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Pocos sospechan al percibir la primera fisura en una pieza de porcelana que esa delgada línea basta para hacerla estallar.
Nuria Barrios

Significado de "línea" en el diccionario de español



La palabra línea tiene su procedencia en el latín linĕa; y también en el latín linĕus.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


 · ne · a play
Línea es una palabra esdrújula de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras esdrújulas van acentuadas en la antepenúltima sílaba.


Línea es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Una línea es una sucesión continua de puntos trazados, como por ejemplo un trazo o un guion. Las líneas suelen utilizarse en la composición artística, se denomina en cambio «raya» a trazos rectos sueltos, que no forman una figura o forma en particular. En matemáticas y geometría, línea suele denotar línea recta o curva En geometría, la línea también puede considerarse la distancia más corta entre dos puntos puestos en un plano. El otro concepto de la línea desde la teoría de Kandinsky es, la línea geométrica es un ente invisible. La línea es un punto en movimiento sobre el plano; al destruirse el reposo del punto este se mueve por el espacio dando origen a la línea. La línea es el elemento más básico de todo grafismo y uno de los sumamente utilizados. Representa a la forma de expresión más sencilla y pura, que a la vez puede ser dinámica y variada. Enrique Lipszyc expresa: la línea que define un contorno es una invención de los dibujantes, ya que «en la naturaleza un objeto es distinguido de otro por su diferencia de color o de tono.»...

definición de línea en el diccionario español

La primera definición de línea en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es sucesión continua e indefinida de puntos en la sola dimensión de la longitud. Otro significado de línea en el diccionario es medida longitudinal que equivale a cerca de dos milímetros. Línea es también raya en un cuerpo cualquiera.







Sinónimos y antónimos de línea en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «línea» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de línea


línea andana bisectriz cadena camino columna diámetro dirección estría fila hilera itinerario lista orientación radio rasgo raya recorrido recta renglón ringlera ristra ruta sarta secante serie tangente tendencia tilde primera lengua española indefinida sola dimensión longitud otro medida longitudinal equivale cerca milímetros línea cuerpo cualquiera actividades factor clave para formación metodología desarrollo cursos cocina fría contextualiza dentro restauración colectividades conocer cualidades diferenciales modificaciones trabajo diario acarrea índice introducción patógenos emergentes sacrificio porcino ellas puede hacer aparición considerable riesgo salud consumidores microorganismos poco estimados hasta momento entorno sido

Traductor en línea con la traducción de línea a 25 idiomas

online translator


Conoce la traducción de línea a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de línea presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de línea en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

