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Nada grande se ha realizado nunca sin entusiasmo.
Ralph W. Emerson

Significado de "grande" en el diccionario de español



La palabra grande procede del latín grandis.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


gran · de play
Grande es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Grande puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.


definición de grande en el diccionario español

La primera definición de grande en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es que supera en tamaño, importancia, dotes, intensidad, etc., a lo común y regular. Otro significado de grande en el diccionario es dicho de una persona: De edad avanzada. Grande es también abundante, numeroso. ¶ MORF.







Sinónimos y antónimos de grande en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «grande» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de grande


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «grande» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
antónimos de grande


grande alto amplio ancho colosal considerable conspicuo desmedido desmesurado egregio elevado enorme espacioso excelso exorbitante extenso extraordinario gigantesco grandioso holgado ilustre ínclito ingente primera lengua española supera tamaño importancia dotes intensidad común regular otro dicho persona edad avanzada grande también abundante numeroso morf pequeña niña cotidiano puede resultar insólito para niños análisis encuestas libro especializado describe paso técnicas más comúnmente tenidas cuenta obtención exhaustivo datos marketing servicios mitos leyendas antioquia resumen este recoge importantes esta region andes centrales occidentales colombia como madremonte patasola llorona patetarro hojarasquin duendes brujas mohan fundamentos investigación comercial edición manual dirigido todas aquellas personas estudiantes profesionales docencia gestión empresa deseosas iniciarse profundizar área

Traductor en línea con la traducción de grande a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de grande a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de grande presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de grande en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de grande en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  vast ; big ; bulky ; considerable ; deep ; extensive ; great ; heavy ; high ; huge ; large ; large scale [large-scale] ; tremendous ; wide ; goodly ; abysmal ; heavyweight [heavy weight] ; broad ; of the highest order.
 If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
 Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.
 Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.
 The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
 The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
 The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.
 Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.
 In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
 Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
 A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
 Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
 It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
 There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.
 The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
 However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.
 The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians.
 Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.
 In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
 I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.
a grandes rasgos  
rough draft
 These can be broadly categorised into the following two groups.
 This paper describes the program devised to extract references from the OCLC data base and generate bibliographies in rough draft form.
a gran escala        
large scale [large-scale]
on a wide scale
on a broad scale
in a big way
on a grand scale
 It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
 When the use of all synonymous terms would result in a massive duplication of A/Z subject index entries 'see references' are employed.
 Moder technology allows us to link computers in different centres and to transmit information on a wide scale.
 Many households are still without telephone, let alone equipped with the wide-band cable needed for fast, high-volume electronic communication.
 Without the stimuli of cooperative agencies, many programmes such as wide-scale interlibrary loan would not have developed so rapidly.
 Due to advantages such as access to information on a broad scale, networking is being increasingly adopted in Latin America and in the Caribbean.
 The United Nations (UN), its various information offices and its sister agencies are shifting into electronic publishing in a big way.
 A 'toxic combination' of poverty and social injustice is killing people on a grand scale, a World Health Organisation report said Thursday.
a gran velocidad 
at great speed
 This causes the shaft of the fan and correspondingly, the fan blades themselves, to rotate at great speed.
a lo grande    
in a big way
big time
on a grand scale
 The United Nations (UN), its various information offices and its sister agencies are shifting into electronic publishing in a big way.
 They all enjoy doing their searches and find it a big time saver.
 I am convinced that China can hold this Olymipics game peacefully and grandly.
 A 'toxic combination' of poverty and social injustice is killing people on a grand scale, a World Health Organisation report said Thursday.
armar un gran revuelo     
set + the cat among the pigeons
put + the cat among the pigeons
stir up + a hornet's nest
raise + Cain
raise + hell
 There is a new book just coming out that promises to set the cat among the pigeons on the Shakespeare scene.
 Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
 They feared its theme of anti-Semitism would simply stir up a hornet's nest and preferred to deal with the problem quietly.
 Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.
 American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.
a un gran coste 
at (a) great expense
 He had lions, elephants, and other wild animals brought from Asia and Africa at a great expense.
avanzar con gran dificultad 
grind on
 Far more likely is that the session will grind on days, perhaps weeks, before there's a compromise between the Presidente and the Senate.
bastante grande 
 This largish university has more than 20,000 students and offers over 200 undergraduate majors, over 100 master's degree options, and 17 doctoral degree programmes.
caballo grande, ande o no ande 
the bigger, the better
 There are also 'ig'planes and helicopters, which my son loves (to him, the bigger, the better).
calabacín grande  
marrow squash
 Fruit flies were found to feed on gourds, cucumbers, marrows, cantaloupes and guavas.
 Contamination of turnip, marrow squash, radish and coriander crops spread with raw sewage.
causar una gran sensación 
make + a splash
 Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.
causar un gran alboroto 
make + a splash
 Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.
causar un gran revuelo      
set + the cat among the pigeons
put + the cat among the pigeons
make + a splash
stir up + a hornet's nest
raise + Cain
raise + hell
 There is a new book just coming out that promises to set the cat among the pigeons on the Shakespeare scene.
 Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
 Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.
 They feared its theme of anti-Semitism would simply stir up a hornet's nest and preferred to deal with the problem quietly.
 Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.
 American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.
celebrar a lo grande 
make + a song and dance about
 But nobody knows that because Ford don't make a song and dance about everything they work on or develop.
chimenea grande antigua  
Inglenook hearth
Inglenook fireplace
 The refined holiday hotel was constructed in 1490 and has an extensive visitor hall with spacious, relaxing sofas and an Inglenook hearth.
