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Meaning of "obra" in the Spanish dictionary



o · bra play


Obra is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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Definition of obra in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of work in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is something made or produced by an agent. Another meaning of work in the dictionary is any intellectual product in science, letters or arts, and with particularity that is of some importance. Work is also about books, volume or volumes that contain a complete literary work. La primera definición de obra en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es cosa hecha o producida por un agente. Otro significado de obra en el diccionario es cualquier producto intelectual en ciencias, letras o artes, y con particularidad el que es de alguna importancia. Obra es también tratándose de libros, volumen o volúmenes que contienen un trabajo literario completo.

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Synonyms and antonyms of obra in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «obra» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of obra to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of obra from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «obra» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of obra in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

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Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

công việc
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  alterations ; building site ; construction site ; construction work.
 Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
 This system maintains knowledge relevant to the building process and makes it easily accessible to the participants of this process, especially those at the building site.
 The most striking manifestation of this exploitation is the boom town, defined as the 'rapid and extreme growth of population in communities adjacent to mines and construction sites,' or as a 'community which is undergoing rapid growth and rapid change'.
 He said the project will go ahead as planned with construction work kicking off next month.
ahorrar mano de obra 
save + manpower
 They are able to make any alterations required immediately and the system saves time and manpower.
costes de mano de obra  [Como opuesto a cash costs (costos en metálico)]
labour costs
 The project was expected to produce guidelines on the cash and labour costs of using Prestel.
dedicación de mano de obra 
expenditure of manpower
 Retrospective catalogue conversion has to conform to certain standards in order to make the data gained with great effort and expenditure of money and manpower useful to other libraries.
deducción por donación a obras benéficas  
charitable deduction
charitable tax deduction
 Artists can claim these donations as charitable deductions on their income tax statements.
 In instances of very large gifts, the charitable tax deduction can be carried over for up to five successive years after the year in which the gift is made.
despedir mano de oba 
shed + jobs
 Businesses are shedding jobs at an alarming pace, with tens of thousands of new layoffs announced Monday by some of the biggest companies.
despedir mano de obra  
axe + jobs
cut + jobs
 British small firms axing jobs at fastest since 1992.
 In total, 38% of UK firms surveyed cut jobs during the final quarter.
director de obra 
project manager
 The role of the project manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.
donación anual a obras de caridad 
charitable gift annuity
 Planned giving is when a donor makes or plans a gift to an institution, although the gift may not be available for immediate use; examples are: a charitable gift annuity; gifts of life insurance; an annuity trust; a bequest.
escasez de mano de obra 
labour shortage
 Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.
falta de mano de obra 
labour shortage
 Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.
jefe de obra 
site manager
 A site manager is the person in charge of all on site operations, working with contractors and subcontractors and ensuring the building contract runs to schedule.
mano de obra       
labour [labor, -USA]
manpower force
work-force [workforce]
labour force
manual labour
 Encouraged by these developments, successive waves of cheap labor immigrated from Europe.
 The question has been raised as to the manpower required to produce the ever-increasing number of abstracts.
 This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.
 Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.
 They were helpful in imparting the literacy and knowledge needed by modern technology without coercing the work-force away from its duty.
 The view that Chinese immigration was a threat to the American labour force spread throughout the United States in the late 19th century.
 The arguments are well known but we must realise that there was a very real fear that society would run short of manual labour = Los argumentos son bien conocidos pero debemos darnos cuenta de que había existía un miedo real de que la sociedad se quedase sin mano de obra.
mano de obra del campo 
farm labour force
 Over the last 50 years on-farm mechanization has increased resulting in a decrease in the employed farm labour force.
mano de obra extranjera 
foreign labour
 The rest of the crew will be replaced with foreign labour from Chile and The Philippines.
mano de obra infantil  [Utilizado generalmente en sentido negativo y contrapuesto a child work en sentido neutral]
child labour
 Child labour is now considered an inexcusable form of exploitation.
mano de obra inmigrante 
foreign labour
 The rest of the crew will be replaced with foreign labour from Chile and The Philippines.
obra benéfica  
 Denmark has no history of charities or voluntary bodies, so such groups are seen by the authorities as being subversive.
