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La audacia en los negocios es lo primero, lo segundo y lo tercero.
Thomas Fuller

Significado de "segundo" en el diccionario de español



La palabra segundo procede del latín secundus.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


se · gun · do play
Segundo es una palabra llana de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Segundo puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.



El segundo es la unidad de tiempo en el Sistema Internacional de Unidades, el Sistema Cegesimal de Unidades y el Sistema Técnico de Unidades. Su símbolo es s. Hasta 1967 se definía como la fracción 1/86 400 de la duración que tuvo el día solar medio entre los años 1750 y 1890 y, a partir de esa fecha, su medición se hace tomando como base el tiempo atómico. Según la definición del Sistema Internacional de Unidades: Un segundo es la duración de 9 192 631 770 oscilaciones de la radiación emitida en la transición entre los dos niveles hiperfinos del estado fundamental del isótopo 133 del átomo de cesio, a una temperatura de 0 K. Esto tiene por consecuencia que se produzcan desfases entre el segundo como unidad de tiempo astronómico y el segundo medido a partir del tiempo atómico, más estable que la rotación de la Tierra, lo que obliga a ajustes destinados a mantener concordancia entre el tiempo atómico y el tiempo solar medio.

definición de segundo en el diccionario español

La primera definición de segundo en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es que sigue inmediatamente en orden al o a lo primero. Otro significado de segundo en el diccionario es favorable. Segundo es también persona que en una institución sigue en jerarquía a quien la dirige o preside.







Sinónimos y antónimos de segundo en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «segundo» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de segundo


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «segundo» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
antónimos de segundo


segundo auxiliar ayudante delegado lugarteniente posterior siguiente subalterno suplente sustituto jefe primero cabo segundos fuera batir teniente alto primo frente sobrino apunte unidad primera lengua española sigue inmediatamente orden otro favorable segundo también persona institución jerarquía quien dirige preside historia natural cayo plinio educación física primaria través juego ciclo obra compone libros entidad propia separado pues cada aborda desarrolla curriculum para educacion fisica utilizando judaísmo época templo israel conocimiento orígenes cristianismo supone necesariamente

Traductor en línea con la traducción de segundo a 25 idiomas

online translator


Conoce la traducción de segundo a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de segundo presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de segundo en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

في المرتبة الثانية
280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

thứ hai
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

în al doilea rând
30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de segundo en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

