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Meaning of "del" in the Spanish dictionary





Definition of del in the Spanish dictionary

In the Spanish dictionary the meaning of el. The nature of man, by the nature of man. Of the eagle, by the eagle.


andel · aparthotel · aquel · bel · cancel · cartel · coronel · cruel · el · fiel · hotel · ismael · miel · motel · nivel · panel · papel · pastel · piel · samuel


dél · delación · delado · delant · delantal · delante · delantealtar · delantera · delantero · delasolré · delatable · delatador · delatar · delator · delatora · delaxar · delco · dele · deleble · delectable


ángel · babel · cárcel · cóctel · coctel · cuartel · desnivel · diésel · fuel · gel · gospel · granel · infiel · laurel · nel · nobel · novel · plantel · sel · túnel

Synonyms and antonyms of del in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «del» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of del to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of del from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «del» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of del in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

of the
510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

अगोदर निर्देश केलेल्या बाबीसंबंधी बोलताना
75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


Comunidad Europea del Carbón y el Acero (CECA)
Comunidad Europea del Carbón y el Acero (CECA) 
  European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
 The 'European Community' is composed of three individual Communities: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community) (the EAEC, or Euratom), and the European Economic Community (the EEC or 'Common Market').
del año catapún 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la nada 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la pera 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la polca 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de Maricastaña 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año maricastaño 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del archivo 
 To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.
del atrio 
 Under general anesthesia, closure of the atrial defect was undertaken after initial temporary test occlusion.
del automóvil 
 This article describes the collection of Detroit Public Library, which is considered the world's largest public archive of automotive records = Este artículo describe la colección de la Biblioteca Pública de Detroit, que se considera el mayor archivo público del mundo de documentos sobre el automóvil.
del ayer  
of yesteryear
gone by
 Attendance figures indicated the beginnings of a return to participation by many of the big publishers that shunned the show in recent years, although the mammoth stands of yesteryear remained absent = Las cifras de asistencia mostraban el comienzo de una vuelta a la participación de muchos de los editores que no habían asistido a la exposición en los últimos años, aunque los estands gigantescos de antaño seguían estando ausentes.
 I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.
del ayuntamiento 
local authority-run
 There are over 70 local authority-run consumer advisory services each handling an average of about 20,000 enquiries a year.
del calendario 
 The Julian calendar was switched over to the Gregorian starting in 1582, at which point the 10 day difference between the actual time of year and traditional time of year on which calendrical events occurred became intolerable.
del Caribe 
 These organizations are of particular importance for information on primary commodities which the European Community trades with the ACP countries (African, Caribbean and Pacific countries).
del centro  [Adjetivo]
 Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.
del Cercano Oriente 
 The hebrew, Arabic, and other Near-Eastern alphabets cut as type during the hand-press period for works of biblical exegesis were narrowly confined to specialist printers.
del cine 
 Each video shot is logged using text descriptions, audio dialogue, and cinematic attributes.
del coito 
 Female sexual dysfunction refers to the inability of a woman to function adequately in terms of sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, or in coital situations.
del congreso 
 This congressional material was vastly underused before CIS (congressional Information Service) hit the scene.
del convento 
 The nuns tenaciously defended their conventual tradition, which led to laxity both in discipline and resistance to attempts at reform.
del cráneo 
 A reanalysis of Rushton's data shows that cranial size is not a feasible indicator of intelligence.
del cuello del útero 
 This study aims to quantify the variation in cervical morphology between ewes.
del cuerpo 
 Ramberg depicts women's torsos clad in ultrafeminine undergarments and creates body metaphors from jackets, vests, breastplates, and fur pieces.
del día o de la noche 
day or night
 Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.
del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho    
actions speak louder than words
many a slip between the cup and the lip
be easier said than done
There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
 But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words.
 The article is entitled 'Towards academic status: many a slip between the cup and the lip'.
 In formulating strategies and choosing options to deal with Iraq, it is important to recognize that some things are easier said than done.
 There's many a slip twixt cup and lip, of course, in plans like these, but that's the intention now.
del documento específico 
 The additional document-related information required for each access-point file entry can be seen in Figure 52.
del ecuador 
 Indeed, the demand for wide-band satellite channels is so great that, from 1984, satellites will be placed at 2-degree intervals of the equatorial orbit, instead of the previously used 4-degree separation.
del editor 
 Practical application of these ideas, preferably with editorial or tutorial assistance, is the next step after perusing this chapter.
del entorno  
 The author draws an analogy between the ambient consumerism of affluent societies and the consumption of information.
