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Libertad. Loada de sabios, deseada de muchos y cantada de poetas, para cuya estimación todo el oro y las riquezas de la tierra es poco precio.
Mateo Alemán

Significado de "poco" en el diccionario de español



La palabra poco procede del latín paucus.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


po · co play
Poco es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Poco puede actuar como un sustantivo, un adjetivo y un adverbio.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.

El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.



Poco de algo es una cantidad escasa. Poco y poca también pueden referirse a: ▪ Poca, pueblo del Condado de Putnam, Estados Unidos; ▪ Poca, un volcán extinto en las Sierras de Córdoba; Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina; ▪ Trichocereus poco, especie botánica; ▪ POCO, acrónimo en la plataforma Java; ▪ Poco, una banda de country rock de los años 1970.

definición de poco en el diccionario español

La primera definición de poco en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es escaso, limitado y corto en cantidad o calidad. Otro significado de poco en el diccionario es cantidad corta o escasa. Un poco de agua. Poco es también con escasez, en corto grado, en reducido número o cantidad, menos de lo regular, ordinario o preciso.







Sinónimos y antónimos de poco en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «poco» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de poco


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «poco» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
antónimos de poco


poco carente corto disminuido escaso exiguo falto insuficiente irrisorio limitado menguado pequeño reducido ridículo abundante mucho más menos cara pocos amigos qué para poco algo cantidad escasa poca también pueden primera lengua española calidad otro corta agua escasez grado número regular ordinario preciso química todos somos naturaleza aperturas convencionales libro desentraña lógica subyace dando consejos rigurosos sobre cómo manejar tanto blancas como negras fractales universo frecuentado atlas síndromes dolorosos frecuentes obra compañera waldman trata sentido difícil llegar diagnóstico porque cuadro clínico rojo azul amarillo primer esta nueva serie dedicada pequeños lectores entusiasmados arte estrategias reinventar carrera este potente herminia ibarra presenta nuevo modelo reinvención mientras sabiduría tradicional afirma antes actuar necesario saber queremos hacer declara consejo

Traductor en línea con la traducción de poco a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de poco a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de poco presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de poco en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