2º (segundo)
º (segundo) 
  2nd (second).
 The subject of AIDS was chosen for the 1st study and family/genetic studies of cleft lip and palate for the 2nd.
  second (2nd) ; second-best [2nd-best] ; runner-up ; second from (the) top.
 The second part of this volume combines the proceedings of the two 1977 institutes held in New York and Los Angeles.
 In three weeks one could become the second best authority on any subject, given access to a decent library with a good librarian.
 This paper gives some information about the winners, highlights of their acceptance speeches at the awards ceremony, and lists the 4 runners up.
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
acabar (el) segundo    
finish + second
finish + runner-up
come in + second
come in + runner-up
 As the 2000 season closed they finished second in the nation, winning 85 consecutive matches.
 In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.
 They came in second with 71 medals (22 gold).
 They played hard but were unlucky and came in runners-up of which they can be very proud.
acabar en segundo lugar  
finish in + second place
come in + second place
 Their women's team finished in second place only behind the University of Mary who posted 21 team points.
 They came in second place in the 2003 season.
acabar segundo  
take + second place
come off + second-best
 Niamh practised her words with her mother and went on to take second place in the spelling final.
 The Americana tends to come off second-best in just about every evaluative test (size, readability, accessibility, up-to-dateness, prestige, etc.).
alumno de segundo 
second grader
 The evaluation survey demonstrated how second graders felt they had benefited from the project.
alumno de segundo año 
second grader
 The evaluation survey demonstrated how second graders felt they had benefited from the project.
alumno de segundo curso 
second grader
 The evaluation survey demonstrated how second graders felt they had benefited from the project.
ciudadano de segunda clase 
second-class citizen
 Long treated as second-class citizens, the women say they have found an unexpected equality on the front lines of the protest.
coche de segunda mano  
used car
second-hand car
 The quality of used cars has also improved with intense competition among manufacturers in the new car market.
 Not many people foresaw that second-hand cars imported from Japan would one day dominate the motor industry in Botswana.
como segunda alternativa 
as a backup
 Will the electronic version become the primary mode of access/distribution with print as a backup?.
conseguir el segundo puesto 
win + second place
 She won second place in shotput at the state championship.
con segundas  
 We need answers to these double-edged questions of why bother about children's books and the method of introducing books to children.
 The author briefly discusses the loaded techno-political issue of micro-informatics technology transfer, and how an international effort could assist in this respect.
con segundas intenciones 
 The author briefly discusses the loaded techno-political issue of micro-informatics technology transfer, and how an international effort could assist in this respect.
dar una segunda oportunidad 
give + a second chance
 If their answer is incorrect, they are given a second chance.
dar una segunda vida 
give + a second life
 This book will show you how to give a second life to everything from plastic containers to bubble wrap to pantyhose and more.
dejar en segundo plano 
 And when the maintenance of structure is permitted to overshadow the functional performance of the institution, it will move toward extinction.
de segunda   
 The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.
 Those downmarket films brought my family financial security.
 It is a relatively small and shabby building in the middle of a downscale neighborhood.
de segunda calidad    
second-best [2nd-best]
 The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.
 Librarians should view teenage romances not as a 2nd-best literature but as valuable books in themselves.
 Those downmarket films brought my family financial security.
 It is a relatively small and shabby building in the middle of a downscale neighborhood.
de segunda categoría 
 To date the library profession has been passive in its approach to new technology and has accepted the second-rate products it has been offered.
de segunda clase  
 To date the library profession has been passive in its approach to new technology and has accepted the second-rate products it has been offered.
 Why is it considered 'second class' to be living in a flat rather than a house?.
de segunda importancia    [También se usa on a back burner] 
back burner
on the back burner
second in importance
 The title 'Unsolicited marginal gift collections: saying no or coping with the unwanted' deals with the problem of how to cope with collections which should have been declined, but were not.
 Assistive technology will continue to be a back burner issue in most libraries.
 Although the prospect of compulsory competitive tendering in libraries is on the back burner it has put acquisitions firmly in the limelight.
 In an emergency, good information about the building is second in importance only to good judgment.
de segunda importancia en relación con 
secondary to
