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Meaning of "último" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra último procede del latín ultĭmus.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


úl · ti · mo play


Último can act as an adjective and an adverb.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


Click to see the original definition of «último» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.

Definition of último in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of the last in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is said of one thing: That in its line it has no other after itself. Another meaning of last in the dictionary is that in a series or succession of things is or is considered in the last place. Don Rodrigo was the last king of the Goths. The last is also said to be the most remote, withdrawn or hidden. La primera definición de último en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es dicho de una cosa: Que en su línea no tiene otra después de sí. Otro significado de último en el diccionario es que en una serie o sucesión de cosas está o se considera en el lugar postrero. Don Rodrigo fue el último rey de los godos. Último es también se dice de lo más remoto, retirado o escondido.

Click to see the original definition of «último» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of último in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «último» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of último


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «último» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of último

Translation of «último» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of último to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of último from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «último» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of último in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

cuối cùng
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  last ; latter ; ultimate ; innermost ; final ; back marker ; bottommost ; lowermost.
 We now come to the sixth and last condition of authorship.
 The former necessitate the constant comparison, or manipulation, of index entries rather than the linear scanning of entries in the latter.
 Abstracting and indexing data are a vital component in the communication link between the originator of information and its ultimate consumer.
 Thus a folio gathering might consist of three folio sheets, the outermost of which contained pages 1 and 12 and pages 2 and 11; the middle sheet had pages 3 and 10, 4 and 9; and the innermost sheet had pages 5 and 8, 6 and 7.
 The final index will mirror current terminology.
 I went right off Hamilton when he referred to back markers as something like 'those monkeys who get in the way' half way through the first season.
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
 The anomalous nature of the lowermost mantle has been long recognized by seismologists.
acabar el último  
come in + last
finish + last
 Somebody has to come in last in any race.
 There is nothing wrong with finishing last.
acabar en último lugar  
come in + last place
finish in + last place
 If you win the arms race you come in last place in the human race.
 The team's transformation process actually began after the 2000 season when they finished in last place.
a la última   
hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.]
on the fast track
 Digerati is the digital version of literati and refers to a vague cloud of people seen to be knowledgeable, hip, or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution.
 The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.
 The dancers were using blue feather fans and they made moves that looked spectactular and the choreography was very hipped and daring.
a última hora      
at the last minute
at the eleventh hour
last minute [last-minute]
at the very last minute
at the very last moment
at the very last
 Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.
 The final versions were agreed at the eleventh hour, late on Tuesday 9 December, just before the opening of the Summit.
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
 They always chicken out at the very last minute.
 By the time the 50 minutes of the show were up, everybody was moved to tears, but then, at the very last moment, it left them smiling.
 She had lived alone, except for her dog who, at the very last, sat patiently beside the bed and licked her hands until they grew cold.
a última hora de anoche 
late last night
 Police confirmed late last night that bomb scares had forced the closure of 13 police stations across the island.
a última hora de la noche 
late at night
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
a últimas horas de la tarde 
late evening
 They are open normal office hours, though some have experimented with late evening opening and some now open on Saturday mornings.
a último momento 
last minute [last-minute]
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
como último recurso  
as a last resort
in the last resort
 Many use the service only as a last resort (there is a modest charge for it), when they themselves have searched in vain but feel in their bones that the library has it.
 Heaney noted that 'in the first place and in the last resort, libraries are for dear life also'.
compras de última hora 
last-minute shopping
 Today many major cities and towns around the world are going to be thronged with shoppers doing last-minute shopping before Christmas Day.
con los últimos avances  
leading edge
 With a staff of 10 it provides a full information service using state-of-the-art resources and methods.
 The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
dar el último empujón   
go + the last mile
go + the extra mile
walk + the extra mile
 Let me put it to you this way: the President is going the last mile for diplomacy.
 If everyone knew the great effects this gesture has, everyone would take the time to go the extra mile.
