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El mundo se ha reído de sus propias tragedias, como único medio de soportarlas.
Oscar Wilde

Significado de "medio" en el diccionario de español



La palabra medio procede del latín medĭus.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


me · dio play
Medio es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Medio puede actuar como un sustantivo, un adjetivo y un adverbio.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.

El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.



Medio puede referirse a: ▪ Un medio, en matemáticas, la fracción irreducible ½, equivalente a 0,5 en notación decimal. ▪ El medio ambiente, en biología y ciencias de la tierra, el conjunto de valores naturales existentes en un lugar y en un momento determinados, que influyen en la vida de los seres vivos. ▪ El medio o entorno social, determinadas condiciones de vida, condiciones de trabajo, nivel de ingresos, nivel educativo, etc., en los cuales existe un individuo humano. ▪ Un medio de comunicación, el instrumento o forma de contenido por el cual se lleva a cabo el proceso de la comunicación. ▪ Un medio de comunicación de masas, el «medio de comunicación» recibido simultáneamente por una gran audiencia. ▪ Los medios sociales, plataformas de comunicación online donde el contenido es creado por los propios usuarios mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la Web 2.0, que facilitan la edición, la publicación y el intercambio de información. ▪ Un intermedio o intervalo, interrupción entre dos funciones o sesiones, en eventos como una obra de teatro, una ópera o un concierto de música.

definición de medio en el diccionario español

La primera definición de medio en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es igual a la mitad de algo. Medio metro. Otro significado de medio en el diccionario es que está entre dos extremos, en el centro de algo o entre dos cosas. Medio es también que está intermedio en lugar o tiempo.







Sinónimos y antónimos de medio en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «medio» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de medio


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «medio» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
antónimos de medio


medio ambiente ámbito caudal centro corazón entorno espacio forma fórmula fortuna hábitat hacienda manera mecanismo mediano mediocre método mitad modo núcleo primera lengua española igual algo metro otro está entre extremos cosas también intermedio tiempo exposición comunicación libro concibe como propio museos través cual pueden divulgar conocimientos científicos valoración histórica estética cultural haya realizado previamente entrenamiento para corredores fondo este primer combina sobre cuerpo adapta entreno principios prácticos trazar programas acondicionamiento físico acuático color juan carlos colado sánchez doctor educación física deportes construcción política aborda producto percepci reflexi formación práctica docente rural estudio partó proyecto investigación propósito caracterizarla desde perspectiva cualitativa dimensiones proceso pedagógico cotidianidad aula contexto escolar histórico identidad enfoques sustentabilidad distingue tiene problemática solamente naciones

Traductor en línea con la traducción de medio a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de medio a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de medio presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de medio en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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570 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

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280 millones de hablantes

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278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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220 millones de hablantes

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190 millones de hablantes

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180 millones de hablantes

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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phương tiện
80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de medio en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

