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Meaning of "clase" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra clase procede del latín classis.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


cla · se


Clase is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of clase in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of class in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is order or number of people of the same grade, quality or occupation. The mechanics class Another meaning of class in the dictionary is order in which, according to certain conditions or qualities, different people or things are considered to be included. Class is also in the universities, each division of students who attend their different classrooms.


anafase · autopase · base · desengrase · desfase · engrase · envase · fase · frase · infraclase · interfase · metafase · pase · profase · strip tease · subclase · superclase · transvase · trasvase · ucase


claror · claroscuro · clarucha · clarucho · clasema · clásica · clásicamente · clasicismo · clasicista · clásico · clasificable · clasificación · clasificada · clasificado · clasificador · clasificadora · clasificar · clasificatorio · clasismo · clasista


bonaerense · canadiense · cese · costarricense · cúmplase · desgrase · diplofase · eclipse · enrase · ese · estadounidense · forense · haplofase · house · interese · mouse · nicaragüense · orense · se · telofase

Synonyms and antonyms of clase in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «clase» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «clase» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of clase to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of clase from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «clase» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of clase in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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  class ; class ; cluster ; kind ; nature ; schedules, the ; sort ; type ; schedule ; table ; ilk ; class standing.
 The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.
 A class is a set of things which share some property, or characteristic, in common.
 Various other methods of obtaining clusters have been described, including the use of fuzzy sets, but these are beyond the scope of this book.
 Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.
 Since all of the headings are alphabetical words, it is possible to interfile entries regardless of the nature of their heading.
 The list of terms, representing concepts systematically arranged and showing their relationships, constitutes the schedules of a classification scheme.
 Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.
 There are a number of types of abstracts or labels that can be applied to abstracts.
 We have now established all the information that we need to enable us to construct a schedule, or table, in a given subject area.
 We have now established all the information that we need to enable us to construct a schedule, or table, in a given subject area.
 Perhaps she would be well advised to read that book and others of its ilk to see if she could learn something about surviving in the corporate world.
 Social distance, the aloofness and unapproachability of persons of different social strata, is both a symbol of class standing.
análisis multidimensional de clases 
multidimensional cluster analysis
 The findings, in the form of inclusion maps (resulting from multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis), provide new insights into geophysics national activity.
área de datos específicos de la clase de documento  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica utilizada para expresar información particular a los materiales especiales sólo tiene aplicación para los materiales cartográficos, denominándose entonces 'área de datos matemáticos', para la música impresa, 'área de datos específicos de música impresa', y para los archivos de ordenador, 'área de la clase y extensión del archivo']
material (or type of publication) specific details area
 The material (or type of publication) specific details area is used specifically for the description of cartographic materials and serials publications.
barrera de clases 
class barrier
 Racial barriers, not class barriers to employment, were the main cause of the relative lack of black economic advancement.
ciudadano de segunda clase 
second-class citizen
 Long treated as second-class citizens, the women say they have found an unexpected equality on the front lines of the protest.
clase acomodada 
 In other words, compare the glorious statements made about the purpose of libraries in 1849 with the opening of Manchester Public Library, with one ceremony for the working class and one for the 'nobs'.
clase adinerada y con poder, la 
rich and powerful, the
 For the rich and powerful it was important to give an expensive gift to the king or queen to gain their favour.
clase alta, la 
upper class, the
 Do not list terms which have a common last word as a series (such as 'upper, middle, and working class').
clase anterior 
anterior numeral class
 Apart from the main classes (A/Z) outlined above, there are the anterior numeral classes (1/9) which correspond in many ways to the Generalia classes in other schemes.
clase baja  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
lower class, the
 The lower class Gaelic monoglots were largely unable to read, being deprived of both libraries and alternative means of obtaining the limited Gaelic literature.
