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Meaning of "término" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra término procede del latín termĭnus.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


tér · mi · no


Término is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of término in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of term in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is the last point where something reaches or extends. Another meaning of term in the dictionary is the last moment of the duration or existence of something. Term is also the limit or end of something immaterial.


cámino · condómino · contérmino · dómino · gémino · nómino · trigémino


terminacho · terminación · terminador · terminadora · terminajo · terminal · terminante · terminantemente · terminar · terminativa · terminativo · terminista · terminóloga · terminología · terminológico · terminólogo · terminote · termiónico · termita · térmite


aguaitacamino · ajicomino · amino · argentino · camino · chino · chumino · ciclamino · comino · descamino · destino · difumino · disfumino · esfumino · gurrumino · mino · ormino · palomino · pergamino · septimino

Synonyms and antonyms of término in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «término» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «término» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of término to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of término from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «término» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of término in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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5 millions of speakers


  term ; rubric.
 Many other terms are used to denote a regurgitation or abbreviation of document content.
 And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
aceptar los términos de un acuerdo 
enter into + agreement
 Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.
acuñar un término 
coin + a term
 When the term was coined the predominant information and text-carrying medium in libraries was the book.
agrupar los términos sinónimos 
merge + synonyms
 In general, merging of word forms and of synonyms were both superior to the use of the hierarchical relationships in the thesaurus and better results were obtained with weighted terms (ie taking account of frequency of occurrence) than with unweighted terms.
análisis de coocurrencia de términos  [Método usado para determinar el tema o temas de los que trata(n) un o más documentos en base a la frecuencia de aparición de familias de palabras]
co-word analysis
 Other bibliometric techniques include assigning impact factors to scientific periodicals, co-citation analysis, co-word analysis and bibliographic coupling.
búsqueda por términos ponderados 
weighted term search
 The first takes the list of search terms, which the user is asked to rank in order of importance, and uses them as the basis of a weighted term search producing output in ranked order.
coocurrencia de términos 
co-word [coword]
 Co-word analysis of keywords and titles was undertaken and results suggest that keyword indexing does not distort co-word findings = Se realizó un análisis de coocurrencia de las palabras clave y de los títulos y los resultados indican que la indización por palabras clave no distorsiona los hallazgos de la coocurrencia de palabras.
en otros términos 
in other words
 In other words, the information supplied in the document matches, to an acceptable degree, the information demanded by the user.
en términos absolutos 
in absolute terms
 The poverty of the majority of social workers' clients - who are either women at home with dependent children, or single parents, or the elderly, or carers - is increasing in absolute terms.
en términos actuales 
in today's terms
 A sociological definition of culture, in today's terms, has to take account not only of Notre Dame and Beethoven, but also of McDonald hamburger emporia, discotheques and the culture of Disneyland.
en términos claros 
in simple terms
 In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.
en términos de 
in terms of
 And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.
en términos generales  
in broad terms
generally speaking
 Thus the title is a label associated with a work, which both identifies the document, and describes in broad terms its content.
 Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.
en términos reales  
in real terms
in actual practice
 Whereas this proportion is dwindling as a percentage of the total budget, agricultural spending continues to rise in real terms.
 The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.
en términos relativos 
in relative terms
 With a work so massive as 'Best Books' it is only in relative terms that it can be called selective.
expresar en términos 
couch + in terms
 The problem is couched in factual and legalistic terms, sometimes hiding the real situation.
ficha de término 
term card
 An index based on term cards appears superficially little different from an ordinary card index, although in searching it must be noted that the index is in fact a post-coordinate index.
fichero de registro por término 
term record file
 A 'term record file' conversely, is a file that is ordered by index terms, with each entry an index term and the document representations 'listed' in association with that term.
hablando en términos generales 
loosely speaking
 Loosely speaking, the more likely an act is to have an undesirable consequence, the more its agent is to blame.
hablando en términos muy generales 
crudely put
 Crudely put, a computer is a device which can store large quantities of data (numeric or textual) and can manipulate that data in many ways and with great speed and accuracy.
