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Meaning of "árbol" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra árbol procede del latín arbor, -ŏris.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ár · bol


Árbol is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A tree is a perennial, woody stem that branches off at a certain height from the ground. The term usually refers to those plants whose height exceeds a certain limit, different according to the sources, 2 meters, 3 meters, 5 meters or the 6 m in mature. In addition, they produce new secondary branches each year that start from a single stem or trunk, with clear apical dominion, giving rise to a new glass separated from the ground. Some authors establish a minimum of 10 cm in diameter in the trunk. Woody plants that do not meet these characteristics because they have several trunks or are of small size are considered shrubs. Trees have a greater longevity than other types of plants. Certain species of trees can exceed 100 m in height, and live for thousands of years. Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because they prevent erosion and provide an ecosystem protected from the inclemencies of the weather in its foliage and below it.

Definition of árbol in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of a tree in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a perennial plant, with a woody trunk and high, which branches out at a certain height from the ground. Another meaning of tree in the dictionary is piece of iron on the top of the spindle of the printing press. Tree is also in the organs, an axis that, moved at the will of the performer, makes the record that it wishes sound or stop sounding.


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Synonyms and antonyms of árbol in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «árbol» and belong to the same grammatical category.
arbusto · asta · barra · cigüeñal · eje · palo

Translation of «árbol» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of árbol to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of árbol from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «árbol» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of árbol in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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5 millions of speakers


