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Meaning of "sistema" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra sistema procede del latín systēma, la cual a su vez procede del griego σύστημα.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


sis · te · ma play


Sistema is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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A system is a complex object whose components are related to at least some other component; Can be material or conceptual. All systems have composition, structure, and environment, but only material systems have mechanisms, and only a few material systems have shapes. According to systemism, all objects are systems or components of another system. For example, an atomic nucleus is a physical material system composed of protons and neutrons related by strong nuclear interaction; A molecule is a chemical material system composed of atoms related by chemical bonds; A cell is a biological material system composed of organelles related by non-covalent chemical bonds and metabolic pathways; A cerebral cortex is a biological material system composed of neurons related by action potentials and neurotransmitters; An army is a socially and partly artificial material system ... Un sistema es un objeto complejo cuyos componentes se relacionan con al menos algún otro componente; puede ser material o conceptual. Todos los sistemas tienen composición, estructura y entorno, pero sólo los sistemas materiales tienen mecanismo, y sólo algunos sistemas materiales tienen figura. Según el sistemismo, todos los objetos son sistemas o componentes de otro sistema. Por ejemplo, un núcleo atómico es un sistema material físico compuesto de protones y neutrones relacionados por la interacción nuclear fuerte; una molécula es un sistema material químico compuesto de átomos relacionados por enlaces químicos; una célula es un sistema material biológico compuesto de orgánulos relacionados por enlaces químicos no-covalentes y rutas metabólicas; una corteza cerebral es un sistema material biológico compuesto de neuronas relacionadas por potenciales de acción y neurotransmisores; un ejército es un sistema material social y parcialmente artificial...

Definition of sistema in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of system in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is set of rules or principles on a matter rationally linked together. Another meaning of system in the dictionary is a set of things that interrelated neatly contribute to a given object. System is also a set of organs that intervene in some of the main vegetative functions. Nervous system. La primera definición de sistema en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es conjunto de reglas o principios sobre una materia racionalmente enlazados entre sí. Otro significado de sistema en el diccionario es conjunto de cosas que relacionadas entre sí ordenadamente contribuyen a determinado objeto. Sistema es también conjunto de órganos que intervienen en alguna de las principales funciones vegetativas. Sistema nervioso.
Click to see the original definition of «sistema» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Synonyms and antonyms of sistema in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «sistema» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of sistema

Translation of «sistema» into 25 languages

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5 millions of speakers


sistema de indización con conservación del contexto (PRECIS)
sistema de indización con conservación del contexto (PRECIS) 
 In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.
sistema de indización PRECIS
sistema de indización PRECIS 
  PRECIS indexing system.
 The PRECIS indexing system (Preserved Context Indexing System) is a set of procedures for producing index entries.
  framework ; machinery ; system ; regime [régime] ; ways and means.
 The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.
 We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.
 The training of users of On-line Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) should be attuned to the characteristics of the system = The training of users of On-line Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) should be attuned to the characteristics of the system.
 This study found that online access to scientific serials is most appropriate in the third world, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed-price regimes of print, microform or CD-ROM disadvantageous.
 Teachers need to be more familiar with bibliographical ways and means: librarians should be more aware of problems from the teachers' perspective and make active efforts to inform teachers of sources of help.
abusar del sistema      
game + the system
milk + the system
rig + the system
work + the system
play + the system
abuse + the system
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.
 This is an interesting way of rigging the system and such foxy tactics can be played in many other places.
 At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope - that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.
 But by and large, medical students are sensible level-headed types who would never try to play the system when this much is at stake.
 Not everyone using food stamps abuses the system.
activar un sistema 
activate + system
 Learn what to do when there is a power outage and how to respond to alarms that signal stuck elevators or that activate security or sprinkler systems.
administrador del sistema  [En informática, persona encargada del funcionamiento de los programas del ordenador]
system administrator
 If your system administrator has turned off this option, you won't see the results.
ADONIS (Distribución automática de documentos a través de sistemas de información en red) 
ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Information Systems)
 This article gives a history of ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Inforion Systems) project from the late 1970s to its inauguration in 1987.
alterar el sistema 
perturb + the system
 The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.
análisis de sistemas  [Proceso por el cual se examina un sistema o una actividad para ver si se puede mejorar, especialmente con la ayuda de un ordenador]
system(s) analysis
 The term 'systems analysis' is commonly used to cover all aspects which are involved in ensuring that a computerized system works effectively and with the maximum possible efficiency.
analista de sistemas  [Persona que estudia el funcionamiento de un negocio, industria, etc y busca maneras de mejorarlo normalmente mediante la ayuda de un ordenadory]
system(s) analyst
 With that accomplishment under his belt, he went to work for the NYPL in 1969 as a systems analyst.
analista de sistemas de gestión bibliotecaria 
library systems analyst
 Written in light vein but with a serious purpose, describes the responsibilities of the systems librarian (or library systems analyst) and his role in modern librarianship.
aprovecharse del sistema      
game + the system
milk + the system
rig + the system
work + the system
play + the system
abuse + the system
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 It seems that America is the land of opportunity to milk the system.
 This is an interesting way of rigging the system and such foxy tactics can be played in many other places.
 At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope - that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.
 But by and large, medical students are sensible level-headed types who would never try to play the system when this much is at stake.
 Not everyone using food stamps abuses the system.
auditoría de sistemas  
systems audit
systems auditing
 During the systems audit, an expert will evaluate your database configuration, review your various servers and workstation settings and analyze your entire computing environment.
 Systems auditing should be the main approach that is adopted by internal auditors.
auditoría de sistemas de información  
information systems auditing
information systems audit
 This course explores the principles, history, and ongoing challenges of information systems auditing.
 As an information systems audit professional, one should keep abreast of all business developments, new threats and the latest technology for information.
bibliotecario de sistemas  [Bibliotecario encargado de todo lo relacionado con la tecnología de la información]
systems librarian
 Written in light vein but with a serious purpose, describes the responsibilities of the systems librarian (or library systems analyst) and his role in modern librarianship.
brecha del sistema de seguridad 
security leak
 If the initial password is printed anywhere, the paper on which it is printed becomes a potential security leak.
brecha en el sistema de seguridad 
security hole
 In the proposed setup only one of six or seven computers would be have wireless connectivity which is of course sufficient for making a big security hole.
burlar al sistema 
abuse + the system
 Not everyone using food stamps abuses the system.
burlar el sistema  [Intentar superar las trabas impuestas por cualquier organismo considerado como un agente explotador para demostrar que el individuo puede más que la institución]   
beat + the system
game + the system
work + the system
play + the system
 The passwords used should be chosen with some care, in order to avoid obvious words or numbers which could easily be deduced by those with a desire to 'beat the system'.
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope - that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.
 But by and large, medical students are sensible level-headed types who would never try to play the system when this much is at stake.
caída del sistema  [En informática, acción por la que un ordenador interrumpe su funcionamiento de un modo repentido, generalmente debido a problemas eléctricos]
system crash
 Common causes of data loss and system crashes are fluctuations in the power supply (spikes and surges).
catálogo del sistema 
system catalogue
 DOBIS/Leuven places the union catalog mark against a bibliographic record in the system catalog every time a new title is added to the holdings of the library.
ciencia de los sistemas 
systems science
 Public health is starting to use results from systems science studies to shape practice and policy, for example in preparing for global pandemics.
Comité Conjunto para Sistemas de Información (JISC)  [En el Reino Unido, comisión encargada de coordinar los temas relacionados con la información electrónica en la educación superior]
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
 The author describes the role of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the development of a UK national electronic library for higher education users.
configurador del sistema 
system configurator
 Prior to using this utility you must have established a communication output file using the system configurator.
controlador del sistema 
system controller
 In a few systems the remote link is two-way, that is signals may also be sent from the receiver to the system controller.
conversión al sistema decimal 
decimalisation [decimalization, -USA]
 The article is entitled 'Decimalisation, metrication and libraries' = El artículo se titula 'La conversión al sistema decimal y al métrico y las bibliotecas'.
conversión al sistema métrico 
 The article is entitled 'Decimalisation, metrication and libraries' = El artículo se titula 'La conversión al sistema decimal y al métrico y las bibliotecas'.
convertir al sistema decimal 
decimalise [decimalize, -USA]
 It was introduced in 1967 to replace the New Zealand pound, when the country decimalised its currency.
copia de seguridad del sistema 
system backup
 This article discusses the production of listings, and system backup and security.
desafiar al sistema  [Intentar superar las trabas impuestas por cualquier organismo considerado como un agente explotador para demostrar que el individuo puede más que la institución]
beat + the system
 The passwords used should be chosen with some care, in order to avoid obvious words or numbers which could easily be deduced by those with a desire to 'beat the system'.
desarrollo de sistemas  
system(s) development
system(s) development
 This article postulates a series of disciplinary incorporations and transformation that has created a rich tapestry of speculation and systems development that has led to what we now call library and information science.
 This article postulates a series of disciplinary incorporations and transformation that has created a rich tapestry of speculation and systems development that has led to what we now call library and information science.
de todo el sistema 
 Due to a state budget shortfall, the University will not be able to offer systemwide salary increases to employees.
diseñador de sistemas   
systems designer
system designer
system developer
 In this role they are not systems designers, or systems analysts appreciative of organisational issues.
 System designers can use these statistics to determine record structures and estimate space allocations.
 In designing these two files, the system developer needs to know the relationships amont these values.
diseño de sistemas 
systems design
 Systems design consists of the planning of a new way of doing a job or of improving an existing system.
documentación del sistema  [Información pertinente a un sistema de ordenador]
system documentation
 KnowledgePro and its accompanying toolkits can be useful to libraries and information centres for computer-based tutorials and system documentation.
