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Meaning of "blanco" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra blanco procede del germánico *blank; cónfer a. alemán antiguo blank.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


blan · co play


Blanco can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Click to see the original definition of «blanco» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



White is a color. It can also refer to: ▪ White, term used to designate ethnic groups of European descent. Authors of scientific names ▪ CEBlanco - Cenobio E. Blanco ▪ Blanco - Francisco Manuel Blanco 1778-1845 ▪ M.Blanco - Manuel Blanco 1780-1848 ▪ MNBlanco - María N. Blanco 1960- ▪ MABlanco - Mario Alberto Blanco 1972- ▪ O. White - Óscar Blanco fl. 2005 ▪ ▪ P.Blanco - Paloma Blanco 1950- ▪ J.Blanco - José Blanco Salas 1973- Disambiguation of name and surname ▪ Alberto Blanco ▪ Antonio Blanco ▪ Carlos Blanco ▪ Eduardo Blanco ▪ Hugo Blanco ▪ José Blanco ▪ José María Blanco ▪ Juan Blanco ▪ Juan Carlos Blanco ▪ Luis Blanco ▪ Miguel Ángel Blanco ▪ Ricardo Blanco ▪ Roberto Blanco ▪ Rufino Blanco ▪ Sergio Blanco ... Blanco es un color. Puede referirse también a: ▪ Blanco , término usado para designar a grupos étnicos de ascendencia europea. Autores de nombres científicos ▪ C.E.Blanco - Cenobio E. Blanco ▪ Blanco - Francisco Manuel Blanco 1778-1845 ▪ M.Blanco - Manuel Blanco 1780-1848 ▪ M.N.Blanco - María N. Blanco 1960- ▪ M.A.Blanco - Mario Alberto Blanco 1972- ▪ O.Blanco - Óscar Blanco fl. 2005- ▪ P.Blanco - Paloma Blanco 1950- ▪ J.Blanco - José Blanco Salas 1973- Desambiguaciones de nombre y apellido ▪ Alberto Blanco ▪ Antonio Blanco ▪ Carlos Blanco ▪ Eduardo Blanco ▪ Hugo Blanco ▪ José Blanco ▪ José María Blanco ▪ Juan Blanco ▪ Juan Carlos Blanco ▪ Luis Blanco ▪ Miguel Ángel Blanco ▪ Ricardo Blanco ▪ Roberto Blanco ▪ Rufino Blanco ▪ Sergio Blanco...

Definition of blanco in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of white in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is the color of snow or milk. It is the color of sunlight, not decomposed in the various colors of the spectrum. Another meaning of white in the dictionary is said of one thing: that without being white it has lighter color than others of the same species. Bread, white wine White is also said to be the color of the European or Caucasian race, unlike that of the others.,. La primera definición de blanco en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es del color que tienen la nieve o la leche. Es el color de la luz solar, no descompuesta en los varios colores del espectro. Otro significado de blanco en el diccionario es dicho de una cosa: Que sin ser blanca tiene color más claro que otras de la misma especie. Pan, vino blanco. Blanco es también se dice del color de la raza europea o caucásica, a diferencia del de las demás.,.
Click to see the original definition of «blanco» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of blanco in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «blanco» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of blanco


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «blanco» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of blanco

Translation of «blanco» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of blanco to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of blanco from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «blanco» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of blanco in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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5 millions of speakers