clase business  [Relativo al tipo de billete de viaje en avión]
business class
 An Australian respondent earned AUD 105,000 but pointed out this was part of a package which came with a car, free petrol, mobile phone, part home phone bill paid, business class travel, etc..
clase capitalista 
capitalist class
 Legislation on the working day was an activey counterpoise to the power of the capitalist class.
clase fénix 
Phoenix schedule
 The sixteenth edition contained the first of the Phoenix schedules on schedules which were completely new.
clase general  [En clasificación, división superior dentro de una jerarquía]
containing class
 A main class, in a general classification scheme, is one of the broad classes into which knowledge is divided before further analysis begins, and for which there is no broader containing class.
clase gobernante, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
ruling class, the
ruling elite, the
 Perdiguier opposed reading programmes proposed by the ruling class.
 The book examines the participation of the ruling elite in masquerade balls in the 18th century.
clase intelectual 
intellectual class
 In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.
clase marginada 
 This is one of the fundamental reasons why it is so important for publica libraries to become part of the networked society: in order to avoid the creation of a new underclass of Internet outcasts.
clase media alta 
upper-middle class
 Although neurasthenia was not originally defined as a feminine ailment, it was common in women, especially those of the middle and upper-middle classes between the ages of 20 and 40.
clase media 
middle class, the
 Do not list terms which have a common last word as a series (such as 'upper, middle, and working class').
clase obrera 
working class
 Do not list terms which have a common last word as a series (such as 'upper, middle, and working class').
clase política 
political class
 Our political class yaps and squeals but is incapable of rational thought.
clase principal 
main class
 A main class, in a general classification scheme, is one of the broad classes into which knowledge is divided before further analysis begins, and for which there is no broader containing class.
clases altas, las 
upper circles, the
 A recent study of the political elite in Iran reveals that the upper circles have very little in common with the masses, in terms of family background, life-style, language, educational experience, & cultural values.
clases auxiliares 
 The auxiliaries are a central feature of UDC.
clases inferiores, las 
lower orders, the
 The 1849 committee recommended that a lending library was important if the lower orders were to be attracted to make full use of books, and a reading room would certainly be needed.
clase social  
social class
social rank
 Social class and home access to information technology are shown as dividers impacting on the extent of use of all services offered by the learning resource centre = Se demuestra que la clase social y el acceso a la tecnología de la información desde casa son dos variables diferenciadoras que repercuten en la frecuencia de uso de todos los servicios ofertados por el centro de recursos para el aprendizaje.
 Although there is some indication that the manner of wearing an obi indicated social rank, this had little to do karate and more with social traditions.
clase social más alta 
higher echelon
 Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.
clase social más baja 
lower echelon
 The question is that we, from the lower echelons, cannot understand how the rich can be so egoistic as to go on and on with heaping up money.
clase superior  [Miembro de una de las clases superiores en la India]
 George Ticknor, the leader of the Boston 'brahmins', the intellectual class of that city, now entered the picture and wrote to Everett arguing firmly that the new library should indeed be the 'crowning glory of the school system'.
clase trabajadora  
working class
labouring class
 Do not list terms which have a common last word as a series (such as 'upper, middle, and working class').
 The author addresses the issue of the non-use of public libraries by the poor, the illiterate, semi-literate and the emergent wage-earning labouring class.
clase turista 
economy class
 The grant is to cover the cost of travel (economy class air transportation) to and from the host country of the conference, registration, hotel costs and a per diem allowance.
con clase 
classy [classier -comp., classiest -sup.]
 Made from stainless steel, this soup tureen will look the part on any classy buffet line.
con toda clase de comodidades 
with all mods and cons
 The apartment is brand new with all mods and cons and never lived in before.
con toda clase de lujos 
with all mods and cons
 The apartment is brand new with all mods and cons and never lived in before.
correo de primera clase  [En el Reino Unido, el servicio postal funciona a dos niveles dependiendo de la rapidez que el cliente desee]
first class post
 A study of the whole system of electronic mail suggests that even at the peak rate, Teletex on PSS will be considerably cheaper than first class post.
cultura de la clase alta 
high culture
 There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
cultura de la clase baja 
low culture
 They were to a much greater extent distanced from popula reading by the increasing gap between high and low culture.
cultura de la clase media 
middlebrow culture
 There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
de clase baja 