little bit
510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

un peu
220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

po ´
65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de poco en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  little ; low ; scant ; trifle ; tad ; little in the way of.
 Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
 Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
 Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
 She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
 Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
 Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
abultar poco 
be skimpy
 Supplements are frequently skimpy and add little to the basic volume or set.
acercarse poco a poco (a) 
edge (toward(s))
 The unemployment rate is edging toward 15 percent.
acercar un poco más 
bring + Nombre + a step closer
 This porject joins a set of like-minded initiatives to bring the vision a step closer.
actuar con poca consideración hacia 
play + fast and loose with
 Journalists are still playing fast and loose with the truth.
agua poco profunda 
shallow water
 They swam in the shallow waters and had a kip in the shadows cast by the trees along the riverbank, waiting for the heat to dissipate.
aguas poco profundas 
 In this way the fowler could work his way through the shallows to within gunshot of the fowl, so as to let fly with his rifle as they took off from the water.
alimentos poco saludables  [Generalmente usado en plural]
unhealthy foods
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable", dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
a los pocos minutos 
within minutes
 Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are 'Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.
a los pocos segundos 
within moments
 Within moments, however, the birds began to squawk, almost scream at each other.
a poca distancia 
not far behind
 Not far behind football in terms of profile is rugby (slightly similar to American Football, but without the excessive padding).
a poca distancia andando  
within walking distance
within an easy walk
 The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.
 A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.
a poca distancia a pie  
within an easy walk
within walking distance
 A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.
 The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.
a pocos minutos andando   
within walking distance
within easy walking distance
within an easy walk
 The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.
 For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.
 A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.
a pocos minutos a pie   
within walking distance
within easy walking distance
within an easy walk
 The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.
 For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.
 A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.
ascender en la propia empresa poco a poco 
work + Posesivo + way up
 Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared - by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.
ascender poco a poco 
work + Posesivo + way up
 A slow burn began in her toes and worked its way up her body as he turned and pressed her back against the wall of the hallway.
avanzar poco a poco (hacia) 
edge (toward(s))
 The unemployment rate is edging toward 15 percent.
cada pocos años 
every few years
 They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.
cara de pocos amigos 
grim face
 I don't know about your garbage men but mine are rather huge guys with grim faces.
comida poco saludable  [Generalmente usado en plural]
unhealthy foods
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable", dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
comportamiento poco cívico 
uncivic behaviour
 While not absolving the government of its responsibility, it is necessary to bring such uncivic behaviour to book.
con cara de pocos amigos   
with an attitude
 In the English language, people are described as grim, while in Journalese they are referred to as being 'grim-faced'.
 His mission would have been doomed, was it not for some unexpected help from a black-eyed girl with an attitude and a special talent.
 Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president - as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.
con muchos huesos y poca carne 
bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.]
 I think bony chickens are really just used for making stock.
con muy poca antelación 
at (a) very short notice
 I am available weekday evenings and weekends and can work at very short notice.
con muy poca anticipación 
at (a) very short notice
 I am available weekday evenings and weekends and can work at very short notice.
con muy poca frecuencia 
all too seldom
 Taylor and Johnson's figure of 11.3 per cent of users being there 'on behalf of someone else' raises a point which is all too seldom discussed as a feature of the public library service.
con muy pocas excepciones 
with few exceptions
 With few exceptions the new display types, which proliferated exuberantly during the first quarter of the century, were of three basic varieties.
con muy pocos medios 
on a shoestring (budget)
 Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.
con poca claridad 
 He could see the gas lamp at the far end of the station shining indistinctly through the fog.
con poca considración 
 The media would thoughtlessly drag her good reputation through the mud just to make a few more dollars.
con poca exactitud 
 The term category has been at times used somewhat loosely in the literature of indexing and, for this reason, it can cause confusion.
con poca experiencia 
 The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
con poca frecuencia 
 Taking into account both indexing and searching effort a KWIC index is most appropriate for an index that will be studied only infrequently.
con poca iluminación  
dimly illuminated
dimly lit
 Cattle, pigs and sheep have a tendency to move more easily from a dimly illuminated area to a more brightly illuminated area.
 Most people find crystal-ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room.
con poca imaginación 
 He is competent in a quiet, effective way, and the library seems to be well, if unimaginatively, run.
con poca luz 
 Never walk unaccompanied at night in poorly-lit streets or along deserted streets.
con poca naturalidad 
 The book is an old-fashioned tale of derring-do which reads somewhat stiltedly today.
con poca población 
thinly populated
 Powys is a very large, thinly populated, mountainous county in Wales where the archive office was established only in 1990.
con pocas habilidades 
 The author evaluates the effectiveness of 'sidenotes' designed to improve reading comprehension and foster self-independence among poor-ability readers.
con poca visión de futuro 
short-sighted [shortsighted]
 Progressing a stage further, it would be economically short-sighted, to say the least, for a large co-operative network such as OCLC in the United States or BLCMP in the UK, not to take advantage of the MARC service.
con poco dinero  
on the cheap
on a budget
 The author provides a selected list of Internet sites covering various aspects of travel and tourism such as accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, travelling abroad, and touring on the cheap.
 Motels are among the most practical places to stay in for travelers on a budget, given the fact that they are far more affordable than hotels.
con poco entusiasmo 
 Video graphics equipment does exist, but is being marketed only half-heartedly.
con pocos recursos 
 Under this Labour Government our Armed Forces have been under-resourced for the commitments they have been asked to undertake.
con pocos recursos económicos 
 Lodge Kerrigan's 'Clean, Shaven' is a blistering piece of cinematic inventiveness and a young director's low-budget first feature.
consumir poco a poco 
eat away at
 Rather than catalog departments going out of business, they could turn their attention once again to cataloging special local materials, eating away at store-rooms of uncataloged materials, and making their collections as a whole more responsive to their local constituency.
con tan poca antelación 
at such short notice
 Cancellations after this date cannot be transferred to a future course because places cannot be filled at such short notice.
con tan poca anticipación 
at such short notice
 Cancellations after this date cannot be transferred to a future course because places cannot be filled at such short notice.
con (un poco de) suerte 
with (any) luck
 With any luck, you'll have the malfunction fixed in no time.
con un poco de suerte 
with a bit of luck
 With a bit of luck, you might spot a wild boar, deer, or even some of the badgers living in the woodlands.
correr poco a poco 
eat away at
 Rather than catalog departments going out of business, they could turn their attention once again to cataloging special local materials, eating away at store-rooms of uncataloged materials, and making their collections as a whole more responsive to their local constituency.
cuestiones poco claras 
grey area [gray area]
 The paper discusses some remaining 'grey areas' in faceted classification and the value for expository purposes of a mildly polemic approach to issues in classification.
de forma poco ética 
 It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.
de forma poco imaginativa 
 He is competent in a quiet, effective way, and the library seems to be well, if unimaginatively, run.
de forma poco profesional delincuente de poca monta 
petty criminal
 It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.
 When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
de manera poco ética 
 It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.
de manera poco profesional 
 It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.
demasiado poco común 
all too rare
 The author argues that young adult involvement in choices about their library services is all too rare and sets out the reasons for this state of affairs.
demasiados pocos 
all too few
 Dealing with information products and services implicates practitioners in ethical as well as legal issues, although detailed instances of ethical dilemmas are all too few in the literature.
de modo poco imaginativo 
 He is competent in a quiet, effective way, and the library seems to be well, if unimaginatively, run.
dentro de poco 
before long
 News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.
de población poco densa 
sparsely populated
 This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.
de poca importancia  
 The librarians too often fall prey to laziness by refusing to perform less academic and more menial tasks = Con demasiada frecuencia los bibliotecas son víctimas de la pereza negándose a realizar tareas más insignificantes y menos académicas.
 From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.
de poca monta  
 They don't have true leadership qualities, they are simply hacks as managers.
 From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.
de pocas luces  
dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.]
dim-witted [dimwitted]
 It's all about the people in charge, are they smart? are they dim?.
 From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.
de poco impacto 
low impact [low-impact]
 The majority of high-impact articles had been published by men, but so had most low-impact articles = La mayoría de los artículos de gran impacto han sido publicados por hombres, al igual que la mayoría de los artítulos de menor impacto.
de poco peso  
 When challenged about their crimes, many offenders provide pat justifications.
 Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.
de poco provecho 
 It is fruitless trying to revise the subjects represented in a scheme, unless a notation can be appended to any new or modified subjects.
de poco uso 
 The recommendations seemed to indicate that the British Library would have been swamped with relegated books from the low-use stock of university libraries.
de poco valor 
a dime a dozen
 The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
desaparecer poco a poco 
fade into + the sunset
 Some areas will inevitably fade into the sunset, while others will continue to grow and prosper.
de todo un poco  
about this and that and everything else
about this and that
 They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.
 They all met in the cafes to argue about this and that, to discuss their work, politics and philosophy.
de un modo poco constructivo 
 Corporately at least we have wasted time in pondering unconstructively the relevance of our name.
de un modo poco económico 
 In general the index does not wastefully repeat divisions found in the scheme itself.
de un modo poco natural 
 His face turned unnaturally red, as if his blood pressure had risen.
donde cabe mucho también cabe poco 
what holds a lot will hold a little
 I was going to get the 25 egg carton but decided the 50 egg was not much dearer and what holds a lot will hold a little.
dormir demasiado poco 
sleep + too little
 Sleeping too much can harm you as much as sleeping too little, a new British study indicates.
durante poco tiempo  
for a short time
for a short while
 Though we should bear in mind that a talk needs moments of relaxation, when we forget the main topic for a short time while our minds 'take a breather' and we recoup our energy.
 They have only been around for a short while but they are making a big impact already.
durar poco 
be short term
 The most obvious downside to having a fling is the fact that it is short term.
echar poco a poco 
 Beaten stuff was dribbled steadily across the width of an endless belt of woven wire which carried it away from the vat in an even film = La pasta de papel goteaba constantemente sobrre una cinta sin fin hecha de tela metálica, o tamiz, que la transportaba desde la tina formando una capa uniforme.
el que mucho abarca poco aprieta 
jack of all trades, master of none
 In their greed to cram everything but the kitchen sink into the courses, what they end up producing is graduates who are jacks of all trades but masters of none.
en el caso poco probable de que 
in the unlikely case (that)
 In the unlikely case you do not receive the issue in 14-21 days, please submit a second claim.
en muy poco tiempo  
before long
in a very short space of time
 News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.
 Texting is a startling modern phenomenon, one that has gripped the imagination of the UK in a very short space of time.
en (muy) poco tiempo 
in (very) a short span of time
 Incredibly enough, this person was able to solve it in a short span of time.
en pocas palabras             
simply put
in brief
to say the least
to put it (quite) simply
in short
to cut a long story short
bottom line, the
put simply
to make a long story short
the short story + be
simply stated
in a nutshell
in a few words
 Simply put, it just doesn't pay to digitise information that few can use, and even fewer will pay for.
 Methods and results of the investigation are presented in brief.
 To say the least, weeding is taken seriously as an important component of library life.
 To put it quite simply, the building is a cut above the rest with facilities fitted to the highest standards.
 In short, the work and approach of the chief librarian is crucial to the success of the library he serves.
 To cut a long story short, just as they were nearing the weir the engine stopped working and they had to jump into the water.
 Drama is, bottom line, seen as a fluff subject by many people.
 Put simply, asymmetric threats are a version of not 'fighting fair,' which can include the use of surprise and weapons in ways unplanned by a nation.
 'Anyway, to make a long story short, Huish said he knows Lisa has been a little flighty at times'.
 I'll spare you all the details, but the short story is that he looked her up last year when he was travelling in Scandinavia, and was delighted to find her.
 Simply stated, no, it is not improper to pour wine into your guest s wine glass if it still contains wine.
