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Meaning of "acuerdo" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra acuerdo procede de acordar.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


a · cuer · do play


Acuerdo is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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An agreement is, in law, a decision taken jointly by two or more persons, by a board, assembly or court. Also called a pact, treaty or resolution of organizations, institutions, public or private companies. It is, therefore, the manifestation of a convergence of wills with the aim of producing legal effects. The main legal effect of the agreement is its obligatoriness for the parties that grant it being born for the same obligations and rights. It is valid whatever the form of its celebration, oral or written, as long as the consent of the grantors is valid and its true object, determined, not out of business or impossible. Un acuerdo es, en Derecho, una decisión tomada en común por dos o más personas, por una junta, asamblea o tribunal. También se denomina así a un pacto, tratado o resolución de organizaciones, instituciones, empresas públicas o privadas. Es, por lo tanto, la manifestación de una convergencia de voluntades con la finalidad de producir efectos jurídicos. El principal efecto jurídico del acuerdo es su obligatoriedad para las partes que lo otorgan naciendo para las mismas obligaciones y derechos. Es válido cualquiera que sea la forma de su celebración, oral o escrita, siempre que el consentimiento de los otorgantes sea válido y su objeto cierto, determinado, no esté fuera del comercio o sea imposible.

Definition of acuerdo in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of agreement in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a resolution that is taken in the courts, societies, communities or collegiate bodies. Another meaning of agreement in the dictionary is premeditated resolution of a single person or of several. Agreement is also an agreement between two or more parties. La primera definición de acuerdo en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es resolución que se toma en los tribunales, sociedades, comunidades u órganos colegiados. Otro significado de acuerdo en el diccionario es resolución premeditada de una sola persona o de varias. Acuerdo es también convenio entre dos o más partes.
Click to see the original definition of «acuerdo» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Synonyms and antonyms of acuerdo in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «acuerdo» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of acuerdo


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «acuerdo» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of acuerdo

Translation of «acuerdo» into 25 languages

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The translations of acuerdo from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «acuerdo» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of acuerdo in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

đồng ý
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


agreement ; arrangement ; compromise ; convention ; partnership ; understanding ; covenant ; accord ; partnering ; pact ; accommodation ; bargaining ; settlement ; deal.
Complete agreement had not been possible, but the numbers of rules where divergent practices were evident is limited.
This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
A basic understanding in the concept of these libraries was the desire to confront the user with shelved books on entering and while moving through the building.
The article 'Public library: the Trojan Horse covenant' argues that too much emphasis is now placed on the privatisation of libraries, their transformation into information centres and collections which mirror current demands.
Only then, within the framework of inter-institutional accord, will academic library cooperative activities move forward more rapidly and purposefully.
These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
Issues discussed at some length included problems arising from a recent copyright pact with the USA and how each country can obtain access to the best literature of the other.
Whatever structure emerges will be one of accommodation and acceptance by the various stakeholders both in and outside the library.
The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.
These settlements require the tobacco companies to make annual payments to the states in perpetuity, with total payments estimated at $246.
They need someone to break the ice, someone who can speak plainly and calmly to both sides and move them toward a possible deal.
aceptar los términos de un acuerdo
enter into + agreement
Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.
acuerdo bilateral
bilateral agreement
Bilateral agreements should be substituted by standards to allow open systems interconnection.
acuerdo con el fiscal [En un juicio, admisión de culpabilidad por parte del acusado a cambio de concesiones en la sentencia del juez]
plea bargaining
All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.
acuerdo con el juez [En un juicio, admisión de culpabilidad por parte del acusado a cambio de concesiones en la sentencia del juez]
plea bargaining
All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.
acuerdo contractual
contractual agreement
The use of electronic information everywhere in the world is usually defined and described by contractual agreements, otherwise known as licenses = El uso de la información electrónica en todo el mundo normalmente se define y describe mediante acuerdos contractuales que se conocen como licencias.
acuerdo de colaboración
collaborative partnership
partnership agreement
They advocate dialogue between publishers, subscription agents, and librarians to encourage collaborative partnerships.
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
acuerdo de cooperación
collaborative partnership
They advocate dialogue between publishers, subscription agents, and librarians to encourage collaborative partnerships.
acuerdo de licencia
licensing agreement
licensing arrangement
The article 'Licence at your own risk' describes the complexities of negotiating licensing agreements.
Some publishers are entering into longterm, multiproperty licensing arrangements, while others participate in television coproductions and seek synergies with sister companies.
acuerdo de paz
peace agreement
peace deal
In the Balkans the transition to democracy has proven to be difficult in spite of democratic ideals expressed in peace agreements.
South Sudan has formed an autonomous government as part of a January peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war.
acuerdo de recompra [Abreviatura de repurchase agreement]
repurchase agreement
The price at which an asset is initially sold in a repo is usually the same price at which it is being sold outright in the cash market.
A repurchase agreement is an agreement between two parties whereby one party sells the other a security at a specified price with a commitment to buy the security back at a later date for another specified price.
acuerdo económico
financial arrangement
Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
acuerdo escrito
written agreement
A written agreement can help both parties avoid unanticipated and unwanted results.
acuerdo financiero
financial arrangement
Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
The USA has pursued these objectives through 2 principal avenues - bilateral negotiations with specific countries and multilateral negotiations through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
acuerdo internacional
modus vivendi
Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
acuerdo legal
legal agreement
legal settlement
A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.