 On the ground floor is a small porch, leading into an open plan living area with an Inglenook fireplace containing a wood burning stove.
con gran capacidad 
 This is an efficient method of storing large amounts of programs and data, which is faster, more reliable and much more capacious than the floppy disc.
con gran colorido 
brightly coloured
 Small, brightly coloured, modern libraries in well-used public areas attract the public and create more demand for library services.
con gran densidad de población 
densely populated
 The first public reading-room in Berlin opened in 1895 in a densely populated working-class district.
con grandes esperanzas 
with high hopes
 We await with eager expectation the arrival of the book in printed form with high hopes that it will find its place in the world.
con gran dificultad 
with great difficulty
 Alumina is helpful for any stool that is passed with great difficulty.
con gran entusiasmo 
 He rubbed his head reminiscently and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about his squaw.
con gran esplendor 
 I am convinced that China can hold this Olymipics game peacefully and grandly.
con gran iluminación 
brightly illuminated
 Cattle, pigs and sheep have a tendency to move more easily from a dimly illuminated area to a more brightly illuminated area.
con gran ilusión 
with high hopes
 We await with eager expectation the arrival of the book in printed form with high hopes that it will find its place in the world.
con gran motivación 
 They are looking for a highly-motivated, high-calibre student with aspirations to develop a career as a professional geoscientist.
con gran sentimiento 
 Falteringly, but earnestly he read the story and when he finished, he put his head down on the table and sobbed.
conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo 
go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio
 In addition, their involvement in the planning process will go a long way towards allaying any fears over automation and will ensure that staff are aware of the reasons behind the decision to automate.
consumir en grandes cantidades 
 He has confessed that he used to guzzle cough syrup when he was at the peak of his drug addiction.
contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo   
go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio
go far in + Gerundio
go far towards + Gerundio
 In addition, their involvement in the planning process will go a long way towards allaying any fears over automation and will ensure that staff are aware of the reasons behind the decision to automate.
 A public library's design can go far in either reinforcing or thwarting the intimacy of reading and in determining its success - functionally, aesthetically and financially.
 A minimal effort at staff development can go far towards easing foreign students' problems of acclimation and enhancing their academic experience.
con una gran ambición profesional  
 You will be a good husband to a professional career-minded woman - but be prepared that she'll wear the breeches in your relationship.
 New career-focused courses open doors for students.
con una gran cultura 
 This requires comprehensive collections and well-read and experienced staff able to communicate on any level.
con una gran diferencia 
by a huge margin
 By a huge margin respondents feeel that 'library' is synonymous with 'books' = Con una gran diferencia, los encuestados consideran la "biblioteca" como sinónimo de "libros".
con una gran tradición 
 The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
con un gran número de lectores 
 This on-line full text data base covers widely-read magazines and periodicals in the field of computers, electronics and telecommunications.
con un gran suspiro 
with a deep sigh
 'That's wonderful, Tom!' said the director with a deep sigh.
convertirse en un gran problema 
grow to + a crisis
 It is better too, for the help to be given before the problem has grown to a crisis - a stitch in time saves nine.
correr un gran riesgo 
play (for) + high stakes
 The article 'Playing for high stakes' discusses the effects of the current recession on US publishers.
crear con gran destreza 
 The play was an entrancing production that was textured with ideas, witty, and cunningly crafted.
darse la gran vida  
live it up
live + the high life
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 Now you'll have the perfect opportunity to live the high life, but on your terms and on your time.
dar un gran aplauso  
give + Nombre + a (big) round of applause
give + Nombre + a big hand
 The commentator asked the room to give her a big round of applause.
 The two thousand-seat theater was almost full and the audience was receptive, laughed a lot and gave him a big hand for a number of the points he made.
dar un gran paso adelante 
reach + a milestone
 In late Feb 1999 the library reached the milestone of 200,000 titles processed.
dar un gran placer 
give + Nombre + great pleasure to
 Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.
de gran ahorro energético 
 It was designed as a prototype integrating sophisticated energy-saving technologies and environmentally sound materials.
de gran belleza 
 This book is a concise guide to conservation easements (legal interests in private land that permanently limit development to protect agricultural, scenic, ecological and historic resources) for ranchers.
de gran calibre 
 They are looking for a highly-motivated, high-calibre student with aspirations to develop a career as a professional geoscientist.
de gran calidad   
high-grade [high grade]
 Probably one of the most essential resources is sufficient time for initial thesaurus construction to permit the compilation of a high-quality thesaurus or list.
 Reference work is merely a practical skill - of a high-grade kind, to be sure - but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.
 They are looking for a highly-motivated, high-calibre student with aspirations to develop a career as a professional geoscientist.
de gran capacidad  
high capacity
 The technology now exists to permit searching of fairly large full-text or bibliographic data bases on local computers using optical storage or large-capacity hard disks.
 Videodiscs can provide high capacity secondary storage and it is possible for the personal computer enthusiast to make use of a home video recorder in this way.
de gran colorido 
brightly coloured
 Small, brightly coloured, modern libraries in well-used public areas attract the public and create more demand for library services.
de gran corazón 
 But there are many big-hearted women in South Africa who love and care for children who don't have parents of their own.
de gran efecto 
 Appraisal is the single most important function performed by an archivist because it has wide-reaching and everlasting social implications.
de gran éxito comercial 
high selling
 Many high selling products eventually see a drop in sales and eventual discontinuation, usually after being superseded by a superior product.
de gran formato  [En bibliotecas, adjetivo aplicado al material bibliográfico cuyas dimensiones exceden el tamaño normal y por lo tanto no caben en los estantes y tiene que ser colocado en ubicaciones especiales]
 Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.
de gran impacto 
high impact [high-impact]
 The majority of high-impact articles had been published by men, but so had most low-impact articles = La mayoría de los artículos de gran impacto han sido publicados por hombres, al igual que la mayoría de los artítulos de menor impacto.
de gran influencia 
 He has published seminal papers on automated cataloging and authority control in Library Journal, Library Quarterly, and Journal of Library Automation.
de gran lucidez 
 Her diversified and highly committed authorship is characterized by disrespectful humour, clear-sighted solemnity and inconspicuous warmth.
de gran lujo 
 Here are given a few top-class tips for writing a good essay.
de gran potencia 
 This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.
de gran preparación 
 A well-prepared searcher will already have alternative strategies ready if need be: again, the presence of the enquirer facilitates such alterations of course.
de gran repercusión   
 Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
 Appraisal is the single most important function performed by an archivist because it has wide-reaching and everlasting social implications.
 Florida's libraries provide substantial, far-ranging, and varied economic benefits.
de gran talento 
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
de gran valor  
highly valued
highly valuable
 Intellectual freedom is a first essential of all the highly valued human feelings = La libertad intelectual es el más esencial de todos los sentimientos humanos más valorados.
 Librarians must therefore recognise their skills and educational preparation as a highly valuable resource.
de gran valor histórico 
of great historical value
 The 300 people, students or other, who took over the premises also manhandled ancient works of great historical value.
de gran venta 
high selling
 Many high selling products eventually see a drop in sales and eventual discontinuation, usually after being superseded by a superior product.
demasiado grande  
 He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.
