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Meaning of "error" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra error procede del latín error, -ōris.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


e · rror play


Error is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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Error, in philosophy, is a concept that belongs to the sphere of judgment, that is to say, values. In general, it is called an error to any judgment or assessment that contravenes the criterion that is recognized as valid, in the field to which the judgment refers. Error or erroneous, in the colloquial, can refer to different concepts in different fields of knowledge: ▪ Psychology and planning: ▪ Error of concept: inaccuracy or mistake by producing in the mind an idea about something. ▪ Error of appreciation: it is an inaccuracy or mistake to perceive with the senses and the mind a certain phenomenon or to evaluate a certain situation or problem. ▪ In natural sciences and mathematics: ▪ Experimental error: the inaccuracy committed because of not being able to control adequately the influence of all the variables present in an experiment. ▪ Measurement error: the inaccuracy that is accepted as inevitable when comparing a magnitude with its measurement pattern. The measurement error depends on the measurement scale used, and has a limit. El error, en filosofía, es un concepto que pertenece a la esfera del juicio, o sea de las actitudes valorativas. En general, se denomina error a todo juicio o valoración que contraviene el criterio que se reconoce como válido, en el campo al que se refiere el juicio. Error o erróneo, en lo coloquial, puede referirse a distintos conceptos en diversos campos de conocimiento: ▪ Psicología y planificación: ▪ Error de concepto: inexactitud o equivocación al producir en la mente una idea sobre algo. ▪ Error de apreciación: es una inexactitud o equivocación al percibir con los sentidos y la mente un determinado fenómeno o evaluar determinada situación o problema. ▪ En ciencias naturales y matemáticas: ▪ Error experimental: la inexactitud cometida por culpa de no poder controlar adecuadamente la influencia de todas las variables presentes en un experimento. ▪ Error de medición: la inexactitud que se acepta como inevitable al comparar una magnitud con su patrón de medida. El error de medición depende de la escala de medida empleada, y tiene un límite.

Definition of error in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of error in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is misconception or false judgment. Another meaning of error in the dictionary is inaccurate or wrong action. Error is also something wrongly done. La primera definición de error en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es concepto equivocado o juicio falso. Otro significado de error en el diccionario es acción desacertada o equivocada. Error es también cosa hecha erradamente.
Click to see the original definition of «error» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Synonyms and antonyms of error in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «error» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of error to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of error from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «error» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of error in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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40 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  error ; failure ; fault ; mistake ; pitfall ; bug ; stumble ; delusion ; goof ; blooper ; bobble ; muck-up ; goof-up ; flub.
 Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.
 DBMS systems aim to cope with system failure and generate restart procedures.
 Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.
 A mistake, say, in trasncribing Fergusson as Ferguson may cause some problems, copying Davinson as Davison will cause even more!.
 Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.
 A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
 His stumbles and missed opportunities were made up for by his signing of the agreement in 1990.
 The article 'Illusions, delusions, conclusions' reminds searchers that the most important issue when looking at search results is to make sure that all information is reliable and true.
 The film's supple structure, surprisingly light touch, and bravura performances make it perhaps the most fully formed, half-hearted goof ever.
 Throughout the year we collect bloopers, funny things that happen while we are producing the program.
 Gary's back pass took a bobble from a divot and in that moment Robinson suddenly found himself the subject of ridicule.
 We realise it's nobody's fault, but it's such a muck-up.
 The best way to avoid such goof-ups in the kitchen is to read the recipe at least twice before you start.
 While the money invested might be recovered, it remains to be seen what such a flub will cost the university.
a base de cometer errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a base de errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a fuerza de cometer errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
a fuerza de errores 
the hard way
 The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.
análisis de errores 
error analysis
 In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.
aprender a fuerza de errores 
learn by + trial and error
 What I've learned I've learned by trial and error and not out of some book or from some course.
aprender Algo a base de cometer errores 
learn + Nombre + the hard way
 The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.
aprender Algo a fuerza de errores 
learn + Nombre + the hard way
 The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.
aprender de errores 
learn from + errors
 All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.
aprender por el método de ensayo y error 
learn by + trial and error
 What I've learned I've learned by trial and error and not out of some book or from some course.
caer en el error de  
fall into + the error of
blunder into
 Behavioral scientists have fallen into the error of assuming that employees resent job structuring and autocratic leadership.
 Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.
cometer el error de  
fall into + the error of
blunder into
 Behavioral scientists have fallen into the error of assuming that employees resent job structuring and autocratic leadership.
 Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.
cometer errores por despiste 
bump into + lampposts
 Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.
cometer un error     
commit + error
make + mistake
make + error
be caught out
slip up
 Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER.
 When mistakes have been made in invoicing or in paying a vendor, a credit or debit note is issued.
 This has been taken a step further by using a screen editor to 'prevent the human indexer or coder from making syntactic errors in the first place'.
 All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.
 He knew that if he slipped up again, he could be shipped to a higher-security prison and lose many of his privileges.
cometer un error al escribir a máquina 
 German man finds himself in Montana after mistyping his destination on a flight-booking website.
cometer un error garrafal       
commit + blunder
make + a bloomer
make + a blunder
drop + a clanger
drop + a bollock
 Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.
 He is well-known for making bloomers in public engagements.
 Since its independence 61 years ago our nation has erred, but this time they have made a blunder.
 After dropping a clanger, you are left with a sense of shame and you just want to disappear and hide away.
 But we are all only human and I have recently 'dropped a bollock' as we English say.
 Michael Howard has blundered again, and again he has done so by trying to imitate Blair while lacking his finesse.
 He's the son of a vice president perhaps best known for enduring ridicule after he flubbed the spelling of the word 'potato'.
cometer un error mecanográfico 
make + a typo
 If I can type without making typos, am I sober enough to drive?.
cometer un error ortográfico  [Verbo irregular: Pasado misspelt (UK) o misspelled (USA)]
 We may misspell a search term, either through ignorance or lack of typing skills.
cometer un error ortográfico al escribir a máquina 
 German man finds himself in Montana after mistyping his destination on a flight-booking website.
cometer un error tipográfico 
make + a typo
 If I can type without making typos, am I sober enough to drive?.
con errores 
 Librarians should welcome this document, which is nonetheless considered flawed = Los bibliotecarios deberían acoger bien este documento, aunque se considera defectuoso.
con errores gramaticales  
grammatically challenged
grammatically incorrect
 In addition to how poorly it would reflect on us to point someone to a grammatically challenged web site, it's a big hint that the content on the site is generally not up to snuff.
 The writer lists a number of illogical, imprecise, and grammatically incorrect statements she recently encountered on television and radio.
corregir errores 
 In computer science, debug is the term used to locate and remove errors from a program.
corregir un error    
correct + error
amend + mistake
correct + a wrong
correct + Posesivo + mistake
 When the error is corrected, a valid match is found and the text replaced by the heading's control number.
 One the questions that has to be answered regarding this software is how easy it is to make amendments, for example to go back to amend a mistake in an earlier field.
 This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.
 They want to know how people learn to use computers, how they modify their input, and how they identify and correct their mistakes.
deshacer los errores cometidos 
turn + the clock back
 I will have to eat humble pie and face humiliation though but I was good at the job and wish I could turn the clock back.
detección de errores 
error identification
 This database covers 87.5% of US mining and manufacturing activities and depends on user feedback for error identification.
detectar un error   
detect + error
spot + mistake
spot + error
 Any errors detected or other special information is reported on the charge-out screen.
 A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.
 If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
eliminar un error 
remove + error
 This article describes measures to remove error in automated vocabularies based on comparisons of word particles such as roots and inflections, prefixes and suffixes.
error administrativo  
clerical mistake
clerical error
 Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.
 Equally important, the cataloger can be assured that changes will be applied with mechanical consistency, without any possibility of clerical error or oversights.
error craso      
gross mistake
crass mistake
crass error
monumental mistake
monumental error
 Unless we are clear about the answers, we are likely to make a number of gross mistakes in trying to bring children and books together in a tensile and lasting connection.
 We rely on the collective knowledge of our fans to help us catch our crass mistakes.