 The university buildings are grouped about stretches of greensward crisscrossed by paths and canopied by impressive trees.
accionado por árbol de transmisión 
shafting powered
 The machinery would be belt-driven from shafting powered, probably, by a gas engine.
aceite de árbol de té 
tea tree oil
 The website includes lots of articles concerning the benefits of tea tree oil.
árbol caducifolio 
deciduous tree
 Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring.
árbol de búsqueda binario 
binary search tree
 Documents in a data base are organised in a multi-dimensional binary search tree, and the algorithm identifies the nearest neighbour for a query by a backtracking search of this tree.
árbol de hoja caduca 
deciduous tree
 Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring.
árbol de hoja perenne 
evergreen tree
 Evergreen trees are our savior in winter and landscape workhorses the year-round , well worth the pruning and other care we give them.
árbol de Judas  
Judas tree
 The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.
 The square is surrounded by banana trees, holm-oak, and Judas trees, and in the middle there are two table tennis tables and a basketball net.
árbol de Judea  
Judas tree
 The square is surrounded by banana trees, holm-oak, and Judas trees, and in the middle there are two table tennis tables and a basketball net.
 The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.
árbol de la ciencia, el 
tree of knowledge, the
 One last thought as a parting shot: it does seem that having once taken a bite out of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, we are to be banished from paradise forever, but we really have to eat the maggots in the fruit as well?.
árbol del amor  
Judas tree
 The square is surrounded by banana trees, holm-oak, and Judas trees, and in the middle there are two table tennis tables and a basketball net.
 The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.
árbol del cacao 
cacao tree
 Chocolate comes from the equatorial cacao tree's unassuming cocoa beans.
árbol del cigüeñal 
 The propeller on an aircraft converts the turning power of an engine's crankshaft into the thrust force.
árbol de levas 
 Even with extensive head work and a camshaft change, this is not going to happen at this high rpm.
árbol de Navidad 
Christmas tree
 Ceremonial staffs can be as elaborate as a Christmas Tree or as functional as a walking stick.
árbol desmochado 
 However, there are quite a few pollards which gives an impression as to how the woodland was managed in the days before galvanized wire mesh fencing.
árbol de té 
tea tree
 The common name tea tree derives from the practice of early settlers of soaking the leaves of several species in boiling water to make a tea substitute.
árbol de transmisión 
 To do a proper checkout, you need to remove the driveshaft and pull the bearing cups off.
árbol enano 
 It includes an annotated list of books and other resources on these topics, organized in broad subject areas such as houseplants, African violets, bonsai, cacti and orchids.
árbol frutal 
fruit tree
 The identified project areas of honey bees, fruit trees, squash, seaweed, rabbits, quail, and sheep will be initiated over a 3-year period.
árbol genealógico  
family tree
genealogical tree
 This brings us back to the fact that books are made out of other books; that there is a family tree to which each book belongs.
 The information sources used in this model are limited to databases of images, genealogical trees, and time lines of historical events.
árbol miniatura 
 It includes an annotated list of books and other resources on these topics, organized in broad subject areas such as houseplants, African violets, bonsai, cacti and orchids.
árbol ornamental 
ornamental tree
 Lime trees are frequently planted as ornamental trees, very often for tree-lined walks.
árbol para la toma de decisiones  [Sistema de representación de los pasos a seguir en cualquier proceso a modo de un árbol según el cual cada decisión nos lleva a varias alternativas o ramas y éstas a otras]
decision tree
 The system uses decision trees to select a suitable action at each stage of a search, and it performs automatic Boolean function where appropriate.
árbol prohibido, el 
forbidden tree, the
 Adam was tempted by Eve, and both ate the fruit of the forbidden tree.
árbol temático 
subject tree
 With a heightened awareness of the need for better retrieval mechanisms for government resources, the ISL embarked on the ambitious initiative to implement a nationally accepted subject tree for maximizing access to state government information.
arrimarse al árbol que da más sombra       
get on + the bandwagon
jump on + the bandwagon
jump on + the gravy train
climb on + the bandwagon
climb on + the gravy train
side with + the winner
side with + the winning side
 Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs.
 While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture.
 As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.
 Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind.
 Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train.
 In presidential elections, Delaware has often been a barometer for the nation at large and sided with the winner for over 50 years.
 Mubarak is a dead man walking, and the sooner America sides with the winning side, the better it serves its own interests and realizes its ideals.
arrimarse al árbol que más cobija        
get on + the bandwagon
get on + the gravy train
jump on + the bandwagon
jump on + the gravy train
climb on + the bandwagon
climb on + the gravy train
side with + the winner
side with + the winning side
 Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs.
 It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything.
 While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture.
 As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.
 Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind.
 Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train.
 In presidential elections, Delaware has often been a barometer for the nation at large and sided with the winner for over 50 years.
 Mubarak is a dead man walking, and the sooner America sides with the winning side, the better it serves its own interests and realizes its ideals.
bosque de árboles caducifolios 
deciduous forest
 This liana has an old stem twining around a tree branch in the tropical deciduous forest of Michoacan, Mexico.
bosque de árboles de hoja caduca 
deciduous forest
 This liana has an old stem twining around a tree branch in the tropical deciduous forest of Michoacan, Mexico.
cepa de árbol 
tree stump
 Tree stumps of a small diameter can be removed relatively easily with a spade and/or preferably a mattock.
cubierta formada por las copas de los árboles  
overstorey [overstory, -USA]
 Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.
 Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.
cubierto de árboles 
 Set against high hills that afford panoramic views of the river and its tree-covered islands, this area draws many vacationists.
cubierto por árboles 
 In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
el dinero no crece en los árboles 
money doesn't grow on trees
 The article 'Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees' provides information to teachers who need grant money to fund projects their schools cannot afford.
en la copa del árbol 
at the top of the tree
 The best apples were at the top of the tree but they didn't want to reach for them because they were afraid of falling and getting hurt.
flanqueado de árboles 
 The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town - the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners - gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.
hilera de árboles 
row of trees
 A path flanked by rows of trees runs from the front door of the schoolhouse to a fence with a revolving gate.
la copa del árbol 
the top of the tree
 The height of a tree is measured from the top of the tree to the ground.
limpiar el terreno de árboles 
clear + land
 When you tote up the carbon emissions caused by clearing land to grow corn, fertilizing it and transporting it, corn ethanol leaves twice the carbon footprint as gasoline.
línea de los árboles, la  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
timberline, the
tree line, the
 Trees don't grow above the timberline because of high winds, low soil moisture, cold temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
 One of the most barren spots on the planet is above the tree line, where glaciers strip the land of nutrients and life.
los árboles no dejan ver el bosque  
cannot see the forest for the trees
lose + sight of the forest for the trees
 A major problem with most contemporary social studies textbook series is that they cannot see the forest for the trees.
 While it is plausible to examine and analyze the differences shown in this study in greater detail, the research team would argue that to do so would 'lose sight of the forest for the trees'.
madera de árbol frutal 
fruit wood
 For most of the period woodcuts for letterpress printing were made of a hard, fine-grained wood (such as box or a fruit wood) cut into the side of the plank along the grain.
no ver el bosque por los árboles 
miss + the forest for the trees
 To try to determine whether an entire model is 'sustainable' based on asking individual publishers operating in today's environment if they are making money is to miss the wood for the trees.
piragua de tronco de árbol  
dugout canoe
 Generally made from massive tree trunks, dugouts are known as the best prehistoric boats, which date back to the Stone Age.
 In the Pacific Islands, dugout canoes are fitted with outriggers for increased stability in the ocean.
plantación de árboles 
tree planting
 Library promotion of Earth Day brought environmental issues to public attention by means of book displays, lectures, films and tree planting.
rama de árbol 
tree branch
 This liana has an old stem twining around a tree branch in the tropical deciduous forest of Michoacan, Mexico.
repoblar con árboles 
 By 1948, a short 26 years after the first tree planting, most of the barren lands had been reforested with healthy pine and spruce plantations.
repoblar de árboles 
 By 1948, a short 26 years after the first tree planting, most of the barren lands had been reforested with healthy pine and spruce plantations.
sin árboles 
 On the treeless mound he took out his fieldglasses and began to survey the enemy's positions on the hills about 2 miles away.
tala de árboles  
wood cutting
 This will help scientists expand their understanding of erosion, deforestation and desertification, and whether there have been any shifts in rainfall levels and shoreline changes.
 The vegetation of this nature reserve is only affected to smaller degrees by grazing and wood cutting due to geographical factors limiting access.
tocón de árbol 
tree stump
 Tree stumps of a small diameter can be removed relatively easily with a spade and/or preferably a mattock.
tronco de árbol 
tree trunk
 Generally made from massive tree trunks, dugouts are known as the best prehistoric boats, which date back to the Stone Age.

