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Meaning of "proceso" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra proceso procede del latín processus.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pro · ce · so play


Proceso is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Click to see the original definition of «proceso» in the Spanish dictionary.
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From the Latin Processus: development, something that develops, that advances. A process is a set of activities or events that take place or happen under certain circumstances within a certain period of time. Different meanings depending on the branch of science or the technique in which it is used. ▪ Natural sciences ▪ Medicine ▪ In anatomy is the alternative name of the process ▪ A process of attention are the interventions or procedures performed ▪ Biology ▪ Evolutionary process ▪ Physics ▪ Thermodynamic process ▪ Nuclear processes ▪ Social sciences ▪ Historical process ▪ National Reorganization process ▪ Geographical process ▪ Law ▪ Judicial process ▪ Economy and company ▪ Production process ▪ Business process ▪ Component or element of the business model. ▪ Computer science ▪ Process ▪ Magazine ▪ Mexican weekly ▪ Process ▪ Manufacturing and industry ▪ Manufacturing process ▪ Bessemer steel production process ... Del latín Processus: desarrollo, algo que se desarrolla, que avanza. Un proceso es un conjunto de actividades o eventos que se realizan o suceden bajo ciertas circunstancias en un determinado lapso de tiempo. Significados diferentes según la rama de la ciencia o la técnica en que se utilice. ▪ Ciencias naturales ▪ Medicina ▪ En anatomía es el nombre alternativo de la apófisis ▪ Un proceso de atención son las intervenciones o procedimientos realizados ▪ Biología ▪ Proceso evolutivo ▪ Física ▪ Proceso termodinámico ▪ Procesos nucleares ▪ Ciencias sociales ▪ Proceso histórico ▪ Proceso de Reorganización Nacional ▪ Proceso geográfico ▪ Derecho ▪ Proceso judicial ▪ Economía y empresa ▪ Proceso productivo ▪ Proceso de negocio ▪ Componente o elemento del modelo de negocio. ▪ Informática ▪ Proceso ▪ Revista ▪ Semanario mexicano ProcesoManufactura e industria ▪ Proceso de fabricación ▪ Proceso de producción del acero Bessemer...

Definition of proceso in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of process in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action to go forward. Another meaning of process in the dictionary is the passage of time. Process is also a set of successive phases of a natural phenomenon or an artificial operation. La primera definición de proceso en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción de ir hacia adelante. Otro significado de proceso en el diccionario es transcurso del tiempo. Proceso es también conjunto de las fases sucesivas de un fenómeno natural o de una operación artificial.
Click to see the original definition of «proceso» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of proceso in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «proceso» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of proceso


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «proceso» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of proceso

Translation of «proceso» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of proceso to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of proceso from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «proceso» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of proceso in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

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260 millions of speakers

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220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