 Deregulation compelled the energy utility business to restructure its inwardly directed culture and its overgrown and rivalrous internal services function.
describir a grandes rasgos 
paint + a broad picture
 Although there isn't room here to go into much detail, it may be worthwhile to paint a broad picture of how the migration actually went.
desplazarse grandes distancias 
travel + long distances
 The need to travel long distances for specialty care have made it difficult for many rural residents to receive the care they need when they need it.
durante un gran período  
for a long period
for a long period
 She also struggled for a long period with alcoholism and smoking, both of which led to the throat cancer that would take her life.
 She also struggled for a long period with alcoholism and smoking, both of which led to the throat cancer that would take her life.
durante un gran período de tiempo 
for a long period of time
 High quality work is cited for a long period of time.
ejercer una gran influencia en 
play + a strong hand in
 Economic issues play a strong hand in suggesting its demise.
el Gran Cañón 
the Grand Canyon
 A powerful and inspiring landscape, the Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size.
el gran hermano 
big brother
 The danger is compounded by the general complacency induced by the 'crying wolf' syndrome - it is assumed that any talk of 'big brother' is nothing but the lazy person's armchair conspiracy.
el próximo gran éxito 
the next big thing
 It's been a while since pop-music writers have heaped praise on a blues guitarist as the next big thing.
el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes 
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
 A car is more than a collection of parts; these have an organization imposed on them which means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
empresa de grandes derroches 
high roller
 The current buying elite, the 1,500 or so high rollers who attended the London sale, are a diverse, cosmopolitan bunch.
encontrar gran placer en 
find + great pleasure in
 I find great pleasure in using color out of context to express emotion and to entertain the viewer.
en gran cantidad 
 These nocturnal rampages by gangs of werewolves included chasing women, eating prodigiously, being splattered with mud, and caterwauling generally.
en grandes cantidades     
en masse
in good number
in bulk
in vast quantities
in large quantities
 Browsing time provided in school is the only way many children will ever become familiar with books en masse.
 A new book on cookery or gardening by a well-known writer in the field might well sell in good numbers on publication.
 They were, first, the replacement of the traditional process of building up a binding for each book in turn by the speedier prefabrication in bulk of complete binding cases which were attached subsequently to the sewn and cut books.
 Standard components can be manufactured in vast quantities, keeping costs down.
 Vitamins and minerals taken in large quantities, without the advice of a specialist, may affect the human body.
en grandes números  
in record numbers
in record numbers
 In fact, recent data shows that the majority of mid-sized and larger firms are making lateral hiring in record numbers.
 In fact, recent data shows that the majority of mid-sized and larger firms are making lateral hiring in record numbers.
en gran formato  [En bibliotecas, adjetivo aplicado al material bibliográfico cuyas dimensiones exceden el tamaño normal y por lo tanto no caben en los estantes y tiene que ser colocado en ubicaciones especiales]  [En bibliotecas, adjetivo aplicado al material bibliográfico cuyas dimensiones exceden el tamaño normal y por lo tanto no caben en los estantes y tiene que ser colocado en ubicaciones especiales]
 The reference books are normally left separate from the lending stock and the oversize books may be shelved separately from the normal-sized stock.
 Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.
en gran medida                    
by and large
to a considerable extent
to a high degree
to a large extent
very much
to a great extent
in no small way
to any great degree
in many ways
in large part
in large measure
in no small measure
to a large degree
to a great degree
 This has been the case with newspapers which by and large have changed very little over the past century.
 Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
 The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
 Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.
 The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
 If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.
 UDC recognizes, to a high degree, the value of synthesis in classification.
 Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
 The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
 And with the advent of computers, we have vastly accelerated the pace at which we are proceeding.
 She is still very much a children's book borrower with a smattering of titles taken from the applied sciences, which in Susan's case meant books on cookery and needlework.
 To a great extent, these are self-explanatory reasons.
 His excellent rapport with Congress was in no small way responsible for the progress made by LC during his administration.
 Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers - the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
 In many ways, the order in DC is poor, separating language (400) from literature (800), and history (900) from the other social sciences (300) = En muchos sentidos, el orden de la CD es pobre al separar la lengua (400) de la literatura (800) y la historia (900) de las otras ciencias sociales (300).
 Only journals published in the USA and devoted exclusively or in large part to the literature of social gerontology are described here.
 Despite their weight of numbers, nurses have not been accorded a pre-eminent place in hospitals, and in large measure they continue to rely on medical libraries for their information needs.
 Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.
 To a large degree, the image an institution creates is determined by the leader who is the directing force of that institution.
 To a great degree, it is the faculty that make the Stanford psychology program so reputable.
en gran número 
 I was in for yet another of those numerously produced fantasies in which a pubescent child gets involved with underworld beings that are actually surrogates for Freudian types.
en gran parte      
in large part
in large measure
for the most part
to a great extent
to a great degree
 The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
 Only journals published in the USA and devoted exclusively or in large part to the literature of social gerontology are described here.
 Despite their weight of numbers, nurses have not been accorded a pre-eminent place in hospitals, and in large measure they continue to rely on medical libraries for their information needs.
 Only one fact holds true in all catalog worlds: library users - despite their great personal differences and interests - are, for the most part, expected to negotiate their own way through whatever catalog is presented to them.
 To a great extent, these are self-explanatory reasons.
 To a great degree, it is the faculty that make the Stanford psychology program so reputable.
en un gran aprieto 
in dire straits
 Egypt's Internet situation is in dire straits after two undersea cables in the Mediterranean were accidentally severed yesterday.
en un gran apuro 
in dire straits
 Egypt's Internet situation is in dire straits after two undersea cables in the Mediterranean were accidentally severed yesterday.
esperar una (gran) sorpresa 
be in for a (big) surprise
 A jeweler says thieves who smashed their way into his store and got away with rings are in for a surprise when they find out they are made of brass.
expresión típica de Gran Bretaña 
 In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.
extra grande 
 For many people, extra-large dogs seem to be the only choice with their generally calm nature and usually protective instincts.
ganar a lo grande 
win + big
 France wins big in European Swimming Championships.
gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado 
range management
 Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..
gran almacén 
discount retailer
 Discount retailers have started to feel the pinch from belt-tightening consumers as sales at US stores have fallen for the first time.
gran altura 
high altitude
 The databases consists of a high quality atlas consisting of maps based on images taken from high altitude aircraft and satellites.
gran aumento 
heavy increase
 Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
gran bebedor  
heavy drinker
big drinker
 Unlike most of their fellow workers, they have 'primitive' social interests, limited to games of cards & dominoes, & are heavy drinkers.