đường dây
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de línea en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  line ; line-up ; trajectory.
 Longer titles since each title can occupy only one line will be truncated and only brief source references are included.
 The title of the article is 'The information market: a line-up of competitors'.
 In hindsight, it is easy to see a trajectory of inevitability that made MARC, the ISBDs, and AACR2 seem more the result of historical forces than the often faltering and separate steps they were in truth.
acceso en línea 
online access
 Many reference sources which were once available only in hard copy are now available either in hard copy, or to be consulted by online access to a computer-held data base.
acceso mediante línea telefónica 
 Remote or invisible users are increasing in numbers as more libraries implement dial-access to their catalogues and investigate the viability of networks.
adquisición en línea 
online acquisition
 The article 'Computerised acquisition in libraries and information centres' reviews on-line acquisition with details of agents who can provide the service.
aprendizaje en línea 
online learning
 The author considers the potential of the Internet as a medium for education and teaching with a critical eye and concludes that some of the assumptions about online learning are highly suspect.
autobús de línea 
intercity bus
 Canada's system of intercity bus routes spans the entire country.
autobús interurbano 
 Again, the convoy of 80 coaches, headed by a police escort, transported approximately 2800 conference participants to a sumptuous banquet.
baile en línea 
line dance
 Line dance is sometimes thought of as originating in the Wild West.
base de datos en línea 
online database
 It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.
búsqueda en línea  
online searching
online search
 Batch mode can be used to conduct retrospective searches but has generally been superseded by online searching in this application.
 The amount of data usually transferred to the host computer during an online search is relatively small.
cabeza de línea 
 It wasn't long before the idea of a railhead was the talk of the town.
carácter de líneas gruesas 
fat face [fat-face]
 There were, first, the traditional serifed roman exaggerated by about 1806 into fat face by a great increase in contrast between thick and thin strokes.
catálogo en línea 
online catalogue
 Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.
comercio en línea 
online business
 More people are taking the dip into online business and abandoning the huge corporations with overwhelming superiors and unearthly hours.
compra en línea 
online shopping
 The article 'Where to go shopping - the online way' describes recent developments in online shopping using a modem from home.
conexión a través de línea dedicada 
leased line connection
 A leased line connection is useful for heavy users, since it offers higher speeds of transmission.
congreso en línea 
online conference
 This article describes future plans for other chemistry related online conferences.
continuando con la línea de 
in the vein of
 During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.
conversación en línea  [Conversación mantenida utilizando el ordenador como medio]
online chat
 Other facilities which are often available include 'gimmicks' such as games, 'online chat,' teleshopping and telemessages.
cruzar la línea 
cross + the line
 This is a critical distinction, and the line between policy and operations should not be crossed.
cruzar la línea divisoria    
cross + the boundary
cross + the great divide
cross + the dividing line
cross + the line
 Modern developments in all areas of knowledge tend to cross the boundaries between disciplines.
 The article is entitled 'Crossing the great divide: Academic libraries move into the 21st century'.
 Effective planning will be necessary to convince government of the bility of the library to use resources effectively, but there is a danger that this may cross the dividing line and become the direction of policy.
 The article is entitled 'Crossing the line: the development of archival standards'.
cruzar la línea que separa 
cross over + the line separating
 The primary task of these students is to prove in their thesis that they have crossed over the line separating novice and expert.
cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan + Nombre 
cross + Adjetivo + lines
 Cultural study, especially for the museologist, must be interdisciplinary and cross class lines = Los estudios socioculturales, especialmente para el museólogo, deben ser interdisciplinares y cruzar las líneas divisorias que separan las clases sociales.
de línea blanda 
 Part 1 examines and discusses the pros and cons of both hard-line and soft-line approaches to moral education.
de línea dura 
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
de líneas rectas 
 Hidden away in lairs behind the chaotic jumble of facades of all styles from stately Greek classical to the severe straight-line school of modern architecture, a thousand businesses plied their mysteries.
de primera línea 
 Moisturising creams are first-line agents in the management of eczema.
describir en líneas generales 
 In many respects, principles and practices outlined in this chapter apply equally to AACR1 and AACR2 and the Concise AACR2.
de última línea 
 But the machine of logic will not look like a cash register, even of the streamlined model.
distribuidor de información en línea  
online host
 Hosts also offer various support services such as manuals, search aids and training facilities.
 The article 'Online, past, present and future: repetition, reinvention, or reincarnation? offers advice to online hosts and databases producers for dealing with future trends.
edición en línea 
online editing
 The article 'Does online editing promote trespassing?' discusses the ethical implications of granting editors on-line access to authors' document files.
empleado de línea aérea 
airline official
 The airline officials found three baby crocodiles in a man's carry-on luggage.
en el momento de escribir estas líneas 
at the time of writing
 At the time of writing, a 'value statement' is being prepared by the group together with guidelines for determining such local objectives and related performance measures.
en la línea de 
along the lines
 In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.
en la línea de fuego   
in the hot seat
in the front line