DOS (Sistema Operativo de Disco) 
DOS (Disc Operating System)
 These routines are often collectively known as a DOS or Disk Operating System.
enfermedad del sistema nervioso 
nervous system disease
 However, smoking also worsens a relatively common nervous system disease called multiple sclerosis.
enfermedad del sistema nervioso central 
central nervous system disease
 Protein holds promise for drug therapy for central nervous system diseases.
engañar al sistema  [Intentar superar las trabas impuestas por cualquier organismo considerado como un agente explotador para demostrar que el individuo puede más que la institución]    
beat + the system
game + the system
work + the system
play + the system
abuse + the system
 The passwords used should be chosen with some care, in order to avoid obvious words or numbers which could easily be deduced by those with a desire to 'beat the system'.
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope - that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.
 But by and large, medical students are sensible level-headed types who would never try to play the system when this much is at stake.
 Not everyone using food stamps abuses the system.
engañar el sistema 
fool + the system
 The very inflexibility of automated assessment methods can lead to students becoming adept at fooling the system in some way.
en todo el sistema 
 Due to a state budget shortfall, the University will not be able to offer systemwide salary increases to employees.
entre el hombre y el sistema 
 Formal system models can be combined directly with a representation of human cognition to yield an integrated view of human-system interaction: a syndetic model.
en varios sistemas 
 The article has the title 'Mapping the unmappable: plumbing the depths of cross-file and cross-system navigation'.
evaluación de sistemas 
system(s) evaluation
 Results of the shared experience and preliminary system evaluation and user response are presented.
fichero de existencias del sistema 
system holdings file
 For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
fichero de usuarios del sistema 
system user file
 When you log on, DOBIS/LIBIS checks your name and password in the system user file before allowing you to use the system.
funcionar por un sistema de turnos    
work on + a rota system
work on + a rota
work + shifts
work to + a rota system
 Staff working in the centre are given some training in the work of the Town Hall, but the original proposal that they work on a rota system in each department has not materialized.
 The scale of the house-keeping is so large, that just to get fresh flower arrangements in the house takes a team of 15 volunteers, working on a rota.
 People working shifts tend to experience a relatively high number of accidents/injuries.
 Legal advice centres are usually run and staffed part-time by groups of solicitors working to a rota system and open one or two evenings a week.
interfaz usuario-sistema 
user/system interface
 Experience garnered in this context suggests that the user/system interface requires careful management.
ir en contra del sistema 
buck + the system
 The article 'How to buck the system and win' emphasises the importance of finding a job that demands one's highest skills and that encourages one's motivated interests.
ISDS (Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas)  [Red de centros nacionales e internacionales que tienen por función el control de las publicaciones periódicas, mediante la asignación del ISSN y del título clave]
ISDS (International Serials Data System)
 One agency to be responsible for such a standard is the International Serials Data System (ISDS) whose International Centre is in Paris.
manipular el sistema 
rig + the system
 This is an interesting way of rigging the system and such foxy tactics can be played in many other places.
mantener un sistema de turnos 
hold + a rota of
 The library may also arrange for local councillors to hold a rota of surgeries once a week.
mostrar el prompt del sistema 
 After the computer has obeyed this command, the searcher is prompted again.
NISTF (Grupo de Trabajo sobre los Sistemas Nacionales de Información de la Asociación de Archiveros Americanos) 
NISTF (Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force)
 Archives were largely uninvolved in such developments in the 1970s, until 1977 when the Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force (NISTF) was formed.
nombre de acceso al sistema 
system logon name
 The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.
organizar un sistema de turnos de + Nombre 
organise + a rota of + Nombre
 They also organize a rota of solicitors who hold a free legal advice surgery one evening a week.
PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) 
PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System)
 PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System) is concerned with the identification, gathering, collecting, processing and dissemination of socio-economic development information produced in and about Africa.
parecido a un sistema experto 
 The author describes a microcomputer-based reference expert-type system.
promovido por el propio sistema de información 
 Medical professionals are convinced that the provision of information for doctors should be 'organization- and culture-led, rather than information-led'.
prompt del sistema 
system prompt
 The question mark (?) at the bottom of the screen is the system prompt.
propio del sistema 
 To use the 'default' or built-in command settings, simply press RETURN.
protección del sistema 
system security
 Several features that need to be addressed include storage capacity, quality and accessibility of information content, information retrieval speed, economic factors, contract stipulations, workstation configurations, system security, and new staff training requirements.
proveedor de sistemas  
systems supplier
system supplier [systems supplier]
 This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.
 This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.
Proyecto para Sistemas Conectados (LSP) 
Linked Systems Project (LSP)
 LSP (Linked Systems Protocol) is being developed to allow the interconnection of large library automation systems.
responsable del sistema 
system programmer
 This system programmer is the person to be contacted if there are problems with the system or with a terminal.
seguridad del sistema 
system security
 This article discusses the production of listings, and system backup and security.
sistema abierto 
open system
 The author examines the idea of open systems and discusses the difference between the living organism and the nonliving open machine.
sistema agrícola 
farming system
 Pest and disease, and the agronomic aspects of maize have been investigated greatly while very little has been done on mechanisation, economics, farming systems and storage.
sistema anglosajón de medidas 
imperial measures
 A market trader who fought a long legal battle to sell goods only in imperial measures has died.
sistema anticuado  [Sistema automatizado de información que aunque anticuado aún presta un servicio útil]
legacy system
 Replacement of legacy systems is problematic since the core data they contain make them an asset that information technology professionals must manage = La sustición de sistemas obsoletos es problemática puesto que los datos fundamentales que contienen los hacen recursos valiosos que los profesionales de la tecnología de la información deben aprovechar.
sistema antiguo  [Sistema automatizado de información que aunque anticuado aún presta un servicio útil]
legacy system
 Replacement of legacy systems is problematic since the core data they contain make them an asset that information technology professionals must manage = La sustición de sistemas obsoletos es problemática puesto que los datos fundamentales que contienen los hacen recursos valiosos que los profesionales de la tecnología de la información deben aprovechar.
sistema antirrobo de libros   [Sistema que se instala a la salida de una biblioteca para detectar la salida ilegal de libros]
book security system
library security system
 This article examines the use of adhesive security strips, data transfer media like video and audio cassettes and diskettes, microfilm equipment and book security systems.
 Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.
sistema auditivo, el 
auditory system, the
 In congenitally deaf cats, the auditory system is deprived of acoustic input because of degeneration of the organ of Corti before the onset of hearing.
sistema automatizado   
data system
automated system
computerised system
 The need was felt for a local data system which would provide not only catalogue and circulation control, but also acquisition routines and periodicals control.
 Selective dissemination of information amongst the employees of the petroleum and gas industries is carried out with the help of the automated system ES-1022.
 Content-enriched access is defined as including information such as contents tables and book indexes, as well as standard bibliographic information, in a computerised system = El acceso de contenido enriquecido en un sistema automatizado se define como aquél que incluye información como, por ejemplo, sumarios e índices de libros además de la información bibliográfica normal.
sistema automatizado de bibliotecas   [Conjunto integrado de programas de ordenador que permite automatizar las tareas principales desarrolladas en una biblioteca]
automated library information system
library computer system
 In estimating the cost of setting up an automated library information system a wide range of factors must be considered, including cost of purchase and need to renew hardware every 3 to 5 years, rental charges, maintenance costs, and staff salaries.
 The article 'Spying the flagships' is a report of an Association of Assistant Librarians national weekend school, 8-10 May 87, on the theme of 'Off the peg, tailored or patchwork?' in relation to choosing library computer systems.
sistema automatizado de indización 
computer-based indexing system
 Since the introduction of computer-based indexing systems alphabetical indexing languages have become more prevalent, and UDC has suffered a reduction in use.
sistema automatizado de préstamo  
automated lending system
computerised issue system
 The article discusses the following standards to which bookmobiles must conform: suspension, electrical system, heating system, safety and comfort, length and width, interior furnishings, exteriors, collections, and automated lending systems.
 With a computerized issue system, security system and closed-circuit TV, the new library is almost unrecognisable from the dark, old-fashioned place that preceded it.
sistema automatizado multimedia 
multimedia computer system
 A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.
sistema automatizado para la recuperación  
computerised document retrieval system
computerised information retrieval system
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
sistema automatizado para la recuperación de documentos 
computerised document retrieval system
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
sistema automatizado para la recuperación de información 
computerised information retrieval system
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
sistema automatizado por microordenador 
microcomputer-based system
 The smaller microcomputer-based systems may impose limits on either field size or record size or both.
sistema bancario, el 
banking system, the
 Saudi authorities have pumped money into the banking system to boost confidence but with strings attached.
sistema basado en el conocimiento 
knowledge-base system
 A knowledge-based system is defined as a system that displays competence through explicit knowledge representation schemes.
sistema basado en las imágenes 
image-based system
 The author discusses the future role of electronic image-based systems in document delivery from online databases.
sistema bibliotecario  [Biblioteca o conjunto de bibliotecas conectadas que cooperan para prestar servicio a un área geográfica determinada sobre un campo específico del conocimiento]
library system
 A library system is a library or a connected set of libraries with all their divisions, services and units that cooperate to serve a given geographical area, in a particular subject field.
sistema bibliotecario automatizado 
automated library system
 Accordingly, it was decided some 7 years ago to replace the manual systems with a single automated library system.
sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo 
single-type library system
 Many public libraries are members of library systems, either single-type public library systems or multitype library systems = Muchas bibliotecas públicas son miembros de sistemas de bibliotecas, ya sean sistemas bibliotecas de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo o de varios tipos.
sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos 
multitype library system
 Many public libraries are members of library systems, either single-type public library systems or multitype library systems = Muchas bibliotecas públicas son miembros de sistemas de bibliotecas, ya sean sistemas bibliotecas de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo o de varios tipos.
sistema bibliotecario nacional 
national library system
 To those of you who think the goal of having a national library system is unwinnable or that the costs are still too great, I must ask, 'Is the cost of a national, online bibliographic retrieval system greater than the construction of a bomber?.
sistema bibliotecario público 
public library system
 This article examines briefly the provision of books for troops and outlines examples of initiative and inventiveness within the public library system during the war.
