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Meaning of "trabajar" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra trabajar procede del latín *tripaliāre, de tripalĭum.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


tra · ba · jar


Trabajar is a verb.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb trabajar in Spanish.



Work may refer to: ▪ Work; In economics, the measure of effort made by humans. ▪ The work; In classical mechanics, a scalar physical magnitude. ▪ The work; As a category of sociology, the execution of tasks that involve a physical or mental effort and whose objective is the production of goods and services to meet human needs. ▪ The work; As a concept developed by the Social Doctrine of the Church, "every kind of action performed by man regardless of his characteristics or circumstances." It may also refer to the following literary works: ▪ The end of work, a book on economics and work written by the American economist Jeremy Rifkin. ▪ The twelve works of Heracles, mythological theme. ▪ The works of Hercules, book by the British writer Agatha Christie. ▪ The works of Persiles and Sigismunda, the last work of the novelist, poet and playwright Miguel de Cervantes.

Definition of trabajar in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of working in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to engage in any physical or intellectual activity. Work on the doctoral thesis. It works little and badly. Another meaning of working in the dictionary is having a paid occupation in a company, an institution, etc. Do you work or study?. To work is also to exercise a certain profession or trade. He works as a journalist. He works as a gardener.



yo trabajo
trabajas / trabajás
él trabaja
nos. trabajamos
vos. trabajáis / trabajan
ellos trabajan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo trabajaba
él trabajaba
nos. trabajábamos
vos. trabajabais / trabajaban
ellos trabajaban
Pret. perfecto simple
yo trabajé
él trabajó
nos. trabajamos
vos. trabajasteis / trabajaron
ellos trabajaron
Futuro simple
yo trabajaré
él trabajará
nos. trabajaremos
vos. trabajaréis / trabajarán
ellos trabajarán
Condicional simple
yo trabajaría
él trabajaría
nos. trabajaríamos
vos. trabajaríais / trabajarían
ellos trabajarían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he trabajado
has trabajado
él ha trabajado
nos. hemos trabajado
vos. habéis trabajado
ellos han trabajado
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había trabajado
habías trabajado
él había trabajado
nos. habíamos trabajado
vos. habíais trabajado
ellos habían trabajado
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube trabajado
hubiste trabajado
él hubo trabajado
nos. hubimos trabajado
vos. hubisteis trabajado
ellos hubieron trabajado
Futuro perfecto
yo habré trabajado
habrás trabajado
él habrá trabajado
nos. habremos trabajado
vos. habréis trabajado
ellos habrán trabajado
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría trabajado
habrías trabajado
él habría trabajado
nos. habríamos trabajado
vos. habríais trabajado
ellos habrían trabajado


yo trabaje
él trabaje
nos. trabajemos
vos. trabajéis / trabajen
ellos trabajen
Pretérito imperfecto
yo trabajara o trabajase
trabajaras o trabajases
él trabajara o trabajase
nos. trabajáramos o trabajásemos
vos. trabajarais o trabajaseis / trabajaran o trabajasen
ellos trabajaran o trabajasen
Futuro simple
yo trabajare
él trabajare
nos. trabajáremos
vos. trabajareis / trabajaren
ellos trabajaren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube trabajado
hubiste trabajado
él hubo trabajado
nos. hubimos trabajado
vos. hubisteis trabajado
ellos hubieron trabajado
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré trabajado
habrás trabajado
él habrá trabajado
nos. habremos trabajado
vos. habréis trabajado
ellos habrán trabajado
Condicional perfecto
yo habría trabajado
habrías trabajado
él habría trabajado
nos. habríamos trabajado
vos. habríais trabajado
ellos habrían trabajado
trabaja (tú) / trabajá (vos)
trabajad (vosotros) / trabajen (ustedes)


abajar · agasajar · ajar · atajar · atrabajar · bajar · barajar · cuajar · descobajar · encajar · entubajar · fajar · herbajar · pajar · rajar · rebajar · relajar · sobajar · tajar · viajar


trabado · trabador · trabadura · trabajada · trabajadamente · trabajadero · trabajado · trabajador · trabajadora · trabajante · trabajera · trabajito · trabajo · trabajólica · trabajólico · trabajosa · trabajosamente · trabajoso · trabal · trabalenguas


abarajar · alhajar · almajar · amortajar · atasajar · aterrajar · aventajar · descalandrajar · descerrajar · desencajar · desgajar · despajar · encorajar · entrapajar · estajar · majar · resquebrajar · retajar · sajar · ultrajar

Synonyms and antonyms of trabajar in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «trabajar» and belong to the same grammatical category.