 The important thing to remember is that specifications of this kind are always to be regarded as secondary to subject.
de segunda mano 
second-hand [secondhand]
 A list of 100 significant Canadian novels was checked against the holdings of a new bookstores, second-hand bookstores, and academic libraries.
de segundo grado  
in the second degree
 The next morning I wasn't sore at all (since I had taken it easy) but both Jason and I had second-degree sun and wind burns.
 Making a false statement in this sworn affidavit will be punishable under the criminal laws of Colorado as perjury in the second degree.
de segundo nivel 
 The fourth second-level heading under this term is 'miscellaneous'.
de segundo orden  
second-order [2nd-order]
 A study of bibliographic classification could concentrate solely upon the major, and some of the more minor bibliographic classification schemes used today.
 A meta-programming approach is applied in which the raw bibliographic material is viewed as a logic programme upon which a 2nd-order logic programme is developed.
disponer de una segunda oportunidad 
get + a second chance
 According to an old saying, you never get a second chance to make a first impression = Según un antiguo dicho, nunca se tiene una seguna oportunidad para causar una primera impresión.
el segundo mencionado  [Frecuentemente precedido del artículo 'the' y contrapuesto a 'the former' (el primero mencionado)]
 The former necessitate the constant comparison, or manipulation, of index entries rather than the linear scanning of entries in the latter.
en circuitos de segunda categoría 
in the provinces
 It was intended that the service should fill the gap in the provinces created by the vast concentration of on-line activity in the metropolis.
en circuitos de segundo orden 
in the provinces
 It was intended that the service should fill the gap in the provinces created by the vast concentration of on-line activity in the metropolis.
en el segundo caso 
in the latter case
 In the latter case a classified arrangement of subjects is also considered an important starting point in searching.
en segundo lugar   
second-best [2nd-best]
in the second place
 Secondly, there will be increasing use of personal computer (PC) on their own, linked to local area networks (LANs).
 In three weeks one could become the second best authority on any subject, given access to a decent library with a good librarian.
 European companies target European markets and, in the second place, North America.
en un segundo plano 
in the background
 He should stand a little in the background, like the press secretary when the President is holding a press conference with the Washington correspondents.
estudiante universitario de segundo año 
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
finalización en segundo lugar 
second place finish
 With a damaged car, having to make a pit stop to change his front wing, the potential of a second place finish went up in smoke.
finalizar (el) segundo    
finish + second
finish + runner-up
come in + second
come in + runner-up
 As the 2000 season closed they finished second in the nation, winning 85 consecutive matches.
 In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.
 They came in second with 71 medals (22 gold).
 They played hard but were unlucky and came in runners-up of which they can be very proud.
finalizar en el segundo lugar 
come in + second place
 They came in second place in the 2003 season.
finalizar en segundo lugar 
finish in + second place
 Their women's team finished in second place only behind the University of Mary who posted 21 team points.
hotel de segunda  
downscale hotel
downmarket hotel
 Room rates are so steeply discounted that the top resorts will put you up today for the same price that downscale hotels charged two years ago.
 It's an awful downmarket hotel in the worst location in Las Vegas with terrible service and staff who couldn't care less.
hotel de segunda categoría  
downscale hotel
downmarket hotel
 Room rates are so steeply discounted that the top resorts will put you up today for the same price that downscale hotels charged two years ago.
 It's an awful downmarket hotel in the worst location in Las Vegas with terrible service and staff who couldn't care less.
inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona 
middle initial
 If you're not sure of the exact form of the phrase (Does the author have a middle initial?), enter as much of the phrase as you know.
la segunda mejor opción 
the next best option
 If friends or family can't help, the next best option is to approach your bank or a credit union for a personal loan.
la segunda mitad de + Fecha 
the latter part of + Fecha
 This town library was in the latter part of the 17th century permitted to sink 'into careless guardianship and ultimate neglect' = A finales del siglo XVII no se hizo nada por evitar que esta biblioteca municipal se sumiese "en la negligencia y en el abandono total".
la segunda opción 
the next best choice
 They are the next best choice but they are suited best to low humidity situations as the air has greater potential to absorb water vapour.
la segunda vez 
the second time around
 His luck ran out the second time around after surviving an attempt on his life last April.
llegar (el) segundo    
finish + second
finish + runner-up
come in + second
come in + runner-up