sistema bibliotecario regional 
regional library system
 Stanton listened respectfully, then said: 'But the library she worked at is the center of a regional library system' = Stanton escuchó con respeto, luego dijo: "Pero la biblioteca en la que trabajó es el centro de un sistema bibliotecario regional".
sistema bibliotecario universitario 
university library system
 This programme may serve as a model for other university library systems interested in expanding library services and access to library resources to students in thier residence halls.
sistema binario 
binary system
 The binary system works under the exact same principles as the decimal system, only it operates in base 2 rather than base 10.
sistema + caerse 
system + crash
 Accessibility is also related to the problems which may occur if an automated system 'crashes', ie fails, for some reason, especially if this is an online system = La accesibilidad también tiene que ver con los problemas que pueden surgir si un sistema automatizado se viene abajo, es decir, dejar de funcionar, por alguna razón, especialmente si se trata de un sistema online.
sistema cardiopulmonar, el 
cardiopulmonary system, the
 The cardiopulmonary system plays an important role in movement because of its function of transporting oxygen to skeletal muscle.
sistema cardiovascular, el 
cardiovascular system, the
 For example, we might select cardiovascular system as an indexing term for use in subject headings and reject the synonym Circulatory system.
sistema cerebroespinal, el 
cerebrospinal system, the
 The cerebrospinal system consists of the nerves that have their cell bodies in the brain or spinal cord.
sistema circulatorio 
circulatory system
 For example, we might select Cardiovascular system as an indexing term for use in subject headings and reject the synonym circulatory system.
sistema comercial  
market system
commercial system
 In holding fast to a belief in health promotion, they resisted being coopted by a now discredited market system.
 Only a limited number of commercial systems for managing journal acquisitions are available in software format.
sistema contable 
accounting system
 Think of the accounting system as a wheel whose hub is the general ledger.
sistema de abastecimiento de agua  
water supply system
 The author examines how Renaissance engineers renovated and developed ancient Roman waterworks or reinvented ancient hydraulic technologies based on siphons, water wheels, pumps, etc.
 People living in many semi-urban areas are deprived of water supply system and are the worst-hit in the summer.
sistema de acceso mediante tarjeta 
card access system
 The experts respond to the following questions: will schools ever be free of weapons; will card access systems become common in public schools; will metal detectors solve school security problems; and will students ever be issued bullet-proof vests along with textbooks?.
sistema de aire acondicionado  
air conditioning system
air cooling system
 It describes our experience in combatting mould which grew as a result of high humidity and temperatures when the air conditioning system broke down for several days after several days of rain.
 The causes were an unmonitored rise in heat and humidity from an air cooling system that continuously circulated hot moist air from the outside.
sistema de alarma  
alarm system
detection system
 This article covers requirements of space, power, environment, security and alarm systems, and data and telecommunications.
 The cost of detection systems has fallen in relation to the cost of replacing books and audio-visual materials.
sistema de alcantarillado  
sewerage system
 The spread of these diseases is mainly attributed to broken sewerage systems.
 Septic tanks and broken sewerage contaminates the groundwater supplies which are used for drinking water in many communities.
sistema de alerta 
early warning system
 This background paper is designed as a progress report and early warning system, not as a primary source of information.
sistema de alerta de novedades tecnológicas 
technology watch
 Technology watch must be considered as a strategic tool for business enterprises.
sistema de alerta temprana 
early warning system
 This background paper is designed as a progress report and early warning system, not as a primary source of information.
sistema de alimentación 
fuel system
 The book covers the following: the starting/ignition system; the fuel system; the exhaust system, and the brake system.
sistema de almacenamiento 
storage system
 Afterwards these data can be analyzed by the users at their office desk without having to use another central storage system.
sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información 
information storage and retrieval system
 This article relates the development of an information storage and retrieval system for combustion research.
sistema de altas presiones  
high-pressure system
ridge of high pressure
 Influenced by the North Pacific high-pressure system, Seoul has hot and humid summers with average temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.
 Ridges of high pressure often occur between two frontal systems and move with them.
sistema de alumbrado 
lighting system
 There are numerous ways of maintaining a library lighting system, and certain standards should be observed.
sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones  
decision support system
decision making system
 Computer aids to decision making range from the personal computer-based financial planning ('spreadsheet') and cash management packages to large-scale decision support systems.
 The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).
sistema de archivo 
archiving system
 The goal is to elaborate and evaluate a computerised archiving system for ordering, storing, and retrieving patient data, health information, and medical literature in a major academic medical centre.
sistema de arranque 
starting system
 The book covers the following: the starting/ignition system; the fuel system; the exhaust system, and the brake system.
sistema de asignaturas optativas 
course elective system
 The course elective system, quickly adopted by some universities, coincided with the need to establish credit courses.
sistema de asistencia sanitaria 
health care system
 Since the 1920s Mongolia has developed an extensive and well-staffed health care system.
sistema de autoedición 
desktop system
 This article describes the consequences of a burglary of a during which the desktop system, computer, image setter, and a FAX machine went missing.
sistema de automatización de bibliotecas 
library automation system
 This article describes the main features, components and functions of an integrated library automation system.
sistema de aviso de reclamaciones 
claims warning system
 The check-in component of LINX offers periodicals inventory control with a claims warning system.
sistema de ayuda 
help system
 Help systems are also necessary, but further work needs to be done in order to achieve an optimum help system for different applications.
sistema de ayuda a la gestión 
management support system (MSS)
 Management support systems (MSS) are becoming increasingly common and provide managers with the direct access to automation capabilities promised years ago by proponents of management information systems (MIS).
sistema de bajas presiones  
ridge of low pressure
low pressure system
 A ridge of low pressure swung over Wisconsin a day prior to the national meet.
 Tropical cyclones are intense low pressure systems that form over tropical oceans.
sistema de becas 
grant scheme
 Any UK grant scheme may serve to provide qualifying grants.
sistema de bibliotecas públicas 
public library system
 This article examines briefly the provision of books for troops and outlines examples of initiative and inventiveness within the public library system during the war.
sistema de billetes 
travel scheme
 Some local councils offer concessionary travel schemes, which enable local residents who are elderly or disabled to use public transport services more affordably.
sistema de búsqueda 
paging system
 Some libraries have even installed a paging (loudspeaker) system.
sistema de cableado 
wiring system
 It was then found that the backup plan could not be implemented without costly and lengthy modification of the wiring system in the building.
sistema de cables eléctricos 
electrical wiring
 The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.
sistema de calefacción 
heating system
 The article discusses the following standards to which bookmobiles must conform: suspension, electrical system, heating system, safety and comfort, length and width, interior furnishings, exteriors, collections, and automated lending systems.
sistema de castas 
caste system
 Against a background of the southern caste system and negative attitudes to Black education, disagreements among Black leaders tended to cloud the issues.
sistema de cierre 
locking system
 A commercially available locking system was installed by a local locksmith on standard metal map cabinets.
sistema decimal 
decimal system
 This was the decimal system of measurement units or the decimal metric system that has survived practically unchanged as the basis of the modern International System of Units.
sistema de circulación automatizado 
automated circulation system
 The author presents a descriptive study of the statistics produced and the reports generated by automated circulation systems at large public libraries in Ontario.
sistema de circulación del agua 
water circulation system
 A practical method of enriching water with alkaline ions using a water circulation system with dolomite is introduced.
sistema de clases sociales 
class system
 By this time society could not tolerate anything which allowed the unlimited spread of knowledge for fear that it would upset the class system upon which the modern methods of mass production depended.
sistema de clasificación  [Lenguaje documental que representa de modo estructural información mediante notaciones y sus términos correspondientes con objeto de permitir el tratamiento alfabético sistemático con la ayuda de un índice alfabético]    
classification scheme
classification system
classification schedules
grading system
 The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
 Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.
 Many men have devised such classification systems - Bliss, Brown, Ranganathan to name only three - but the one who is most widely known is Melvil Dewey.
 Research on the use of the LC classification schedules as a component of subject retrieval should continue.
 Participants in the conference on social sciences discussed the possibilities for eliminating punitive aspects of grading systems, such as flunking courses.
sistema de clasificación analítico  [Sistema de clasificación basado en las relaciones formales fijas entre clases]
analytical classification scheme
 An analytical classification scheme is a classification scheme based on fixed formal relations between classes.
sistema de clasificación de Bliss  [Generalmente conocida como Bibliographic Classification]
Bliss classification scheme
 The Bliss classification scheme has been widely praised, mainly because of its very logical arrangement.
sistema de clasificación decimal  [Sistema de clasificación que usa la notación decimal]
decimal classification scheme
 A decimal classification scheme is a classification scheme which uses the decimal notation.
sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso 
LCC (Library of Congress Classification)
 In this sense, LCC although general in scope is a special scheme in its purpose.
sistema de clasificación dicotomizado  [Sistema de clasificación en el que cada clase se puede subdividir en dos clases subordinadas]
dichotomized classification scheme
 A dichotomized classification scheme is a classification scheme in which each class can be subdivided in two subordinate classes.
sistema de clasificación enciclopédica  [Sistema de clasificación que abarca todo el conocimiento humano]
general classification scheme
 A general classification scheme is a classification scheme which covers the whole universe of knowledge.
sistema de clasificación enumerativo  [Sistema de clasificación en el que cada clase aparece como entrada principal] 
enumerative classification scheme
enumerative scheme
 Enumerative classification scheme aim to enumerate or list all subjects, simple or compound, present in the literature which the scheme is intended to classify.
 A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.
sistema de clasificación especializado  [Sistema de clasificación que abarca una materia, una disciplina o un grupo de disciplinas específico] 
special classification scheme
special scheme
 Special classification schemes are schemes which cover just one main subject area, or are complied in accordance with the interests of one user group.
 In this sense, LCC although general in scope is a special scheme in its purpose.
sistema de clasificación facetado  [Sistema de clasificación que ordena los conceptos en facetas y sintetiza la notación de una materia combinando las facetas]
faceted classification scheme
 Because CC analyses subjects according to the principles of facet analysis, it is called a faceted classification scheme.
sistema de clasificación general   [Sistema de clasificación que abarca todo el conocimiento humano]
general scheme
general classification scheme
 As a general scheme, CC is potentially capable of classifying the subjects of documents belonging to any area of knowledge.