on the front line
 The article is entitled 'Sitting in the hot seat: some thoughts from the reference chair'.
 Because they are in the 'front line,' reference librarians frequently determine whether a library is successful in serving its clientele.
 The World Food Programme, the world's largest humanitarian organisation, is on the front line of the fight against climate change.
en la misma línea de 
in the vein of
 During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.
en la misma línea que 
in line with
 Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
en línea   
online [on-line]
inline [in-line]
 Thesauri may exist in either online display of machine-held thesaurus records, or in hard copy.
 Within 3 months of receipt of the CD-ROM, more individuals had used it than in the 3 years that on-line-based end-user searching had been offered.
 The author discusses new possibilities of embedded scripts such as inline MPEG, interactive games and navigation facilities.
en línea con 
in line with
 Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
en línea recta 
as the crow flies
 The car zigzagged a 30 mile path in 10 minutes as the crow flies.
en líneas generales        
broadly speaking
on the whole
in outline
in basic outline
roughly speaking
as a rough guide
 Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.
 Specific entry is generally recommended.
 The term category has been at times used somewhat loosely in the literature of indexing and, for this reason, it can cause confusion.
 I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.
 The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
 In basic outline school libraries the world over share similar philosophy and objectives.
 Roughly speaking one-third of book publishers publish only one new book each every six months.
 As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.
en línea sucesoria 
in line of descent
 The normal rule, then, is that the copy-text is that printed edition which is closest in line of descent to the author's manuscript.
en + Posesivo + línea de tiro 
in + Posesivo + sights
 Just 2 days later they landed at Southerndown beach, with tears of homecoming joy in their eyes and with destiny still in their sights.
en primera línea   
in the front line
on the front line
 Because they are in the 'front line,' reference librarians frequently determine whether a library is successful in serving its clientele.
 Moisturising creams are first-line agents in the management of eczema.
 The World Food Programme, the world's largest humanitarian organisation, is on the front line of the fight against climate change.
enseñanza en línea 
online education
 The author draws attention to dangers online education may pose for traditional academic values.
estado del ordenador en fuera de línea 
 I think I stated twice that the medium supporting the catalog - onlineness or offlineness - is not a very relevant issue.
estado del ordenador en línea 
 Is it possible that the issue is not whether you and Mr. Kilgour disagree about the onlineness of it all or whether you use 3,3, or 5,4, or twice the square root of pi as the key?.
estar accesible en línea 
go + online
 For smaller libraries it would be cheaper and more current to go online.
facsímil de línea 
line-block facsimile
 Photo-etched blocks, which became available in the 1870s, give the colour and impression of letterpress printing but they lose definition in the process of reproduction, so that line-block facsimiles combine rough edges with an improbably even colour.
foro de debate en línea 
online forum
 TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) is a shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum.
fuera de línea 
offline [off-line]
 If access is limited to certain specified times, the term 'off-line' is applied.
gráfica de líneas 
line graph
 Spreadsheets also make it possible to convert tabular output into line graphs, pie charts, and bar graphs.
grosor de línea 
 Current techniques can produce line-widths and other features on silicon chips down to 1 micrometer.
impresión en línea 
online print
 Print charges are usually charged per reference retrieved with online and offline prints often attracting different tariffs.
impresión fuera de línea 
offline print
 Print charges are usually charged per reference retrieved with online and offline prints often attracting different tariffs.
impresora de líneas  [En tecnología de la información, dispositivo a modo de máquina de escribir sin teclado que imprime caracteres línea a línea más que imprimir páginas enteras como hace la impresora láser]
line printer
 A line printer can only produce about four readable copies using carbon interleaved paper, so additional copies must either be produced by photocopying or by rerunning the computer, both of which are relatively costly.
información en línea 
online information
 This RFC is being distributed to members of the Internet community in order to make available some 'hints' which will allow new network participants to understand how to acquire online information and how to be a good Internet neighbor.
juez de línea  
assistant referee
 The teacher explains the rules and also acts as timekeeper and linesman to judge on offside.
 Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.
línea ADSL (Línea de Subscripción Digital Asimétrica) 
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
 This article considers the prospects of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) as a technique capable of competing with cable in the struggle to increase Internet bandwidth.
línea aérea 
 Because the system can be updated continuously, it is possible for an airline to make available information about the number of standby seats on any given flight at the time of asking.
línea aérea barata  
low-cost airline
low-cost carrier
 Canadian biggest low-cost airline humbly apologizes to Air Canada for industrial espionage.
 The fierce competition between these low-cost carriers in Australia has made airflight fares cheaper than ever.
línea aérea de bajo coste  
low-cost airline
low-cost carrier
 Canadian biggest low-cost airline humbly apologizes to Air Canada for industrial espionage.
 The fierce competition between these low-cost carriers in Australia has made airflight fares cheaper than ever.
línea a línea 
 On The Source this can be sent from disk in one 'dump', which CompuServe accepts messages only in response to line-by-line prompts.