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130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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quá trình
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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  operation ; process ; processing ; routine.
 With the advent of micro-computers even much smaller cataloguing operations can effectively be computerised.
 The organisation of knowledge is a process that has been recognised as necessary for thousands of years.
 Often, the computer is used to aid in the processing of such indexes, and sometimes computer processing is responsible for the creation of multiple entries from one string of index terms.
 Chain indexing is a simple mechanical routine for generating a limited number of index entries for a subject.
acelerar el proceso de deterioro 
hasten + rot
 CD rot can be hastened by many factors including improper storage and handling during use.
acelerar un proceso 
hasten + process
 The development of digital technology has hastened this process until the point where we are today: the capacity to produce unbelievable volumes of information.
activar un proceso 
activate + process
 A bottle containing blanket wash solvent is incorporated in the machine and the process is activated by depressing and holding a lever.
centro especializado de proceso de información  [Organismo cuya tarea es la de recoger, conservar, difundir y hacer disponible documentos e información sobre estudios e investigaciones completadas, propuestas o en curso así como enviar a los usuarios a otras fuentes de información]
clearinghouse [clearing house]
 A clearing house is an organization with the tasks of collecting, preserving and making known and available documents and data relating to studies and research projects either completed, proposed or in progress as well as for guiding users to other sources of information.
departamento de procesos técnicos 
processing department
 The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
emprender un proceso de 
set on + a course of
 Automating this most important of all library resources set libraries on an irreversible course of rapid technological change.
empresa dedicada al proceso del cereal 
corn processor
 They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
en el proceso 
in the process
 This may help in subject organisation, but one of the main advantages of an alphabetical sequence, its self-evident order, is sacrificed in the process.
en proceso 
in progress
 Replace the question mark in front of 'quit' with any character to indicate that you have decided not to make the file entry now in progress.
en proceso de  
in the midst of
in course of
 In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
 It seems possible that a solution to this problem has been found, and the second edition is now in course of publication.
en proceso de cambio 
 These are the kinds of problems that characteristically arise in the complex and continually changing milieu of libraries and media and information centers.
en proceso de construcción 
under construction
 Only Georgia is said to have a suitable 6-story building properly equipped; under construction are archives in Moldavia, Ukraine and Latvia.
en proceso de envejecimiento 
aging [ageing]
 The library director and the architect cooperated to preserve the distinctness of an aging building while providing the public with up-to-the-minute services.
en proceso de remodelación 
under renovation
 No one appears to have been living in the building at the time, as it was under renovation.
en proceso de transmisión 
in transit
 Now, with computerized data-bases and vast amounts of data in transit, access to it - authorized and unauthorized - is more practicable.
estación de proceso 
processing station
 Four soldiers then carried him, hogtied, to the next processing station for interrogation and propped him in a kneeling position.
estándar de proceso 
processing standard
 This article describes film processing standards and the role of sensitometry, film base material and emulsion fragility.
estar en proceso 
be in the works
 Maybe we won't see a complete double dip recession, but a serious slowdown in growth does seem to be in the works.
estar en proceso de   
be on the way to
be in the process of
be in the course of
 We are on the way to a transformed library service, total in design (and anything less than totality is doomed as a has-been today).
 Special libraries are in the process of transformation from their traditional approach to modernity.
 This article also describes a multi-million pound extension scheme which is in the course of construction at Glasgow's Mitchell Library = Este artículo también describe una ampliación de varios millones de libras que está en construcción en la Biblioteca Mitchell de Glasgow.
estar en proceso de cambio 
be in flux
 The law of copyright in relation to electronic media is still very much in flux.
estar en proceso de + Infinitivo 
be on to + Infinitivo
 'She's also on to look into the matter of merit increases and faculty evaluation,' she coughed discreetly.
evaluación de procesos 
process rating
 In general, process and product ratings by students and supervisors were very positive.
Ley de Simplificación de los Procesos Administrativos  [Ley promulgada en los Estados Unidos en -1-9-80 para reducir los trámites burocráticos de la administración central y que fue el causante del nacimiento de la gestión de los recursos de información]
Paperwork Reduction Act
 Since the passage of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Information Resources Management (IRM) has been the major strategy used by the Federal government to improve the effective management of information and information technology and to reduce the costs of a wide range of information services and products.
número de tarjeta de proceso 
transaction card number
 The overdues assistant has to locate the appropriate transaction card number as it comes up on the screen, and then reads the book details and reader's name and address which appear alongside.
pasar por un proceso de 
go through + a process of
 Some children go through a process of silencing their inner voice and projecting an outward self that conforms to society's expectations.
personal de proceso de datos 
operation staff