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
 Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.
en poco tiempo     
before very long
in quite a short time
in a short time
in a short period of time
in a short space of time
 The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.
 The technology has matured sufficiently that it's now cheap and relatively easy to set up a fully featured repository in quite a short time.
 The aim is to support rapid development of machine translation functionalities in a short time with limited resources.
 This information can be difficult to read, memorize, and reproduce in a short period of time, such as in the case of recall of hit-and-run accidents.
 This paper reports on how we were able to 'hit the ground running' in building an open access IR in such a short space of time.
en un lugar poco frecuentado  
off the beaten path
off the beaten track
 The best garden nurseries are almost always off the beaten path.
 The article 'Off the beaten track. Small publishers in India' reviews the efforts of small and alternative presses in India in publishing the most exciting and innovative books for children.
en unos pocos años 
within a few years
 Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.
en unos pocos casos 
in a few cases
 In a few cases, exposure to chicken faeces in an area frequented by free-ranging poultry is thought to have been the source of infection.
eramos pocos y parió la abuela  [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés británico]  [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés americano]
it never rains but it pours
when it rains, it pours
 I don't think I'll ever stop using the phrase 'it never rains but it pours', but right now, life is looking up.
 It's one of those 'When it rains, it pours' kind of weeks - Our doggy had knee surgery last week and she needs a lot of attention and, as a result, we haven't been sleeping well.
estar poco acostumbrado a 
be unaccustomed to
 I just want to make sure that you know that it's not a grammatical error and it's just a writing style you seem to be unaccustomed to.
estar poco dispuesto 
be reluctant
 Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
estar poco representado 
underrepresent [under-represent]
 None the less the large number of women in Austrian libraries are seriously under-represented at management levels.
estar un poco anticuado 
be some years old
 Armstrong Sperry's 'Call It Courage' is now some years old but still to my mind an attractive and alive book.
excusa poco convincente 
lame excuse
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
extinguirse poco a poco 
die off
 Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.
faltar poco (para) 
have + a short way to go (before)
 We have only a short way to go but this is the most important last step.
faltar un poco 
be some way off
 Online fiction may be still some way off achieving a market.
gente de poca importancia 
small fry, the
 From the 1680s several large publishers formed a more permanent association which came to be known as the `conger' (the name being variously derived from congerere, `to bring together', and from the big eel which gobbles up the small fry).
haber poca duda de que 
there + be + little doubt that
 There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.
hace muy poco tiempo 
a short time ago
 What was billed a short time ago as the largest merger in the history of publishing, between Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, collapsed in 1998.
hace poco 
a while ago
 A while ago I experienced redness around my urinary meatus and my urologist said that it was normal to have that once you start having sex.
hace poco tiempo 
a short time ago
 What was billed a short time ago as the largest merger in the history of publishing, between Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, collapsed in 1998.
hacer Algo con muy poco dinero 
do + Algo + on a shoestring (budget)
 If you follow these ten simple, budget-friendly beauty tips, you will always look your best, and nobody will be able to tell that you did it on a shoestring budget!.
hacer poca distinción entre y 
make + little distinction between... and...
 The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.
hacer poco 
do + little
 Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.
hacer que sea poco probable 
render + unlikely
 The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.
hacer un poco de fresco 
be a bit nippy
 We were outside for over an hour and we were glad when it was all over because it was a bit nippy.
hacer un poco de frío 
be a bit nippy
 We were outside for over an hour and we were glad when it was all over because it was a bit nippy.
hace unos pocos años 
a few years ago
 Until a few years ago, the Internet was available only to institutions that could afford the high cost of an Internet mode.
hace unos pocos días 
a few days ago
 For example, a few days ago, he argued that McCain shouldn't choose Palin as his running mate.
hace unos pocos meses 
a few months back
 Woo dumped her controlling brain surgeon boyfriend a few months back claiming he spent more time in the mirror dolling himself up than she did.
hace un poco 
a while ago
 A while ago I experienced redness around my urinary meatus and my urologist said that it was normal to have that once you start having sex.
hasta hace muy poco  
until recently
up until recently
 Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
 Up until recently, these institutions have tended to view the stewardship of their art as a public trust, to be passed on to posterity.
hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo 
until relatively recently
 Until relatively recently all such transactions were recorded on paper and processed by hand or by means of slow electromechanical equipment = Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo todas las transacciones de este tipo de registraban en papel y se procesaban a mano o por medios de equipos electromecánicos que eran lentos.
horas de poca actividad 
slack hours
 Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.
horas de poco movimiento 
slack hours
 Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.
introducir poco a poco a 
filter through to
 A further author explained how he hoped his work would appear first to the advanced scholars but might also filter through to students.
introducirse poco a poco 
ease + Reflexivo + in
 Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo 
go little further than + Gerundio
 This chapter is relatively succinct and goes little further than identifying the major ideas.
lector poco habitual 
light reader
 Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
llegar poco a poco 
dribble in
 The point is that even our most adamant, conservative faculty members are slowly dribbling in and saying, 'Could you add our name to your selective dissemination of information service?'.
lo bueno sabe a poco 
you can't have too much of a good thing
 They say you can't have too much of a good thing but at some point in the summer you may find yourself with more basil than you can handle.
lo poco común  
 This article provides a description of rare books and some criteria for their identification: rarity, monetary value, age, limited editions and association.
 Their supposed rareness seems to be due to a bias of sampling.
morir poco a poco 
die off
 Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.
mucho ruido para pocas nueces 
much ado about nothing
 All too many conferences, workshops, and courses are much ado about nothing, they are merely opportunities for mutual self-congratulation.
mucho ruido y pocas nueces   
storm in a teacup
Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite
all talk, no action
 Consider the following list of 'authors': Lewis Carroll, Aunt Jane, Harassed Housewife, A gentleman of low descent, and By the author of 'The storm in a teacup, mountains and molehills', etc.
 Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.
 She strikes me as someone who is all talk, no action.
muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores 
too many chiefs and not enough Indians
 Master and M. Phil degrees can also be taken, but there is a danger of producing too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
muy poco 
 Acquiring this material will minimally affect the library's budget = La adquisición de este material afectará mínimamente al presupuesto de la biblioteca.
nombre poco apropiado 
 The author explores the concept of the lifecycle of a record, attempting to determine whether it is a myth, a 'mantra' of the records management profession, or simply a powerful misnomer.
ofrecer poco 
 You open up negotiations by low-balling them, while agents shoot for the moon.
operación de poca monta 
one-room, one-person operation
 From 1892 to 1932, this small library was directed by Genevieve Walton, who developed a one-room, one-person operation into a fully-fledged academic library.
pagando un poco más 
at additional cost
 Extension cables longer than 3 meters can be ordered at additional cost.
para poco tiempo  
for the short haul
for the short run
 Some jobs are good for the short haul, while others are built for the long run.
 I believe the answer to that is still negative, at least for the short run behavior of exchange rates.
parece tener poco sentido que 
there + seem + little point in
 There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.
pasar poco a poco 
slide into
 I surmise that Slake will start in the hard-edged reality of modern urban life before sliding ineluctably into the darkling land of Hereafter.
período de poca actividad 
slack time
 It may also make administrators aware of the comparatively large percentage of slack time required by public service staff for the library to serve its patrons effectively.
perro ladrador, poco mordedor  
barking dogs seldom bite
Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite
 At the risk of sounding pedantic, I think there is some logic in 'barking dogs seldom bite' given that physically a dog cannot both bark and bite at the same time.
 Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.
poca cantidad 
 This is in fulfillment of the Claverhouse dictum that unless staff members have the opportunity to develop as people their inspirational springs will become mere trickles.
poca cosa 
small fry, the
 From the 1680s several large publishers formed a more permanent association which came to be known as the `conger' (the name being variously derived from congerere, `to bring together', and from the big eel which gobbles up the small fry).
poca disposición 
 His autocracy is manifested by his unwillingness and inability to delegate responsibility and authority.
poca iluminación 
poor lighting
 In the home, the risk factors include poor lighting, loose rugs, slippery or uneven surfaces and stairways or steps without banisters or guard rails.
poca importancia  
low profile
 A large problem with old age stems from a feeling of worthlessness and unimportance.
 The author examines the reasons for the low profile of libraries and the low expectation of the community of its library service.
poca notoriedad 
low profile
 The author examines the reasons for the low profile of libraries and the low expectation of the community of its library service.
poca probabilidad 
slim chance
 The article 'Slim chance for ethnic funding' explains how funding for library projects to provide assistance to ethnic minorities has almost dried up.
poca severidad  
 Large companies that produce a great deal of off-the-shelf computer software usually have the greatest lenience in their licences.
 The error of 'leniency, softness, or spinelessness' is the most common one - taking the easy way out.
pocas expectativas 
low expectation
 The author examines the reasons for the low profile of libraries and the low expectation of the community of its library service.
poca utilidad 
 This article discusses the provision of bilingual dictionaries for the Dewey Decimal Classification, indicating its inconsistency and unhelpfulness and the usefulness of the Colon Classification in this regard.
poco abundante 
light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.]
 Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.
poco accesible 
 The article is entitled 'Wild beasts and unapproachable bogs'.
poco acertado  
clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.]
 Such solutions after repeated application cause the catalog to become a clumsy, inefficient tool, and serve only to compound future problems.
 The author concludes that, although valuable CAL resources had been produced during both projects, over reliance on email is injudicious.
poco acogedor 
 As energies became directed to less abstract matters working men began to see libraries as undemocratic and inhospitable institutions.
poco aconsejable  
 It may appear, at first sight, unwise to establish standards for encypherment as any publication of methods is likely to assist the intruder.
 Then, if videotex systems merge with other existing automated systems it would seem inadvisable to offer a system with inferior retrieval performance.
poco adecuado   
 In particular, some would argue that the discipline-oriented approach of such schemes is unsuited to any applications.
 Errors such as indexers assigning unsuitable terms to concepts, or relationships being omitted, will affect precision.
 It is contended that biases that promote inaptness, in the areas of policy, organization, practice, research, & evaluation, have contributed to the proliferation & perpetuation of inapt services.
poco + Adjetivo  
slightly + Adjetivo
less than + Adjetivo
 This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
 Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Adolph Hitler to name but three, were remarkably successful as leaders in spite of less than outstanding academic records.
poco afortunado  
ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA]
 In this unhappy pattern SLIS are not being singled out for especially harsh treatment.
 The writer lends support to the argument that the adjective brown in Elizabethan and Jacobean English to mean 'ill-favoured' or 'ugly'.
poco agraciado  
ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA]
homely [homelier -comp., homeliest -sup.]
 The writer lends support to the argument that the adjective brown in Elizabethan and Jacobean English to mean 'ill-favoured' or 'ugly'.
 Men find the homely shape of the girl-next-door more appealing than the 'perfect' proportions of models and centrefolds, a study found.
poco amable    
surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.]
crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.]
 Some children are prepared to patronize the shop, and use it in quite a different way, when they find the library (however well run) stuffy or off-putting.
 He perceived that his life threatened to be an interminable succession of these mortifying interviews unless he could discover a way or ways to deal with her surly and terrorizing ferocity.
 For this crusty author as well as for that young one having fun being famous is what matters = Tanto para este autor hosco como para aquel autor joven, ser famoso es lo que importa.
 The enumeration at 940.5316: Children and other noncombatants; Pacifists; Enemy sympathizers seems a little unkind, if nothing else.
poco americano 
 McCarthy was a jingo who erroneously equated everything good with America, and everything bad with being 'un-American'.
poco amistoso   
 Some children are prepared to patronize the shop, and use it in quite a different way, when they find the library (however well run) stuffy or off-putting.
 These messages were examined for 'friendly' features, such as politeness, specificity, constructiveness and helpfulness, and for 'unfriendly' features, like the use of cryptic codes or vocabulary, or language which users might find threatening, domineering, or emotive.
 So I suppose to most people I am standoffish but to the ones I like I can be plenty affectionate with.
poco antes de + Fecha 
shortly before + Fecha
 There are no arrangement fees and there is no formal commitment until contract signature, which is normally shortly before the date of each disbursement.