 The Buck's Fizz has got to be one of the easiest cocktails to make and it's also one that everybody will like - even people who aren't big drinkers.
gran belleza 
scenic beauty
 Britain has the highest potential for wind power in Europe but it is greatest in areas valued for their scenic beauty.
Gran Bretaña  
Great Britain
 One of the first initiatives in providing a community information service in a public library in Britain took place in a deprived inner-city area.
 Suppose, for example, that the indexer decides that the terms 'Great Britain' and 'United Kingdom' are to all intents synonyms.
gran calidad 
high standard
 Cataloging is of a very high standard throughout the country.
gran cantidad de  
large crop of
mass of
 Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.
 There is a new profession of trail blazers, those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enourmous mass of records.
gran categoría 
high standard
 Cataloging is of a very high standard throughout the country.
gran cosa  [Usado generalmente para expresar que a algo se le está dando más importancia de la que tiene]
big deal
 The article is entitled 'Seven self-contradicting reasons why the World Wide Web is such a big deal'.
gran danés 
Great Dane
 Of the 882 dogs, 228 were German hepherds, 86 were Great Danes and 73 were mixed breeds.
grande de España 
Spanish grandee
 Something supremely elegant about the way Jimenez comports himself: every inch the Spanish grandee he is always worth watching.
Gran Depresión, la  
Depression, the
Great Depression, the
 Women's role as solo authors declined, however, during the Depression, World War II and the postwar years.
 This article compares the economic situation of the public library today with that of he public library during the Great Depression.
grandes almacenes 
department store
 Take the prosaic problem of the great department store.
grandes cantidades de    
storerooms of
huge numbers of
huge numbers of
great numbers of
 Rather than catalog departments going out of business, they could turn their attention once again to cataloging special local materials, eating away at store-rooms of uncataloged materials, and making their collections as a whole more responsive to their local constituency.
 The new machines would require huge numbers of matrices.
 The new machines would require huge numbers of matrices.
 We also know that there are great numbers of great libraries around the world.
grandes escritores, los  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
great imaginative writers, the
 By adulthood the child's literary consciousness has grown into a full-bodied appreciation of the work of the great imaginative writers.
Grandes Llanuras, las 
Great Plains, the
 Wheat traders are getting more bullish, even after prices tumbled into a bear market, as demand for U.S. exports strengthened and a drought in the Great Plains threatens to curb next season's crop.
grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas  [Expresión inglesa que expresa que un inicio pequeño puede dar lugar a algo muy importante]
great oaks from little acorns grow
 Much more will be needed, but at least a start will have been made; there is an English expression for this: 'great oaks from little acorns grow'.
grandes sumas de dinero 
vast sums of money
 In view of the increasing attention paid to pensions and planning for old age, together with the vast sums of money involved, there is a growing demand for information on the subject.
grande superficie   
shopping mall
shopping complex
shopping centre
 The library may circulate materials at off-site outlets such as shopping malls, community facilities, nursing homes, jails, and so forth.
 Many central libraries are now built adjacent to or as an integral part of a shopping complex.
 The library is poorly sited outside the shopping centre and on the brow of a hill, and faces competition from adjoining libraries.
grandes y pequeños 
great and small
 'At no time in history', according to Geoffrey Langley, 'did people of all types and classes stand more in need of information on all manner of matters great and small'.
grande y tenebroso 
 The ability to assess the volume of aquifer occupied by freshwater in coastal karsts is limited by the limited knowledge of the location of the cavernous regions.
gran ducado  [Territorio]
 When Finnish was adopted as the language of learning and culture in the 19th century autonomous grand-duchy, printing business began to flourish and resulted in a dramatic growth of printed products.
gran espectáculo 
 In producing a star-studded extravaganza using alumni, make sure the campus has the right resources.
gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto 
 This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.
gran grupo 
 For them, a constellation of human factors and professional insight should, instead, guide every weeding decision.
gran logro 
achievement of scale
 The first implication I would draw is that the achievement of scale in a way that substantially increases the riskiness of the asset base may prove to be counter-productive.
gran mentira 
big fat lie
 I had simply realized by then that everything an Indian girl is promised about her wedding and consequent marriage is a big fat lie.
gran nivel 
high standard
 Cataloging is of a very high standard throughout the country.
gran número de 
great numbers of
 We also know that there are great numbers of great libraries around the world.
gran pantalla de televisión 
large-screen television
 Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.
gran parte 
 Although the 1949 code was much longer than its predecessor, the 1908 code, it only contained rules pertaining to headings.
gran parte de 
much of
 Much of the debate is centred on maintaining and up-dating information files of local organizations.
gran peso 
heavy weight
 The heap was given to the pressmen the day before it was to be used, so that they might wet it and leave it to stand overnight under a heavy weight.
gran placer 
great pleasure
 A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
gran potencia 
great power
 The book 'Gibraltar: Apple of Discord' discusses the degree to which the status of Gibraltar has been determined by rivalries between the great powers.
Gran Premio de Mónaco, el 
Monaco Grand Prix, the
 Next up it's the glitz and glamour of the famous Monaco Grand Prix where the racing is just a part of all the razzmatazz that goes with it.
gran salto adelante  
giant leap
great leap forward
 The People's Republic of China has taken a giant leap toward modernisation of its medical ibraries and information centres.
 In terms of intellectual evolution, it is a radical step up and great leap forward for mankind.
gran tiburón blanco 
great white shark
 Great white sharks are an enigma, as scientists are still trying to unravel the mysterious lifestyle of these denizens of the deep.
gran titular 
headline banner
 Yesterday's report on March retail sales was greeted with banner headlines proclaiming the comeback of the consumer.
hacer grandes esfuerzos por 
take + (great) pains to
 Manic-depressives who are aware of their mental illness usually take great pains not to let the cat out of the bag, fearing it will damage their career and poison relationships.
hacer grandes progresos 
make + great strides
 Although women have made great strides in sport, their achievements will continue to be meaningless as long as sports broadcasters undermine, trivialize, & minimize their performances through biased commentaries.
hacerlo a lo grande 
make it + big
 They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.
hacerse cada vez más grande 
get + bigger and bigger
 Hard disks keep getting bigger and bigger, but somehow we still run out of space.
hacerse (más) grande 
get + big(er)
 As hospitals keep getting bigger, so do the challenges for design.
hacer un gran esfuerzo 
go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo
 The writer goes out of her way to make her meaning plain, and to achieve a level of language and simplicity of structure she assumes most of her intended readers will feel at home with.
hacer un gran negocio 
make + a killing
 And he's dressed as if he just made a killing at a rummage sale!.
IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) 
LSI (Large Scale Integration)
 There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).
influir en gran medida 
become + a force
 The points of view of non-Western Europeans/Americans, non-Christians, nonWhites, and non-males are becoming a force in society.
jaula grande para pájaros 
 A sampling technique was applied to measure and quantify visitor behavior at an enclosed hummingbird aviary in a museum.
jugador de grandes apuestas 
high roller
 You can receive massive casino bonuses and perks at online casinos if you are a high roller.
la distancia es como el viento que apaga los fuegos pequeños pero aviva los grandes  
absence makes the heart grow fonder
distance makes the heart grow fonder
 She and various others I have talked with about this situation all stressed that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
 Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or so people say, but long distance relationships change the structure of even the sturdiest romances.
la Gran Manzana  [Apelativo utilizado para referirse a la ciudad de New York]
the Big Apple
 The article 'Born again in the Big Apple' reports on the annual conference of the Special Libraries Association (USA) which was held in New York from 9-14 June 84.
la gran mayoría de  
the vast majority of
the bulk of
 As expected, the vast majority (98%) of items received were delivered by van.
 The bulk of the town's residents had little time for culture, for the theater, for the erudite lecture.
la gran pantalla  [Usado generalmente para referirse al cine]
the big screen
 As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.
la pantalla grande  [Usado generalmente para referirse al cine]
the big screen
 As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.
levantar un gran revuelo     
set + the cat among the pigeons
put + the cat among the pigeons
stir up + a hornet's nest
raise + Cain
raise + hell
 There is a new book just coming out that promises to set the cat among the pigeons on the Shakespeare scene.
 Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
 They feared its theme of anti-Semitism would simply stir up a hornet's nest and preferred to deal with the problem quietly.
 Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.
 American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.
llevarse una (gran) sorpresa 
be in for a (big) surprise
 A jeweler says thieves who smashed their way into his store and got away with rings are in for a surprise when they find out they are made of brass.
lo suficientemente grande  
large enough
big enough
 The same technique is used if the display screen is not large enough to accommodate a complete catalog record or a complete list of documents.
 As of April 1978 there is still not a big enough demand for such a service.
mapa a gran escala 
large-scale map
 Large-scale maps and street plans of the locality and surrounding areas may be consulted, as may current traders' lists and catalogues.
más grande  [Grado comparativo del adjetivo great]
 The likelihood of data transmission errors is greater, however, and it is not recommended for constant use.
muy grande 
big time
 They all enjoy doing their searches and find it a big time saver.
niño grande 
grown-up child
 Almost half of middle class grown-up children are still financially dependant on their parents in their mid 20s, research from a think tank shows.
Nombre + a gran escala 
broad scale + Nombre
 This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.
no ser gran cosa  
not add up to much
add up to + nothing
 They are the most numerous thing in the galaxy, but each of them has such a small mass that they don't add up to much.
 This time it was a collection of random facts that added up to nothing.
no ser una gran pérdida 
be no great loss
 The loss of any mentally-ill person is considered no great loss by society.
no significar gran cosa 
not add up to much
 They are the most numerous thing in the galaxy, but each of them has such a small mass that they don't add up to much.
no suponer gran cosa 
not add up to much
 They are the most numerous thing in the galaxy, but each of them has such a small mass that they don't add up to much.
no valer gran cosa       
be no great shakes
be nothing to shout about
be nothing to write home (to mom) about
be not worth a button
be not worth a whoop
be not worth a toss
be not much cop
 My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.
 The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.
 He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.
 Not worth a button until you have seen it and lived it.
 The best punch in the world is not worth a whoop if the boxer doesn't know what to do with it.
 They are both terribly good at explaining the past, but not worth a toss at predicting the future.
 They are held in contempt by motor racing types because they are not much cop on circuits.
ofrecer (grandes) posibilidades para 
hold + (great) potential for
 This is why it holds such potential for the reference librarian.
pago único y bien grande 
fat lump sum
 Best of all, you get all the cash all at once, no annuities, just one big fat lump sum!.
para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa 
much to + Posesivo + surprise
 Much to my surprise, they kept their word.
pasarlo a lo grande  
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
pasarlo en grande   
have + a ball
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
pasárselo a lo grande   
have + a ball
have + a whale of a time
have + a field day
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo en grande     
have + a whale of a time
enjoy + every minute of
love + every minute of it
kick + Posesivo + heels up
have + a field day
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 Many had never even been to Stratford before so they enjoyed every minute of that trip!.
 I loved every minute of it and it made me see just how poverty stricken Jamaica really is!.
 Here they are kicking their heels up at a square dance in Texas.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
Pedro el Grande 
Peter the Great
 The article discusses the African origin of the black adoptive son of Peter the Great of Russia.
pegarse la gran vida  
live it up
live + the high life
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 Now you'll have the perfect opportunity to live the high life, but on your terms and on your time.
pensar a lo grande 
think + big
 The project's creators 'think big,' in ways libraries alone cannot.
Pie Grande  [Animal legendario mitad animal mitad hombre del Norte de América que deja grandes huellas]  [Animal legendario mitad animal mitad hombre del Norte de América que deja grandes huellas]
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
por un gran margen 
by a huge margin
 By a huge margin respondents feeel that 'library' is synonymous with 'books' = Con una gran diferencia, los encuestados consideran la "biblioteca" como sinónimo de "libros".
producir con gran destreza 
 The play was an entrancing production that was textured with ideas, witty, and cunningly crafted.
proporcionar gran placer 
find + great pleasure in
 I find great pleasure in using color out of context to express emotion and to entertain the viewer.
proporcionar un gran placer 
give + Nombre + great pleasure to
 Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.
provocar un gran alboroto 
make + a splash
 Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.
provocar un gran revuelo     
set + the cat among the pigeons
put + the cat among the pigeons
stir up + a hornet's nest
raise + Cain
raise + hell
 There is a new book just coming out that promises to set the cat among the pigeons on the Shakespeare scene.