This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.
acuerdo multilateral
multilateral agreement
There are today about 150 multilateral agreement of primary importance in the environmental field.
acuerdo muto
meeting of (the) minds
Our South American Colleagues will have the opportunity of a lifetime, to experience the vibrance of the meeting of minds, as well as the forging of communities of practice across time zones, distance and linguistic barriers = Nuestros colegas sudamericanos tendrán la oportunidad de su vida de experimentar la vitalidad de este encuentro de expertos así como la creación de lazos profesionales por encima de barreras lingüísticas, de espacio y de tiempo.
acuerdo salarial
salary agreement
The library staff is not unionized; contracts, which take the form of salary agreements, are issued annually.
acuerdo secreto
secret deal
They had made a secret deal with Otto Reich to wreck Cuba's economy.
acuerdo sindical
union contract
A union contract usually spells out policies and procedures and workers' rights with respect to discharge.
acuerdo sobre el precio mínimo de los libros [Acuerdo entre los libreros ingleses de no vender los libros por debajo del precio fijado por las editoriales]
net book agreement
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
acuerdo verbal
verbal agreement
The major reason cited for not using forms was a preference for verbal agreements.
alcanzar un acuerdo
reach + agreement
reach + compromise
hammer out + agreement
Agreements have been reached with the National Library of Canada and the Biblothèque Nationale not only to use their records this way but also to redistribute them in an unaltered form.
The article 'Aloft at last!: 'Operating Agreement' gets off the ground as ALA and its divisions reach compromise' reports on the 108th Annual Conference of the American Library Association (ALA).
Trustees will have to consider the conditions of membership in online networks and, in some instances, may need to hammer out ground breaking agreements to govern operations.
celebrar un acuerdo
enter into + agreement
Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.
cerrar un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
conclude + deal
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones] [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones]
maverick spending
rogue spending
To successfully maintain control over your financial condition, saddling maverick spending must become a mission of every employee.
This is not to say that only companies with unmanaged infrastructures suffer the scourge of rogue spending.
concertar un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
conclude + deal
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
contraer un acuerdo
contract + an agreement
Enter an agreement contracted by the member governments of an international intergovernmental body acting as individual entities rather than collectively as instructed in 21.35A.
creación de acuerdo de colaboración
partnership building
Several authors argue that many of these obstacles could be overcome through partnership building = Varios autores sostienen que muchos de estos obstáculos se podrían superar mediante la creación de acuerdos de colaboración.
crear acuerdos de colaboración
build + partnerships
build + alliances
When we say 'building partnerships,' we mean going beyond mere cooperation and into the realm of collaboration.
The key to building alliances is to think outside the box - ask yourself how a relationship can be mutually beneficial and satisfying.
crear un acuerdo
work out + an agreement
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
críticos + no estar de acuerdo
critics + be divided
The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.
cumplir (con) un acuerdo
honour + a commitment
honour + an agreement
fill + Posesivo + agreement
Some unnecessary duplication of materials has been reduced because it is now agreed that certain libraries will honour commitments to collect books, serials and other materials in a particular subject intensively and to make the materials available to users from other member libraries.
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
The grave digger became so conscience-smitten for not filling his agreement that he buried the money he had received for the work.
de acuerdo
all right
in concert
in agreement
in consort
fair enough
Okay, Wops are not Wops, they're Italians.
Granted, performance evaluation may be an imperfect tool in personnel administration.
Compassion shadowed the trustee's face - she could see he was desperate - and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'all right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
Such a scheme, though, can only work if libraries act in concert politically to impart new ground rules to users.
As they stand, these two theories of pictorial representation are neither in agreement nor at odds, but incommensurable.
Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
Today, Jarvis says something to the effect of, 'Fair enough - I was just trying to stimulate discussion, but as digital media evolve it can happen anyway'.
�de acuerdo! �
okeydokey! [okidoki]
Try a search for 'okeydokey' in these online resources.
de acuerdo con
according to
in harmony with
in accordance with
in concert with
in keeping with
in line with
in step with
pursuant to
in concurrence with
based on
in agreement with
as far as + Sujeto + Verbo
in consonance with
in accord with
judging by
to judge by
in conformity with
judging from
The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).
It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.
The scheme remains discipline oriented, but each class is developed in accordance with strict application of analytico-synthetic principles.
AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
The name to be chosen for the author must be, by rule 40, 'the name by which he is commonly identified, whether it is his real name, or an assumed name, nickname, title of nobility, or other appellation'.
This approach involves the establishment and communication of organizational goals, the setting of individual objectives pursuant to the organizational goals, and the periodic and then final review of performance as it relates to the objectives.
In concurrence with the advent of what Anthony Oettinger called 'compunications', the fusion of computing and communication, we need to develop a new vision of a future for national libraries.
Libraries will make judgements based on criteria such as better information resources, quicker answers, and more cost-effective services = Las bibliotecas tomarán decisiones de acuerdo con criterios tales como mejores recursos informativos, rapidez de respuesta y servicios más rentables.
The findings of this study were in agreement with most similar studies of the journal literature of the humanities with one important exception.
As far as he knew (and he had been with the library 37 years) subsequent boards had not changed the rule.
New modes may emerge in the future in consonance with new research trends and changing social needs.
In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.
The number of titles is expected to double within a relatively short period, judging by the enthusiasm expressed by the publishers.
To judge by some of the comments presented here, weeding may function as a homogenizing agent in many public libraries, creating a situation where the product lines (books) offered show little variation from library to library.
The public library is not exempt from this rule, and in conformity with it this report has been prepared to offer a detailed answer to the challenge of the public.
Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
de acuerdo con este documento
The plan does not stipulate the content of research and it sees research activities, hereunder libraries, as a whole.
de acuerdo con esto
If the edition of the work is emphasised, then the work is entered accordingly as an edition of the original work.
de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres
on a string search basis
In systems where documents can be retrieved according to search keys on a string search basis few problems arise.
de acuerdo con la estación del año
Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
de acuerdo con la ley
according to (the) law
Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
de acuerdo con la sabiduría popular
according to folklore
According to folklore, natural aphrodisiacs may help to raise libido and increase desire = De acuerdo con la sabiduría popular, los afrodisíacos naturales pueden ayudar a aumentar la libido y el deseo.
de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia
in the trend towards
The library is located in a city with a very large state mental hospital that has been sharply downsized in the trend towards de-institutionalisation.
de acuerdo con la teoría
according to theory
According to theory, companies will act trustfully if their scope for opportunistic behavior is limited = Según la teoría, las empresas actuarán con integridad si se les limita la posibilidad de aprovecharse del mercado.
de acuerdo con + Nombre
as far as + Nombre + be + concerned
going on + Nombre
insofar as + Nombre + be + concerned
As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.
Going on previous seasons he has a very good chance of being the top scorer.
According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo
according to + Posesivo + pocket
The captain's living quarters in a warship were furnished according to his pocket, the bare necessities in the case of an officer without private means, and luxury for a noble or wealthy man.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + habilidades
to the best of + Posesivo + ability
according to + Posesivo + lights
It is the responsibility of the requesting library to verify, and where necessary complete the bibliographic details of the item requested to the best of its ability.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + plan(es)
according to + Posesivo + plan(s)
And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.
de acuerdo con + Pronombre
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
dependiendo del acuerdo
subject to + agreement
The data bases produced by the projects will become available to the public, subject to agreements which are being negotiated between the offices involved.
elaborar un acuerdo
draw up + agreement
The USA and the European Union (EU), as major agricultural producing and trading nations, played important roles in drawing up the agreement.
establecer un acuerdo
work out + an agreement
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
estando de acuerdo
Preston Huish smiled approvingly, expressed his thanks, and walked away with suave confidence.
estar completamente de acuerdo con
agree + wholeheartedly with
I would like to wholeheartedly agree with what the previous speaker said and to express my thanks to the Library of Congress and its staff members.
estar de acuerdo
be in agreement
concur (with)
be agreed
be of one mind
The draft was approved by the sponsoring Sections in December 1983 and proofreading and preparation of the camera-ready copy were completed by September 1984.
While Groome and the progressives have over the years had their differences with the mayor - to put it mildly - one thing they are in firm agreement about is that taxes have been pushed as far as they can be.
These four national libraries have also concurred on the matter of fullness of personal name.
Everyone who has examined the topic, librarians and non-librarians alike, are agreed that the reference interview is essential to the success of the computer search.
She would get out of bed in the morning and look fabulous, though she wouldn't agree.
Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.
estar de acuerdo con
accord with
be consistent with
conform to
go along with
be in tune with
fit with
be in conformity with
mesh with
jive with
fall into + line
So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.
If these two questions are considered the choice of titles will be consistent with the choice of author headings.
These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
The same thing happended in the case of the British refusal to go along with the American compromises in the last revision.
There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.
The data has to be tested to fit with other models.
These results are in conformity with the findings of most past studies.
How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.
For the most part my experiences jived with the authors commentary.
One by one they fell into line, leaving the Czech Republic and Britain as the only non-signatories.
estar de acuerdo (con
see + eye to eye (with/on)
Although there is consensus on the priority of some strategies, execs from different departments don't see eye to eye on many others.
estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo [Expresión usada para indicar que aunque no se está de acuerdo es mejor llegar a un compromiso y seguir adelante]
agree to + disagree
Just agree to disagree, move on and learn to live with people that do not share your views.
estar de acuerdo sobre
agree (on/upon)
Finally it had been possible to agree upon one code (there are no longer two texts).
estar de acuerdo unánimemente
agree on + all hands
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost.
estar totalmente de acuerdo con
be all for
I think she was subliminally, perhaps, touching on a point that has not been brought up, namely, quality control in cooperative cataloging, which we're all for.
firmar acuerdo
write + agreement
So, one vendor, now called Ovid Technologies, wrote agreements with publishers to get them to open up acess to their journals.
firmar un acuerdo [Generalmente entre empresas]
tie + the knot
sign + an agreement
sign + a deal
The article is entitled 'Oracle and Sun tie the knot'.
Ireland has signed an agreement with Brazil that will bring 4,000 undergraduate students to Irish universities over the next four years.
India has already signed a deal with Russia for the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft.
hacer honor a un acuerdo
honour + an agreement
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
llegar a acuerdo
make + arrangements
An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.
llegar a un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
reach + agreement
make + an undertaking
make + bargain
come to + consensus
reach + understanding
have + meeting of the minds
reach + consensus
hammer out + agreement
develop + compromise
work out + an agreement
strike + deal
conclude + deal
strike + agreement
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Agreements have been reached with the National Library of Canada and the Biblothèque Nationale not only to use their records this way but also to redistribute them in an unaltered form.
An undertaking has been made that a piece of notation will not be revised and given another meaning.
The bargain which I made with Mr Johnson was seventy-five pounds (or guineas) a volume.
We found it difficult to come to a consensus of the professional staff on several key points.
Once the silent reading session is accepted then an understanding should also be reached that at these times classmates should not be interrupted, either for idle chatter or for sharing responses.
If we begin to think about the new technology as different from the three-by-five card perhaps then we can have some meeting of the minds.
Perhaps it is an understatement to say that it is easy to reach consensus on the basic elements to be included in the evaluation form.
Trustees will have to consider the conditions of membership in online networks and, in some instances, may need to hammer out ground breaking agreements to govern operations.