poco a poco        
at a snail's pace
little by little
bit by bit
in dribs and drabs
 The indexing changes gradually with time, as the natural language of the documents covered by the index evolves.
 The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate.
 However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision, and make for a slowly changing scheme.
 These changes occurring incrementally reflected the growing complexity of chemical methodology.
 For our small academic center, we're trying to do something for free, and muddling along at a snail's pace.
 Little by little his heath improved and he was able to walk further and further each day.
 I love movies like that - where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.
 In any case, much of the original report has already leaked its way into the public domain, albeit in dribs and drabs.
poco apreciado 
 Librarians trained in developed countries face severe psychological problems on their return to their resource-starved home countries where librarianship is a low-status, poorly-regarded, unappreciated profession.
poco apropiado   
 In particular, some would argue that the discipline-oriented approach of such schemes is unsuited to any applications.
 Errors such as indexers assigning unsuitable terms to concepts, or relationships being omitted, will affect precision.
 It is contended that biases that promote inaptness, in the areas of policy, organization, practice, research, & evaluation, have contributed to the proliferation & perpetuation of inapt services.
poco apto 
 It is contended that biases that promote inaptness, in the areas of policy, organization, practice, research, & evaluation, have contributed to the proliferation & perpetuation of inapt services.
poco arriesgado 
 In both these cases, what is needed is the ability to provide a low-risk acces method.
poco asequible 
 The article is entitled 'Wild beasts and unapproachable bogs'.
poco atractivo      
homely [homelier -comp., homeliest -sup.]
 Some children are prepared to patronize the shop, and use it in quite a different way, when they find the library (however well run) stuffy or off-putting.
 The simplest KWIC indexes are unattractive and tedious to scan owing to their physical format and typeface.
 The administrator will be more than repaid by high staff morale for all the trouble-shooting and unglamorous behind-the-scenes planning.
 A public libary's site communicates at two levels: as a site for the building and as a qualification of the site as far/near, accessible/inaccessible, inviting/uninviting, etc.
 In addition, it is pointed out that tourists often have a strange fascination for tragic, macabre or other equally unappealing historical sights.
 Men find the homely shape of the girl-next-door more appealing than the 'perfect' proportions of models and centrefolds, a study found.
poco atrevido 
 With some notable exceptions, the scope of exhibitions has tended to be unadventurous, focusing especially on the graphic and book arts because of their obvious relevance in a library environment.
poco audaz 
 With some notable exceptions, the scope of exhibitions has tended to be unadventurous, focusing especially on the graphic and book arts because of their obvious relevance in a library environment.
poco aventurero 
 With some notable exceptions, the scope of exhibitions has tended to be unadventurous, focusing especially on the graphic and book arts because of their obvious relevance in a library environment.
poco cabelleroso 
 An analysis of their usage by readers of both sexes revealed some unbecoming sexist attitudes and some ungentlemanlike behaviour.
poco cálido 
 His performance received lukewarm reviews from the press but ovations from the audience.
poco científico  
 There may be many excellent community information services whose praises have gone unsung and it may seem that my choice has been based on a rather hit-or-miss method.
 Despite relatively 'unscientific' methods, useful data were collected on reading habits and use of stock and a noteworthy, albeit insufficient, curb has been placed on periodicals expenditure.
poco cívico 
 They found that a clear line could be drawn between civic and `uncivic' regions - and that `public affairs are more successfully ordered' in the former.
poco claro  [Que causa confusión]              
fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.]
hazy [hazier -comp., haziest -sup.]
blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.]
bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.]
 The nature of the compilation of the code led to rather little consensus, and many alternative rules, which together made the code rather confusing.
 This is a rather fuzzy basis for establishing subject headings, but fuzziness is not the guidelines only fault.
 The typescript will be fuzzy and indistinct without the smooth, firm surface which the backing sheet offers.
 Examples are generally poor or obscure (often in Latin or German).
 Ambiguous words, and terms whose meaning is otherwise unclear, should be avoided.
 This system is designed to intrepret bank telexes, converting untidy natural language texts into standard-form records in a database.
 While our vision of our readers is hazy and our interests in them nil, then criticism must be either trivial or irrelevant.
 A considerable literature exists on the empirical validity of Lotka's law; however, these studies are mainly incomparable and inconclusive, owing to substantial differences in the analytical methods applied.
 One should answer the telephone clearly and pleasantly - not in a bored voice or in slurred haste.
 The article 'The clouded crystal ball and the library profession' explains how the concepts of knowledge utilisation and information brokering are beginning to have an impact on the definition of the librarian's role.
 On the other hand, a distinction that was thought to be quite clear turns out to be rather blurry.
 Added entries and references should not be made for undistinguished titles, subtitles, etc., or for inversions of titles.
 Its relation to cognitive impairment is as yet uncleared.
 This research suggests that people are threatened by categorizations that portray them as too distinctive or too indistinctive.
 Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.
poco colaborador 
 A class may be keen, alert, contributive, except for one child who is withdrawn, distracted, unresponsive.
poco comercial 
 University presses were founded specifically to meet the intellectual demand for valuable scholarship, even whenthat demand is uncommercial.
poco competitivo 
 The uncompetitive English book trade at the end of the seventeenth century imported twice as many books as it was able to sell abroad.
poco complicado  
 It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
 Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
poco comprensivo 
 But of its four sentences, the third was so determined to present a grammatically structured metaphor for its meaning that it dazzled my eye, never mind my already unsympathetic brain.
poco común      
out of the ordinary
 In practice critical abstracts are rare, and certainly do not usually feature in published secondary services.
 We are used to background noise in air conditioned buildings but the introduction of additional and unfamiliar sounds from AV equipment may be disturbing.
 If the book has an unusual shape then both the height and the width of the book will be given.
 Early woodcut initials, coats of arms, etc., were sometimes made from wood cut across the grain, but the use of end-grain blocks remained uncommon until the later eighteenth century.
 He developed an alternative and unordinary way of talking about out thoughts.
 In the past, there was a tendency to label a person as abnormal simply because he or she possessed traits that were considered out of the ordinary.
poco comunicativo  
 He was standing in front of me, small, lithe, myopic, shy, uncommunicative, vulnerable.
 Male librarians believed the public's image of themselves to be more submissive, meek, nervous, effeminate, reserved, following, subdued and less approachable, athletic, and attractive than the undergraduate sample actually saw them.
poco confortable 
 And making matters worse, this uncomfortable group sat in a suburban sitting-room flooded with afternoon sunlight like dutifully polite guests at a formal coffee party.
poco conocido  
little known
 This may be relatively easy for well-known authors, but can be difficult for more obscure authors.
 Coleridge-Taylor died tragically early, leaving behind a wealth of little known music.
poco convencido 
 Many educators still remain unconvinced of the value of school libraries in the school.
poco convencional 
 As library director he wanted to open the public library to as many social groups as possible, not least by organising many, often unconventional, events.
poco convincente    
 This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
 A considerable literature exists on the empirical validity of Lotka's law; however, these studies are mainly incomparable and inconclusive, owing to substantial differences in the analytical methods applied.
 When challenged about their crimes, many offenders provide pat justifications.
 Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.
poco convincentemente 
 She argues - cleverly but unconvincingly - that environmental concerns can develop only out of economic comfort, & that curbing economic growth is not compatible with preserving the environment.
poco correcto 
 An analysis of their usage by readers of both sexes revealed some unbecoming sexist attitudes and some ungentlemanlike behaviour.
poco cortés  
 All subjects completed a four-page questionnaire in which they rated Americans on six bipolar adjective dimensions: friendly/unfriendly, polite/impolite, industrious/lazy, religious/anti-religious, generous/stingy, and patriotic/not patriotic.
 An analysis of their usage by readers of both sexes revealed some unbecoming sexist attitudes and some ungentlemanlike behaviour.
poco culto 
 It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.
poco decidido 
half-hearted [halfhearted]
 Yet the response from government has been half-hearted at best.
poco decoroso 
 He was willing to overlook her impetuous and undignified behavior during those first days.
poco definido  
blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.]
bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.]
 On the other hand, a distinction that was thought to be quite clear turns out to be rather blurry.
 Her eyes were dry and her head bleary from spending all week totally consumed with work.
poco denso 
 More serious is the objection that this scheme would involve putting the film inside a vacuum chamber, for electron beams behave normally only in such a rarefied environment.
poco deportivo 
 First, if you're one of those players who think that sandbagging is unsportsmanlike, then you don't fully understand the nature of poker.
poco después    
soon afterwards
shortly afterwards
shortly after
not long after
 Soon afterwards he got up and wanted to attack me again.
 Participants should be presenting resources that are already available when they make their presentations, or will be available shortly afterwards.
 The latest abridged edition, the eleventh, was published in 1979, shortly after DC19 on which it is based.
 Not long after Joshua returned, bright and cheery, and as hungry as a hunter after his long drive.
poco después (de) 
soon after (that)
 Rapid electrical counting appeared soon after the physicists found it desirable to count cosmic rays.
poco después de 
shortly after
 The latest abridged edition, the eleventh, was published in 1979, shortly after DC19 on which it is based.
poco después de que 
shortly after
 The latest abridged edition, the eleventh, was published in 1979, shortly after DC19 on which it is based.
poco diestro 
 The author evaluates the effectiveness of 'sidenotes' designed to improve reading comprehension and foster self-independence among poor-ability readers.
poco digno 
 He was willing to overlook her impetuous and undignified behavior during those first days.
poco diplomático 
 Palma, described by many as an indiscreet braggart, told people at the gun range that the group was preparing for clandestine trips to Cuba.
poco dispuesto 
 Many librarians are disinclined to make the necessary effort to collect statistics.
poco dispuesto a colaborar 
 Similarly, a class that has been involved in a telling-off for any one of the myriad trivial transgressions their flesh is heir to can arrive at the next lesson aggressively uncooperative or giggly.
poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías 
technologically challenged
 The author divides staff into 2 groups: 'baby boomers' (born 1946-1961) who grew up assuming full and secure employment but tend now to be technologically challenged; and 'baby busters' (born 1965-1975) who tend to be technological savants and are taking over the leadership from the older generation of librarians.
poco económico 
 If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.
poco edificante 
 Such animalistic images are unedifying to all but the most unabashed hedonist.
poco efectivo 
 A perusal of book reviews shows that many parental figures fall into one of two categories - ineffectual or antagonistic.
poco eficaz 
 These difficulties are of such a magnitude that the use of law in international situations becomes non-efficient.
poco elegante   
dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.]
 An interesting compromise is to use a Uniterm system to start with, transferring to peek-a-boo when, using an inelegant but expressive phrase, the 'bugs' have been ironed out.
 Access is impaired by archaic, awkward, or simply strange headings that most normal persons would never look for on their first try.
 This article shows how the dowdy and boring image of the stereotypical librarian as presented in fiction, taints the portrayal of all who work in libraries.
poco embarazoso 
 If there must be formal introductions and votes of thanks, at least see that there are no lengthy public speeches that pre-empt the visitor's reason for being there at all, and that matters are kept as unembarrassing as possible.
poco entusiasta  
half-hearted [halfhearted]
 Yet the response from government has been half-hearted at best.
 His performance received lukewarm reviews from the press but ovations from the audience.
poco envidiable 
 Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
poco estable  
 In this unsettled atmosphere, it is not surprising that enthusiasm for membership of the Community should tail off.
 This argument is unsound because it is invalid, regardless of whether the premises are actually true.
poco estético 
 I defy anybody to say that the entries using full ISBD punctuation are in any way confusing, unattractive, unaesthetic, or whatever.
poco estimulador 
 This article describes a study of stress conducted in a university library using the following categories: workload; schedule and workday; feeling pulled and tugged; physical facilities; unchallenging work; and miscellaneous.
poco estimulante   
 The author argues that the advantages for higher education are unclear, and rather unexciting.
 Though the novel begins like a house ablaze, it later thickens slightly into an acceptable if uninspiring finale.
 The outcome is strangely unmoving.
poco estricto 
 This article reports briefly how lax security is threatening the credibility of the Internet.
poco ético 
 Librarians are more likely than vendors to engage in unethical behaviour.
poco evidente  
 By retrieving and bringing together these two literatures, that implicit unstated, and perhaps unnoticed hypothesis becomes apparent.
 This approach draws attention to hitherto unnoted relationships among concepts.
poco exigente  
 At other times they may be doing nothing else but relax: passing the time in a pleasant if untaxing recreation.
 This very absence of quality is what makes these books attractive to children, not just because they are easy to read, undemanding, untaxing, but because the simplistic plots and characters leave children free to embroider and enrich the stories in their own way as they read.