 Banks have put the cat among the pigeons by warning that without heavy increases in interest rates house prices would spiral out of control.
 They feared its theme of anti-Semitism would simply stir up a hornet's nest and preferred to deal with the problem quietly.
 Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.
 American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.
que le presta gran importancia a la cultura 
 The library benefits from the 'halo effect' surrounding any educational institution in a culture-conscious country, even though some of its work may not qualify as educational by reasonable definitions.
recorrer grandes distancias 
travel + long distances
 The need to travel long distances for specialty care have made it difficult for many rural residents to receive the care they need when they need it.
revista que tiene una gran demanda popular 
mass-market journal
 Specialised journals, trade publications and mass-market journals have a strong paper future.
salir a lo grande 
go out with + a bang
 Watching an agave grow for years and years and then go out with a bang can engender some intense reactions among the gardeners who love them.
ser de gran ayuda para 
be a boon to
 Directories of publishers arranged to indicate the specialist fields in which the publish can be a boon to the imaginative librarian on the trail of some obscure source.
ser de gran beneficio para 
be of great benefit to
 It is suggested that visits to a toy library could be of great benefit to children suffering from this condition.
ser una gran ayuda 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
ser un gran alivio 
be a welcome relief
 This open source book is a welcome relief for strapped college students who are paying $100 and more for textbooks.
ser un gran apoyo 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
ser un gran avance 
be half the battle
 Knowing the problem is half the battle.
ser un gran paso adelante 
be half the battle
 Knowing the problem is half the battle.
ser un gran placer 
give + Nombre + great pleasure to
 Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.
super grande  
 For many people, extra-large dogs seem to be the only choice with their generally calm nature and usually protective instincts.
 Walking down the aisle signifies the beginning of your new life, so celebrate your wedding with a king-size cake.
taza grande 
 The house was full of souvenir china, mugs, teapots and sugar basins commemorating every coronation from that of Edward VII to that of Elizabeth II.
tener en gran estima   
have + a very high regard for
think + the world of
think + highly of
 He has a very high regard for the communication, and I think that he is responsive to your suggestions, and will make changes.
 But as the last hymn faded and hundreds followed his coffin out into the sun, it was obvious again: his patients still thought the world of him.
 Swedes think highly of the Government but not of the royal family.
tener grandes esperanzas 
have + high hopes
 I have high hopes that the eurozone partners will follow the commission's recommendation and unblock the latest aid tranche.
tener gran éxito   
hit + a home run
hit it out of + the park
knock it out of + the park
 EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
 We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.
 It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.
tener gran importancia 
be of high significance
 The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.
tener gran repercusión 
be far reaching
 Its impact has been, and continues to be, extremely far reaching, having relevance to all the areas we have covered in a variety of ways.
tener una gran demanda 
be in huge demand
 Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.
tener una gran pegada  
pack + a punch
pack + a wallop
 Holidays in Tenerife certainly pack a punch when it comes to sun-drenched beach breaks.
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
tener una gran tradición 
have + a long ancestry
 The proposal reveals that some of the contemporary problems in medical librarianship have a long ancestry.
tener un gran concepto de  
think + the world of
think + highly of
 But as the last hymn faded and hundreds followed his coffin out into the sun, it was obvious again: his patients still thought the world of him.
 Swedes think highly of the Government but not of the royal family.
tener un gran efecto  
pack + a punch
pack + a wallop
 Holidays in Tenerife certainly pack a punch when it comes to sun-drenched beach breaks.
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
tener un gran impacto 
have + a big impact
 A major review of higher education libraries, recently announced by the Australian Department of Education will have a big impact.
terminar a lo grande  
go (over/off) with + a bang
go out with + a bang
 The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.
 Watching an agave grow for years and years and then go out with a bang can engender some intense reactions among the gardeners who love them.
tijeras grandes 
 Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).
tomar un gran riesgo 
play (for) + high stakes
 The article 'Playing for high stakes' discusses the effects of the current recession on US publishers.
una gran cantidad de                    
a good deal of
a great deal of
a large degree of
a mass of
a plethora of
a supply of
a vast amount of
a city of
a wealth of
a sea of
a cascade of
an army of
a good many
a huge number of
a great number of
a multitude of
scores of
a host of
a vast corpus of
a whole host of
 There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
 As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
 The floor is carpeted, thus providing a large degree of acoustic absorption and a unifying and dominant colour pattern through the library.
 Flaws are emphasized and frequent comparisons made with similar tools, but these are often buried in a mass of minutiae.
 A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays.
 If your library has decided to operate this way, there will be a supply of preprinted labels at the circulation desk.
 This 15 page report has a vast amount of valuable information between its covers derived from a variety of sources.
 This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = Este artículo esboza las etapas preparatorias y describe algunos de los problemas que presentan las condiciones físicas de una gran cantidad de tiendas de campaña empapadas por la lluvia o cubiertas por el polvo.
 Such reports often make available a wealth of factual and statistical information which is not published elsewhere in such detail.
 In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
 Managers, overwhelmed by a cascade of documents, tend to turn away from print.
 The UK government will need to mobilize an 'army' of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem.
 A good many heavily gilt retailers' bindings (such as the small English devotional books that were sold in large numbers from the 1560s until the later seventeenth century) were indeed intended to look expensive while really being cheaply executed.
 A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
 Environmental organization receive a great number of public enquiries by phone and letter.
 In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
 Popular authors receive scores, in some cases hundreds, of letters a year from their young readers and every correspondent, I am quite sure, wants a reply.
 There is a host of legislative, political, financial, consumer, and other reports of individuals and corporate bodies.
 Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.
 If you want to buy a spit roaster beware; a whole host of illegal spit roasters are now on the market in the UK.
una gran cantidad (de) 
a large number (of)
 Contacts are also being developed with national archives and those of the ministries of foreign affairs, given that they hold a large number of complementary records relating to Community activities = También se están estableciendo contactos con el archivo nacional y con los de los ministerios de asuntos exteriores, dado que contienen un gran número de registros complementarios relacionados con las actividades de la Comunidad Europea.
una gran cantidad y variedad de 
a wealth and breadth of
 OSI offers immense potential for the creation of the global 'virtual library', a network in which libraries are extensively and transparently connected to offer their patrons a wealth and breadth of information that has been inconceivable before now.
una gran diversidad de       
a wide range of
a broad variety of
a wide variety of
a broad range of
an extensive range of
a full range of
a diverse range of
 A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.