incluir en la búsqueda los términos relacionados 
 'Tree' will show related terms linked by the tree structure; 'explode' will automatically expand the search term to include those terms in the same tree, using OR logic.
índice de registro por término 
term record index
 Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
índice de términos permutados 
Permuterm index
 Double KWIC and Permuterm indexes arrange pairs of keywords, so that the entries under one keyword are organised according to the second keyword.
lógica de términos ponderados 
weighted term logic
 In its role in formulating search profiles, weighted term logic may be introduced either as a search logic in its own right, or as a means of reducing the search output from a search whose basic logic is Boolean.
método de la coocurrencia de términos 
co-word method
 This article describes recent developments in the co-word method and illustrates, for the case of acid rain research, the way in which the method can be used to detect the themes of research to be found in a given area of science.
mostrar los términos relacionados 
 Although, no program will ever include a complete vocabulary, these programs mean that users can now benefit from the search commands 'explode' and 'expand'.
orden de ampliar la búsqueda a los términos relacinados 
explode command
 These may however be searched indirectly by using the explode command, which then searches on all subordinate terms in the tree.
orden de mostrar los términos relacionados 
expand command
 It is possible to use the expand command to display terms in the data base being searched related to the original search term.
ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda 
query term weighting
 Ranking algorithms based on document and query term weighting significantly outperform Boolean systems.
ponderación de términos  
term weight
term weighting
 Applications of these methods facilitate more effective assignment of term weights to index terms within documents and may assist searchers in the selection of search terms.
 These results depend crucially on the choice of effective term-weighting systems.
presentación gráfica de términos permutados 
permuted display
 He wanted to know whether they would use a hierarchical display or a permuted display.
que no se puede identificar con un término 
 But note the cost: documents tend increasingly to be about these unnameable subjects.
que se puede identificar con un término 
 Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds - so long as they are 'nameable' - and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.
referencias laterales a términos de igual especificidad 
sideways link
 However, in the interest of economy, Cutter restricted links to downward references leading from broader to narrower subject, and largely ignored upwards and sideways links.
resolución de la ambigüedad entre términos  
term disambiguation
word sense disambiguation
 For the ambiguous terms, the SV contains the algorithmical rules of term disambiguation, rules based on semantic analysis of the contexts.
 This paper discusses other uses of word sense disambiguation in an information retrieval context.
selección de términos  [Proceso por el cual los términos de indización se toman del texto que se indiza] 
extraction of terms
term selection
 The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.
 Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.
término admitido  [Término escogido como descriptor de entre un grupo de términos equivalentes]
preferred term
 These unused terms will normally be present in an index only in order to direct the user to the used or preferred terms.
término al que se envía 
target term
 The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).
término asociado  [Término unido a otro mediante una relación de coordinación]
related term
 Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
Término Asociado (TA) 
AT (Associated Term)
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
término buscado 
sought term
 Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.
término colectivo  [Término general que representa el todo dentro de una relación parte-todo]
collective term
 A collective term is a broader term representing the whole in a part-whole relation.
término compuesto  [Término formado por varias palabras]
multi-word term
 However, the frequent use of multi-word terms in a list which is prepared along analytico-synthetic lines does serve to emphasize the problems of terminology that arise in the social sciences.
término compuesto de conceptos múltiples 
multiple-concept term
 These multiple-concept terms yield greater precision, but are associated with a rather larger indexing language and a higher likelihood of harmful scatter.
término coordinado (TC) 
CT (co-ordinate term)
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
término de acción 
action term
 Here 'Diagnosis' is an action term, and so the operator for an action term is assigned to 'Diagnosis', viz. (2) Diagnosis.
término de búsqueda  [Palabra o palabras usadas para recuperar información] 
search term
search word
 The command function 'DELETE' is used to delete search terms or print requests.
 The structure facilitates rapid access to all sentences in a text file containing specific search words and also maintains all search words in alphabetical order.
término de indización  [Representación de un concepto por medio de un término derivado del lenguaje natural o de una notación]
indexing term
 Keywords or indexing terms may serve as a crude indicator of subject scope of a document.
término de indización controlado  
controlled index term
controlled indexing term
