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" Es duro caer, pero es peor no haber intentado nunca subir."
Theodore Roosevelt

Significado de "duro" en el diccionario de español



La palabra duro procede del latín durus.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


du · ro

Duro es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Duro puede actuar como un sustantivo, un adjetivo, un adverbio y una interjección.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.

El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.

La interjección expresa una impresión súbita o un sentimiento profundo, como asombro, sorpresa, dolor, molestia, etc. Sirve también para apelar al interlocutor, o como fórmula de saludo, despedida, conformidad, etc.


definición de duro en el diccionario español

La primera definición de duro en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es dicho de un cuerpo: Que se resiste a ser labrado, rayado, comprimido o desfigurado, que no se presta a recibir nueva forma o lo dificulta mucho. Otro significado de duro en el diccionario es dicho de una cosa: Que no está todo lo blanda, mullida o tierna que debe estar. Duro es también fuerte, que resiste y soporta bien la fatiga.


apuro · aseguro · canguro · cianuro · cloruro · enduro · euro · futuro · inseguro · juro · laburo · lauro · maduro · mauro · muro · oscuro · prematuro · puro · seguro · tauro


duranguesa · durante · durañón · durar · durativa · durativo · duraznal · duraznate · duraznense · duraznero · duraznilla · duraznillo · durazno · dureza · duricia · durillo · durina · durlines · durmiente · durofrío


bromuro · buro · carburo · centauro · claroscuro · conjuro · curo · escuro · fluoruro · guro · hidrocarburo · impuro · inmaduro · obscuro · reaseguro · restauro · sulfuro · tesauro · uro · venturo

Sinónimos y antónimos de duro en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «duro» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «duro» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