línea arbolada, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
timberline, the
tree line, the
 Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
 One of the most barren spots on the planet is above the tree line, where glaciers strip the land of nutrients and life.
línea argumental  
line of discussion
line of direction
 The second line of discussion concentrates on a social perspective cognition and the role of language as a mental instrument.
 I've read some magazine articles with what amounts to poor line of direction that made me wonder what the article is really about.
línea base 
baseline [base line]
 The letters are upright, narrow, and angular, standing on crooked feet, and the ascenders are usually decorated with barbs or thorns; f and p do not normally descend below the base line.
línea con marcas entrecortadas 
dashed line
 Folds are shown by dashed lines.
línea curva 
curved line
 One was drawn with curved lines and ovals and the other was formed with straight lines and rectangles.
línea de acción 
course of action
 Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.
línea de actuación      
course of action
line of attack
operational line
action line
line of direction
 Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.
 Pre-coordinate indexing is another line of attack.
 One of its operational lines is aimed at launching professional training programmes.
 Action line 1 is concerned with library source data projects.
 There are 2 prongs to this research, one explores the use of the term 'information' and the other major part of the study investigates a number of aspects of some information management positions.
 I've read some magazine articles with what amounts to poor line of direction that made me wonder what the article is really about.
línea de agua, la 
water line, the
 Of particular concern are limpet mines attached covertly to the ship hull under the water line.
línea de alta tensión 
power line
 Crane operators and crew members may be electrocuted when they work near overhead power lines.
línea de argumentación    
line of discussion
line of direction
line of argument
line of argumentation
 The second line of discussion concentrates on a social perspective cognition and the role of language as a mental instrument.
 I've read some magazine articles with what amounts to poor line of direction that made me wonder what the article is really about.
 Why is he persisting with his line of argument when a simple apology would have ended the controversy?.
 It should contain a clear line of argumentation about the problem, with evidence for and against, culminating with your own conclusions.
línea de banda  
touch line
 A soccer ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the touch line independently on whether the ball is on the ground or in the air.
 The article 'Off the sidelines, onto the playing field' discusses a recent project which commissioned 9 research papers to explore the future of libraries.
línea de búsqueda 
query line
 The Pull function allows you to copy terms from records into the query line.
línea de comunicación 
line of communication
 In the latter case particularly, there should be a clear line of communication between staff operating the system and those above them.
línea de comunicaciones 
communications line
 This will allow data to be sent over the communication lines and it must naturally be possible to set the appropriate baud rates and parity.
línea de demarcación 
demarcation line
 The main issue discussed was the justification of the 'shoot to kill' policy adopted by Israel against Arab infiltrators across the 1949 demarcation lines.
línea dedicada   [Se refiere a una línea telefónica que se alquila para uso exclusivo las veinticuatro horas del día y que conecta dos puntos directamente]
dedicated line
leased line
 If a library expects constant use of a particular database from a supplier or vendor (perhaps a cataloging database such as OCLC), there may be a 'leased' or 'dedicated' line devoted solely to the access of a particular database in return for a stipulated annual fee.
 There were upwards of 60 participants with leased lines in April 1984 (approximately 325 terminals connected) and the number of additional 'dial-up' customers is increasing rapidly.
línea de dirección 
line of direction
 I've read some magazine articles with what amounts to poor line of direction that made me wonder what the article is really about.
línea de falla 
fault line
 These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.
línea defensiva  
line of defence
defence line
 Lines of defence include the protection of the boot process with keyboard modification to disable any keys that can be used to interrupt the boot process.
 Fortresses and defence lines were used to protect as much territory as possible.
línea de ferrocarril     
rail line
rail link
railway line
 From Glasgow, rail lines radiate in most directions.
 Wangaratta is strategically placed on the direct rail link between Melbourne and Sydney.
 The wall between the Hotel's garden and pool and the railway line and the beach was flattened by the tsunami.
 The article 'Libraries and the railroads - or sitting on a siding watching the freight trains go by' compares the possible future of libraries and information centres with the state of US railways.
 Displays which take a theme approach, for example wild flowers, vintage cars, railways, and gather together material from different places in the library, can be useful in drawing attention to specific aspects of a library's resources.
línea de flotación, la 
water line, the
 Of particular concern are limpet mines attached covertly to the ship hull under the water line.
línea de fuego   
firing line
line of fire
 The article 'From the firing line: practical advice for reference service with children in the public library' explores librarians' fear of contact with children.
 The children were involved in manual labour, guard duty, front-line fighting, bomb manufacture, setting sea/land mines & radio & communication.
 The article is entitled 'In the line of fire: the library of University College Hull during World War II'.
línea de investigación          
line of enquiry
line of research
line of enquiry
research front
avenue (for/of) research
research avenue
avenue of investigation
research line
research direction
line of investigation
 Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.
 The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.
 The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.