 This is an example of the way in which searching on controlled index terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.
 Such systems, then, whilst they can search on controlled indexing terms, are specifically geared towards searching of natural-language terms.
término de la búsqueda 
query term
 The simplest kind of output ranking, known as quorum matching, simply ANDS all query terms together, then drops any one, then any two, and so on, to give a weakly ordered output.
término del índice  [En lenguajes documentales, término que se utiliza para describir el contenido de un documento]
index term
 This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
término del lenguaje controlado 
controlled-language term
 This is an example of the way in which searching on controlled-language terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.
término del lenguaje de indización controlado 
controlled index-language term
 We might search under Glasshouses and retrieve a set of documents that had the controlled index-language term 'Greenhouses' assigned.
término del lenguaje natural 
natural-language term
 This is an example of the way in which searching on natural-language terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.
término del que se envía 
referred-from term
 The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).
término de origen 
referred-from term
 The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).
término equivalente  [Término usado para representar el mismo concepto que otro término]
equivalent term
 An equivalent term is a term used to represent the same concept as another term.
término específico  [Término específico que representa la especie dentro de una relación genérica] 
specific term
subordinate term
 A specific term is a narrower term representing the species in a generic relation.
 The lead term 'metallurgy' is all right but you have then gone on to qualify this by the subordinate term in the chain 'assaying' and indexed this for the class number 669.
término específico genérico (NTG)  [Término específico de otro con el que mantiene una relación genérica]
narrower term generic (NTG)
 The Unesco guidelines allow a distinction to be made between the NTG (narrower term generic) and NTP (narrower term partitive) relationships.
término específico partitivo (NTP)  [Término específico de otro con el que mantiene una relación de parte/todo]
narrower term partitive (NTP)
 The Unesco guidelines allow a distinction to be made between the NTG (narrower term generic) and NTP (narrower term partitive) relationships.
término general 
superordinate term
 With any given class number, the first alphabetical index entry made for that subject commences, or leads with the last term in the chain and qualifies this with the minimum number of superordinate terms that are necessary to indicate its precise context.
término genérico (TG)  [Término general que representa el género dentro de una relación genérica]
GT (generic term)
 A generic term (GT) is a broader term representing the genus of a generic relation.
término global  
umbrella term
 This article explains that resource sharing can cover a broad spectrum of activities under the umbrella of cooperation.
 We shall, therefore, attempt to illustrate by examples the subject that is currently taking shape under the umbrella term of 'information technology'.
término impreciso 
fuzzy term
 A disease or a condition can be described by a number of symptoms which may be crisp alphanumeric values or fuzzy terms such as 'high' or 'normal'.
término inicial  
lead-in term
leading term
 Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.
 The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.
término inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto  [Primer término de un encabezamiento de materia compuesto por el cual se ordena un asiento dentro de una secuencia En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry']  [Primer término de un encabezamiento de materia compuesto por el cual se ordena un asiento dentro de una secuencia En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry']
lead term
main heading
 The lead term is the term under which the entry files and by which it is therefore sought.
 The main heading is the first part of a heading that includes a subheading.
término invertido 
inverted term
 Thesauri tend to avoid inverted terms (such as Sculpture, German).
término lingüístico 
linguistic term
 This unit provides an excellent resource that explains linguistic terms in a humorous and detailed manner.
término más específico  [Término subordinado de una relación jerárquica]
narrower term
 Narrower terms are signalled by the abbreviation 'NT'.
término más general  [Término superior dentro de una relación semántica] 
broader term
wider term
 Broader terms are generally indicated by the abbreviation 'BT'.
 This layout gives the lead term in the context of wider terms on the same line (the Qualifier) and narrower terms (the Display) on the second line.
término más genérico  [Término superior dentro de una relación semántica]
broader term
 Broader terms are generally indicated by the abbreviation 'BT'.
término no admitido  [Sinónimo o quasi-sinónimo de un término admitido] 
non-preferred term
unused term
 Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.
 These unused terms will normally be present in an index only in order to direct the user to the used or preferred terms.
término no buscado 
unsought term
 An unsought term is one which a user would rarely, if ever, think of consulting in the A/Z index when formulating his request for information about a particular subject.
término oculto  [Término que no es el principal de un encabezamiento precoordinado]
hidden term
 The second and subsequent entries cater for the hidden terms in the first entry.