 Not all topics are covered, but a broad group of industrial topics are represented, including, measurement, environmental and safety engineering, energy technology and communication.
del esófago 
oesophageal [esophageal, -USA]
 Oesophageal perforation was associated in the majority of the cases with ingestion of fishing hooks.
del este   [Usado menos frecuentemente que easterly] 
 He went on to explain that while there were no unsightly slums, there was a fairly large district of rather nondescript homes intermingled with plain two- and three-family brick and frame dwellings, principally in the eastern reaches of the city.
 In 1975, the lighthouse on this most easternly point in Canada was made a national historic site.
 Byron Bay is Australia's most easterly point and has long been considered a sacred place by the Aboriginal people.
del este asiático 
East Asian
 The possibilities of international cooperation promise to bring scholarly access to East Asian Materials from far beyond the walls of any library, big or small.
del estilo de los directorios 
 This is likely to be particularly important for directory-type data bases and other full text data bases, such as electronic journals.
del estroptococo 
 Startlingly, we find also that Rule 2.44 would permit either Horses - Diseases or Horse - Diseases - Strangles for a document on strangles in horses (an infectious streptococcal fever); the first of these is blatantly class entry rather than specific, while the second is equally blatantly alphabetico classed.
del experimento 
 Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work, and document with a central theme.
del + Expresión Temporal 
a + Expresión Temporal
 Most hosts are not available twenty-four hours a day, seven days of the week.
del Extremo Oriente 
Far Eastern
 The Dutch, too, started making cigars using tobacco from their Far Eastern colonies.
del extremo sur 
 This article discusses the slow development of school libraries in Kerala, the southernmost state of India.
del futuro  
of the years to come
yet to come
 The ways in which librarians respond to the new technology will determine, in part, the library's place in the culture of the years to come.
 The article 'The library yet to come' presents a range of pessimistic and optimistic predictions for the future of the library.
del gobernador 
 This article explores the significant growth and expansion of gubernatorial control over education reform.
del gobierno   
 Government-owned book depots can help to solve some problems.
 This monograph traces the evolution of American public libraries from female, volunteer-run reading rooms to government-operated institutions.
 Both government-run programs and partially government-subsidized programs run by voluntary agencies such as Caritas and the YMCA are common.
del grosor de un pelo 
 Didot's first neo-classic type did not show marked contrast, but later developments of the form, by Didot himself and by Bodoni in Italy, resulted by 1800 in faces of great contrast combined with vertical stress and unbracketed, hairline serifs.
del intelecto 
 Information is noetic form and form precisely as form cannot be the proper object of a science.
del interior 
 However, diaries and photos also show the efforts of all expedition members to fulfil Wegener's plans for a meteorological and glaciological profile of Greenland's entire inland ice cap.
del lomo 
 This article discusses various aspects of the display of library materials such as full-frontal versus spinal display, and others.
del mar 
 The article 'State of the art in sea-going libraries' describes the library service on board the USS George Washington focusing on the layout, facilities, origins, and purpose.
del matrimonio 
 A patron is interested in reading articles reflecting recent research into the characteristics useful for predicting marital satisfaction or success.
del medio  [Adjetivo]  [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc]
 Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.
 Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .
del medio ambiente 
 Not all topics are covered, but a broad group of industrial topics are represented, including, measurement, environmental and safety engineering, energy technology and communication.
del Medio Oriente 
Middle Eastern
 The author analyses the union catalogues of periodicals in Middle Eastern languages in UK libraries = El autor analiza los catálogos colectivos de publicaciones períodicas en las lenguas del Oriente Medio en las bibliotecas británicas.
del mejor modo posible 
to the best of + Posesivo + ability
 It is the responsibility of the requesting library to verify, and where necessary complete the bibliographic details of the item requested to the best of its ability.
del milenio 
 All we have left of the millenarian dateline is the countdown to it.
del miocardio 
 Infarction is irreversible damage to myocardial tissues caused by prolonged ischemia/hypoxia.
del mismo calibre que 
in a class with
 The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.
del mismo modo   
in the same vein
by the same token
 With a limited number of exceptions the title proper is transcribed exactly as to order, wording and spelling.
 In the same vein, the relevant Government department should normally be in the best position to analyze the domestic effect of any Community document.
 By the same token, knowing the basics of microcomputer technology will help the librarian to appreciate why the computer does what it does with bibliographic records.
del mismo modo que          
in the form that
in the same way that
just as
in the same manner (as)
along the lines
after the fashion of
similar to
in common with
just like
 This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
 The edition statement is given if stated in the document, in the form that is given in the document.
 In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
 Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in an extra piece of food he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.
 Oversized nonbook materials are then treated in the same manner as oversized books, specialized materials in the same manner as reference books.
 In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.
 Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.
 Similar to economic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis provides a quantitative presentation of the returns to a community's library investment.
