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" La ciencia siempre está en falta. Nunca soluciona un problema sin crear otros diez."
George Bernard Shaw

Significado de "problema" en el diccionario de español



La palabra problema procede del latín problēma, la cual a su vez procede del griego πρόβλημα.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


pro · ble · ma

Problema es una palabra llana de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Problema es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.


definición de problema en el diccionario español

La primera definición de problema en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es cuestión que se trata de aclarar. Otro significado de problema en el diccionario es proposición o dificultad de solución dudosa. Problema es también conjunto de hechos o circunstancias que dificultan la consecución de algún fin.


alema · angulema · clema · dilema · emblema · flema · grazalema · lema · miolema · salema · sarcolema · ulema · xilema · zalema


probanza · probar · probática · probativo · probatoria · probatorio · probatura · probeta · probidad · probiótico · problemática · problemáticamente · problematicidad · problemático · problematismo · problematizar · probo · probóscide · proboscídeo · proboscidio


anatema · brema · cinema · crema · diadema · ecosistema · edema · enema · esquema · extrema · gema · nema · poema · quema · sema · sistema · suprema · tema · teorema · yema

Sinónimos y antónimos de problema en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «problema» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «problema» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


problema · asunto · contrariedad · contratiempo · cuestión · dificultad · dilema · disgusto · duda · ejercicio · enigma · impedimento · incógnita · inconveniente · obstáculo · pregunta · preocupación · rompecabezas · traba · solución · determinado · indeterminado · primera · lengua · española · trata · aclarar · otro · proposición · dudosa · problema · también · conjunto · hechos · circunstancias · dificultan · consecución · algún · conquista · américa · cuento · para · cada · psicopatología · psicología · anormal · dolor · esto · consiste · forma · más · simple · posibilidad · resolverlo · depende · demostrar · términos · quot · bueno · todopoderoso · quizá · término · feliz · equívocos · desde · principio · nbsp · colonial · contemporáneo · este · volumen · reproduce · serie · conferencias · donde · borde · guerra · independencia · principales · autonomistas · exponen · ateneo · madrid · programa · partido · lado · otros · incredulidad · siglo · religión · tomando · como · guía · fuente · histórica · obra · rabelasiana · análisis · lleva · cabo · lucien · febvre · convertido · ejemplar ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de problema a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de problema a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de problema presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de problema en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de problema en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  dilemma ; issue ; problem ; rough spot ; snag ; bug ; hitch ; mischief ; trouble spot ; tyranny ; catch ; tribulation ; show-stopper [showstopper] ; hassle ; rub ; kink ; kicker.
 Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.
 These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
 When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown.
 A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
 Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
 The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs.
 The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
 Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
 Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them - there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
 The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
 In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
 The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
 But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
 However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
 The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
abordar el problema 
address + the danger
 We need more novels like this one that address the danger of blindly accepting societal values about who we are.
abordar un problema 
address + problem
 They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
acción de averiguar y resolver problemas 
troubleshooting [trouble shooting]
 In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.
aclarar un problema 
clear up + problem
 The library staff involved in the day to day running of the library may be called upon quite often to fix certain minor faults or clear up problems and misunderstandings on the part of the user.
acometer un problema 
attack + problem
 We know what our problems are, and we can attack them from that point of view.
acosado por problemas 
beset with + problems
 Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.
acotar un problema 
delineate + problem
 We need more quantified analysis if we are to delineate the problem accurately and frame a response to it.
acuciado por problemas 
 An embattled professor is fighting a legal battle with the University over why the courses he usually teaches were discontinued this year.
acumular problemas  
build up + problems
heap up + problems
 This article describes the problems which built up in the Danish Patent Office from 1977 to 1983.
 The Minister again is heaping up problems for the future with that provision.
afrontar los problemas cotidianos 
grapple with + life's problems
 Literature, concerning as it does issues of identity, of relationships, of ethical and philosophical questions, offers students valuable insights for grappling with life's problems.
afrontar un problema  
face + an issue
confront + problem
 Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
agobiado por problemas 
beset with + problems
 Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.
agravar un problema 
compound + a problem
 Such solutions after repeated application cause the catalog to become a clumsy, inefficient tool, and serve only to compound future problems.
ahí está el problema  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
amontonar problemas 
heap up + problems
 The Minister again is heaping up problems for the future with that provision.
anticipar un problema 
anticipate + problem
 One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.
aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas 
problem based learning
 This study is designed to evaluate the impact of problem based learning on the teaching hospital libraries affiliated with the University of Toronto.
aquejado de problemas  
 These thoughts and many more like them flitted to and fro ceaselessly over the troubled surface of his mind.
 John W. Gardner, when he was president of the Carnegie Corporation, said 'Most ailing organizations have developed a functional blindness to their own defects'.
arreglar un problema 
fix + problem
 The author discusses some of the simple things that can go wrong with microcomputers and the problems anyone can fix.
asediado por problemas 
 An embattled professor is fighting a legal battle with the University over why the courses he usually teaches were discontinued this year.
atajar un problema 
grapple with + problem
 The UK is only beginning to try to grapple with the problems surrounding full public access to the Internet.
ausencia de problemas 
 The presenters were excellent and the smoothness of the conference (organization) made it a learning pleasure.
averiguar un problema 
investigate + problem
 This article describes a study to investigate the problems caused by incorrect citations in periodical articles.
buscar problemas   
ask for + trouble
court + disaster
make + trouble
 Systematically throwing in other resources that don't behave like documents and are not used as such is asking for trouble.
 Are you going to run risks and court disasters by opposing the existing social order in the name of those imaginary notions of yours which you call your convictions?.
 As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.
capacidad de resolver problemas 
problem-solving ability
 When a library user comes to the reference desk in frustration and desperation - perhaps in a rage or in tears, it is often an unforgettable (and sometimes unpleasant) opportunity to test one's problem-solving abilities and diplomatic talents.
causar problemas    
cause + problems
cause + trouble
make + trouble
make + waves
 The accurate budgeting of external 'connect time' cause problems to all.
 Boys who hang out in groups & cause trouble are not a new phenomenon.
