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" Las mentes que controlan la televisión son tan pequeñas que cabrían en el ombligo de una mosca, y aún quedaría espacio para el corazón de un director de cadena."
Fred Allen

Significado de "director" en el diccionario de español



La palabra director procede del latín director, -ōris.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


di · rec · tor

Director es una palabra aguda de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Director puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.


definición de director en el diccionario español

La definición de director en el diccionario castellano es que dirige. Otro significado de director en el diccionario es también persona a cuyo cargo está el régimen o dirección de un negocio, cuerpo o establecimiento especial.


colector · conector · corrector · deflector · detector · elector · inspector · inyector · lector · protector · proyector · recolector · rector · reflector · sector · selector · subdirector · subsector · vector · vicerrector


dirceo · dirección · direccional · direccionalidad · directa · directamente · directe · directiva · directivo · directo · directora · directoral · directoria · directorio · directriz · dírham · dírhem · diriambina · diriambino · dirigencia


arquitector · bisector · codirector · convector · conyector · crioprotector · dermoprotector · disector · doctor · efector · erector · euroconector · eyector · fotoprotector · neolector · retroproyector · subcolector · subinspector · vicedirector · xiloprotector

Sinónimos y antónimos de director en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «director» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «director» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


director · administrador · cabecilla · cabeza · conductor · consejero · directivo · jefe · patrón · patrono · presidente · subalterno · subordinado · espiritual · general · escena · artístico · dirige · otro · también · persona · cuyo · cargo · está · régimen · dirección · negocio · cuerpo · establecimiento · especial · manual · comercial · director · obra · dirigida · tanto · profesionales · dirigen · grupos · venta · como · todos · comerciales · asesores · representantes · vendedores · aspiran · mejorar · carrera · necesitan · crear · cuentas · este · libro · tiene · objetivo · explicar · quién · hace · dentro · agencia · comunicación · reflexiones · para · cotidiano · directora · centro · docente · implica · especialmente · actualidad · actividad · profesional · compleja · verdaderamente · difícil · oficio · cine · jaime · camino · relaciona · texto · elementos · basicos · dichos · oficios · direccion · consecucion · buen · resultado · cinematografico · trabajos · quot · visita · guiada · entresijos · prã · cticos · independiente · revisiã³n · crã­tica · tã³picos · direcciã³n · cinematogrã · fica ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de director a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de director a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de director presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de director en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