 In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.
 Just like wine connoisseurs there are beer connoisseurs too, and they're just as passionate!.
del mismo modo (que) 
in the same way (as)
 For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.
del mismo + Nombre 
equally + Adjetivo
 Equally important is the fact that a title only reflects the main theme of a document; subsidiary themes are not represented.
del mismo sexo 
 Some states allow civil marriages in circumstances which are not allowed by many religions, such as same-sex marriages or civil unions.
del mismo tipo que las oficinas 
 Most CACs occupied office-type accommodation in town halls, libraries and consumer protection departments.
del modo más fácil 
the easy way
 The article is entitled 'The Windows Internet tour guide: cruising the Internet the easy way'.
del momento 
of the time(s)
 Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.
del montón 
a dime a dozen
 The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
del mundo real 
 It is unfortunate that there is a dearth of real-world logged data to explore usage and problems.
del municipio 
 Public library budgets continue to be cut in the USA as they compete with other county and municipal services for shrinking fiscal resources.
del nordeste 
northeastern [north eastern]
 This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.
del noroeste    
northwestern [north western]
 The author chronicles the Russian geographical explorations of the northwestern shores of North America which were financed and organized by Count Nikolai Rumiantsev from 1803 to 1825 = El autor narra las expediciones geográficas rusas de la costa del noroeste de Norteamérica que fueron financiadas y organizadas por el Conde Nikolai Rumiantsev de 1803 a 1825.
 The results show that surface gravel-sand mulch provides a more favorable environment for plant growth than non-mulched fields in the highly erodible loess area of northwest China.
 The coastal temperate rain forests of north-western North America are internationally renowned as the archetypal expression of the temperate rain forest biome.
 The coastal temperate rain forests of north-western North America are internationally renowned as the archetypal expression of the temperate rain forest biome.
del norte   [En la mitología griega, pueblo que se decía vivía en una tierra donde el sol brillaba perpetuamente]   [Usado con menos frecuencia que northerly]
 Edmonds supervised the planning and construction of two such regional libraries, in the northern and southern parts of the city.
 The author evaluates the classification patterns established by the Library of Congress for the 'Hyperborean languages of America and the kindred languages of Asia'.
 However, the most northerly and climatically extreme parts of the Arctic are inhabited by few species.
 South-west Scotland is the most nothernly big chunk of lowland grassland in the UK.
del oeste   [Usado menos frecuentemente que westerly]
 The most westerly town in Europe, Dingle is also famous for its friendly dolphin.
 I observed a bright orange, pulsing object that moved around the Big Dipper for approximatley twenty minutes and then left in a westernly direction.
del olfato 
 This article examines the detail of Gissing's realistic portrayal of the library, noting how a few contemporary public librarians highlighted the olfactory aspects in his description.
del orden de 
by the order of + Expresión Numérica
 Therefore, there exists an opportunity to reduce toxic emissions by the order of 15 to 20% without substantial economic penalties.
del Oriente Medio 
Middle Eastern
 The author analyses the union catalogues of periodicals in Middle Eastern languages in UK libraries = El autor analiza los catálogos colectivos de publicaciones períodicas en las lenguas del Oriente Medio en las bibliotecas británicas.
del Oriente Próximo 
 The hebrew, Arabic, and other Near-Eastern alphabets cut as type during the hand-press period for works of biblical exegesis were narrowly confined to specialist printers.
del otro lado de la ciudad 
 The average speed of cross-town traffic has dropped to 5.2 miles per hour (from 5.6 mph five years ago).
del otro modo 
the other way (a)round
 In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.
del Pacífico 
 These organizations are of particular importance for information on primary commodities which the European Community trades with the ACP countries (African, Caribbean and pacific countries).
del paludismo 
 Always use mosquito nets when sleeping at night in malarial areas.
del páncreas 
 These pancreatic cells play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of fibrosis and inflammation.
del pasado     
of the past
of yesteryear
gone by
 We are on the way to a transformed library service, total in design (and anything less than totality is doomed as a has-been today).
 This article discusses the use of a metaphorical mode of writing in moralistic children's fiction of the past, where the intention was to make children good.
 There is a definite problem in that the cataloging rules we've had have been firmly rooted in a bygone era.
 Attendance figures indicated the beginnings of a return to participation by many of the big publishers that shunned the show in recent years, although the mammoth stands of yesteryear remained absent = Las cifras de asistencia mostraban el comienzo de una vuelta a la participación de muchos de los editores que no habían asistido a la exposición en los últimos años, aunque los estands gigantescos de antaño seguían estando ausentes.
 I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.
del pene 
 To determine whether 'folk myths' regarding the relationships of penile size to body height and foot size have any basis, 63 virile men were studied.
del período 
 Her art works incorporate such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood and rotting food in order to confront taboo issues of gender and sexuality.
del plancton 
 Following hatching and a period of planktonic development, the young eels, or elvers, return to freshwater rivers, where they remain until they are ready to spawn.
del profesorado 
 Academic disputations are generally entered under the heading for the faculty moderator.
del público asistente 
from the floor
