Palabras y Expresiones del inglés

pre-Christian | pre-Christmas | pre-Columbian | pre-echo | pre-eclampsia | pre-eclamptic | pre-election | pre-embryo | pre-eminence | pre-eminent | pre-eminently | pre-empt | pre-emption | pre-emptive | pre-emptively | pre-emptor | pre-emptory | pre-establish | pre-exilian | pre-exilic | pre-exist | pre-existence | pre-existent | pre-existing | pre-ignition | pre-ill | pre-law | pre-law program | pre-op | pre-packaged | Pre-Raphaelite | Pre-Raphaelitism | pre-Roman | pre-select | pre-seminal | pre-soak | pre-tax | pre-trial | Pre-U | preabsorb | preaccuse | preach | preach to the choir | preachable | preacher | preacher curl | preachership | preachier | preachiest | preachified | preachifies | preachify | preachifying | preachily | preachiness | preachingly | preachment | preachy | preacquaint | preacquaintance | preacquisition | preacquisition profit | preact | preadamic | preadamite | preadapt | preadaptation | preadaptive | preadjust | preadmission | preadmit | preadmonish | preadmonition | preadolescence | preadolescent | preadult | preaged | preagricultural | preallot | prealter | preamble | preambulary | preambulate | preambulatory | preamp | preamplifier | preanal | preanesthetic | preannounce | preapply | preappoint | preapprove | prearm | prearrange | prearranged | prearrangement | prease | preassign | preassurance | preassure | preatomic | preattune | preaudience | preaudit | preaver | preaxial | preaxially | prebake | prebasal | prebattle | prebend | prebendal | prebendaries | prebendary | prebiblical | prebid | prebidding | prebill | prebind | prebiologic | prebiological | prebiotic | prebiotics | prebirth | prebless | preboard | preboil | prebook | preboom | preborn | prebreakfast | prebudget | prebuild | prebuttal | prebuy | precalculus | Precambrian | precancel | precancellation | precancelled | precancelling | precancer | precancerous | precapitalist | precarious | precariously | precariousness | precast | precast concrete | precative | precatory | precaudal | precaution | precautional | precautionary | precautionary principle | precautious | precava | precaval | precede | precedence | precedency | precedent | precedented | precedential | precedentially | precedently | preceding | precensor | precent | precentor | precentorial | precentorship | precentress | precentrix | precept | preceptial | preceptive | preceptively | preceptor | preceptoral | preceptorate | preceptorial | preceptories | preceptorship | preceptory | preceptress | precess | precession | precession of the equinoxes | precessional | precessionally | precharge | precheck | prechill | prechoose | precinct | precinct captain | precinct police | precinct station | precinct worker | precincts | preciosities | preciosity | precious | precious coral | precious metal | precious stone | preciously | preciousness | precipe | precipice | precipiced | precipitability | precipitable | precipitance | precipitancy | precipitant | precipitantly | precipitantness | precipitate | precipitately | precipitateness | precipitation | precipitation hardening | precipitative | precipitator | precipitin | precipitinogen | precipitous | precipitously | precipitousness | precis | precise | precisely | preciseness | precisian | precisianism | precisianist | precision | precision bombing | precision engineering | precision instrument | precision-made | precisionism | precisionist | precisive | precited | preclassical | preclean | preclear | preclearance | preclinical | preclinically | precludable | preclude | preclusion | preclusive | preclusively | precocial | precocious | precociously | precociousness | precocity | precode | precognisant | precognise | precognition | precognitive | precognizant | precognize | precognosce | precoital | precollege | precollegiate | precolonial | precombustion | precommitment | precompetitive | precompose | precompute | precomputer | preconceit | preconceive | preconceived | preconception | preconcert | preconcerted | preconcertedly | preconciliar | precondemn | precondition | preconisation | preconise | preconization | preconize | preconquest | preconscious | preconsciously | preconsciousness | preconsonantal | preconstruct | preconstruction | preconsume | precontact | precontract | preconvention | preconviction | precook | precooked | precooker | precool | precopulatory | precordial | precoup | precrash | precrease | precrisis | precritical | precure | precurrer | precurse | precursive | precursor | precursor chemical | precursory | precut | pred. | predaceous | predaceousness | predacious | predaciousness | predacity | predate | predation | predatism | predative | predator | predatorily | predatoriness | predatory | predatory pricing | predawn | predeath | predebate | predecease | predecessor | prededuct | predefine | predefinition | predelivery | predella | predelle | predentate | predeparture | predeposit | predesign | predesignate | predesignation | predesignatory | predestinable | predestinarian | predestinarianism | predestinate | predestination | predestinative | predestinator | predestine | predestined | predestiny | predeterminable | predeterminate | predeterminately | predetermination | predeterminative | predetermine | predetermined | predeterminer | predeterminism | predevaluation | predevelop | predevelopment | predevote | prediabetes | prediabetic | predial | prediality | predicability | predicable | predicableness | predicament | predicamental | predicant | predicate | predicate calculus | predication | predicative | predicatively | predicator | predicatory | predict | predictability | predictable | predictableness | predictably | predicter | prediction | predictive | predictively | predictor | predigest | predigested | predigestion | predikant | predilect | predilection | predinner | predischarge | prediscovery | predisposal | predispose | predisposed | predisposition | predive | prednisolone | prednisone | predoctoral | predominance | predominancy | predominant | predominantly | predominate | predominately | predomination | predominator | predoom | predraft | predrill | predry | predusk | predy | predynastic | pree | preedit | preelect | preelectric | preembargo | preemergence | preemergent | preemie | preemployment | preen | preenact | preener | preenrollment | preerect | preethical | preexcite | preexempt | preexperiment | preexpose | pref. | prefab | prefabricate | prefabricated | prefabrication | prefabricator | preface | prefacer | prefacial | prefade | prefaded | prefascist | prefatorial | prefatorially | prefatorily | prefatory | prefect | prefect apostolic | prefect of discipline | prefect of studies | prefectorial | prefectship | prefectural | prefecture | prefer | preferability | preferable | preferableness | preferably | preference | preference shares | preference stock | preferential | preferential voting | preferentialism | preferentialist | preferentiality | preferentially | preferment | preferrable | preferred | preferred ordinary shares | preferred stock | preferrer | preferring | prefeudal | prefight | prefigurate | prefiguration | prefigurative | prefiguratively | prefigurativeness | prefigure | prefigurement | prefile | prefinance | prefire | prefix | prefixal | prefixally | prefixed | prefixion | prefixture | preflame | preflight | prefloration | prefocus | prefoliation | preform | preformat | preformation | preformationism | preformationist | preformative | preformulate | prefreeze | prefreshman | prefrontal | prefrontal leucotomy | prefulgent | prefund | pregame | preganglionic | pregenital | preggers | preggy | preglacial | pregnability | pregnable | pregnancies | pregnancy | pregnancy test | pregnant | pregnantly | pregnenolone | pregrowth | preguide | pregustation | prehab | prehalluces | prehallux | preharvest | preheadache | preheat | preheater | preheminence | prehend | prehensible | prehensile | prehensility | prehension | prehensive | prehensor | prehensorial | prehensory | prehiring | prehistorian | prehistoric | prehistorical | prehistorically | prehistories | prehistory | prehnite | preholiday | prehominid | prehuman | preimplantation | preimposed | preinaugural | preinduction | preindustrial | preinform | preinsert | preinterview | preinvasion | preinvite | prejudge | prejudgement | prejudger | prejudgment | prejudicant | prejudicate | prejudication | prejudicative | prejudice | prejudiced | prejudicial | prejudicially | prejudicialness | prekindergarten | prelacies | prelacy | prelapsarian | prelate | prelateship | prelatess | prelatial | prelatic | prelatical | prelatically | prelation | prelatish | prelatism | prelatist | prelatize | prelature | prelaty | prelaunch | prelect | prelection | prelector | prelegal | prelexical | prelibation | prelife | prelim. | preliminaries | preliminarily | preliminary | preliminary hearing | Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test | prelimit | prelims | prelingual | prelingually | prelingually deaf | preliteracy | preliterary | preliterate | preload | prelocate | prelogical | preloved | prelude | preluder | preludial | preludio | preludious | prelunch | preluncheon | prelusion | prelusive | prelusively | prelusorily | prelusory | prem | prem. | premade | premalignant | preman | premandibular | premarital | premaritally | premarket | premarriage | premature | premature ejaculation | prematurely | prematureness | prematurity | premaxilla | premaxillae | premaxillary | premeal | premeasure | premed | premedical | premedically | premedicate | premedication | premedieval | premeditate | premeditated | premeditatedly | premeditation | premeditative | premeditator | premeet | premeiotic | premen | premenopausal | premenstrual | premenstrual syndrome | premenstrual tension | premenstrually | premerger | premie | premier | premier danseur | premier danseuse | Premier Division | Premier League | premiere | premiere screening | premiers | premiers danseurs | premiership | premigration | premillenarian | premillenarianism | premillennial | premillennialism | premillennialist | premillennially | Preminger | premise | premises | premiss | premium | premium bond | premium bonds | premium deal | premium fuel | premium price | Premium Savings Bonds | premium-rate | premix | premodern | premodification | premodify | premolar | premold | premolt | premonish | premonishment | premonition | premonitive | premonitor | premonitorily | premonitory | Premonstratensian | premoral | premorse | premosaic | premotion | premove | premune | premunition | premycotic | prename | prenasal | prenatal | prenatally | preneed | prenegotiate | prenegotiation | prenomen | prenomina | prenominal | prenominally | prenominate | prenomination | prenoon | prenotification | prenotify | prenotion | prentice | prenticeship | prenubile | prenup | prenuptial | prenuptial agreement | prenzie | preobtain | preoccupancy | preoccupant | preoccupate | preoccupation | preoccupied | preoccupies | preoccupy | preocular | preopening | preoperational | preoperative | preoperatively | preoption | preoral | preordain | preordained | preordainment | preorder | preordinance | preordination | preovulatory | preowned | prep | prep school | prep. | prepack | prepackage | prepacked | prepaid | preparation | preparations | preparative | preparatively | preparator | preparatorily | preparatory | preparatory school | preparatory to | prepare | prepared | prepared food | prepared piano | preparedly | preparedness | preparer | prepatellar | prepatellar bursitis | prepave | prepay | prepayable | prepayment | prepense | prepensely | prepensive | preperformance | prepill | preplace | preplan | preplant | prepollence | prepollency | prepollent | prepollex | preponderance | preponderancy | preponderant | preponderantly | preponderate | preponderately | preponderating | preponderation | prepone | preportion | prepose | preposition | prepositional | prepositional phrase | prepositionally | prepositive | prepositively | prepositor | prepossess | prepossessing | prepossessingly | prepossessingness | prepossession | preposterous | preposterously | preposterousness | prepostor | prepotence | prepotency | prepotent | prepotently | prepped | preppie | preppies | preppily | preppiness | prepping | preppy | preprandial | prepreg | preprepared | prepresidential | prepress | preprimary | preprint | preprocess | preprocessor | preproduction | preproduction model | preproduction trial | preprofessional | preprogram | preprogrammed | preprogramming | prepsychedelic | prepuberal | prepubertal | prepuberty | prepubescence | prepubescent | prepubis | prepublication | prepuce | prepueblo | prepunch | prepunctual | prepupa | prepupal | prepurchase | preputial | prequalify | prequel | prerace | preradio | prereading | prerecession | prerecord | prerecorded | prerectal | prereform | preregister | preregistration | prerehearsal | prerelease | prerelease showing | prerenal | prerequire | prerequisite | preretirement | prereturn | prereview | prerevolution | prerinse | preriot | prerock | prerogative | prerogatively | preromantic | prerupt | Pres. | presa | presage | presageful | presagefully | presagement | presager | presale | presanctify | Presb. | presbyacousis | presbyacuses | presbyacusis | presbycouses | presbycousis | presbycuses | presbycusis | presbyope | presbyopia | presbyopic | presbyopy | presbyte | presbyter | presbyteral | presbyterate | presbyterial | presbyterially | presbyterian | presbyterianise | presbyterianism | presbyterianize | presbyteries | presbytership | presbytery | presbytic | presbytism | preschedule | preschool | preschooler | prescience | prescient | prescientific | presciently | prescind | prescindent | prescious | prescission | prescore | Prescott | prescreen | prescribe | prescribed | prescriber | prescript | prescriptibility | prescriptible | prescription | prescription charge | prescription glasses | prescription pad | prescriptive | prescriptively | prescriptiveness | prescriptivism | prescriptivist | prescutum | prese | preseason | preselection | preselector | presell | presence | presence chamber | presence of mind | presenile | presenile dementia | presension | present | present arms | present oneself | present participle | present perfect | present tense | present value | present-day | presentability | presentable | presentableness | presentably | presentation | presentation box | presentation copy | presentation skills | presentational | presentationism | presentationist | presentative | presentativeness | presentee | presenteeism | presentence | presenter | presential | presentiality | presentially | presentient | presentiment | presentimental | presentism | presentist | presentive | presentiveness | presently | presentment | presentness | presents | preservability | preservable | preservably | preservation | preservation order | preservation society | preservationist | preservative | preservatory | preserve | preserved ginger | preserver | preservice | preserving pan | preset | presetting | presettle | presettlement | preshape | preship | preshipped | preshow | preshrink | preshrunk | preshrunken | preside | presidencies | presidency | president | President of the Board of Trade | president-elect | presidentess | presidential | presidentially | Presidents' Day | presidentship | presider | presidia | presidial | presidiary | presiding officer | presidio | presidium | presift | presignal | presignified | presignifies | presignify | preslaughter | presleep | Presley | preslice | presold | presong | presort | prespecify | presplit | press | press agency | press agent | Press Association | press baron | press box | press briefing | press button | press call | press card | press charges | press clipping | Press Complaints Commission | press conference | press corps | press cutting | press fit | press gallery | press gang | press kit | press launch | press lord | press of canvas | press of sail | press office | press officer | press pack | press pass | press photographer | press release | press report | press room | press run | press secretary | press stud | press the flesh | press view | press-gang | press-up | pressboard | Pressburg | Pressburger | pressed | presser | pressfat | pressful | pressie | pressing | pressingly | pressingness | pression | pressman | pressmark | pressmen | pressor | pressroom | pressure | pressure cabin | pressure cooker | pressure drag | pressure gauge | pressure gradient | pressure group | pressure head | pressure point | pressure sore | pressure suit | pressure ulcer | pressure vessel | pressure-cook | pressure-feed | pressured | pressureless | pressurisation | pressuriser | pressurization | pressurize | pressurized | pressurized cabin | pressurized-water reactor | pressurizer | presswork | pressy | prest | prestamped | prestation | Prestel | prester | Prester John | presterilised | presterilized | presterna | presternum | prestidigitation | prestidigitator | prestige | prestige pricing | prestigeful | prestigiator | prestigious | prestigiously | prestigiousness | prestissimo | presto | Preston | Prestonpans | prestore | prestress | prestressed | prestressed concrete | prestriction | prestrike | Prestwich | Prestwick | presumable | presumably | presume | presumedly | presumer | presuming | presumingly | presummit | presumption | presumptive | presumptively | presumptiveness | presumptuous | presumptuously | presumptuousness | presuppose | presupposition | presurgery | presurmise | presurvey | presweetened | presymptomatic | presynaptic | presynaptically | pretape | pretaste | preteen | pretelevision | pretence | pretenceless | pretend | pretendant | pretended | pretendedly | pretendent | pretender | pretendership | pretendingly | pretense | pretension | pretensionless | pretensive | pretentious | pretentiously | pretentiousness | preterhuman | preterist | preterit | preterite | preteriteness | preterition | preteritive | preterm | preterminal | pretermination | pretermission | pretermit | pretermitted | pretermitter | pretermitting | preternatural | preternaturalism | preternaturality | preternaturally | preternaturalness | preterperfect | pretest | pretext | pretexting | pretonic | pretor | Pretoria | pretorial | pretorian | Pretorius | pretorship | pretournament | pretrain | pretravel | pretreat | pretreatment | pretrim | prettied | prettier | pretties | prettiest | prettification | prettified | prettifier | prettifies | prettify | prettily | prettiness | pretty | pretty boy | pretty-pretty | prettyish | prettyism | pretype | pretzel | preunification | preuniversity | Preussen | prevail | prevailer | prevailing | prevailingly | prevailment | prevalence | prevalency | prevalent | prevalently | prevalentness | prevaricate | prevarication | prevaricator | prevenancy | prevene | prevenience | prevenient | preveniently | prevent | preventability | preventable | preventably | preventative | preventer | preventibility | preventible | preventibly | prevention | preventive | preventive medicine | preventively | preventiveness | preverb | preverbal | previable | preview | preview monitor | previewer | Previn | previous | previous question | previous to | previously | previousness | previse | prevision | previsional | previsionary | previsit | previsor | prevocalic | prevocalically | prevocational | prevue | prewar | prewarm | prewarn | prewash | preweaning | preweigh | prewire | prework | preworn | prewrap | prewriting | prex | prexie | prexy | prey | preyer | preyful | prez | prezzie
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