  target ; butt ; bull's eye.
 Paid employees can have targets set for them and their prospects may well depend upon their meeting these targets.
 The author discusses art critic Harry Quilter, usually remembered today as 'Arry,' the butt of merciless lampooning by J.M. Whistler.
 It has been dubbed the 'Bull's-Eye' due to its five layers, represented as concentric circles.
atinar en el blanco 
hit + the bull's eye
 In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.
blanco de las bromas, el 
butt of jokes, the
 Humour remains big in the repertoire found in gay and lesbian books, with straight people often the butt of jokes.
blanco en movimiento 
moving target
 Pandemic preparedness is a moving target - you need to keep adjusting your expectations and preparations as the situation changes around you.
blanco fácil  
ripe target
sitting duck
 As a result, a library budget can be a ripe target to bargain away when budget cuts are required = Como consecuencia, el presupuesto de la biblioteca puede ser un blanco fácil cuando se necesitan hacer recortes presupuestarios.
 The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.
blanco móvil 
moving target
 Pandemic preparedness is a moving target - you need to keep adjusting your expectations and preparations as the situation changes around you.
blanco perfecto 
sitting duck
 The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.
blanco seguro 
sitting duck
 The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.
conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas   
capture + spotlight
grab + the spotlight
grab + the limelight
 It is ironic that archivists have watched librarians capture the 'preservation spotlight'.
 The article is entitled 'Citizens grab spotlight at Scarborough library'.
 He was unhappy about Rosecrans grabbing the limelight and just getting too big for his breeches and decided to let him stew a little bit.
dar en el blanco        
hit + the bull's eye
strike + home
put + Posesivo + finger on
hit + the truth
hit + home
be (right) on the mark
be spot on
hit + the spot
 In such conditions it is a matter of pure luck if the reader hits the bull's eye at the first shot.
 Among many observations in this widely bruited report, one in particular struck home: fewer books had been translated into Arabic in a millennium than were translated into Spanish in a year.
 She was worried about the project, but couldn't put her finger on what was wrong.
 He hit the truth in one point only, the number of windows on one side of the house.
 With our students, with our employees, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.
 For a directorial debut with no big-name movie stars, the acting is right on the mark.
 The program is spot on - you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.
 We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.
en el blanco de mira  
in the spotlight
in the crosshairs
 We can see these challenges very clearly manifested in the highly public scrutiny of architects, lawyers, social workers, accountants, and doctors, to name only those in the most recent spotlight.
 And it is those temptations that have placed college students squarely in the crosshairs of the recording industry.
expresión en blanco  
blank expression
blank look
 His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.
 The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
justo en el blanco 
dead on target
 From this chance observation, Kazantsev drew two conclusions: one dead on target, the other, way out in left field.
puesto de tiro al blanco 
shooting gallery
 Indeed, the steps leading down to the shooting gallery, seen on the right of the picture no longer exist.
ser el blanco de  
be a pushover for
be on the receiving end of
 A poorly run school is a pushover for conflict.
 He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
ser el blanco de las críticas  
come under + fire
draw + criticism
 At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.
 Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.
  white ; Caucasian.
 In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.
 Although Hawaii's journalists are more ethnically diverse than US journalists, there are proportionately more Caucasian journalists than Caucasians in the Hawaii population.
blanco protestante anglosajón americano  [Abreviatura de White Anglo-Saxon Protestant utilizada principalmente en los Estados Unidos]
 It's worth noting that although Bessie was not himself a WASP, he clearly knew how to dress the part.
contacto con los blancos 
white contact
 Prior to white contact the Eskimos had a complex and progressive culture which was immobilized, fragmented, and exploited by European invaders - hence the title 'Give or Take a Century'.
de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana 
 On the whole, the organization was largely male and WASPish, but it was more diverse than most associations of this period.
de propiedad de los blancos 
 The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.
escoria social de raza blanca 
white trash
 The south London 'white trash' it portrays are as marginalized in their council flats as any poor sharecroppers, but the novel neither condescends toward them nor sentimentalizes their plight.
hombre blanco 
white man [white men, -pl.]
 How can a Western-born white man, to take an extreme example, experience directly what it means to be a black Central African?.