 This article presents a method for identifying the research front of a scientific discipline based on constructing cocitation clusters and on a content analysis of citations.
 One avenue of research that is set to improve information access is to develop technologies for automatically personalizing information.
 'Cultural norms' have foreclosed research avenues in evolutionary studies.
 This avenue of investigation leads into spatial approaches used frequently by psychologists, sociologists, and architectural designers = Esta línea de investigación nos lleva a métodos para estudiar el espacio físico usados frecuentmente por los sicólogos, sociólogos y arquitectos.
 This paper identifies the significant research influences on practice, and the research lines not yet reflected in operational systems.
 The purpose of this article is to suggest promising research directions in this domain.
 Several lines of investigation have indicated the existence of abnormalities in salt and water metabolism in hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
línea de investigación futura 
avenue (for/of) future research
 The author acknowledges the limitations to this approach and suggests avenues for future research.
línea de investigación posible 
avenue for further research
 Avenues for further research in this area are identified.
línea del horizonte  [Referido especialmente a los edificios recortados sobre el horizonte]
 To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.
línea de llegada   
finishing post
finish line
start line
 They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.
 The real world is not a racetrack, countries are not runners, and there is no finish line.
 When preparing for a race, what happens before crossing the start line is as important as what happens during the race.
línea de los árboles, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
timberline, the
tree line, the
 Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
 One of the most barren spots on the planet is above the tree line, where glaciers strip the land of nutrients and life.
línea de mando  
line of authority
line of command
 The scalar principle requires that there be a final, ultimate authority in every organization, and that the lines of authority extend downward through the organization to every subordinate position.
 The line of command concept also had its origins in the armies of antiquity and medieval ages.
línea de medio campo 
halfway line
 This football game consists in hitting the crossbar from the halfway line.
línea de meta       
finish line
finishing line
finishing post
start line
starting post
winning post
goal line
 The real world is not a racetrack, countries are not runners, and there is no finish line.
 Upon reaching the finishing line, the participants will find themselves all having gone the same distance without having reached the same point.
 They were all decked out in top hat and tails, sipping champagne and preparing to shout their horse all the way home to the finishing post.
 When preparing for a race, what happens before crossing the start line is as important as what happens during the race.
 When the horse crossed the starting post, the flag was lowered signalling to those with stop watches to start timing.
 In 1947 certain racetracks introduced cameras at the winning post to determine the outcomes of close finishes.
 The law says a corner kick is awarded when a defender last touches the ball before it goes out over his own goal line.
línea de montaje de coches 
car assembly line
 The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.
línea de números 
number line
 So, instead of an infinite linear number line, we should use a circular arrangement, like a clock face.
línea de pensamiento  
line of thought
line of thinking
 This line of thought leads to the headings 'Engagement' and 'Premarital counseling'; the latter advises 'See Marriage counseling'.
 I feel this is an utterly absurd and ridiculous line of thinking, but unfortunately lack the knowledge to explain why it is ridiculous.
línea de productos 
product line
 IBM decided to alter radically its personal computer product line due to a significant loss of market share during 1985 and 1986.
línea de puntos 
dotted line
 The gangplank (illustrated by the dotted line in Figure 1) can be thrown across without weakening the chain of command, as long as this relationship is advisory and not policy making = La pasarela (ilustrada por la línea de puntos de la Figura 1) se puede cruzar sin debilitar la cadena de mando, en tanto en cuanto esta relación sea consultiva y no para la elaboración de políticas.
línea de razonamiento 
line of reasoning
 In some ways I understand this line of reasoning but the truth of the matter is that all of us will kick the bucket at some point.
línea de salida  
starting line
start line
 He described how he just got back from watching a marathon, and how gruelling it can be just to arrive at the starting line.
 When preparing for a race, what happens before crossing the start line is as important as what happens during the race.
línea de sangre 
 Mrs. Obama's family tree highlights the complicated racial intermingling in the bloodlines of many African-Americans.
línea de seguridad 
 The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
línea de trabajo 
line of work
 There are also programmes in several autonomous regions for support of their own lines of work = También existen programas en varias comunidades autónomas para apoyar sus propias líneas de trabajo.
línea de transmisión 
line transmission
 Europe and Australia (where experimental transmissions have been going on for some time) have a 50 Hz electricity supply, 625 line transmissions, and two non-compatible colour systems, PAL and SECAM.
línea de vegetación arbórea, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
tree line, the
timberline, the
 One of the most barren spots on the planet is above the tree line, where glaciers strip the land of nutrients and life.
 Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
línea de vegetación, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
tree line, the
timberline, the
 One of the most barren spots on the planet is above the tree line, where glaciers strip the land of nutrients and life.
 Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
línea de ventas 
 Now ISI has added to its compact disc line the Social Sciences Citation Index and new, improved search software.