 The second hour of the forum is reserved for questions from the floor and for broad-ranging discussion.
del que se tiene constancia 
 The reform process that forces a growing number of women out of the recorded labor force into casual, unremunerated, & informal work.
del recién nacido 
 Neonatal assessments were determined separately by each one of 3 doctor groups: 4 inexperienced obstetricians, 4 experienced obstetricians and 4 expert neonatologists.
del regimiento 
 Information is held on topics such as: medals; uniform; regimental histories and increasingly the social history of the armed forces = La información se organiza por temas como, por ejemplo, medallas, uniformes, historia de los regimientos y, cada vez, historia social de las fuerzas armadas.
del revés 
 The article is entitled 'Inside-out: The shape of New Library'.
del siglo diecinueve 
 The online computerized library catalog is a wholly new type of catalog having a drastically different design from the seventeenth-century bookform catalog and the nineteenth-century card catalog.
del siglo diecisiete  [Adjetivo]
 The online computerized library catalog is a wholly new type of catalog having a drastically different design from the seventeenth-century bookform catalog and the nineteenth-century card catalog.
del sudeste 
southeastern [south eastern]
 The London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) is an organisation for library co-operation within Greater London, and various counties in the South East of England.
del sudoeste 
southwestern [south western]
 This article describes the involvement of the southwestern Library Association in interstate continuing library education.
del sur  [Adjetivo]   [Usado menos frecuentemente que southerly]
 Edmonds supervised the planning and construction of two such regional libraries, in the northern and southern parts of the city.
 Scotland's most southerly distillery nestles on the green banks of the River Bladnoch, from which it takes its name.
 5 bedroom detached family home with a magnificent mature southernly rear garden.
del sur de Asia 
South Asian
 This section is designed to help health care professionals more effectively respond to the needs of South Asians in the United States.
del sur de Europa 
Southern European
 Their main effort has been to provide captions for the deaf as well as subtitles in Southern European languages for immigrants not fluent in Swedish.
del sureste 
southeastern [south eastern]
 The London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) is an organisation for library co-operation within Greater London, and various counties in the South East of England.
del suroeste 
southwestern [south western]
 This article describes the involvement of the southwestern Library Association in interstate continuing library education.
del tamaño de la cabeza de un alfiler 
pin-head sized
 This is a laparoscopy revealing diffuse white-yellowish pin-head sized milliary nodules over the whole visceral and peritoneal wall.
del tamaño del bolsillo 
pocket sized
 The devices will come in a variety of sizes ranging from pocket sized to double-hinged displays that will present two large pages.
del tamaño de una cartera 
 When every student is carrying around a briefcase-sized microform reader, then we won't need to postulate or to argue for microform catalogs in libraries.
del tamaño de un bocado 
 But what about the fact that twelve basketfuls of bread were left over - already broken into bite-size pieces?.
del tamaño de un maletín 
 When every student is carrying around a briefcase-sized microform reader, then we won't need to postulate or to argue for microform catalogs in libraries.
del tamaño de un perro 
 Recently, National Geographic had an article on a dog-sized, sabre-toothed animal discovered in Brazil.
del terruño 
locally grown
 Those on the other side of the debate are equally vehement that locally grown organic food is preferable to imported organic food.
del tesauro  [Relativo al tesauro]
 One form or other of the classificatory and thesaural approaches have been adopted in all these devices.
del tiempo 
room temperature
 Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.
del todo  
all the way
 Becker takes the topic all the way back to the Coonskin Library and frontier days.
 Service in-depth abandons subject arrangement altogether, and seeks to arrange documents in categories according to their popularity.
del tutor 
 Practical application of these ideas, preferably with editorial or tutorial assistance, is the next step after perusing this chapter.
del útero 
 Abnormal uterine bleeding is experienced by most women at sometime during their reproductive years.
ser del orden de + Número 
be of the order of + Número
 It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.
EPA (Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente)
EPA (Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente) 
  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for the regulation of environmental pollutants and the protection, and improvement, of the environment.
sistema de indización con conservación del contexto (PRECIS)
sistema de indización con conservación del contexto (PRECIS) 
 In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.
premio + Nombre del Premio
premio + Nombre del Premio 
  medalist [medallist, -USA].
 The author, Anne Fine, was Carnegie Medallist in 1989.
CECA (Comunidad Europea del Carbón y el Acero)
CECA (Comunidad Europea del Carbón y el Acero)-1 
  European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
 The 'European Community' is composed of three individual Communities: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community) (the EAEC, or Euratom), and the European Economic Community (the EEC or 'Common Market').
PRECIS (sistema de indización con conservación del contexto)
PRECIS (sistema de indización con conservación del contexto)-2 
 In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.
indización PRECIS 
PRECIS indexing
 PRECIS indexing, cycled indexing, rotated indexing and SLIC indexing are all different types of shunted indexes in which the components of index headings are moved to generate additional entries.
sistema de indización PRECIS 
PRECIS indexing system
 The PRECIS indexing system (Preserved Context Indexing System) is a set of procedures for producing index entries.