 As the 2000 season closed they finished second in the nation, winning 85 consecutive matches.
 In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.
 They came in second with 71 medals (22 gold).
 They played hard but were unlucky and came in runners-up of which they can be very proud.
llegar en segundo lugar  
finish in + second place
come in + second place
 Their women's team finished in second place only behind the University of Mary who posted 21 team points.
 They came in second place in the 2003 season.
llegar segundo 
take + second place
 Niamh practised her words with her mother and went on to take second place in the spelling final.
material donado de segunda mano 
hand-me-down material
 There had been no problems organizing the collection of 'hand-me-down' materials.
mercadillo de prendas de segunda mano 
rummage sale
 And he's dressed as if he just made a killing at a rummage sale!.
ocupar un segundo plano 
stand in + the background
 He should stand a little in the background, like the press secretary when the President is holding a press conference with the Washington correspondents.
oír por segundas personas 
hear + second-hand
 I'm only reporting to you what I've heard second-hand.
parte segunda 
 The article 'The forgiving building revisited' discusses planning library facilities which will meet new developments in automation technology with flexibility.
por segunda vez    
a second time
the second time around
a second time around
for a second time
 The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.
 His luck ran out the second time around after surviving an attempt on his life last April.
 Will Fiat fare better a second time around in US market?.
 After getting back on course the difficulties continued when she went off course for a second time and her bike became entangled in a fence.
primer y segundo plato 
main dish
 Mandarin oranges are little segments of bright citrus flavor suitable for salads, vegetables, main dishes and, of course, desserts.
primo segundo 
second cousin
 For the most part in Latin America, people consider cousin relationship to be incestuous only if they are first cousins, second cousins and onwards are not subject to this taboo.
quedar en segundo plano 
come in + a poor second
 If the library is not to come in a poor second to such 'basic' or 'essential' services as police and garbage collection, the library's services must also be regarded as 'essential'.
quedar segundo  
come off + second-best
take + second place
 The Americana tends to come off second-best in just about every evaluative test (size, readability, accessibility, up-to-dateness, prestige, etc.).
 Niamh practised her words with her mother and went on to take second place in the spelling final.
relegado a un segundo plano  [También se usa on a back burner] 
on the back burner
back burner
 Although the prospect of compulsory competitive tendering in libraries is on the back burner it has put acquisitions firmly in the limelight.
 Assistive technology will continue to be a back burner issue in most libraries.
relegar a un segundo plano 
take + second place
 He considered his first job as that of healer; the writer and teacher took second place.
relegarse a un segundo plano 
take + a back seat
 Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
ropa de segunda mano 
second-hand clothes
 They release selected second-hand clothes into fleamarket circulation labelled with their own designer label.
segunda casa 
second home
 In recent decades tourism has vastly increased in the area and many once empty houses have been restored as second or holiday homes.
segunda edición  
2nd edition
second edition
 It is my understanding that the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition, (AACR2) will prescribe the same entry rules for all materials.
 At different times Ms. Hinton has used revision, redraft, rewrite, new edition, revised edition, and second edition.
Segunda Edición de las Reglas de Catalogación Anglo-Americanas (RCAA-2
AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition)
 AACR2 defines authorship in terms of the intellectual responsibility for a work.
Segunda Guerra Mundial   
2nd World War
World War II [Second World War]
Second World War [World War II]
 This article considers the maturing and professionalisation of Slavic librarianship in the USA since the 2nd World War.
 War, for example, is divided into Militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.
 From the beginnings of the UNESCO activity after the Second World War the emphasis ever since in universal bibliographic control has been upon collective endeavours.
segunda manga 
second leg
 Second qualifying round first legs to be played July 30, second legs to be played on August 6.
segunda mitad, la 
second half, the
 They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.
segunda parte  [Obra literaria o imaginative completa por sí misma pero que continúa un trabajo anterior] 
 These include: continuations and sequels; supplements; indexes; concordances; incidental music to dramatic works; cadenzas; scenarios; screenplays, and so on; choreographies; librettos and other texts set to music.
 This is an outtake from Wolfe's follow-up to his 1987 'Bonfire of the Vanities'.
segunda parte, la 
second half, the
 They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.
segundas intenciones  
hidden agenda
ulterior motives