 And, since it is based on a series of crass errors, we can well do without it.
 There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action - blunders and all.
 We apologise for this apparent error of judgement but promise to keep you informed of any other similar monumental mistakes.
 Iraq and its future will be testimony to one of the most monumental errors in judgement the American and British people have ever made.
error de cálculo     
mathematical mistake
mathematical error
calculation error
calculation mistake
 This article notes the brief and troubled history of this area of inquiry, which was prone to miscalculation, misinterpretation, and politicisation.
 Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.
 Some of the confusion encountered in electrochemistry due to misunderstandings of sign conventions and simple mathematical errors.
 This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.
 The author made some calculation mistakes in the comparison table.
error de communicación 
 One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.
error de contenido 
factual error
 In the course of reading this article, you may spot a factual error which makes you bristle, or you may think the writing is biased, but by now the ink has dried; all you can do is send a letter of complaint.
error de copia  
clerical error
clerical mistake
 Equally important, the cataloger can be assured that changes will be applied with mechanical consistency, without any possibility of clerical error or oversights.
 Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.
error de diagnóstico 
misdiagnosis [misdiagnoses, -pl.]
 The single most common cause of misdiagnosis is a doctor's failure to consider other possibilities after an initial diagnosis is reached.
error de diseño 
design error
 This article discusses the dangers of defective products and the difference between design errors and manufacturing defects.
error de entendimiento 
 Abbreviations can be used for brevity, but care must be taken to use standard ones so there will be no chance for misunderstanding.
error de escritura 
 Misspellings tend to differ from the correct words more than mistyping do.
error de estilo 
stylistic error
 Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.
error de juicio  
error of judgement
 Abbreviations can be used for brevity, but care must be taken to use standard ones so there will be no chance for misunderstanding.
 Not only is it an error of judgment but also a Constitutional violation to consider race, creed, color, religion, politics, nationality and sex in evaluating work performance.
error de la muestra  [En estadística, posible diferencia entre el resultado obtenido de la muestra y el valor real que se obtendría del conjunto de la población]
sampling error
 User figures must come from sample surveys of the general population and here there is always the margin of sampling error.
error de la naturaleza 
freak of nature
 Despite statistics showing their phenomenal growth and use, on-line data bases in US libraries are still somewhat a freak of nature.
error de lectura 
 A few cases are known in printed texts of the hand-press period of errors which appear to have been caused by a mishearing rather than by a misreading of the copy.
error del original  [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita]  [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita]
 The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.
 The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.
error de mecanografía     
typing error
keying error
typing mistake
 A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.
 The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.
 This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.
 The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.
 Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.
error de medición 
error of measurement
 In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.
error de muestreo  [En estadística, posible diferencia entre el resultado obtenido de la muestra y el valor real que se obtendría del conjunto de la población]
sampling error
 User figures must come from sample surveys of the general population and here there is always the margin of sampling error.
error de percepción 
 Part time librarians often suffer from colleagues' and administrators' misperceptions about their commitment to the profession = A menudo los bibliotecarios a tiempo parcial padecen los errores de percepción sobre su dedicación a la profesión por parte de colegas y directivos.
error de probabilidad 
probability of error
 Probability of error, generalised Chernoff bounds and related parameters will be used as performance criteria.
error de pronunciación 
 Inferencing skills can be learned as students clarify contextual meanings of ambiguous statements, mispronunciations, and boners that may be found in newspaper headlines, texts, and conversations.
error de transposición 
transposition error
 Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BULTER.
 Finding showed that too much time was spent on searching, partly because of floundering.
error estilístico 
stylistic error
 Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.
error fatal 
fatal mistake
 In your first few comments I think you were making the point I was trying to make, namely, automating what you're doing already is always a fatal mistake.
error garrafal        
crass mistake
crass error
gross mistake
monumental mistake
monumental error
 There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action - blunders and all.
 The repatriation of the emigres was a tragic oversight rather than a war crime, a cock-up rather than a conspiracy.
 We rely on the collective knowledge of our fans to help us catch our crass mistakes.
 And, since it is based on a series of crass errors, we can well do without it.