giám đốc
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de director en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  chairman [chairmen, pl.] ; chairperson [chairpersons, -pl.] ; chief ; chief librarian ; director ; head ; manager [manageress, -fem.] ; headmaster ; office manager ; business manager ; chair ; editor.
 As head of a committee, and being recognized as such, it's perfectly all right with me if I'm called the chairman rather than the chairwoman.
 Special thanks to the ISAD Program Planning Committee, in particular its chairperson, for the conceptual organization.
 He subsequently served as chief of that Division, chief of the Serial Record Division, Assistant Director for Cataloging of the Processing Department, Director of the Processing Department, and Assistant Librarian of Processing Services.
 The chief librarian or director of libraries, by which title the post is sometimes now known, will in general be fully occupied with making decisions on internal professional policy, committee work, and administration and management in the widest sense.
 Hugh C, Atkinson, director of the University of Illinois Libraries, has consistently been in the forefront in applying automation to traditional library problems and services.
 She began her career at Central Missouri State University where she was head of the Documents Depository.
 Such hosts are more likely to be accessed by end-users such as economists and managers, than information workers.
 The author played a large part in the successful establishment of the school library when her husband became headmaster = The author played a large part in the successful establishment of the school library when her husband became headmaster.
 This department is headed by a general office manager who has a staff of bookkeepers, billing clerks, comptrollers, and secretaries.
 Watman wondered how the profession would react to the idea of a business manager instead of assistant.
 Once elected, the chair is responsible for maintaining discipline and ensuring that all students are treated fairly.
 An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to the preparation of the item for the manufacturer, or it may include supervision of the manufacturing, revision or elucidation of the text, and the addition of an introduction, notes, and other critical matter, and for certain works it may involve the technical direction of staff of persons engaged in writing or compiling the text.
cargo de director  [Véase ship para otras entradas acabadas con este sufijo]
 An applicant for the directorship of a medium-sized public library is asked to explain how he would conduct a community survey and demonstrate how he would plan library programs.
cartas al director 
letter to the editor
 Short communications, newspaper articles and letters to the editor present problems in abstracting, both from the selection viewpoint and also as to abstract content.
Conferencia de Directores de Bibliotecas Nacionales (CDNL) 
Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL)
 The Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) was set up in 1974 to discuss policies and to carry out activities that could be performed most effectively by national libraries, on the understanding that its work would be coordinated with the IFLA Section of National Libraries.
directora conjunta 
 'Information and knowledge are the catalysts that will empower Africa in her quest for development,' said Penny Birangi, co-chairperson for the Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Libraries.
director adjunto   
assistant director
deputy director
joint director
 Any member of the library staff with a minimum of a 1 year service can become a team member with the exception of the library director, assistant director and chief accountant.
 The deputy librarian or deputy director's duties are to take the place of the director in his absence, to organize the general routine of the library, to supervise the staff and to deal with matters such as interviews, appointments and resignations.
 A progress evaluation will take place twice per annum, during which the successful candidate will report to the joint directors of the appointment.
director artístico 
art director
 This specialised clientele is eclectic and ranges from novices to the most accomplished artists and includes architects, art directors, illustrators, calligraphers, craftspeople and photographers.
director cinematográfico 
film director
 Film direction is an popular career option, but to be a good film director one not only needs a passion for filmmaking but also the skill for it.
director comercial  
marketing executive
chief commercial officer
 Additionally, this article discusses specific marketing executives' use of competitive intelligence data bases to gain a competitive edge within their marketplace.
 Niklaus Meier assumes the Chief Financial Officer's responsibilities ad interim in addition to his current position as Chief Commercial Officer.
director conjunto 
 'Information and knowledge are the catalysts that will empower Africa in her quest for development,' said Penny Birangi, co-chairperson for the Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Libraries.
director de biblioteca 
library director
 What is our responsibility to a fellow human being, who in this case happens to be a respected library director who is also our boss?.
director de cárcel  
prison governor
prison warden
 An acting prison governor has been convicted of misconduct after having a sexual relationship with an inmate at a women's prison.
 In Rome, female prison wardens went on strike because of the killing of one of their colleagues on Friday.
director de cine 
film director
 Film direction is an popular career option, but to be a good film director one not only needs a passion for filmmaking but also the skill for it.
director de colegio 
head teacher
 A head teacher has been forced to make a grovelling apology after a teacher sent a school report to a pupil littered with fourteen grammatical errors.
director de coro 
 Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded the gifted choirmaster and music director Edward Tripton to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.
director de curso 
course leader
 A number of course leaders in the IT field regarded their lack of treatment of what might be termed morality of information provision as a drawback in their programmes.
director de departamento 
department head
 The department head had hoped the latter request would lend credence to the seriousness of the situation.
director de empresa 
company director
 The ease with which the home addresses of company directors may be obtained from databases has been highlighted by the dangers faced by directors of biotechnology companies by animal rights activists.
director de escuela  
school principal
head teacher
 Support staff such as janitors and cleaners report to the school principal, not to the librarian and this affects the type of service they provide.
 A head teacher has been forced to make a grovelling apology after a teacher sent a school report to a pupil littered with fourteen grammatical errors.
director de filial 
branch head
 These individuals may be department heads or branch heads in a larger organization.
director de finanzas 
finance director
 She is quitting as finance director of the Sainsbury supermarket chain after a boardroom shake-up with a golden handshake likely to top £500000.
director de funeraria   