 The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.
proceso automático 
automatic process
 Composition, in any case, was a largely automatic process.
proceso bicromático 
bichromate process
 The bitumen (or asphalt) photolitho process gave only a handful of prints from each stone, but the bichromate process could give as many as 700 prints from a single stone = El proceso de fotolito de betún o asfalto solamente proporcionaba un número limitado de impresones de cada piedra, pero el proceso bicromático podía conseguir hasta 700 impresiones con una sola piedra.
proceso comunicativo 
communication process
 It is therefore helpful to look at the communication process itself, and the ways in which it is modified by the library environment.
proceso corporal 
body process
 Our body needs adequate amount of dietary minerals for vital body processes and body developments.
proceso de acreditación 
accreditation process
 Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.
proceso de aprendizaje 
learning process
 Teachers should be cautious not to 'pull rank' and interfere with the learning process by stepping in and taking over.
proceso de asignación de presupuestos 
budgetary process
 This article examines the role of the public librarian in the local authority budgetary process = Este artículo examina el papel del bibliotecario de biblioteca pública en el proceso de asignación de presupestos por el ayuntamiento.
proceso de búsqueda  
searching process
search process
 These comments are also intended to demonstrate the similarity between indexing and searching and to show how indexing tools feature in the searching process.
 This article considers the need for information professionals to re-think the part of the search process that occurs after the data has been retrieved on-line.
proceso de cambio 
process of change
 Many individuals have difficulty with the process of change because it can create much anxiety getting outside one's comfort zone.
proceso de catalogación 
cataloguing procedure
 Records may also be transferred from the bibliographic record pool during the cataloguing procedure.
proceso de catalogación, el 
cataloguing process, the
 The title-unit entry is just a simplification of the cataloging process, which is badly needed.
proceso de conexión 
 It is not used in DOBIS/Leuven, but may be useful during logon.
proceso de datos  [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas] 
data processing
transaction processing
 Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.
 The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).
proceso de descafeinar 
 The author describes the approach and its application to 2 different processes: coffee roasting and decaffeination in a Nestle plant.
proceso de envejecimiento 
aging process
 Some people simply want to look younger, and cosmetic dentistry is like a dental facelift that can quickly 'reverse' the natural aging process of the teeth.
proceso de evaluación  
review process
evaluation process
 This book includes information about submitting the manuscript of a scientific article for publication, the review process and reprints.
 The evaluation process rests upon the premise that the results obtained should be verifiable.
proceso de fabricación, el 
manufacturing process, the
 The manufacturing process begins with a rigorous inspection of all incoming raw materials.
proceso de formación 
instructional process
 This article repors the results of a questionnaire survey which focused on how in-service teachers relate to working cooperatively with school librarians in the instructional process.
proceso de fotolito 
photolitho process
 The bitumen (or asphalt) photolitho process gave only a handful of prints from each stone, but the bichromate process could give as many as 700 prints from a single stone = El proceso de fotolito de betún o asfalto solamente proporcionaba un número limitado de impresones de cada piedra, pero el proceso bicromático podía conseguir hasta 700 impresiones con una sola piedra.
proceso de homologación 
accreditation process
 Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.
proceso de impresión 
printing process
 Lithography as a printing process dates from the 19th century.
proceso de indización 
indexing process
 The indexing process creates a description of a document or information, usually in some recognized and accepted style of format.
proceso democrático, el 
democratic process, the
 A war is being waged on the democratic process around the world, a war which poses ultimately a greater peril than the bombs and bullets.
proceso de paz 
peace process
 The article is entitled 'Liberalism in a body bag: the foundering of the Middle East peace process'.
proceso de pedidos 
order processing
 The acquisitions system integrates data from the Online Union Catalogue with local order and fund data, thus improving order processing and providing current accounting information.
proceso de razonamiento 
reasoning process
 An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.
proceso de reclamación 
appeals process
 Every call for proposals should have a clear appeals process that the claimant must follow to the letter.
proceso de recuperación 
retrieval process
 The analyser ensures the independence of the retrieval process.
proceso de referencia 
referral process
 Escort can be seen as part of the referral process or as a separate activity of accompanying a client to ensure that the person reaches the source of help.
proceso de referencia, el  [Operaciones por las que el bibliotecario de referencia ayuda al usuario a buscar la información o los documentos que necesita Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
reference process, the
 Not the least of the valuable side effects that the computer has had on reference work is an increased awareness of the critical importance of this pre-search stage of the reference process.
proceso de reforma 
reform process
 A concern of school librarians must be finding ways to nudge the reform process forward.
proceso de selección  
screening process
selection process
 The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.
 After various selection processes, the books are sorted into broad general categories and packed into consignments of up to 5,000 books.
proceso de trabajo 
work process