Ultimately, a compromise was developed that provided for the fully spelled-out form as a parenthetical addition in the heading if it is needed to differentiate names = En última instancia se llegó a un acuerdo que permitía que la forma totalmente deletreada se le añadiese entre paréntesis al encabezamiento si se necesitaba diferenciar los nombres.
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
The article is entitled 'The Times newspaper strikes deal with Gale to digitise back issues from 1785'.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
Ministers have failed to strike an agreement yesterday on how to deal with the billions of plastic bags Australians throw away each year.
negociar un acuerdo
negotiate + agreement
In practice the Publications Office is increasingly asked by the institutions to negotiate on their behalf agreements associating commercial publishers with the publication of the institutions' original manuscripts.
no estar de acuerdo
be at variance
beg to differ
I know that there ought to be someone to speak on behalf of Mr. Kilgour's point of view if it's at variance.
Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.
Many librarians were literally incredulous that weeding could be considered, in any shape or form, as a timesaver; others begged to differ.
no estar de acuerdo (con)
disapprove (of)
Of course, as one who disapproves of the use of the title as a unit heading, I don't see any justification for it.
no estar de acuerdo con la idea de
disapprove of + the idea of
The committee disapproves of the idea of a separate rock music centre in Berlin.
ponerse de acuerdo sobre
agree (on/upon)
Finally it had been possible to agree upon one code (there are no longer two texts).
ratificar un acuerdo
ratify + convention
This article describes the problems which built up when it was thought that the government would ratify the European Patent Convention.
renegociar un acuerdo
renegotiate + agreement
The agreement of 1978 is being renegotiated so that the centre can expand its services in the field of micro-computers and decentralised computer systems.
respetar un acuerdo
honour + a commitment
honour + an agreement
Some unnecessary duplication of materials has been reduced because it is now agreed that certain libraries will honour commitments to collect books, serials and other materials in a particular subject intensively and to make the materials available to users from other member libraries.
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
romper un acuerdo
sever + arrangement
Beilstein have severed their long standing marketing arrangement with Springer-Verlag.
si se llega a un acuerdo
subject to + agreement
The data bases produced by the projects will become available to the public, subject to agreements which are being negotiated between the offices involved.
si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado
all (other) things being equal
Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.
tener acuerdos con
have + deals with
Another vendor, OCLC's FirsSearch has its version of MEDLINE, but it has deals with a different group of publishers.
todos + estar de acuerdo
agree on + all hands
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost.
vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + ideales
live up to + Posesivo + ideals
She berated him for having 'gone to seed' and lambasted him for not living up to his ideals.
vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + posibilidades
live within + Posesivo + means
Even if she starts living within her means today, that doesn't mean that the debt will immediately go away.
agreement ; arrangement ; compromise ; convention ; partnership ; understanding ; covenant ; accord ; partnering ; pact ; accommodation ; bargaining ; settlement ; deal.
Complete agreement had not been possible, but the numbers of rules where divergent practices were evident is limited.
This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
The partnership between the CLT and industry is considered in some detail.
A basic understanding in the concept of these libraries was the desire to confront the user with shelved books on entering and while moving through the building.
The article 'Public library: the Trojan Horse covenant' argues that too much emphasis is now placed on the privatisation of libraries, their transformation into information centres and collections which mirror current demands.
Only then, within the framework of inter-institutional accord, will academic library cooperative activities move forward more rapidly and purposefully.
These include partnering with: principals, teachers, community members, public librarians and businesses.
Issues discussed at some length included problems arising from a recent copyright pact with the USA and how each country can obtain access to the best literature of the other.
Whatever structure emerges will be one of accommodation and acceptance by the various stakeholders both in and outside the library.
The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.
These settlements require the tobacco companies to make annual payments to the states in perpetuity, with total payments estimated at $246.
They need someone to break the ice, someone who can speak plainly and calmly to both sides and move them toward a possible deal.
aceptar los términos de un acuerdo
enter into + agreement
Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.
acuerdo bilateral
bilateral agreement
Bilateral agreements should be substituted by standards to allow open systems interconnection.
acuerdo con el fiscal [En un juicio, admisión de culpabilidad por parte del acusado a cambio de concesiones en la sentencia del juez]
plea bargaining
All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.
acuerdo con el juez [En un juicio, admisión de culpabilidad por parte del acusado a cambio de concesiones en la sentencia del juez]
plea bargaining
All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.
acuerdo contractual
contractual agreement
The use of electronic information everywhere in the world is usually defined and described by contractual agreements, otherwise known as licenses = El uso de la información electrónica en todo el mundo normalmente se define y describe mediante acuerdos contractuales que se conocen como licencias.
acuerdo de colaboración
collaborative partnership
partnership agreement
They advocate dialogue between publishers, subscription agents, and librarians to encourage collaborative partnerships.
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
acuerdo de cooperación
collaborative partnership
They advocate dialogue between publishers, subscription agents, and librarians to encourage collaborative partnerships.
acuerdo de licencia
licensing agreement
licensing arrangement
The article 'Licence at your own risk' describes the complexities of negotiating licensing agreements.
Some publishers are entering into longterm, multiproperty licensing arrangements, while others participate in television coproductions and seek synergies with sister companies.
acuerdo de paz
peace agreement
peace deal
In the Balkans the transition to democracy has proven to be difficult in spite of democratic ideals expressed in peace agreements.
South Sudan has formed an autonomous government as part of a January peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war.
acuerdo de recompra [Abreviatura de repurchase agreement]
repurchase agreement
The price at which an asset is initially sold in a repo is usually the same price at which it is being sold outright in the cash market.