 A general classification scheme is a classification scheme which covers the whole universe of knowledge.
sistema de clasificación jerárquico  [Sistema de clasificación que usa sólo relaciones jerárquicas en las subdivisiones]
hierarchical classification scheme
 A hierarchical classification scheme is a scheme which uses only hierarchical relations for subdivision, thus leading to a mostly monohierarchical and monodimensional classification, introducing facets only by auxiliary tables.
sistema de clasificación lineal  [Sistema de clasificación que enumera todas las materias a clasificar]
linear classification scheme
 A linear classification scheme is a classification scheme which enumerates all the subjects to be classified.
sistema de clasificación multidimensional  [Sistema de clasificación que permite la subdivisión de las clases usando más de una característica]
multidimensional classification scheme
 A multi-dimensional classification scheme is a classification scheme which permits the subdivision of classes by more than one characteristic.
sistema de clasificación por disciplinas  [Sistema de clasificación que utiliza las áreas principales de estudio como punto de partida para desarrollar las tablas de la clasificación]
discipline-oriented scheme
 Cross-classification, or the availability of more than one place for a subject, is quite common in a discipline-oriented scheme, that is a scheme which starts by producing main classes which coincide with major disciplines.
sistema de clasificación sintético  [Sistema de clasificación en el que las relaciones formales se establecen al clasificar]
synthetic classification scheme
 A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.
sistema de clasificación universal  [Sistema de clasificación que abarca todo el conocimiento humano]
universal classification scheme
 A universal classification scheme is a classification scheme which covers the whole universe of knowledge.
sistema de clasificación verbal 
verbal classification system
 Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI) is an innovative verbal classification system based primarily on Ranganathan's postulates redefined in a lucid way by Bhattacharyya.
sistema de cobro por la información usada 
information metering
 Information metering is a developing technology that enables an entire collection of information to be distributed at very low cost to a user in encrypted form, the user paying on a pay as you view basis.
sistema de codificación 
coding system
 Would it be feasible to construct a coding system with such flexibility that a research library could use a more expanded coding system, while nonresearch libraries can use a shortened coding system in the same code?.
sistema de compañías  [Asociación de compositores que surgió en el siglo XIX para realizar trabajos de composición en cooperación y dirigida por un 'capataz' (clickler) y cuyos miembros se denominaban 'compañeros' (companions)]
companionship system
 MacKeller mentions the companionship system in connection with hurried work, but there is evidence that it was also used for ordinary work by the middle of the century.
sistema de comunicación  [Sistema dedicado a la gestión del proceso de comunicación]
communication system
 The system used for managing communication processes is known as communication system.
sistema de comunicaciones  [Sistema dedicado a la gestión del proceso de comunicación]
communication system
 The system used for managing communication processes is known as communication system.
Sistema de Comunicaciones y de Archivo Fotográfico (PACS) 
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
 The demand for an integrated storage and archiving system PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) has generated new and more stringent requirements.
sistema de comunicación óptica 
optical communication system
 Optical communication systems are a recent addition to the armoury of telecommunication systems.
Sistema de Comunicación por Paquetes (PSS) 
Packet-Switching System (PSS)
 Eventually, it will be possible to use both the telephone network and the Packet-Switching System (PSS) for Teletex to both UK and overseas addresses.
sistema de conductos eléctricos 
ducting system
 Consideration must be given to vertical rises (from floor to floor), wiring compartment (don't underestimate need), horizontal cable distribution, and ducting systems.
sistema de conferencia en línea 
online conferencing system
 Some student users resorted to using an online conferencing system as the medium for insults and invective aimed at each other.
sistema de contabilidad 
accounting system
 Think of the accounting system as a wheel whose hub is the general ledger.
sistema de control  
monitoring system
vetting system
 This global climate monitoring system consists of approximately 70 moored buoys telemetering atmospheric and oceanographic data in real time to a shore based computer via a satellite system = Este sistema de seguimiento del clima a nivel mundial consta aproximadamente de 70 boyas ancladas que recogen y envían datos atmosféricos y oceanográficos en tiempo real a un ordenador situado en tierra firme a traves de un sistema de satélites.
 Schneider describes the vetting system she and her colleagues use to determine whether a web site is a trustworthy, reliable source of information.
sistema de control de la salida  [Sistema utilizado en bibliotecas para controlar la salida del lector, normalmente equipado de detectores de dispositivos especiales colocados en los libros]
exit control system
 An example might be the decision to open a new branch library or the decision to purchase an exit control system for a small public library.
sistema de control de publicaciones seriadas  
serials system
serials control system
 This workstation offers on-line searching and downloading and subsequent manipulation of search results, access to CD-ROMs, access to other packages such as AIM and Dawson's serials system, SMS and access to a suite of office automation software.
 Automation commenced in 1981 with the purchase of a serials control system.
sistema de conversión de texto a voz 
text-to-speech system
 The text-to-speech system is based on the concatenation of basic speech units.
sistema de copias de seguridad 
backup system
 Steps were taken to assure that a backup system would be in place should the system fail again.
sistema de creencias 
belief system
 Librarians need to examine their methods of clinical practice to determine whether there is a true congruence between their belief system and their style of service.
sistema de criba 
vetting system
 Schneider describes the vetting system she and her colleagues use to determine whether a web site is a trustworthy, reliable source of information.
sistema de deducción de puntos 
points system
 A points system is used at the library, instead of a fines system, for dealing with overdues.
sistema de defensa 
defence system
 It was part of an artificial defense system, a buffer zone to slow down enemy incursions.
sistema de detección 
detection system
 The cost of detection systems has fallen in relation to the cost of replacing books and audio-visual materials.
sistema de detección de libros 
book detection system
 Preventative measures range from rearrangement of shelves and counters, through book detection systems to general public relations.
sistema de digitalización de documentos 
document imaging system
 In 1989, a document imaging system was planned which would provide users with desktop electronic access to full text of company technical reports.
sistema de discos ópticos 
optical disc system
 This article discusses the advantages of various forms of optical disc systems for the storage and dissemination of patent and trademark information.
sistema de distribución 
distribution system
 The computer-based distribution systems offer one approach to reducing the physical size of records and to mechanizing their search and retrieval.
sistema de drenaje 
drainage system
 The wash-off of solid waste into the drainage systems of urban areas seriously interferes with aquatic life in the receiving streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.
sistema de emergencia  
backup supply
backup system
 Also worthy of consideration is a battery-powered backup supply.
 For battery backup systems, ampere/hour capacity is the important rating to know.
sistema de emisión de gases 
exhaust system
 Chapter 11 covers exhaust systems (air cleaners, turbochargers, exhaust manifolds, mufflers, and crankcase ventilationes).
sistema de emisión de humos 
exhaust system
 Chapter 11 covers exhaust systems (air cleaners, turbochargers, exhaust manifolds, mufflers, and crankcase ventilationes).
sistema de encendido 
ignition system
 The book covers the following: the starting/ignition system; the fuel system; the exhaust system, and the brake system.
sistema de entrada mediante tarjetas 
card-entry system
 The use of mechanical sorting devices, card-entry systems and smart cards also affect the overall design = El uso de dispositivos de clasificación mecánicos, de sistemas de acceso mediante tarjetas y de las tarjetas inteligentes también pueden afectar al diseño global.
sistema de entrada múltiple 
multiple entry system
 The best remedy for distributed relatives in catalogues is to be found in multiple entry systems.
sistema de entrada única 
single entry system
 Initially, however, we shall consider the classified catalogue which, as a general rule, contains only one entry for each document in the classified file: this is called a single entry system.
sistema de escritura 
writing system
 This is a unique pictographic writing system that is similar to the ancient Egyptian and Mayan writing systems.
sistema de evaluación 
rating system
 Details are given of the structure of the questionnaire and the rating system.
sistema de evaluación anónima  [Método utilizado para evaluar los artículos enviados a una revista científica o congreso según el cual ni el evaluador conoce el nombre de la persona que está evaluando ni ésta la de aquél]
 All papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers in a process commonly known as double-blind.
sistema de evaluación por paresanónima  [Método utilizado para evaluar los artículos enviados a una revista científica o congreso según el cual ni el evaluador conoce el nombre de la persona que está evaluando ni ésta la de aquél]
double-blind refereeing system
 Journal editors are encouraged to adopt a double-blind refereeing system to increase objectivity.
sistema de extinción de incendios mediante rociadores de agua 
water sprinkler fire extinguishing system
 Negative features are the water sprinkler fire extinguishing system, which, if activated, would be ruinous to the Library's holdings.
sistema de extinción de incendios  
fire extinguishing system
extinguishing system
 This article also gives details about the building structure, the storage capacity of the different floors, the type of shelving, the system for transporting archives within the building, and the fire extinguishing system.
 As well as insurance coverage, library managers should consider fire prevention measures e.g. automatic detection and extinguishing systems, and staff training to recognise potential hazards.
sistema de extinción de incendios mediante gas halón 
halon gas fire extinguishing system
 Halon gas fire extinguishing systems have been installed in a number of libraries and archives across Canada.
sistema de facturación 
billing system
 The billing system provides users with the convenience of paying for subscription based information from several publishers with one monthly invoice.
sistema de facturación por uso 
cost billing system
 To achieve adequate cost control and supply clients with accurate information, a cost billing system has been set up.
sistema defensivo 
defence system
 It was part of an artificial defense system, a buffer zone to slow down enemy incursions.
sistema de fichas 
card based system
 Taube's indexes were based upon 'uniterm cards', a card based system.
sistema de fichas peek-a-boo 
peek-a-boo system
 A peek-a-boo system may involve considerable capital outlay.
sistema de frenado  
brake system
braking system
 The book covers the following: the starting/ignition system; the fuel system; the exhaust system, and the brake system.