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «trabajar» and also belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «trabajar» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of trabajar to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of trabajar from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «trabajar» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of trabajar in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

to work
510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

công việc
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  function ; work.
 The DOBIS/LIBIS allows both the library and the computer center to function efficiently and at a lower cost by sharing one system.
 He represents how much can be accomplished by someone who has worked from the outside.
acabar de trabajar  
clock off + work
get off + work
 Just wait until they hear the newest company rule: No bathroom breaks until you clock off work at the end of the day.
 I can't wait to get off work, then I can finally stop staring at this damn computer, and go stare at a different computer!.
comenzar a trabajar de inmediato  [Posible origen militar referido a un paracaidista que empieza a correr en cuanto toca tierra]
hit + the ground running
 This paper reports on how we were able to 'hit the ground running' in building an open access IR in such a short space of time.
dejar de trabajar temporalmente 
career break
 Those women who have chosen to take a career break for child rearing may need access to top-up training on returning to the profession.
dejarse el pellejo trabajando   
work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone
go at it + hammer and tongs
work + Posesivo + to the bone
 There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
dejarse la piel trabajando   
work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone
go at it + hammer and tongs
work + Posesivo + to the bone
 There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
deslomarse trabajando   
work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone
go at it + hammer and tongs
work + Posesivo + to the bone
 There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
empezar a trabajar 
take + job
 A significant feature of the cases included herein is that the problems encountered reflect the fact that students are about to graduate and take jobs.
empezar a trabajar de inmediato  [Posible origen militar referido a un paracaidista que empieza a correr en cuanto toca tierra]
hit + the ground running
 This paper reports on how we were able to 'hit the ground running' in building an open access IR in such a short space of time.
empezar a trabajar sobre 
go to + work on
 They are lousy business people. at least Toyota went to work on the problem immediately as soon as it was discovered.
en edad de trabajar 
 Although the nation's jobless rate hovers around 4-5%, 70% of the working-age blind who want jobs cannot find one, and 30% of those who are working are underemployed.
espacio para trabajar 
 The space requirements of catalogues or indexes in microform arise mainly from the necessity of supplying workspace for users.
estudiante que trabaja como auxiliar  
student assistant
student aid
 They believed that taking on student assistants would not solve the problem because they cannot handle the complex problems involved in the work.
 France has the same problem which the US and other places do: student aides and part-timers and other non-professionals increasingly perform many library functions, including 'answering the fones...'.
familia en la que los dos miembros trabajan 
two-parent working family
 They have become very popular with library patrons, especially in time-rationed, gridlocked metropolitan areas with a high proportion of two-parent working families.
forma de trabajar   
working practice
work practice
business model
 While many believe that print on paper will never die, new formats are already changing working practice in many spheres.
 The survey also indicated how the Internet has affected librarians' work practices.
 But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.
hacer que Alguien trabaje exhaustivamente 
work + Nombre + to death
 When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again - 'working them to death'.
hacer trabajar demasiado 
 Although he did have an enlarged heart, he overworked it with excessive sports.
hacer trabajar en exceso 
 Although he did have an enlarged heart, he overworked it with excessive sports.
hacer trabajar excesivamente 
 Although he did have an enlarged heart, he overworked it with excessive sports.
ir a trabajar 
go to + work
 Once you know you're sick, you may not be contagious any more, and may as well go to work.
manera de trabajar 
work practice
 The survey also indicated how the Internet has affected librarians' work practices.
matarse trabajando     
work + Reflexivo + to death
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone
go at it + hammer and tongs
work + Posesivo + to the bone
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
 If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.
menú de herramientas para trabajar con gráficos 
tool palette
 The main features of this software program are: tool palette, word processor, database, spreadsheet, and communication module.
mientras se trabaja 
 This article compares serials cataloguing education in 1977/78 and 1984/85 as well as describing on-the-job training from the perspectives of the trainee and trainer.
morir trabajando    
die in + harness
die in + Posesivo + boots
die with + Posesivo + boots on
die with + Posesivo + clogs on
 One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.
 Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.
 She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.
 He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.
ponerse a trabajar en serio      
get on with + Posesivo + work
buckle down to
pull up + Posesivo + socks
pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out
knuckle down to
get + the bit between + Posesivo + teeth
 A ward sister then arrived and gave them a telling off for not getting on with their work.
 He later said that injury was 'the best thing that ever happened' to him because he finally buckled down to study.
 So the Marxists will have to pull up their socks if they are to prevent the state from sliding back to the lawlessness one had seen prior to 1977.