 This article describes how traditional task analysis was used to understand the work processes associated with the Federal Aviation Administration, USA, airworthiness inspection activities.
proceso de transferencia de la información 
information transfer process
 Publishers, jobbers and librarians are part of a well defined information transfer process.
proceso de transformación 
transformation process
 Special libraries can play an active role in the transformation process currently underway in South Africa.
proceso educativo  
educative process
instructional process
 The author argues that the elected officials should allocate adequate funding for the educative process.
 This article repors the results of a questionnaire survey which focused on how in-service teachers relate to working cooperatively with school librarians in the instructional process.
proceso electoral 
electoral process
 The new edition of the Dewey Classification continues in the same tradition as the seventeenth and eighteenth, with two phoenix schedules (Sociology and the electoral process, as mentioned earlier).
proceso en paralelo 
parallel processing
 The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: personal computers, CD-ROMs, interactive video, videotext, parallel processing, and so on.
proceso en primera instancia 
proceeding in the first instance
 Enter the official proceedings and records of appeal proceedings in the same way as the proceedings in the first instance.
proceso fotográfico 
photographic process
 The schedule allows the filing of photographs under headings that designate photographic processes or apparatus.
proceso fotolitográfico 
photolithographic process
 A photolithographic process selectively dopes minute areas of the silicon and so builds up circuits.
proceso histórico 
history-making process
 In the past twenty-five years a new history-making process has taken place, the digital revolution.
proceso judicial   
adjudicatory proceeding
 Conceived initially to demonstrate a potential tool to assist lawyers in adjudicatory proceedings, the system appears to have potential for addressing a broad spectrum of record management requirements.
 Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.
 This article describes the legal consequences of the perpetration of these crimes and procedural aspects of their prosecution.
proceso judicial ante jurado 
jury trial
 The author uses the format of a jury trial to examine the status of books in the age of easily accessible computers, information technology and multimedia.
proceso jurídico 
legal process
 Adoption is a legal process that creates a new, permanent parent-child relationship where one didn't exist before.
proceso legal   
legal process
lawsuit [law suit]
 Adoption is a legal process that creates a new, permanent parent-child relationship where one didn't exist before.
 Some of these documents were used as evidence in the Tokyo War Crimes trials.
 Widespread photocopying will simply precipitate copyright infringement lawsuits.
proceso lineal 
linear process
 Because of these various influences, motivation cannot be regarded as a linear process.
proceso mental 
thought process
 Adding a column of figures is a repetitive thought process, and it was long ago properly relegated to the machine.
proceso penal 
criminal proceeding
 Criminal proceedings: Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.
proceso por lotes 
batch processing
 The system was originally intended for use with batch processing, but provision for user feedback was incorporated.
proceso presupuestario 
budgeting process
 The budgeting process is usually prepared one year - or in some cases two or three years - in advance = Generalmente la elaboración del presupuesto se prepara con un año o, en algunos casos, dos o tres años de adelanto.
proceso rutinario 
 Chain indexing is a simple mechanical routine for generating a limited number of index entries for a subject.
proceso técnico  [Tareas relativas a la preparación de documentos desde su entrada a la biblioteca hasta su disposición en los estantes] 
technical process
 The stages of book preparation, known as processing, can be tabulated as follows: check of book with invoice; quick collation; accessioning or stock recording; classification; cataloguing; lettering on spine; labelling; final check of all processes before shelving.
 Sections cover: history and development of map librarianship; technical processes; map library education; memorials for map librarians and cartobibliographers; and international map librarianship.
proceso técnico del libro  [Tareas relativas a la preparación de documentos desde su entrada a la biblioteca hasta su disposición en los estantes]  [Tareas relativas a la preparación de documentos desde su entrada a la biblioteca hasta su disposición en los estantes]
book preparation
book processing
 The stages of book preparation, known as processing, can be tabulated as follows: check of book with invoice; quick collation; accessioning or stock recording; classification; cataloguing; lettering on spine; labelling; final check of all processes before shelving.
 The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court - library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.
proceso vital 
vital process
 The brainstem controls the most basic, involuntary vital processes in the body.
prototipo para el proceso de datos 
data modelling
 The article 'Towards data modelling in information retrieval' describes the scope of a project for the design of advanced applications of information retrieval.
sistema de proceso de datos 
data processing system
 This article describes IBM's new ImagePlus family of electronic document management systems which allow users to add imaging to data processing systems.
sistema de proceso de imágenes 
imaging system
 The author describes the achievements of one of the top eight US insurance companies drawn from adopting an imaging system.
tarjeta de proceso 
transaction card
 The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger.
técnico encargado del proceso de datos 
data-processing professional
 Traditional data-processing professionals may not be knowledgeable about internetworking issues.
tiempo de proceso 
processing time
 In the case of a Japanese company, the introduction of this new system resulted in the number of operatives from 215 to 12 and the processing time from 35 days to one and a half days.