 This paper looks at the hidden agendas and values that conflict with the concept of cheap, easy-to-get, comprehensive, accurate information.
 From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him - sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.
segunda vivienda en la ciudad  [Generalmente para personas que viven fuera de ella]
 Get a pied-à-terre in London and an investment too.
segunda votación  [Generalmente para intentar resolver un empate ]  [Generalmente para intentar resolver un empate]
election runoff
 Runoffs must be held just two weeks after the primary election.
 Egypt Islamists have claimed most seats in the election runoff.
segundo análisis 
re-examination [reexamination]
 New theories of management and different demands on university libraries encourage a re-examination of organisational design and staffing practices.
segundo contramaestre 
boatswain's mate
 It is unlikely that many pirate vessels had boatswain's mates aboard.
segundo curso 
second grade
 After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.
segundo de abordo  
second in command
second banana
 The disadvantages may be minimized if a well qualified second in command is appointed.
 I don't mean to oversimplify life, but on some days it seems to me that society divides into two categories: the top bananas and the second bananas.
segundo de candidatura 
running mate
 For example, a few days ago, he argued that McCain shouldn't choose Palin as his running mate.
segundo en la candidatura de Alguien 
running mate
 For example, a few days ago, he argued that McCain shouldn't choose Palin as his running mate.
segundo finalista 
first runner up
 She was the first runner up in the 1st Canadian Library Journal Student Article Contest.
segundo lugar 
second place
 A close competition, there was a winning team and two teams tied in second place.
segundo molar 
12-year molar
 Almost every school boy feels he has outgrown his infancy when his six-year molars erupt and that he is nearing manhood when his 12-year molars appear.
segundo plato   [Especialmente en los Estados Unidos]  
a little something on the side
main entrée
main course
 For a man who has created a nearly perfect life for himself, what harm could there be if he discreetly indulges in a little something on the side?.
 It can be made from any mashed starchy vegetable and used as an accompaniment for a meat or fish entree.
 At least 20 different main entree items, side entree items and appetizers will be made available to taste.
 No matter how stuffed you are after the main course you always have room for a little dessert.
segundo por arriba 
second from (the) top
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
segundo por la cola  
second from (the) bottom
second to last
 They are second from bottom with 20 points from 22 matches.
 In a recent survey of 16 European countries, the UK comes second to last, beating only Belgium.
segundo puesto 
second place
 A close competition, there was a winning team and two teams tied in second place.
segundo tiempo, el 
second half, the
 They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.
segundo trimestre 
second quarter
 The Spanish airline swung to a net loss in the second quarter, hurt by falling demand for air travel as the recession grips Spain.
ser el segundo 
win + second place
 She won second place in shotput at the state championship.
ser el segundo de a bordo 
play + second fiddle
 His classification was an attempt to adapt knowledge to the decimal pattern, and ideas had to play second fiddle; which is not a formula for efficient classification or a model for others.
tener segundas intenciones 
push + Posesivo + (personal) agenda
 She interrupted other speakers to push her agenda, and failed to keep her answers relevant to the questions.
tener una segunda oportunidad  
get + a second chance
have + a second chance
 According to an old saying, you never get a second chance to make a first impression = Según un antiguo dicho, nunca se tiene una seguna oportunidad para causar una primera impresión.
 Individuals who have gone afoul of the law should have and must have a second chance.
tener un segundo empleo  
work + a second job
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
tener un segundo trabajo  
work + a second job
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
terminar (el) segundo    
finish + second
finish + runner-up
come in + second
come in + runner-up
 As the 2000 season closed they finished second in the nation, winning 85 consecutive matches.
 In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.
 They came in second with 71 medals (22 gold).
 They played hard but were unlucky and came in runners-up of which they can be very proud.
terminar en segundo lugar  
finish in + second place
come in + second place
 Their women's team finished in second place only behind the University of Mary who posted 21 team points.
 They came in second place in the 2003 season.
terminar segundo  
take + second place
come off + second-best
 Niamh practised her words with her mother and went on to take second place in the spelling final.
 The Americana tends to come off second-best in just about every evaluative test (size, readability, accessibility, up-to-dateness, prestige, etc.).
TOEFL (Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua)  [Examen de inglés que todo estudiante extranjero debe hacer como requisito para su entrada en una universidad americana]