Trends of use of árbol



Principal search tendencies and common uses of árbol
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «árbol».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about árbol



Famous quotes and sentences with the word árbol.
Anatole France
El árbol de las leyes ha de podarse continuamente.
El hombre próspero es como el árbol: la gente lo rodea cuando está cubierto de frutos; pero en cuanto los frutos han caído, la gente se dispersa en busca de un árbol mejor.
Charles De Gaulle
El viento endereza el árbol después de haberlo inclinado.
Charles Dickens
Un árbol es un vecino muy peligroso en una tormenta.
Un rico sin liberalidad es como un árbol sin frutos.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Quien siembra en el espíritu, planta un árbol a larga fecha.
John G. Whittier
El que siembra un campo, cultiva una flor o planta un árbol es superior a los demás.
Proverbio Chino
El árbol quiere la paz, pero el viento no se la concede.
Proverbio Hindú
El árbol no niega su sombra ni al leñador.
Proverbio Indio
El que antes de su muerte ha plantado un árbol, no ha vivido inútilmente.


A árbol caído, todo son piedras.
Árbol copudo da sombra, aunque no dé fruto.
Árbol nacido, toma un palmo y paga cinco.
Árbol que crece torcido, ya nunca se endereza.
Árbol que nace torcido, nunca su rama endereza.
Árbol que no da fruto, pide sustituto.
Árbol que no frutea, bueno es para leña.
Conforme es el árbol así es el fruto.
De árbol enfermizo no esperes fruto rollizo.
De tal árbol tal astilla.