Trends of use of del



Principal search tendencies and common uses of del
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «del».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about del



Famous quotes and sentences with the word del.
Antonio Gramsci
Pesimismo del espíritu, optimismo de la esperanza.
¡Ay del que está solo!
Enrique Tierno Galván
El triunfo político es la suma del sentido común y la capacidad de liderazgo.
Evaristo Acevedo
Sólo nos damos cuenta del valor del idioma cuando tenemos que poner un telegrama.
Francisco Villaespesa
El mayor dolor del mundo no es el que mata de un golpe, sino aquel que, gota a gota, horada el alma y la rompe.
Georg Ch. Lichtenberg
El mejor vino del Rin es aquel al que no le ha entrado una sola gota del Rin ni del Mosela.
George Bernard Shaw
La virtud no consiste en abstenerse del vicio, sino en no desearlo.
Henri Frédéric Amiel
Saber envejecer es una obra maestra de la sabiduría, y una de las partes más difíciles del gran arte de vivir.
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
El pasado me ha revelado la estructura del futuro.
Rabindranath Tagore
Tengan los muertos la inmortalidad de la fama, pero sea para los vivos la del amor.


Del agua bendita, poquita.
En el tiempo de Maricastaña y del rey don Tereso sucedió eso.
Manos del oficial, envueltas en cendal.
A la sombra del nogal no te pongas a recostar.
Bueno es el mal que fue ocasión del bien.
Casa de capellán, la peor del lugar.
Compra el lecho del adeudado, que para dormir te traerá buen recado.
De ira de señor y de alboroto del pueblo, líbreme Dios.
Del buen vecino sale el buen amigo.
Del dinero nunca te alegres unas veces lo ganas y otras lo pierdes.