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
 Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.
una segunda opinión 
a second opinion
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
una segunda vez   
a second time around
a second time
for a second time
 Will Fiat fare better a second time around in US market?.
 The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.
 After getting back on course the difficulties continued when she went off course for a second time and her bike became entangled in a fence.
vendedor de coches de segunda mano  
used-car dealer
second-hand car dealer
 Turning back the odometer is probably the most common and infamous used-car dealer trick.
 Second-hand car dealers generally sell cars that have seen a bit more use and abuse than those on the new car dealer's lot.
viajar en segunda clase 
travel (in) + second-class
 It has often been said that traveling in second-class on Titanic was like traveling first-class on earlier ships.
  second ; sec.
 If necessary, it could be made extremely fast by substituting thermionic-tube switching for mechanical switching, so that the full selection could be made in one one-hundredth of a second.
 'Hang on a sec, okay?' the senior assistant librarian in charge of serials said as she put the phone down.
actuar en segundo plano 
lurk in + the wings
 Prince Hal has proved his courage, but the conniving Falstaff and his companions lurk in the wings, waiting for Hal to ascend the throne.
a los pocos segundos 
within moments
 Within moments, however, the birds began to squawk, almost scream at each other.
décima de segundo 
split second
 If you can see why, then next time, in the split second before you click, you'll ask yourself, is there a better place to get my information?.
durante un segundo 
for a second
 Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.
en cuestión de segundos  
within seconds
in a matter of seconds
 An online catalog is certainly more complete in its accesses and more up to date than is possible with a card catalog since the entries are available within seconds after completion of cataloging.
 In a matter of seconds, some 50 people were killed, 250 injured.
en los últimos segundos 
in the final seconds
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
en uno o dos segundos 
in an instant or two
 Now rapid selection can slide just the proper card into position in an instant or two, and return it afterward.
en unos segundos 
in seconds
 This curler creates movie star eyelashes in seconds and also beats mascara allergy.
en un par de segundos 
in an instant or two
 Now rapid selection can slide just the proper card into position in an instant or two, and return it afterward.
en un segundo        
in the blink of an eye
in the twinkling of an eye
in a snap
with the tip of a hat
in a jiffy
in a heartbeat
in a second
in the wink of an eye
 Society has moved from micro to macro scale in almost the blink of an eye.
 You can send an email message from Boston to Addis Ababa in a twinkling of an eye, but that message may be expunged in a second twinkling.
 Firefox installs in a snap, and it's free.
 These people have absolutely no scruples, commiting genocide with the tip of a hat.
 The article is entitled 'Chemistry in a Jiffy'.
 Life is too short, and it can be over in a heartbeat.
 A potato can be peeled in a second by steaming first for an hour before dipping it in ice water.
 This incident happened in plain daylight and in the wink of an eye.
ESL (Inglés como Segunda Lengua) 
ESL (English as a Second Language)
 The similarities in narrative style, the emphasis on incident and the use of colourful themes such as the supernatural, horror and fantasy, enable Chinese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) readers to identify with these novels.
fracción de segundo 
split second
 If you can see why, then next time, in the split second before you click, you'll ask yourself, is there a better place to get my information?.
ganar el segundo puesto 
win + second place
 She won second place in shotput at the state championship.
ni por un segundo 
not even for a minute!
 This will serve as a reminder to never leave a child in the car alone, not even for a minute!.
ni un segundo 
never for a minute
 But even her detractors admired her sincerity on the subject and never for a minute doubted her good intentions.
por un segundo 
for a second
 Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.
 A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.
unos segundos de reflexión  
a moment's thought
a moment's reflection
 A moment's thought should show that whereas specificity is a device to increase relevance at the cost of recall, exhaustivity works in the opposite direction, by increasing recall, but at the expense of relevance.
 A moment's reflection on the characteristics of this type of catalog as shown in figure 1 reveals the retrieval power of such a catalog.
un par de segundos 
a blink or two
 On the last day we walked around the small town which only took a blink or two and then drove around to look at the old brewery, post office and other stuff.
un segundo 
for a minute
 Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour - sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra segundo