huida blanca  [Abandono de los barrios con poblaciones étnicas diversas por parte de los ciudadanos de raza blanca]
white flight
 There is some evidence that racism toward minority schoolchildren may contribute to white flight.
magia blanca 
white magic
 Unlike voodoo or black magic, white magic has no occult practices and no negative effects.
persona de raza blanca  [Raza]
 In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.
supremacía de los blancos  
white supremacism
white supremacy
 Nihilism represents the absence of national culture & a search for identity denied by white supremacism.
 Black men have been victimized because the goal of the white hegemonic power structure has been to maintain white supremacy.
 When appropriate, give 'col.' for multicoloured objects, or name the colour(s) of the object if it is in one or two colours, or give 'b&w' for black and white objects; e.g., 1 bowl : porcelain, blue and white.
águila de cabeza blanca 
bald eagle
 The dominant scavengers at all locations were magpies, bald eagles, golden eagles, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, black bears, and probably elk and bison also participated in scavenging.
armario de la ropa blanca  [Usado en inglés americano]  [Usado en el inglés británico]
linen closet
linen cupboard
 Most linen closets are typically located in or near bathrooms and/or bedrooms.
 The bursting linen cupboard is characteristic of the late 19th century, since people used their linen to decorate interiors.
ballena blanca  
beluga whale
 Beluga whales eat many different kinds of fish including capelin, cod, and smelt.
 Arctic belugas migrate southward in large herds when the sea freezes over.
bandera blanca 
white flag
 The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and request for negotiation.
bata blanca  
white coat
white robe
 The men in white coats will put you in the booby hatch where you belong someday.
 The white robe worn by the priest at Mass has great significance, both Scripturally and historically.
 This is a laparoscopy revealing diffuse white-yellowish pin-head sized milliary nodules over the whole visceral and peritoneal wall.
blanco como el papel     
deathly white
deathly pale
green around the gills
green about the gills
yellow around the gills
 She has black hair, deathly white skin and a wardrobe that is blacker than looking down a mineshaft.
 He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
 The Longton pub scene may not be dead, but it is a bit green around the gills.
 Steve was still sweating and he looked more than a bit green about the gills, but the expression on his face was determined and hard.
 On the upside, I spent yesterday with my grandson - he is a fresh baby, still yellow around the gills but eating, pooping and peeing just like he should.
blanco como la cera 
 He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
blanco como la nieve     
spotlessly white
as white as snow
as white as a sheet (of paper)
as white as a ghost
 A flock of snow-white doves were flying back and forth across it, and one sat upon the window's ledge and cooed.
 Everybody's teeth are spotlessly white when they begin to grow.
 He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.
 Again, it's very rare to find people whose skin tones are as white as a sheet of paper.
 When I finally got across the street to him, he was as white as a ghost, looking like he had seen something very out of the ordinary.
blanco como la pared        
deathly white
deathly pale
as white as snow
as white as a sheet (of paper)
as white as a ghost
green around the gills
green about the gills
yellow around the gills
 She has black hair, deathly white skin and a wardrobe that is blacker than looking down a mineshaft.
 He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
 He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.
 Again, it's very rare to find people whose skin tones are as white as a sheet of paper.
 When I finally got across the street to him, he was as white as a ghost, looking like he had seen something very out of the ordinary.
 The Longton pub scene may not be dead, but it is a bit green around the gills.
 Steve was still sweating and he looked more than a bit green about the gills, but the expression on his face was determined and hard.
 On the upside, I spent yesterday with my grandson - he is a fresh baby, still yellow around the gills but eating, pooping and peeing just like he should.
blanco como una sábana      
as white as a sheet (of paper)
as white as snow
as white as a ghost
green around the gills
green about the gills
yellow around the gills
 Again, it's very rare to find people whose skin tones are as white as a sheet of paper.
 He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.
 When I finally got across the street to him, he was as white as a ghost, looking like he had seen something very out of the ordinary.
 The Longton pub scene may not be dead, but it is a bit green around the gills.
 Steve was still sweating and he looked more than a bit green about the gills, but the expression on his face was determined and hard.
 On the upside, I spent yesterday with my grandson - he is a fresh baby, still yellow around the gills but eating, pooping and peeing just like he should.
blanco del ojo 
white of + Posesivo + eye
 As for her, she could not look at him without blushing to the whites of her eyes, and could not live for an instant without looking at him.
blanco hueso 
 This is a hard-boiled oyster egg, painted with off-white polka dots.
blanco roto 