 This man isn't going to stop working, so those of you who can't work because of your 'disability' could do with pulling a finger out!.
 They are there to study and knuckle down to academic work, not get drunk, be sick, miss lessons/lectures, and generally be a tax/soap dodger.
 She has clearly got the bit between her teeth and has assembled the full force of celebrity support for the campaign.
ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia 
strike out on + Posesivo + own
 A great deal of interest is currently being paid to those who strike out on their own and take on the title of an 'entrepreneur'.
que trabaja desde casa 
 Data base producers will increasingly rely on home-based abstractors who receive, create and send all their material by electronic means.
que trabajan para él 
in its employ
 This article discusses attempts by Leicestershire Libraries and Information Service to increase the numbers of people of Asian and Afro-Caribbean origin in its employ.
seguir trabajando    
plug away (at)
be (still) working away
be (still) toiling away
be (still) hard at it
 I keep trying to plug away at everything, but it's like there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
 I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.
 Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación  
work (a)round + limitation
work (a)round + constraints
 They must find ways to work around the limitations of their respective systems and software = Deben encontrar el modo de seguir trabajando pero aceptando las limitaciones de sus respectivos sistemas y software.
 The national level projects which are underway hold promise for working around, if not overcoming, some of the constraints which exist in the library sector.
seguir trabajando aceptando un defecto 
work (a)round + shortcoming
 The key to improving matters is to see things from the manager's perspective and to work round his/her shortcomings.
seguir trabajando así 
keep up (with) + the good work
 They played hard and kept up the good work to come out and prevail in the end.
seguir trabajando bien 
keep up (with) + the good work
 They played hard and kept up the good work to come out and prevail in the end.
terminar de trabajar  
clock off + work
get off + work
 Just wait until they hear the newest company rule: No bathroom breaks until you clock off work at the end of the day.
 I can't wait to get off work, then I can finally stop staring at this damn computer, and go stare at a different computer!.
in post
 This paper stresses the irregularity of training courses which have been directed to librarians already in post and to assistant librarians.
trabajando con ahínco 
hard at work
 The organizing committe is hard at work to ensure that everyone has a memorable and enjoyable conference.
trabajando intensamente 
hard at work
 The organizing committe is hard at work to ensure that everyone has a memorable and enjoyable conference.
trabajando mucho 
hard at work
 The organizing committe is hard at work to ensure that everyone has a memorable and enjoyable conference.
trabajar a cambio de nada 
work for + nothing
 Remuneration for abstracting is not a principal motivating factor, since many abstractors work for nothing.
trabajar a destajo 
work + non-stop
 During this period the compositors worked non-stop, breaking off only to eat, for the almost incredible period of fifty hours: two days and two nights without rest 'in an atmosphere that would poison a vulture'.
trabajar a distancia  
work from + home
 The worldwide telecommunications infrastructure has made it possible to telecommute from any location where the worker can link to the network.
 In fact, there are more scams than real work from home opportunities.
trabajar a horas fuera de lo normal 
work + unsocial hours
 The author compares British parents who work 'unsocial' hours with and with the Australian situation.
trabajar a horas intespestivas 
work + unsocial hours
 The author compares British parents who work 'unsocial' hours with and with the Australian situation.
trabajar Algo exhaustivamente 
work + Nombre + to death
 When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again - 'working them to death'.
trabajar al propio ritmo de Uno 
work at + Posesivo + own pace
 These enable students to work at their own pace.
trabajar a partir de 
work forward
 They will however always have some kind of springboard or trigger which has led to their question, and we can work forwards from this.
trabajar a pleno rendimiento   
work at + full tilt
work at + full capacity
operate at + full capacity
 In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.
 Your laptop battery should work at full capacity for two to three years before it will not last as long as it used to.
 In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.
trabajar a tope  
work at + full capacity
operate at + full capacity
 Your laptop battery should work at full capacity for two to three years before it will not last as long as it used to.
 In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.
trabajar codo con codo con 
work + side by side with
 You will work side by side with local people, learn what challenges the community faces, and see how your work furthers their goals.
trabajar como 
work as
 Pros and cons of working as an independent contractor and how to get started.
trabajar como persona en prácticas 
 I am interning at a public library that is currently organizing its local history collection and would love to be able to place more of its documents on-line, in a digital and searchable format.
trabajar como prostituta en la calle 
work + the streets
 Study finds four-fifths of prostitutes don't work the streets.
trabajar como residente 
 I am interning at a public library that is currently organizing its local history collection and would love to be able to place more of its documents on-line, in a digital and searchable format.
trabajar como una bestia   
work like + the devil
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
 This is possible because we work like the devil to generate sponsorships.
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
trabajar como una hormiguita 
beaver away
 The article 'Blackwells beaver away' reviews Blackwell Technical Service's on-line services.
trabajar como una mula  
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