 The learning material content described the working of car braking systems.
sistema de frenado antibloqueo 
antilock braking system
 The author examines three antilock breaking systems which failed to achieve success on the market.
sistema de frenos  
brake system
braking system
 The book covers the following: the starting/ignition system; the fuel system; the exhaust system, and the brake system.
 The learning material content described the working of car braking systems.
sistema de géneros 
sex/gender system
 She argues that sexual liberation must precede any truly democratic transformation in social relations because sex/gender systems are central to all forms of domination.
sistema de gestión bibliotecaria  
library system
library management system
 Sydney Ltd has developed a system for records management, based on the tried and tested architecture of the Sydney library system.
 The article 'Contracting: a bouquet of roses, but watch the thorns!' presents a personal review of an experience of undertaking a 1 year contract position assisting in the implementation of a new library management system in a company library.
sistema de gestión de documentos 
record(s) system
 Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.
sistema de gestión de documentos electrónicos 
electronic document management system (EDMS)
 A Document Management Roadshow has been touring some major cities in the UK, promoting the benefits of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS).
sistema de gestión de imágenes   
imaging system
image-based system
image management system
 The author describes the achievements of one of the top eight US insurance companies drawn from adopting an imaging system.
 The author discusses the future role of electronic image-based systems in document delivery from online databases.
 Half of the cost of implementing electronic image management systems is associated with indexing.
sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) 
information management system (IMS)
 This article describes the features of Cardbox-Plus, an information management system (IMS) designed to function like an electronic version of a card index system, produced by Business Simulations Ltd = Este artículo describe las características de Cardbox-plus, un sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) que funciona como una versión electrónica de un sistema de indización de fichas, diseñado por Business Simulations Ltd.
sistema de gestión del conocimiento 
knowledge management system (KMS)
 As more companies downsize, knowledge management systems (KMS) will become more critical to the company as people leave the company taking knowledge they gained with them.
Sistema de Gestión de Mensajes (MHS) 
Message Handling System (MHS)
 X.400, the international standard for interconnecting electronic messaging systems, consists of a series of recommendations for Message Handling Systems (MHS).
sistema de gestión de registros 
record(s) system
 Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.
sistema de gestión documental  
information retrieval system (IRS)
record(s) system
 Modern information technology has opened up several new possibilities of conceptual design of information retrieval systems (IRS) that more fully reflect actual searching behaviour.
 Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.
sistema de gobierno 
 US Federal funding comprises many activities and forms, and is ineluctably influenced by political issues and national polity.
sistema de iluminación 
lighting system
 There are numerous ways of maintaining a library lighting system, and certain standards should be observed.
sistema de incentivación 
incentive system
 For authors to be incentivised to change their behaviour and submit their articles for e-publishing, the incentive system needs to be modified to reward this behaviour.
sistema de incentivos   
reward system
system of incentives [incentive system]
incentive system
 The reward system functions on the basis that a person who makes a discovery trades his/her knowledge, makes it public, in exchange for the rewards of recognition.
 Most libraries favour automated error detection rather than a system of incentives and punishments for adhering to or disregarding the data base standards.
 For authors to be incentivised to change their behaviour and submit their articles for e-publishing, the incentive system needs to be modified to reward this behaviour.
sistema de indización  
indexing system
index system
 An indexing system is a set of prescribed procedures for organising the contents of records of knowledge or documents for the purposes of retrieval and dissemination.
 This article describes the features of Cardbox-Plus, an information management system (IMS) designed to function like an electronic version of a card index system, produced by Business Simulations Ltd = Este artículo describe las características de Cardbox-plus, un sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) que funciona como una versión electrónica de un sistema de indización de fichas, diseñado por Business Simulations Ltd.
sistema de indización con conservación del contexto (PRECIS)  [Sistema de indización desarrollado por la Bibliografía Nacional Británica en el que una serie de descriptores asignados por un indizador es manipulada por un ordenador en diversas combinaciones según un sistema de operadores de relación]
 In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.
Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda (DSIS) 
Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS)
 Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS) is a version of POPSI (Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing).
sistema de indización de fichas 
card index system
 This article describes the features of Cardbox-Plus, an information management system (IMS) designed to function like an electronic version of a card index system, produced by Business Simulations Ltd = Este artículo describe las características de Cardbox-plus, un sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) que funciona como una versión electrónica de un sistema de indización de fichas, diseñado por Business Simulations Ltd.
Sistema de Indización por Frases Anidadas (NEPHIS) 
Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS)
 The package also uses Craven's Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS), and students can compare the effects of the two methods on the index entries they create.
sistema de indización postcoordinada  [Sistema que combina los diferentes conceptos (por tanto términos de indización) que conforman una materia en el momento de la búsqueda]
post-coordinate indexing system
 Post-coordinate indexing systems start from the same identification of multi-concept subjects and their component unit concepts as pre-co-ordinate indexing systems.
sistema de indización PRECIS 
PRECIS indexing system
 The PRECIS indexing system (Preserved Context Indexing System) is a set of procedures for producing index entries.
sistema de indización precoordinada  [Sistema que combina los diferentes conceptos (por tanto términos de indización) que conforman una materia en el momento de la indización, o sea antes del almacenamiento]
pre-coordinate indexing system
 Pre-co-ordinate indexing is conventional indexing of the type commonly found in printed indexes, where a document is represented in the index by a heading or headings consisting of a chain of terms.
sistema de información  [Sistema de comunicación que permite la comunicación y el proceso de información]
information system
 An information system is a communication system which enables the communication and processing of information.
Sistema de Información Bibliotecario 
 LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a major library automation project in Sweden.
sistema de información documental 
document information system
 The author discusses the costs and benefits of document information systems and some design methodological aspects that arise from the documentary nature of the data.
Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) 
Geographic Information System (GIS)
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer hardware and software that enables geographic or spatial data to be recorded, manipulated and presented to the user.
sistema de información integrado 
integrated information system
 In practice, development and use of integrated information systems that cross organizational boundaries often result in confusing power struggles, politicking and sometimes manifest sabotage.
sistema de información sectorial 
sectoral information system
 It is expected that this analysis will contribute to current discussions concerning finding a potential for establishing a sectoral information system or a cooperative information system in the country.
Sistema de Información sobre Literatura Gris en Europa (SIGLE) 
SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe)
 A European seminar initiated by DG XII to investigate the problem of so-called 'grey literature' has led to the establishment of a system known as SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) to help deal with this category of documentation.
sistema + dejar de funcionar 
system + crash
 Accessibility is also related to the problems which may occur if an automated system 'crashes', ie fails, for some reason, especially if this is an online system = La accesibilidad también tiene que ver con los problemas que pueden surgir si un sistema automatizado se viene abajo, es decir, dejar de funcionar, por alguna razón, especialmente si se trata de un sistema online.
sistema de justicia penal 
criminal justice system
 The complexities of developing a system which can maintain the progress of young people through the criminal justice system has taxed information systems to the limit.
sistema de la ciencia, el 
system of science, the
 The author covers organisational changes to universities and reforms in the system of science and higher education.
sistema de lápiz óptico 
data pen system
 The data pen system is supported by battery-operated equipment, but the life of the batteries would not be sufficient to sustain the library's full service for a lengthy period.
sistema de llave en mano  
turnkey system
turnkey software system
 Over the years there has been a move away from locally written at the university's computer centre to stand-alone turnkey systems in the library.
 This article presents an annual survey of turnkey software systems commercially available for the automation of records management functions.
sistema de lógica difusa 
fuzzy system
 This article presents a fuzzy system of determining the required waiting period after traffic accidents.
sistema del olfato 
olfactory system
 The combination of these 2 approaches tries to simulate the human olfactory system in a simplified form.
sistema de medición de los recursos usados 
metering system
 Metered pricing would cause CD-ROM databases to behave in a similar way to online databases, in which a metering system is built into the CD-ROM and the meter is monitored either when the old CD-ROM is returned or remotely, using an online link.
sistema de megafonía 
public address system
 The worst interruptions of all, in my experience, come from those public address systems rigged in many schools in every room and used apparently without a second thought by administrative staff.
sistema de mercado 
market system
 In holding fast to a belief in health promotion, they resisted being coopted by a now discredited market system.
sistema de multas 
fines system
 A points system is used at the library, instead of a fines system, for dealing with overdues.
sistema de multiusuarios 
multi-user system
 One can take advantage of the best features of both PCs and multi-user systems, without having to make an 'either-or' choice or to pay a severe penalty for the choice made.
sistema de notas 
grading system
 Participants in the conference on social sciences discussed the possibilities for eliminating punitive aspects of grading systems, such as flunking courses.
sistema de numeración   
numbering scheme
numbering system
numeral system
 The volume increment gives information about the numbering scheme for volumes.
 Hexadecimal: a numbering system to base sixteen that uses the numbers 0-9 and letters A-F = Hexadecimal: un sistema de numeración de base diecisésis que usa los números del 0 al 9 y las letras de la A a la F.
 The Basque numeral system is vigesimal.
sistema de petición de documentos  [En recuperación de información, método que utiliza una biblioteca para solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery system
 Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.
sistema de préstamo      
circulation system
issue system
lending system
book checking system
charge out system
library issue system
 BLCMP's circulation system can be extensively tailored to meet local requirements.
 Among academic libraries, automation of the issue system and serials control were ranked second and third respectively.
 Project staff have compiled a catalogue of material available throughout the area and plan to introduce a lending system for users.
 One of the supervisor's jobs is to make sure that the book checking system is in order.
 The more expensive media such as kits, models, and games are too large for someone to sneak past a vigilant charge out system = Los conjuntos documentales multimedia, las maquetas y los juegos son demasiado grandes para que alguien los pase sin ser visto por el sistema de préstamo.
