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Meaning of "área" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra área procede del latín arĕa.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


á · re · a


Área is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



The area is a measure of the extent of a surface, expressed in units of measure called surface units. For flat surfaces the concept is more intuitive. Any flat surface with straight sides, for example a polygon, can be triangulated and its area can be calculated as the sum of the areas of said triangles. Occasionally the term "area" is used as a synonym for surface when there is no confusion between the geometric concept itself and the metric magnitude associated with the geometric concept. However, to calculate the area of ​​curved surfaces it is necessary to introduce differential geometry methods. In order to define the area of ​​a general surface, which is a metric concept, a metric tensor must be defined on the surface in question: when the surface is within a Euclidean space, the surface inherits a natural metric structure induced By the Euclidean metric.

Definition of área in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of area in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is land space between certain limits. Another meaning of area in the dictionary is surface unit equivalent to 100 square meters .. Area is also era.


aérea · antiaérea · arbórea · áurea · calcárea · cesárea · corpórea · epicúrea · estentórea · etérea · férrea · hectárea · hiperbórea · láurea · marmórea · mórea · pétrea · purpúrea · venérea · vítrea


ajedrea · amenorrea · brea · corea · correa · crea · diarrea · drea · eritrea · gonorrea · hebrea · librea · marea · orea · prea · rea · saborea · tarea · urea · varea