duro · afanoso · agotador · compacto · consistente · cruel · despiadado · doloroso · estoico · fatigoso · férreo · firme · fuerte · inclemente · incomprensivo · inhumano · insoportable · intolerante · intransigente · paciente · penoso · perseverante · pétreo · porfiado · resistente · rígido · severo · sólido · sufrido · primera · lengua · española · dicho · cuerpo · resiste · labrado · rayado · comprimido · desfigurado · presta · recibir · nueva · forma · dificulta · mucho · otro · cosa · está · todo · blanda · mullida · tierna · debe · estar · duro · también · soporta · bien · fatiga · simple · engaging · text · photos · these · emergent · readers · make · them · delightful · choice · children · just · beginning · read · poema · epico · optimismo · puro · proporciona · doce · prácticas · ayudarán · reducir · pensamientos · negativos · adoptar · actitud · ganadora · permitirán · aprovechar · oportunidades · presentan · superar · obstáculos · zona · contacto · presenta · cuentos · walkman · hardball · csmo · jugar · harvard · business · school · grandes · companias · tambalean · cuando · pierden · bruce · springsteen · más · demás · obra · hueso · naufragios · armada · relación · histórica · formada · millón ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de duro a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de duro a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de duro presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de duro en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de duro en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  harsh ; severe ; stiff ; tough ; flinty ; hard ; stern ; rough ; rugged ; hard-nosed ; unfeeling ; tough-minded ; hard-line ; hardy ; hard-wearing ; gruelling [grueling, -USA] ; testing.
 In this unhappy pattern SLIS are not being singled out for especially harsh treatment.
 Obviously if it were not for the fact that such indexes also have severe limitations there would be little need to produce any other type of subject index.
 Ironically, however, the internal organisation walls librarians have built to categorise materials by format remain stiff and solid.
 As educators, then, we need to ask ourselves some very tough questions - some to which we would rather not hear the answers.
 'I wish she'd tell me when she asks one of my people to do something,' she added in the same flinty tone.
 The amount of stuffing in the balls was varied to suit the nature of the work; large, soft balls with weak ink were used for low-grade work; small, hard balls and strong ink for work of better quality.
 There are two good reasons for this stern rule.
 The changes for the latter group are going to be abrupt, and rough - very revolutionary.
 The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).
 Companies must adopt a hard-nosed attitude in judging the cost benefits of teletext.
 The discourteous, unfeeling, & degrading reception encountered by job applicants is discussed.
 Carnegie was a conservative, rigidly moralistic, and tough-minded individualist.
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
 These plants are often not as hardy when placed in the garden under less than hothouse conditions.
 The manufacturers of this type of artificial turf say that while the grass is soft and springy underfoot it is extremely tough and hard-wearing.
 He has become one of the first people in the world to complete a gruelling foot race involving four deserts on four different continents.
 This is but brief thanks for providing such ready help and with such genial civility in these testing days of general difficulty.
a buena hambre no hay pan duro  
beggars can't be choosers
beggars can't be choosy
 I'll take any love you think you can spare - beggars can't be choosers.
 They aren't exactly cheap nor are they exactly what I have been looking for but as they say beggars can't be choosy.
actuar duro 
play + hardball
 Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.
adoptar una postura dura 
take + a tough stance
 He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.
a duras penas  
with great difficulty
at a push
 Alumina is helpful for any stool that is passed with great difficulty.
 A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.
arreglárselas a duras penas 
muddle through
 The average user is not only frustrated by a library, but is working under the false notion that most of what he needs can be found by muddling through the card catalog.
avanzar a duras penas  
grind on
 I have noticed in many walks of life, people doing jobs, paid or unpaid, in which they are floundering because they do not have what I might call a job description.
 Far more likely is that the session will grind on days, perhaps weeks, before there's a compromise between the Presidente and the Senate.
cara dura       
 Because impudence is a vice, it does not follow that modesty is a virtue.
 This article discusses the use of the term 'chutzpah' by courts suffering various effronteries at the hands of attorneys and even witnesses who appear before them in both criminal and civil matters.
 There is no argument about this, because the blatancy and shamelessness of it are undeniable.
 Another librarian described herself as 'a shameless, self-promoter'.
 There is no argument about this, because the blatancy and shamelessness of it are undeniable.
 However, his brazenness was short-lived as a canon shell shattered his right leg, forcing the garrison to surrender.
 But a commander from another land will put an end to his insolence and cause him to retreat in shame.
ciencias duras, las  [Disciplina que trabaja principalmente con datos, experimentos y resultados]
hard sciences, the
 Price's Indexes indicated that the American, Australian and British journals were 'hard science' and the rest 'soft science'.
Cuando las cosas se ponen duras, los duros se crecen 
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going' is an inspirational quote that has motivated many athletes to push through adversity and achieve success = "Cuando las cosas se ponen duras, los duros crecen" es una cita inspiradora que ha motivado a muchas atletas para superar las adversidades y lograr el éxito.
dar duro  
pack + a wallop
pack + a punch
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
 Holidays in Tenerife certainly pack a punch when it comes to sun-drenched beach breaks.
de línea dura 
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
disco duro  [Dispositivo de almacenamiento instalado en el interior del ordenador] 
hard disc
hard drive
 You can also download results to a file on floppy or hard disk.
 Although diskless workstations are cheaper than computers with floppies and hard drives, they are not cheaper by much.
droga dura 
hard drug
 Angela, a Soho hostess, has also admitted that many of the girls who work the clip joints are addicted to hard drugs - heroin, crack and cocaine.