 Among architecture so beautiful, guest houses that do not walk the extra mile to offer something special are sure to fall by the wayside.
dar el último repaso 
tie + the pieces together
 The six essential planning guidelines are: identify the project, nail down the details, determine conversion methodology, develop a realistic conversion schedule, determine who is going to do your conversion, and tie the pieces together.
dar los últimos retoques a 
put + the finishing touches on
 She had just put the finishing touches on a draft of a study of the possibilities of automating personnel records.
decir la última palabra    
hear + the final word
have + the last word
have + the last say
 However, we have not heard the final word by any means for there are new products and improved examples of existing products coming along.
 Feaver was not about to be outfaced and she retaliated with the view that time management techniques run counter to the ideal balance of concern for production coupled with concern for people.
 I'm tired of dealing with people who must always have the last word.
 There will always be that type of people in the world that have to have the last say in everything, even if they are wrong!.
decisión de última hora 
last-minute decision
 Last-minute decisions could have long-lasting effect.
dejarlo para última hora 
leave + it until the last minute
 Please do not leave it until the last minute.
de las últimas décadas  
over the past decades
in recent decades
 Hairdressing and cosmetology have become some of the most reliable, enjoyable and advantageous careers over the past decades.
 Also in 1876 the concept of the librarian as educator, frequently intoned in recent decades, began to take shape.
de los últimos años 
in recent years
 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.
de los últimos d 
in recent days
 Angolan authorities are struggling to cope with more than 20,000 people expelled from the Democratic Republic of Congo in recent days.
de los últimos meses 
in recent months
 In recent months, DC has continued to close the gap, and the two leaders are now virtually neck and neck = En los últimos meses, DC ha continuado acortando distancias y ahora los dos líderes van bastante parejos.
de los últimos tiempos  
in recent times
in recent history
 School libraries as they have evolved in recent times share certain similarities the world over.
 Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.
de última generación    
leading edge
 Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.
 People are more used to going up for a closer look at an interesting feature on an object rather than selecting a close up photograph from some high-tech display unit.
 The system provides extensive map facilities which until now have been available only on high-end hypermedia systems like Intermedia.
 The museum has used leading edge digital imaging technology to overcome problems of preservation and access.
de última hora     [Generalmente referido a una noticia]
last minute [last-minute]
late breaking [late-breaking]
hot off the griddle
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
 This is a late breaking full text database designed for online searchers who need instant access to the texts of trade journals, newsletters, and business publication at or near the time of their original publication.
 These systems carry up-to-the-minute information on stock prices, currency rates, world and national events, etc.
 'As long as I'm the editor I want news that's hot off the griddle!' she says, rejecting any story more than 15 minutes old = "¡Mientras que yo sea la editora quiero noticias de última hora!" dijo rechazando cualquier noticia que durase más de 15 minutos.
de última línea 
 But the machine of logic will not look like a cash register, even of the streamlined model.
de última moda  [Usado en sentido humorístico o derogatorio] 
new-fangled [newfangled]
 A certain amount of writing paper continued to be made in laid moulds even in the early nineteenth century (some people would not believe that the new-fangled wove paper could be as good).
 Built way before there were modern fandangled conveniences like electricity, this winery was designed to take advantage of the technology of the time, gravity, and when available, a bit of steam power.
de última novedad 
 But the machine of logic will not look like a cash register, even of the streamlined model.
de último grito 
 But the machine of logic will not look like a cash register, even of the streamlined model.
de último momento 
last minute [last-minute]
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
durante el último año 
over the last year
 Over the last years dramatic changes have occurred in the way libraries operate with the introduction of automated circulation systems.
durante las últimas décadas  
over the past few decades
over the last few decades
 Over the past few decades, Judeo-Spanish traditional songs have received a great deal of attention from scholars.
 This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.
durante las últimas semanas 
over the past few weeks
 Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.
durante la última década 
in the past decade
 In the past decade, however, several states have amended their criminal or civil statutes to include the specific crime of 'feticide' or 'fetal homicide'.
durante los dos últimos años 
during the past couple of years
 One of the major talking points on the electronic publishing scene during the past couple of years has been the need for internationally recognised standards.
durante los dos últimos meses 
over the last couple of months
 Over the last couple of months, drug companies had been holding their horses in the hope that the new budget would bring them some relief.
durante los últimos años     
over the past few years
over recent years
during the past few years
in the past few years
over the last few years
 While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.
 Over recent years the number and frequency of firework displays (both public and private) has increased.