poco favorable 
 If good buildings are erected, even in unpromising neighbourhoods, the subsequent social benefits and positive political responses may restore libraries to the eminence they once enjoyed.
poco favorecedor 
 In the light of the current unflattering stereotyped image of librarians, the author suggests that more research is needed to provide data to profile 'the American librarian of the 1990s'.
poco fiable    [flakier -comp, flakiest -sup Usado en informática y telecomunicaciones]
flaky [flakey]
 Programme titles in this category were discovered to be very unreliable as indicators of likely programme content.
 Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.
 Wireless networks are going to be flaky; that's just inevitable.
poco firme  
rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.]
 We have another possibility that is exciting, though still tenuous.
 The English is a little rocky on this lovely web site but we have it on good word that the original French is très bien.
poco flexible  
 Classical bookform and card catalogs are monolithic arrangements of entries, completely dehumanized in the sense that they cannot respond to individual persons as individuals.
 Problems include: high cost of paper and printing supplies; high capital investment required; small and inelastic markets; low literacy = Los problemas incluyen: alto coste del papel y del material de papelería, gran inversión de capital, mercados pequeños y poco flexibles y bajo nivel de alfabetización.
poco frecuente 
 With few questions and infrequent use it would be more sensible and effective to direct effort into searching, rather than strive for perfection in indexing.
poco fructífero 
 Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.
poco gratificante  
 In its first 2-3 years the centre concentrated on individual inventors, but found this unrewarding.
 The study focuses specifically on questions asked about why the respondents chose library work, and what they found satisfying or unsatisfying about their current jobs.
poco grato 
 The faithful adherents of the ideology of the finding catalog were determined to combat the unwelcome intrusion of Panizzi's scheme before the Royal Commission.
poco hábil 
 The author evaluates the effectiveness of 'sidenotes' designed to improve reading comprehension and foster self-independence among poor-ability readers.
poco habitual 
 He bombards the viewer with pleasurable visual information about the 17th century and makes one feel quite giddy with the unaccustomed grandiosity of it all.
poco halagador 
 In the light of the current unflattering stereotyped image of librarians, the author suggests that more research is needed to provide data to profile 'the American librarian of the 1990s'.
poco halagüeño 
 In the light of the current unflattering stereotyped image of librarians, the author suggests that more research is needed to provide data to profile 'the American librarian of the 1990s'.
poco hospitalario 
 As energies became directed to less abstract matters working men began to see libraries as undemocratic and inhospitable institutions.
poco idóneo   
 In particular, some would argue that the discipline-oriented approach of such schemes is unsuited to any applications.
 Errors such as indexers assigning unsuitable terms to concepts, or relationships being omitted, will affect precision.
 It is contended that biases that promote inaptness, in the areas of policy, organization, practice, research, & evaluation, have contributed to the proliferation & perpetuation of inapt services.
poco iluminado  
dimly illuminated
dimly lit
 Cattle, pigs and sheep have a tendency to move more easily from a dimly illuminated area to a more brightly illuminated area.
 Most people find crystal-ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room.
poco imaginativo 
 The author suggests ways in which publishers can improve their book marketing which at present tends to be staid, out of date and unimaginative.
poco importante  
 The librarians too often fall prey to laziness by refusing to perform less academic and more menial tasks = Con demasiada frecuencia los bibliotecas son víctimas de la pereza negándose a realizar tareas más insignificantes y menos académicas.
 From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.
poco impresionado 
 People are unimpressed so far with the campaigns of the two Democrats battling it out for the nomination.
poco informativo 
 These additional terms can be used to eliminate the problems of uninformative or misleading titles.
poco intelectual  [Adjetivo]
lowbrow [low-brow]
 These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.
poco inteligente 
 Hurling emotional and unintelligent missives to those who may be vulnerable is tantamount to 'mental abuse' or 'bullying'.
poco intenso 
light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.]
 Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.
poco interesante     
dull [duller -comp., dullest -sup.]
 These librarians are given Haykin upon the day of their arrival and are expected to read the entire dull document and use it as a guideline in establishing subject headings.
 The contrast between the fine feathers of these superb bindings and their jackdaw contents is often quaint.
 There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.
 Though the novel begins like a house ablaze, it later thickens slightly into an acceptable if uninspiring finale.
 This dish, billed as the house specialty, was just an unremarkable griddled steak topped with some green bell peppers and green onions.
poco juicioso 
 The author concludes that, although valuable CAL resources had been produced during both projects, over reliance on email is injudicious.
poco justificado 
 Unfortunately, he supports President Bush's extravagances in his ill-named war on terror and ill-justified invasion of Iraq.
poco listo 
 They may be unfocused, underprepared, and not of a frame of mind to devote time and thoughtful energy to library research.
poco maduro 
 Underripe and overripe melons had as much as 20% less lycopene than fully ripe melons, with maturity effects dependent on the variety.
poco mantenimiento 
low maintenance
 The main design goals are low maintenance, efficiency, transparency and robustness.
poco más 
little else
 Without dedication, little else will be achieved.
poco materialista 
 Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.
poco memorable 
 The series can easily be described as forgettable and vastly undistinguished.
poco mundano 
 There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.
poco natural  
 Hence, 'capitalism' is thought to have naturally emerged once the 'unnatural' fetters of feudalism were broken.
 His eccentricity was stilted and contrived.
poco nítido 
 This system is designed to intrepret bank telexes, converting untidy natural language texts into standard-form records in a database.
poco normal   
out of the ordinary
 Hence, 'capitalism' is thought to have naturally emerged once the 'unnatural' fetters of feudalism were broken.
 He developed an alternative and unordinary way of talking about out thoughts.
 In the past, there was a tendency to label a person as abnormal simply because he or she possessed traits that were considered out of the ordinary.
poco novedoso 
 At the risk of sounding trite and a bit naive, I'd like to remind this group that the ISBD was also called, not for the cataloger's benefit, but as an international tool of bibliographic description.
poco original 
 Their terminology is confusing and unrealistic, and the ideas about education for librarianship are fanciful but unoriginal.
poco ortodoxo 
 Librarians are being urged to become more imaginative and less afraid of unorthodox ideas.
poco poblado 
thinly populated
 Powys is a very large, thinly populated, mountainous county in Wales where the archive office was established only in 1990.
poco práctico  
 In a real library situation you would, of course, have the documents themselves but this is impractical in a course of this nature.
 Access is impaired by archaic, awkward, or simply strange headings that most normal persons would never look for on their first try.
poco preparado 
 They may be unfocused, underprepared, and not of a frame of mind to devote time and thoughtful energy to library research.
poco probable  
far-fetched [farfetched]
 This has led to some unlikely liaisons.
 If the situation arises in Britain as in the United States, where there is a proliferation of TV channels, and many local television stations, then it is perhaps not too far-fetched to imagine some of these transmitting either specialized or local teletext information.
poco productivo 
 Miss Visser comments that she underwent extensive training in preparation for automation, but feels that training given at too early a stage is unproductive.
poco profesional  
 The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate.
 It was not explained why it was considered unprofessional for an experienced reference librarian to do the same at a much higher level.
poco profundo 
shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.]
 Overall, a shallow view of life will produce a shallow penetration into experience.
poco prometedor  
 The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries.
 If good buildings are erected, even in unpromising neighbourhoods, the subsequent social benefits and positive political responses may restore libraries to the eminence they once enjoyed.
poco propicio 
 If good buildings are erected, even in unpromising neighbourhoods, the subsequent social benefits and positive political responses may restore libraries to the eminence they once enjoyed.
poco provechoso  
 It is fruitless trying to revise the subjects represented in a scheme, unless a notation can be appended to any new or modified subjects.
 In its first 2-3 years the centre concentrated on individual inventors, but found this unrewarding.
poco prudente  
 The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.
 The announcement has been criticised by the Institute of Physics, which said the university was making a 'precipitous and ill-judged' move.
poco pulido 
 It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.
poco razonable 
 However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.
poco realista     
way out in/of left field
 This may be an unrealistic expectation.
 Once an early proponent of cyberspace he now argues that computer networks offer an unreal universe luring people to waste their time on earth.
 There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.
 From this chance observation, Kazantsev drew two conclusions: one dead on target, the other, way out in left field.
 Home Secretary David Blunkett says an 'airy fairy, libertarian' view of the world is no good for fighting terrorism.
poco recomendable 
 Then, if videotex systems merge with other existing automated systems it would seem inadvisable to offer a system with inferior retrieval performance.
poco refinado  
 The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and can be expected to feature in any thesaurus however elementary or unrefined.
 It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.
poco rentable 
 If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.
poco representativo 
 Critics claimed that DC was being distorted to satisfy the extreme views of an unrepresentative group.
poco romántico 
 Very common among young people is the belief that taken precautions in advance of intercourse is cold, calculating and unromantic.
poco sabido 
little known
 Coleridge-Taylor died tragically early, leaving behind a wealth of little known music.
poco saludable   
 The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.
 Specific actions are those which are intended to reinforce the fight against specific medical conditions related to insalubrious living .
 I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.
poco sano  
 The text raises the possibility that there might be something unwholesome in the Buddhist obsession with hell.
 Specific actions are those which are intended to reinforce the fight against specific medical conditions related to insalubrious living .
poco seguro 
dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.]
 Predicting the future is dicey.
poco sensato   
 The cost implications of ill-advised or hastily prepared rules for American libraries catalogs would grossly transcend any short expenditures.
 The author concludes that, although valuable CAL resources had been produced during both projects, over reliance on email is injudicious.
 The announcement has been criticised by the Institute of Physics, which said the university was making a 'precipitous and ill-judged' move.
poco sentimental 
 Books which portray these self-same tasks in an unsentimental, believable way, can influence the manner in which girls cope with similar personal experiences.
poco serio 
 I don't want to sound flippant or disrespectful, but I can't imagine us being able to defend or justify our present collection development policy.
poco sincero 
 There is a point when participation may become mere meddling and insincere.
poco sistemático 
sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.]
 Even the best abstractors and indexers may be subject to sloppy practices and grammatical indiscretions from time to time.
poco sociable 
 She's always been a bit unsociable, but lately she's worse.
poco social 
 Social order is maintained through the concern of individuals for their reputations, which suffer if they are unsocial.
poco sofisticado   
 If we were to seek to index or retrieve documents on this subjects, we could start by recognising that this subject contains four separate elementary or unit concepts.
 Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
 The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
poco sólido  
 The spectre that has been raised of reference librarians as the handloom weavers of the library revolution by the turn of the century is as insubstantial as the prediction fifty years ago that the coming of radio meant the death sentence for gramophone records.
 This argument is unsound because it is invalid, regardless of whether the premises are actually true.
poco tiempo   
short while
short time
little time
 In a library, as elsewhere, users expect to have to wait a short while at least for an answer.
 Sit where numerous momentary distractions constantly interrupt your attention and even the most willing reader will feel like giving up after a short time.
 If these climate changes come abruptly, she worries that the continent will be left with little time to mitigate the impact.
poco tiempo después 
shortly afterwards
 Participants should be presenting resources that are already available when they make their presentations, or will be available shortly afterwards.
poco tradicional 
 Despite economic cuts, the impression American library workers give is one of optimism and desire to try untraditional ways of solving economic problems.
poco unido 
loosely knit
 This article describes the activities of the Bandwidth Conservation Society, a loosely knit group dedicated to speeding up the World Wide Web and saving valuable bandwidth.
poco uniforme 
patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.]
 The retrospective bibliographic control mechanism is somewhat patchy but there are some large scale works.
poco usado 
 How do we ensure that unused or little-used collections will be used, or should we even worry about them?.
poco usual 
 If the book has an unusual shape then both the height and the width of the book will be given.
poco útil  
clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.]
 Such solutions after repeated application cause the catalog to become a clumsy, inefficient tool, and serve only to compound future problems.
 If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.
poco utilizado 
 How do we ensure that unused or little-used collections will be used, or should we even worry about them?.
poquito a poco  
little by little
in dribs and drabs