medio día
medio día 
  one-half day ; half day.
 Sessions are one-half day each.
 Parents may no longer have to pick their children up early if plans to eliminate half days in Irish schools come to an end.
medio + Expresión Temporal
medio + Expresión Temporal 
  half + a + Expresión Temporal.
 This code had an important impact upon cataloguing practices in the United States and the United Kingdom, and endured for over half a century.
  middle ; one-half (1/2).
 The purpose of the insert key is to allow the insertion of one or more characters in the middle of a field without disturbing the information already displayed.
 The output of paperbacks accounted for one-third of the total US book production by 1962; nearly one-half of the fiction produced and a quarter of the available titles.
Alta Edad Media, la   
Early Middle Ages, the
High Middle Ages, the
Dark Ages, the
 The Vatican Archives represent one of the principal sources for the history of the papacy from the Early Middle Ages to the present.
 The author endeavors to explore the religious aspirations or religious consciousness of the laity in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages.
 Observations of how this process has changed are divided into three historical periods: the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern Era.
a media asta  
at half-mast
at half staff
 The flags flew at half-mast on Sunday in honour of Poland's president and over 90 other top officials who died in an air crash on Saturday.
 Obama orders US flags to be flown at half staff in honor of 29 miners killed in blast.
a media mañana 
 Course fees include study materials, mid-morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks but not accommodation.
a medias 
 Sony made a 'half-hearted, half-baked' response to cyberattacks that compromised personal information for as many as 100 million people.
a medias entre y 
betwixt and between
 The villages live betwixt and between the nomadic pastoral culture of the interior and seafaring culture of the coast.
a medio abrir 
 The research and conclusions are published in full in the author's book 'The half-opened Door' = La investigación y las conclusiones se publicaron en su totalidad en el libro del autor "La puerta entreabierta".
a medio acabar 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
a medio camino 
halfway [half-way/half way]
 This is an acceptable half-way stage to automation for older material.
a medio comprender 
 What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
a medio concebir 
 Sony made a 'half-hearted, half-baked' response to cyberattacks that compromised personal information for as many as 100 million people.
a medio formar 
 She attempted to define to herself the thoughts that lay half-formed in the depth of her mind.
a medio fuego 
medium heat
 Whisk ingredients together, pour into oiled waffle iron, and cook on medium heat until steam starts coming out of the sides.
a medio galope 
at a canter
 Some horses buck when they're young and unbalanced, especially at a canter.
a medio hacer   
halfway done
half done
 When the pasta is halfway done, return the skillet with the sauce to a medium heat, adding the oregano, capers and olives.
 Five years after they took control of war-ravaged Afghanistan, reconstruction remains a job half done.
 Sony made a 'half-hearted, half-baked' response to cyberattacks that compromised personal information for as many as 100 million people.
a medio leer 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
a medio plazo     
in the medium term
in the mid-term
mid-term [midterm]
 The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is another volunteer organization; it meets regularly to discuss operational and near-term technical problems of the Internet.
 CD-ROM may be a transient technology being overtaken by multimedia and improved online services but in the medium term its applications will increase.
 One of the recommendations made by the group was to identify medium-term (five years) and longer-term needs for expanding the existing system.
 A reduction of approximately 40% is to be expected in the mid-term.
 The mid-term weight loss is similar with both techniques.
a medio rimar 
 That passage contains an alliterative procession of half-rhymed words and too many commas.
a medio terminar 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
a medio vestir  
partly dressed
half dressed
 He certainly invaded her privacy by using a telephoto lens to photograph her inside her home when she was topless or partly dressed.
 She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.
arco de medio punto 
round arch
 Other shapes work work as well as the semicircle for an arch: pointed arches, segmental arches, round arches, corbelled arches and elliptical arches are just a few of the shapes that have been employed.
baja Edad Media, la 
late Middle Ages, the
 Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
barba de media tarde 
five o'clock shadow
 No matter whether your five o'clock shadow shows by lunchtime or you need a razor only once every 48 hours, shaving can be hell.
cabalgar a medio galope 
 Generally, you can tell if the horse is balanced by recognizing whether it moves with ease while cantering.
cerebro medio 
 The brainstem consists of the medulla (myelencephalon), the pons (metencephalon), and the midbrain (mesencephalon).
clase media alta 
upper-middle class
 Although neurasthenia was not originally defined as a feminine ailment, it was common in women, especially those of the middle and upper-middle classes between the ages of 20 and 40.
clase media, la 
middle class, the
 Do not list terms which have a common last word as a series (such as 'upper, middle, and working class').
cocer a medias 
 Sometimes the vegetables are left raw, sometimes stir-fried, parboiled, boiled, or steamed.
comprendido a medias 
 What they will not do is clear up the foggy area in most cataloguers' minds, the area that leads to an inconsistent application of half-understood principles'.
dar media vuelta 
do + an about-face
 If teachers lead the way, perhaps society will do an about-face and begin to recognize the tremendous contributions which they make.
darse media vuelta  [Normalmente en señal de enojo]
turn on + Posesivo + heel
 Having said he disagreed with the idea, he turned on his heel and hastened away.
dejar Algo a medias 
leave + Nombre + halfway through
 And in keeping with the flightiness of youth, Thieriot leaves the commentary halfway through, because there's somewhere else he has to be.
dejar a medio acabar 
leave + Nombre + half-finished
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
dejar a medio hacer  
leave + Nombre + half-finished
leave + Nombre + half-done
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
 Fixing a tubeless wheelbarrow tire is fairly easy, if you know how, and can mean the difference between completed a job or leaving it half done.
dejar a medio terminar 
leave + Nombre + half-finished
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
dejar medio acabado 
leave + Nombre + half-finished
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
dejar medio hecho  
leave + Nombre + half-finished
leave + Nombre + half-done
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
 Fixing a tubeless wheelbarrow tire is fairly easy, if you know how, and can mean the difference between completed a job or leaving it half done.
dejar medio terminado 
leave + Nombre + half-finished
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
de la edad media 
 He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.
del medio  [Adjetivo]  [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc]
 Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.
 Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .
del Medio Oriente 
Middle Eastern
 The author analyses the union catalogues of periodicals in Middle Eastern languages in UK libraries = El autor analiza los catálogos colectivos de publicaciones períodicas en las lenguas del Oriente Medio en las bibliotecas británicas.