dura realidad  
fact of life
harsh reality
 Even with the closest supervision some books will be lost through theft, a fact of life one must recognize and cope with.
 Despite being physically challenged, the harsh realities of life have failed to dampen her spirits.
duro como una piedra 
 In this article we have discussed the most popular and efficient workout program to get rock-hard abs and gain muscle.
duro de corazón 
 For her refusal, Isabella has received a great deal of blame from subsequent critics, who call her a hard-hearted prude.
duro de oído 
 A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing.
duro de pelar    
tough nut to crack
tough nut
hard nut to crack
tough cookie
 Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.
 Getting a car loan has never been a tough nut for the residents of UK.
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
 Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.
duro despertar 
rude awakening
 Anyone who loves to be taken away by a good travel yarn will find 'Rude Awakenings' a great adventure.
duro golpe 
cruel blow
 Prisoners and detainees have been dealt a cruel blow by the delay of the opening of the new jail, prisoners' rights advocates say.
duro revés 
cruel blow
 Prisoners and detainees have been dealt a cruel blow by the delay of the opening of the new jail, prisoners' rights advocates say.
edición en cubierta dura 
 Over the last few years, more and more authors of mass market romances have crossed over the paper genre line and found success in hardcover.
edición en tapas duras 
 Over the last few years, more and more authors of mass market romances have crossed over the paper genre line and found success in hardcover.
estar a las duras y a las maduras 
take + the bad with the good
 Ya gotta take the bad with the good - without pain joy wouldn't feel so good.
ganarse la vida a duras penas    
eke out + a living
scratch (out) + a living
scrape + a living
eke out + an existence
 He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.
 David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter - meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.
 A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.
 In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.
hacerse el duro  
play it + cool
play + hard to get
 Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but so can trying to balance your eagerness with your need to play it cool when you're in a dating relationship.
 Playing hard to get is definitely one of the games of love.
hueso duro de roer   
uphill struggle
tough nut to crack
hard nut to crack
 While I have received rave reviews for these courses I teach, I have an uphill struggle to fill them.
 Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
hueso duro (de roer)  
tough nut
tough cookie
 Getting a car loan has never been a tough nut for the residents of UK.
 Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.
huevo duro 
hard-boiled egg
 Hard-boiled eggs can also be eaten warm in an egg cup without removing the shell completely.
la parte más dura de  [Normalmente precedido del artículo]
brunt of, the
 However, the brunt of the task necessarily fell upon the Commission which was obliged to set up the most elaborate procedures to organize its publications.
libro impreso en pastas duras 
board book
 Board books use hard cardboard both for the cover as well as the pages to make more durable.
madera dura 
 Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.
¿mano blanda o mano dura? 
the carrot vs. the stick
 The article is entitled 'The carrot vs. the stick: can copyright be used to enhance access to cultural knowledge resources in the networked environment?'.
mano blanda y mano dura 
carrots and sticks
 The article is entitled 'TI: Carrots and sticks, profits and risks'.
mano dura  
iron fist
iron hand
 Each day brings new evidence of the iron-fist brutality that is stalking the country in the aftermath of the presidential election.
 The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.
más duro que la suela de un zapato     
as tough as leather
as tough as nails
as tough as nuts
as tough as old boots
as tough as shoe leather
 Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.
 She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.
 Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.
 Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.
 Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.
más duro que una piedra     
as tough as nuts
as tough as nails
as tough as leather
as tough as old boots
as tough as shoe leather
 Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.
 She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.
 Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.
 Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.
 Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.
paladar duro 
hard palate
 The roof of the mouth (palate) is divided into two parts. The front part has ridges and is hard (hard palate); the back part is relatively smooth and soft (soft palate) .
pastas duras  [Cubiertas de un publicación que son rígidas, como contrapuestas a las pastas blandas de la encuadernación rústica]
hard cover
 Case binding is a method of binding in which a hard cover is made wholly separately from the book and later attached to it.
pegar duro  
pack + a punch
pack + a wallop
 Holidays in Tenerife certainly pack a punch when it comes to sun-drenched beach breaks.
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
personas que son duras de oído, las  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
hard of hearing, the
 There are 2 groups of people with hearing disorders: the deaf and the hard of hearing and these 2 groups have entirely different needs.
porno dura 
hard porn
 This should serve as a warning to those who think that 'soft porn' is less addictive and harmful than 'hard porn'.
pornografía dura   
hard core pornography
hard porn
hard pornography
 Furthermore, children can be misled by group influences into reading truly pernicious material (hard core ponography, for example) and when this happens adults have a clear responsibility to step in and do something about it.
 This should serve as a warning to those who think that 'soft porn' is less addictive and harmful than 'hard porn'.
 There are legal restrictions on hard pornography in Finland, but soft pornography and erotica are shown even on public television.
puro y duro 
 He presents us with an unvarnished look at their fanaticism.
recibir duras críticas  
take + a pounding
take + a beating
 He took a pounding in the press after his first tax cut when a deep recession pushed unemployment to 10 percent.
 Devastated by natural disasters and caught in the middle of the war on terror, Asia's economy took a beating in 2001.
salir adelante a duras penas    
eke out + a living
scratch (out) + a living