 This is a non-profit organisation which reprints books for children in massive editions at one-third of the original price, without charity or subsidy.
obra benéfica religiosa 
parochial charity
 Action projects include a computer database of all parochial charities in England and Wales, a survey of all charities, and production of a charity newsheet.
obra de beneficiencia 
 Library development throughout the English-speaking world was greatly influenced during the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the benefactions of Andrew Carnegie.
obra de romanos  
Herculean task
Herculanian task
 The people from Afghanistan have decided to roll up their sleeves and start the Herculean task of the reconstruction of the national heritage.
 It took more than two hundred stonecutters to finally finish the herculanian task of installing all of the marble in the State Capitol.
obras en la carretera 
road works
 Eastbound traffic will be detoured as a result of the road works.
obras públicas 
public works
 Furthermore libraries simply are not as essential to the life of the community as better police protection, improved fire-fighting and public works equipment, increased street lighting, and the like.
obras son amores y no buenas razones 
actions speak louder than words
 But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words.
permiso de obra 
building permit
 After completion of the park, the number of building permits in the area will increase.
pie de obra 
building site
 This system maintains knowledge relevant to the building process and makes it easily accessible to the participants of this process, especially those at the building site.
ponerse manos a la obra     
get down to + business
swing into + action
get + cracking
get + rolling
get + weaving
 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
 If they want this finished by Autumn 2009 they are going to have to a get a move on, so hopefully they will swing into action pretty soon.
 If they get cracking today, a decision won't be ready until Christmas 2014, and that's working non-stop.
 Though they've cooled lately, they showed early in the season that they can be a real threat if they get rolling.
 If you want to grow these from seed, you will need to get weaving this month, or next if you live in the north.
que necesita bastante mano de obra 
labour-intensive [labour intensive]
 Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.
ser la obra de 
be the work of
 The finest and most influential of these French italics were the work of Robert Granjon, an artist of the stature of his countryman and near-contemporary Garamont and one of the greatest all-round type designers of any period.
ser obra del diablo  
be the work of the devil
be the devil's work
 St Thomas Aquinas thought that spontaneous generation of insects was the work of the devil.
 When this happens you have to ask yourself whether it is the devil's work.
todos manos a la obra  
all hands on deck
all hands to the pump(s)
 As this is a small yet growing company, it is all hands on deck and the term, 'that's not my job' should not be in your vocabulary!.
 There was much to be done in those first few months of 1990 and not many people to do it, so it was a case of all hands to the pump.
  item ; title ; work ; stock item ; oeuvre ; piece of work.
 A catalogue is a list of the materials or items in a library, with the entries representing the items arranged in some systematic order.
 If the title is selected by a book club this helps boost the print-run and overall sales.
 An authority entry is an entry for which the initial element is the uniform heading for a person, corporate body, or work, as established by the cataloguing agency responsible.
 A new building will open in 1990, catering for 5 million stock items and 1,000 readers' seats.
 For about a 3rd of the departments, publications not covered in citation indexes accounted for at least 30 per cent of the citations to their total oeuvre.
 Few other watercolour artists, before or since, could produce such a scintillating piece of work with such economy as Edward Wesson.
ARBA (Anuario de Obras de Referencia Americanas)  [Publicación anual de reseñas de obras de referencia americanas]
ARBA (American Reference Books Annual)
 In the short time since it began publication, ARBA has become an indispensable source for reviews of reference books and is useful for all libraries.
arte y técnica de escribir obras de teatro 
 The author offers a guide to Web sites, mainly based in the USA, that provide information on theatre and playwriting.
autor de obras de teatro 
 He is believed to be the earliest known playwright whose work for young actors and young audiences has survived.
catálogo de obras completas 
back catalogue
 He is planning to re-release some of the most famous songs from his back catalogue in an attempt to reignite his career.