trabajar como un bellaco  
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Reflexivo + to death
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
trabajar como un burro  
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
trabajar como un condenado      
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Reflexivo + to death
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
work like + the devil
work off + Posesivo + shoes
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
 This is possible because we work like the devil to generate sponsorships.
 Teacher herself is worked off her shoes coping with appeals for help with grammar, style, spelling, and, most of all, providing infusions of energy when authorial spirits run low.
trabajar como un descosido    
work like + the devil
work off + Posesivo + shoes
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
 This is possible because we work like the devil to generate sponsorships.
 Teacher herself is worked off her shoes coping with appeals for help with grammar, style, spelling, and, most of all, providing infusions of energy when authorial spirits run low.
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
trabajar como un loco 
work off + Posesivo + shoes
 Teacher herself is worked off her shoes coping with appeals for help with grammar, style, spelling, and, most of all, providing infusions of energy when authorial spirits run low.
trabajar como un mulo  
work like + a horse
work like + a mule
 The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.
 Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.
trabajar con  
operate to
get into
 All these networks have standard record formats, although it is regrettable that they all operate to different standards.
 'But didn't you say that one of the reasons you wanted to leave was because you were tired of macramËéË and wanted to get into computers?'.
trabajar con ahínco      
be (still) working away
be (still) toiling away
be (still) hard at it
put in + some hard work
work away
work + hard
 I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.
 Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
 For our season to end in such climactic, orgasmic fashion, some hard work is going to have to be put in.
 This is a practical hands-on training day where you'll follow the process by using your laptop and working away all day long.
 Not only are the standards written, but there is a body called the Peer Council which works very hard at enforcing the standards.
trabajar conjuntamente   
work + back to back
work + cooperatively
 The system design originally demanded two computers working back to back.
 It will be a long time before any terminal can interwork with any computer type although there has been some progress.
 In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.
trabajar con plazos de entrega estrictos 
work to + deadlines
 Businesses work to deadlines that put a premium on convenience and ready availability.
trabajar con tesón 
work + hard
 Not only are the standards written, but there is a body called the Peer Council which works very hard at enforcing the standards.
trabajar de  
serve as
work as
 In her previous vocation she served as Curator of History at the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences and later as Assistant to the Director of Johns Hopkins University, Institute of History and Medicine.
 Pros and cons of working as an independent contractor and how to get started.
trabajar de aprendiz con Alguien 
 Healers and diviners are apprenticed to their elders to learn a great wealth of communal and esoteric knowledge.
trabajar de día y de noche 
work + day and night
 He was overcome by the sinking realization that he was going to have to work day and night to prepare something he could be proud of by next Friday.
trabajar demasiado 
 His headaches are much worse when he's overworked, stressed and in a bad mood.
trabajar desde casa 
work from + home
 In fact, there are more scams than real work from home opportunities.
trabajar de sol a sol  
burn + the candle at both ends
work (a)round + the clock
 Americans are attempting to fit ever more into 24 hours, and many appear willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' to accomplish that.
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
trabajar día y noche   
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Reflexivo + to death
work (a)round + the clock
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
trabajar durante un período de tiempo 
serve + stint
 He graduated from library school a year and a half ago, and served a one year stint as an assistant media specialist in a middle school media center = El se graduó en biblioteconomía hace un año y medio y durante un año trabajó como auxiliar especialista en multimedia en un centro multimedia de una escuela secundaria.
trabajar duro        
labour [labor, -USA]
slave away
be (still) working away
be (still) toiling away
be (still) hard at it
put in + some hard work
work away
 So we see many wits and ingenuities lying scattered up and down the world, whereof some are now labouring to do what is already done and puzzling themselves to reinvent what is already invented.
 His novels reflect the story of the spirit of man, undaunted and ceaselessly toiling and achieving ever higher levels of culture.
 Anyone who's spoken to me recently is probably aware that on most nights I'm up slaving away to the wee hours of the morning on my project .
 I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.
 Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
 For our season to end in such climactic, orgasmic fashion, some hard work is going to have to be put in.
 This is a practical hands-on training day where you'll follow the process by using your laptop and working away all day long.
trabajar duro y divertirse mucho 
work hard, play hard
 The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con.
trabajar en 
make + a life's work of
 For librarianship students not intending to make a life's work of official publications the problem is to teach an awareness that they are not necessarily highly specialist materials of restricted interest.
trabajar en colaboración   
work + cooperatively
 Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.
 It will be a long time before any terminal can interwork with any computer type although there has been some progress.