 It's considered rude, adolescent and low-class, but celebrities seem to have no shame about chomping on gum in public.
de ninguna clase  [En frase con sentido negativo]
 I have had not experience whatsoever with academic collections.
de primera clase   
first class
 The preparation of a critical abstract requires first class abstracting skills.
 She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.
 It's a tip-top place from top to bottom with no letdowns whatsoever.
de segunda clase  
 To date the library profession has been passive in its approach to new technology and has accepted the second-rate products it has been offered.
 Why is it considered 'second class' to be living in a flat rather than a house?.
designación específica de la clase de documento  [Expresión usada para indicar el tipo específico de material al que pertenece un documento u objeto físico, por ej, disco]
specific material designation
 Specific material designation is a term used to indicate the special class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs, e.g. sound disc.
designación general de la clase de documento  [Expresión usada para indicar el tipo general de material al que pertenece un documento u objeto, por ej, grabación sonora]
general material designation
 General material designation is a term used to indicate the broad class of material to which an item belongs, e.g., sound recording.
de una clase social superior 
above + Posesivo + class
 It's the story of Heathcliff, an orphan who falls in love with a girl above his class, loses her, and devotes the rest of his life to wreaking revenge on her.
dimensión de clase 
class dimension
 Outcomes can be disaggregated along age, class, ethnic, racial, & gender dimensions.
fuera de clase 
 Partly, this was informal, out-of-class chat; partly, it was group discussion led by the teacher.
guerra de clases  
class war
class warfare
 This article explains six of the ways the rich are waging a class war against the poor.
 With the rise of social stratification, humankind has developed 'class warfare' to heavily dysgenic proportions.
identidad clase-tipo 
type-token identity
 This article establishes a type-token identity relating the type-token ratio and the bilogarithmic type-token ratio.
lucha de clases   
class warfare
class war
class struggle
 With the rise of social stratification, humankind has developed 'class warfare' to heavily dysgenic proportions.
 This article explains six of the ways the rich are waging a class war against the poor.
 Engles stated that the history of humanity is the history of class struggles.
modelo en su clase  
piece of resistance
 Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.
 On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.
notación de clase  [Representación de una clase por medio de la notación de un sistema de clasificación]
class notation
 With such arrangement, the thesaurus provides direct alphabetical access to a subject and class notation.
política de clases 
class politics
 In the 1980s that meant having a go at all the trendy lefties and pacifists, and so our main issues were class politics and violence.
prejuicio de clases 
class prejudice
 They both were stalwarts of their generational struggle to emancipate humanity from oppression and class prejudice.
primero de su clase, el 
first of its kind, the
 The first of its kind, this exhibition aims to raise public awareness about environmental crimes that affect people's livelihood, the global economy as well as the world's ecosystems.
provenir de todas las clases sociales 
come from all + walks of life
 Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.
relación clase-tipo 
type-token ratio
 This article establishes a type-token identity relating the type-token ratio and the bilogarithmic type-token ratio.
sin clases sociales 
 American writers have always found the subject of class in a putatively classless society irresistible.
sistema de clases sociales 
class system
 By this time society could not tolerate anything which allowed the unlimited spread of knowledge for fear that it would upset the class system upon which the modern methods of mass production depended.
subdivisión dentro de una clase  
step of division
 The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.
 The step of division, 656.1/.5 Land transport, is not expressed notationally in the class number 656.2 and yet it constitutes one of the concepts in the chain of this subject.
toda clase de 
all sorts of
 And we'd have to give him all sorts of time off to investigate and process the grievance.
una clase de 
a kind of
 Some books provoke vocal responses, a kind of literary effervescent effect, while others seem to turn people in on themselves, when they prefer to say nothing but savor the reading in silence.
viajar en primera clase 
travel (in) + first-class
 It has often been said that traveling in second-class on Titanic was like traveling first-class on earlier ships.
viajar en segunda clase 
travel (in) + second-class
 It has often been said that traveling in second-class on Titanic was like traveling first-class on earlier ships.
  classroom ; class.
 Teaching is done through lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical work both in the classroom and the library.
 The students in these classes were asked to record their library science periodical usage for one week = The students in these classes were asked to record their library science periodical usage for one week.
delegado de clase  
class prefect
class representative