Trends of use of proceso



The term «proceso» is very widely used and occupies the 511 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «proceso» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of proceso
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «proceso».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «proceso» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «proceso» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about proceso



Famous quotes and sentences with the word proceso.
Denis Diderot
Decir que el hombre es una mezcla de fuerza y de debilidad, de luz y de ceguera, no es hacer su proceso: es definirlo.
Proverbio Chino
Ganar un proceso es adquirir una gallina y perder una vaca.
Adelaida García Morales
En el proceso de la escritura la imaginación y la memoria se confunden.
John Cage
El arte no es algo que haga una sola persona, sino un proceso puesto en movimiento por muchos.
Albert Einstein
En el pensamiento científico siempre están presentes elementos de poesía. La ciencia y la música actual exigen de un proceso de pensamiento homogéneo.
Arthur Koestler
Se podría definir la actividad creativa como un tipo de proceso de aprendizaje en el que el profesor y el alumno se hallan en el mismo individuo.
John Dewey
El conocimiento no es algo separado y que se baste a sí mismo, sino que está envuelto en el proceso por el cual la vida se sostiene y se desenvuelve.
Hermann Keyserling
La vida es un constante proceso, una continua transformación en el tiempo, un nacer, morir y renacer.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Evidentemente, la vida es sólo un continuo proceso de deterioro.
Aldous Huxley
La civilización es, entre otras cosas, el proceso por el que las primitivas manadas se transforman en una analogía, tosca y mecánica, de las comunidades orgánicas de los insectos sociales.


Ganar un proceso es adquirir una gallina, y a veces perder una vaca.
La verdad no quiere largo proceso.