 Unless we are clear about the answers, we are likely to make a number of gross mistakes in trying to bring children and books together in a tensile and lasting connection.
 We apologise for this apparent error of judgement but promise to keep you informed of any other similar monumental mistakes.
 Iraq and its future will be testimony to one of the most monumental errors in judgement the American and British people have ever made.
 Whilst this might work in the short term, this strategy is to be avoided even if the clanger isn't entirely your fault.
error gramatical 
grammatical error
 The author's intentions might also have been misunderstood if his manuscript contained obvious lacunae or grammatical errors.
error humano 
human error
 Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.
error matemático  
mathematical mistake
mathematical error
 Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.
 Some of the confusion encountered in electrochemistry due to misunderstandings of sign conventions and simple mathematical errors.
error mecánico 
machine error
 This should not be done since terminal use is expensive, involves extra staff training, and introduces the possibility of machine error = Esto no debería hacerse puesto que el uso de los terminales es caro, requiere formación adicional del personal e introduce la posibilidad de errores mecánicos.
error mecanográfico     
keying error
typing error
typing mistake
 This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.
 A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.
 The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.
 The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.
 Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.
error óptico 
optical error
 Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.
error ortográfico    
misspelling [mis-spelling]
orthographic error
spelling mistake
spelling error
 Any mis-spellings, poor grammar and verbose phrasing and any other features that contravene good abstracting practice must be eliminated.
 The work has resulted in new techniques for computerised text analysis with great tolerance to orthographic errors.
 Spelling mistakes are the most common but there are also more misleading errors.
 There are also software packages to correct spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.
error por omisión 
omission failure
 There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.
error tipográfico       
typing error
typing mistake
typographical error
typographical mistake
keying error
 The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.
 The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.
 Some checking, such as that directed towards eliminating minor typographical error, can be performed separately from editing.
 He took it upon himself to correct what he appears to have considered typographical mistakes and even infelicities in the text = Asumió la responsabilidad de corregir lo que parece que había considerado que eran errores tipográficos e incluso cosas desacertadas que contenía el texto.
 A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.
 This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.
 Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.
evitar un error 
avoid + error
 The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.
gramática con errores 
poor grammar
 Any mis-spellings, poor grammar and verbose phrasing and any other features that contravene good abstracting practice must be eliminated.
identificación de errores 
error identification
 This database covers 87.5% of US mining and manufacturing activities and depends on user feedback for error identification.
lista de errores 
error report
 This is a practical guide for the submission of error reports to OCLC for the purpose of data base quality control.
lleno de errores  [En especial referido a la informática]
buggy [buggier -comp., buggiest -sup.]
 OPUS software is version 1.0 and has been pretty buggy.
margen de error 
margin of error
 Numerical data should be accurately reiterated together with any margin of error.
mensaje de error 
error message
 DOBIS/Leuven displays information typed by the user and all error messages in high intensity; all other information is displayed in normal intensity.
no tener errores 
be error-free
 Only 5 bibliographies were error-free.
no tener margen de error 
have + no margin for error
 I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge - I had no margin for error.
nótese el error  [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita]
 The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.
patrón de errores 
error pattern
 In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.
plagado de errores  [En especial referido a la informática]
buggy [buggier -comp., buggiest -sup.]
 OPUS software is version 1.0 and has been pretty buggy.
plagar de errores  
litter with + failure
litter with + error
 Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.
 Many errors in Watt's 'Bibliotheca Britannica' are repeated by Allibone - and 'Bibliotheca Britannica' was littered with error!.
por el método de ensayo y error  
by trial and error
trial and error
 He draws a distinction between a craft, based on customary activities and modified by the trial and error of individual practice, and a profession.
 There are a number of ways of finding out something one wants to know: observation, trial and error experiment; asking someone; looking it up for oneself.
por error  
by mistake
 If you mark a record by mistake or change your mind, press <Del> to unmark it.
 International guidelines have been mistakenly applied as general rules for all libraries = Se han aplicado erróneamente las directrices internacionales como reglas generales para todas las bibliotecas.
propenso a errores  
error prone
prone to error
 This type of disc is error prone.