 As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.
 Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.
combatir un problema 
combat + problem
 The majority of students condemn the theft or mutilation of library stock and welcome security measures to combat this problem.
complicar un problema 
compound + a problem
 Such solutions after repeated application cause the catalog to become a clumsy, inefficient tool, and serve only to compound future problems.
con problemas 
in hot water
 Anyway, this time around, the airline is finding itself in hot water for an entirely different reason.
con problemas de aprendizaje 
learning disabled
 Learning disabled and mentally retarded children have common perceptual problems that require specialised book selection.
con problemas de lectura 
print disabled
 The audience for this conference will consist of key decision makers in libraries and education, and consumers of all ages who are blind or print disabled.
con problemas de vista 
vision impaired
 The article 'Adaptive technology: a juggling act' describes the wide range of adaptive technology available to help blind and vision impaired students = El artículo "Tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especiales: juegos malabares" describe la gran variedad de adaptaciones tecnológicas para ayudar a los estudiantes ciegos y con problemas visuales.
con problemas visuales 
vision impaired
 The article 'Adaptive technology: a juggling act' describes the wide range of adaptive technology available to help blind and vision impaired students = El artículo "Tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especiales: juegos malabares" describe la gran variedad de adaptaciones tecnológicas para ayudar a los estudiantes ciegos y con problemas visuales.
considerar un problema 
consider + problem
 The article 'End-user access to bibliographic databases: public users ride high in the RLIN saddle' explains that there are several problems which must be considered before RLIN can be accessed directly by the end-user.
convertirse en un gran problema 
grow to + a crisis
 It is better too, for the help to be given before the problem has grown to a crisis - a stitch in time saves nine.
corregir un problema 
correct + problem
 Foreign disc in CD-ROM player, correct the problem and press any key to continue.
crear problemas   
make + waves
build up + problems
make + trouble
 Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.
 This article describes the problems which built up in the Danish Patent Office from 1977 to 1983.
 As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.
darle vueltas a un problema 
puzzle over + problem
 By coincidence, I'm puzzling over this same problem right now.
dar lugar a problemas 
give + rise to problems
 The subject matter of documents is becoming more and more complex, giving rise to problems in classification and cataloguing, arrangement of bibliographies and so on.
dar problemas 
play up
 Each time it's been in the garage, it drives OK for about 10-15 miles, before starting to play up again.
darse cuenta de un problema 
alight on + problem
 One problem on which Kaiser alighted was that many processes can be further analysed into a concrete and a process.
debatir un problema 
discuss + problem
 All SLIS heads co-operated willingly, discussing their problems, difficulties and achievements candidly and critically.
decisión precipitada ante un problema 
crisis decision
 The librarian should avoid crisis decisions by planning well ahead.
dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema 
turn + Posesivo + attention to problem
 It is to these problems that we must now turn our attention.
definición del problema 
problem statement
 The basic components of a proposal should be: summary; introduction; problem statement or needs assessment; goals and objectives; methods; evaluation; future funding; and budget.
definir un problema 
delineate + problem
 We need more quantified analysis if we are to delineate the problem accurately and frame a response to it.
delimitar un problema 
isolate + problem
 Hence too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of isolating and articulating the main problem.
desarrollarse sin problemas  
go + smoothly
run + smoothly
 The interview went smoothly; the committee was impressed by her knowledge of the current library scene, her enthusiasm, and her engaging personality.
 Learn how to keep your computer and games running smoothly by following these tips.
desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas  
open (up) + a can of worms
open + the floodgates
 It may seem as though we have opened a can of worms, but there is no need to despair.
 This Supreme Court's decision has opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending on election ads.
detectar un problema  
spot + problem
spot + trouble
 By spotting problems in the system early, you can 'nip them in the bud'.
 He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
diagnosticar el problema 
diagnose + problem
 In order to give accurate information, a village contact would need first to diagnose the problem.
dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema 
turn + Posesivo + attention to problem
 It is to these problems that we must now turn our attention.
discutir un problema  
bring up + a problem
bring + problem up
 It may be that your student is complaining to you and has never brought up the problem with the roommate.
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
el final de los problemas 
the light at the end of the tunnel
 The article 'The light at the end of the tunnel' describes the measures taken to reduce the serials cataloguing backlog in a university library.
eliminar un problema  
sweep away + problem
work out + a kink
 The title of the article is 'Sweeping away the problems that dog the industry?'.
 The new geothermal system still has a few kinks that need to be worked out.
el problema con 
the thing with
 The thing with football hooliganism is that, especially in countries like ours, it is a bigger issue than bad manners.
el problema de 
the thing with
 The thing with football hooliganism is that, especially in countries like ours, it is a bigger issue than bad manners.
el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo 
the devil (is/lives) in the details
 The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.
el problema obvio 
the elephant in the room
 When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.
el problema que todos se empeñan en ignorar 
the elephant in the room
 When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.
el único problema  
a fly in the soup
the fly in the ointment
 In his book 'A fly in the soup' his frank confession of doubts about his memory has the paradoxical effect of endowing his memoir with an engaging authenticity.
 The article is entitled 'The Fly in the Ointment or Why Couldn't They Just have Left Things as They Were; The Compensatory Effort in Higher Education'.
el verdadero problema 
the elephant in the room
 When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.
empezar a dar problemas 
be on the blink
 We have all been there: a flat tire on the way to work, a power outage that puts the refrigerator on the blink - life simply has a way of throwing a wrench into the works.
encontrar el modo de paliar un problema 
find + a way (a)round a problem
 Opportunities for innovation come from unexpected successes or unexpected failures and that ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.
encontrarse con problemas 
run into + trouble
 Unless the librarian is alert enough to detect this, either immediately or during the subsequent conversation, he will run into trouble.
encontrarse con un problema    
encounter + problem
meet with + problem
run up against + issue
come across + problem
 The problems that might be encountered in using chain indexing with DC can be grouped into three categories.
 These are circumstances in which natural language indexing meets with many problems.
 The introduction of virtual technologies in museums runs up against the issue of the situated character of information use.
 If when you are working you come across a problem which perplexes you, you should write to someone in the field who may be able to help you.
enfrentarse a un problema          
challenge + threat
confront + question
cope with + problem
face + an issue
face + an issue
face + a problem
come up against + problem
struggle with + issue
wrestle with + problem
deal with + issue
 This paper considers two areas in UK librarianship in which action might serve to challenge these threats.
 The National Archives confronted the difficult question of how burgeoning electronic records should be appraised.
 This article looks at one method, adopted by the Sheppard Memorial Library, Greenville, North Caroline, to cope with the problem of overdue books.
 Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.
 Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.
 They both face the problems presented in attempting to provide a system for the classification of all areas of knowledge.
 All in all, research at the school has the same characteristics and comes up against the same problems as any other research conducted in the library and information sciences.
 Libraries continue to struggle with issues created by the shift to electronic scholarly publishing.
 Libraries and other institutions currently have little or no guidance from their legislators as they wrestle with the problems related to Internet use.
 Libraries want to deal with issues on their own terms and not on the terms of their clients.
enfrentarse un problema  
confront + problem
experience + problem
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
 While it is useful to know the areas in which problems might be experienced by a community, it is vital that each disadvantaged community be assessed individually.
enunciado del problema 
problem statement
 The basic components of a proposal should be: summary; introduction; problem statement or needs assessment; goals and objectives; methods; evaluation; future funding; and budget.
en un estado sin problemas y sin tener nada urgente que hacer 
sitting pretty
 The article 'Sitting pretty: infants, toddlers, & lapsits' outlines the procedures followed at San Francisco public library to help parents introduce their babies to appropriate literature.
esbozar un problema 
outline + problem
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
ese es el problema  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
esquivar el problema 
sidestep + the problem
 This strategy uses the full-text database as a document delivery tool and sidesteps the problems of retrieval.
esquivar un problema 
duck + the issue
 The theme of the conference was 'Censorship and librarians: meeting the challenge - or ducking the issue?'.
estar lleno de problemas  
bristle with + problems
be plagued with problems
 The vast majority of management problems, even those which seem at first glance to be wholly planning or organizing or controlling problems, usually turn out to be bristling with ticklish human relations problems.
 Even Plantin, who was a shrewd man, was constantly plagued with problems resulting from excessive borrowing.
estar plagado de problemas 
be plagued with problems
 Even Plantin, who was a shrewd man, was constantly plagued with problems resulting from excessive borrowing.
evitar problemas 
stay out of + trouble
 This article examines the nature of the complaints and provides a list of tips for staying out of trouble.
evitar un problema 
avoid + problem
 To avoid problems, build complex searches one step at a time.
exarcerbar un problema 
inflame + problem
 Paradoxically, the world may become stronger through the process of learning but this may itself inflame the problem.
exteriorizar un problema 
externalise + problem
 Counselling requires much more time and in-depth probing, although it can at one extreme cover simply the act of lending a sympathetic ear to clients who, in externalizing their problems, may thus be better able to face them and arrive at a solution.
forma de evitar un problema 
way round + problem
 Ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.
franquear un problema 
negotiate + problem
 Such a list seeks to negotiate the problems of the alphabetical subject approach as outlined in the previous chapter.
funcionar sin problemas  
go + smoothly
run + smoothly
 The interview went smoothly; the committee was impressed by her knowledge of the current library scene, her enthusiasm, and her engaging personality.
 Learn how to keep your computer and games running smoothly by following these tips.
hacer frente a un problema   
attack + problem
combat + problem
wrestle with + problem
 We know what our problems are, and we can attack them from that point of view.
 The majority of students condemn the theft or mutilation of library stock and welcome security measures to combat this problem.
 Libraries and other institutions currently have little or no guidance from their legislators as they wrestle with the problems related to Internet use.
identificar un problema   
outline + problem
identify + problem
isolate + problem
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
 One of the problems identified by staff from the use of Prestel in the library has been the noise from the set or from onlookers.
 Hence too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of isolating and articulating the main problem.
ilustrar un problema 
illustrate + problem
 This article uses a content analysis of Ronald Reagan's comments concerning the downing of Korean Airlines 007 to illustrate potential problems arising from a lack of established guidelines.
investigar un problema 
investigate + problem
 This article describes a study to investigate the problems caused by incorrect citations in periodical articles.
libre de problemas  
trouble free [trouble-free]
 The operational system chosen should allow problem-free transfer from one generation to another.
 It is anticipated that the replacement bindings usedwill give centuries of trouble free service.
lleno de problemas 
 The negative aspects of adding such a problem-ridden medium to the library are far outweighed by the potential benefits video offers.
llevarse los problemas a casa 
bring + problems home
 'I'm getting tired of it, really, and my bringing these problems home to my husband every night is not at all helpful, you know what I mean?' She lowered her voice.
mencionar un problema  
bring + problem up
bring up + a problem
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
 It may be that your student is complaining to you and has never brought up the problem with the roommate.
meterse en problemas      
get in(to) + trouble
get into + difficulties
get into + a mess
get into + a fix
get into + a jam
get into + a pickle
 A child who reads a lot is often said to be a 'good' child because while he is reading he doesn't 'get into trouble'.
 When Kodak got into difficulties, they closed up shop in north Toronto and demolished all of their buildings.
 There are generally two schools of thought on how we get into a mess of this sort: the conspiracy theory and the cock-up theory.
 This way you do not get into a fix and land up with a debt which you do not have the capacity to pay back.
 I believe firmly in the axiom that getting into a jam from time to time brings out the best in us.
 Toyota seems to have got into a pickle with this product recall issue, but they remain one of the best motor vehicle makers in the world.
mitigar un problema 
alleviate + problem
 Relevance feedback is a well known technique used to alleviate the difficult problem of query formulation.
no haber problema por + Posesivo + parte 
be (just) fine with
 He didn't have that stratospheric jump into stardom that some musicians experience, and that's just fine with him.
no haber problemas 
be fine
 Some of the talk that has been going on this morning has seemed to say - if we just had the right code, if we just had the right headings, if we just had the right terms, everything would be fine.
no tener ningún problema con 
be okay with
 Once weeding concepts and principles have been explained to patrons upset about not finding their favorite books, they 'were okay' with it.
no terminar nunca de tener problemas con 
have + no end of problems with
 I would be glad to test the new version since I have had no end of problems with the old one.
obtener el enunciado del problema 
elicit + problem statement
 This is a system designed to elicit a sufficiently rich problem statement and to convert it to a search query.
ocasionar problemas 
cause + problems
 The accurate budgeting of external 'connect time' cause problems to all.
orientado hacia la resolución de problemas  
 Clearly the old barriers between disciplines, which began to crumble in the problem-orientated era, have now effectively disappeared, which presents further difficulties in the transmission of information.
 The public library is not problem-oriented, like a counselling centre, nor is it as threatening as a school.
paliar problemas 
minimise + problems
 The key will be to minimize the problems of estrangement and contradiction caused by economic, political, social and cultural imbalances and differences, through greater cultural information dissemination and exchange.
paliar un problema 
solve + problem
 The examples in figure 4.4 show some of the approaches to solving these problems.
percatarse de un problema 
alight on + problem
 One problem on which Kaiser alighted was that many processes can be further analysed into a concrete and a process.