Discover the use of proceso in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to proceso and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El proceso mental en el aprendizaje
Los autores de esta obra se han centrado en un fenómeno fundamental: la categorización o conceptualización, y han ilustrado su trabajo con numerosos experimentos originales.
Jerome Seymour Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow, George A. Austin, 2001
El proceso de la entrevista: conceptos y modelos
Se presenta en este libro algunas formulas sencillas con las cuales los gerentes y toda persona que requiere hacer uso de una entrevista profesional, encontrara una guia practica con pasos a seguir y recomendaciones especificas.
Alejandro Acevedo Ibáñez, Alba Florencia A. López Martín, 1988
La importancia de leer y el proceso de liberación
Los ensayos que componen este libro son de una riqueza extraordinaria porque permiten comprender la dinámica de la praxis freireana y porque, además, las aportaciones sociopedagógicas que esta praxis nos ofrece pueden ser utilizadas para ...
Paulo Freire, 1999
El proceso de envejecimiento
Los autores abordan muy variados aspectos en esta materia: desde la senilidad y la actitud ante la muerte a la sexualidad y la salud mental, tratando asimismo temas prácticos tan interesantes como la capacidad del hombre para intervenir en ...
B. L. Mishara, R. G. Riedel, 2000
Tecnología de proceso y transformación de materiales
Los principales objetivos de esta asignatura son la introducción de los distintos tipos de materiales de aplicación industrial, el establecimiento de relaciones estructura-propiedades de cada grupo de materiales y la descripción de los ...
Maria Nuria Salán Ballesteros, Upc Edicions Upc, 2005
El proyecto de arquitectura: concepto, proceso y representación
Este libro trata de descubrir y transmitir qué es el proyecto de arquitectura, cómo se concibe, cómo se elabora y cómo se representa.
Alfonso Muñoz Cosme, 2008
El proceso de elaboración cerámico: Tecnología de los ...
INDICE: Preparación de las pastas: fases precedentes al proceso productivo;proceso de preparación de pastas.
Juan Morales Güeto, 2012
Tratamiento de aguas industriales: aguas de proceso y residuales
Estudia las principales características del agua y las diferentes tecnologías de tratamiento disponibles en la actualidad para su aplicación industrial.
Miguel Rigola Lapeña, 1989
Comunicación organizacional interna: proceso, disciplina y ...
El autor aborda la comunicación organizacional interna desde su experiencia profesional y académica de treinta años en el sector.
Horacio Andrade, 2005
El proceso de venta
La comunicación comercial y el proceso de venta. Tema 2. El proceso de venta (I): fase previa y demostración. Tema 3. El proceso de venta (II): objeciones y cierre de la venta. Tema 4. El servicio posventa. Tema 5.
Editorial Vértice, 2008


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term proceso is used in the context of the following news items.
Podemos abre el proceso para renovar su dirección regional en ...
Podemos ha abierto este martes el proceso interno para elegir una nueva dirección regional en Madrid, después de una larga reunión este lunes por la noche. «, Sep 16»
Presenta Javier Sicilia denuncia ante la PGR por amenazas
... a través de una cuenta anónima de Twitter, junto con los periodistas Álvaro Delgado y Julio Hernández López, de Proceso y La Jornada, respectivamente. «, Aug 16»
Manuel García responde a polémico pago por canción del proceso ...
Manuel García responde a polémico pago por canción del proceso constituyente. Luego que se difundieran los supuestos montos entregados al cantante y al ... «LaTercera, Aug 16»
Corresponsales de Proceso exigen al gobierno de Peña garantizar ...
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO ( Corresponsales de la revista Proceso exigieron a través de una carta al presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, al secretario ... «, Aug 16»
Economía.- Mercadona invierte 21 millones en su nuevo centro de ...
Mercadona ha iniciado este verano las obras de construcción de su nuevo centro de proceso de datos (CPD) en los terrenos ubicados en la localidad leonesa ... «La Vanguardia, Aug 16»
Caro Quintero desde la clandestinidad: “Yo no maté a Enrique ...
En entrevista videograbada con Proceso, Rafael Caro Quintero sostiene que no mató a Enrique Camarena y asegura que estaba “en el lugar equivocado”. «, Jul 16»
Proceso constituyente: Gobierno realiza positivo balance de las ...
El vocero Marcelo Díaz señaló, aunque son cifras preliminares, la cantidad de personas que se han sumado a la semana etapa del proceso constituyente ha ... «LaTercera, Jul 16»
TC exige a la comisión catalana del proceso constituyente que ...
El Tribunal Constitucional ha exigido este martes por unanimidad a la Comisión de Estudio del Proceso Constituyente del Parlamento catalán que respete la ... «La Vanguardia, Jul 16»
JxSí y la CUP proponen un proceso constituyente con un ...
Los grupos parlamentarios de JxSí y la CUP han presentado un texto conjunto en la comisión del Proceso Constituyente que incluye "un mecanismo unilateral ... «Expansió, Jul 16»
El ataque a Badiraguato: regresó Caro Quintero… y va contra “El ...
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (Proceso).- Una nueva guerra entre cárteles de la droga comenzó. Rafael Caro Quintero decidió enfrentarse al Cártel de Sinaloa. Con el ... «, Jun 16»



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