El término «segundo» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 367 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «segundo» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de segundo
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «segundo».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «segundo» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «segundo» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre segundo



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra segundo.
Henri Lacordaire
Después de la palabra, el silencio es el segundo poder del mundo.
Jean-Luc Godard
La fotografía es la verdad. El cine es la verdad veinticuatro veces por segundo.
Johann W. Goethe
Nada contribuye más al hastío de la vida que un segundo amor.
Jonathan Swift
Es un axioma que aquel a quien todos conceden el segundo lugar, tiene méritos indudables para ocupar el primero.
Noël Coward
Cortaría dos cosas en esta comedia: el segundo acto y el cuello del actor secundario.
Omar Khayyam
Si quieres escucharme te daré un consejo: por el amor de Dios no vistas la ropa de la hipocresía. La vida futura es lo eterno, este mundo, sólo un instante. No vendas el reino de la eternidad por un segundo.
Publio Siro
La fama de integridad constituye un segundo patrimonio.
Theodor Fontane
El hombre vive para cumplir su deber y morir. Mantener presente lo segundo hace más fácil lo primero.
Thomas Fuller
La audacia en los negocios es lo primero, lo segundo y lo tercero.
Jean Luc Goddard
La fotografía es verdad. Y el cine es una verdad 24 veces por segundo.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término segundo.
Entre el honor y el dinero, lo segundo es lo primero.
Primer año, doctor; el segundo, licenciado; el tercero, bachiller, y el cuarto, asno.
A Dios lo mejor del mundo, pues es señor sin segundo.
A Dios, llamaron tú. A Dios, lo mejor del mundo, pues es Señor sin segundo.
Amor no sufre segundo.
De la mujer el primer consejo, que el segundo no lo quiero.
Mira que tras este mundo hay otro segundo.
Puta y chata, con lo segundo basta.
Sin segundo, no hay primero.
Todo es nada lo de este mundo, si no se endereza al segundo.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de segundo en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con segundo y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Educación física en primaria a través del juego: segundo ciclo
La obra se compone de 3 libros (con entidad propia por separado pues cada uno aborda un Ciclo de Primaria) en los que se desarrolla el curriculum para la Educacion Fisica en la Educacion Primaria, utilizando como medio/fin el juego.
Historia del judaísmo en la época del Segundo Templo: Israel ...
El conocimiento de los orígenes del cristianismo supone, necesariamente, el de los temas fundamentales del pensamiento judío, es decir, la evolución de la religión y la espiritualidad de Israel entre los siglos VI a.C. y I d.C., ...
Paolo Sacchi, Antonio Piñero, 2004
El segundo mundo: Imperios e influencia en el nuevo orden ...
Comparable en alcance y audacia a El fin de la historia, de Francis Fukuyama, y a El choque de civilizaciones, de Samuel P. Huntington, El segundo mundo, de Parag Khanna, será la guía definitiva de la política mundial durante los ...
Parag Khanna, 2008
Segundo tratado sobre el gobierno civil: un ensayo acerca ...
Frente al ideal totalitario que Hobbes propone como solución a los excesos de la naturaleza humana abandonada a sus espontáneas inclinaciones, Locke basa el pacto social en la regla de la mayoría.
John Locke, Carlos Mellizo, Peter Laslett, 2006
Don Segundo Sombra
Las lecturas temáticas, intratextuales y lingüísticas de Don Segundo Sombra las realizaron Nilda Díaz, Eduardo Romano y Elena M. Rojas. Complementan la edición la correspondencia de Güiraldes y Valéry Larbaud.
Ricardo Güiraldes, Paul Verdevoye, 1996
Primero y segundo Isaac
Primero y segundo Isaac es uno de los autos sacramentales mas celebres de Calderon de la Barca. La obra tuvo cierta relevancia en America y fue representa en Peru en 1682.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, 2012
Manual de Literatura EspaÑola. Segundo Curso. Del Barroco a ...
Breve manual de literatura espanola, correspondiente a la epoca desde el teatro y la prosa barroca a la generacion del 98
Manuel Maneiro Vidal, 2008
24 por segundo
En esta ocasión Oda, acompañada de su amigo Henrick, vivirán mil aventuras dentro de las grandes películas del cine, pudiendo conocer de primera mano a los personajes, los actores y los directores cinematográficos más importantes.
Bjorn Sortland, Lars Elling, 2002
Diario de a bordo (Segundo viaje, tercer y cuarto viaje)
Sin embargo, aunque en su persona se mezclen la maravilla ante el mundo desconocido, el piadoso deseo de evangelizar a los «salvajes» y una manifiesta avidez de riquezas, Colón fue sin duda un explorador y un navegante increíblemente ...
Cristóbal Colón, 2011
Los juegos en la motricidad infantil de los 3 a los 6 años: ...
Recoge cerca de 400 juegos que abarcan todos los contenidos motrices de las enseñanzas correspondientes a la Educación Infantil. Trata globalizadamente los contenidos motrices de esta etapa a través del juego.