línea de vida 
 The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
línea de visión  
line of sight
line of vision
 Sure, but if you watch the replay you'll see that Watson was behind the net and with a clear line of sight when he blew the whistle.
 Has your line of vision ever been invaded by what looks like tiny black gnats swarming around you?  .
línea diagonal 
diagonal line
 Diagonal lines that are repeated throughout an image can create very effective patterns that can easily become the subject of a photograph themselves.
línea directa 
hotline [hot-line]
 An I&R service may involve itself in providing 'hotlines', that is emergency help during times of crises or when other services close down, eg evenings, weekends or public holidays.
línea divisoria      
cut-off point
dividing line
cut off [cutoff]
 The names of Muslim authors throughout the classical period, for which the cut-off point is around the year 1800, were made up of the following elements.
 A clearer demarcation might be drawn between the traditional subject headings lists and thesauri by the following summary of differences.
 Nevertheless, this basic divide remains a useful distinction between two major categories of indexing systems.
 Improvements are, however being made all the time: the dividing line between microcomputer and minicomputer is already blurred.
 Both approaches have in common, however, the problem of establishing a borderline between public interest and private initiative.
 It is assumed that the sum of those units receiving top priority status is less than the current budgeted amount and that a cut off will occur at some point.
línea divisoria de (las) aguas 
 Phosphorus runoff has generated water quality degradation, spawning legislative and regularity actions in several watersheds in Arkansas.
linea divisoria, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
great divide, the
 Historically, there is seen to be a great divide between professional and non professional library staff.
línea ecuatorial, la 
equator, the
 Communication satellites, orbiting at 35,786 km above the equator, provide long-distance microwave channels for telephony, data and broadcasts.
línea fija 
fixed line
 It is not necessary to set up a fixed line between the two communicating parties and many callers can share the high-capacity networks.
línea horizontal  
horizontal line
 The graph of the growth of the subject shows an initial flat, a steep climb, a small flat, and a rapid decline.
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
línea indicativa de la evolución de una gráfica 
trend line [trend-line]
 The individual's distance from the trend line indicates possible salary inequity.
línea informativa  [Texto que acompaña una ilustración y explica su contenido]
 The text accompanying an illustration and explaining the subject represented is known as caption, legend or cutline.
línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la 
International Date Line, the
 The International Date Line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is 180° away from the Greenwich meridian.
línea numérica 
number line
 So, instead of an infinite linear number line, we should use a circular arrangement, like a clock face.
línea oblicua (/)    [Nombre]
oblique stroke (/)
oblique line (/)
 It is useful to employ some device, such as an oblique stroke (/), to separate clearly the elementary concepts in the summarization.
 In full cataloguing the author's name follows the title and should be separated from it by an oblique line.
 The system makes use of hyphens, commas and obliques to deal with more complicated situations: GR/EN/FR/IT would mean that the text is published in each of the 4 languages indicated.
línea recta 
straight line
 One was drawn with curved lines and ovals and the other was formed with straight lines and rectangles.
líneas de sombras  [En cartografía, líneas que se trazan en un mapa para indicar el relieve de los accidentes geográficos]
 In cartography hachures are the lines drawn on a map to indicate relief features.
líneas de transmisión por onda luminosa 
light-wave transmission lines
 Two of the most important new media are satellite links and optic fibre, or lightwave transmission lines.
línea separatoria 
dividing line
 Improvements are, however being made all the time: the dividing line between microcomputer and minicomputer is already blurred.
línea telefónica  
phone line
telephone line
 A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.
 Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.
línea telefónica dedicada  
leased telephone line
leased phone line
 Considerable improvements on this figure are possible by making use of special, high-quality leased telephone lines, and by employing sophisticated data-coding methods, in each case at extra cost.
 This article discusses the use of diskettes, Bernoulli removable disc cartridges, CD-ROM's, modems using dial up phone lines, leased phone lines, satellites and frequency modulated (FM) subcarriers.
línea vertical 
vertical line
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
listado de impresora de líneas 
line printer output
 Line printer output is most common in local indexes and catalogues.
mantenerse en línea con 
keep in + line with
 However, it is one of the penalties we have to pay if we want to keep our arrangement in line with current thinking.
modalidad en línea 
online mode
 Boolean logic is important in computerised index system whether the store is searched in batch or online mode.
módulo de catálogo de acceso público en línea 
online public access catalogue module
 Functions of this library system include: cataloguing; authority control; online public access catalogue; circulation; acquisitions; and serials control modules.
negocio en línea 
online business
 More people are taking the dip into online business and abandoning the huge corporations with overwhelming superiors and unearthly hours.
nueva línea  [En tecnología de la información, código que el ordenador introduce al final de una línea para indicar que ahí termina y que normalmente va acompañado del código de retorno de carro (en hexadecimal 0D0A)]
 Every record must be separated by a carriage return or a carriage return and a linefeed.
nueva línea de investigación 
research direction
 The purpose of this article is to suggest promising research directions in this domain.
OCLC (Centro Bibliotecario en Línea) 
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