Synonyms and antonyms of área in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «área» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «área» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of área to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of área from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «área» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of área in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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khu vực
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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  area ; area ; field ; front ; sphere ; domain ; zone ; bit ; radius ; area ; programme area ; service area.
 The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
 An area is a major section of the entry, comprising data of a particular category or serving a particular function.
 An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
 Present auguries on the resource front are not good.
 I am not convinced that people become connoisseurs - experts: educated and discriminating people in any sphere - from limited knowledge and experience, no matter how rich in quality.
 The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.
 But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.
 The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.
 The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives - or works - in that radius.
 Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.
 Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.
 The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library.
análisis de áreas del conocimiento  [Metodología utilizada para identificar las características comunes de un área del conocimiento o subdisciplina tales como conceptos, categorías, paradigmas etc]
domain analysis
 Domain analysis is a methodological framework for identifying collective features of knowledge domains, such as shared concepts, category structures and paradigms for knowledge production and communication.
área chica, el 
six-yard box, the
 Players famed for their diving headers are fearless when diving in amongst flying boots to poach a goal in the six-yard box.
área clave 
key area
 Ironically, libraries are losing ground economically in several key areas.
área de acción 
 The service was withdrawn from lack of use but because the State Telephone Service considered the department outside its remit.
área de actuación     
area for action
area of policy
policy area
sphere of operation
sphere of activity
 These examples do raise a major argument: by identifying these areas for action are we not promoting certain ideas and views?.
 Commission decisions are taken collectively, although each Commissioner is responsible for one or more portfolios, or areas of policy.
 The reduction and reorganization of working time is another policy area in which the Community is involved.
 We have established ourselves as one of the leading marketing companies in our sphere of operation.
 Military applications of information technology often pave the way for its introduction into other spheres of activity.
área de aplicación comercial 
 This article describes the development and products of the company Farallon Computing which found a niche and expanded it to include a number of applications and products that people need.
área de aterrizaje  
landing site
landing area
 The man was winched into the helicopter and evacuated to the helicopter landing site.
 If your landing area is close to power lines or light poles, be very careful of them.
área de castigo 
penalty box
 In the 40th minute, Jimmy Conrad was shown a red card after his slide tackle on Dimitar Berbatov in the penalty box.
área de comunicación  [Sección principal de la pantalla de monitor que utiliza DOBIS/LIBIS, paquete de automatización de bibliotecas, para presentarle al usuario la información solicitada]
communications area
 The note from the prediction pattern is displayed at the bottom of the communications area.
área de conocimiento 
area of study
 Bowers has always placed great stress of his opinion that analytical bibliography is a subject which can be pursued as an entirely independent area of study for its own sake.
área de conservación del patrimonio 
heritage field
 All those working in the heritage field are aware of the uncertain life-span of digital materials and the extreme complexities involved in keeping born-digital materials accessible over decades or even centuries.
área de datos específicos de la clase de documento  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica utilizada para expresar información particular a los materiales especiales sólo tiene aplicación para los materiales cartográficos, denominándose entonces 'área de datos matemáticos', para la música impresa, 'área de datos específicos de música impresa', y para los archivos de ordenador, 'área de la clase y extensión del archivo']
material (or type of publication) specific details area
 The material (or type of publication) specific details area is used specifically for the description of cartographic materials and serials publications.
área de datos matemáticos  [Nombre dado al área de datos específico de la clase de documento en el caso de los materiales cartográficos]
mathematical data area
 The mathematical data area includes the statement of scale, and the statement of projection if it is given.
área de descanso   
rest area
rest stop
 There is a noticeable number of patrons who stayed at the library for many hours and make extensive use of rest areas for meal breaks, to phone home, to discuss research projects, and to perform other tasks.
 The article is entitled 'Libraries on the superhighway: rest stop or roadkill?'.
 I could turn off at the next exit and try to find some lay-by, where I can take forty winks.
área de descripción 
area of description
 Other issues of concern include the various complexities of titles proper of serials and areas of description where the code lacks explicitness.
área de descripción física  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar las características físicas de la publicación]
physical description area
 The fourth element of the physical descripción área is a statement relating to any material accompanying the publication being described.
área de edición  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para suministrar información relativa a la edición de la publicación]
edition area
 The third element of the edition area consists of statements of responsibility relating to the edition in hand, but not to all editions of the work.
área de ejemplar  [Sección de la pantalla del monitor que utiliza DOBIS/LIBIS, paquete de automatización de bibliotecas, para indicar el número de ejemplar]
copy area
 The copy area at the left bottom corner contains the copy number.
área de encabezamiento 
header area
 The header area at the top left corner is used to print either the main or added entry, the main entry is printed below it.
área de especialización  
area of competence
 This article describes the development and products of the company Farallon Computing which found a niche and expanded it to include a number of applications and products that people need.
 Public libraries have had difficulty in establishing such a role without straying too far outside their own area of competence.
área de estudio   [En una biblioteca de libre acceso, sección o secciones dotada de mesas, sillas, sillones, etc para la lectura y el estudio]
study area
study area
 Oil pollution has been a special study area since 1967.
 All these issues were successfully addressed by rearranging study, reference, and stack areas and enclosing a small office to create a more vibrant, reference oriented library environment.
área de formación 
teaching unit
 Thirty-nine nurses on a medical teaching unit in a hospital in Canada participated in the project.
área de influencia 
 The service was withdrawn from lack of use but because the State Telephone Service considered the department outside its remit.
área de información  [Sección principal de la pantalla de monitor que utiliza DOBIS/LIBIS, paquete de automatización de bibliotecas, para presentarle al usuario la información solicitada]
communications area
 The note from the prediction pattern is displayed at the bottom of the communications area.
área de interés   
field of interest
focus area
focal area
 Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: examples of abstracts in various fields of interest to the abstracting organisation.
 These maps serve as pathfinders for future research in the focus area = Estos mapas sirven como guías para investigaciones futuras sobre el tema de interés.
 Some of these focal areas are new, and some have been at the heart of the our mission for a century.
área de la biblioteconomía 
library field
 With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.
área del conocimiento      
area of knowledge
subject field