persona con problemas de aprendizaje 
learning disabled person
 This article describes the problems for mentally retarded and learning disabled persons in keeping informed because news and information language is too difficult to understand and they cannot keep up with its pace.
persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas 
 The machines for higher analysis have usually been equation solvers.
persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas 
 One function of a reference librarian, not legitimatized by inclusion in the curriculum of a library school, is the role of a troubleshooter.
personas con problemas de lectura  
print handicapped people
print handicapped, the
 The aim is mainstream public library services for visually impaired and other print handicapped people.
 There is a long way to go before the print handicapped have a service equal to their sighted colleagues.
personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa 
print disabled people
 There is a proposal to set up a volunteer reading centre in the library providing access to print disabled people.
personas con problemas de vista, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  
visually impaired, the
visually disabled, the
visually handicapped, the
visually impaired people (VIPs)
visually challenged, the
 Tactile material embraces materials with raised symbols and/or differently textured surfaces that are intended for use by the visually impaired.
 The Stockholm Public Library provides library services to hospitals, the elderly, the deaf, the visually disabled, alcoholics, drug addicts, and prisoners.
 This article discusses services offered by the library to the mentally and physically handicapped, to aphasic and dyslectic users, to visually handicapped university students and provision of talking books in foreign languages.
 This article describes the use of adaptive technologies for visually impaired people in libraries.
 Nowadays, many of the visually challenged are being absorbed in the work force and in industries, because of their abilities, reliability and sincerity.
personas con problemas mentales 
disturbed people
 The author discusses library security in the 1980s which include guidelines for dealing with disturbed people and fortifications such as iron bars, guard dogs and a detection system.
persona sin problemas de vista 
sighted person
 Newspapers have not been available to the blind except in shortened recorded versions, mostly received long after sighted persons get their newspapers.
plagado de problemas 
problem-wracked [problem-racked]
 These complementary organizations enjoy friendly working relations in today's problem-wracked society.
plagar de problemas 
 The article has the title 'Piracy, crooked printers, inflation bedevil Russian publishing'.
plantear un problema       
pose + dilemma
pose + problem
raise + question
raise + concern
raise + issue
raise + problem
articulate + problem
 Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
 Equally, Cutter's devotion to natural language posed problems with multi-word terms.
 Instead, one might raise the question: 'Why do we need all the works of an author together?'.
 Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.
 This chapter attempts to raise some of the issues that are common to any citation standard.
 Other problems raised by this example will be dealt with as you proceed with the course and refine the procedures of chain indexing.
 Hence too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of isolating and articulating the main problem.
presentar problemas 
present + problems
 This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.
presentar un problema  
pose + problem
air + problem
 Equally, Cutter's devotion to natural language posed problems with multi-word terms.
 The problems aired in this chapter require the balancing of personal, institutional, and professional values and loyalties.
prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema 
turn + Posesivo + attention to problem
 It is to these problems that we must now turn our attention.
problema + acosar 
problem + dog
 The author describes the many problems and difficulties which dogged the building of the Library right up until the start of construction in summer 75.
problema acuciante 
pressing problem
 The author dismisses the idea that artificial intelligence requires immediate attention since there are many other more pressing problems in need of solution.
problema + acuciar 
problem + beset
 Publishing is beset by many problems including lack of finance, lack of trained personnel and printers, and poor book availability.
problema + afectar  
problem + afflict
problem + plague
 Moveable compact shelving provides a successful permanent answer to the storage and preservation problems that afflict many libraries.
 The changing name form problem is one that plagues us as our catalogs get older.
problema + afligir 
problem + afflict
 Moveable compact shelving provides a successful permanent answer to the storage and preservation problems that afflict many libraries.
problema + agravar 
problem + exacerbate
 Moreover, the problem of physical access is exacerbated by the fact that neither the collections made available to European Documentation Centres (see below), nor those available on public subscription, are complete.
problema alimenticio 
eating problem
 A feminist theory of eating problems (anorexia, bulimia, extensive dieting, & binging) is developed.
problema asociado 
attending problem
 The implication that what Mr. Gorman illustrates means abandonment of the main entry with, presumably, all its attending problems does injustice to Mr. Gorman himself, who obviously recognizes the importance of its functions.
problema auditivo 
hearing problem
 The programme has recently included the following topics: congenital abnormalities, cellular aging, tissue oxygenation, thromboses, hearing problems, perinatal care and electrocardiography.
problema + avecinarse 
problem + lie ahead
 The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.
problema cada vez mayor 
growing problem
 These descriptions are seen as a key factor to finding a way out of the growing problems of traversing an ever expanding Web.
problema con el alcohol 
drinking problem
 Advertising may have a direct impact on youth drinking practices and drinking problems.
problema con los niños de la llave  [En una biblioteca, situaciones problemáticas que pueden presentarse cuando los niños cuyos padres están trabajando y vuelven a casa después de la hora de salida de la escuela usan la biblioteca para pasar el tiempo hasta que sus padres regresen]
latchkey problem
 Each community has its own unique situation and solution and whether or not a library has a latchkey problem often depends on how the library defines its role in the community.
problema cotidiano 
daily problem
 Community information is about helping those who are in anyway disadvantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.
problema de audición 
hearing problem
 The programme has recently included the following topics: congenital abnormalities, cellular aging, tissue oxygenation, thromboses, hearing problems, perinatal care and electrocardiography.
problema de comportamiento  
behaviour problem
behavioural problem
 Stepchildren score lower than biological children on achievement tests and exhibit more behavior problems.
 This article focuses on safety and security in the library and demonstrates the effectof criminal acts and behavioural problems on the library and its operations.
problema de espacio 
space problem
 The use of optical storage discs may not be a perfect solution to space problems.
problema de imagen  [Mala fama]
image problem
 Research libraries have an image problem which can only be improved when educated users place demands on them.
problema de liquidez 
cash flow problem
 Cash flow problems are responsible for causing over 70% of businesses to fail within their first year.
problema de peso 
weight problem
 People constanstly slagging her off for the way she looks is part of her weight problems at the moment.
problema de salud 
health problem
 At the time of his arrest he was beaten, kicked and clubbed in the head with the butt of a pistol, resulting in health problems which are not being properly treated in prison = En el momento de su arresto le habían golpeado, dado patadas y golpeado en la cabeza con la culata de una pistola, causándole problemas de salud que están siendo tratados adecuadadamente en la cárcel.
problema + desaparecer 
problem + go away
 Altering structures does not make problems go away.
problema de seguridad 
security problem
 A group of university and government researchers has proposed a 'clean slate' approach to solving the Internet's myriad security problems.
problema diario 
daily problem