A repurchase agreement is an agreement between two parties whereby one party sells the other a security at a specified price with a commitment to buy the security back at a later date for another specified price.
acuerdo económico
financial arrangement
Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
acuerdo escrito
written agreement
A written agreement can help both parties avoid unanticipated and unwanted results.
acuerdo financiero
financial arrangement
Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.
Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
The USA has pursued these objectives through 2 principal avenues - bilateral negotiations with specific countries and multilateral negotiations through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
acuerdo internacional
modus vivendi
Enter a concordat, 'modus vivendi', convention, or other formal agreement between the Holy See and a national government or other political jurisdiction under the party whose catalogue entry heading is first in English alphabetic order.
acuerdo legal
legal agreement
legal settlement
A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.
This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.
acuerdo multilateral
multilateral agreement
There are today about 150 multilateral agreement of primary importance in the environmental field.
acuerdo muto
meeting of (the) minds
Our South American Colleagues will have the opportunity of a lifetime, to experience the vibrance of the meeting of minds, as well as the forging of communities of practice across time zones, distance and linguistic barriers = Nuestros colegas sudamericanos tendrán la oportunidad de su vida de experimentar la vitalidad de este encuentro de expertos así como la creación de lazos profesionales por encima de barreras lingüísticas, de espacio y de tiempo.
acuerdo salarial
salary agreement
The library staff is not unionized; contracts, which take the form of salary agreements, are issued annually.
acuerdo secreto
secret deal
They had made a secret deal with Otto Reich to wreck Cuba's economy.
acuerdo sindical
union contract
A union contract usually spells out policies and procedures and workers' rights with respect to discharge.
acuerdo sobre el precio mínimo de los libros [Acuerdo entre los libreros ingleses de no vender los libros por debajo del precio fijado por las editoriales]
net book agreement
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
acuerdo verbal
verbal agreement
The major reason cited for not using forms was a preference for verbal agreements.
alcanzar un acuerdo
reach + agreement
reach + compromise
hammer out + agreement
Agreements have been reached with the National Library of Canada and the Biblothèque Nationale not only to use their records this way but also to redistribute them in an unaltered form.
The article 'Aloft at last!: 'Operating Agreement' gets off the ground as ALA and its divisions reach compromise' reports on the 108th Annual Conference of the American Library Association (ALA).
Trustees will have to consider the conditions of membership in online networks and, in some instances, may need to hammer out ground breaking agreements to govern operations.
celebrar un acuerdo
enter into + agreement
Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.
cerrar un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
conclude + deal
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
compras fuera de acuerdos con proveedores [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones] [Usado generalmente en el contexto de las empresas o instituciones]
maverick spending
rogue spending
To successfully maintain control over your financial condition, saddling maverick spending must become a mission of every employee.
This is not to say that only companies with unmanaged infrastructures suffer the scourge of rogue spending.
concertar un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
conclude + deal
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
contraer un acuerdo
contract + an agreement
Enter an agreement contracted by the member governments of an international intergovernmental body acting as individual entities rather than collectively as instructed in 21.35A.
creación de acuerdo de colaboración
partnership building
Several authors argue that many of these obstacles could be overcome through partnership building = Varios autores sostienen que muchos de estos obstáculos se podrían superar mediante la creación de acuerdos de colaboración.
crear acuerdos de colaboración
build + partnerships
build + alliances
When we say 'building partnerships,' we mean going beyond mere cooperation and into the realm of collaboration.
The key to building alliances is to think outside the box - ask yourself how a relationship can be mutually beneficial and satisfying.
crear un acuerdo
work out + an agreement
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
críticos + no estar de acuerdo
critics + be divided
The critics are divided but Rolf Harris says he's thrilled to bits with the finished product.
cumplir (con) un acuerdo
honour + a commitment
honour + an agreement
fill + Posesivo + agreement
Some unnecessary duplication of materials has been reduced because it is now agreed that certain libraries will honour commitments to collect books, serials and other materials in a particular subject intensively and to make the materials available to users from other member libraries.
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
The grave digger became so conscience-smitten for not filling his agreement that he buried the money he had received for the work.
de acuerdo
all right
in concert
in agreement
in consort
fair enough
Okay, Wops are not Wops, they're Italians.
Granted, performance evaluation may be an imperfect tool in personnel administration.
Compassion shadowed the trustee's face - she could see he was desperate - and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'all right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
Such a scheme, though, can only work if libraries act in concert politically to impart new ground rules to users.
As they stand, these two theories of pictorial representation are neither in agreement nor at odds, but incommensurable.
Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
Today, Jarvis says something to the effect of, 'Fair enough - I was just trying to stimulate discussion, but as digital media evolve it can happen anyway'.
�de acuerdo! �
okeydokey! [okidoki]
Try a search for 'okeydokey' in these online resources.
de acuerdo con
according to
in harmony with
in accordance with
in concert with
in keeping with
in line with
in step with
pursuant to
in concurrence with
based on
in agreement with
as far as + Sujeto + Verbo
in consonance with
in accord with
judging by
to judge by
in conformity with
judging from
The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).
It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.
The scheme remains discipline oriented, but each class is developed in accordance with strict application of analytico-synthetic principles.
AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
The name to be chosen for the author must be, by rule 40, 'the name by which he is commonly identified, whether it is his real name, or an assumed name, nickname, title of nobility, or other appellation'.
This approach involves the establishment and communication of organizational goals, the setting of individual objectives pursuant to the organizational goals, and the periodic and then final review of performance as it relates to the objectives.
In concurrence with the advent of what Anthony Oettinger called 'compunications', the fusion of computing and communication, we need to develop a new vision of a future for national libraries.