 Due to the way it encodes colour data, it is prone to errors in the true reproduction of colour.
rectificar un error 
rectify + failure
 To rectify failures, the librarian has two choices.
sin errores 
 Of the 93 articles examined, only two had completely error-free reference lists.
subsanar un error 
extirpate + error
 Let us hope too, in parenthesis, that one error it is no longer necessary to extirpate is that a reference book is one that is not available for loan.
sujeto a errores 
prone to error
 Due to the way it encodes colour data, it is prone to errors in the true reproduction of colour.
susceptible de error  
susceptible to error
susceptible to mistake
 Any transcription process, as we all know, is susceptible to error.
 Apart from errors due to general carelessness, proper names and chemical and mathematical formulae are particularly susceptible to mistakes.
tasa de error 
error rate
 This article examines the effect of increasing word list size on the error rate of spelling correctors.
tener errores 
be flawed
 A small but signifiant portion of the scientific literature is being flawed by the appearance of fraudulently produced research.
tolerancia al error  
error tolerance
fault tolerance
 The moral of this little story is that at each of the critical steps in the cycle the error tolerances were compatible, hence, the system functioned despite the error.
 The effect of fault tolerance on the response time is significant, and cannot be ignored when evaluating the performance of multiprocessor systems.
tolerante al error  
fault tolerant
error tolerant
 More reliable storage, networking and software contribute to fault tolerant systems.
 This article describes the application of neural network principles to the development of an error tolerant word recognition system.

Trends of use of error



The term «error» is very widely used and occupies the 798 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «error» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of error
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «error».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «error» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «error» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about error



Famous quotes and sentences with the word error.
Al Ghazali
Quien no duda, no reflexiona; quien reflexiona, no ve, permanece en la ceguera, la perplejidad y el error.
Alessandro Manzoni
El retorno del error a la ignorancia es un progreso.
Charles C. Colton
El error es una hoja garabateada que primero hay que borrar.
Elbert Hubbard
Un fracasado es un hombre que ha cometido un error pero no es capaz de convertirlo en experiencia.
Francis Bacon
Las verdades emergen más fácilmente del error que de la confusión.
François De La Rochefoucauld
No durarían mucho las disputas si el error estuviera de un solo lado.
Jean De La Bruyère
No pensar más que en sí mismo y en el presente es, en la política, una fuente de error.
Jeremy Bentham
El vicio es un error de cálculo en la búsqueda de la felicidad.
John Lubbock
Aun cuando sea grave error conceder nuestra amistad a los malvados y a los necios, es poco cuerdo hacérnoslos enemigos, porque son muy numerosos.
Vizconde Bolinebroke
La verdad se asienta en un limitado ámbito; el error, empero, es inmenso.


No hay error sin autor, ni necedad sin padrino.
Un error trae otro error.
Del gran amor viene el gran error.
Error es igual: no sabiendo, responder y sabiendo, preguntar.


Discover the use of error in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to error and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El Error en Las Pruebas de Diagnóstico Clínico: Con Métodos ...
Muchas exploraciones médicas consisten en mediciones y proporcionan, como resultado final, un número, que puede tratarse con los métodos habituales en la matemática.
Francisco Luis Redondo Álvaro, 2002
Finales prácticos. Entre el acierto y el error:
Una amplia selección de finales en ajedrez, con errores instructivos y mecanismos para evitarlos
Hans-Hilmar Staudte, Kurt Richter, 2009
El Ultimo Error/ the Last Error: 128 Partidas Abandonadas ...
128 desconcertantes ejemplos comentados de abandonos erróneos de partidas por valorar mal la posición
Klaus Trautmann, 2006
El error de prohibición: especial atención a los criterios ...
B. ERROR DE PROHIBICIÓN INDIRECTO O MEDIATO (143) 1. Error sobre la existencia o los límites de una causa de justificación Tanto por la doctrina como por la jurisprudencia se acepta unánimemente la existencia de error de prohibición ...
Inés Olaizola Nogales, Miguel Díaz y García Conlledo, Inés Olaizola Nogales, 2007
Matrícula de Error
En Matrícula de error, Gabriel García de Oro analiza este miedo a la libertad y nos aporta las claves para superarlo: desmonta las falsas asunciones, reevalúa los conceptos de éxito y fracaso, repasa algunos de los errores creativos ...