 Intrantets are becoming very popular among a broad variety of companies.
 Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.
 Data on a broad range of topics were collected.
 They design, manufacture and distribute an extensive range of cosmetics and toiletries.
 Clwyd, noted for innovatory policies, has a Centre for Educational Technology with a theatre, cinema, arts centre, television studies, and a full range of audio-visual materials.
 Although most of Australia is semi-arid or desert, it covers a diverse range of habitats, from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, and is recognised as a megadiverse country.
una gran experiencia 
a wealth of experience
 He has a wealth of experience of the complex public policy issues surrounding seaports, privatisations and labour reform.
una gran extensión de 
a sea of
 In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
una gran gama de          
a wide range of
a rich tapestry of
a wide band of
a broad variety of
a wide variety of
a broad range of
a whole gamut of
an extensive range of
a full range of
a diverse range of
 A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.
 This article postulates a series of disciplinary incorporations and transformation that has created a rich tapestry of speculation and systems development that has led to what we now call library and information science.
 In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
 Intrantets are becoming very popular among a broad variety of companies.
 Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.
 Data on a broad range of topics were collected.
 There has been a whole gamut of responses to community information.
 They design, manufacture and distribute an extensive range of cosmetics and toiletries.
 Clwyd, noted for innovatory policies, has a Centre for Educational Technology with a theatre, cinema, arts centre, television studies, and a full range of audio-visual materials.
 Although most of Australia is semi-arid or desert, it covers a diverse range of habitats, from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, and is recognised as a megadiverse country.
una gran mayoría de 
a large proportion of
 The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.
una gran número de 
an extensive range of
 They design, manufacture and distribute an extensive range of cosmetics and toiletries.
una gran parte de  
a broad population of
a lion's share of
 Findings indicate that the model holds in nearly all respects for a broad population of library users.
 At the time we are speaking of public libraries were expected to carry a lion's share of welfare work.
una gran pérdida 
a great loss
 Langer is a great loss to Australia and will be sadly missed.
una gran proporción de 
a large proportion of
 The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.
una gran variedad de          
a wide range of
a multiplicity of
a rich tapestry of
a plurality of
a broad variety of
a broad range of
a whole gamut of
an extensive range of
a full range of
a diverse range of
 A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.
 The Aldine greek was based on a much admired humanistic cursive hand which relied for its good looks on a multiplicity of alternative letters, ligatures, and contractions.
 This article postulates a series of disciplinary incorporations and transformation that has created a rich tapestry of speculation and systems development that has led to what we now call library and information science.
 Each consists of a plurality of signs that have a known meaning in written or oral form to a number of people.
 Intrantets are becoming very popular among a broad variety of companies.
 Data on a broad range of topics were collected.
 There has been a whole gamut of responses to community information.
 They design, manufacture and distribute an extensive range of cosmetics and toiletries.
 Clwyd, noted for innovatory policies, has a Centre for Educational Technology with a theatre, cinema, arts centre, television studies, and a full range of audio-visual materials.
 Although most of Australia is semi-arid or desert, it covers a diverse range of habitats, from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, and is recognised as a megadiverse country.
un gran espectro de 
a wide band of
 In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
un gran número de            
a good deal of
a great deal of
a plethora of
a wide range of
a full roster of
a fair number of
a great number of
a broad variety of
a wide variety of
a broad range of
a vast corpus of
a diverse range of
 There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
 As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
 A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays.
 A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.
 This university is a privately supported and largely residential institution and it offers a full roster of degrees.
 This opinion bothers me on two counts, one because it smacks of exploitation and, two, because a fair number of the world's leaders, for better or worse, were remarkably successful as leaders in spite of less than outstanding academic records.
 Environmental organization receive a great number of public enquiries by phone and letter.
 Intrantets are becoming very popular among a broad variety of companies.
 Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.
 Data on a broad range of topics were collected.
 Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.
 Although most of Australia is semi-arid or desert, it covers a diverse range of habitats, from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, and is recognised as a megadiverse country.
un gran número (de) 
a large number (of)
 Contacts are also being developed with national archives and those of the ministries of foreign affairs, given that they hold a large number of complementary records relating to Community activities = También se están estableciendo contactos con el archivo nacional y con los de los ministerios de asuntos exteriores, dado que contienen un gran número de registros complementarios relacionados con las actividades de la Comunidad Europea.
un gran período de 
a long period of
 Haiti is slowly emerging from a long period of political turmoil and bad governance directly responsible for an acute deterioration in the standard of living.
un gran repertorio de  
an arsenal of
an armoury of [armory]
 Must she fortify herself with an arsenal of stratagems in order to survive?.
 We have an armory of diminishing terms to apply which fool no one, least of all the children they label.
un gran volumen de 
a vast corpus of
 Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.
venirle Algo grande a Alguien   
get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches
grow + too big for + Posesivo + breeches
grow + too big for + Posesivo + boots
 He was unhappy about Rosecrans grabbing the limelight and just getting too big for his breeches and decided to let him stew a little bit.
 Maybe he's just grown too big for his breeches; maybe she has been away too long and no one else has cut him down to size adequately enough in her absence.
 He has grown too big for his boots and I hope someone cuts him down to size soon.
vivir la gran vida  
live it up
live + the high life
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 Now you'll have the perfect opportunity to live the high life, but on your terms and on your time.
volverse cada vez más grande 
get + bigger and bigger
 Hard disks keep getting bigger and bigger, but somehow we still run out of space.
WAN (red de gran alcance)  [En tecnología de la información, cualquier red que conecte ordenadores localizados en un área mayor de un edificio o campus]
WAN (wide area network)
 This article considers local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), value added network services (VANs), ISDN, 'wireless' and optical network.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra grande



El término «grande» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 390 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «grande» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de grande
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «grande».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «grande» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «grande» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre grande



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra grande.
Emil Ludwig
Todo lo verdaderamente grande pertenece a la humanidad entera.
Ciudad grande, soledad grande.
Friedrich Von Schiller
No es la vida el más grande de los bienes, y el mayor de los males es la culpa.
Honoré De Balzac
Sencillo es todo lo verdaderamente grande.