 In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.
trabajar en colaboración (con) 
team up (with)
 Blackwells, for example, has teamed up with the highly successful CARL Uncover service in the US.
trabajar en común  
pull together
 It will be a long time before any terminal can interwork with any computer type although there has been some progress.
 She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
trabajar en equipo 
work as + a team
 The ability to work as a team is a very common requirement of most jobs in business and industry today.
trabajar en exceso 
 His headaches are much worse when he's overworked, stressed and in a bad mood.
trabajar en grupo 
 Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.
trabajar en grupo (con) 
team up (with)
 Blackwells, for example, has teamed up with the highly successful CARL Uncover service in the US.
trabajar en red 
 This paper briefly presents hints to libraries wishing to network their CD-ROM databases.
trabajar en vano 
spin + Posesivo + wheels
 I am beginning to think that the rest of the world will leave us behind if we keep spinning our wheels with all this tit for tat nonsense.
trabajar estrechamente 
work + closely together
 Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.
trabajar excesivamente 
 His headaches are much worse when he's overworked, stressed and in a bad mood.
trabajar fuera de casa 
work away from + home
 Aside from just being able to get out of the house, there are a number of other reasons why working away from home from time to time is a great idea.
trabajar hacia atrás 
work backward
 When using a knapsack blower, the dermal exposure of the operator working forwards was 20 times higher than when he worked backwards.
trabajar hacia delante 
work forward
 When using a knapsack blower, the dermal exposure of the operator working forwards was 20 times higher than when he worked backwards.
trabajar hasta caer muerto  
work + Reflexivo + to the ground
work + Reflexivo + to death
 Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.
 The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.
trabajar hasta muy tarde 
burn + the midnight oil
 It was by burning the midnight oil that Churchill achieved such a phenomenal output, doing his best work in the quiet hours of the night.
trabajar horas extraordinarias 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
trabajar horas extras 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
trabajar intensamente 
work + hard
 Not only are the standards written, but there is a body called the Peer Council which works very hard at enforcing the standards.
trabajar juntos  
work together
pull together
 The principle of the cylinder platen was hardly a new one even then - the rolling pin is an ancient device, and the copperplate press used two cylinders working together.
 She tells a story of courage in which the crew and the mission control pull together to work the problem through.
trabajar las veinticuatro horas del día 
work (a)round + the clock
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
trabajar mejor 
work + best
 There is a definite need for solitude, however; sometimes people cannot bear people; many scientists still work best alone.
trabajar muchas horas al día 
work + long hours
 In the 80s and 90s, I used to work long hours, often fly coast-to-coast on my assignments, and was deadbeat at the end of the day.
trabajar mucho 
work + hard
 Not only are the standards written, but there is a body called the Peer Council which works very hard at enforcing the standards.
trabajar noche y día 
work + day and night
 He was overcome by the sinking realization that he was going to have to work day and night to prepare something he could be proud of by next Friday.
trabajar para  
in the employ of
act for
 Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
 In a conventional library, searches may be carried out by the user, or by the librarian acting for the user.
trabajar por cuenta propia 
 Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.
trabajar por debajo de su potencia ideal 
 If power units are underloaded, they will operate inefficiently, wasting fuel or electric power.
trabajar por libre 
 Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.
trabajar por + Posesivo + (propia) cuenta 
 Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.
trabajar por turnos   
work on + a rota
work on + a rota system
work + shifts
 The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.
 Staff working in the centre are given some training in the work of the Town Hall, but the original proposal that they work on a rota system in each department has not materialized.
 People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.
trabajar sin descanso   
work off + Posesivo + shoes
work (a)round + the clock
work + non-stop
 Teacher herself is worked off her shoes coping with appeals for help with grammar, style, spelling, and, most of all, providing infusions of energy when authorial spirits run low.
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
 During this period the compositors worked non-stop, breaking off only to eat, for the almost incredible period of fifty hours: two days and two nights without rest 'in an atmosphere that would poison a vulture'.
trabajar sin parar      
work (a)round + the clock
work + non-stop
be (still) working away
be (still) toiling away
be (still) hard at it
work away
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
 During this period the compositors worked non-stop, breaking off only to eat, for the almost incredible period of fifty hours: two days and two nights without rest 'in an atmosphere that would poison a vulture'.
 I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.
 Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
 This is a practical hands-on training day where you'll follow the process by using your laptop and working away all day long.
trabajar sin preocupaciones 
work along
 However, the changeover has happened, we're happily working along in our new environment, and I have a little more time at my hands.
trabajar sin respiro 
work at + full tilt
 In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.
trabajar un caballo a la cuerda 
lunge + a horse
 When a saddle is introduced, the horse is lunged again to get his accustomed to its feel on his back.