 While in secondary school, his leadership qualities showed early and he was appointed class prefect in 1973.
 Class representatives are spokespeople of all students as much as privileged messengers to a teacher.
tener clases 
take + classes
 School starting again and it's back to the grindstone for me - I'm really excited about the classes I'm taking this semester.
  lesson ; session ; course unit ; teaching session ; lecture.
 There were lessons in this story which appear to have been ignored but remain valid for the future.
 But more mature readers can be expected to go on reading for full sessions without flagging, a point that most children should reach by ten years old.
 This paper discusses the library education programme in the 1st library school in Nigeria to offer the course unit system as operated in the USA.
 In teaching session after teaching session, day after day, school tasks are administered through textbooks, instruction manuals, reference works, etc - tomes teeming with problems for the pupils to solve.
 The staff undertake searches and enquiries for the user and educate the user by various ways, from informal discussion to fully prepared lectures.
anterior a la clase 
 Students who slight preclass preparation are a drag on the class; they will not know what is going on and if they speak at all will frequently attempt to wrest the discussion away from the case to more comfortable topics.
apuntes de clase  
lecture notes
class notes
 Only about half of the items photocopied were published copyright materials, the rest being lecture notes, essays, etc.
 The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..
asistir a una clase 
attend + class
 Further, a reference administrator should be alert to funding possibilities in order to assist the librarians to attend job-related classes.
aula de clase 
teaching room
 A teaching room as well as a study room in a library can be practically placed on-site or off-site campus or as far away as on the desktop of a computer.
clase de educación de adultos  
adult learning class
adult learner class
 However, although there had been an increase in numbers attending adult learning classes, the majority of uptake was in keep-fit activities.
 In future the Centre hopes to run more traditional adult learner classes, such as languages.
clase de educación especial 
special education class
 This paper presents the views of four general education teachers who without prior notice or training were assigned to teach special education classes.
clase de educación física 
physical education class
 Skip ropes are one of the most popular products used in physical education classes as it motivates mass participation.
clase de gimnasia 
gym class
 He looked up and descried a gym class, all wet and draggled, scurrying back across the sodden football field.
clase de historia 
history lesson
 The study of Britain's involvement in the slave trade is to be made compulsory as part of history lessons in English secondary schools.
clase de prácticas 
 General lectures to a whole year, or even several courses, are supplemented with more specialised tutorials or practicals, frequently in small groups.
clase de primaria 
infant class
 Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Todo empezó con la exposición que montó su profesora de los treinta mejores cuentos de los libros de la biblioteca de la clase de primaria para los niños de cinco a siete años.
clase de redacción 
composition class
 College freshman enrolled in English composition classes were polled to determine their attitudes towards two different methods of bibliographic instruction: the lecture-discussion practicum and the workbook.
clase didáctica 
didactic lecture
 But in recent years, grand rounds have become didactic lectures focusing on technical aspects of the newest biomedical research.
clase magistral 
lecture class
 This article compares the effectiveness of three interactive videodisc courses to the effectiveness of regular, traditional lecture classes.
clase nocturna  [Curso que tiene lugar por las tardes y que va dirigido principalmente a personas que trabajan durante el día]
evening class
 By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.
clases de apoyo 
remedial teaching
 Suppose we are searching for information about the subject 'The use of television in remedial teaching in primary schools'.
clases de guitarra 
guitar tuition
 There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
clase virtual 
 Just to make sure you pay attention to these e-lessons; each e-lesson will include a self-marking quiz.
compañero de clase 
 Once the silent reading session is accepted then an understanding should also be reached that at these times classmates should not be interrupted, either for idle chatter or for sharing responses.
curso de clases magistrales 
lecture course
 And the atmosphere, especially in elementary schools, should be celebratory, the events more akin to a literary workshop than to an adult lecture course.
curso mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa 
sandwich course
 By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.
dar clase    
give + a lesson
teach + a class
teach + a lesson
hold + class
 Why dont't they give these people some lessons in common courtesy?.
 Libraries are often closed, because the teacher responsible is teaching class.
 Emphasis was placed on learning the lessons taught by history.
 At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.
ejercicios de clase 
school tasks
 In teaching session after teaching session, day after day, school tasks are administered through textbooks, instruction manuals, reference works, etc - tomes teeming with problems for the pupils to solve.