catálogo de obras editadas 
back catalogue
 He is planning to re-release some of the most famous songs from his back catalogue in an attempt to reignite his career.
catálogo de obras musicales 
music catalogue
 Despite its low international profile, Danish music is always in evidence in music catalogues and at music festivals.
edición de obras científicas 
scholarly publishing
 As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.
edición de obras de consumo 
consumer publishing
 Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.
fotografía de obra de arte 
art photograph
 The early photolitho books of 1856-7 were again collections of reproductions of art photographs, but in 1858 there was an event of greater bibliographical significance: the production of a photolitho facsimile of a printed book.
ladrón de obras de arte 
art thief
 In that film he played a wealthy art thief always one step away from being nabbed by the fuzz.
lector de obra literaria 
literary reader
 That is, his pupils might very well have been enjoying themselves, but he was not necessarily educating them into lifelong literary readers.
lectura de obra de teatro en voz alta 
play-reading [play reading]
 Day centres should develop activity programmes such as story sessions, play readings, author visits, trips to the local library, heritage sessions and quizzes.
lectura de obras literarias 
literary reading
 The period when factual information makes its strongest appeal and when literary reading is at its lowest ebb is the stage at which most people reading habits stop developing.
música de obra de teatro 
stage music
 Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.
obra amparada por el derecho de autor 
copyright work
 Libraries lend many types of copyright works including books, music, artistic works, gramophone records and cassettes.
obra anónima  [Documento de autor desconocido o que no lleva el nombre de su autor]
anonymous work
 This category includes anonymous works or works of unknown authorship.
obra anónima clásica 
anonymous classic
 Authorities for uniform titles were restricted to cover only uniform headings for anonymous classics.
obra antigua 
ancient work
 The 300 people, students or other, who took over the premises also manhandled ancient works of great historical value.
obra apócrifa  [Obra no perteneciente al autor al que se le atribuye]
apocryphal work
 An apocryphal work is a publication of unknown authorship or doubtful authenticity.
obra audiovisual 
audiovisual work
 This would eliminate the restrictions on multiple copying, on systematic copying, and on copying of musical, pictorial and audiovisual works.
obra autobiográfica 
autobiographical work
 These two extraordinary, brutally honest autobiographical works deal with Spiegelman's attempts to record his father's recollections of experiences in the Nazi death camps.
obra citada 
cited work
 A citation index is 'an ordered list of references (cited works) in which each reference is followed by a list of the sources (citing works) which cite it'.
obra colectiva  [Obra que recoge contribuciones de varios autores]
collective work
 Librarians, with no special knowledge outside the standard library curriculum, possess an questionable competence to evaluate certain categories of reference book, such as bibliographies and dictionaries and bio-critical collective works.
obra compuesta 
composite work
 The XR is used to retrieve individual parts of a composite work, such as papers from a conference, special issues of periodicals, etc.
obra creativa 
work of imagination
 Some novels, usually referred to as `literary' novels, are serious works of imagination which aspire to being genuine contributions to thought and culture.
obra de arte     
work of art
artistic work
art work
art work
 Otlet gives as examples of documents natural objects, artifacts, objects bearing traces of human activity, and works of art.
 The stereotypical writer, for example, needs only a cold garret, some paper, and ink to produce a masterpiece.
 Libraries lend many types of copyright works including books, music, artistic works, gramophone records and cassettes.
 Her art works incorporate such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood and rotting food in order to confront taboo issues of gender and sexuality.
 Her art works incorporate such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood and rotting food in order to confront taboo issues of gender and sexuality.
obra de arte musical 
musical masterpiece
 Why is it that so many musical masterpieces are patronized as war horses whereas no serious art critic would ever protest another visit to the Sistine Chapel?.
obra de consulta       [Publicación que nos permite un acceso rápido a la información o a fuentes de información sobre una materia específica] 
standard reference work
standard work
work of reference
reference resource
desk reference
reference work
reference book
 Over the years this title has established itself as a respected standard reference work of inestimable value.