Libraries will make judgements based on criteria such as better information resources, quicker answers, and more cost-effective services = Las bibliotecas tomarán decisiones de acuerdo con criterios tales como mejores recursos informativos, rapidez de respuesta y servicios más rentables.
The findings of this study were in agreement with most similar studies of the journal literature of the humanities with one important exception.
As far as he knew (and he had been with the library 37 years) subsequent boards had not changed the rule.
New modes may emerge in the future in consonance with new research trends and changing social needs.
In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.
The number of titles is expected to double within a relatively short period, judging by the enthusiasm expressed by the publishers.
To judge by some of the comments presented here, weeding may function as a homogenizing agent in many public libraries, creating a situation where the product lines (books) offered show little variation from library to library.
The public library is not exempt from this rule, and in conformity with it this report has been prepared to offer a detailed answer to the challenge of the public.
Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
de acuerdo con este documento
The plan does not stipulate the content of research and it sees research activities, hereunder libraries, as a whole.
de acuerdo con esto
If the edition of the work is emphasised, then the work is entered accordingly as an edition of the original work.
de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres
on a string search basis
In systems where documents can be retrieved according to search keys on a string search basis few problems arise.
de acuerdo con la estación del año
Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
de acuerdo con la ley
according to (the) law
Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
de acuerdo con la sabiduría popular
according to folklore
According to folklore, natural aphrodisiacs may help to raise libido and increase desire = De acuerdo con la sabiduría popular, los afrodisíacos naturales pueden ayudar a aumentar la libido y el deseo.
de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia
in the trend towards
The library is located in a city with a very large state mental hospital that has been sharply downsized in the trend towards de-institutionalisation.
de acuerdo con la teoría
according to theory
According to theory, companies will act trustfully if their scope for opportunistic behavior is limited = Según la teoría, las empresas actuarán con integridad si se les limita la posibilidad de aprovecharse del mercado.
de acuerdo con + Nombre
as far as + Nombre + be + concerned
going on + Nombre
insofar as + Nombre + be + concerned
As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.
Going on previous seasons he has a very good chance of being the top scorer.
According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo
according to + Posesivo + pocket
The captain's living quarters in a warship were furnished according to his pocket, the bare necessities in the case of an officer without private means, and luxury for a noble or wealthy man.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + habilidades
to the best of + Posesivo + ability
according to + Posesivo + lights
It is the responsibility of the requesting library to verify, and where necessary complete the bibliographic details of the item requested to the best of its ability.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
de acuerdo con + Posesivo + plan(es)
according to + Posesivo + plan(s)
And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.
de acuerdo con + Pronombre
in + Posesivo + view
in + Posesivo + opinion
by + Posesivo + lights
according to + Posesivo + lights
In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
In my opinion this approach is incorrect, and the use of computers to perpetuate outdated systems is a perversion of technology.
A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.
He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.
dependiendo del acuerdo
subject to + agreement
The data bases produced by the projects will become available to the public, subject to agreements which are being negotiated between the offices involved.
elaborar un acuerdo
draw up + agreement
The USA and the European Union (EU), as major agricultural producing and trading nations, played important roles in drawing up the agreement.
establecer un acuerdo
work out + an agreement
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
estando de acuerdo
Preston Huish smiled approvingly, expressed his thanks, and walked away with suave confidence.
estar completamente de acuerdo con
agree + wholeheartedly with
I would like to wholeheartedly agree with what the previous speaker said and to express my thanks to the Library of Congress and its staff members.
estar de acuerdo
be in agreement
concur (with)
be agreed
be of one mind
The draft was approved by the sponsoring Sections in December 1983 and proofreading and preparation of the camera-ready copy were completed by September 1984.
While Groome and the progressives have over the years had their differences with the mayor - to put it mildly - one thing they are in firm agreement about is that taxes have been pushed as far as they can be.
These four national libraries have also concurred on the matter of fullness of personal name.
Everyone who has examined the topic, librarians and non-librarians alike, are agreed that the reference interview is essential to the success of the computer search.
She would get out of bed in the morning and look fabulous, though she wouldn't agree.
Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.
estar de acuerdo con
accord with
be consistent with
conform to
go along with
be in tune with
fit with
be in conformity with
mesh with
jive with
fall into + line
So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.
If these two questions are considered the choice of titles will be consistent with the choice of author headings.
These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
The same thing happended in the case of the British refusal to go along with the American compromises in the last revision.
There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.
The data has to be tested to fit with other models.
These results are in conformity with the findings of most past studies.
How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.
For the most part my experiences jived with the authors commentary.
One by one they fell into line, leaving the Czech Republic and Britain as the only non-signatories.
estar de acuerdo (con
see + eye to eye (with/on)
Although there is consensus on the priority of some strategies, execs from different departments don't see eye to eye on many others.
estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo [Expresión usada para indicar que aunque no se está de acuerdo es mejor llegar a un compromiso y seguir adelante]
agree to + disagree
Just agree to disagree, move on and learn to live with people that do not share your views.
estar de acuerdo sobre
agree (on/upon)
Finally it had been possible to agree upon one code (there are no longer two texts).
estar de acuerdo unánimemente
agree on + all hands
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost.
estar totalmente de acuerdo con
be all for
I think she was subliminally, perhaps, touching on a point that has not been brought up, namely, quality control in cooperative cataloging, which we're all for.
firmar acuerdo
write + agreement
So, one vendor, now called Ovid Technologies, wrote agreements with publishers to get them to open up acess to their journals.
firmar un acuerdo [Generalmente entre empresas]
tie + the knot
sign + an agreement
sign + a deal
The article is entitled 'Oracle and Sun tie the knot'.