field of activity
knowledge domain
discipline of knowledge
 In talking about a subject we generally refer to a given area of knowledge, or to the contents of an information source of a given scope.
 A discipline is an area, or branch, of knowledge.
 Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.
 Thus all students will initially follow a common core syllabus, then opt for particular specialisms linked to specific fields of activity.
 Researchers gather and disseminate information outside their core knowledge domains through personal networks.
 The disciplines of knowledge are in some way concerned with the nature of human experience and belief.
área de lectura 
reading floor
 On the two main reading floors the user is encouraged physically to pass through the bookstacks en route for the perimeter reading areas.
área del número normalizado y de las condiciones de adquisición  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica para suministrar la información pertinente al número ISBN y a la adquisición del documento]  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para indicar el ISBN o ISSN de la publicación y el precio y otros detalles para su adquisición]
International Standard Book Number and terms of availability area
standard number and terms of availability area
 The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and terms of availability area is preceded by a point, space, dash, space (. - ).
 The standard number and terms of availability area is preceded by a point, space, dash, space (. - ).
área de notas  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para suministrar información que no ha podido ser expresada en las restantes áreas y está directa o indirectamente relacionada con la publicación que se describe]
note area
 The note area is the part of the description where it is permitted to include any additional information which the cataloguer feels may be of value to the user.
área de numeración de la ficha  [Area del registro situada en la esquina inferior derecha de la ficha para indicar si el registro se compone de más de una ficha]
card counter area
 The card counter area at the right bottom corner contains the card sequence number, if the catalog record requires more than one card.
área de penalti 
penalty box
 In the 40th minute, Jimmy Conrad was shown a red card after his slide tackle on Dimitar Berbatov in the penalty box.
área de préstamo 
checkout area
 Merchandising techniques such as face-out shelving, displays, paperbacks near the checkout area may be used.
área de publicación  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar la información pertinente a la publicación, distribución e impresión de una publicación]
publication, distribution etc. area
 The second element of the publication, distribution, etc. area is the name of the publisher and/or distributor.
area de publicación o distribución 
 The date of the edition is arguably the most important part of the imprint or distribution, publication area.
área de serie  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar las características relativas a una publicación en serie] 
series area
series statement area
 The series area includes the series title, an indication of the responsibility for the series (often series editors), and the number of the individual work within the series, if the work is one of a numbered series.
 The report series title and any report number may be inserted in the series statement area.
área de signatura topográfica 
shelf list area
 The shelf list area in the upper right corner contains the shelf list number.
área de título y de mención de responsabilidad  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar la información relativa al título y a la(s) persona(s) o entidad responsable de la publicación]
title and statement of responsibility area
 The first element of the title and statement of responsibility area is the title proper.
área en desarrollo 
growth area
 This article examines the position of IBM and its decline in the world of data processing and considers the growth areas that the company should break into.
área específica 
 This article describes the development and products of the company Farallon Computing which found a niche and expanded it to include a number of applications and products that people need.
área flotante del programa 
transient program area (TPA)
 The various components which are stored in RAM take up about 8 K thus leaving around 56 K for the application program which occupies the transient program area (TPA).
área geográfica 
geographical area
 The disadvantage of the LAN is that it can cover only a limited geographical area, being designed, at most, to interconnect different departments in a university campus.
área marginada 
deprived area
 CAP neighbourhood centers bear a strong resemblance to the neighbourhood advice centres which sprang up in the 1970s in the deprived areas of British cities.
area menos favorecida 
less favoured area
 Prominent examples are again the structural measures, such as those covering the modernization of farms and the less favoured areas.
área metropolitana  
metropolitan area
metro area
 This town enjoys a relatively placid existence as a well-appointed dormitory for thousands of commuters to a large metropolitan area of 250,000.
 At the other end of the spectrum, rural counties adjacent to large metro areas benefited from their ties to the major centres of information.
área metropolitana de Londres, el 
Greater London
 Greater London constituted Britain's most important interwar centre for new manufacturing plants.
área montañosa 
mountainous area
 Snow avalanches threaten life and property in mountainous areas worldwide.
área rural 
rural region
 The article is entitled 'Avoiding the reefs and rips while riding a relevant technology wave into rural regions'.
área semiurbana 
semi-urban area
 People living in many semi-urban areas are deprived of water supply system and are the worst-hit in the summer.
área temática   
subject area
subject field
topic area
 Some schedules for some subject areas have now gone through several editions.
 Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.
 This is the second revision of the topic areas in as many years.
area temática específica 
narrow subject area
 Manual systems are more suited to circumstances where the index caters for a specialized and narrow subject area.
área urbana 
urban area
 These have grown in numbers in recent years, particularly in poorer urban areas.
área útil  
floor area
floor space
 We can only depend upon a rectangular building to fulfil this if it has a small floor area.
 Interior decoration is white and there is ample floor space = La decoración interior es de color blanco y la superficie útil es amplia.
bibliógrafo especializado en un área temática 
area bibliographer
 Qualification requirements for area bibliographers, which include relevant language competence and area knowledge, could have restricted the number of library school programmes in the field.
conocimiento de un área temática 
area knowledge
 Qualification requirements for area bibliographers, which include relevant language competence and area knowledge, could have restricted the number of library school programmes in the field.
empleado de línea aérea 
airline official
 The airline officials found three baby crocodiles in a man's carry-on luggage.
en el área de + Lugar 
Lugar + area
 Data were collected by interviewing administrative personnel in five metropolitan New York-area institutions.
en las áreas de 
in the areas of
 Electronic mail services have become especially useful to libraries and information centres in the areas of interlibrary loans.
especializado en un área temática 
 This article discusses techniques for building robust and domain-specific thesauri to assist in cross-domain scientific information retrieval.
examen de área  [En la búsqueda de información, técnica consistente en ojear los materiales impresos situados en un área (física o del conocimiento) donde con anterioridad se ha encontrado material de interés]
area scanning
 Browsing the materials that are physically collocated with materials located earlier in a search is a widely used and effective technique known as area scanning.
particular a un área 
localised [localized, -USA]
 They were a kind of localized office for the city government and would take on routine tasks like receiving license applications, although main function was to provide information.
trabajador en el área de cultura 
cultural worker
 The year saw a library fair in Gothenburg and a 3 minutes silent strike by cultural workers during the general election campaign.
WAN (red de área amplia)  [En tecnología de la información, cualquier red que conecte ordenadores localizados en un área mayor de un edificio o campus]
WAN (wide area network)
 This article considers local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), value added network services (VANs), ISDN, 'wireless' and optical network.