 Little by little his heath improved and he was able to walk further and further each day.
 In any case, much of the original report has already leaked its way into the public domain, albeit in dribs and drabs.
por mencionar sólo unos pocos 
to name but a few
 Printed indexes that incorporate to varying degrees the principles of pre-coordinate indexing are to be found in abstracting and indexing journals, national bibliographies, and indexes to journals, to name but a few examples.
por mencionar uno pocos 
just to name a few
 The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: electronic mail, synchronous and asynchronous communications networks, computer imaging, desktop publishing, facsimile transmission, just to name a few.
por nombrar sólo unos pocos 
to name but a few
 Printed indexes that incorporate to varying degrees the principles of pre-coordinate indexing are to be found in abstracting and indexing journals, national bibliographies, and indexes to journals, to name but a few examples.
por nombrar unos pocos 
to name a few
 Titles in different subject fields such as printing, education, Africa, and technology, to name a few, are extracted from the original work.
por poco dinero 
 A large number of documents can be indexed quickly and cheaply.
por poco o nada 
at little or no extra cost
 The intent of universal design is to simplify life for everyone by making products more usable by as many people as possible, at little or no extra cost.
por poco tiempo  
for a short time
for a short while
 Though we should bear in mind that a talk needs moments of relaxation, when we forget the main topic for a short time while our minds 'take a breather' and we recoup our energy.
 They have only been around for a short while but they are making a big impact already.
por si era poco 
for good measure
 This is an interesting little town wholly populated by poseurs and backpackers with a few salty sea dogs thrown in for good measure.
por si fuera poco       
to boot
for good measure
to add insult to injury
to add salt to injury
to rub salt in the wound
to top it all (off)
to top things off
 Such information will soon be replete with the requisite illustrations and, if need be, with sound explanations to boot.
 This is an interesting little town wholly populated by poseurs and backpackers with a few salty sea dogs thrown in for good measure.
 To add insult to injury, she came back from the cash-point without enough readies and had to make a return journey.
 To add salt to injury there is a pregnancy as a result of this abominable act.
 And then, to rub salt in the wound, Adobe had the nerves to sent me an automated email announcing that the issue was fixed.
 They never recieved the money order because the fucking mail lost it, and to top it all off my mom lost the tracking number so there was no way to find it.
 To top things off, we had to put one of our dogs down on November 10th.
prestar poca atención a  
give + little thought to
pay + little heed to
 The question of whether or not to reinsure the options attaching to a policy has been given very little thought by insurance companies.
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
pretexto poco convincente 
lame excuse
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
quedar poco (para) 
have + a short way to go (before)
 We have only a short way to go but this is the most important last step.
quedar un poco 
be some way off
 Online fiction may be still some way off achieving a market.
quedar un poco perjudicado  
be a little worse prepared
be a little worse off
 Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the new law.
 The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
que ocupa poco espacio 
 The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.
qué poco común 
how odd
 One eminent librarian remarked upon how odd it was that the unpopular reference desk at a university library was set upon a dais.
quien mucho abarca poco aprieta 
bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew
 We should do our part, but we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew.
quitarle el biberón poco a poco 
wean + Nombre + off the bottle
 The child psychologist will also be able to advise you with regards to slowly weaning her off the bottle and dummy once she feels safe and secure again.
quitarle el chupete poco a poco 
wean + Nombre + off the dummy
 The child psychologist will also be able to advise you with regards to slowly weaning her off the bottle and dummy once she feels safe and secure again.
reducirse poco a poco 
dribble off
 This kind of distribution is represented by a curve which shows a hugely lopsided frequency for the majority, then a dramatic drop, dribbling off into a long tail of mostly zeros.
resultar poco fructífero 
prove + unfruitful
 Several approaches proved unfruitful before the answer began to emerge.
retroceder un poco 
step back
 She stepped back and studied Jasmine from head to foot, then glanced at him, giving him a wink.
roer poco a poco 
eat away at
 Rather than catalog departments going out of business, they could turn their attention once again to cataloging special local materials, eating away at store-rooms of uncataloged materials, and making their collections as a whole more responsive to their local constituency.
saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada 
jack of all trades, master of none
 In their greed to cram everything but the kitchen sink into the courses, what they end up producing is graduates who are jacks of all trades but masters of none.
sacar poco a poco 
tease out
 This was so that the stuffing could be teased out and cleared of lumps, and so that the pelts could be softened by currying and soaking them in urine; the smell is said to have been revolting.
salir un poco perjudicado  
be a little worse prepared
be a little worse off
 Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the new law.
 The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.
sangre poco espesa 
thin blood
 Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.
ser algo de poca monta   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser algo muy poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo poco común 
be the exception rather than the rule
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
ser algo poco conocido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser algo poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo poco sabido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser de poco valor  
be of little use
be of little value
 This is one area in which off-the-shelf software will be of little use, except perhaps for very general introductions.
 The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.
ser muy poco probable 
be remote
 The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
ser poca cosa   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser poco 
be under-provided
 Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.
ser poco agradecido 
be thankless
 This is a task that is largely thankless.
ser poco eficaz 
do + little
 Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.
ser poco reconocido 
be thankless
 This is a task that is largely thankless.
ser pocos  
be few in number
be small in number
 Whilst Prestel is in its infancy and subscribers few in number, costs are likely to be high, but they will only come down as the system moves into the mass market.
 However, there has been progress: newer university and divisional libraries have been established, and research libraries, such as the Cholera Research Laboratory are small in number but impressive.
ser un hecho poco conocido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser un hecho poco sabido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser un poco bobo 
be soft in the head
 One of the curses of being a well-known science-fiction writer is that unsophisticated people assume you to be soft in the head.
ser un poco lelo    
be slow on the uptake
be soft in the head
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 One of the curses of being a well-known science-fiction writer is that unsophisticated people assume you to be soft in the head.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
ser un poco torpe   
be slow on the uptake
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
servir de poco 
be of little use
 This is one area in which off-the-shelf software will be of little use, except perhaps for very general introductions.
servir de poco o nada 
be of little or no avail
 The export of arms by other nations not involved in the conflict would be of little or no avail in putting an end to that conflict.
solución poco real 
pie in the sky solution
 This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
subir poco a poco 
work + Posesivo + way up
 A slow burn began in her toes and worked its way up her body as he turned and pressed her back against the wall of the hallway.
tener (muy) poca correa 
have + a (very) short fuse
 He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.
tener poca información 
be information poor
 Generally speaking, developing countries are information poor.
tener pocas calorías 
be low in calories
 Whitefish like cod and halibut, bison, turkey breast, chicken breast, and ostrich breast are all very low in calories and very rich in protein.
tener pocas luces     
as thick as a brick
as thick as two (short) planks
as daft as a brush
the cheese slid off + Posesivo + cracker
 Her husband is still as thick as a brick and he still thinks he's been the model husband but Rome wasn't built in a day.
 Ashdown, for example, is an out'and'out Nazi, while Menzies'Campbell, who is supposed to be their expert on foreign affairs, is as thick as two planks.
 His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.
 It takes more courage to say no and stand up for what's right and is best for them, than it does to cave in to knuckleheads like you two.
 It sounds like the cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.
tener pocas posibilidades de 
have + little recourse
 Since the cessation of production of enlarger-printers, libraries and their clienteles have had little recourse in having paper copies made from micro-opaques.
tener pocas proteínas 
be low in proteins
 Although beer is low in proteins, it contains all essential and many non-essential amino acids.
tener pocas vitaminas 
be low in vitamins
 But these highly processed foods are mostly low in vitamins which can lead to deficiencies and health problems.
tener poco mundo   
be wet behind the ears
be a bit green
be green behind the ears
 Obama has many sterling qualities but he is wet behind the ears.
 He is a bit green, but learns quickly and has a great personality.
 The documentary contains interviews with members of the battalion, from green-behind-the-ears privates to high-ranking officers.
tener poco que ver 
have + little to do
 The various kinds of non-book media can be grouped into categories; this has little to do with their containing material whether video tape, ink on paper or holes in cards.
tener poco valor 
be of little value
 The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.
todo lo bueno dura poco 
all good things (must) come to an end
 I hear all good things must come to an end almost as often as I hear the equally untrue what comes up, must come down.
trabajo de poca monta 
 The assistant's position frequently degenerates into a 'catch-all' position, with the assistant ending up with a number of miscellaneous odd-jobs (sometimes 'keep-busy' type jobs, well below his or her capabilities).
transcurridos unos pocos minutos 
a few minutes later
 A few minutes later a woman came into the garage, chatted with Jimmy for a while and said that she'd like to arrange to have her car serviced.
una mujer de pocas palabras 
a woman of few words
 But soft-spoken to the point of whispers, Dr Zul, as she is popularly known, is a woman of few words.
un hombre de pocas palabras 
a man of few words
 He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.
unos pocos días 
a few days
 There were a few days last week where I felt like a walking dead person, but I am starting to feel better = La semana pasada hubo unos cuantos días que me sentí como un zombi, pero ya me estoy empezando a sentir mejor.
unos pocos elegidos 
a select few
 In every community there are a select few individuals who give tirelessly of themselves to make the community better for all residents.
unos pocos minutos después 
a few minutes later
 A few minutes later a woman came into the garage, chatted with Jimmy for a while and said that she'd like to arrange to have her car serviced.
un poco       [Contracción coloquial similar a sorta [sort of]]  [Contracción coloquial similar a kinda [kind of]]
a bit
something of
a little bit
kinda [kind of]
sorta [sort of]
 At the risk of sounding trite and a bit naive, I'd like to remind this group that the ISBD was also called, not for the cataloger's benefit, but as an international tool of bibliographic description.
 Both definitions have common roots, but their perspectives differ somewhat, the second definition being slightly broader in scope.
 The other woman nodded, smiling slightly, and began to make concentric circles on a pad of paper.
 Shannon's approach proved something of a dead end.
 A little bit of bibliographic instruction can go a long way.
 This paper examines colloquial contractions (spelling variants such as 'kinda' and 'hafta') against a background of other variations in the English writing system.
 I feel sorta guilty for spending most of this beautiful afternoon bed.
un poco áspero 
 Type was thrust deep into roughish paper which had been softened by damping.
un poco como 
kind of like
 It's kind of like trumping in public - You simply do not do it!.
un poco de      
a measure of
a bit of
a piece of
a spot of
a splash of
a hint of
 Perhaps since they have only an inadequate measure of only one of the five characteristics, the schools ought to recognize their inability to deal with the problems and give up.
 Maybe when that young author looks back in a few years' time, she'll realize just how much more she got out of it than a bit of fun and fame.
 In a classification scheme each subject is allocated a piece of notation, and that notation is used to represent the subject.
 Test for acidity with a spot of chlorophenol solution (0-42 gm. chlorophenol in 1,000 ml. distilled water).
 Woodlands are being brought to life with a splash of colour and sound with the warmer weather bringing a number of migratory birds.
 I was amused with Weinberg's article and the hints of truth which are embedded with a bit of cynicism.
un poco (de) 
a touch (of)
 I do have to add, however, that this rapid character drawing was a touch spoiled by the bathos of Slake's high-flying style.
un poco de tiempo 
a little time
 That done we had a little time to cool down a little, mingle and generally catch up with those we know from previous years.
un poco + Nombre 
a shade + Nombre
 The effect was unusual, but it was somehow also a shade comic, which was not at all the intention.
un poco obscuro 
 The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky kin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.
un poco perdido 
a bit at sea
 He seems a bit at sea since his brother died - they were close.
un poco rugoso 
 Type was thrust deep into roughish paper which had been softened by damping.
usado con poca frecuencia 
seldom used [seldom-used]
 This room will provide immediate housing for large but seldom-used collections.
usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo 
light borrower
 At Hounslow Libraries 57% of members were light borrowers (13 items or less per year) and 8% were heavy borrowers (more than 60 items per year).
utilizar poco 
underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA]
 Although information needs are increasing, many information services remain under-utilised.
vivienda poco digna 
poor housing
 Poor housing conditions include many things, such as leaking pipes, damp, dangerous electrical wiring, disconnected power or water supplies and other.
y poco más 
and little more
 Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra poco