Gabriel García de Oro, 2011
El amor, un error de Cálculo: Relatos
In this short story collection, the author explores with wit and humor the absurdities of daily life and, specially, of love.
María Victoria Albornoz, 2009
El error
Y para empezar, la historia del narrador, que como el lector, entra por una puerta, llámese cubierta, que está presidida por un cartel con la sugerente inscripción: El error.
César Aira, 2010
El error en Derecho Penal en el Código de 1995
Si el error fuera vencible, se aplicará la pena inferior en uno o dos grados”107. 3. ERROR DE TIPO VERSUS ERROR DE PROHIBICIÓN De lo que llevamos dicho claramente se colige que el error de tipo supondrá generalmente la ...
Manuel José Arias Eibe, 2007
El error de ser argentino: vida, pasión y desventuras de un ...
El error de ser argentino, cual es? Bakchellian explica: "Cometi el error de apostar al trabajo y no a las cuevas de dinero. El error de fabricar aqui en vez de importar lo hecho en paises con mano de obra esclavizada.
Eduardo Bakchellian, 2000
El error positivo
Y ahí es donde entra en juego el valor de una cultura empresarial que postule el error positivo. La verdadera clave está en que, por mucho que se quiera esconder, olvidar, menospreciar u obviar, el fracaso coexiste con el éxito.
S.L. Hachette Filipacchi, S.L., Rafael Galan de la Cuesta, Francisco Javier Escudero Cuevas, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term error is used in the context of the following news items.
El error de una estrella NBA que derivó en una oferta del cine porno
Steve Hirsch, conocido productor del cine para adultos, decidió sacar provecho del error de Green y le ofreció 100.000 dólares para ser el protagonista de una ... «Clarí, Aug 16»
Timochenko: Incidente en el Meta fue un error de ambas partes
El comandante de las FARC-EP explicó que el enfrentamiento en el departamento del Meta fue un error humano que no detendrá el proceso de paz. Mientras ... «teleSUR TV, Jul 16»
Taiwán lanza "por error" un misil que causa un muerto y tres heridos
Un misil antibuque lanzado "por error" desde un navío militar taiwanés ha alcanzado este viernes a un pesquero de la isla y ha causado un muerto y tres ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
El error de Adidas que ofendió a los colombianos
Desafortunadamente, la compañía alemana cometió un garrafal error y la camiseta no tuvo la aceptación esperada, ya que en los carteles en donde aparece ... «La Opinión, Jun 16»
Aznar ve un “error” relajar la corrección del déficit
El expresidente del Gobierno José María Aznar ha considerado un “grave error” relajar la corrección del déficit público e incluso ha abogado por acelerar en ... «La Vanguardia, May 16»
Otro error en concurso de belleza
Un error similar al de Steve Harvey en la pasada ceremonia de Miss Universo, en donde coronó por error a Ariadna Gutiérrez, ocurrió en el concurso Miss ... «El Universal, May 16»
Obama admite que invadir a Libia ha sido su peor error
Para el presidente Barack Obama su mayor error ha sido no prever las consecuencias de la intervención a Libia en 2011. Alegó que la inacción de Francia y ... «teleSUR TV, Apr 16»
Colapso en el Metro de Madrid por un error informático
Hoy a mediodía, a las 13.33h., la red completa del Metro de Madrid ha sufrido una falsa alarma debido a un error informático. Fuentes de Metro explican que la ... «El Mundo, Mar 16»
Demuelen casa de mujer por error de Google Maps
NUEVA YORK (CNNMoney) – Una mujer cuya casa fue dañada por un tornado a finales del año pasado ahora solo es dueña de un montón de escombros. «CNNEspañ, Mar 16»
Movistar reconoce error en envío de mensaje de alerta de emergencia
Movistar reconoce error en envío de mensaje de alerta de emergencia. La compañía asegura que seguirá investigando los detalles de lo ocurrido para evitar ... «LaTercera, Mar 16»



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