 OCLC, the Online Computer Library Centre, was founded in 1967 by a group of Ohio college libraries.
patinador en línea 
inline skater
 This study compares injuries among ice-skaters with those among skateboarders, rollerskaters, and inline skaters, to determine the need for mandatory helmet use.
patinaje en línea  
inline skating
 These considerations lead to the conclusion that inline skating can only play a marginal role in physical education.
 An analysis is made of the incidence of accidents during roller-skating (predominantly roller-blading) broken down by age, sex, treatment required, type of injury and causes of the accident.
pedidos en línea 
online ordering
 With the end users particularly in mind, facilities for on-line ordering have been regarded as the most urgent.
persona que se cuida la línea 
weight watcher
 As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.
ponerse en línea   
stand in + line
form + a line
form + a queue
 This might just be the one time you don't mind standing in line to use the restroom.
 Police have formed a line guarding the front door of the hotel to push back protestors.
 As you can see, the crowd waiting to get in had formed a queue that went up the street and around the corner!.
por línea telefónica 
over the telephone line
 At the end of the day, transactions can be sent over the telephone lines to the central computer.
presentación en línea 
online display
 Thesauri may exist in either online display of machine-held thesaurus records, or in hard copy.
primera línea  
front-line [front line]
 Any front-line information and advice agency needs the backing of information gathering and collating services to provide really up-to-date and relevant information.
 The issue of refereeing football matches is never far from the forefront of public debate of the modern game.
primera línea de defensa 
first line of defence
 The obvious first line of defence is for librarians, agents and journal publishers to join forces to point up the decline in library provision.
recuperación en línea 
online retrieval
 Image processing is fast becoming a major success in the hardware field, and in its footsteps could come the first significant attempt at image archiving and subsequent on-line retrieval.
recurso en línea 
online resource
 Historians will be dependent upon librarians to guide them through a maze of online and print resource.
red en línea 
online network
 Although the UK tended to lag behind the US in the development of online networks, there have, in recent years, been some major developments on a national and regional scale.
revista electrónica en línea 
online journal
 The TED data base, which is the world's first online journal in seven languages, is one of the full text data bases.
seguir líneas diferentes 
be on different lines
 The development of interlending in France and New Zealand is on very different lines and whether to join a national network or a local cooperative is a problem faced by many.
Servicio de Consulta en Línea de BLAISE  [Servicio de Consulta en Línea de BLAISE]
 BLAISE-LINE offers access to a number of bibliographic files which are held on a computer in the United kingdom.
servicio de información en línea 
online information service
 It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.
servicio en línea  [Acceso a bases de datos que no están localizadas en la biblioteca a través del ordenador y de una red de comunicaciones]
online service
 A number of public libraries have recently started projects concerning on-line services in reference work and community information.
símbolo de avance de línea  [En tecnología de la información, código que en texto o programa informático significa que lo que viene a continuación debe comenzar en una nueva línea]
line feed character
 Common tasks involved filtering data to remove a carriage return or line feed character, or reformatting text to produce more readable end products.
sistema en línea 
online system
 Chief among these challenges is the technological rift that exists between the Third World and on-line systems that have their roots in technologically advanced societies.
sistema interactivo en línea 
interactive online system
 Interactive online systems do permit the user to renegotiate his/her search as s/he proceeds.
suscripción en línea 
online subscription
 The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.
teléfono de línea directa 
direct-dial telephone
 Rooms are equipped with TV, wireless Internet, safety deposit box and and direct-dial telephone.
terminal en línea 
online terminal
 Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.
tiempo de conexión en línea 
online time
 When financial institutions pull out of markets, they no longer need the supporting information services and so cancel publications, especially multiple subsciptions, and use less on-line time.
tienda en línea 
online store
 Their online store stocks more than 3 million shoes in addition to handbags, clothing items and accessories - from over one thousand brands!.
título por línea 
 The latter are mainly used for short (title-a-line) periodicals catalogues.
tres en línea  
noughts and crosses
 It is certainly true that identical grids to the noughts and crosses grid have been found scratched and etched into surfaces all over the ancient Roman empire.
 Noughts and crosses, or tic-tac-toe, as it is called on different sides of the pond, is probably the most common pencil and paper game around in the western world.
usuario conectado en línea 
online user
 Those inclined to scoff should reflect on the findings of a 1975 study of on-line users: 'Engineers, scientists, and researchers more readily accept the results of online literature searching than they do the results of manual searching' = Aquellos que sienten la inclinación de burlarse deberían reflejarse en los hallazgos de un estudio de 1975 sobre los usuarios conectados en línea: "Los ingenieros, científicos e investigadores aceptan más rápidamente los resultados de la búsqueda en línea de bibliografía especializada que los resultados de la búsqueda manual".
vehículo con ruedas en línea 
 Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 Aerospace engineering, .2 Motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.
vehículo de dos ruedas en línea 
 In view of the sharp decline in two-wheeler use between 1978 and 1990, a new approach was required to check this phenomenon and encourage voluntary two-wheeled travel.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra línea