scrape + a living
eke out + an existence
 He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.
 David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter - meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.
 A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.
 In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.
sector duro 
hard sector
 There are two methods of sectoring of floppy disks: hard sectors and soft sectors.
ser duro con 
come down (hard) on
 Of course they couldn't possibly come down on the lazy liggers of society - they will come down hard on the people that really need financial help.
ser duro de mollera   
be slow on the uptake
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
tan duro como el pedernal 
as hard as nails
 From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.
tan duro como la piedra 
as hard as nails
 From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.
tan duro como la suela de un zapato    
as tough as leather
as tough as nuts
as tough as old boots
as tough as shoe leather
 Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.
 Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.
 Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.
 Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.
tan duro como la suela de una zapato 
as tough as nails
 She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.
tan duro como una piedra      
as hard as nails
as tough as nuts
as tough as nails
as tough as leather
as tough as old boots
as tough as shoe leather
 From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.
 Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.
 She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.
 Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.
 Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.
 Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.
tenerlo duro 
not be easy
 It would not be easy to find in the history of philosophy and the sciences a situation more confused than our own.
tener un duro despertar 
rude awakening + be in store
 A rude awakening may be in store when they discover that their college or university professors require them to use scholarly resources.
tío duro  
tough guy
tough cookie
 It seems like they are just some tough guys with no balls to pick a fight.
 Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.
tipo duro  
tough guy
tough cookie
 It seems like they are just some tough guys with no balls to pick a fight.
 Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.
tomar las duras con las maduras 
take + the bad with the good
 Ya gotta take the bad with the good - without pain joy wouldn't feel so good.
tomar medidas duras contra 
crack down on
 Private citizens now suffer increased government monitoring of their telephone lines in an attempt to crack down on illegal Internet surfing.
tomar una postura dura 
take + a tough stance
 He has signalled he will take a tough stance on prickly issues such as outsourcing, and limits on exports of sensitive technology.
trabajar duro        
labour [labor, -USA]
slave away
be (still) working away
be (still) toiling away
be (still) hard at it
put in + some hard work
work away
 So we see many wits and ingenuities lying scattered up and down the world, whereof some are now labouring to do what is already done and puzzling themselves to reinvent what is already invented.
 His novels reflect the story of the spirit of man, undaunted and ceaselessly toiling and achieving ever higher levels of culture.
 Anyone who's spoken to me recently is probably aware that on most nights I'm up slaving away to the wee hours of the morning on my project .
 I really admire her passion and love for her life's work, she is 96 and still working away.
 Even after 23 years after India declared child labour as illegal, official figures show 12 million youngsters are still toiling away.
 I've crossed swords with him before, and the only thing that's remarkable is that he's still hard at it, peddling his view of the future of IT.
 For our season to end in such climactic, orgasmic fashion, some hard work is going to have to be put in.
 This is a practical hands-on training day where you'll follow the process by using your laptop and working away all day long.
trabajar duro y divertirse mucho 
work hard, play hard
 The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con.
trabajo duro    
hard graft
hard labour
thirsty work
hard work
 As the winner of this year's Orange Prize is announced, one of the five judges reflects on weeks of hard graft, moments of panic and at least one day spent in tears.
 With scorching heat from above and hard labour in the fields, Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger.
 Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.
 Published scientific papers were exclusively results of personal engagement and hard work in the free time.
vivir a duras penas 
live on + a prayer
 Today on the Dr. Phil show, Dan and Janna were guests who were 'living on a prayer' since they, along with their seven children, were living in home with no income, no heat and no running water.
dejar a Alguien sin un duro 
take + Nombre + to the cleaners
 Let me guess ... you work in an all male workplace full of divorced men whose wives took them to the cleaners?.
estar sin un duro 
not have a bean
 And considering the fact that my parents didn't have a bean, how could my father have had a fountain pen that was expensive enough to pawn?.
faltar el canto de un duro para  
by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth
come + very close to
 The middle class holds on by the skin of its teeth, saved from a real downward slide only by record increases in the number of dual-income families.
 A new hypothesis about recent human evolution suggests that we came very close to extinction because of a 'volcanic winter' that occurred 71000 years ago.
no tener un duro 
not have a bean
 And considering the fact that my parents didn't have a bean, how could my father have had a fountain pen that was expensive enough to pawn?.
novela a duro 
dime and nickel novel
 Beadle and Adams of New York's 'dime and nickel novels' included both new books and pirated English novels retailing as paperbacks at 10 cents a volume.
sin un duro     
 The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.
 The story is based on an overheard conversation between a well-meaning librarian and a down-and-out old man seeking validation for his unpublished poetry.
 How does it feel to be skint in a world that seems to be obsessed with money and riches?.
 Now he lives penniless near a beautiful lake surrounded by rainforest and teeming with waterfowl.
 Nature meant him for a slipshod, shambling Bohemian - happy, out-at-the-elbows, always in debt, always irresponsible, and always pursued by duns and bailiffs.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra duro