 Standard works were consulted during the glossary's preparation = Se consultaron obras de referencia básicas durante la preparación del glosario.
 His filleting of information and quotations is incomparably precise, but, as with all quasi-encyclopedic books, the facts may not be those you want if you are looking for a work of reference.
 The author provides an annotated subject bibliography in order to bring to light these valuable reference resources.
 The volumes can be used as handy desk references.
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into 'no loans allowed' for important reference works.
 The number of full text data bases on-line is also increasing, providing instant access to newspapers and newswires, popular magazines and scholarly journals, and reference books.
obra de contenido general 
general work
 General works on the history of the Caroline period (1625-1649) will be separated from individual authors of the period, who will be found in class numbers YEI (Poets) and YEP (Dramatists).
obra de creación literaria 
fiction book
 Susan Blanch is a fairly steady customer, taking only fiction books.
obra de creación original 
creative work
 Creative works that are in the 'public domain' are not protected under United States copyright law and can be used in whole or in part by any member of the public.
obra de lectura obligatoria 
a must-read
 This book is a must-read for all of us who design web forms.
obra de literatura 
literary work
 Correct ascription of the authorship of a literary work anonymously or pseudonymously published is a major bibliographical problem.
obra dependiente 
dependent work
 The older codes are all basically enumerative for example, many of the rules 1-22 in the 1908 Anglo-American code (AA) are rules for cases of dependent works.
obra de referencia   [Publicación que nos permite un acceso rápido a la información o a fuentes de información sobre una materia específica]    
reference book
reference work
finding aid
desk reference
reference resource
work of reference
 The number of full text data bases on-line is also increasing, providing instant access to newspapers and newswires, popular magazines and scholarly journals, and reference books.
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into 'no loans allowed' for important reference works.
 Librarians will need to take an active role in teaching researchers how to use finding aids and source materials.
 The volumes can be used as handy desk references.
 The author provides an annotated subject bibliography in order to bring to light these valuable reference resources.
 His filleting of information and quotations is incomparably precise, but, as with all quasi-encyclopedic books, the facts may not be those you want if you are looking for a work of reference.
obra de referencia básica 
standard work
 Standard works were consulted during the glossary's preparation = Se consultaron obras de referencia básicas durante la preparación del glosario.
obra de referencia estándar 
standard reference work
 Over the years this title has established itself as a respected standard reference work of inestimable value.
obra de teatro  
theatrical work
 The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.
 Criteria adopted for selection of film include the filmic treatment of major literary or theatrical works, milestones in the history of national cinemas, and cinematically innovative and challenging works by newcomers.
obra de teatro adaptada al cine 
theatrical motion picture
 James L. Limbacher's A Reference Guide to Audio Visual Information (New York: Bowker, 1972) is one of the few books to include information on the theatrical motion picture.
obra de teatro dramática 
 Anyone who has taught drama knows that children love being given an outline story to set them off on improvised drama-play = Cualquiera que haya enseñado teatro sabe que a los niños les gusta que se les dé un esquema de una historia para improvisar una obra de teatro dramática.
obra de teatro infantil 
children's play
 Writing a children's play might seem easy at first.
obra de teatro para niños 
children's play
 Writing a children's play might seem easy at first.
obra dramática 
dramatic work
 These include: continuations and sequels; supplements; indexes; concordances; incidental music to dramatic works; cadenzas; scenarios; screenplays, and so on; choreographies; librettos and other texts set to music.
obra en varios volúmenes 
multi-volume work
 There are also multi-volume works which are included on short information displays.
obra fuente de la cita 
citing work
 A citation index is 'an ordered list of references (cited works) in which each reference is followed by a list of the sources (citing works) which cite it'.
obra gráfica 
graphic work
 The author discusses recent books and graphic works by this Yugoslav-born artist that express her anguish resulting from the Bosnian War.
obra impresa 
printed work
 The last mentioned covers, with certain provisos, periodical articles, other printed works, and copies for other libraries.
obra literaria  
literary work
work of literature
 Correct ascription of the authorship of a literary work anonymously or pseudonymously published is a major bibliographical problem.
