in criminal and civil proceedings.
 This article discusses the admissibility of computer records and statements in evidence in criminal and civil proceedings.
como quiera que 
 Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes.
como quiera que + Verbo 
however + Verbo
 That new technology will allow us to create entries however we conceive of them and have rules for them.
como quieras llamarlo 
whatever you call it
 That is, if you're getting a degree in chicken culture or whatever you call it - and we do give a Ph.D. in chicken raising - I guess you don't have to use the library very often.
como reconocimiento a 
in recognition of
 The article 'Cold and cool vault environments for the storage of historic photographic materials' was written in recognition of the sesquicentennial of the introduction of photography to the public.
como regla general  
as a rule
as a rule of thumb
 As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.
 As a rule of thumb, most major libraries have chosen not to renew their periodical subscriptions.
como respuesta a  
in reply to
in response to
 He told the truth in reply to the question from the chairwoman.
 You have seen that the basic principle in information retrieval is to search only a limited part of the store in response to each request.
como resultado    
in consequence
on this basis
on that basis
in doing so
 In consequence, libraries found that they had to classify a substantial proportion of their intake if they were using DC, but very much less if they used LC.
 On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.
 On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.
 The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.
como resultado (de)  
as a consequence (of)
as a result (of)
 As a consequence of this fact the bibliographic control of maps is usually quite good in most countries.
 As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.
como sabe 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como sabéis 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como saben 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como sabes 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como salido de fábrica 
in mint condition
 The textbooks must be in mint condition and the original sales receipt presented.
como segunda alternativa 
as a backup
 Will the electronic version become the primary mode of access/distribution with print as a backup?.
como se indicó en 
as was pointed out in
 As was pointed out in chapter 2, when we refer to information retrieval, we are usually thinking of citation or document retrieval.
como señal de + Posesivo + agradecimiento 
as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation
 As a token of our appreciation, we are happy to provide you with a gift annual subscription.
como señal de + Posesivo + gratitud 
as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude
 As a token of our gratitude, you will find below a free two years license.
como si 
as though
 All these influences are at work before a child goes to school, yet until quite recently we have behaved as though good teaching in good schools was enough to compensate for the disabilities of verbally impoverished children.
como si dijéramos 
as it were
 Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control.
como si dijésemos 
as it were
 Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control.
como siempre   
as always
true to form
true to pattern
 As always, our members are ready to speak out clearly if the Cuban authorities dare to seize any of the uncensored books being sent to Cuba by President Carter.
 She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como si estuviera en + Posesivo + (propia) casa 
home (away) from home
 It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.
como si fuera  
kind of like
as it were
 He used his holy stick which was serpentine in shape - kind of like a shepherd's crook.
 Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control.
como si fuese  
as it were
kind of like
 Putting books on show is a way of making recommendations by, as it were, remote control.
 He used his holy stick which was serpentine in shape - kind of like a shepherd's crook.
como siga así 
at this rate
 At this rate, Bryant has a chance to become the greatest scorer the NBA has ever seen.
como sigue 
as follows
 The main conditions of authorship can be categorised as follows.
como símbolo de   
as a token of
as a sign of/that
in a move of
 Pearls were used in paintings and literature as a symbol of faith and virtue and as a token of vanity.
 A newly published study has been interpreted by some as a sign that search engines are damaging people's memory skills.
 In May 1926 Britains' miners walked out and in a move of solidarity other industry workers joined them, creating the first ever general strike in Britain.
como si nada  
be right as rain
 Essentially this novel is about being right as rain for nearly a whole lifetime in a country full of light and sun, and tremendous goodwill.
 Polish Prime Minister said his country was unfazed by Russian threats to point missiles at a planned US missile shield site in Poland.
como si no hubiera mañana 
like there's no tomorrow
 The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.
como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello 
like there's no tomorrow
 The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.
como si se acabara el mundo 
like there's no tomorrow
 The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.
como si se fuese a acabar el mundo 
like there's no tomorrow
 The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.
como si se + Pronombre + hubiera tragado la tierra 
into thin air
 Their debates have operated with a more fluid notion of power, which at times has become so fluid as to evaporate into thin air.
como si (se tratase de) 
as if
 When the volumes have independent bibliographic descriptions, this information should be entered as if for a regular bibliographic work.
como si tal cosa   
be right as rain
just like that
 Essentially this novel is about being right as rain for nearly a whole lifetime in a country full of light and sun, and tremendous goodwill.