 The article 'Ergonomics of library issue systems' makes recommendations about, workplace layout, work environment, and work organisation at library issue desks as these affect both staff and customers.
sistema de préstamo automatizado 
automated circulation system
 The author presents a descriptive study of the statistics produced and the reports generated by automated circulation systems at large public libraries in Ontario.
sistema de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan system
 The interlibrary loan system increases resource sharing by providing effective loan processing.
sistema de presupuestación mediante planificación y programación 
planning programming budgeting system (PPBS)
 The steps important in a planning programming budgeting system (PPBS) are: identifying the objectives of the library; presenting alternative ways to achieve those objectives; identifying the activities that are necessary for each program; and evaluating the result so that corrective actions can be taken.
sistema de primas 
bonus scheme
 In this context, salaries, bonus schemes and promotion are considered along with the corollaries of discipline and even dismissal for those who do not meet the required standard.
sistema de procesamiento de información 
information processing system
 This document specifies the use of a wide magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between information processing systems.
sistema de proceso de datos 
data processing system
 This article describes IBM's new ImagePlus family of electronic document management systems which allow users to add imaging to data processing systems.
sistema de proceso de imágenes 
imaging system
 The author describes the achievements of one of the top eight US insurance companies drawn from adopting an imaging system.
sistema de puntuación 
point system
 If a point system can be created, the prescreening stage is greatly simplified.
sistema de reclamaciones 
chasing system
 An automatic chasing system is provided for unfulfilled orders, but individual items may also be chased on demand.
sistema de recompensa 
reward system
 The reward system functions on the basis that a person who makes a discovery trades his/her knowledge, makes it public, in exchange for the rewards of recognition.
sistema de reconocimiento académico  [En el entorno universitario, modo de evaluar y promocionar al profesorado]
academic reward(s) system
 In this essay, the pros and cons of the academic rewards system and the 'publish or perish' syndrome as they relate to serials publishing are discussed.
sistema de recuperación 
retrieval system
 Project Key Words aims to tighten national guidelines for use of key words in retrieval systems.
sistema de recuperación de imágenes 
image retrieval system
 An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images.
sistema de recuperación de información 
IR system
 Knowledge-rich learning depends on more complex sources of feedback, such as the structure within a document or thesaurus, to direct changes in the knowledge bases on which an intelligent IR system depends.
sistema de recuperación de información por medio de menús 
menu-based information retrieval system
 A menu-based information retrieval system displays, on a television or other terminal connected to a computer, a list of categories from which the user must select one by keying the code which represents the chosen category.
sistema de recuperación por relevancia 
relevance system
 This system simultaneously searches the Web and a large, multidisciplinary, full text database, using a relevance system with some clever tweaks.
sistema de referencia  [Aplicado a cartografía] 
reference system
reference system
 In cartography reference system is the method by which one can locate a place on a map, eg (a) degrees of latitude and longitude; (b) a grid reference.
 The EPIC service is a full-featured on-line reference system that provides subject access, and keyword and Boolean searching to a variety of data bases.
sistema de referencia por coordenadas 
grid reference
 In cartography reference system is the method by which one can locate a place on a map, eg (a) degrees of latitude and longitude; (b) a grid reference.
sistema de refrigeración 
cooling system
 Maintenance costs are lessened with the absence of a cooling system.
sistema de registro 
recording system
 Before the centre opened in mid-1977, the research worker, the agencies and the librarians agreed on a common recording system for enquiries so that use of the Centre could be monitored.
sistema de reservas 
booking system
 Another of his many responsibilities is to maintain and operate booking systems for teaching labs, equipment, facilities, and services.
sistema de retransmisión 
relay system
 These networks operated under the names of relay systems or communal aerial tv (CATV) systems.
sistema de riego 
irrigation system
 Law officers say they need help stemming the rampant theft of copper from air conditioning units and farm irrigation systems.
sistema de rociadores de agua  
sprinkler system
water sprinkler system
 Sprinkler systems fight fire, and transmit alarm at the same time, immediately after the beginning of a fire.
 Protection of special collections from water and mould damage resulting from the operation of a standard water sprinkler system is paramount.
sistema de saneamiento  
sewerage system
 The spread of these diseases is mainly attributed to broken sewerage systems.
 Septic tanks and broken sewerage contaminates the groundwater supplies which are used for drinking water in many communities.
sistema de seguimiento 
monitoring system
 This global climate monitoring system consists of approximately 70 moored buoys telemetering atmospheric and oceanographic data in real time to a shore based computer via a satellite system = Este sistema de seguimiento del clima a nivel mundial consta aproximadamente de 70 boyas ancladas que recogen y envían datos atmosféricos y oceanográficos en tiempo real a un ordenador situado en tierra firme a traves de un sistema de satélites.
sistema de seguridad  
security system
backup system
 Learn what to do when there is a power outage and how to respond to alarms that signal stuck elevators or that activate security or sprinkler systems.
 For battery backup systems, ampere/hour capacity is the important rating to know.
sistema de selección 
vetting system
 Schneider describes the vetting system she and her colleagues use to determine whether a web site is a trustworthy, reliable source of information.
sistema de sonido cuadrafónico 
quadrophonic system
 Nine subjects were chosen, including cardiac pacemakers, quadrophonic systems, ring pull cans, hovercraft, and magnetic bubble memories = Se eligieron nueve materias entre las que se incluían marcapasos, sistemas de sonido cuadrofónico, latas abrefácil de anilla, hidrodeslizadores y memorías de burbuja magnética.
sistema de suministro de documentos 
document supply system
 In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
sistema de suministro de información 
information supply system
 Ever since 1976, the construction of an information supply system to cater for the demands of physics research has been planned and implemented.
sistema de tarifas 
charging system
 This service offers competitive costs, depending on the cost of online access to the data base and charging system.
sistema de telecomunicaciones 
telecommunication system
 Optical communication systems are a recent addition to the armoury of telecommunication systems.
sistema de televisión en color 
colour system
 Europe and Australia (where experimental transmissions have been going on for some time) have a 50 Hz electricity supply, 625 line transmissions, and two non-compatible colour systems, PAL and SECAM.
sistema de tiempo real  [En informática, sistema automatizado que realiza cualquier operación al instante sin que se produzca ninguna demora]
real-time system
 The next step is to convert from batch operation to an on-line, real-time system.
sistema de traducción automatizada 
machine translation system
 These two machine translation systems translate texts from English and German into Russian on an industrial scale.
sistema de transferencia de documentos  [En recuperación de información, método que utiliza una biblioteca para solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery system
 Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.
sistema de transmisión de mensajes 
messaging system
 X.400, the international standard for interconnecting electronic messaging systems, consists of a series of recommendations for Message Handling Systems (MHS).
sistema de transporte 
transport system
 The replacement of the horse and cart by the motor truck has improved the transport system.
sistema de transporte público 
public transport system
 Should delegates wish to stay further afield (possibly to be more in the centre of nightlife) then use can be made of Glasgow's extensive public transport system.
sistema de tratamiento de imágenes 
image processing system
 Implementation of the image processing system meant this mountain of paper could be transformed into electronic form on easily transported optical disks.
sistema de trueque, el 
barter system, the
 Three stages in the development of monetary systems - the barter system, the coinage system and the debenture system - are compared with three stages in the origin, development and study of language.
sistema de tubos neumáticos  [Red de tubos que algunas grandes empresas utilizan para transportar pequeños objetos rápidamente de una parte del edificio a otra colocándolos en recipientes apropiados que se insertan en los tubos y desplazándolos mediante corrientes de aire]
pneumatic tube system
 Pneumatic tube systems are not really suitable for transporting books but are excellent for request forms.
sistema de turnos 
rota system
 Legal advice centres have two main drawbacks: the limited capacity to provide follow-up or other skills, such as social work, and the lack of continuity that results from the use of a rota system.
sistema de valores  
system of values
value system
 A system of values lifts the librarian from preoccupation with the mundane and points him towards what is truly important.
 Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
sistema de valores personales 
personal value system
 In the past, personal value systems, social value systems, worldviews, & ideologies each may have been given the generic label 'values'.
sistema de valores sociales 
social value system
 In the past, personal value systems, social value systems, worldviews, & ideologies each may have been given the generic label 'values'.
sistema de ventilación 
ventilation system
 A good ventilation system is as important as good lighting in effecting the patron's reaction to a library.
sistema de vídeodisco 
video disc system
 High recording density is also aided by rotating the disc at a constant linear velocity (CLV) with respect to the laser beam, rather than at a constant angular velocity (CAV), as is done with conventional audio discs and some video disc systems.
Sistema de Vídeo Familiar (VHS) 
VHS (Video Home System)
 The video playback units are all Betamax format because it is felt that the picture quality is far superior to VHS (Video Home System) and other formats.
sistema de videotexto 
videotext system
 Videotext systems were conceived as a means of providing easy access to information held on a central computer.
sistema de videotexto público 
public viewdata system
 A parallel development is public viewdata systems where it will also be necessary to consider public access.
sistema de vigilancia 
surveillance system
 Unfortunately, goods of Community origin can also be held up by the surveillance system, often for several weeks.
sistema de vigilancia electrónica 
electronic surveillance system
 For libraries and information centres that have an electronic surveillance system anti-theft strips can be affixed to the journals = Aquellas bibliotecas y centros de documentación que dispongan de sistemas de vigilancia electrónica también pueden solicitar que se coloquen pegatinas antirrobo en sus revistas.
sistema digestivo, el 
digestive system, the
 The word 'restaurant' originally referred to a restorative broth served to people with weakened digestive systems.
sistema documental 
documentary system
 The article 'All-Polish format for the description of documents. Utopia or real need?' reports on the debate concerning the formats for the description of documents in Polish documentary systems.
sistema económico 
economic system
 Libraries are under the influence of the country's national debt and an economic system guided by political considerations rather than economic farsightednes.
sistema educativo 
educational system
 Rather more seriously and difficult is the problem of the stages of the educational system: preschool, nursery, kindergarten, elementary, etc.
sistema educativo, el 
education system, the
 The article 'Public libraries in penal institutions' describes the history of the evolution of prison libraries as well as the role of library use as a cultural activity in the education system of prisoners.
sistema electoral 
electoral system
 Keep up the good work on protecting the integrity of voting and the electoral system.
sistema eléctrico 
electrical system
 The article discusses the following standards to which bookmobiles must conform: suspension, electrical system, heating system, safety and comfort, length and width, interior furnishings, exteriors, collections, and automated lending systems.