 During the past few years much importance has been attached to the study of the number, structure and behavior of the chromosomes.
 In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.
 Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.
durante los últimos días  
over the past few days
in recent days
 Rain and snowfall over the past few days has made a significant dent in the water deficit around California.
 Angolan authorities are struggling to cope with more than 20,000 people expelled from the Democratic Republic of Congo in recent days.
durante los últimos + Expresión Temporal 
over the past + Expresión Temporal
 Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
durante los últimos meses  
over the past few months
in recent months
 Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.
 In recent months, DC has continued to close the gap, and the two leaders are now virtually neck and neck = En los últimos meses, DC ha continuado acortando distancias y ahora los dos líderes van bastante parejos.
durante los últimos + Número + años 
over the last + Número + years
 The growth of Internet access over the last five years is staggering = El crecimiento del acceso a Internet ha sido asombroso durante los últimos cinco años.
el último  [En el tiempo]
the latest + Nombre
 Entry of all works under a uniform title, chosen as the latest title = Hágase un entrada de todas las obras bajo un título uniforme, que debe ser el último título.
el último citado  [Frecuentemente precedido del artículo 'the' y contrapuesto a 'the former' (el primero mencionado)]
 The former necessitate the constant comparison, or manipulation, of index entries rather than the linear scanning of entries in the latter.
el último grito      
the last word
the cat's meow
the bee's knees
the cat's pyjamas
the cat's whiskers
the dog's bollocks
 The article 'The last word: ambivalence' sums up some of the ambivalent attitudes of the information profession to outsourcing.
 Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.
 By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.
 He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.
 And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.
 For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.
el último pero no el menos importante 
the last but by no means least
 The last but by no means least element in personnel are the library assistants, or library technicians as they are known in American libraries.
en el transcurso de las últimas décadas 
over the past decades
 Hairdressing and cosmetology have become some of the most reliable, enjoyable and advantageous careers over the past decades.
en el transcurso de la última década 
over the past decade
 Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.
en el último año 
over the last year
 Over the last years dramatic changes have occurred in the way libraries operate with the introduction of automated circulation systems.
en el último caso 
in the latter case
 In the latter case a classified arrangement of subjects is also considered an important starting point in searching.
en el último minuto  
last minute [last-minute]
at the last minute
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
 Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.
en el último momento     
at the eleventh hour
at the very last minute
at the very last moment
at the very last
at the last minute
 The final versions were agreed at the eleventh hour, late on Tuesday 9 December, just before the opening of the Summit.
 They always chicken out at the very last minute.
 By the time the 50 minutes of the show were up, everybody was moved to tears, but then, at the very last moment, it left them smiling.
 She had lived alone, except for her dog who, at the very last, sat patiently beside the bed and licked her hands until they grew cold.
 Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.
en las últimas  
 Blair is accused of presiding over a 'fag-end' government, one that is rapidly running towards the end of its useful life.
 The disease can be prevented by vaccination but once symptoms set in the victim is considered a goner.
en las últimas décadas    
in recent decades
over the past decades
over the past few decades
over the last few decades
 Also in 1876 the concept of the librarian as educator, frequently intoned in recent decades, began to take shape.
 Hairdressing and cosmetology have become some of the most reliable, enjoyable and advantageous careers over the past decades.
 Over the past few decades, Judeo-Spanish traditional songs have received a great deal of attention from scholars.
 This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.
en las últimas semanas 
over the past few weeks
 Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.
en la última década  
in the past decade
over the past decade
 In the past decade, however, several states have amended their criminal or civil statutes to include the specific crime of 'feticide' or 'fetal homicide'.
 Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.
en los dos últimos años 
during the past couple of years
 One of the major talking points on the electronic publishing scene during the past couple of years has been the need for internationally recognised standards.
en los dos últimos meses 
over the last couple of months
 Over the last couple of months, drug companies had been holding their horses in the hope that the new budget would bring them some relief.
en los últimos años       
in recent years
over the recent past
in the last few years
over the past few years
during the past few years
in the past few years
over the last few years
 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.
 Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.
 Much has been written in the last few years about the so-called strategic role of information in the enterprise.
 While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.
 During the past few years much importance has been attached to the study of the number, structure and behavior of the chromosomes.
 In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.
 Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.
en los últimos años de 
in the last years of
 The author examines the role of the US public librarian in the last years of the 19th century when the country was undergoing massive social and philosophical changes.
en los últimos días  
in recent days
over the past few days
 Angolan authorities are struggling to cope with more than 20,000 people expelled from the Democratic Republic of Congo in recent days.
 Rain and snowfall over the past few days has made a significant dent in the water deficit around California.
en los últimos + Expresión Temporal 
over the past + Expresión Temporal
 Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
en los últimos meses  
in recent months
over the past few months
 In recent months, DC has continued to close the gap, and the two leaders are now virtually neck and neck = En los últimos meses, DC ha continuado acortando distancias y ahora los dos líderes van bastante parejos.
 Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.
en los últimos segundos 
in the final seconds
 After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.
en los últimos + Tiempo 
in the past + Tiempo
 In the past 20 years many important changes have occurred in libraries and information centres and job advertisements are indicators of change in the information world.
en los últimos tiempos     
in recent times
in modern times
in recent memory
in recent history
 During its first decade, TEX has been at home mainly in the academic world, but latterly it has spread into industry = Durante su primera decada, TEX se ha utilizado principalmente en el mundo académico, aunque recientemente se ha difundido a la industria.
 School libraries as they have evolved in recent times share certain similarities the world over.
 In modern times, the term 'ecology' has had exclusive reference to a scientific discipline and not a branch of philosophy.
 Bravo to writer/director Wayne Kramer for sticking to his guns and delivering one of the most uncompromising, memorable and downright brutal thrillers in recent memory.
 Europe is sweltering in the heat of one of the hottest summers in recent history.
en última instancia      
in the long run
in the end
in the last analysis
in the last resort
in the final analysis
 Moreover, these entries must ultimately direct the searcher to his desired specific subject in the classified file.
 Ostensibly, the maneuver was accomplished to curb patronage abuses and make it easier to dismiss deadwood employees in the long run.
 This is time well invested since it saves money in the end and leads to a higher success rate in providing information = Éste es tiempo bien invertido ya que ahorra dinero en última instancia y permite ofrecer una información mucho más pertinente para el usuario.
 In the last analysis, a microcomputer is a small computer and will be unsuitable for no other reason than the sheer size of the files involved.
 Heaney noted that 'in the first place and in the last resort, libraries are for dear life also'.
 This reminds us that in the final analysis it is still people who make technology work.
en última instancia   
in the last analysis
in the final analysis
 Moreover, these entries must ultimately direct the searcher to his desired specific subject in the classified file.
 In the last analysis, a microcomputer is a small computer and will be unsuitable for no other reason than the sheer size of the files involved.
 This reminds us that in the final analysis it is still people who make technology work.
estar en las últimas   
be on + Posesivo + last legs
scrape + the bottom of the barrel
be on the ropes
 The world's carefully constructed international system for maintaining peace and security, built around the UN charter, is now on its last legs.
 Well, friends, we were really scraping the bottom of the barrel, and there was no joy, no joy at all.
 Now that the talks with Iran on its nuclear program appear to be on the ropes, are we on the road to war?.
estar en + Posesivo + últimos momentos 
be in + Posesivo + last moments
 My father was in his last moments fighting cancer and still I didn't know that much about his roots.
estudiante de último año  
senior student
 The aim of this project is to provide a specialised reference service to faculty and senior students.
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante de último curso 
final year student
 96% of final year students consider the Library a 'very good' to 'satisfactory' place to study, with 78% rating it 'good' or 'very good'.
estudiante universitario de último curso 
senior major
 The target user group was the approximately 100 senior economics major completing theses.
finalizar el último  
finish + last
come in + last
 There is nothing wrong with finishing last.
 Somebody has to come in last in any race.
finalizar en último lugar  
come in + last place
finish in + last place
 If you win the arms race you come in last place in the human race.
 The team's transformation process actually began after the 2000 season when they finished in last place.
guardar lo mejor para lo último 
save + the best for last
 The awards were handed out in alphabetical order, but for us all, that just meant they saved the best for last.
hacer el último esfuerzo   
go + the last mile
go + the extra mile
walk + the extra mile
 Let me put it to you this way: the President is going the last mile for diplomacy.