 Polish Prime Minister said his country was unfazed by Russian threats to point missiles at a planned US missile shield site in Poland.
 All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
como sustituto de 
in place of
 For example, the accession number might be used in place of the call number until the bibliographic information can be entered.
como tal   
as such
in this capacity
 As such, indexing is the major activity supporting all aspects of information retrieval.
 The National Library of Australia is the only library in the country with a large collection of overseas documents and in this capacity holds exhibitions of these materials.
 Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.
como término medio 
on average
 For example, on average, the Science Museum has 70% of its objects in store.
como todos (bien) sabemos 
as we all know (well)
 They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.
como todo un caballero 
 All players got in the game, never gave up, played very sportingly and held their heads high throughout.
como último recurso  
as a last resort
in the last resort
 Many use the service only as a last resort (there is a modest charge for it), when they themselves have searched in vain but feel in their bones that the library has it.
 Heaney noted that 'in the first place and in the last resort, libraries are for dear life also'.
como una aguja en un pajar 
like a needle in a haystack
 Without documentation, documents are merely scattered items which get buried in the great mass of scientific literature, like needles in a haystack.
como una ballena 
grossly overweight
 She is grossly overweight, no will power where food is concerned, looks far less attractive and seems to do little to rectify any of this.
como una balsa de aceite  
like a millpond
calm like a millpond
 In 1986, the political scene, too, was like a millpond.
 At other times, the sea was calm like a millpond.
como una cabra     
stark raving mad
raving mad
crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.]
daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.]
batty [battier -comp., battiest -sup.]
 Since he wasn't stark raving mad as a result, but simply very relaxed, I decided I would try it when the opportunity arose.
 It is said that if anybody remained there for a night, he would be found in the morning either dead, raving mad, or endowed with remarkable genius.
 Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
 Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
 My very intelligent, yet slightly batty girlfriend has an interesting theory.
como una cebolla 
 Some of the sentences in the texts analyzed are onion-like, with multiple levels of dependency.
como una condenada 
like a madwoman
 Oh, summer of 2005, windows down, driving as fast as I can whilst beating on the steering wheel like a madwoman.
como una descosida 
like a madwoman
 Oh, summer of 2005, windows down, driving as fast as I can whilst beating on the steering wheel like a madwoman.
como una foca 
grossly overweight
 She is grossly overweight, no will power where food is concerned, looks far less attractive and seems to do little to rectify any of this.
como una forma de 
as a means of
 The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis.
como una metralladora 
 The librarian should be at pains to avoid the quick-fire response of the quiz contestant.
como una patena 
 Microfibre cloths are fantastic for removing dust and they dry the surface spotlessly in seconds.
como una reina 
 It was all very beautiful and I was treated royally.
como un autómata 
on automatic pilot
 Computers will never be able to put an athlete on automatic pilot, to guarantee victory, but they can provide coaches and athletes with information on tactics.
como un basilisco 
like a bear with a sore head
 That number of pages to sift through is enough to make anybody feel like a bear with a sore head.
como un bobo 
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
como un campo de batalla  [Generalmente usado para referirse a un lugar que está completamente destrozado o peligroso]
like a war zone
 Our area has been like a war-zone for the last six weeks and our pensioners live in fear of the children they fought to defend.
como un cencerro   
barking mad
raving mad
stark raving mad
 Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.
 It is said that if anybody remained there for a night, he would be found in the morning either dead, raving mad, or endowed with remarkable genius.
 Since he wasn't stark raving mad as a result, but simply very relaxed, I decided I would try it when the opportunity arose.
como un condenado 
go like + the clappers
 At one point her leg and arm stopped shaking but her eye was going like the clappers.
como un descosido   
like a lunatic
like a madman
as one possessed
 It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.
 He was 'driving like a madman' moments before he was involved in a car crash with a lorry, according to an eyewitness.
 It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.
como un detective  
 In detectivelike fashion, Jaffe lays the groundwork and ultimately unveils the solution to this sad but intriguing mystery.
 Hidden among the shops (and foot traffic) of Reid Street, this new product requires sleuthlike skills to find.
como un elefante en una cacharrería  
like an elephant in a china shop
like a bull in a china shop
 Lieberman is conducting himself like an elephant in a china shop and is inflicting strategic damage on Israel's interests.