funeral director
 Families need compassionate counseling and practical advice during times of grief, and funeral directors provide these services.
 Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
 The need to replace morticians who retire or leave the occupation will account for even more job openings than employment growth.
director de la biblioteca 
head librarian
 The head librarian had set up a timetable of activities for her in advance and topics and schedules for the courses she would teach at the library school.
director de marketing 
marketing executive
 Additionally, this article discusses specific marketing executives' use of competitive intelligence data bases to gain a competitive edge within their marketplace.
director de museo 
 In her previous vocation she served as curator of History at the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences and later as Assistant to the Director of Johns Hopkins University, Institute of History and Medicine.
director de música 
music director
 Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded a gifted choirmaster and music director to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.
director de obra 
project manager
 The role of the project manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.
director de operaciones  
chief operating officer (COO)
director for operations
 The Internet has no president, chief operating officer, or Pope.
 The closing ceremony of the anniversary celebration included congratulatory remarks from Director for Operations Cliff Cohen.
director de orquesta 
 A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments.
director de periódico 
newspaper editor
 Few, if any of us, want to be involved in murder, but the brutal act of one person killing another, the motives for doing so, the personal and social consequences, all hold our attention, as newspaper editors well know and exploit = Pocos, si existe alguien, desea verse implicado en un asesinato, pero el acto brutal de una persona asesinando a otra, los motivos para hacerlo, las consecuencias personales y sociales, todo capta nuestra atención, como bien saben y explotan los directores de periódicos.
director de pompas fúnebres   
funeral director
 Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
 Families need compassionate counseling and practical advice during times of grief, and funeral directors provide these services.
 The need to replace morticians who retire or leave the occupation will account for even more job openings than employment growth.
director de prisión  
prison warden
prison governor
 In Rome, female prison wardens went on strike because of the killing of one of their colleagues on Friday.
 An acting prison governor has been convicted of misconduct after having a sexual relationship with an inmate at a women's prison.
director de proyecto 
project manager
 The role of the project manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.
director de tesis      
PhD supervisor
dissertation adviser
dissertation supervisor
thesis supervisor
thesis adviser
research supervisor
 A different case was the young lecturer whose PhD supervisor was an editor of a series for a publishing house and who made it clear to the postgraduate student that he hoped the thesis could also be a book.
 Entries are arranged alphabetically by author under the year of completion and cite author, title, and names of dissertation advisors.
 All dissertation supervisors are required to advise their students on the selection, organisation and presentation of material.
 Student should have thesis supervisors from at least two departments.
 His devotion to his students was well known in the department and made him one of the most sought-after thesis advisors.
 This will provide research supervisors with important information about how best to structure their supervision in order to guide students toward timely completion.
director editorial 
publishing director
 One of the positions that you can hold is that of a publishing director.
director ejecutivo     
executive director
executive officer
chief executive officer (CEO)
managing director
chief executive
 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.
 The meeting, which defined the goals of the association, discussed membership conditions, established permanent sections (legal, educational, economic, historical and management) and elected executive officers.
 The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.
 The author is former managing director of Hutchinsons.
 The author concludes that few chief executives personally use the company library and online database services.
director ejecutivo de la gestión del conocimiento 
knowledge executive
 This article discusses the emergence of 'chief knowledge officers' or 'knowledge executives' within organizations, viewed by many in the library profession as a logical, and perhaps deserved role for librarians.
director, el  [De una escuela o instituto]
 Anthony read the handwritten note he found in his mailbox from the principal of the high school at which he had been employed as head of the school media program for one month.
director espiritual 
spiritual advisor
 This tends to work best if both persons have similar convictions of faith and have a good relationship with the spiritual advisor.
director financiero  
finance director
chief financial officer
 She is quitting as finance director of the Sainsbury supermarket chain after a boardroom shake-up with a golden handshake likely to top £500000.
 Niklaus Meier assumes the Chief Financial Officer's responsibilities ad interim in addition to his current position as Chief Commercial Officer.
director general      
executive director
executive officer
chief executive officer (CEO)
chief executive
senior director
 'We'll get started as soon as everyone arrives,' the executive director shook her hand and smiled graciously.
 The work of the Statistical Office is undertaken by six directorates headed by the Director-General who is assisted by a secretariat.
 The meeting, which defined the goals of the association, discussed membership conditions, established permanent sections (legal, educational, economic, historical and management) and elected executive officers.
 The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.
 The author concludes that few chief executives personally use the company library and online database services.
 Senior directors earn absurdly more than the other workers in their business.
director musical 
music director
 Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded a gifted choirmaster and music director to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.
director principal 
senior director
 Senior directors earn absurdly more than the other workers in their business.
partichela de piano director, violín director, etc  [En una obra para un conjunto, la parte de un instrumento que permite al intérprete dirigir este conjunto mediante las anotaciones de las entradas de los otros instrumentos]
piano/violin, etc. conductor part
 A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments; intended for the use of the person who plays the instrument and also conducts the performance of the work.
assistant director
 Any member of the library staff with a minimum of a 1 year service can become a team member with the exception of the library director, assistant director and chief accountant.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra director