Discover the use of árbol in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to árbol and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Darwin. El descubrimiento del árbol de la vida
En 'Darwin: el descubrimiento del árbol de la vida', Niles Eldredge revisa esas notas en busca de indicios que revelen en qué momento Darwin dejó de ser un creacionista curioso y se convirtió en evolucionista.
Niles Eldredge, 2009
La curación natural con el aceite del árbol del té
Un remedio natural imprescindible por sus extraordinarias propiedades e innumerables aplicaciones en la vida cotidianaAvalado por la tradicin milenaria heredada de los pueblos aborgenes australianos, el aceite del rbol del t constituye uno ...
Heidelore Kluge, 1998
Sabia como un árbol
Sabia como un árbol nació de los paseos cotidianos que Jean Shinoda Bolen realiza por los bosques californianos y de su dolor por la muerte de un pino de Monterrey que fue talado en su barrio.
Jean Shinoda Bolen, 2013
Bajo el árbol del paraíso: historia de los estudios sobre el ...
Los paradigmas, símbolos y otros constructos que el hombre culto ha usado en el desarrollo de la Folclorística forman parte de este estudio.
Juan José Prat Ferrer, 2008
El nuevo libro del árbol
El nuevo libro del arbol es una version actualizada y ampliada de El libro del arbol que en la decada de 1970 edito Celulosa Argentina S. A., en tres tomos y con decenas de miles de ejemplares de cada uno, ediciones agotadas hace largo ...
Francisco Erize, 1997
Un árbol crece en Brooklyn
De esas hermosas y tercas ganas de saber nace Un árbol crece en Brooklyn, una novela donde cualquier detalle de la vida doméstica revela un mundo hecho de apuestas y deseos, donde los personajes son tan próximos que nos duelen sus ...
Betty Smith, 2010
Un Árbol es un árbol: una autobiografía
Estas memorias del director norteamericano King Vidor han sido consideradas a menudo como uno de los mejores libros de cine jamas escritos.
King Vidor, 2003
El árbol de la vida: la naturaleza en el arte y las ...
Un libro único en su género, escrito por un elenco de los mejores expertos en la materia, acerca del papel de la naturaleza, el símbolo del árbol o la sensibilidad ecológica en las tradiciones espirituales y artísticas de la India.
Chantal Maillard, 2001
El Árbol y el diván: diálogo entre psicoanálisis y budismo
Un encuentro fascionante entre dos disciplinas profundamente influyentes.
Anthony Molino, 2004
El árbol de la diana
Si Elena Peralta viaja a México es porque nada la ata ya a su país natal, España.
Mercedes Guerrero, 2010


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term árbol is used in the context of the following news items.
El árbol de la muerte, el más peligroso del mundo
Sin embargo, es una de las especies más intocables, y tiene el dudoso honor de estar registrado en el Libro Guinness de los récords como el árbol más ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Hallan cuerpo colgando de un árbol en Polanco
2. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. El cuerpo de un hombre sin camisa fue encontrado colgando de un árbol en calles de la colonia Polanco, delegación Miguel Hidalgo. «Excélsior, Jun 16»
Ecologista 'se casa' con milenario árbol del Tule
El activista y actor peruano Richard Torres se casó hoy simbólicamente con el milenario árbol del Tule, en el estado de Oaxaca, como parte de una campaña ... «Excélsior, May 16»
Corta un árbol y sale extraña criatura (VIDEO)
Un hombre que se encontraba cortando un árbol se llevó una gran sorpresa al salir de su interior una extraña criatura. En las imágenes que se han convertido ... «Mundo Hispanico, Apr 16»
El polémico “árbol que nada” por el Mar Negro por encargo de un ...
El árbol, de 40 metros, fue desraizado de la región de Ayaria, en el oeste del país el miércoles. Pero transportar un árbol de 650 toneladas con su sistema ... «BBC Mundo, Mar 16»
Muere el director creativo de Pokemon aplastado por un árbol
Muere el director creativo de Pokemon aplastado por un árbol La familia del diseñador ha iniciado una campaña solidaria para ayudar con la educación de sus ... «La Opinión, Mar 16»
Facebook - Locura al volante: choca contra un árbol de cinco metros ...
La Policía de Rosselle publicó en su cuenta de Facebook el vídeo de una mujer circulando con un árbol de cinco metros estampado en su capó. Fue detenida y ... «, Mar 16»
La operación del 'hombre árbol' logra un resultado mejor del esperado
La madre de Abul Bajandar ha vivido toda la mañana de hoy agarrada a la barrera metálica que separaba a los curiosos y a la prensa del quirófano en el que ... «EL PAÍS, Feb 16»
La extraña enfermedad del "hombre-árbol" de Bangladesh
Hace 10 años, las manos de Abul Bajandar comenzaron a llenarse de verrugas. Al principio parecían inofensivas pero, con los años, crecieron hasta el punto ... «BBC Mundo, Feb 16»
Dia cerrará 40 supermercados El Árbol en 2016 pero mantendrá los ...
El grupo Dia tiene previsto cerrar a lo largo de este año un total de 40 supermercados de la enseña El Árbol ubicados en 14 provincias, entre ellas León, ... «, Jan 16»


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