 This is a hard-boiled oyster egg, painted with off-white polka dots.
blanco sepulcral 
deathly white
 She has black hair, deathly white skin and a wardrobe that is blacker than looking down a mineshaft.
blanco y negro 
black & white
 I am faced with cataloging a rather large collection of black & whiteprints for a local historical society.
caballero blanco  
white knight
knight in shining armour
 He was seen as the white knight who saved the school by transforming it from 'the armpit of the district' to a good school.
 The article is entitled 'Virtual libraries in Africa: a dream, or a knight in shining armour'.
campanilla blanca 
 England has a wealth of wild flowers including snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, primroses, buttercups and cowslips.
carne blanca 
white meat
 So, it seems that people who mostly eat white meat consumed about 2 fold less total meat than people who eat red meat.
carta blanca  
carte blanche
blank cheque [blank check, -USA]
 A licence is not a carte blanche to unrestricted copying.
 The reputation of the present prime minister was also tarnished by confirmation that it was his practice to sign blank cheques.
Casa Blanca, la 
White House, the
 In other words, we either have morons or thugs running the White House - or perhaps one moron, one thug, and a smattering of scalawags in between.
cedro blanco 
white cedar
 Each coaster has a white cedar base with a silkscreen on recycled paper and coated for waterproofing.
cheque en blanco 
blank cheque [blank check, -USA]
 The reputation of the present prime minister was also tarnished by confirmation that it was his practice to sign blank cheques.
ciervo de cola blanca 
white-tailed deer
 However, meningeal worm has not been identified in white-tailed deer or caribou in western North America.
con la mirada en blanco 
 James had stared at her rather blankly.
darle a Alguien carta blanca  [Darle a alguien libertad para que haga lo que crea necesario]
give + Nombre + a blank cheque
 The chief librarian was given a blank cheque to get the library back on its feet.
darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco  [Darle a alguien libertad para que haga lo que crea necesario]
give + Nombre + a blank cheque
 The chief librarian was given a blank cheque to get the library back on its feet.
dejar en blanco 
leave + blank
 For our selection this field is left blank.
demonio blanco 
white devil
 The article is entitled 'The Bermuda Library - of books, and blooms, and little white devils'.
de pelo blanco 
 The author analyzes the scriptural symbolism in an illustrated initial depicting the Crucifixion, focusing on the significance of a white-haired and bearded Christ.
de piel blanca 
 White-skinned people with blue eyes aren't just responsible for the current crisis; the blue-eyed palefaces are responsible for saddling the world with a financial system that has a built-in tendency to crash.
de punta en blanco   
dressed (up) to the nines
in full regalia
 Dressed to the nines, the three characters shimmer like tropical fish beached in the desert.
 'Spick and Span' is a comedy that examines how individuals cope with death in a society that likes to sweep things under the rug = "De punta en blanco" es una comedia que examina cómo los individuos se enfrentan a la muerte en una sociedad que prefiere ocultar las cosas.
 This detailed and hand-finished Athena statue shows the warrior Goddess in full regalia with sword and snake shield.
elefante blanco  [Propiedad u objeto que es caro de mantener y no sirve para mucho]
white elephant
 It is preferable to be thorough, perhaps embarrassed and a nuisance before purchase rather than to be sold a 'white elephant'.
enarbolar la bandera blanca 
raise + the white flag
 The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.
en blanco   [Adjetivo]
 James had stared at her rather blankly.
 By the seventeenth century it was becoming common to protect the title page with an initial blank leaf; which in turn, by the eighteenth century, often had a short-title printed on it (the half-title) = En el siglo XVII era cada vez más normal proteger la portada con una hoja en blanco inicial sobre la que en el siglo XVIII frecuentemente se imprimía un título breve (la anteportada).
en blanco y negro 
b&w (black and white)
 When appropriate, give 'col.' for multicoloured objects, or name the colour(s) of the object if it is in one or two colours, or give 'b&w' for black and white objects; e.g., 1 bowl : porcelain, blue and white.
espacio en blanco  [Nombre] 
blank space
 The space bar inserts a space (blank) on the screen and, at the same time, moves the cursor one space to the right.
 Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.
espacio en blanco final 
trailing blank
 In this figure, the character 'b' is used to indicate beginning or trailing blanks which belong the ISBD punctuation.
espacio en blanco inicial 
beginning blank
 In this figure, the character 'b' is used to indicate beginning or trailing blanks which belong the ISBD punctuation.
espino blanco 
 The hawthorn or whitethorn is very popular in Irish countryside hedges.
estar sin blanca 
not have a bean
 And considering the fact that my parents didn't have a bean, how could my father have had a fountain pen that was expensive enough to pawn?.
expresión en blanco  
blank expression
blank look
 His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.
 The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.
fósforo blanco 