Trends of use of trabajar



Principal search tendencies and common uses of trabajar
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «trabajar».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about trabajar



Famous quotes and sentences with the word trabajar.
Alexis Carrel
La vida no consiste en comprender, sino en amar, ayudar a los demás y trabajar.
Charles Baudelaire
La inspiración es trabajar todos los días.
Charles Dickens
Donde millones de hombres se arredraron, allí empieza tú a trabajar.
Émile Augier
Admirar las obras de los otros es, sin duda, mucho más fácil y más cómodo que trabajar.
Georg Ch. Lichtenberg
No se duerme para dormir, sino para trabajar.
Jane Fonda
Sí, trabajar en Hollywood da una cierta experiencia en el campo de la prostitución.
José Ortega Y Gasset
Quien trabaja lo hace con la esperanza de ganar con ello un día la liberación de su vida, de poder en su hora dejar de trabajar y... comenzar de verdad a vivir.
Julio Camba
Toda civilización no es más que una lucha desesperada por no tener que trabajar.
Marco Aurelio
Es una locura trabajar toda la vida si nuestra imaginación y nuestros esfuerzos no tienden hacia un objeto determinado.
Máximo Gorki
Los críticos son como los tábanos, que impiden a los caballos trabajar la tierra.


Lunes, galbana; martes, mala gana; miércoles, tormenta; jueves, mala venta; viernes, vendaval; para un día que me queda, ¿a qué voy a trabajar?
A mí me llaman el tonto, el tonto de mi lugar, todos comen trabajando, yo como sin trabajar.
Al que le sobre el tiempo que se ponga a trabajar.
Aunque no sea más que por el mísero afán de descansar, debemos trabajar.
El brazo a trabajar, la cabeza a gobernar.
El cantar, alegra el trabajar.
Es virtud el trabajar, como también el guardar.
Heredar hace medrar; que no trabajar.
Indias sin navegar, trabajar y más trabajar.
Jugar y pasear cuando no hay que trabajar.