 'Huckleberry Finn' is another of those books that stands high on my own list of life-enhancing and life-changing works of literature.
obra literaria simplificada 
easy reader book
 'How to publish easy reader books' is a shortened version of a paper presented at the IFLA General Conference, Tokyo, 1986.
obra maestra    
piece of resistance
 Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.
 The stereotypical writer, for example, needs only a cold garret, some paper, and ink to produce a masterpiece.
 Our chorus is known for the quality of its music performances of both the masterworks as well as seldom performed but beautiful, choral selections.
 On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.
obra maestra de la pintura clásica  
old master
old master painting
 Even seemingly innocuous information such as certain television viewing figures or the name of the person who has bought a particular old master at auction or the unlisted telephone number of a famous author is sometimes kept secret.
 This study collection includes European art works, mostly old master paintings, from the 13th to the 18th centuries.
obra magna 
magnum opus
 This a special journal issue dedicated to Georg Simmel on the 100th anniversary of his magnum opus, The Philosophy of Money (1900).
obra multimedia 
multimedia work
 Multimedia works often come from many different sources and it is often impossible to identify who owns the rights in a work.
obra musical  [Resultado en forma impresa o grabada del trabajo de un compositor musical]
musical work
 A score is a series of staves on which all the different instrumental and/or vocal parts of a musical work are written.
obra para grupo instrumental 
ensemble work
 A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.
obra piadosa 
work of piety
 Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.
obra pictórica 
pictorial work
 This would eliminate the restrictions on multiple copying, on systematic copying, and on copying of musical, pictorial and audiovisual works.
obra relacionada  [Publicación cuyo contenido guarda relación con otra(s) obra(s), aunque su publicación se haga de forma separada e independiente]
related work
 A related work is a separately catalogued work that has a relationship to another work.
life's work
 The publisher offered the author the opportunity to purchase unlimited numbers of copies of her life's work before the remainder are recycled into tissue or newsprint.
obras completas  [Publicación que recoge en un único documento las diferentes obras de un autor que han sido publicadas por separado]  [Conjunto de publicaciones de un individuo o grupo]
collected works
 Short stories or essays can be traced by use of bibliographies which analyse the contents of collected works.
 For about a 3rd of the departments, publications not covered in citation indexes accounted for at least 30 per cent of the citations to their total oeuvre.
obras de consulta rápida 
quick reference material
 The reference department contain quick reference material including street and trade directories, bus, train and air timetables, year-books, gazetteers, list of addresses, booklets, guide books, etc.
obras de creación literaria  [Obras literarias en prosa que presentan caracteres y acontecimientos imaginados por el autor con objeto de entretener al lector]
 It is widely recognised that it is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification = Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido la dificultad y la poca utilidad de clasificar la literatura narrativa de acuerdo con una clasificación por materias.
obras de ficción  [Obras literarias en prosa que presentan caracteres y acontecimientos imaginados por el autor con objeto de entretener al lector]
 It is widely recognised that it is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification = Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido la dificultad y la poca utilidad de clasificar la literatura narrativa de acuerdo con una clasificación por materias.
obras de literatura 
literary materials
 As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.
obras literarias  
literary materials
 Hearing books read will then be the only way they can receive the great body of the best literature in their native tongue.
 As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.
obras no ficción  [Cualquier documento cuyo objetivo es divulgar el conocimiento sobre algo o alquien real]
non-fiction [nonfiction]
 To take some common examples, fiction is often organised by author, periodicals by their titles, and non-fiction by subject.
obra que revela un escándalo 
 Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.
obra teatral 
theatrical work
 Criteria adopted for selection of film include the filmic treatment of major literary or theatrical works, milestones in the history of national cinemas, and cinematically innovative and challenging works by newcomers.
original de una obra de arte  [Original de una obra de arte por contraposición con su reproducción]
art original
 An art original is the original two- or three-dimensional work of art (other than an art print or a photograph) created by the artist, eg., a painting, drawing, or sculpture, as contrasted with a reproduction of it.
parte de una obra  [Documento que para su identificación bibliográfica o su recuperación necesita de la referencia a un documento del que forma parte]
component part
 A component part is a document that for the purposes of bibliographic identification or access requires reference to a host document of which it forms a part.
representar una obra  
put on + performance
put on + play
 Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.
 Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.

Trends of use of obra



The term «obra» is very widely used and occupies the 587 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «obra» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of obra
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «obra».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «obra» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «obra» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about obra



Famous quotes and sentences with the word obra.
Abraham Lincoln
Si hago una buena obra, me siento bien; y si obro mal, me encuentro mal. Esta es mi religión.
Albert Einstein
No creo, en el sentido filosófico del término, en la libertad del hombre. Cada uno obra no sólo por una coacción exterior, sino también por una necesidad interior.
Gregorio Marañón
Toda la obra de la educación no es más que una superación ética de los instintos.
Es el cuidado el que hace prosperar la obra.
John Lubbock
La crítica puede ser verdadera, pero no es, aun así, toda la verdad. Es interesante estar entre bastidores, pero no es allí donde mejor se ve la obra.
John Milton
El sufrimiento purifica. Aquel que sepa sufrir mejor, hará mejor obra.
Marcel Proust
Una obra de arte que encierre teorías es como un objeto sobre el que se ha dejado la etiqueta del precio.
Theodor Körner
El reposo mata; sólo vive el que obra.
Juan Pablo II
Todos los artistas tienen en común la experiencia de la distancia insondable que existe entre la obra de sus manos, por lograda que sea, y la perfección fulgurante de la belleza percibida en el fervor del momento creativo: lo que logran expresar en lo que pintan, esculpen o crean es sólo un tenue reflejo del esplendor que durante unos instantes ha brillado ante los ojos de su espíritu.
Si yo pinto a mi perro exactamente como es, naturalmente tendré dos perros, pero no una obra de arte.


Un día de obra, un mes de escoba.
Obra empezada, medio acabada.
Apurar mucho al testigo, más es obra de enemigo que de amigo.
Cada criatura obra según su natura.
Chapucea el chapucero, mala obra por buen dinero.
Del malo no se espera buena obra.
El oficial hace la obra, y el maestro la cobra.
En la amistad no se mira la obra sino la voluntad.
Hacer un hoyo para tapar otro, es obra de loco.
Hágase la diligencia y obra Dios como quiera.


Discover the use of obra in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to obra and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Hacia Cortázar: aproximaciones a su obra
Jaime Alazraki ha reunido en este volumen una veintena de estudios y ensayos que exploran el grueso de su vasta obra.
Jaime Alazraki, 1994
Obra completa
Reunimos en esta edición la más completa que se ha elaborado hasta la fecha, la totalidad de la obra en verso y prosa de José Asunción Silva, incluso algunos textos que se le atribuyen: la correspondencia en la que se presentan cartas ...
José Asunción Silva, Héctor H. Orjuela, 1996
Obra poética
"Ingenuas provincianas: cuando mi vida se halle desahuciada por todos, ire por los caminos por donde vais cantando los mas sonoros trinos y en fraternal confianza cenire vuestro talle."
Ramón López Velarde, José Luis Martínez, 1998
Obras completas de Manuel Scorza: Obra poética
La obra de Scorza se agiganta al paso del tiempo.
Manuel Scorza, 1990
El Oficio del Jefe de Obra
La figura del jefe de obra resulta imprescindible en la construccion actual.
Agustí Portales Pons, 2007
La Determinación Del Precio en la Obra Pública Del Gobierno ...
CONTENIDO: Prologo - Salarios y sueldos - Costo base de materiales - Costo base de equipos - Costos basicos y horarios - Costos finales - Presupuesto a costo directo - Programacion CPM-GANTT - Gastos indirectos - Financiamiento - ...