término partitivo  [Término específico que representa un elemento dentro de una relación de parte-todo]
partitive term
 A partitive term is a narrower term representing an element in a part-whole relation.
término ponderado 
weighted term
 In general, merging of word forms and of synonyms were both superior to the use of the hierarchical relationships in the thesaurus and better results were obtained with weighted terms (ie taking account of frequency of occurrence) than with unweighted terms.
término principal 
main term
 The display in the hierarchical index shows all terms related to the main term, either directly, or at one or more removes from it, by an 'NT' reference.
término que representa un único concepto 
one concept term
 Taube's original system relied upon 'uniterms' or one concept terms.
término que solapa a otro en el significado (TX) 
XT (overlapping term)
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
término referenciado 
target term
 The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).
 With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.
términos controlados 
controlled terms
 The use of Lexicon van Nederlandse Archiefterman as a list of controlled terms approved by the Society of Dutch Archivists is described.
términos de un contrato 
contract stipulations
 Several features that need to be addressed include storage capacity, quality and accessibility of information content, information retrieval speed, economic factors, contract stipulations, workstation configurations, system security, and new staff training requirements.
término secundario 
qualifying term
 The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.
término sinónimo  
synonymous term
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
término sin ponderar 
unweighted term
 In general, merging of word forms and of synonyms were both superior to the use of the hierarchical relationships in the thesaurus and better results were obtained with weighted terms (ie taking account of frequency of occurrence) than with unweighted terms.
término superior  
top term
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
términos y condiciones 
terms and conditions
 In addition, many data base producers include prohibitions against downloading in the terms and conditions of contract with the data base vendor.
términos y condiciones de la licencia  
licence terms and conditions
licence terms
 Online and CD products are supplied additionally subject to the licence terms and conditions contained in the product.
 Only the named individual may install, operate and use the software under these licence terms.
TE (término específico) 
NT (narrow term)
 Narrower terms are signalled by the abbreviation 'NT'.
TR (término relacionado) 
RT (related term)
 Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
  output stage ; end point [endpoint].
 To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage = To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage.
 The process reaches its end point when information is gathered, indexed and compiled into a useful format for public and library staff use.
como término medio 
on average
 For example, on average, the Science Museum has 70% of its objects in store.
encontrar un término medio entre y 
tread + a middle path between ... and
 This lavishly illustrated book ultimately fails in its attempt to tread a middle path between the scholarly and popular approaches to the Roman amphitheatre.
en último término   
in the last analysis
in the final analysis
 In the last analysis, a microcomputer is a small computer and will be unsuitable for no other reason than the sheer size of the files involved.
 This reminds us that in the final analysis it is still people who make technology work.
 Moreover, these entries must ultimately direct the searcher to his desired specific subject in the classified file.
intentar encontrar un término medio entre y  
tread + a delicate line between ... and
 Juxtaposing harrowing scenes of a family in grief with high comedy, this film does not so much tread a delicate line between these two modes as career wildly between them like a drunken mourner.
llevar a buen término 
bring to + a close
 2006 was brought to a close with a flurry of acquisitions.
negociar los términos de un contrato 
negotiate + terms
 Booksellers negotiate different terms with different libraries, resulting in differences in what libraries pay for the same types of orders.
poner término a 
put + paid to
 Following in the footsteps of Beeching's axe which put paid to the branch-line era of the railways, many rural bus routes have now been threatened by rising petrol costs.
por término medio 
on average
 For example, on average, the Science Museum has 70% of its objects in store.
seguro de vida a término 
term life insurance
 There are two basic kinds of life insurance products to choose from: term life insurance and whole life insurance.
tener por término medio 
 Of course, a bookform catalog is always considerably out of date, e.g., the New York Public Library averages six months out of date.
término medio   
happy medium
 A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
 I would like to imagine a happy medium.
 The concept of such co-operation is very interesting and we continue to build a history of Stumpers activity to assess the balance of 'giving and taking'.
término municipal 
municipal boundary
 As you may know, lots of municipal boundaries will be changing after the elections on 18 May.
tomar por término medio 
 Of course, a bookform catalog is always considerably out of date, e.g., the New York Public Library averages six months out of date.
TE (término específico)
TE (término específico)-3 
  NT (narrow term).
 Narrower terms are signalled by the abbreviation 'NT'.