Johann W. Goethe
La mayor riqueza del hombre consiste en tener un ánimo suficientemente grande para no desear la riqueza.
L. A. De La Beaumelle
Cuando un grande comete una bajeza, piensa disimularla con altanería.
Martin Heidegger
Quien piensa a lo grande yerra grandiosamente.
Miguel Ángel Buonarroti
No hay daño tan grande como el del tiempo perdido.
Niceto Alcalá Zamora
La memoria parece grande por lo que muestra en recuerdos; lo es mucho más por lo que ciertamente esconde.
Ralph W. Emerson
Nada grande se ha realizado nunca sin entusiasmo.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término grande.
No es más grande el que más abulta.
No hay legua chica ni medida grande.
Pez grande se come al chico, y así al pobre el rico.
A caballo grande, grandes espuelas.
Al flojo cavador, meterlo en medio, y grande azadón.
Amor, una palabra pequeña para un sentimiento tan grande.
Bloque de pisos grande, guerra de vecindaje.
Burro grande, ande o no ande.
Caballo grande, ande o no ande.
Chico bache y grande caída.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de grande en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con grande y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
La pequeña niña grande
Lo cotidiano puede resultar insólito para los niños.
Uri Orlev, 1999
Análisis de encuestas
Es un libro especializado que describe paso a paso las técnicas más comúnmente tenidas en cuenta para la obtención y análisis exhaustivo de datos.
Elena Abascal, Ildefonso Grande Esteban, 2005
Mitos y leyendas de Antioquia la Grande
Resumen: este libro recoge los mas importantes mitos y leyendas de esta region de los Andes Centrales y Occidentales de Colombia, como la madremonte, la patasola, la llorona, el patetarro, el hojarasquin, los duendes, las brujas, el mohan y ...
Javier Ocampo López, 2001
Fundamentos y técnicas de investigación comercial
Fundamentos y técnicas de investigación comercial 11a Edición es un manual dirigido a todas aquellas personas, estudiantes, profesionales de la docencia o de la gestión de la empresa, deseosas de iniciarse o profundizar en el área de ...
Ildefonso Grande Esteban, Ildefonso Grande, Elena Abascal, 2011
Los funerales de la Mamá Grande
En Los funerales de la Mamá Grande, nos econtramos en Macondo y su región una vez más, entre personajes y episodios reconocibles, pero ahora caen pájaros muertos sobre el poblado, un cura ve al diablo o afirma haber encontrado al judío ...
Gabriel García Márquez, 2011
Maracana: El Estadio De Futbol Mas Grande Del Mundo
More than 500,000 bags of cement were used to build this amazing Brazilian stadium. The Maracana stadium is so big that it can hold 200,000 screaming fans! This feat of engineering will engage young readers from beginning to end.
Mark Thomas, Rosen Publishing Group, Jay Paige, 2003
La Parte que falta conoce a la o grande
Disfrazado de libro para niños, "La parte que falta conoce a la O grande" aborda uno de los problemas más importantes de la edad adulta: Nuestras relaciones con los demás y especialmente las relaciones de pareja.
Shel Silverstein, 2000
Federico "El Grande" de Prusia
Federico II (1712-1786) ha pasado a la historia con el título de ́el Grande ́ por haber sido uno de los soberanos más importantes del siglo XVIII y un prototipo del ́déspota ilustrado ́.
Pedro Voltes, Pedro Voltes Bou, 2006
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
La presente obra constituye una introducción accesible, esclarecedora y estimulante a la visión de Roger Penrose sobre la futura física teórica del siglo XXI.
El vendedor más grande del mundo: segunda parte el fín de la ...
This is the classic tale of a little camel boy, Hafid, who becomes the greatest salesman in the world through following the principles discovered in ten special scrolls of success.
Og Mandino, 1988


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término grande en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Despliegan operativo en Puente Grande por traslado de 'Don Neto'
De acuerdo con las fuentes consultadas, el operativo de seguridad continúa en el penal de Puente Grande para que "Don Neto" sea trasladado al aeropuerto ... «, Jul 16»
El diamante en bruto más grande del mundo que nadie quiere
No todos los días se tiene la oportunidad de comprar -quienes tienen dinero suficiente para hacerlo- el diamante en bruto más grande del mundo. La piedra ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
El barco más grande del mundo, 'Harmony of the Seas', ha llegado ...
El barco más grande del mundo, el Harmony of the Seas, ha establecido desde este domingo en Barcelona su puerto base para esta temporada, tras realizar ... «, Jun 16»
Ariana Grande canceló su show en Rock In Rio por problemas de ...
La cantante Ariana Grande canceló su participación en el festival Rock In Rio en su versión en Lisboa, debido a un serio problema en la garganta, por lo que ... «Univisión, May 16»
Nació la bebé más grande del mundo en la India con 6,8 kilos, el ...
Hace poco nos sorprendíamos con el nacimiento de un bebé gigante en Australia, pero ahora estamos ante la bebé más grande del mundo, una niña india que ... «Bebés y más, May 16»
Ariana Grande canta a dúo con Christina Aguilera en la final de The ...
Ariana Grande y Christina Aguilera unieron sus voces para cerrar con broche de oro la décima temporada de The Voice (NBC). Ataviada con un traje blanco y ... «People en Español, May 16»
¡Auch! Ariana Grande por poco y sufre aparatosa caída (VIDEO)
Los accidentes en las alfombras rojas son muy frecuentes y esta vez Ariana Grande fue víctima de su propio vestido, pues la sexy cantante sufrió un tropezón ... «Televisa Espectáculos, May 16»
Ariana Grande no quiere que la traten como a Selena Gomez
Sin decir nombres, Grande habló sobre sí misma con el ejemplo de otra cantante femenina cuyo nombre continuamente aparece junto al de su ex (está muy ... «E! Online Latino | Andes, May 16»
Las impresionantes cifras del crucero más grande del mundo
Una réplica en menor escala de Central Park (el parque más grande de la ciudad de Nueva York), 16 restaurantes y un teatro con 1.380 asientos caben todos ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Un fan llamó 'pu**' a Ariana Grande y ella le dio una gran respuesta
Pues ve a tu rincón porque Ariana Grande es una boxeadora que no le teme a nadie. La cantante le respondió a una persona que dejó un comentario sexista y ... «E! Online Latino | Argentina, Abr 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Grande [en línea] . Disponible en <>. Abr 2024 ».
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