 If everyone knew the great effects this gesture has, everyone would take the time to go the extra mile.
 Among architecture so beautiful, guest houses that do not walk the extra mile to offer something special are sure to fall by the wayside.
hasta el último minuto 
until the last minute
 The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.
hasta última hora 
until the last minute
 The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.
información de última hora 
news flash
 The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.
la última palabra       
the last word
the last word
the bee's knees
the cat's pyjamas
the cat's meow
the cat's whiskers
the dog's bollocks
 The article 'The last word: ambivalence' sums up some of the ambivalent attitudes of the information profession to outsourcing.
 The initial appraisal process is not the last word: reevaluation of materials must take place during processing and can be resumed long afterwards.
 By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.
 He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.
 Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.
 And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.
 For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.
la última vez 
last time
 When they arrived, the body was there, but in a different position than they saw it last time.
la última vez que 
the last time
 'The Last Time They Met' is a love story that draws together a myriad of issues and themes to challenge the reader = "La última vez que se reunieron" es una historia de amor que combina un gran número de cuestiones y temas para desafiar al lector.
lista de últimas adquisiciones   
accessions list
list of current acquisitions
addition list
 Accessions lists contains those copies added to the online catalog since the previous list was printed.
 It outlines the college's programme which includes updates on library activities, lists of current acquisitions, contributions to the student newspaper, and the monthly displays planned around specific themes.
 The results of the study have shown that 24% of users of public libraries are interested in latest additions lists.
llegar el último  
come in + last
finish + last
 Somebody has to come in last in any race.
 There is nothing wrong with finishing last.
llegar en último lugar  
come in + last place
finish in + last place
 If you win the arms race you come in last place in the human race.
 The team's transformation process actually began after the 2000 season when they finished in last place.
llevar Algo a sus últimas consecuencias 
take + Nombre + to its ultimate conclusion
 Maoism takes the egalitarian principle to its ultimate conclusion: not only are all men considered equal, but they must act equal.
los últimos coletazos 
 Blair is accused of presiding over a 'fag-end' government, one that is rapidly running towards the end of its useful life.
lo último 
the last word
 The article 'The last word: ambivalence' sums up some of the ambivalent attitudes of the information profession to outsourcing.
¡maricón el último! 
the devil take the hindmost
 Many people have been made redundant in the takeover and those who joined last were the first to go - the principle of devil take the hindmost applied.
nacido el último 
 Middleborns tend to be less family-oriented than firstborns or lastborns.
noticia de última hora 
hot off the press(es)
 The article is entitled 'Hot Off the Press: Differential Forms in Electromagnetics'.
noticias de última hora 
breaking news
 Many Web pages contain out of date information, while others have time-critical information, such as breaking news.
pendiente de ir a la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
pendiente de seguir la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
persona que toma la última decisión 
 The author explores the concept of customer for library and information services, and notes the roles of users, influencers and deciders.
por última vez  
for the last time
one last time
 He said he had voted for the last time in any presidential election since its is a waste of time.
 And, if you use harsh cleansers on your sink, be sure to wash it really well with soap and water and then rinse it one last time with hot water to get rid of any residue.
por último     
one last thing
 Finally it had been possible to agree upon one code (there are no longer two texts).
 Last, a volume number or other supplementary information is requested.
 The outline of the main classes in figure 14.7 shows that the overall pattern is Science and Technology, then Humanities, and lastly the Social Sciences.
 Moreover, these entries must ultimately direct the searcher to his desired specific subject in the classified file.
 One last thing, my bike started creaking again last week but it totally stopped after about 15-20 miles.
por último pero no menos importante 
last but not least
 Planning of national expenditure depends on number of vendors, on national serial output, and last but not least, on the amount of the yearly state budget allocation.
precipitación de última hora 
last-minute rush
 There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
premio al último 
booby prize
 In other words, we won the booby prize for blocking progress on negotiations on climate change.
prisa de última hora 
last-minute rush
 There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
que siempre va a la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
que sigue la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
sección de últimos números de publicaciones periódicas 
current periodicals area
 Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.
seguidor de la última moda  [Sentido peyorativo] 
faddy [faddier -comp., faddies -sup.]