white phosphorous
 Incendiary devices or incendiary bombs are bombs designed to start fires using materials such as napalm, thermite, chlorine trifluoride, or white phosphorus.
glóbulo blanco 
white blood cell
 Clear fluid called lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels and contains infection-fighting white blood cells known as lymphocytes.
gran tiburón blanco 
great white shark
 Great white sharks are an enigma, as scientists are still trying to unravel the mysterious lifestyle of these denizens of the deep.
herida de arma blanca 
stab wound
 Stab wounds are caused most obviously by knives, but are also caused by bayonets and swords, as well as scissors and screwdrivers.
judía blanca 
haricot bean
 Laia and Pau have eaten a big plate of haricot beans and botifarra, a delicious Catalan sausage.
Libro Blanco  [Informe del gobierno en el que hace público sus ideas sobre un tema determinado antes de presentar un proyecto de ley en el parlamento]
White Paper
 The UK Government's White Paper on the National Health Service (NHS) recommends a radical overhaul of the NHS in terms of its management.
mente + quedarse en blanco 
mind + go blank
 If there is a lot of people I start getting anxiety attacks and, like you, my mind goes blank - I can't think or move.
mostaza blanca 
white mustard
 These properties can be applied to the determine the medicinal value of extracts from rapeseed, rapeseed oil and white mustard.
negro sobre fondo blanco 
black on white
 Input of data into a record may be onto a preformatted screen, perhaps with reverse video (black on white) characters for the field names and with space next to each field name for the data.
noche en blanco 
sleepless night
 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.
pasar la noche en blanco 
not sleep a wink (all night long)
 I'm so excited I bet I won't sleep a wink all night.
personas de piel blanca, las 
fair skinned, the
 Research has also found that the fair skinned Eurocentric model is the somatic norm for advertising.
pescado blanco 
 They serve a range of Spannish dishes like a heart of lettuce served with filet of whitefish and fresh vegetables.
piel blanca 
fair skin
 Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin.
pino blanco 
white pine
 Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.
plan blanco 
white bread
 The author, a dietitian, distinguishes fact from fiction with statements regarding a variety of foods - potatoes, honey, carrots, lemon and grapefruit juices, white bread, garlic, red meat and oranges.
poner los ojos en blanco 
roll + Posesivo + eyes
 Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.
ponerse blanco  
turn + white
 'Oh, Jeanne!' she said, turning white, 'I have to speak to you'.
 He is a small, slender man, with a pencil-thin moustache and whitening, scanty hair.
quedarse en blanco   
go + blank
mind + go blank
black out
 A program should always tell the operator what it is doing once an instruction has been given: there is nothing more nerve-wracking than to enter a command and have the screen go totally blank!.
 If there is a lot of people I start getting anxiety attacks and, like you, my mind goes blank - I can't think or move.
 My monitor screen keeps blacking out.
ropa blanca 
 This type of bleach is gentle enough to pour directly on your bleachable whites.
sin blanca     
 The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.
 Now he lives penniless near a beautiful lake surrounded by rainforest and teeming with waterfowl.
 How does it feel to be skint in a world that seems to be obsessed with money and riches?.
 Manchester City leave the bookies out of pocket and three things we learned about betting from the weekend.
 Nature meant him for a slipshod, shambling Bohemian - happy, out-at-the-elbows, always in debt, always irresponsible, and always pursued by duns and bailiffs.
sustancia blanca 
white matter
 The author discusses the development of the brain in terms of grey and white matter.
tabla en blanco  
blank slate
tabula rasa
 The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.
 The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.
tablero en blanco  
blank slate
tabula rasa
 The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.
 The philosopher John Locke asserted that at birth the human mind is a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and empty of ideas.
tener carta blanca 
have + carte-blanche
 Medical people, guidance counselors, career advisors, and the like now seem to have carte-blanche to take children from classes as and when they please.
tiburón blanco 
white shark
 Large white sharks will also scavenge on the carcasses of whale sharks, and on the fat-rich blubber layer of dead whales.
trébol blanco 
white clover
 Farmers recognise the significant limitations in the ability of white clovers to cope with summer droughts.
vertir de punta en blanco 
doll up
 Woo dumped her controlling brain surgeon boyfriend a few months back claiming he spent more time in the mirror dolling himself up than she did.
vestirse de punta en blanco  
tog out
tog up
 Coach Franny Kelly and all players are requested to be togged out and on he pitch by 8pm on both nights.
 Many guards view the detainees as criminals and get togged up in riot gear prepared to use force in situations best controlled by simply talking to people.
  white paper.
 The reiteration was then printed off in much the same way as the white paper, this time in reverse order of sheets.