El término «línea» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 366 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «línea» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de línea
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «línea».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «línea» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «línea» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre línea



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra línea.
David T. Kearns
En la carrera por la calidad no hay línea de meta.
Nuria Barrios
Pocos sospechan al percibir la primera fisura en una pieza de porcelana que esa delgada línea basta para hacerla estallar.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Caminando en línea recta no puede uno llegar muy lejos.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término línea.
Pasada la línea equinoccial, todo pecado mortal se torna venial.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de línea en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con línea y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Cocina en línea fría
Se contextualiza la cocina en línea fría, dentro de la restauración a colectividades, y se da a conocer sus cualidades diferenciales, y las modificaciones que en el trabajo diario se acarrea. Índice 1. Introducción 2.
Editorial Vértice, 2010
Patógenos emergentes en la línea de sacrificio de porcino: ...
En ellas puede hacer su aparición, con un considerable riesgo para la salud de los consumidores, una serie de microorganismos patógenos poco estimados hasta el momento en ese entorno, y que han sido denominados patógenos emergentes.
José Antonio Sánchez Rodríguez, Salud Serrano Jiménez, Rocío Marfil Navarro, 2011
Andar 1 km en línea recta: la cárcel del siglo XXI que vive ...
Ello pone de manifiesto una política criminal que abusa de la prisión. El estudio, además de deshacer algunos de los mitos que afectan a la cárcel, quiere contribuir a una política criminal más coherente, humana y justa.
Jóvenes patinadores en línea
Presents basic information on the essential skills, technigues, and equipment for the popular sport of in-line skating.
Chris Edwards, 1997
América en bicicleta: Línea de sombra: Serie Verde
el 28 de enero de 1998, Andres Ruggeri monto la bicicleta y desde su casa en Buenos Aires partio rumbo a Cuba.
Andrés Ruggeri, 2001
La línea del horizonte: una crónica íntima de nuestro tiempo
Entre 2005 y 2006, Baltasar Garzón disfrutó de una excedencia que pasó como profesor de la Universidad de Nueva York.
Baltasar Garzón, 2008
Un corazón en la línea de fuego/Pasión a primera vista
Un corazón en la línea de fuego.Colton creía firmemente en una cosa: el deber y el honor estaban por encima de todo.
Jennifer Labrecque, Candace Schuler, 2011
Línea de fuga
Su fuga lo llevará, primero, a Trieste, y después a Francia. Lertxundi alterna en esta novela reflexión, acción y suspense, para conducir al lector, de hito en hito, hasta un fascinante de-senlace.
Anjel Lertxundi, 2007
La Línea de sombra: una confesión
Otras obras de Joseph Conrad en esta colección: «Nostromo» (L 5608).
Joseph Conrad, 2004
A la pintura: Poema del color y la línea (1945-2976)
Homenaje a la más temprana vocación de Rafael Alberti, más tarde abandonada a favor de la poesía, A LA PINTURA poemario en el que la palabra sustituye a la pincelada, en unos casos fluida y ondulante, en otros contorsionada y llena de ...
Rafael Alberti, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término línea en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Río 2016: Temer inaugura nueva línea de metro en Río de Janeiro
El presidente interino de Brasil, Michel Temer aborda durante la ceremonia de inauguración que tuvo lugar en la estación de Jardim Oceacino de la línea 4 de ... «Xinhua, Jul 16»
Los incendios "intencionados" de La Línea y de San Roque ya han ...
Asimismo, han señalado que el Infoca ha dado por "estabilizados" los dos incendios, primero el de San Roque y luego el de La Línea, que está estabilizado ... «, Jul 16»
La combinación entre la línea D y H requiere de un subtepass ...
A partir de hoy, la línea H de subtes sumó la estación Santa Fe, ubicada en Santa Fe y Pueyrredón, en Recoleta. Así, los usuarios pueden combinar con la ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Los cambios en 13 líneas de la EMT y la nueva línea 99 se pondrán ...
De esta manera, la línea 4 -que une la plaza del Ayuntamiento con el puerto y Natzaret- dejará de entrar en la dársena y la terminal de cruceros y volverá a ... «, Jul 16»
Reabre la línea H con la flota renovada
Hoy vuelve a funcionar la línea H del subte, luego de haber sido renovada la totalidad de las formaciones, lo que obligó a suspender el servicio durante los ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Cómo sobrevivir al corte de la línea 1 de Metro: guía útil, alternativas ...
La línea que recorre de norte a sur el corazón de Madrid está fuera de circulación durante más de cuatro meses (del 3 de julio al 13 de noviembre) y tú no ... «Somos Malasaña, Jul 16»
La estrategia de marketing de Uber contra el cierre de la línea 1 del ...
La línea 1 de Metro de Madrid cerrará durante 4 meses por obras, por lo que Uber ofrecerá ... ¿Qué pasará cuando cierren la línea 1 del Metro de Madrid? «Hipertextual, Jun 16»
¿Cuáles serán las estaciones de la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima?
Los primeros 2,290 metros del túnel de la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima, en su tramo priorizado desde el mercado de Santa Anita hasta la vía de Evitamiento, ... «RPP Noticias, Jun 16»
Subte: voces del paro en la Línea B
En el dia de ayer la línea B realizó una jornada de paro por 24 horas. Esta medida de fuerza se debió a descuentos injustificados y arbitrarios que la ... «La Izquierda Diario, Jun 16»
Los Tedax detonan una maleta sospechosa encontrada en la Línea ...
La circulación de trenes en la Línea 6 de Metro de Madrid estuvo interrumpida desde las siete de la tarde de este viernes, tras el hallazgo. En un primer ... «, Jun 16»



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