El término «poco» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 283 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «poco» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de poco
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «poco».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «poco» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «poco» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre poco



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra poco.
Alexander Pope
Las palabras son como las hojas: cuando abundan, poco fruto hay en ellas.
Francisco De Quevedo
Por nuestra codicia lo mucho es poco; por nuestra necesidad lo poco es mucho.
Herbert H. Asquith
La juventud sería el estado ideal si llegara un poco más tarde.
A tu prudencia añádele un poco de idiotez: en algunos momentos es mejor hacerse el idiota.
Jacob Cats
No es pobre el que poco tiene, pero sí lo es el que vive con gran avidez.
John Ruskin
Da un poco de amor a un niño y ganarás un corazón.
José María Pemán
El que no sabe morir mientras vive, es vano y loco; morir cada hora su poco es el modo de vivir.
Mateo Alemán
Libertad. Loada de sabios, deseada de muchos y cantada de poetas, para cuya estimación todo el oro y las riquezas de la tierra es poco precio.
Miguel De Cervantes
Lo que poco cuesta aún se estima menos.
Noël Coward
¿Qué puedo decir de los Beatles? No he conseguido nunca entender lo que dice un cantante beat. Quizá con cuatro tendré un poco más de suerte.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término poco.
Quien bebe poco, bebe más.
Todo aquello alegra que con poco trabajo se gana.
A buen barón, poco le presta el aguijón.
A la mujer bella y honesta, casarse poco le cuesta.
A la que bien baila, poco son le basta.
Amor que no es osado, amor poco estimado.
De comerciar a robar, poco va.
Dineros me dé Dios; que con mi poco saber me aviaré yo.
El que poco pide, poco merece.
El que quiera vivir poco, y ese poco con dolor, tome a la noche naranja y a la mañana limón.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de poco en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con poco y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Un poco de química
Todos somos naturaleza.
Nemesio Chávez Arredondo, 1991
Aperturas poco convencionales
Un libro que desentraña la lógica que subyace en aperturas poco convencionales, dando consejos rigurosos sobre cómo manejar tanto las blancas como las negras
Angus Dunnington, 2005
Atlas de síndromes dolorosos poco frecuentes
Obra compañera de la obra del Dr. Waldman Síndromes dolorosos frecuentes, que trata los síndromes dolorosos poco frecuentes, en el sentido de los síndromes a los que es difícil llegar al diagnóstico porque el cuadro clínico del ...
Steven D. Waldman, 2004
Rojo, azul y un poco de amarillo
Primer número de esta nueva serie dedicada a pequeños lectores entusiasmados con el arte.
Bjorn Sortland, Lars Elling, 2001
Estrategias poco convencionales para reinventar su carrera ...
En este potente libro, Herminia Ibarra presenta un nuevo modelo de reinvención. Mientras que la sabiduría tradicional afirma que antes de actuar es necesario saber qué queremos hacer, Ibarra declara que este consejo es un atraso.
Herminia Ibarra, 2004
Jardines por poco dinero
Disfruta de tu jardín cuidando tu bolsillo: oportunidades, materiales reciclados, plantas gratuitas… ¡vale la pena ahorrar!
Poco a Poco
By using language of native speakers in every day situations, Poco a poco guides the beginning student to communicative competence in Spanish.
Paul Hendrickson, 1997
Un poco más de azul
Aunque ya no queden ni mangos ni cielo azul en la patria de Liborio... creo.» Manuel Reguera Saumell nace en Camagüey, Cuba, en 1928. Es licenciado en Arquitectura por la Universidad de La Habana.
Manuel Reguera Saumell, 2004
Adelgaza mientras duermes. Recetas ultrarrápidas para ...
Más de 120 recetas de cocina que puedes preparar en muy poco tiempo, para adelgazar aprovechando tu reloj biológico con el método de éxito en Europa
Detlef Pape, Rudolf Schwarz, Elmar Trunz-Carlisi, 2012
Hippocrates defendido de las imposturas y calumnias que ...
3 . dize, que no fon pocos ( va hablando de los Sépticos , y de los que les liguen ) ios que cor.fieiíah, que después de aver gastado treinta años, poco mas,6 menos , miíerablemente en estudios , saben poco, y que jamás han encontrado con ...
Miguel Marcelino Boix y Moliner, 1711