 Whilst, presumably, a set of standards for the conduct of reference work, the document is in fact a hodgepodge shaped by faddish misconceptions.
 These emotions will have a knock-on effect on the child and may, in the case of the faddy eater, cause the situation to deteriorate.
ser el último grito 
be all the rage
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
ser el último mono 
feel + pulled and tugged
 This article describes a study of stress conducted in a university library using the following categories: workload; schedule and workday; feeling pulled and tugged; physical facilities; unchallenging work; and miscellaneous.
ser la última palabra 
be all the rage
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo 
be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo
 I am one of the last people in the world to be a devil's advocate for ISBD.
ser lo último  
be all the rage
be the pits
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
 Our health-care system is the pits - millions of Americans don't have any health insurance.
ser lo último en 
become + the next stop in
 What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.
ser lo último en lo que + pensar 
be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind
 Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.
ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien 
be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind
 Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.
tener la última palabra         
have + the ultimate say
have + the final say
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
run + the show
have + the last word
have + the last say
 The manager who has the ultimate say makes a decision that will affect a great many people, both staff and patrons.
 A good bookseller will know what sells well; but the school must, for its own protection, have the final say should disagreement arise in this area.
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
 I'm tired of dealing with people who must always have the last word.
 There will always be that type of people in the world that have to have the last say in everything, even if they are wrong!.
terminar el último  
finish + last
come in + last
 There is nothing wrong with finishing last.
 Somebody has to come in last in any race.
terminar en último lugar  
finish in + last place
come in + last place
 The team's transformation process actually began after the 2000 season when they finished in last place.
 If you win the arms race you come in last place in the human race.
Ultima Cena, la 
Last Supper, the
 This pious plantation owner wanted to teach Christianity to 12 of his slaves by inviting them to participate in a reenactment of the Last Supper.
última inicial 
last initial
 To protect anonymity, a party must be referred to by first name and last initial in all filed documents and court orders.
última oportunidad, la 
last chance, the
 The article is entitled 'One last nag or two or three: it's the last chance this year for vendors to take my advice: put users first!'.
última palabra 
 She may have had some say-so in the matter of whom she was going to marry, but for the most part, it was out of her hands.
última palabra + depender de 
ultimate authority + rest with
 Thus, the ultimate authority for the production and content of the second edition rests with the Joint Steering Committee.
últimas novedades de 
fresh out from
 The article is entitled 'Ten years after the coming of Macintosh: what are fresh out from MacWorld?'.
últimas palabras  
last words
Posesivo + dying last words
 For instance, Bernard Ruffin's 'Last words: a dictionary of deathbed quotations' is not very well known.
 The narrator starts off the story by describing his grandfather's dying last words.
últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas  último aliento   último de la derecha  último de la izquierda  último, el  último escalafón, el  último mencionado, el  último nivel, el  último número, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] último pero no el menos importante, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] último recurso    último rincón, el  últimos coletazos    últimos estertores   últimos ritos, los  último suspiro  último tramo, el  último trecho, el  una primera y última vez  una última canica al aire  una última cosa  una última vez  un + Nombre + a última hora de la mañana  vestido a la última  vestido a la última moda 
famous last words
death rattle
Posesivo + last breath
hindmost, the
bottom rung, the
last mentioned, the
bottom rung, the
latest issue, the
final and not the least important, the
fall-back [fallback]
last resort
last ditch
nooks and crannies
Indian summer
death throes
death pangs
death throes
death pangs
final rites, the
last breath
last leg, the
last leg, the
a first and last time
one last fling
one last thing
one last time
a late morning + Nombre
fashion statement
fashion statement
 It is a fair bet that the late Adam Faith never dreamed that he might one day be a contender for inclusion in the dictionary of famous last words.
 One could then ask: Does this represent the death rattle of their belief system?.
 A murder victim shot through the heart in a gang-related killing managed to name his attacker 'in his dying breath'.
 Thus, the number on the rightmost column can be read as the number of Nobel laureates a country possesses for every 10 million people.
 Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.
 The fish has no scales or paired fins but has two elongated dorsal fins, the hindmost of which nearly joins on to the small tail fin.
 In the world of fine art, comic books are often viewed as the bottom rung of the artistic ladder.