 Community information is about helping those who are in anyway disadvantaged find the means to solve their daily problems and to find a better life.
problema difícil   
thorny problem
prickly problem
 It is possible to concentrate on improving system features and not tackle the thorny problem of subjective relevance.
 The first category of problem, the naming of subject, involves consideration of the following posers.
 Marketing has always been a prickly problem for the oyster industry.
problema difícil de resolver   
tough nut to crack
hard nut to crack
brain tickler
 Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
 Most titles in the series feature many fun-to-solve 'brain tickler' problems with answers.
problema doméstico 
domestic problem
 These of course are everyday domestic problems, though none the less important to the enquirer.
problema económico  
economic problem
financial problem
 The country's severe economic problems have cast a shadow over the book trade, yet its vigour and diversity are astonishing.
 When loss of physical and mental rigor is accompanied by financial problems, the retiree may reject himself and fall victim to the con man and shyster.
problema + encontrarse 
problem + lie
 The problem that lies at the base of the librarian/faculty conflict is that many members of the teaching faculty have no idea of what librarians do.
problema en la escuela 
school problem
 As predicted by the theory, family and school problems were significantly associated with negative peer influence.
problema escolar 
school problem
 As predicted by the theory, family and school problems were significantly associated with negative peer influence.
problema espinoso       
knotty problem
thorny problem
thorny issue
thorny question
prickly issue
prickly problem
prickly question
 Knotty problems such as which of a series of publishers names and places of publication to record, fall within the ambit of a cataloguing code.
 It is possible to concentrate on improving system features and not tackle the thorny problem of subjective relevance.
 Thorny issues involve data migration, as well as a guarantee of perpetual access, while ensuring preservation of authorship and ownership.
 Indeed, one reason for the reluctance of librarians to donate weeded materials to less-advantaged groups may be that such donations raise the thorny question of intrinsic worth.
 He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.
 Marketing has always been a prickly problem for the oyster industry.
 Who should judge the judges has always been a prickly question.
problema + estar  
problem + lie
problem + come with
 The problem that lies at the base of the librarian/faculty conflict is that many members of the teaching faculty have no idea of what librarians do.
 The problem comes with ideographic languages = El problema se plantea con los lenguajes basados en ideogramas.
problema familiar 
family problem
 Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.
problema informático 
computing problem
 Social networks are frequently used as sources of information for solving computing problems.
problema inicial 
startup problem
 Such conversion requires such extremely detailed project planning and execution that new system start-up problems are all too common.
problema insoluble 
insoluble problem
 He may have wished to tease and tantalize his readers by insoluble problems.
problema monetario 
monetary problem
 Librarians are fully aware of and sympathetic toward the monetary problems of journals because libraries have the same problems.
problema motriz 
motor disability
 This highlighted the barrier which paper based study materials presented to those with motor disabilities.
problema peliagudo      
thorny problem
thorny issue
thorny question
prickly issue
prickly problem
prickly question
 It is possible to concentrate on improving system features and not tackle the thorny problem of subjective relevance.
 Thorny issues involve data migration, as well as a guarantee of perpetual access, while ensuring preservation of authorship and ownership.
 Indeed, one reason for the reluctance of librarians to donate weeded materials to less-advantaged groups may be that such donations raise the thorny question of intrinsic worth.
 He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.
 Marketing has always been a prickly problem for the oyster industry.
 Who should judge the judges has always been a prickly question.
problema pequeño 
a cloud no bigger than a man's hand
 By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.
problema + persistir 
problem + persist
 The problem persists because the access speed of robotic storage devices continues to be the bottleneck.
problema personal 
personal problem
 In larger library systems there will be a welfare or personnel officer who can assist staff with personal problems relating to home life or their employment.
problema + plantearse 
problem + come with
 The problem comes with ideographic languages = El problema se plantea con los lenguajes basados en ideogramas.
problema práctico 
practical problem
 He asked for a discussion of the practical problems which face practicing librarians and media specialists and urged me to state my opinion on all matters.
problema racial  
racial conflict
ethnic conflict
 Student surveys and interviews indicate that all students perceive racial conflict on campus, though there are significant differences by racial group.
 Roots of ethnic conflict included segregation, racism, socialization, and inequality.
problema + radicar 
trouble + lie
 The trouble lay in the difficulty of imposing type on a curved surface.
problema real 
real problem
 The problems and assignments presented are real problems and assignments, and the people involved are real people, all suitably disguised to protect their identity.
problema + residir   
problem + reside
problem + lie
problem + come with
 The problem reside in the fact that they environment we seek to tame and control is an open, unstructured dynamic process, while human organizations are static and highly resistant to change.
 The problem that lies at the base of the librarian/faculty conflict is that many members of the teaching faculty have no idea of what librarians do.
 The problem comes with ideographic languages = El problema se plantea con los lenguajes basados en ideogramas.
crisis [crises, -pl.]
problem areas
trials and tribulations
trouble at mill
 'Trouble slithering underfoot in the Garden of Eden?', the librarian shook his head sheepishly.
 An I&R service may involve itself in providing 'hotlines', that is emergency help during times of crises or when other services close down, eg evenings, weekends or public holidays.
 Many problem areas still exist, however, in inadequate book stock, staffing, training and buildings.
 The author examines the trials and tribulations that went into the making of Merit Network, Inc., Michigan's pioneering Internet provider.
 Yes, I know it's late, but there has been 'trouble at mill' - the wolves have been at the doors, and the natives are nervous.
problemas auditivos   
impaired hearing
hearing impairment
hearing disability
 Swedish Radio has conducted a trial of its teletext service, Extratext, by allocating teletext receivers to people with impaired hearing.
 This article provides sources that will enable readers to find other publications that deal with deafness and hearing impairment.
 This article describes a project to exploit new technologies to improve information services for those with hearing disabilities.
problemas cada vez mayores 
mounting problems
 Wouldn't it be great if he could fix his mounting problems by simply making a wish?.
problemas con el alcohol 
problem drinking
 Regardless of gender, problem drinking was mainly related to traits of negative masculinity (bossy, noisy, aggressive, etc) whereas binge eating was mainly related to negative femininity (shy, needs approval from others, etc).
problemas con la bebida 
problem drinking
 Regardless of gender, problem drinking was mainly related to traits of negative masculinity (bossy, noisy, aggressive, etc) whereas binge eating was mainly related to negative femininity (shy, needs approval from others, etc).
problemas con la vista 
poor eyesight
 Elderly users of libraries encounter problems of unfamiliarity with the library set up, poor eyesight and poor hearing.
problemas de la vida 
life problems [life-problems]
 Reading literature is a game-playing activity in which we 'try out' various possible solutions to life-problems and see how they might be worked out before having to tackle them in reality.
problemas del crecimiento  [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos]
growing pains
 Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.
problemas de lectura 
reading difficulties