 He can really be like a bull in a china shop - he really lacks tact .
como un endemoniado 
hell (bent) for leather
 Unlike the previous rider, this competitor was hell bent for leather as he attacked the mud ponds at full throttle.
como un energúmeno 
like a bear with a sore head
 That number of pages to sift through is enough to make anybody feel like a bear with a sore head.
como un espejo 
 Microfibre cloths are fantastic for removing dust and they dry the surface spotlessly in seconds.
como un estúpido   
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
 What arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically.
como un experto 
 The punch-cutters copied each other expertly = Los fundidores de tipos se copiaban hábilmente los unos a los otros.
como un glaciar 
 I am beginning to share his optimisim myself although slowly - glacially.
como unidad global 
as a whole
 The bibliographic record for the volume is also a monographic record, but with a series entry and a relationship link to the bibliographic record for the series as a whole.
como un idiota 
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
como un imbécil 
 What arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically.
como un loca 
like a madwoman
 Oh, summer of 2005, windows down, driving as fast as I can whilst beating on the steering wheel like a madwoman.
como un loco      
like crazy
like mad
like a lunatic
like a madman
 We have no idea what will capture people's imagination and work, but all we can do in any period of great change is experiment like crazy.
 With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot - feeding like mad - the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.
 It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.
 The only way to stop them behaving madly is to have nuclear states as the opposition.
 He was 'driving like a madman' moments before he was involved in a car crash with a lorry, according to an eyewitness.
 Life is so short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, and forgive quickly.
como un método para 
as a means of
 The idea of tiered, or multilayered, citation is proposed as a means of testing this hypothesis = Se propone la idea de citar de una forma estratificada o por niveles para comprobar esta hipótesis.
como un modo de 
as a way of/to
 Libraries depend on binding as a means of reducing the time and costs involved in replacing books, and as a way of preserving irreplaceable material.
como un necio 
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
como un niño 
 She fell onto the bed childishly, kicking her feet up in the air.
como un observador que pasa desapercibido  
 The interview has been edited to give readers a fly-on-the-wall experience, complete with criticisms and naivetes from the floor.
 The interview has been edited to give readers a fly-on-the-wall experience, complete with criticisms and naivetes from the floor.
como un papagayo   
off pat
 This strategy has been designed for you to practice till you get it totally off pat so you can walk into a casino and operate it without thinking.
 There is no easy way to learn your times tables - you will have to try hard to memorise them 'parrot-fashion'.
 Repetition is a good component of learning Spanish, but this method became rather tedious and parrot-like for the student.
como un platillo 
 Earnscliffe, an outsprawled town of 18,109, lies in a saucer-like setting of wooded hillsides in the northeast region of the country.
como un poseído 
as one possessed
 It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.
como un poseso 
as one possessed
 It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk.
como un profesional 
like a pro
 With time, practice, and this article, you can learn to play the drums like a pro!.
como un rayo 
in a flash
 In a flash, without a moment wasted on intelligent astonishment, the poor accosted earthling gives a detailed description of the instrument he apparently assumes without further investigation the stranded space man needs.
como un reguero de pólvora 
like wildfire
 Distance learning is sweeping through higher education like wildfire, and it is simultaneously capturing the interests of libraries and librarians.
como un relámpago  [Referido a la velocidad]
like greased lightning
 The idea came to her in a flash like greased lightning.
como un reloj  
as regular as clockwork
like clockwork
 He doesn't really have a passion for writing anymore, but he keeps going, knocking out books regular as clockwork to keep that steady paycheck coming in.
 It ran like clockwork and there no complaints from anyone.
como un rey 
 It was all very beautiful and I was treated royally.
como un robot 
on automatic pilot
 Computers will never be able to put an athlete on automatic pilot, to guarantee victory, but they can provide coaches and athletes with information on tactics.
como un televisor 
 A monitor is a television-type display, used for video playback and as a computer VDU.
como un todo 
as a whole
 The bibliographic record for the volume is also a monographic record, but with a series entry and a relationship link to the bibliographic record for the series as a whole.
como un tonto  
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
 Gordon Brown foolishly goes to shake the hand of a soldier standing to attention in Afghanistan at the weekend.
como un toro en una tienda de porcelana  
like an elephant in a china shop
like a bull in a china shop
 Lieberman is conducting himself like an elephant in a china shop and is inflicting strategic damage on Israel's interests.