Trends of use of término



Principal search tendencies and common uses of término
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «término».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about término



Famous quotes and sentences with the word término.
Albert Einstein
No creo, en el sentido filosófico del término, en la libertad del hombre. Cada uno obra no sólo por una coacción exterior, sino también por una necesidad interior.
Benito J. Feijoo
El político recto nada se arriesga en el camino y tiene poco que temer en el término.
Eugenio D'Ors
Se dice que en el término medio está la virtud; lo más probable es que en el término medio se encuentre el tedio.
Mark Twain
El hombre es la criatura que hizo Dios al término de una semana de trabajo, cuando ya estaba cansado.
Irás con más seguridad por el término medio.
Edgar Allan Poe
Si se me pidiera que definiera en pocas palabras el término arte, lo llamaría la reproducción de lo que los sentidos perciben en la naturaleza a través del velo del alma.
La virtud es una disposición voluntaria adquirida, que consiste en un término medio entre dos extremos malos, el uno por exceso y el otro por defecto.
No se puede juzgar la vida de un hombre hasta que la muerte le ha puesto término.
No todo término merece el nombre de fin, sino tan sólo el que es óptimo.


Buen comienzo, agüero de buen término.
Males y bienes término tienen.


Discover the use of término in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to término and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Búsqueda sin término: una autobiografía intelectual
Obra en que KARL R. POPPER (1902-1994), uno de los filósofos más importantes del siglo xx, retrata el clima artístico, intelectual, científico y político de Viena en los años veinte y treinta, relata la gestación del conflicto entre ...
Karl Raimund Popper, Carmen García Trevijano, 2002
Estudio toponímico del término municipal de Puertomingalvo ...
Una importante y exhaustiva recopilación de más de 400 términos, de los cuales más del 30% se han recuperado a partir de las entrevistas orales.
F. Javier Solsona Benages, 2001
Diccionario de la lógica
En cambio, una proposición no es un término, por no ser simple. Otro criterio es el de que término es cada uno de los componentes simples o complejos de una proposición; en tal caso, también la proposición puede ser un término, en cuanto  ...
Elí de Gortari, 1988
Auxiliares administrativos de corporaciones locales de ...
Nomenclator o Diccionario de las ciudades, villas, lugares, ...
A. O. Término. L. R. Prov. de Burgos , Part. de Laredo ., Merindad de Trasmiera, Junta de Cudeyo. Pro. P. Término (el)* Cot. R. S. S. Jur. y Tierra de Jaén. A. O. Término de Algas* D. O. En Cataluña , Corr. de Tortósa. A.P. Término de Aladréll.
Diálogo para la acción: informe de término de misión
TLC A, Representación en Ecuador Diálogo para la Acción: Informe de término de Misión / Este documento pretende detallar una serie de información, estratégica y operativa, respecto al desarrollo de los servicios de cooperación técnica, ...
Anexo 10. Informe de la Agencia de Cooperación Técnica en ...
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura IICA gfnexo 10 Informe de la Agencia de Cooperación Técnica en Guatemala. Término de Misión Julio 31, 1996. Guatemala INSTITUTO INTERAMERICANO DE COOPERACION ...
Topografía médica del término municipal de Caso
Francisco Pérez Gómez. Término municipal de Caso. PARTE PRIMERA CAPITULO PRIMERO Situación y límites del municipio de.
Francisco Pérez Gómez, 1956
España dividida en provincias e intendencias, y subdividida ...
A. P, Ténuy. L. S. E. En Cataluña , Corr. de Talarn. A. O. Teresa. V. S. Rey no de Valencia , Pare, de Cofre'ntes. A. O.S. Teré>a. L< S. Part. y Reyno de Valencia. A. O. S. Térment, L. O. En Cataluña ^Corr. de Lérida. A. O. Término. L. R. Prov. de  ...
Imprenta Real (Madrid), 1789
Memoria del Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana: ...
R. Hernando de Luna. "Estado actual del término municipal de Guadalcázar en lo referente a sustancias mineras reconocidas". — I. D. P. S. T. Córdoba, 1939. " Estado actual del término municipal de Hornachuelos en lo referente a sustancias ...
R. Hernando de Luna