en el aula de clase 
 The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.
faltar a clase       
play + hooky
skip + class
play + truant
bunk off
bunk + classes
bunk + school
 She admitted to having been the ringleader of the girls who played hooky.
 Some students, whose motivation is not too strong, resist the temptation to skip classes if they know that they will be examined at the end of the course.
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
 Kids are bunking off school with their parent's permission, according to a new report.
 Bunking classes might soon become a thing of the past in schools across the city thanks to radio frequency identification (RFID).
 He sat on walls, with the others when they skived school, swigging the very cheapest, tartest cider straight from two-litre bottles.
 Poverty means they are more likely to bunk school, enter crime and die younger.
faltar a una clase    
miss + class
cut + class
miss + lesson
miss + lecture
 Two types of truants exist: those who miss or cut classes and those who miss full days.
 Two types of truants exist: those who miss or cut classes and those who miss full days.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
fugarse una clase 
skip + class
 Some students, whose motivation is not too strong, resist the temptation to skip classes if they know that they will be examined at the end of the course.
hora de clase 
class period
 When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again - 'working them to death'.
horario de clase  
class time
class schedule
 Many respondents would have welcomed a less theoretical syllabus with a greater allocation of class time in the lower rather than upper school.
 The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.
horas de clase  
class time
school hours
 Many respondents would have welcomed a less theoretical syllabus with a greater allocation of class time in the lower rather than upper school.
 Even though we were asked to by the truant officer we don't even report school age children who are in the library during school hours.
impartir clases 
 In addition, he has lectured in may places and has contributed numerous articles and reviews to library literature.
lectura en clase 
class reading
 This article outlines the creation of a new library and the subsequent reading promotion which took place throughout the school including: more class reading; visits by authors; taped stories; competitions, etc.
lectura recomendada de clase 
classroom reading
 Are there other limits to the uses of the data - can it be re-posted as a classroom reading?.
material didáctico entregado en clase 
class handout
 Each section includes one full lesson and a class handout, plus a list of additional activities.
perderse una clase   
miss + class
miss + lesson
miss + lecture
 Two types of truants exist: those who miss or cut classes and those who miss full days.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
preparar un trabajo de clase 
research + paper
 In the early days of bibliographical databases, undergraduates students could be seen using them to research papers for literature courses.
programa mixto de clases y práctica en la empresa 
sandwich programme
 The article is entitled 'Alternating work and education: a sandwich programme for an undergraduate diploma in library science'.
saltarse una clase     
skip + class
miss + class
cut + class
miss + lesson
miss + lecture
 Some students, whose motivation is not too strong, resist the temptation to skip classes if they know that they will be examined at the end of the course.
 Two types of truants exist: those who miss or cut classes and those who miss full days.
 Two types of truants exist: those who miss or cut classes and those who miss full days.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
trabajo de clase  [Trabajo escrito que debe realizar el estudiante a lo largo de un curso]   [Trabajo escrito que debe realizar el estudiante a lo largo de un curso]      
term paper
coursework [course work]
term project
essay assignment
class assignment
course assignment
student assignment
written assignment
 I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.
 Libraries were relatively little used except when research or coursework was being undertaken = Las bibliotecas se usaban relativamente poco excepto para hacer búsquedas de información o los trabajos de clase.
 In 1994, 21 students on an introductory course on communication processes completed analyses of 14 different electronic lists or newsgroups as their term projects.
 Internet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.
 Class assignments may have to be redesigned if the full capabilities offered by multimedia instructional products are to be fully exploited.
 The author discusses the course assignments, teaching methods and materials, and the lessons learned from the experience.
 When a schoolboy, coming to the library with nothing better than grades in mind, discovers incidentally the fascination of books that have nothing to do with his homework.
 City librarians need to be notified about student assignments so that materials can be pulled from shelves and reserved for student use.
 Some 25% of students admitted to cheating in examinations and 50% to one or more instances of cheating on written assignments the past year.
trabajos de clase 
classroom asignment
 The library may reserve special materials to meet classroom assignment needs or sponsor a literacy programme.