 Easy-to-read books for people with reading difficulties have been published in Sweden for the last 15 years.
problemas dentales 
dental disease
 Children of poor families more frequently demonstrated dental disease; skin, tonsil, and ear infections; and poor school performance.
problemas de oído 
poor hearing
 Elderly users of libraries encounter problems of unfamiliarity with the library set up, poor eyesight and poor hearing.
problema seguro  
accident waiting to happen
disaster waiting to happen
 More than a quarter of motorists are 'an accident waiting to happen' because they drive too close to the vehicle in front on motorways.
 She's got trouble written all over her face, she's a disaster waiting to happen.
problemas familiares 
family crisis
 This library serves a population displaying all the familiar features of low income, family social and financial crises, juvenile delinquency, and landlord/tenant problems.
problemas + girar en torno a  
problems + turn on
problems + revolve around
 Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.
 Many of the problems in children's reading, and much of the controversy over what should be stocked in children's libraries, revolve around the matter of choosing 'suitable' books for children of all ages.
problemas inherentes al crecimiento  [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos]
growing pains
 Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.
problemas iniciales    [En sentido figurado se aplica a los problemas por los que pasa cualquier actividad o empresa en sus comienzos]
teething problems
teething troubles
growing pains
 This article describes the installation of the terminal, teething problems, staff training, searching on-line, and selection of staff for training.
 This article describes how the library is coping with cataloguing given the speed with which it has grown, teething troubles with new software, backlogs, and funding and staffing cuts.
 Information technology is in a period of dynamic growth, accompanied by all the growing pains and uncertainties which characterize the 'adolescent phase' of a young subject.
problema siquiátrico 
psychiatric problem
 This organization uses an innovative approach to reinsert young people formerly hospitalized for psychiatric problems into the workforce.
problema social  
societal problem
social problem
 The focus on solutions to societal problems common to much interdisciplinary research makes such projects particularly newsworthy.
 The speaker went on to urge librarians to become involved with the social problems of society today particularly unemployment.
problemas sociales 
social crisis
 This library serves a population displaying all the familiar features of low income, family social and financial crises, juvenile delinquency, and landlord/tenant problems.
problema + surgir   
problem + arise
problem + surface
problem + come with
 In systems where documents can be retrieved according to search keys on a string search basis few problems arise.
 A problem which surfaced to an appreciable extent with the advent of the all-media catalog is the subject analysis of nonbook materials.
 The problem comes with ideographic languages = El problema se plantea con los lenguajes basados en ideogramas.
problemas visuales 
visual impairment
 Information access for people with a visual impairment can be facilitated through the provision of alternative format materials.
problema técnico    
technical difficulty
technical problem
technical issue
 It is a false economy to double the effective size of your hard disk with a compression system, only to experience an untraceable glitch and not be able to recover your data.
 Technical difficulties and operational costs are out of proportion to the financial gains.
 This demonstrates very clearly the technical problems that must be solved before an international network can come into existence.
 The author presents the major technical issues related with setting up an electronic library.
problema técnico desconocido  [Generalmente, personaje ficticio a quien se le culpa en broma por los problemas técnicos desconocidos de los aparatos]
 Owing to some technical gremlins, there may have been some problems with a small number of the submissions already received.
quitar importancia a un problema 
trivialise + trouble
 Television shows foster titillating discussion topics and trivialize troubles.
raíz del problema, la 
root of the problem, the
 The root of the problem lies in the simple rule of the number of possible combinations in which a given set of concepts may be sought.
resolución de problemas 
problem solving [problem-solving]
 Its objective is to assist individuals who need help in their personal problem-solving.
resolver los problemas 
iron out + the bugs
 An interesting compromise is to use a Uniterm system to start with, transferring to peek-a-boo when, using an inelegant but expressive phrase, the 'bugs' have been ironed out.
resolver un problema             
resolve + an issue
resolve + a problem
solve + problem
work out + a problem
unlock + problem
settle + problem
sort out + problem
clear up + problem
work + problem + through
address + limitation
straighten out + problem
iron out + problem
work out + a kink
 I think the plans to develop networking and an online authority file will do much to resolve the issue.
 RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network) is a system used by the Research Libraries Group (RLG), a group dedicated to resolving common problems in collection development, management, access and preservation.
 The examples in figure 4.4 show some of the approaches to solving these problems.
 Reading literature is a game-playing activity in which we 'try out' various possible solutions to life-problems and see how they might be worked out before having to tackle them in reality.
 Each is currently a vogue word (often a vague word as well), and each is suddenly all-important to the unlocking of social problems.
 The librarian should rely on policy to settle routine problems, and reserve the big problems for thorough analysis.
 Initial responses from parish clerks indicated that problems did not exist, but interviews with all the households in one parish revealed that 59% said that they had to sort out a problem in the last few months.
 The library staff involved in the day to day running of the library may be called upon quite often to fix certain minor faults or clear up problems and misunderstandings on the part of the user.
 She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
 A number of approaches have been developed in the field of medicine that seek to address these limitations.
 Straighten out the problem, give him a few parental murmurs of comfort, a pat or two, then leave again.
 She is quick to get hot under the collar, but once the problem is ironed out she forgets it entirely.
 The new geothermal system still has a few kinks that need to be worked out.
sacar a colación un problema  
bring + problem up
bring up + a problem
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
 It may be that your student is complaining to you and has never brought up the problem with the roommate.
salvar un problema  
circumvent + problem
negotiate + problem
 These circumvent many of the problems that must be tackled in subject indexing such as the emergence of new terms and new meanings for old words.
 Such a list seeks to negotiate the problems of the alphabetical subject approach as outlined in the previous chapter.
ser un problema 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
sin meterse en problemas 
keep out of + trouble
 While in traditional working society, everybody was kept busy, and out of trouble, a leisured society would be one in which people roamed free and unfettered, and capable of absolutely anything.
sin ningún problema  
without a hitch
without a glitch
 Should files follow the 8.3 standard or can long file names be used without a hitch?.
 Suprisingly, Windows had no boot issues at all, it started up without a glitch.
sin problema alguno  
without a hitch
without a glitch
 Should files follow the 8.3 standard or can long file names be used without a hitch?.
 Suprisingly, Windows had no boot issues at all, it started up without a glitch.
sin problemas          
smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.]
trouble free [trouble-free]
without a hitch
without difficulty
in good standing
without a glitch
 DOBIS/LIBIS can take over much of the housekeeping work necessary for a smoothly functioning library = DOBIS/LIBIS puede encargarse de la mayor parte del trabajo de gestión administrativa para que la biblioteca funcione sin problemas.
 Some librarians anxious to make the transfer from the children's to the adult department as smooth as possible, often create a 'young adults' fiction section within the children's department.