 He can really be like a bull in a china shop - he really lacks tact .
como un torpe 
 Gordon Brown foolishly goes to shake the hand of a soldier standing to attention in Afghanistan at the weekend.
como un zombi 
 Cataloging should certainly not be a joyless, irrelevant, and zombielike process.
como vivir en un escaparate 
like being in a (gold)fish bowl
 Living in residence is like being in a fish bowl, something happens and then minutes later the whole house knows.
como + Voz Pasiva 
as + Participio Pasado
 Like any subject headings list this thesaurus is unlikely to be exploited precisely as published, but is a useful model based on sound principles.
como y cuando 
as and when
 At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.
como y cuando sea + Adjetivo 
as + Adjetivo
 Some users and classifiers find it beneficial to have a notation which is sufficiently flexible to permit a variety of citation orders to be adopted as appropriate to the document and the user's perspective.
comportarse como se espera 
be a sport
 I get the feeling from both of them that my job may be in jeopardy if I'm not a better sport.
con el mismo + Nombre + como el que  
as + Adverbio + as ...
 He should be able to turn over to his mechanism, just as confidently as he turns over the propelling of his car to the intricate mechanism under the hood.
conocerse como 
be known as
 The large cataloguing record data bases are structured according to a format known as the MARC format.
dar como resultado 
result (in)
 Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.
durante tanto tiempo como sea posible 
for as long as possible
 It is therefore one of the librarian's prime tasks to preserve the attractiveness of the stock for as long as possible.
el modo como 
the way in which
 Recommendations relating to analytical cataloguing practices concern themselves primarily with the way in which the part of a document or work to be accessed is described.
frase como encabezamiento 
phrase heading
 Subject headings beginning with the same word may be interfiled in different ways according to the filing value accorded to inverted headings, phrase headings and subdivided headings.
llegar a ser conocido como 
become + known as
 In 1961 an International Conference on Cataloguing Principles was held in Paris, and a statement of principles emerged, which became known as the Paris Principles.
mantenerse como válido 
hold up
 The article 'Will access restrictions hold up in court?' relates the FBI's attempt to use the Braden Papers at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
nada menos que + Nombre + tan + Adjetivo + como 
no less + Adjetivo + Nombre + than
 No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
no + haber + nada como 
there + be + nothing like
 There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
ofrecerse como voluntario 
 Since the library lacked a graphic artist he volunteered to handletter signs and to help with displays and art exhibits - all on his own time.
proponer como principio 
 We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.
saber (cómo) hacer las cosas bien 
push + (all of) the right buttons
 If you want me to unleash my wild side, you'll have to push all of the right buttons.
sea como sea    
be that as it may
at all costs
at any cost
no matter what
 Be that as it may, the fact is that there are tens of millions of MARC records in the world.
 This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.
 Illegal work practices aimed at achieving economic success at any cost were widespread.
 In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.
se interprete como se interprete  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
seleccionar como relevante  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio hit Acción de seleccionar como relevante aquellos documentos que contengan la clave de búsqueda especificada]
 FIB$3 will hit words where the stem 'FIB' is followed by no more than three characters.
se mire como se mire  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
ser como dos gotas de agua 
be like two peas in a pod
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
se vea como se vea  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
tal como    
such as
such + Nombre + as
just as
just like
 Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
 The construction of the hypothesis should be limited to such considerations as whether the subject heading list is designed to serve the general public or the scientific community, the adult or the juvenile user.
 Anything to demonize the West is ok in their book, just as it was during the cold war.
 Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.
tal y como aparece 
as it/they stand(s)
 An analysis of this class number, as it stands, would not reveal this concept in the chain and thus the specific subject would receive no A/Z index entry.
tal y como es/son 
as it/they stand(s)
 An analysis of this class number, as it stands, would not reveal this concept in the chain and thus the specific subject would receive no A/Z index entry.
tal y como + ser 
in + Posesivo + true colours
 That is life in its true colours.
tan + Adjetivo + como  
as + Adjetivo + as
every bit as + Adjetivo + as
 A working guide is to seek to make any abstract as informative as possible within the constraints of time, length and audience.
 Popular music in a library is every bit as important as classical music.
tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre 
as + Adjetivo + as ever
 In this live peformance video, Joan Sutherland's coloratura is as deft as ever.
tan + Adjetivo + como siempre 
as + Adjetivo + as ever
 In this live peformance video, Joan Sutherland's coloratura is as deft as ever.
tan contento como siempre 
as happy as ever
 Tootsie has got his strength back and is now as happy as ever running around outside.
tan feliz como siempre 
as happy as ever
 Tootsie has got his strength back and is now as happy as ever running around outside.
tan pronto como   
as soon as
just as soon as
no sooner ... than
 It is essential that the central agency is able to provide records for new documents as soon as a librarian receives the document.