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término poco en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
"Aceptable y un poco sosa": la extraña experiencia de probar ...
Tomé estos apuntes al respecto: "Una cerveza aceptable, un poco sosa para mi paladar más acostumbrado a la magnífica cerveza amarga británica. Se parece ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
¿Cómo saber si un recién nacido está comiendo poco o si come ...
Para saber si un bebé come poco lo que se hace es mirar la báscula, claro, porque tiene que estar ganando al principio unos 120-150 gramos por semana. «Bebés y más, Sep 16»
''Poco a Poco'' llenaron el Coliseo de emoción
''Poco a Poco'' llenaron el Coliseo de emoción. Estos dos grandes interpretes de México, engalanaron la reinaguración del Coliseo Centenario. 1/6. 976x659 ... «, Sep 16»
La tragedia de Lisa, una joven que murió por el poco conocido ...
Se comía media papa horneada sola o un poco de pescado cocinado sin aceite ni nada. Y perdía muchísimo peso". Lista de la comida que programó comer ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Estos 22 trabajos tienen buen sueldo y poco estrés
¿Existe el trabajo perfecto? Si hubiera que definirlo, un sueldazo y poco estrés serían, para muchos, dos de sus características. Es lo que ha pensado Laurence ... «Expansió, Sep 16»
Macri y una generosidad poco conocida
Macri y una generosidad poco conocida. Carlos PagniLA NACION. SEGUIR. Carlos Pagni. Sábado 10 de septiembre de 2016. 0. La relación con Sergio Massa ... «LA NACION, Sep 16»
Critican a Miss Japón por su aspecto poco japonés
La nueva Miss Japón ha sido criticada por su aspecto poco japonés al tener raíces indias, informa el portal Buzzfeed. Priyanka Yoshikawa, de 22 años, nació ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Sep 16»
El lado personal y poco conocido de Carlos Slim, el hombre más ...
La anécdota del viejo cuaderno muestra la parte personal y poco conocida en la vida de Slim Helú. Bandera de México Image copyright Getty Images Image ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Protestas con poco apoyo en la sociedad
Burcap. Anticipo: Último momento: Recibí por mail las noticias que impactan. Protestas con poco apoyo en la sociedad. Fernando LabordaLA NACION. SEGUIR. «LA NACION, Sep 16»
La poco conocida y muy extensa red de negocios de la Mara ...
La poco conocida y muy extensa red de negocios de la Mara Salvatrucha. Alberto Nájar BBC Mundo. 26 agosto 2016. Compartir. Miembro de la MS 13 con las ... «BBC Mundo, Ago 16»



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