Ireland has signed an agreement with Brazil that will bring 4,000 undergraduate students to Irish universities over the next four years.
India has already signed a deal with Russia for the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft.
hacer honor a un acuerdo
honour + an agreement
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
llegar a acuerdo
make + arrangements
An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.
llegar a un acuerdo
conclude + agreement
reach + agreement
make + an undertaking
make + bargain
come to + consensus
reach + understanding
have + meeting of the minds
reach + consensus
hammer out + agreement
develop + compromise
work out + an agreement
strike + deal
conclude + deal
strike + agreement
At the same time publishers and booksellers combined once more to fix retail prices, concluding in 1900 a 'net book agreement' by which booksellers were forbidden to retail new books at less than list prices.
Agreements have been reached with the National Library of Canada and the Biblothèque Nationale not only to use their records this way but also to redistribute them in an unaltered form.
An undertaking has been made that a piece of notation will not be revised and given another meaning.
The bargain which I made with Mr Johnson was seventy-five pounds (or guineas) a volume.
We found it difficult to come to a consensus of the professional staff on several key points.
Once the silent reading session is accepted then an understanding should also be reached that at these times classmates should not be interrupted, either for idle chatter or for sharing responses.
If we begin to think about the new technology as different from the three-by-five card perhaps then we can have some meeting of the minds.
Perhaps it is an understatement to say that it is easy to reach consensus on the basic elements to be included in the evaluation form.
Trustees will have to consider the conditions of membership in online networks and, in some instances, may need to hammer out ground breaking agreements to govern operations.
Ultimately, a compromise was developed that provided for the fully spelled-out form as a parenthetical addition in the heading if it is needed to differentiate names = En última instancia se llegó a un acuerdo que permitía que la forma totalmente deletreada se le añadiese entre paréntesis al encabezamiento si se necesitaba diferenciar los nombres.
We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.
The article is entitled 'The Times newspaper strikes deal with Gale to digitise back issues from 1785'.
Both the newspapers and the unions want to cut their losses by concluding a deal in advance of a court hearing that is scheduled to decide on the original causes of the strike.
Ministers have failed to strike an agreement yesterday on how to deal with the billions of plastic bags Australians throw away each year.
negociar un acuerdo
negotiate + agreement
In practice the Publications Office is increasingly asked by the institutions to negotiate on their behalf agreements associating commercial publishers with the publication of the institutions' original manuscripts.
no estar de acuerdo
be at variance
beg to differ
I know that there ought to be someone to speak on behalf of Mr. Kilgour's point of view if it's at variance.
Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.
Many librarians were literally incredulous that weeding could be considered, in any shape or form, as a timesaver; others begged to differ.
no estar de acuerdo (con)
disapprove (of)
Of course, as one who disapproves of the use of the title as a unit heading, I don't see any justification for it.
no estar de acuerdo con la idea de
disapprove of + the idea of
The committee disapproves of the idea of a separate rock music centre in Berlin.
ponerse de acuerdo sobre
agree (on/upon)
Finally it had been possible to agree upon one code (there are no longer two texts).
ratificar un acuerdo
ratify + convention
This article describes the problems which built up when it was thought that the government would ratify the European Patent Convention.
renegociar un acuerdo
renegotiate + agreement
The agreement of 1978 is being renegotiated so that the centre can expand its services in the field of micro-computers and decentralised computer systems.
respetar un acuerdo
honour + a commitment
honour + an agreement
Some unnecessary duplication of materials has been reduced because it is now agreed that certain libraries will honour commitments to collect books, serials and other materials in a particular subject intensively and to make the materials available to users from other member libraries.
Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.
romper un acuerdo
sever + arrangement
Beilstein have severed their long standing marketing arrangement with Springer-Verlag.
si se llega a un acuerdo
subject to + agreement
The data bases produced by the projects will become available to the public, subject to agreements which are being negotiated between the offices involved.
si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado
all (other) things being equal
Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.
tener acuerdos con
have + deals with
Another vendor, OCLC's FirsSearch has its version of MEDLINE, but it has deals with a different group of publishers.
todos + estar de acuerdo
agree on + all hands
It is agreed on all hands that peace should be restored without delay and that law and order must be established and maintained at any cost.
vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + ideales
live up to + Posesivo + ideals
She berated him for having 'gone to seed' and lambasted him for not living up to his ideals.
vivir de acuerdo con + Posesivo + posibilidades
live within + Posesivo + means
Even if she starts living within her means today, that doesn't mean that the debt will immediately go away.

Trends of use of acuerdo



The term «acuerdo» is very widely used and occupies the 258 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «acuerdo» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of acuerdo
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «acuerdo».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «acuerdo» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «acuerdo» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about acuerdo



Famous quotes and sentences with the word acuerdo.
Alexander Pope
Nuestros prejuicios son igualitos a nuestros relojes: nunca están de acuerdo, pero cada uno cree en el suyo.
Alfred Adler
Es más fácil luchar por unos principios que vivir de acuerdo con ellos.
George Santayana
Cuando hombres y mujeres se ponen de acuerdo, las conclusiones deben ser las mismas, pero los motivos diferentes.
Georges Clemenceau
Siempre dicen la verdad los que están de acuerdo con lo que nosotros creemos.
Henrik Ibsen
La belleza es el acuerdo entre el contenido y la forma.
Jacobo I De Inglaterra
He de gobernar de acuerdo con el bien general, no de acuerdo con la voluntad general.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Nadie es como otro. Ni mejor ni peor. Es otro. Y si dos están de acuerdo, es por un malentendido.
Johann W. Goethe
Feliz el que reconoce a tiempo que sus deseos no van de acuerdo con sus facultades.