 The needs of business assured the advent of mass-produced arithmetical machines just as soon as production methods were sufficiently advanced.
 No sooner had the announcement been made by NASA than the astronomers were invited to join the company to continue their research.
tan pronto como sea posible 
as soon as possible (asap)
 If there are excessive delays in the record becoming available, and long delays become a common phenomenon, the librarian who is anxious to make new stock available for the user as soon as possible will resort to local cataloguing.
tanto como    
as many ... as ...
both ... and ...
 Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
 References will also be necessary, in respect of any variant forms of headings, for headings on both main and added entries.
 Porous Bavarian limestone was used as this absorbs grease and water equally.
tanto como    
as much as + Adjetivo
no less than
if not
so much as
 Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.
 Children respond no less than adults (rather more, in fact) to personal contact.
 As the cost of maintaining a decent standard of living within the family increases, the two-income family is becoming essential in practice if not in ideology.
 The study concludes that whilst cooperative activity amongst libraries is clearly important, it is often not valued in practice so much as it is praised in principle.
tanto como siempre  tener como equivalente  tener como motivo central  tener como objetivo  tomar como ejemplo  [Verbo irregular: pasado took, participio taken] un poco como 
as much as ever
have + counterpart
plan around + Nombre
have + as + Posesivo + objective
kind of like
 Prose and poetry, novels and plays, essays and biographies I enjoy them all as much as ever.
 Whilst books bound in paper covers are not excluded from British Books in Print, a separate Paperbacks in Print (London, Whitaker, 1960 annual) is published and it has a counterpart in the United States Paperbound Books in Print (New York, Bowker, annual).
 It outlines the college's programme which includes updates on library activities, lists of current acquisitions, contributions to the student newspaper, and the monthly displays planned around specific themes.
 DGIS has as its objectives the provision of a single, easy-to-use interface with all these data bases.
 Take a library in which the indexing policy is one of summarization, but the indexing of concepts is non-specific.
 It's kind of like trumping in public - You simply do not do it!.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra como



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de como
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «como».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre como



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra como.
La vida es como el varillaje de un paraguas. Nosotros somos las varillas, y lo que hace falta es... «tela».
Benjamin Franklin
Mostrarse orgulloso de la propia virtud es como envenenarse con un antídoto.
Cardenal Richelieu
Muchos de los que podrían salvarse como particulares se condenan como hombres públicos.
Pasa con la felicidad como con los relojes, que los menos complicados son los que menos se estropean.
Charles C. Colton
Debemos usar un libro como las abejas las flores: para absorber su esencia.
El alma se amolda a las costumbres, y se piensa como se vive.
Enrique Jardiel Poncela
El amor es como la salsa mayonesa: cuando se corta, hay que tirarlo y empezar otro nuevo.
No pretendas que las cosas sean como las deseas; deséalas como son.
Georges Clemenceau
No hay propiamente edad de la vejez. Se es viejo cuando se comienza a actuar como viejo.
Izaak Walton
La pesca es algo así como la poesía: hay que nacer pescador.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término como.
Como la maza de Fraga, que sacaba polvo debajo del agua.
Flor de la hermosura como la flor de mayo dura.
Malas nuevas, como el rayo llegan.
A cada cual dé Dios el frío, como ande vestido.
Ajo en el cordero es pecado, tanto en el guisado como en el asado.
Amigos como la tierra y el agua.
Como hace el uno, dos y tres hace es resto del mes.
Como la fortuna es ciega y loca, dalo al primero que topa.
Como la lengua es falsa y el corazón no, dice la lengua lo que no siente el corazón.
Como mi padre es rico, no quiero cerrar el pico.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de como en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con como y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
"Este libro es una guía de valor incalculable para los corredores que aceptan los desafíos y recompensas que supone dar lo mejor de sí y continúan disfrutando de toda una vida de saludables carreras pedestres.
Gordon Bakoulis, Candace Karu, 2001
La Arquitectura como experiencia: espacio, cuerpo y sensibilidad
A novel approach to understanding architecture, the way of thinking about buildings presented in this book uses analogies and metaphors to bring architectural design closer to the sensual experiences of music and literature.
Alberto Saldarriaga Roa, 2002
Aprender a Amar De Nuevo / Rebuilding: When your ...
El doctor Bruce Fisher, especialista por más de 25 años en el trabajo con personas separadas, divorciadas y viudas, aborda en este libro la manera de encarar y manejar los fuertes y diversos sentimientos que una separación provoca, por ...