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de director
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «director».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre director



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra director.
Fred Allen
Las mentes que controlan la televisión son tan pequeñas que cabrían en el ombligo de una mosca, y aún quedaría espacio para el corazón de un director de cadena.
Pedro Almodovar
Ser director de cine en España es como ser torero en Japón.


Descubre el uso de director en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con director y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Manual del director comercial
El Manual del Director Comercial es una obra dirigida tanto a los profesionales que dirigen grupos de venta, como a todos los comerciales, asesores, representantes y vendedores que aspiran a mejorar en su carrera o necesitan crear una ...
José Ángel Olmedo Alonso, 2005
El director de cuentas
Este libro tiene como objetivo explicar quién es y lo que hace el Director de Cuentas dentro de la agencia de comunicación.
Pere Soler, 2008
Reflexiones de/para un director: lo cotidiano en la ...
Ser director o directora de un centro docente implica, especialmente en la actualidad, una actividad profesional compleja y verdaderamente difícil.
Miquel Navarro i Oriach, 2002
El oficio de director de cine
Jaime Camino relaciona en su texto todos los elementos basicos de dichos oficios con la direccion para la consecucion de un buen resultado cinematografico.
Jaime Camino, 1997
Los Trabajos del Director
"Los Trabajos del Director" es una visita guiada a los entresijos prácticos del cine (muy) independiente, una revisión crítica de los tópicos de la dirección cinematográfica (el proceso creativo, el trabajo con los actores ...
Carlos Atanes, 2007
La gestión periodística del público I : teoría de las cartas ...
Las cartas al director han sido y son una de las secciones más leídas de los periódicos.
Lluís Pastor, 2009
Director de Proyectos
El libro Director de Proyectos, alineado con la Gu a del PMBOK 4ta edici n, adem?'s de cubrir todos los temas te ricos con un lenguaje amigable, incluye 50 ejercicios y 470 preguntas de simulaci n, lo que lo hace muy til para tener xito el ...
Pablolledo, Pablo Lledó, 2011
El invisible director de orquesta
El invisible director de orquesta estira sus piernas y extiende sus brazos; abre y cierra las manos, las agita suavemente como si fueran alas.
Beatriz Doumerc, 1994
Manual del director de ventas
Para enfrentar eficazmente los nuevos desafíos de su trabajo, el Director de Ventas necesita compender la evolución y desarrollo de su organización; sus metas, objetivos y estrategias.
Director Financiero: Nuevas Tendencias en la Dirección ...
Finanzas a través de internet, nuevas técnicas para la creación de valor, valoración de empresas y de intangibles, evaluación de inversores, nuevos enfoques para preparar presupuestos, fusiones y adquisiciones, centros corporativos.


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término director en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
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El nombramiento del geógrafo y militante del PPD Jaime Rojas, como nuevo director de Gendarmería generó inmediatas críticas de parte de funcionarios, ... «Diario y Radio Uchile, Jul 16»
Nuevo director del Museo de Arte de Dallas es mexicano
Dallas – Después de nueve meses de búsqueda, el Dallas Musem of Art ha encontrado un nuevo director Se trata del Dr. Agustín Arteaga, director del Museo ... «Dallas Morning News AldiaDallas, Jul 16»
Director de Infonavit por enfocarse a afiliados en vez de oferta
El director general del Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (Infonavit, David Penchyna Grub, llamó a los desarrolladores a trabajar ... «, Jul 16»
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of ...
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton's Use of a Personal E-Mail System. Remarks prepared for delivery at ... «Federal Bureau of Investigation, Jul 16»
Releva a Jaime Guerra, nombrado director de Contenidos de Secuoya. Álvaro Díaz, hasta ahora director de Contenidos de Zeppelin TV, ha sido nombrado ... «Te Interesa, Jul 16»
Eduardo López-Puertas Bitaubé, nuevo director general de Ifema
Eduardo López-Puertas Bitaubé ha sido nombrado por unanimidad de la Junta Rectora de Ifema director general de la institución ferial en sustitución de Fermín ... «Te Interesa, Jun 16»
El plan director para la convivencia y la seguridad escolar llega ya ...
Así lo ha indicado este martes a los periodistas el subdelegado del Gobierno, Juan Lillo, después de presidir una reunión de la Comisión Provincial de ... «, Jun 16»
Erik Solheim, nuevo director ejecutivo del Programa de la ONU para ...
(27 de junio de 2016).-- El ex ministro de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Internacional de Noruega, Erik Solheim, comenzó hoy su mandato como Director ... «ONU. Centro de Información México, Jun 16»
El director general de Nissan España inaugura, este miércoles, las ...
Las obras han supuesto la reforma integral de las instalaciones, al objeto de ofrecer al cliente el máximo servicio bajo las más avanzadas prestaciones en ... «, Jun 16»
El Plan Director de Cooperación CyL 2017 se centrará en los ...
Así lo ha explicado el secretario general de la Consejería de la Presidencia, José Manuel Herrero, quien ha asistido este sábado en Segovia a la Asamblea ... «, Jun 16»


« EDUCALINGO. Director [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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