Discover the use of trabajar in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to trabajar and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Aprendiendo a trabajar
Aprendiendo a trabajar es, hoy en día, un clásico de los estudios de sociología y antropología.
Paul Willis, Paul E. Willis, 1988
Aprender a trabajar en equipo
Una empresa, una institución es, ante todo, un equipo humano, y si entendemos mejor las bases y reglas de su funcionamiento podemos llevar a cabo cualquier proyecto con éxito.
Margarita Martínez, Maribel Salvador, 2011
Pon al cielo a trabajar
Usa ya el Poder Creativo del Universo.
Jean Slatter, 2008
¿Es lo bastante inteligente para trabajar en Google?: ...
Google es una empresa famosa en todo el mundo por las cuestiones que plantea a sus candidatos en sus durísimas entrevistas.
William Poundstone, 2012
Trabajar en equipo
Apoyándose en su experiencia de maestro y de formador, Pierre Mahieu ofrece a los profesores de todos los niveles técnicas de base necesarias para este fin.
Pierre Mahieu, 2002
Cómo trabajar en equipo: guía práctica
La presente obra propone un método sencillo y eficaz para llevar a cabo con éxito un trabajo en equipo.
Josée Jacques, Pierre Jacques, 2007
El placer de no trabajar: Un libro para estresados, parados, ...
Este libro puede cambiar su vida para siempre. El Placer de No Trabajar trata algo mas que del disfrute del tiempo de ocio.
Ernie J. Zelinski, 2002
Cómo trabajar en equipo
Todas las personas tenemos parecidos problemas cuando trabajamos en grupo.
Francesc Borrell, 2004
101 Mejores Ideas Para Trabajar Con Grupos Pequenos
Creative ideas for evangelizing, praying, serving, holding Bible studies and more.
Deena Davis, 2000
El Patito Feo Se Va a Trabajar/ the Ugly Duckling Goes to ...
En este libro el autor examina cuidadosamente los cuentos de Hans Christian andersen, para extraer toda su sabiduría y ponerla en práctica en nuestro lugar de trabajo, no hay mejor herramienta para aprender que los cuentos infantiles.
Mette Norgaard, 2006


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term trabajar is used in the context of the following news items.
Estas son las mejores empresas para trabajar, según Arellano | El ...
... marketing e investigación de mercados, presentó por cuarto año consecutivo los resultados del DQT “¿Dónde Quiero Trabajar?”, estudio realizado en alianza ... «El Comercio, Sep 16»
¿Por qué los hombres están dejando de trabajar en los países ...
UU. y deja en el tapete puntos sorprendentes sobre la relación de los hombres con el trabajo. Según sugiere el reporte, es una de las consecuencias de la ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Cómo es el escritorio que te obliga a dejar de trabajar
A las seis de la tarde en punto, las mesas –que contienen las computadoras y demás herramientas de trabajo- se elevan hasta el techo y todos deben irse de la ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
CFE y CNBV son las mejores para trabajar en el gobierno
Conoce la lista completa de las 14 mejores instituciones para trabajar en el gobierno, de acuerdo con el Ranking del sector público 2016 de Great Place to ... «El Financiero, Jun 16»
Estas son las 20 mejores empresas para trabajar en México
Al presentar a los ganadores de la edición 2016 de los mejores lugares para trabajar, Ferrari asegura que un buen clima laboral, una comunicación estrecha ... «Alto Nivel, May 16»
20 vacantes de empleo para trabajar en Bulgaria
Bulgaria no es de los países más conocidos de Europa. Por ello, este trabajo puede ser una fantástica oportunidad. Para quien no lo sepa, éste es un país de ... «Noticias Universia, May 16»
Las 10 mejores empresas para trabajar en México
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Great Place to Work Institute México presentó el Ranking de las 100 mejores empresas para trabajar en México, en un evento llevado a ... «Dinero en imagen, Apr 16»
Estas son las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar en España
Brico Depôt, Liberty Seguros, Adecco, Lilly, Novartis y BBVA figuran entre las 50 mejores empresas para trabajar en España en 2016, según el ranking que ... «La Vanguardia, Apr 16»
El 12,2% de los empleados españoles quiere trabajar más horas
Un total de 2,2 millones de trabajadores, el equivalente al 12,2% de los ocupados, quieren trabajar más horas de las contempladas en su jornada laboral, pero ... «El Mundo, Mar 16»
SC Johnson & Son Centroamérica, mejor multinacional para ...
Great Place to Work® Institute reveló junto a la revista Estrategia & Negocios la edición 2016 de Las Mejores Empresas para Trabajar® en Centroamérica. «Estrategia & Negocios, Mar 16»


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