Trends of use of clase



Principal search tendencies and common uses of clase
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «clase».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about clase



Famous quotes and sentences with the word clase.
Fiódor Dostoievski
En nuestro planeta sólo podemos amar sufriendo y a través del dolor. No sabemos amar de otro modo ni conocemos otra clase de amor.
François R. Chateaubriand
La verdadera felicidad cuesta poco; si es cara, no es de buena clase.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
No sé imaginarme qué clase de bondad puede tener un libro si no es capaz de hacer buenos a sus lectores.
Santiago Ramón Y Cajal
El ideal del español de buena parte de la clase media es jubilarse tras breves años de trabajo, y, si es posible, antes de trabajar.
Gabriel García Márquez
El mundo habrá acabado de joderse el día en que los hombres viajen en primera clase y la literatura en el vagón de carga.
Alejandro Dumas
Para toda clase de males hay dos remedios; el tiempo y el silencio.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
No sólo para gobernar, sino también para sublevarse hacen falta leyes estrictas. Un ideal fijo, habitual, es condición para toda clase de revoluciones.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
El que busca el cielo en la tierra se ha dormido en clase de geografía.
George Bernard Shaw
La peor clase es la que consta de un solo hombre.
William Shakespeare
El hombre a quien no conmueve el acorde de los sonidos armoniosos, es capaz de toda clase de traiciones, estratagemas y depravaciones.


Con amigos de esa clase, ¿para qué quiero enemigos?


Discover the use of clase in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to clase and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Diarios de clase: un instrumento de investigación y ...
La obra describe pormenorizadamente el modo de tomar notas, elaborar los diarios de clase, evaluar su contenido y sacar las conslusiones adecuadas, todo ello con el obejtivo de lograr un mejor conocimiento de los alumnos y alumnas y ...
Miguel Ángel Zabalza, Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza, 2004
Hablemos en clase
En 'Hablemos en clase' se trabaja con dos técnicas distintas - Haciendo reflexionar a los alumnos sobre los argumentos a favor o en contra de algo, de forma sistemática y desgranando el léxico propio de cada área temática; Provocando ...
María Rosa López Llebot, 1999
Teoría de la clase ociosa
Con una mirada fr a y penetrante, Veblen hace un comentario vasto e intemporal de la conducta de quienes poseen riqueza o andan en pos de ella.
Thorstein Veblen, 2004
Aprendizaje activo: una organización de la clase centrada en ...
La teoría del lenguaje total, en la que se basa este libro, considera estos componentes entrelazados en una experiencia que los engloba y hace posible el aprendizaje activo y significativo.
Susan Schwartz, Mindy Pollishuke, 1998
Juguemos en clase: materiales para dinamizar la clase de español
'Juguemos en clase' expone una teoría sobre el juego aplicado a la enseñanza y proporciona material fotocopiable para desarrollar un número ilimitado de juegos con el objetivo de aprender español como segunda lengua.
María Rosa López Llebot, Glòria López Llebot, 2000
Hablar en clase: cómo trabajar la lengua oral en el centro ...
Saber expresarse oralmente es una necesidad primaria para desenvolverse en nuestro entorno social.
Un diario de clase no del todo pedagógico
Diario pedagógico que narra en estilo sencillo y directo las vicisitudes y experiencias vividas diariamente en la escuela. Fruto del sincero y apasionado amor de la autora por todo lo que entraña la vida escolar.
Carmen Díez Navarro, 1999
Mujeres, raza y clase
Análisis riguroso y esclarecedor que pone de manifiesto las estrategias de lucha de las mujeres negras y los problemas de composición de las diferencias que siguen desgarrando los movimientos políticos actuales.
Angela Y. Davis, 2004
Lenguajes de clase: estudios sobre la historia de la clase ...
En Lenguajes de clase, Gareth Stedman Jones establece una distinción entre dos conceptos de clase: la percepción cotidiana y vulgar de su penetración en Inglaterra y la idea marxista de su significado revolucionario.
Gareth Stedman Jones, 1989
En busca de la clase virtual: la educación en la sociedad de ...
Este libro investiga lo que pueden llegar a ser la educacion y el aprendizaje a medida que avanza la tecnologia informatica.
John Tiffin, Lalita Rajasingham, 1997