Trends of use of blanco



The term «blanco» is very widely used and occupies the 486 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «blanco» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of blanco
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «blanco».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «blanco» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «blanco» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about blanco



Famous quotes and sentences with the word blanco.
Amado Nervo
Todo hombre es como un cheque en blanco firmado por Dios. Nosotros mismos escribimos en él la cifra de su valor con nuestro merecimiento.
George Bernard Shaw
El norteamericano blanco relega al negro a la condición de limpiabotas y deduce de ello que sólo sirve para limpiar botas.
Walt Whitman
Cuando conozco a alguien no me importa si es blanco, negro, judío o musulmán. Me basta con saber que es un ser humano.
Deng Xiaoping
¿Que importa que el gato sea blanco o negro con tal de que cace ratones?
Konrad Adenauer
La suerte es una flecha lanzada que hace blanco en el que menos la espera.
Observa todo lo blanco que hay en torno tuyo, pero recuerda todo lo negro que existe.
El hombre es un auriga que conduce un carro tirado por dos briosos caballos: el placer y el deber. El arte del auriga consiste en templar la fogosidad del corcel negro (placer) y acompasarlo con el blanco (deber) para correr sin perder el equilibrio.
Francisco Umbral
El destino, el azar, los dioses, no suelen mandar grandes emisarios en caballo blanco, ni en el correo del Zar. El destino, en todas sus versiones, utiliza siempre heraldos humildes.


Negro es el carbonero, pero blanco su dinero.
Si el tirador es malo, para estar seguro, ponte en el blanco.
A burro negro no le busques pelo blanco.
A la mañana el blanco y el tinto al sereno.
Abogado en el concejo, hace de lo blanco negro.
Amigo leal y franco, mirlo blanco.
Antes te quedes manco, que eches una firma en blanco.
Años y trabajo ponen el pelo blanco.
Blanco hielo, es de lluvia mensajero.
Blanco o negro, el perro siempre es perro.