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term término is used in the context of the following news items.
Colombianos están cansados de contratos a término fijo: encuesta
Una encuesta mostró la inconformidad de los trabajadores colombianos por no contar con un contrato a término indefinido, la principal razón por la cual ... «RCN Radio, Sep 16»
El peligro de comer hamburguesas término medio
Aunque anteriormente ya se había dado a conocer que los cortes de carne podían consumirse término medio o poco cocida sin mayores problemas, seguían ... «López Dóriga Digital, Aug 16»
Por qué es peligroso comer hamburguesas término medio (y con los ...
Y como en los filetes las bacterias nocivas se quedan en la superficie del corte, incluso si la carne se cocina "roja" o término medio estas terminan muriendo en ... «BBC Mundo, Aug 16»
6 cosas que quizás no conozcas sobre el término solar “Fin del Calor”
Beijing,23/08/2016 (El Pueblo en Línea) - El tradicional calendario lunar chino divide el año en 24 términos solares. “Fin del Calor”, el término solar número 14 ... «Pueblo en linea, Aug 16»
Tesla retira por error el término "Autopilot" en China
Tesla informó el lunes que el término "Autopilot" fue retirado por error de la página en internet del fabricante de autos eléctricos en China, pero ya quedó ... «, Aug 16»
Arde un vehículo en la A-3 a la altura del término municipal de ...
Los bomberos del Consorcio112 del parque de Tarancón han tenido que atender un aviso por un vehículo ardiendo en la A-3, sentido Valencia, en el término ... «Voces de Cuenca, Aug 16»
La Cumbia Feminazi: una canción de protesta contra el uso del ...
Para componer su cumbia, Goust investigó el origen del término. Según el diccionario Merriam-Webster, los primeros usos de la palabra se registran en 1989, ... «Verne, Jul 16»
“Utilizar el término crisis humanitaria es antiético, impropio e inmoral”
El Defensor del Pueblo, Tarek William Saab, aseguró que en Venezuela no se puede hablar de crisis humanitaria, ya que a su juicio utilizar este término es ... «Noticias24, Jul 16»
Donald Trump retoma el término “mexicano” como insulto
Pero también se ha utilizado como término peyorativo contra latinos nacidos en Estados Unidos, según dijeron varios académicos y personas que han sido ... «López Dóriga Digital, Jun 16»
Benjamín Vicuña y su propia versión del término "vicuñar"
En una charla con Fantino, el actor chileno se animó a dar su propia versión de un término que surgió a partir de su escandalosa separación de Pampita. «Clarí, May 16»


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