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term clase is used in the context of the following news items.
Maestro carga a bebé de alumna para dar clase, comparte la ...
México – En las redes sociales comenzó a circular una imagen hasta hacerse viral de un maestro que cargaba a un bebé mientras daba clases. «La Opinión, Jul 16»
La otra cara de la crisis: así la vive la clase alta en Venezuela
El kilo a precio regulado cuesta 19 bolívares. Se considera de clase media alta y no un rico. "Me siento un pela bola (pobre) al lado de mis amigos", bromea. «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Nuevo Mercedes Clase E Estate, un superdotado por espacio y ...
Tras el lanzamiento comercial del nuevo Mercedes Clase E, el coche más avanzado tecnológicamente y el primer paso serio hacia la conducción autónoma, ... «El Confidencial, Jun 16»
La clase media pierde tres millones de personas por la crisis
La clase media ha menguado con la crisis. Las personas que en 2004 vivían en hogares con un nivel de renta medio llegaban al 59%. Tres años más tarde el ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
Clase obrera marcha por el Día del Trabajador
Caracas, 01 de mayo de 2016.- La clase obrera venezolana comenzó a concentrarse este domingo a las afueras de la sede de la Compañía Anónima Nacional ... «Venezolana de Televisión, May 16»
Contacto Mercedes-Benz Clase E 220d: La berlina media que ...
El nuevo Mercedes-Benz Clase E rompe con su pasado en términos de diseño, alejándose ligeramente de su característica línea elegante para dar paso a una ... «Autonoción, Apr 16»
Ministros, de clase ejecutiva a económica
La nueva instrucción del presidente Juan Manuel Santos, para reducir costos al Estado, será poner a sus ministros a viajar al igual que la mayoría de ... «, Jan 16»
Llega la décima generación del Mercedes Clase E: casi un coche ...
Mercedes trae para abril la nueva versión del Clase E, que toma el relevo de la edición de 2009 y que introduce innovaciones en todos los aspectos: apariencia ... «El Mundo, Jan 16»
Un policía estadounidense agrede a una estudiante afroamericana ...
“La estudiante fue informada de que sería detenida por impedir el funcionamiento de la clase y se le dieron instrucciones que no acató”, explicó este lunes el ... «EL PAÍS, Oct 15»
Por cada millonario en México hay 106 personas de clase media en ...
Por su parte la clase media, cuyo patrimonio representa el 32 por ciento de la riqueza mundial (80.7 millones de dólares), tuvo un crecimiento del 80.4 por ... «La Opinión, Oct 15»


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