Bruce Fisher, 2005
La estructura como arquitectura
Este libro estudia las posibilidades que tiene la estructura - es decir, vigas, pilares, entramados, soportes y otros elementos- para enriquecer la arquitectura.
Andrew Charleson, 2007
Pensar como Einstein: Claves para ser más creativo y eficiente
Para ser más creativo y mejorar, desde los negocios hasta las cuestiones más personales, Pensar como Einstein, le proporciona las herramientas necesarias para descubrir soluciones innovadoras a los desafíos de cada día.
Scott Thorpe, 2005
Como hacerse millonario en la bolsa de valores: La Única ...
Aprenda por primera vez en espa?ol y en una forma muy sencilla:Como hacer dinero desde su casa invirtiendo en la Bolsa de Valores, tanto a la alza como a la baja, comenzando con muy poco capital.Como abrir una cuenta en una casa corredora ...
Jimmy Hernández, 2005
El fútbol como ideología
Además del análisis crítico, político y sociopsicológico de este fenómeno que mueve a las masas, Vinnai discute en detalle la historia del fútbol, los diversos sistemas de juego y métodos de entrenamiento, la burocratización y las ...
Gerhard Vinnai, 2003
La investigación educativa como herramienta de formación del ...
Investigar, en educación como en cualquier otra disciplina, es imprescindible para generar cambios. Sin investigación no hay campo de conocimiento. Hay tradición, rutina, copia, dependencia y estatismo.
Francesc Imbernón, 2002
Evaluación como ayuda al aprendizaje
El libro presenta temas de actualidad, divulga aportaciones de reconocidos especialistas y, a su vez, proporciona pautas y ejemplos de cómo llevarlos a la práctica.
¿Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo?: Diez controversias ...
Deslizándose en los márgenes de lo "políticamente incorrecto", este Diana Cohen Agrest nos acerca las razones esgrimidas en torno de estas prácticas polémicas que, de otro modo, suelen permanecer confinadas en los círculos de los ...
Diana Cohen Agrest,, 2011


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término como en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Informe de Bogota como vamos 2016
Las mujeres como principales víctimas de toda clase de abusos y el embarazo adolescente en Ciudad Bolívar, Kennedy, Bosa, Suba, Usme y San Cristóbal son ... «, Jul 16»
Nico Vázquez se accidentó en pleno aire de "Como anillo al dedo"
Nicolás Vázquez sufrió un doloroso accidente durante la grabación de Como anillo al dedo (sábados, a las 20.30, por El Trece), el programa que conduce junto ... «Clarí, Jul 16»
Bogota Como Vamos plantea los desafios de calidad de vida
El próximo lunes 25 de julio, el programa Bogotá Cómo Vamos presentará su informe anual sobre calidad de vida durante un evento denominado 'Desafíos ... «, Jul 16»
Reunión Norteña mantiene viva la llama del amor como candil de ...
El cantante aclaró que las peticiones de temas románticos es porque como agrupación norteña no se dedicaron "a grabar corridos ni canciones que hablen ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
Cómo usar el nuevo tipo de letra "secreto" de WhatsApp
WhatsApp la sacó sin aviso, como hiciera antes con las otras opciones de formato para texto, que permiten al usuario un grado mayor de personalización. «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Cómo averiguar todo lo que Google sabe de ti
La vista que muestro a continuación es la general (que aquí aparece en inglés, a pesar de que cuenta está configurada con "español" como lenguaje primario). «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Cómo se evalúa a los maestros en los países con la mejor ...
Y es que, como él, miles de profesores en México se niegan a ser evaluados, una medida incluida en la reforma educativa que el gobierno promulgó en 2013 y ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Muere José Luis Armenteros, creador de 'Un beso y una flor', 'Como ...
Armenteros (Madrid, 1943) ha muerto en Madrid a "primera hora de la mañana", tal y como ha dado a conocer la revista musical Efe Eme, aunque no se ... «, Jun 16»
Carta Apostólica del Papa Francisco "Como una madre amorosa"
El papa Francisco publicó este sábado 4 de junio, la Carta Apostólica “Como una madre amorosa”, en forma de Motu Proprio. Un documento que esclarece ... «Red Católica, Jun 16»
Cómo quitar los grumos de la bechamel y cómo evitar que se ...
El problema viene cuando se forman grumos como los de la foto. Si quieres saber cómo quitarlos fácilmente, te vendrá bien este sencillo truco de cocina. «Directo al Paladar, May 16»


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