 The operational system chosen should allow problem-free transfer from one generation to another.
 It is anticipated that the replacement bindings usedwill give centuries of trouble free service.
 Should files follow the 8.3 standard or can long file names be used without a hitch?.
 In this context television and radio appear as unproblematically and meaningfully available for anyone and everyone.
 Alcohol in moderation is effective in reducing stress and may increase overall affective expression, happiness, euphoria, conviviality, & carefree feelings.
 As it happened, the snowfall was moderate and all the rest of us worked all day and got home without difficulty.
 Nominators must be paid-up members in good standing for the year of the election.
 Suprisingly, Windows had no boot issues at all, it started up without a glitch.
sin problemas de vista 
 Ways are explored in which public library children's librarians can help sighted children increase their understanding of persons with visual impairment.
solución a problemas 
problem solution
 An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.
solucionar los problemas 
put + things right
 It is also pointed out thet the machine alone cannot put things right, the user will have to be re-trained as well.
solucionar problemas 
problem solving [problem-solving]
 Its objective is to assist individuals who need help in their personal problem-solving.
solucionar un problema    
solve + problem
settle + problem
iron out + problem
take care of + a problem
 The examples in figure 4.4 show some of the approaches to solving these problems.
 The librarian should rely on policy to settle routine problems, and reserve the big problems for thorough analysis.
 She is quick to get hot under the collar, but once the problem is ironed out she forgets it entirely.
 The list of subject headings, now known as the eighth edition and soon to be the ninth edition, theoretically takes care of that problem.
sub-problem [subproblem]
 The problem is then solved by a algorithm which exploits the unimodular structure of the subproblems.
subsanar un problema 
remedy + problem
 This particular problem can at least be partially remedied by giving titles in addition to document numbers.
superar el problema de credibilidad 
overcome + credibility gap
 From experience, it does appear to help in overcoming the credibility gap that the public have in associating libraries with information to help them with everyday problems.
superar un problema   
surmount + problem
conquer + problem
get over + problem
 The benefits of disseminating information on agricultural research must justify efforts to surmount these problems.
 Today the emphasis is more on the problems to be encountered and conquered if these technologies are to reach their real potential.
 This article discusses how it is that some self-published material does not appear in BNB and how to get over this problem.
surgir un problema de credibilidad 
credibility gap + arise
 Because of widely differing perceptions between public library users, authorities and public librarians on the relative importance of the social and informational role of the public library, a credibility gap has arisen which is seriously detrimental to the public library.
suscitar un problema   
provoke + problem
raise + problem
raise + concern
 The telephone provokes a range of interesting problems, and one hopes not to offend callers but rather to minimize the distraction of telephone transactions.
 Other problems raised by this example will be dealt with as you proceed with the course and refine the procedures of chain indexing.
 Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.
tener demasiados problemas 
have + too much on + Posesivo + plate
 Deep in debt and worried about her business, she has turned down his marriage proposal because she believes she has too much on her plate.
tener muchos problemas 
have + a lot on + Posesivo + plate
 With Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Iran and North Korea nuclear proliferation and the Palestine-Israel conflict, Obama has a lot in his plate.
tener problema con Algo 
experience + trouble with
 Often a 'help' command calls up information pertaining either to the general use of the system, or to the specific feature in the system with which the user is experiencing trouble.
tener problemas 
have + problems
 For example, pilots flying on international routes sometimes have problems in understanding weather reports spoken in English but with a heavy local accent.
tener problemas con    
fall + foul of
run + afoul of problems
run + afoul of
fall + afoul of
 The author attempts to unravel the mystery of how Microsoft came to fall foul of the Department of Justice.
 While being a crusader against government spending, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has run afoul of problems in her personal finances.
 Unfortunately for them, this approach runs afoul of Iraqi tribal customs since they are, reportedly, endogamous with respect to tribe.
 As some of her prophecies came true, she fell afoul of the authorities and was arrested by the Holy Order.
tener problemas con la ley   
fall + foul of the law
go + afoul of the law
fall + afoul of the law
 To avoid falling foul of the law, UK data users would do well to appoint a data protection coordinator.
 Individuals who have gone afoul of the law should have and must have a second chance.
 He is not a criminal and he should not be prevented from telling whatever story he cares to tell so long as he does not fall afoul of the law.
tener un problema 
experience + problem
 While it is useful to know the areas in which problems might be experienced by a community, it is vital that each disadvantaged community be assessed individually.
tener un problema medio resuelto 
have + problem half licked
 A well run school has the problem half licked.
tener ya bastantes problemas 
have + enough on + Posesivo + plate
 She sounds like she has enough on her plate as it is, and she definitely doesn't need an emotional affair to confuse her even more.
tocar un problema 
touch on/upon + problem
 The problems which these media-inspired and media-influenced books present to children's librarians are touched upon.
toparse con un problema  
encounter + problem
come across + problem
 The problems that might be encountered in using chain indexing with DC can be grouped into three categories.
 If when you are working you come across a problem which perplexes you, you should write to someone in the field who may be able to help you.
transcurrir sin problemas  
go + smoothly
run + smoothly
 The interview went smoothly; the committee was impressed by her knowledge of the current library scene, her enthusiasm, and her engaging personality.
 Learn how to keep your computer and games running smoothly by following these tips.
tratar el problema 
address + the danger
 We need more novels like this one that address the danger of blindly accepting societal values about who we are.
tratar un problema        
address + problem
deal with + problem
handle + a problem
tackle + a problem
address + limitation
grapple with + problem
treat + problem
address + concern
 They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
 Perhaps since they have only an inadequate measure of only one of the five characteristics, the schools ought to recognize their inability to deal with the problems and give up.
 They believed that taking on student assistants would not solve the problem because they cannot handle the complex problems involved in the work.
 The LA is currently conducting a major survey to collect and monitor information on gender, ethnic origin and disability which will enable the LA to highlight and tackle problems of inequality in the profession.
 A number of approaches have been developed in the field of medicine that seek to address these limitations.
 The UK is only beginning to try to grapple with the problems surrounding full public access to the Internet.
 He was under the knife last week to treat the knee problem that has been niggling him.
 A recarpeting project in the State University Library, Illinois, provided an opportunity to address several longstanding concerns: better handicapped access, improved lighting, and a more efficient utilisation of limited physical space.
tratar un problema de pasada 
touch on/upon + problem
 The problems which these media-inspired and media-influenced books present to children's librarians are touched upon.
trivializar un problema 
trivialise + trouble
 Television shows foster titillating discussion topics and trivialize troubles.
tropezar con problemas 
run into + problems
 As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good - patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance - run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra problema