Discover the use of blanco in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to blanco and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Nunca rompa el círculo.
Ted Dekker, 2009
El Libro Blanco
Cuando Amas lo que eres, no hay cosa inconquistable ni inalcanzable.
Ramtha, 2003
¿por qué he dicho blanco si quería decir negro?: Técnicas ...
La asertividad es una habilidad social que consiste en manifestar de manera clara, franca y respetuosa las propias opiniones, emociones y creencias, en defender nuestros derechos, en aceptar los pensamientos y críticas de los demás y no ...
Manuel Güell Barceló, 2005
Manual de reflexología: método holístico
En este libro, Alicia Lopez Blanco nos transmite su metodo completo de ensenanza de esta terapia.
Alicia López Blanco, 2001
La exposición, un medio de comunicación
El libro concibe la exposición como el medio de comunicación propio de los museos, a través del cual se pueden divulgar los conocimientos científicos y la valoración histórica, estética o cultural que se haya realizado previamente de ...
Ángela García Blanco, 1999
La democracía en blanco: el movimiento médico en México, ...
La historia de aquel acontecimiento obliga, pues, al notable investigador social que es Pozas Horcasitas, a considerar también todo el proceso de la organización sindical mexicana desde la época de Cárdenas.
Ricardo Pozas Horcasitas, 1993
La musculación es el conjunto de actividades, sucesivamente crecientes en volumen e intensidad, que permiten modificaciones de tipo funcional y estructural en la musculatura esquelética y su mayor aprovechamiento de la energía muscular.
Alfonso Blanco Nespereira, 2002
Tests psicotécnicos
¿Ha sentido alguna vez curiosidad por conocer su nivel de inteligencia o por saber su nivel de inteligencia o por saber si tiene facilidad para el cálculo o la percepción espacial?
Andrés Mateos Blanco, 2006
Jose Maria Blanco White (1775-1841). Espana. Nacio en Sevilla en 1775. Hijo del viceconsul ingles Guillermo White. Fue canonico magistral en Cadiz y Sevilla y formo parte de la Academia de Letras Humanas (1793-1802).
José María Blanco White, 2012
Y la Novia Se Vistio de Blanco: Siete Secretos para Lograr ...
This book exposes our culture's lies about sex and prepares young women for the world's pressures.
Dannah Gresh, 2005


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term blanco is used in the context of the following news items.
Apenas tres técnicos de Blanco y Negro dirigieron más de un año ...
Sólo tres de los 13 técnicos contratados con Blanco y Negro al mando de Colo Colo han durado más de un año al frente de la banca del equipo albo. «ADN Chile, Jul 16»
Ana Blanco, Pedro Piqueras y Vicente Vallés moderarán el debate a ...
Los periodistas Ana Blanco (TVE), Pedro Piqueras (Mediaset) y Vicente Vallés (Atresmedia) moderarán el debate electoral de la noche del día 13 de junio entre ... «, Jun 16»
Alejandro Blanco: "El abanderado ha sido elegido de manera ...
La reunión, en palabras de Blanco ha sido la más "numerosa de todas", y en la que por "primera vez" un deportista ha sido nombrado el abanderado "por ... «, Apr 16»
Al menos 50 Damas de Blanco, El Sexto, y otros opositores ...
Miembros de las Damas de Blanco son arrestadas por la Policía, el domingo 20 de marzo de 2016, tras una marcha en La Habana (Cuba). Jeffrey Arguedas ... «El Nuevo Herald, Mar 16»
El regreso a las canchas del controvertido Cuauhtémoc Blanco ...
Cuauhtémoc Blanco ya sabe hacer payasadas con la credencial de elector. ... se han viralizado los videos en que Blanco confunde el partido político que lo ... «Univisión, Mar 16»
Cuauhtémoc Blanco fue registrado por el América y jugará ante ...
MÉXICO - Cuauhtémoc Blanco por fin tendrá su partido de despedida con las Águilas del ... "Nuestro legendario goleador e ídolo, Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, ... «Univisión, Feb 16»
El supuesto asesino de Eva Blanco, encontrado muerto en su celda
Los funcionarios de la madrileña prisión de Alcalá Meco han encontrado este viernes muerto a Ahmed Chehl, el supuesto asesino de Eva Blanco. Lo han ... «EL PAÍS, Jan 16»
Cuauhtémoc Blanco le deja al gobierno estatal la seguridad de ...
El Ayuntamiento de Cuernavaca anunció que acepta el Mando Único en el municipio, pero pasó "toda la responsabilidad" de los delitos que sucedan en la ... «Animal Politico, Jan 16»
Cuauhtémoc Blanco asume como alcalde de Cuernavaca
El ex futbolista Cuauhtémoc Blanco asumió el mediodía de hoy miércoles como alcalde de Cuernavaca y dijo que se romperá el alma por esta ciudad. «, Dec 15»
Marina entrega su Libro Blanco a Educación: estas son sus ...
"El Libro Blanco no es un esbozo de Ley de Educación, no es tampoco un Estatuto de la Función docente, es solo un estudio del papel que los docentes ... «Libertad Digital, Dec 15»



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