sistema electrónico de detección de robos 
electronic theft detection system
 Electronic theft detection systems have been in use in libraries for over 20 years.
sistema endocrino, el 
endocrine system, the
 The endocrine system is a complex collection of hormone-producing glands that control basic body functions such as metabolism, growth and sexual.
sistema en el que el documento aparece representado en un único lugar del índice 
one-place system
 Both of the above issues arise because pre-coordinate systems are fundamentally one-place systems.
sistema energético 
energy system
 As already mentioned the anaerobic energy system provides energy in the absence of oxygen.
sistema en lenguaje natural 
natural language system
 A natural language system takes index terms directly from titles, abstracts, citations or full text.
sistema en línea 
online system
 Chief among these challenges is the technological rift that exists between the Third World and on-line systems that have their roots in technologically advanced societies.
sistema en red  [Grupo de servicios bibliotecarios que están conectados entre sí mediante una red de comunicaciones]
network system
 It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.
sistema en uso 
operational system
 Indeed, some of the systems are scaled-down versions of operational systems = En realidad, algunos de estos sistemas son versiones reducida de sistemas en uso.
sistema escolar, el 
school system, the
 George Ticknor, the leader of the Boston 'brahmins', the intellectual class of that city, now entered the picture and wrote to Everett arguing firmly that the new library should indeed be the 'crowning glory of the school system'.
sistema ético 
ethical system
 Most of the ethical systems that have been devised by humans have some conception of what Christianity thinks of as the straight and narrow.
sistema experto  
expert system
knowledge-base system
 For the present this definition will have to stand as a statement covering programmes in which terms like 'expert systems', 'artificial intelligence', 'computer systems' abound.
 A knowledge-based system is defined as a system that displays competence through explicit knowledge representation schemes.
sistema feudal, el 
feudal system, the
 In most of medieval Europe, society was dependent on the feudal system, which was based on allocation of land in return for service.
sistema fiscal, el 
tax system, the
 A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.
sistema frontal 
frontal system
 The frontal system moving east will bring increasing cloudiness and widely scattered showers.
sistema gastrointestinal, el 
gastrointestinal system, the
 Doctors listen to three main organs and organ systems during auscultation: the heart, the lungs, and the gastrointestinal system.
Sistema General de Ordenación (SGO) 
Broad System of Ordering (BSO)
 The Broad System of Ordering (BSO) is a general classification scheme which was designed primarily for information exchange and switching.
sistema híbrido 
hybrid system
 Hybrid systems that combine the advantages of optical discs and those of on-line distribution are seen as a solution to the needs of librarians, publishers and on-line vendors.
sistema ideológico 
system of thought
 Within some main classes CC recognizes that the entire subject field can be studied from different philosophical or theoretical viewpoints or 'systems of thought'.
sistema impositivo, el 
tax system, the
 A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.
sistema informático  
computing system
computer system
 This is an immutable axiom, which can be assumed to hold true for the foreseeable generations of computing systems and systems analysts.
 A file name is a designation used in a computer system to identify a file.
sistema informático hecho por encargo 
tailored system
 A standard off-the-shelf version costs 450 and fully tailored systems usually fall into the range 1,250 - 1,450.
sistema inmunológico, el 
immune system, the
 The innate immune system in breast milk is complex and provides protection for the developing digestive tract of newborns.
sistema integrado 
integrated system
 Dbase was used to expedite many of the labour-intensive activities associated with reserve room processing and provide a stop gap measure until an integrated system was purchased.
sistema integrado de gestión bibliotecaria 
integrated library package
 This article describes the process of automation at the library, using the complete integrated library package, the Sidney Microlibrary.
sistema inteligente 
intelligent system
 Dealing with uncertainty problems in intelligent systems has attracted a lot of attention in the artificial intelligence community.
sistema interactivo 
interactive system
 Some businesses, such as travel agencies and real estate firms are finding the interactive system attractive.
sistema interactivo en línea 
interactive online system
 Interactive online systems do permit the user to renegotiate his/her search as s/he proceeds.
sistema intermediario  [Sistema que interpreta las preguntas hechas por los usuarios a un lenguaje estándar que el procesador es capaz de entender]
backend system
 This becomes only too obvious when we consider what the backend system has to do to handle user's questions effectively.
Sistema Internacional de Información sobre Agricultura (AGRIS)  [Base de datos de agricultura]
AGRIS (International Agricultural Information System)
 AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Sistema Internacional de Unidades, el 
International System of Units, the
 This was the decimal system of measurement units or the decimal metric system that has survived practically unchanged as the basis of the modern International System of Units.
sistema judicial 
judicial system
 The entire judicial system is under reform.
sistema legal, el 
legal system, the
 It is concluded that although people idealize the legal system & would like to have faith in it as it now stands, they also see the system as inherently unfair.
sístema límbico 
limbic system
 Technically, this exaggerated fear response results from an overexcited limbic system.
sistema linfático, el 
lymphatic system, the
 The lymphatic system is made up of a series of vessels and glands, known as lymph nodes.
sistema mercantil 
market system
 In holding fast to a belief in health promotion, they resisted being coopted by a now discredited market system.
sistema mercantilista, el 
mercantile system, the
 After 1780, intensive exploitation of labor power was hindered by the mercantile system.
sistema métrico decimal, el  
metric system, the
decimal metric system, the
 The widespread use of the metric system by most of the major industrial powers of the world has prompted the Canadian government to consider its adoption.
 This was the decimal system of measurement units or the decimal metric system that has survived practically unchanged as the basis of the modern International System of Units.
sistema métrico, el 
metric system, the
 The widespread use of the metric system by most of the major industrial powers of the world has prompted the Canadian government to consider its adoption.
sistema monetario 
 Monasteries frequently profited from the minting of coinage throughout the Middle Ages.
sistema monetario, el 
coinage system, the
 Three stages in the development of monetary systems - the barter system, the coinage system and the debenture system - are compared with three stages in the origin, development and study of language.
Sistema Monetario Europeo 
European Monetary System
 For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.
sistema nervioso 
nervous system
 The list includes such comprehensive terms as NEOPLASMS (used for all forms of cancer), nervous system and VERTEBRATES.
sistema nervioso central 
central nervous system
 Both periodicals were found to concentrate particularly on 3 medical specialities, cardiovascular, central nervous system and gastrointestinal medicine.
sistema nervioso periférico 
peripheral nervous system
 Electromyograms can detect abnormal muscle electrical activity in conditions such as pinched nerves, damage to the peripheral nervous system, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, disc herniation, and others.
sistema numérico  
numbering scheme
numbering system
 The volume increment gives information about the numbering scheme for volumes.
 Hexadecimal: a numbering system to base sixteen that uses the numbers 0-9 and letters A-F = Hexadecimal: un sistema de numeración de base diecisésis que usa los números del 0 al 9 y las letras de la A a la F.
sistema obsoleto  [Sistema automatizado de información que aunque anticuado aún presta un servicio útil]
legacy system
 Replacement of legacy systems is problematic since the core data they contain make them an asset that information technology professionals must manage = La sustición de sistemas obsoletos es problemática puesto que los datos fundamentales que contienen los hacen recursos valiosos que los profesionales de la tecnología de la información deben aprovechar.
sistema ofimático 
office system
 The role of this agency is to assist them in the information advice and knowledge to departments in order to assist them in the effective planning and use of computers, telecommunications and office system.
sistema olfativo 
olfactory system
 The combination of these 2 approaches tries to simulate the human olfactory system in a simplified form.
sistema operativo   
operating system
operational system
computer operating system
 Minicomputers can be very flexible in handling a number of varied interactive tasks and usually have highly developed operating systems which can support online users.
 Not all of this storage capacity can be used for instructions and data, a certain amount is required by the computer's operational system.
 Unix is a computer operating system.
sistema operativo de disco 
Disc Operating System (DOS)
 The appendix summarises a number of Disc Operating System (DOS) commands which are useful for managing files on the hard disc.
sistema óptico  
optical system
optical system
 The conference will also deal with the photometric aspects of optical systems which have other primary purposes.
 The conference will also deal with the photometric aspects of optical systems which have other primary purposes.
sistema óptico de información 
optical information system
 This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
sistema orgánico 
organ system
 There are two very vital organ systems that have a direct role in detoxication: the liver and the kidneys.
sistema organizativo  
organisational scheme
organisation scheme
 For the new reference librarian, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to be found in the various organizational schemes depicted in the following three charts.
 Compromise organization schemes, making allowances for weaknesses of individuals, will naturally be put in place as necessary.
sistema para el análisis formal de documentos 
markup code
 Developments have been hampered by typesetters devising in-house markup codes, but this year a new standard has been introduced by BSI.
sistema para el análisis formal de documentos web  [Método para la identificación de las partes de un documento (título, parte, sección, párrafo, etc) según una estructura estándar para su posterior proceso automatizado]
markup system
 This article gives some background information on markup systems and gives a brief account of the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML).
sistema para información geográfica (SIG)  [Sistema automatizado para gestionar y presentar información sobre la localización de diferentes objetos en lugar]
Geographical Information System (GIS)
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an automated system for creating, managing, analysing and displaying spatially referenced (mapped or mappable) data about a park's resources and facilities.
sistema para la información de gestión 
management information system (MIS)
 Management support systems (MSS) are becoming increasingly common and provide managers with the direct access to automation capabilities promised years ago by proponents of management information systems (MIS).
Sistema para la Información Geográfica (SIG) 
Geographic Information System (GIS)
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer hardware and software that enables geographic or spatial data to be recorded, manipulated and presented to the user.
sistema para la recuperación de texto libre 
free text retrieval system
 This is a powerful, free text retrieval system which enables string-searching from any part of a record.
sistema parlamentario unicameral 
unicameral parliamentary system
 An agreement has been reached to adopt a unicameral parliamentary system in the provinces.
sistema penal 
penal system
 The physical expansion of the penal system decreased the distance to prisons for some cities while increasing it for others.
sistema penitenciario  
penal system
prison system
 The physical expansion of the penal system decreased the distance to prisons for some cities while increasing it for others.