Trends of use of área



Principal search tendencies and common uses of área
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «área».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about área



Discover the use of área in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to área and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
5 pasos para transformar una oficina de personal en un área ...
Hoy en dia nadie pone en duda que las organizaciones solo generan valor a traves de sus recursos humanos.
Martha Alicia Alles, 2005
Área 81 (e-original)
Junto a la autopista de Maine hay un área de servicio, cerrada desde hace tiempo, donde los chicos del instituto se dedican a hacer lo que suelen hacer a su edad.
Stephen King, 2012
El área de educación física y el alumnado con discapacidad ...
Ofrece pautas de actuación al profesorado del área de Educación Física, para trabajar con alumnos y alumnas que presentan grados diferentes de discapacidad motora.
Pilar López González, Mariano García del Olmo, 1997
El celador en el área de urgencias
Vestimenta y barreras de protección 7.4. Lavado de manos 7.5. Medidas generales de asepsia en casos de urgencias, emergencias y catástrofes Tema 8. Integración funcional del celador en el área de urgencias 8.1. Introducción 8.2.
José Félix Martínez López, 2011
El área de tecnología en secundaria
El autor ofrece unos materiales contrastados y de gran utilidad para el profesorado.
Rafael López Cubino, 2001
La calidad en el área de diseño
Lanzamiento de nuevos productos. Revisión formal de diseño. Análisis modal de fallos y defectos. Análisis del valor. Elaboración de planes y especificaciones. Codificación de materiales.
Corpus del español conversacional de Barcelona y su área ...
Esta obra es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es disponer del material oral y escrito -real- necesario para poder, en un futuro inmediato, caracterizar el español de una comunidad bilingüe.
M. Rosa Vila Pujol, 2001
El área de educación musical: Propuestas para aplicar en el aula
La instrumentalidad de la música, la programación, la organización de los contenidos, la atención a la diversidad y el desarrollo de las capacidades del alumnado, en las distintas etapas.
Pep Alsina Masmitjà, 2003
Redes de área local: administración de sistemas informáticos
Tiene como objetivos fundamentales el estudio de los Sistemas de Comunicaciones, orientado al estudio conceptual de los conceptos basicos de los sistemas, arquitectura y redes de comunicaciones, las Redes de Crea Local, incidiendo ...
Antonio Blanco Solsona, José Manuel Huidobro Moya, J. Jordán Calero, 2006
TCAE en el área quirúrgica
En el área quirúrgica, las funciones de cada profesional están definidas, por ello es importante que sepan qué tienen que hacer en cada momento.
Varios autores, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term área is used in the context of the following news items.
Venezuela recibe presidencia pro tempore del área social de ...
Uruguay traspasó este viernes la presidencia pro tempore del Área Social del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) a Venezuela, durante la reunión Ordinaria de ... «teleSUR TV, Jun 16»
Venezuela recibe presidencia pro témpore del área social de ...
Uruguay traspasó este viernes la presidencia pro tempore del Área Social del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) a Venezuela, durante la reunión Ordinaria de ... «Venezolana de Televisión, Jun 16»
Más de 30.000 hogares sin electricidad en el área metropolitana de ...
Cerca de 30.000 hogares del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires sufrieron durante viernes el corte de suministro eléctrico, situación que se repite en los ... «, Jun 16»
Los cambios en el área de Urbanismo serán consensuados y ...
El nuevo concejal de Urbanismo en el Ayuntamiento de Granada, Miguel Ángel Fernández Madrid, afirma que los cambios en el seno de su área, donde hay ... «, May 16»
El Consello de la Xunta aprueba la Ley del Área Metropolitana de ...
El Consello de la Xunta acaba de dar luz verde a la Ley del Área Metropolitana de Vigo, lo que permitirá que el texto pase por el Parlamento para su ... «Faro de Vigo, May 16»
Sociedad Modernizan el centro de control de área resistencia para ...
El ministro de Defensa, Julio Martínez, inauguró las obras de modernización del Centro de Control de Área Resistencia, Chaco, que permitirá ampliar la ... «Télam, May 16»
Clinton promete romper el secreto del 'Área 51' y se gana a los fans ...
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, no tiene planes de divulgar información sobre la base militar secreta conocida como "Área 51", en la que se ... «, May 16»
Vigo entra en el transporte metropolitano y fija para octubre el Área ...
Los alcaldes han cumplido todos sus compromisos para constituir el Área Metropolitana con consenso total. Vigo dio ayer el último paso al confirmar el regidor, ... «Faro de Vigo, May 16»
Misterio en el Área 51: Turistas filman una densa nube de humo con ...
Preguntó su opinión al personal y nadie se mostró sorprendido, todo el mundo creyó que no se trataba más que de un "incendio forestal". Foto: Tomada de la ... «El, Apr 16»
Área 120: Google crea su propia incubadora de startups
Para evitar fugas, Google pretende retener a sus trabajadores más brillantes con Área 120, una incubadora de startups. Actualmente la compañía permite a ... «TICbeat, Apr 16»


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