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de problema
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «problema».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre problema



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra problema.
Eduardo Mendoza
Un problema deja de serlo si no tiene solución.
George Bernard Shaw
La ciencia siempre está en falta. Nunca soluciona un problema sin crear otros diez.
Ruth Benedict
El problema no es que nunca seamos felices, es que la felicidad sea tan episódica.
François Truffaut
Quienquiera que cultive la fantasía en el arte está un poco loco. Su problema estriba en hacer interesante esa locura.
Frederic Burrhus Skinner
El auténtico problema no es si las máquinas piensan, sino si lo hacen los hombres.
Winston Churchill
El problema de nuestra época consiste en que sus hombres no quieren ser útiles sino importantes.
Hermann Keyserling
En la práctica, sólo es problema lo que la inteligencia puede resolver.
George Orwell
Hasta que no tengan conciencia de su fuerza, no se rebelarán, y hasta después de haberse rebelado, no serán conscientes. Éste es el problema.
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
El ocio representará el problema más acuciante, pues es muy dudoso que el hombre se aguante a sí mismo.
Norman Vincent Peale
El problema con la mayoría de nosotros es que preferimos ser arruinados por los elogios que salvados por las críticas.


Descubre el uso de problema en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con problema y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El problema del dolor
En esto consiste el problema del dolor en su forma más simple. La posibilidad de resolverlo depende de demostrar que los términos "bueno" y "todopoderoso", y quizá también el término "feliz", son equívocos; ya que, desde un principio, ...
C. S. Lewis, 1998
El problema colonial contemporáneo
En este volumen se reproduce "El problema colonial contemporáneo", serie de conferencias donde, al borde de la Guerra de la Independencia, los principales autonomistas exponen en el Ateneo de Madrid el programa del partido al lado de otros ...
Rafael M. de Labra, Marta Bizcarrondo, 1998
El problema de la incredulidad en el siglo XVI: La religión ...
Tomando como guía y fuente histórica el conjunto de la obra rabelasiana el análisis del siglo XVI que lleva a cabo Lucien Febvre se ha convertido ya en una obra ejemplar: la sensibilidad de la época, la vida intelectual y la influencia ...
Lucien Febvre, 1993
El problema de la verdad en K. R. Popper: reconstrucción ...
Este libro analiza cómo cambió Popper su caracterización de la verdad a lo largo de su carrera filosófica.
José Francisco Martínez Solano, 2005
El problema de la conciencia historica / The problem of ...
El presente texto reúne las conferencias que Hans-Georg Gadamer dio en Lovaina en 1957.
Hans George Gadamer, 2007
Violencia familiar: una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre un ...
La violencia familiar se identifica cada vez más como un grave problema social, que hunde sus raíces en nuestra cultura y cuyas consecuencias se ramifican, afectando a amplios sectores de la población.
¿Dónde esta dios?: El problema del sufrimiento humano
Sin embargo, la Biblia no nos proporciona una respuesta sino muchas. En God’s Problem, el eminente especialista Bart D. Ehrman nos revela las respuestas bíblicas más importantes -y muchas veces conflictivas- al sufrimiento humano.
Bart D. Ehrman, 2008
Patologías nutricionales en el siglo XXI: un problema de ...
La presente publicación expone una serie de temas que van desde aspectos de educación nutricional y de salud pública, hasta otros que abordan algunas patologías de gran prevalencia en nuestra sociedad.
La naturaleza como problema histórico: el medio, la cultura ...
Arnold analiza esta pregunta y nos hace ver como, desde las antiguas visiones geograficas hasta el mundo globalizado, la naturaleza incide e influye en la escritura de la historia, redactada por historiadores, filosofos, biologos y ...
David Arnold, 2000
La España mental 1: el problema del mal
Libro en el que se aborda el tema de la posesión demoníaca en la España de la Edad Moderna desde una perspectiva antropológica, con sus ramificaciones históricas, artísticas.
Carmelo Lisón Tolosana, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término problema en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Adolescencia: ¿Problema u oportunidad?
"La juventud no es el problema de la sociedad, la sociedad es el problema de la juventud", explican, en una entrevista con Efe, la alemana Marion Kloep y el ... «La Razón, Sep 16»
Guerrero cubano intentará resolver un problema matemático ...
"Me toca resolver este otro problema de matemática y sé cómo hacerlo: con buenos números, mayor cantidad de golpes, mayor cantidad de combinaciones y ... «El Nuevo Herald, Sep 16»
El problema de Lenovo se llama Motorola
Lo primero lo saben en Motorola, lo segundo es lo que se preguntan en Lenovo estos días. Esa compañía crucial en el nacimiento de la telefonía móvil, esa ... «Hipertextual, Sep 16»
Problema breve y fácil... mmmmmm... no sé
Bellos escribe cada dos semanas un problema sobre matemática recreativa que es seguido por millones de lectores, trabaja además en la BBC y da charlas y ... «Página 12, Sep 16»
Andrés Malamud: "El problema de este gobierno es que comunica ...
Andrés Malamud: "El problema de este gobierno es que comunica mucho y explica poco". El politólogo analizó los primeros ochos meses de la gestión de ... «LA NACION, Ago 16»
Macri tiene un serio problema
El presidente Mauricio Macri tiene un grave problema: pretende imponer un cambio cultural profundo en tiempo récord. Y lo quiere hacer con buenas maneras, ... «LA NACION, Ago 16»
El problema clásico de las 100 monedas y las 10 caras
Este verano -o lo que queda de él- vas a poder retar a mucha gente con este puzzle clásico. Se llama de las 100 monedas aunque para hacerlo no es preciso ... «Verne, Ago 16»
Ellos eran el problema
Podemos ha colapsado cuando todo el mundo ha podido ver que eran el problema y no la solución. Hasta ellos parecen haberse percatado, y por eso hace ... «, Ago 16»
Asombroso: un trabajador migrante resuelve un complejo problema ...
(CNN) - Un trabajador chino migrante sin título universitario ha encontrado la solución a un complejo problema matemático, en lo que parece ser la versión en ... «CNNEspañ, Jul 16»
El problema que tenemos y no vemos
En medio de la nueva entrega televisiva de José López, sus bolsos y monjas, del inhibido Cristóbal y alguna vedette embarazada sin querer o algún famoso ... «Clarí, Jul 16»


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