 Our prison system is greatly overburdened by non-violent drug offenders.
sistema personal 
home system
 However, as phone systems improve, you can expect this to change too; more and more, you'll see smaller sites (even individuals home systems) connecting to the Internet.
sistema político 
political system
 Access to information is also an important element in the working of social and political systems = El acceso a la información es también un elemento importante del funcionamiento de los sistemas sociales y políticos.
sistema político unipartidista 
one-party rule
 Factors related to the nature of one-party rule in Zambia before 1991 have also inhibited archival services.
sistema precoordinado 
pre-coordinate system
 In such situations we reach the limits of what are known as pre-coordinate systems, i.e. systems which are based on headings summarizing the content of documents in terms coordinated according to a citation order.
sistema respiratorio 
respiratory system
 611.2 is a subdivision of class '611 Anatomy' and represents the anatomy of the respiratory system.
sistema social 
social system
 Access to information is also an important element in the working of social and political systems = El acceso a la información es también un elemento importante del funcionamiento de los sistemas sociales y políticos.
sistema solar, el  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
solar system, the
 The survey was designed to gather information about the ages of books in three specific fields of science: astronomy, space and the solar system; general biology and ecology; human anatomy, physiology and hygiene.
sistema tributario, el 
tax system, the
 A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.
sistema vascular, el 
vascular system, the
 An air embolism is an embolism caused by air bubbles in the vascular system.
sistema + venirse abajo 
system + crash
 Accessibility is also related to the problems which may occur if an automated system 'crashes', ie fails, for some reason, especially if this is an online system = La accesibilidad también tiene que ver con los problemas que pueden surgir si un sistema automatizado se viene abajo, es decir, dejar de funcionar, por alguna razón, especialmente si se trata de un sistema online.
sistema vigesimal 
vigesimal system
 Mayan arithmetic, which took account of all the toes as well as the fingers, used a vigesimal system.
sistema virtual de gestión de cursos 
course management system
 Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.
sysop (operador del sistema)  [En tecnología de la información, persona responsable del funcionamiento de un ordenador central o de una red de ordenadores]
sysop (system operator)
 A sysop (system operator) is anyone responsible for the physical operations of a computer system or network resource.
teoría de sistemas 
systems theory
 In parallel with the work of the classification theorists, general systems theory was evolved to consider similar problems.
trastorno del sistema nervioso 
nervous system disorder
 Many nervous system disorders affect both dogs and people.
trastorno del sistema nervioso central 
central nervous system disorder
 Central nervous system disorders aren't something to take lightly.
vendedor de sistemas 
systems vendor
 This is a 'sneak peek' at new products that systems vendors will have on exhibit at the conference = Este es un "avance" de los nuevos productos que los vendedores de sistemas expondrán en el congreso.
volver a levantar el sistema 
 DBMS systems aim to cope with system failure and generate restart procedures.
PRECIS (sistema de indización con conservación del contexto)
PRECIS (sistema de indización con conservación del contexto)-2 
 In keeping with its acronym, PRECIS is an alphabetical subject indexing system that both present a 'precis' of the subject content of a document at each entry point in the printed index, and also displays index terms in context.
indización PRECIS 
PRECIS indexing
 PRECIS indexing, cycled indexing, rotated indexing and SLIC indexing are all different types of shunted indexes in which the components of index headings are moved to generate additional entries.
sistema de indización PRECIS 
PRECIS indexing system
 The PRECIS indexing system (Preserved Context Indexing System) is a set of procedures for producing index entries.

Trends of use of sistema



The term «sistema» is very widely used and occupies the 148 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «sistema» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of sistema
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «sistema».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «sistema» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «sistema» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about sistema



Famous quotes and sentences with the word sistema.
Enrique Jardiel Poncela
La dictadura es el sistema de gobierno en el que lo que no está prohibido es obligatorio.
Nada va bien en un sistema político en el que las palabras contradicen los hechos.
Ralph W. Emerson
El que persigue un sistema le tiene horror a la verdad.
Henry F. Amiel
La crítica convertida en sistema es la negación del conocimiento y de la verdadera estimación de las cosas.
Ernesto Sábato
Si nos cruzamos de brazos seremos cómplices de un sistema que ha legitimado la muerte silenciosa.
Ramón Gómez de la Serna
Los que matan a una mujer y después se suicidan debían variar el sistema: suicidarse antes y matarla después.
Simón Bolívar
Yo soy siempre fiel al sistema liberal y justo que proclamó mi patria.
Carlo Dossi
El mejor sistema filosófico de todos es el de Jesucristo: el sistema de la benevolencia.
Joseph Ernest Renan
Un hombre consecuente con su sistema de vida es ciertamente un espíritu estrecho.


Discover the use of sistema in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to sistema and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
GPS fácil. Uso del sistema de posicionamiento global
El sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS) es una sistema de satélite usado en navegación que permite detectar la posición las 24 horas del día, en cualquier lugar del globo y en cualquier condición climatológica.
Lawrence Letham, 2001
Mi sistema
El lector de Mi sistema aprenderá las verdaderas bases sobre las que se fundamenta este juego, las cuales le serán útiles tanto al aficionado como al gran maestro.
Arón Nimzowitsch, 2006
Tratado de Osteopatía Visceral y Medicina Interna: Sistema ...
Obra dividida en tres tomos, en donde se refleja la vasta experiencia del autor, el espejo de los cursos que imparte en la Escuela de Osteopatia de Madrid y el complemento de varios libros.
François Ricard, 2009
El sistema de los objetos
El sistema de los objetos es una obra fundamental para adentrarse en el pensamiento de Baudrillard y el análisis que hace de la sociedad consumista.
Jean Baudrillard, 1988
Caos y orden en el sistema-mundo moderno
Texto esencial que describe las transformaciones sistémicas que ha experimentado el moderno sistema-mundo desde el siglo XV. Transformaciones analizadas desde las perspectivas maestras que se consideran decisivas para comprender la ...
Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver, 2001
El sistema nervioso central
La obra de BRAILLON, que aparece ahora en su tercera edición, es el resultado de su experiencia docente en anatomía del sistema nervioso central, materia que, por su extensión y complejidad, exige el esfuerzo de síntesis y ...
M. G. Braillon, 1992
Geometría descriptiva: sistema diédrico y acotado : problemas
Mediante la publicacion de este libro de practicas y examenes propuestos, debidamente resueltos y comentados, cuya resolucion grafica se combina con la numerica, se pretende orientar y ayudar a los estudiantes de ingenieria y arquitectura ...
Francisco Gómez Jiménez, Upc Edicions Upc, 2009
Sistema de indicadores para la mejora y el control integrado ...
José Antonio Heredia es doctor ingeniero industrial y profesor de la Universitat Jaume I. Las líneas de investigación se centran en los métodos y tecnologías para el análisis, mejora y cambio de los procesos de las empresas ...
José Antonio Heredia Álvaro, 2001
ISO 14001: un sistema de gestión medioambiental
El objetivo principal de este material didáctico, que Ideaspropias Editorial le presenta, es adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre los sistemas de gestión medioambiental, la norma ISO 14001 y la correspondencia con otras normas: ISO ...
Xoán Manuel Pousa Lucio, 2005
ENTRENARSE JUGANDO.Un sistema completo de ejercicios
Hace ya tiempo que se acepta ampliamente la idea de que un entrenamiento de fútbol en gran medida debe consistir en un entrenamiento que refleje el desarrollo del juego en sí.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term sistema is used in the context of the following news items.
NASA lanza misión para entender cómo comenzó el Sistema Solar
Esta es la primera misión de la NASA en que se envía una sonda para recoger muestras de un asteroide y retornar con ellas a la Tierra. | Foto: Archivo. «teleSUR TV, Sep 16»
Descubren planeta similar a la Tierra más cercano al sistema solar
Un planeta de similar tamaño a la Tierra fue descubierto en torno a la estrella más cercana a nuestro sistema solar, Proxima Centauri. Las características de ... «Univision, Aug 16»
Miles protestaron en Chile contra el sistema de pensiones privadas
Bajo un sistema de pensiones establecido bajo la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet en 1981, los chilenos están obligados a depositar sus ahorros de jubilación ... «BBC Mundo, Aug 16»
El sistema de pensiones será reformado sustancialmente
El sistema de pensiones impulsado por la corriente liberal -los Chicago boys- que promovía la aportación individual en lugar del reparto colectivo, comenzó a ... «RFI, Aug 16»
Chile y su reto de reformar un sistema de pensión en profunda crisis
Las manifestaciones contra el sistema de pensiones vigente en Chile alcanzaron su punto más alto este 24 de julio y nada sugiere que las protestas vayan a ... «AméricaEconomí, Jul 16»
¿Qué es el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción?
El 27 de mayo de 2015 se publicó la reforma constitucional que creó el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, como instancia de coordinación entre autoridades de ... «Excélsior, Jul 16»
Seúl anuncia ubicación exacta del sistema antimisiles 'THAAD' de ...
El Ministerio de Defensa de Corea del Sur ha anunciado por fin la ubicación exacta del polémico sistema antimisiles estadounidense THAAD en su territorio. «Hispan TV, Jul 16»
Más allá de Neptuno: Hallan un nuevo 'planeta' en el Sistema Solar
Este cuerpo celeste, denominado 2015 RR245, tiene un tamaño que ronda los 700 kilómetros y realiza una de las órbitas más grandes entre los planetas ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
Curiosidades sobre Júpiter, un gigante en el sistema solar
A día de hoy, lo que en su momento fue la sombra de un planeta se ha convertido en el mayor titán dentro de nuestro sistema solar. Tan grande y denso que en ... «Hipertextual, Jul 16»
En evaluación vetar leyes secundarias del Sistema Nacional ...
El Presidente del Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE), Juan Pablo Castañón Castañón reveló que el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto evalúa la posibilidad ... «Excélsior, Jun 16»



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