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de duro
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «duro».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre duro



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra duro.
Alejandro Dumas, Hijo
El arte necesita o soledad, o miseria, o pasión. Es una flor de roca, que requiere el viento áspero y el terreno duro.
Dijo el perro al hueso: «Si tú estás duro, yo tengo tiempo».
Diego De Saavedra Fajardo
Es un potro la juventud que con un cabezón duro se precipita y fácilmente se deja gobernar de un bocado blando.
John Ruskin
Los hombres deben aprender que no existe degradación en el trabajo manual más duro o más servil y humilde, cuando es honrado.
Jonathan Swift
Un pueblo habituado durante largo tiempo a un régimen duro pierde gradualmente la noción misma de libertad.
Ramón De Campoamor
Para ablandar lo duro del destino ha dado Dios a la mujer el llanto, que es lo que hay en lo humano de divino.
Quien no es más que justo es duro.
Immanuel Kant
Con las piedras que con duro intento los críticos te lanzan, bien puedes erigirte un monumento.
Theodore Roosevelt
Es duro caer, pero es peor no haber intentado nunca subir.
Hermann Hesse
Lo blando es más fuerte que lo duro; el agua es más fuerte que la roca, el amor es más fuerte que la violencia.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término duro.
Duro con teso, mal encuentro.
Más da el duro que el desnudo.
A buen hambre no hay pan duro, ni se moja en vino puro.
A buen hambre, no hay pan duro, ni falta salsa a ninguno.
A fuerza de duros se ablanda lo más duro.
A gran hambre no hay pan malo, ni duro ni bazo.
A mucha hambre, no hay pan duro.
Al galgo, cadena, buena cama, pan duro y tierra llana.
Al hambre de siete días, no hay pan duro.
Al hombre duro, lanza en mano y vino puro.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de duro en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con duro y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Duro Blando
The simple and engaging text and photos of these emergent readers make them a delightful choice for children just beginning to read.
Sharon Gordon, 2006
Optimismo Puro Y Duro
Optimismo puro y duro le proporciona doce prácticas que le ayudarán a reducir los pensamientos negativos y a adoptar una actitud ganadora, y le permitirán aprovechar las oportunidades que se le presentan, superar los obstáculos y ...
Price Pritchett, alienta, 2007
Hardball (O Csmo Jugar Duro): Harvard Business School
Las grandes companias se tambalean cuando la pierden.
George Stalk, Rob Lachenauer, 2005
Hágase viejo con ella. Sea un "nosotros", no un "yo". El matrimonio es un trabajo duro, inténtelo. No se olvide de divertirse. Ella le entiende. ¿Quién más lo hace?
Un hombre duro
Una vez que se recuperara, ya no la necesitaría... ¿o quizá sí?
Amy J. Fetzer, 2012
LAS GRANDES LECCIONES DE LA VIDA: Aprendiendo lo realmente ...
El mejor premio que nos ofrece la vida es la posibilidad de trabajar duro en una labor que valga la pena atender. Teodoro Roosevelt Las recompensas del trabajo duro La motivación es fantástica y los objetivos son sensacionales, pero no ...
Los psiquiatras de Franco: Los rojos no estaban locos
Enrique González Duro, uno de los más destacados psiquiatras españoles, ha buceado en archivos, removido documentación y analizado los textos doctrinales de sus colegas franquistas con el fin de sacar a la luz el comportamiento ...
Enrique Gonzalez Duro, 2010
Manual Tecnologico Del Maiz Amarillo Duro Y de Buenas ...
BIBLIOGRAFÍA. DE. REFERENCIA. ALDRICH S. R. and LENG. E. R. 1966. Modern corn production. USA. AVALOS Q. F., DIAZ F. J. 1992. Manejo integrado de plagas y enfermedades del maíz para la costa. INIAA BEINGOLE A P. L., SEVILLA ...
Manual de buenas prácticas agrícolas para el cultivo de maíz ...
Desde el año 2000 la Oficina del MCA en el Perú actúa en el territorio de la provincia de Huaura, interviniendo en actividades orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Cadena Productiva de Maíz Amarillo Duro -Avicultura, teniendo como aliados ...
IICA: Maual Technologico del Maiz Amarillo Duro y de Buenas ...
BIBLIOGRAFIA. DE. REFERENCIA. ALDRICH S. R. and LENG. E. R. 1966. Modern corn production. USA. AVALOS Q. F., DIAZ F. J. 1992. Manejo integrado de plagas y enfermedades del maíz para la costa. INIAA. BEINGOLEA P. L., SEVILLA ...