John Gay
En todo tiempo y lugar vemos que dos hombres de la misma profesión nunca están de acuerdo.
Pietro Metastasio
No siempre están de acuerdo el labio y el corazón.


Cuando de vista te pierdo si te vi ya no me acuerdo.
Cuando el lobo come con el can, de acuerdo están.
Cuatro 'ces' ha de tener el marido, si me acuerdo: casero, callado, continente y cuerdo.
El salario es de acuerdo con el trabajo.
Judío que come puerco muda de acuerdo.
Si te vi, no me acuerdo.
Tan mala memoria tengo, que si te vi no me acuerdo.


Discover the use of acuerdo in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to acuerdo and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Si ... de acuerdo!: cómo negociar sin ceder
Estrategias de negociacion para que ambas partes queden satisfechas.
Roger Fisher, Bruce Patton, William Ury, 1993
Un acuerdo especial
Había llegado el momento de rehacer su vida.
Michelle Celmer, 2011
El Quinto Acuerdo: Una guía práctica para la maestría personal
In this Spanish-language sequel to the book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the freedom to be who we really are.
Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz, Janet Mills, 2010
La expropiación forzosa
tiempo, la procedencia de valorar los terrenos afectados de acuerdo con el texto refundido de la Ley del suelo de 1976. 3. mutuo acuerdo La LEF compele a las partes a que intenten llegar a un acuerdo sobre el precio de adquisición de los ...
Juan Antonio Carrillo Donaire, Francisco López Menudo, 2006
Acuerdo marco de industria de la panadería.
ACUERDO MARCO DE INDUSTRIA DE LA PANADERÍA BOE núm. 241, Jueves 8 octubre 1998. RESOLUCIÓN de 23 de septiembre de 1998, de la Dirección General de Trabajo, por la que se dispone la inscripción en el registro y posterior  ...
Acuerdo marco de actividades artesanales de pastelería, ...
Un acuerdo de negocios
La había contratado durante dos semanas, pero... ¿se trataba de un acuerdo estrictamente profesional?
Natasha Oakley, 2012
International Business (Spanish Translation):
El Acuerdo Smithsoniano resultante en diciembre de 1971 tenía varios aspectos importantes: Un 8 por ciento de devaluación del dólar (una caída oficial del valor del dólar frente al oro). Una reevaluación de algunas otras monedas (un ...
John D. Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh, Daniel P. Sullivan, 2004
Suspensiones del contrato de trabajo: problemática legal y ...
El empresario A y el trabajador B deciden, de mutuo acuerdo, suspender la relación laboral por un período de seis meses, con las siguientes condiciones: — El trabajador, finalizado ese período de tiempo, podrá reincorporarse al trabajo,  ...
Fernando Somoza Albardonedo, María Victoria Somoza Ramis, 2000
Panorama de las reformas del estado y de la administración ...
Dadas las circunstancias anteriores, se llegó a una transacción entre los partidos , en el Acuerdo Político de la Casa de Nariño. Este pacto, celebrado el 20 de febrero de 1988, preveía la constitución de una Comisión de Ajuste Institucional  ...
Diego Younes Moreno, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term acuerdo is used in the context of the following news items.
PP y Podemos se desmarcan del acuerdo electoralista sobre el …
El acuerdo trata de reivindicar el papel del carbón nacional como único combustible autóctono capaz de reducir la dependencia energética exterior y de ... «, Jun 16»
Unión Europea anuncia renovación del Acuerdo Global
La Presidencia subrayó que esta actualización permitirá que México y la Unión Europea cuenten con un acuerdo de nueva generación en materia de ... «El Universal, May 16»
Las críticas al Acuerdo Especial de La Habana
La posición del Gobierno sobre el blindaje jurídico de los acuerdos y las dudas respecto al mecanismo de refrendación fueron debatidos en la Universidad ... «, May 16»
Colombia: gobierno y FARC llegan a acuerdo para blindar proceso …
"Hemos llegado a un acuerdo para brindar seguridad y estabilidad jurídica al acuerdo final, para asegurar su introducción al ordenamiento jurídico colombiano ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Los caminos para blindar el acuerdo de paz
Si el acuerdo de paz se firmara mañana no pasaría de ser un papel con buenas intenciones suscrito por unos guerrilleros y un gobierno. Ambas partes saben ... «, May 16»
Alianza del Pacífico lanza acuerdo que desgrava el 92% de aranceles
Los presidentes del Perú, Chile, México y Colombia, participaron en el lanzamiento del protocolo adicional del Acuerdo Marco de la Alianza del Pacífico, que ... «LaRepú, Apr 16»
Las 30 medidas que propone Compromís en el 'Acuerdo del Prado'
Compromís ha planteado hoy un acuerdo de mínimos "revisable cada seis meses" para configurar un gobierno de izquierdas (en el que no incluye a ... «El Mundo, Apr 16»
Ollanta Humala firmó Acuerdo de París contra el cambio climático
Al inicio de la ceremonia, el Jefe del Estado peruano destacó que, con el Acuerdo de París, se crea la alianza más grande de la humanidad por el planeta . «RPP Noticias, Apr 16»
Más de 150 países firmarán en Nueva York el Acuerdo de París …
Un número récord de países ya ha confirmado que este viernes, 22 de abril de 2016, Día de la Madre Tierra, firmarán el Acuerdo de París sobre cambio ... «, Apr 16»
Cuba y la UE esperan cerrar un acuerdo la próxima semana
Cuba y la Unión Europea (UE) anunciaron hoy avances importantes que llevarían a cerrar el documento del acuerdo bilateral de diálogo y cooperación la ... «El Mundo, Mar 16»



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