Gilberto Enríquez Harper, Carlos Suarez, 2002
Obra poética
Cesar Vallejo es uno de los nombres celebres de la literatura hispanoamericana y esta hoy ampliamente difundido a escala internacional; a pesar de ello, su obra no es tan conocida como la resonancia del nombre pudiera hacernos creer.
César Vallejo, Américo Ferrari, 1996
Organización de obra y control de personal
Este manual, primer módulo formativo de los seis “Manuales prácticos para la formación del encargado en obra de edificación”, es el instrumento adecuado para favorecer el aprendizaje de los profesionales de esta materia.
Salvador Lopez, Jaime llames, Jaime Llames Viesca, Salvador López Álvarez, 2009
El cuerpo de la obra: ensayos psicoanalíticos sobre el ...
Según el profesor Anzieu, el trabajo creador en la literatura y el arte tiene cinco fases: el sobrecogimiento, la toma de conciencia de las representaciones inconscientes, la institución de un código y su concreción, la composición de ...
Didier Anzieu, 1993
Obra poética completa
Cuidada edición bilingüe de la poesía completa de Baudelaire, con una traducción completamente nueva de la misma. incluye un estudio introductorio y un epílogo escritos por destacados especialistas.
Charles Baudelaire, Enrique López Castellón, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term obra is used in the context of the following news items.
Las obras más escandalosas que citó el fiscal para ir contra Cristina
Sobreprecios en la obra pública, concursos licitatorios donde sólo participaron empresas de Lázaro Báez, retraso en la finalización de los contratos, vicios ... «Clarí, Sep 16»
Más de 1.140 estudiantes malagueños asisten a un espectáculo de ...
Por eso, la Obra Social "la Caixa" se propone recuperar esta parte del patrimonio cultural desde un punto de vista lúdico y artístico, y con una mirada del siglo ... «, Aug 16»
La Obra Social ”la Caixa” eleva a 11.633 los puestos de trabajo ...
El programa de integración laboral de la Obra Social ”la Caixa”, Incorpora, ha facilitado el acceso a 11.633 puestos de trabajo a personas en riesgo de ... «, Aug 16»
Un caos vial, en primer día de obra en Periférico
Fuerte congestionamiento vial se presentó la mañana de este miércoles sobre el Periférico poniente tras el inicio de obras de pavimento en los carriles que ... «, Aug 16»
La Obra Social la Caixa destina 23.690 euros a recursos ...
La Obra Social la Caixa ha recordado que abre anualmente la convocatoria de Viviendas temporales de inclusión social para dar impulso a proyectos ... «, Aug 16»
Píntó sobre pasto una obra de arte biodegradable de 10.000 metros
Un artista francés de 27 años pintó en cinco días una obra efímera -biodegradable- de 10.000 m2 sobre una colina en Suiza. Es el mayor fresco sobre pasto ... «Clarí, Aug 16»
La Obra Social La Caixa impulsa en La Rioja un proyecto de ...
La Obra Social La Caixa impulsa desde inicios de este año el programa 'Vivir bien, sentirse mejor', que responde a las necesidades de los mayores de ... «, Aug 16»
Mauricio Macri: "La obra pública no tiene por qué ser corrupta"
Puso como ejemplo la obra de la autopista Comodoro Rivadavia-Caleta Olivia, que estaba asignada a empresas de Lázaro Báez y que sólo había sido ... «LA NACION, Aug 16»
La Obra Social 'la Caixa' recoge más de 27.550 litros de leche para ...
La campaña ha obtenido sus donativos gracias a la recogida física en las 70 oficinas de CaixaBank en Zaragoza y en el CaixaForum de la ciudad y a las ... «, Jul 16»
La Obra Social 'la Caixa' destina 97.000 euros a proyectos contra la ...
Se trata de la segunda convocatoria del Programa de Ayudas a Proyectos de Iniciativas Sociales que impulsa anualmente la Obra Social 'la Caixa' y que este ... «, Jul 16»



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