 The last mentioned covers, with certain provisos, periodical articles, other printed works, and copies for other libraries.
 In the world of fine art, comic books are often viewed as the bottom rung of the artistic ladder.
 This approach supports browsing which takes no account of form, but may make it difficult to locate the latest issue on a given subject.
 The final and not the least important part of the whole work is the Relative Index.
 The program has been enhanced to provide system security and the various levels of fall-back operation in the event of system failure.
 National libraries adopting this pattern are sometimes referred to as libraries of last resort.
 With his back against the wall, he might judge that he had little choice but to use his weapons of mass destruction in a last-ditch attempt to save his country.
 In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
 It is clear that a powerful and mysterious force is pushing seniors toward greater volunteer involvement, and nonprofit groups should tap into this particularly civic age group before the Indian summer of volunteering reaches its end.
 It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.
 We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death pangs of the old order and the birth pangs of the new.
 It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.
 We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death pangs of the old order and the birth pangs of the new.
 A funeral wake is where every one gets together after the final rites for the dead have been performed.
 When she died in a bus accident in Bolivia while serving in a women's cooperative, her legacy did not stop with her last breath.
 M Asthana, the Commanding Officer for the last leg of the voyage around the world, describes the sail-ship as 'the building block' of India's naval training.
 M Asthana, the Commanding Officer for the last leg of the voyage around the world, describes the sail-ship as 'the building block' of India's naval training.
 There's a first and last time for everything.
 My boyfriend seems to think it's normal for the guy to have 'one last fling' at his bachelor party - that's where we completely disagree.
 One last thing, my bike started creaking again last week but it totally stopped after about 15-20 miles.
 And, if you use harsh cleansers on your sink, be sure to wash it really well with soap and water and then rinse it one last time with hot water to get rid of any residue.
 A late morning wedding ceremony is generally followed by a brunch.
 This fall season is all about making a bold fashion statement with trendy bright colors.
 This fall season is all about making a bold fashion statement with trendy bright colors.

Trends of use of último



The term «último» is very widely used and occupies the 211 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «último» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of último
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «último».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «último» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «último» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about último



Famous quotes and sentences with the word último.
Friedrich Nietzsche
La sencillez y naturalidad son el supremo y último fin de la cultura.
Piensa que cada día es el último que luce para ti, y recibirás agradecido la hora que se te da y no esperabas.
Jacinto Miquelarena
Sólo hay un amor hasta la muerte, ¡el último!
Luis De Ulloa Pereira
Los tiranos prosperan, pero como en las representaciones teatrales, en el último acto sufrirán castigo.
Massimo T. D'Azeglio
Cada cual debe aplicarse a la educación propia hasta el último día de su vida.
Bienaventurado el que tiene talento y dinero, porque empleará bien este último.
El día ese que temes como el último de tu vida, es el de tu nacimiento a la eternidad.
Cuando se trata de un mortal es preciso esperar su último día antes de llamarle feliz.
Tito Livio
Siempre el último socorro parece haber sido el causante de la victoria.
William S. Maugham
Los proverbios y las máximas son el último refugio de los desamparados.


Al último, siempre le muerde el perro.
El cornudo es el último que lo sabe.
El que ríe el último, ríe dos veces.
El último en llegar, con la más fea le toca bailar.
El último mono es el que se ahoga.
El último se bebe los posos.
En el último parche es cuando se cambia la cámara.
Fuma y bebe mucho, y tirarás tu último cartucho.
La esperanza es lo último que se pierde.
Para el último no hay cuchara.


Discover the use of último in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to último and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Último round
Sílaba viva, Uno de tantos días de Saignon, Los testigos, Del cuento breve y sus alrededores, Noticias del mes de Mayo, Casi nadie va a sacarlo de sus casillas, ¡lbum con fotos, Silvia, Tu más profunda piel, Las buenas inversiones, En ...
Julio Cortázar, 1999
El último día de un condenado a muerte. Claude Gueux
Edición comentada de estas dos importantes obras del joven Victor Hugo, especialmente pensada para los alumnos de Enseñanza Media.
Victor Hugo, 2004
El último Napoleón
Heroísmo y tragedia de Luis Eugenio Bonaparte en tierra zulú
Carlos Roca, Carlos Roca Gonzalez, 2011
El último peronista: ¿Quién fue realmente Néstor Kirchner?