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término duro en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Competencia sanciona a Duro Felguera por pertenecer a un cartel ...
Competencia sanciona a Duro Felguera por pertenecer a un cartel que se repartía contratos del AVE. Cuatro empresas, entre ellas la asturiana, se jugaban al ... «La Voz de Asturias, Jul 16»
Duro Felguera, tras la acusación de pertenecer a un cartel: “Nos ...
OKDIARIO se ha comunicado con Duro Felguera tras la sanción impuesta por la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) por formar ... «OKDIARIO, Jul 16»
Estudio: Trabajar duro 'mata' a las mujeres y protege a los hombres
La única enfermedad a la que los hombres resultaron más propensos trabajando duro es a la artritis. Los investigadores explican esa gran diferencia entre ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jun 16»
Un hombre presenta una demanda contra Dios por ser duro con él
David Shoshan, residente de la ciudad israelí de Haifa, demandó a Dios, exigiendo la emisión de una orden de restricción contra el todopoderoso por ser ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, May 16»
Duro Felguera firma un contrato en Argelia por 96 millones de euros
Duro Felguera obtuvo un beneficio de 2,12 millones de euros en el primer trimestre de 2016, un 75% menos que en el mismo periodo del ejercicio anterior, y se ... «El Comercio Digital, Abr 16»
Del Valle defiende la "legalidad" de Duro Felguera en sus proyectos ...
El presidente de Duro Felguera, Ángel Antonio del Valle, se ha referido este jueves a las informaciones relacionadas con presuntos pagos de la empresa al ... «, Abr 16»
Duro Felguera vuelve a las renovables tras remodelar toda el área ...
El área de energía de Duro Felguera, que representa más del 50% de la cifra de negocio, ha experimentado una profunda remodelación, con el objetivo de ... «Expansió, Abr 16»
Anticorrupción investiga al presidente de Duro Felguera por pagar ...
La Fiscalía Anticorrupción investiga al actual presidente de Duro Felguera, Ángel Antonio del Valle, como principal responsable de una presunta mordida ... «El Mundo, Mar 16»
Duro Felguera registra pérdidas de 68,8 millones en 2015
Duro Felguera registró pérdidas de 68,8 millones de euros en 2015, frente a las ganancias de 48 millones de euros de 2014. Este resultado negativo supera en ... «Expansió, Mar 16»
Duro Felguera calcula que perdió 60 millones de euros el año pasado
Obra de la central de Vuelta de Obligado (Argentina), sobre la que Duro Felguera mantiene una reclamación por 200 millones de euros. / E. C. ... «El Comercio Digital, Ene 16»


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