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término segundo en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Sin pasajeros camiones que circulan por segundo piso
Sin pasajeros operan actualmente los camiones que realizan su ruta por el segundo piso del Periférico en el tramo comprendido del Auditorio Nacional al ... «Excélsior, Sep 16»
Súbale, súbale… Inicia el servicio de transporte público en el ...
Desde este domingo 18 de septiembre iniciará el servicio expreso de transporte público en el segundo piso del Periférico. El mandatario local, Miguel Mancera ... «, Sep 16»
Segundo Rosariazo: El análisis del Dr. Horacio Zamboni
En segundo lugar, me parece muy importante algunas de las cosas que ha planteado el compañero, ya que desmitifica algunas cosas, y traen un poco de luz a ... «La Izquierda Diario, Sep 16»
Comisión de diputados presenta segundo informe del caso Iguala
... los hechos ocurridos en Iguala, Guerrero, sobre la desaparición de estudiantes de la Normal de Ayotzinapa, presentó su segundo informe semestral. «, Sep 16»
Ecuatoriano Piedra, segundo por Latinoamérica en maratón olímpico
... quienes arribaron a la meta en los puestos 85 (Miguel Angel Almachi) y 124 (Segundo Jami), con tiempos de 2:23:00 y 2:31:07, respectivamente. El keniano ... «Prensa Latina, Ago 16»
Falleció Kiara, la nenita golpeada por su padre en Río Segundo
La fiscal de Río Segundo, Patricia Baulies, a cargo de la causa, indicó que el acusado, Esteban Bracamonte, es también investigado por otro hecho de ... «La Voz del Interior, Ago 16»
Concluye la restauración de las cubiertas de la ermita de San ...
La ermita de San Segundo, cuya advocación original fue la de San Sebastián, es un templo construido en arenisca y granito extramuros de la ciudad, junto al ... «, Ago 16»
Miguel Segundo Maza Álvarez habría sido asesinado por su ...
Al pronunciarse sobre el asesinato de Miguel Segundo Maza Álvarez, hijo del general en retiro y ex director del extinto DAS Miguel Maza Márquez, el ministro ... «W Radio, Jul 16»
Homenaje a Vilma Espín en el Segundo Frente
SEGUNDO FRENTE, Santiago de Cuba.—Pobladores de Mayarí Arriba, localidad cabecera de este municipio santiaguero, rendirán homenaje en nombre de ... «Granma Internacional, Jun 16»
Pablo Isla asciende un puesto y se sitúa como segundo líder con ...
El presidente de Mercadona, Juan Roig, repite como el líder con mejor reputación en España, seguido por los presidentes de Inditex, Pablo Isla, y del ... «, Jun 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Segundo [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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