«El texto de Curia lejos está de ser complaciente.
Walter Curia,, 2012
El último Catón
Con un estilo ágil y apasionante, que no le da respiro al lector, este libro despliega una trama cautivadora en torno a un tema que siempre ha despertado toda clase de conjeturas: el contenido de los archivos secretos del Vaticano.
Matilde Asensi, 2001
El último villancico barroco valenciano
La obra musical y las coordenadas socioculturales de Josep Pradas Gallén, maestro de capilla de la catedral de Valencia en el siglo XVIII y autor de una extensa lista de composiciones musicales recogidas en un impresionante apéndice.
José Luis Palacios Garoz, 1995
El último amor en Constantinopla
El último amor en Constantinopla es una novela de amor y sobre el amor escrita en una rosa de gran calidad lírica, auténtico catalizador de todos los acontecimientos, anhelos y secretos de sus personajes.
Milorad Pavic, 2000
El último oficio de Nietzsche
En la primera parte, el ensayo de Tomas Abraham traza el diagrama de los oficios en relación con los amores de Nietzsche, que fueron pocos pero cruciales.
Tomás Abraham,, 2011
Guatimozín. Último emperador de México
Guatimozin. Ultimo emperador Mexicano es una novela ambientada en la epoca de la Conquista. La Avellaneda consigue reflejar las aspiraciones nacionales de la Cuba del siglo XIX a traves de un relato epico.
Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, 2012
Una pandilla bestial 4. El último vampiro
Ulf, el niño lobo, está a punto de convertirse en un agente oficial de la Real Sociedad para la Protección de las Bestias.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term último is used in the context of the following news items.
Último alegato por la paz
El presidente colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos, a la izquierda, y el líder de las FARC, Timochenko, tras firmar la paz el lunes en Cartagena de Indias. «EL PAÍS, Sep 16»
Thomas Tuchel, el último gran innovador
Borussia Dortmund - Real Madrid Thomas Tuchel, durante un partido de la Bundesliga con el Borussia Dortmund. THILO SCHMUELGEN REUTERS. «EL PAÍS, Sep 16»
El último hombre de Trump
El último hombre de Trump ESPECIAL Todos los reportajes de LENA en EE UU · Siete periódicos europeos cubrirán conjuntamente las elecciones · LENA, una ... «EL PAÍS, Sep 16»
Ruido Paraíso, El último vecino, Kurt Baker o Anaut pondrán música ...
El Último Vecino, liderado por Gerard Alegre Dòria, con ecos a Smiths, La Mode y pop español de los años 80, llega por primera vez a Albacete a presentar su ... «, Sep 16»
"Si murieran mis hijos sería un alivio". Madres arrepentidas, el ...
"No quiero que lleve esa carga". Las 23 madres arrepentidas de Orna Donath descorren así la cortina del último gran tabú occidental. Conocemos sus azarosas ... «El Confidencial, Aug 16»
El último acto de amor de Ana
El próximo mes debía comenzar su último curso en el instituto de Amatrice, que ha quedado completamente destruido tras el terremoto. Ahora no sabe dónde ... «El Mundo, Aug 16»
Concierto tributo a 'El último de la fila' en Calzadilla
... organizado por la diputación cacereña, con un concierto de Manolo, El Burro y Cía en lo que será un tributo al mítico grupo El último de la fila --en la foto--. «El Periódico Extremadura, Aug 16»
El último libro de Harry Potter bate récords de ventas
El octavo y último volumen de la trama, «Harry Potter y el legado maldito», que salió a la venta el 31 de agosto, se ha convertido en el libro más vendido en ... «, Aug 16»
El último beso: voluntarios ante la muerte
Ella sabe que el beso más difícil no es el primero, sino el último, "porque no habrá otro después", y por eso colabora ayudando a enfermos terminales y a sus ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
Último encierro de San Fermín 2016 con los Miura, rápido y ...
El octavo y último encierro de San Fermín 2016 ha sido rápido y accidentado, por las caídas de dos toros a la entrada de la plaza de toros de Pamplona, donde ... «RTVE, Jul 16»



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