Discover the use of del in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to del and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Los señores del narco
Los señores del narco es una descarnada crónica sobre las alarmantes complicidades de los altos círculos políticos, policiacos, militares y empresariales con el crimen organizado.
Anabel Hernández, 2012
Historias del piojo
Tales, featuring a louse, that talk about love, friendship, freedom and co-operation.
Gustavo Roldán, Oscar Rojas, 1998
ARTE DEL DOMINÓ. Teoría y práctica, EL -Cartoné- (Libro+CD ROM)
El texto presta una mayor atencion al juego por parejas por ser este el mas importante y aceptado entre las variantes del domino.
José Luis González Sanz, 2000
El marketing deportivo responde a los problemas con que se enfrentan a diario los productores de bienes y los ofertante de servicios deportivos frente a una demanda en rápida evolución.
Michel Desbordes, Fabien Ohl, Gary Tribou, 2001
Este libro se presenta dividido en tres partes. La primera parte introduce al lector en las funciones sociales del deporte moderno y en las bases metodológicas del entrenamiento deportivo.
Tsvetan Zhelyazkov, 2001
ABC del gestor deportivo
En estos momentos la gestión deportiva está evolucionando a pasos gigantescos y es evidente que el peso del deporte se está desplazando en gran medida sobre la administración local.
Joan Celma, Joan Celma i Giménez, 2004
Teoría del periodismo
El objetivo primordial de una Teoría del Periodismo es dilucidar dos cuestiones básicas: Una, ¿por qué las noticias son como son?
Felipe Pena de Oliveira, 2006
Diagnstico E Intervencin Didctica del Lenguaje Escolar
Cuando se diseñó este texto se basó en una necesidad real de los alumnos que cursan las materias de diagnóstico y didáctica en las diferentes titulaciones de magisterio, pero especialmente para Audición y Lenguaje y Logopedia, aunque ...
Ma Jos Iglesias Cortizas, Ma del Carmen Sánchez Rodríguez de Castro, 2007
La preparación psicológica del deportista: mente y ...
La presente obra es fruto de la experiencia de veinte anos en la ensenanza superior, la investigacion y el trabajo psicologico practico en el area de la Educacion Fisica y el Deporte.
Hiram M. Valdés Casal, 1996
La evolución del tenis ha demostrado hasta que punto es necesario integrar un programa de entrenamiento físico específico en la formación del jugador.
Hervé Le Deuff, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term del is used in the context of the following news items.
Cómo es y dónde queda El Hoyo del Dragón, el socavón submarino ...
En las disputadas aguas del Mar de la China Meridional, durante miles de años, un agujero conocido como El Hoyo del Dragón ha sido parte de la mitología ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Los tropiezos del nuevo Canal de Panamá: ¿está mal construida la ...
El nuevo canal de Panamá no quedó mal hecho. Eso aseguran las autoridades del país en un mensaje que están ansiosas por transmitir luego de una serie de ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Sudán del Sur: por qué la nación más joven del planeta no pudo ...
El sábado los habitantes de Sudán del Sur, la nación más joven del planeta, no cantaron el himno ni asistieron a un desfile para celebrar el quinto aniversario ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
El "milagro" que convirtió a California en la sexta economía del mundo
Si fuera un país, California sería la sexta economía del mundo. Lo que es particularmente sorprendente para un estado que hace poco tiempo estaba ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Del Bosque desvela tensiones con Casillas: "He mandado un ...
Vicente Del Bosque, que hizo pública este jueves su decisión de dejar el cargo de seleccionador nacional al terminar su contrato el día 31 de julio, desveló que ... «, Jun 16»
Historia del ACNUR
En 1960 la descolonización de África generó la primera de múltiples crisis de refugiados en ese continente que han requerido la intervención del ACNUR. «Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, Jun 16»
Corea del Norte instala ametralladoras construidas por Estados ...
Corea del Norte ha comenzado a instalar ametralladoras Gatling estadounidenses en sus barcos de patrulla fronterizos, informaron hoy fuentes militares de ... «, Jun 16»
El extraño sonido que surge del Mar Caribe y llega hasta el espacio
El objetivo del estudio era analizar las variaciones de masas en los océanos y para ello el equipo de Hughes utilizó modelos ya existentes para estudiar las ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Em reunião com Del Nero, Tite diz que não quer assumir seleção ...
Em reunião com o presidente da CBF (Confederação Brasileira de Futebol), Marco Polo Del Nero, realizada na terça-feira (14), o técnico Tite descartou assumir ... «Folha de S.Paulo, Jun 16»
Los hijos del último desertor de EE.UU. a Corea del Norte que ...
Ambos son hijos del último de los cuatro soldados estadounidenses que desertaron a Corea del Norte en 1962, cuando la península se dividió en dos partes ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»


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