de media jornada 
half-day [half day]
 This paper was presented at a half-day seminar of the Library Association of Australia.
de media mañana 
 Course fees include study materials, mid-morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks but not accommodation.
de medio día de duración 
half-day [half day]
 This paper was presented at a half-day seminar of the Library Association of Australia.
de medio pelo 
 From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.
de talla media 
 For people living in what might be called industrial-rural areas the best that could be expected locally would be a moderate provision in the local middle-sized town.
dividir por medio 
rend in + two
 Anthropology as a discipline is in danger of being rent in two by the tensions between those who practice it.
djar Algo a medio hacer 
leave + Nombre + halfway through
 And in keeping with the flightiness of youth, Thieriot leaves the commentary halfway through, because there's somewhere else he has to be.
Edad Media   
mediaeval ages [medieval ages, -USA]
Middle Ages
average age
 The line of command concept also had its origins in the armies of antiquity and medieval ages.
 In the latter Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, many catalogs contained entries arranged chronologically, often by imprint date for printed books.
 Market research conducted by DC comics in 1991 showed the average age of comic collectors at that time to be twenty-five = Investigaciones de mercado realizadas por la editorial de comics DC en 1991 mostraron que el promedio de edad de los colectores de comics en ese momento era de veinticinco años.
edición media 
medium edition
 In addition to the full edition, there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme.
en el medio de la nada   
in the middle of nowhere
in the back of beyond
out in the sticks
 The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.
 They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.
 Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations - don't rely on instinct or rumour.
en el nivel medio de 
in the middle range of
 In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
en medio de        
in the midst of
in the throes of
right in
in the grip of
in the middle of
in the clutches of
 The second edition of AACR was published in 1978, amidst some dispute as to whether it was either necessary or desirable.
 In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
 The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.
 However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.
 The director continued speaking amid the embers of their mirth.
 Delhi continues to be in the grip of a cold wave.
 Anyone who knows Jakarta at all will know that the Hotel Indonesia is smack in the middle of the city.
 French health officials warned Wednesday that the country is officially in the clutches of a flu epidemic.
en medio de ninguna parte   
in the middle of nowhere
in the back of beyond
out in the sticks
 The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.
 They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.
 Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations - don't rely on instinct or rumour.
en medio de ningún sitio   
in the middle of nowhere
in the back of beyond
out in the sticks
 The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.
 They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.
 Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations - don't rely on instinct or rumour.
en medio de una conversación 
in the middle of a conversation
 Is it wrong that I feel annoyed when guests at my house start texting in the middle of a conversation?.
enseñanza media 
middle grade
 This paper describes how a middle grade school teacher uses a core list of books to capture the imagination of his students and to encourage them to write honestly about their lives.
entender a medias 
pick up + the fag-ends
 She has managed to pick up the fag ends of a good many languages during her life and can jabber French a little.
enterarse a medias 
pick up + the fag-ends
 She has managed to pick up the fag ends of a good many languages during her life and can jabber French a little.
entre medias 
in between
 The reason for this is that the qualifier, Public Libraries, is randomly distributed depending on whether other facets are cited in between.
entre medio de        
in the midst of
in the throes of
right in
in the grip of
in the middle of
in the clutches of
 The second edition of AACR was published in 1978, amidst some dispute as to whether it was either necessary or desirable.
 In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
 The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.
 However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.
 The director continued speaking amid the embers of their mirth.
 Delhi continues to be in the grip of a cold wave.
 Anyone who knows Jakarta at all will know that the Hotel Indonesia is smack in the middle of the city.
 French health officials warned Wednesday that the country is officially in the clutches of a flu epidemic.
estar a medio camino entre y  
lie + midway between ... and ...
 Typography at present is treated as an aspect of communication; it should instead be considered as lying midway between the plastic and the graphic arts.
estar en medio de  [Generalmente usado en el pasado]
caught in the middle
 As the group of professionals most often caught in the middle of copyright infringement disputes, librarians have a duty to teach their users about these issues and hopefully avoid these disputes.
estar justo en medio de 
stand + squarely in
 We stand squarely in a no-man's land between a rough technology and a vague science.
foto de medio cuerpo  [Generalmente usado para las fotos que la policía toma de una persona tras ser arrestada]
mugshot [mug shot]
 The article carries the title 'Mugshots from the morgue: profiles of deceased library periodicals'.
haber dinero de por medio 
money + change hands
 The key issues are: whether the recipient is relying on the information provided; whether money changed hands; and whether the institution is under a statutory obligation to provide the information = Las cuestiones claven era: si el destinatario depende de la información que se le suministrar, si hay un transacción económica de por medio y de si la institución tiene la obligación legal de ofrecer la información.
haber una transacción económica de por medio 
money + change hands
 The key issues are: whether the recipient is relying on the information provided; whether money changed hands; and whether the institution is under a statutory obligation to provide the information = Las cuestiones claven era: si el destinatario depende de la información que se le suministrar, si hay un transacción económica de por medio y de si la institución tiene la obligación legal de ofrecer la información.
habitante del Medio Oriente 
Middle Easterner
 The mass media continually stereotype Muslims & Middle Easterners as terrorists.
histeria a medias 
 This is not a new phenomenon - just think of the semi-hysteria in North American libraries over audiovisual materials in the 1960s and 1970s.
Hora + y media 
half past + Hora
 Dexter Rundle had plenty of moments to spare, however, for his next appointment was not until half past eleven.
IME (Integración a Media Escala) 
MSI (Medium Scale Integration)
 There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).
ir a medio galope 
 Generally, you can tell if the horse is balanced by recognizing whether it moves with ease while cantering.
justo en el medio (de)     
plumb in the middle (of)
slap-bang in the centre (of)
smack in the middle (of)
slap-bang in the middle (of)
smack in the centre (of)
 The best known is probably Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, just about plumb in the middle of the continent.
 After all, how many other cities of over 100000 inhabitants can boast a big oil refinery slap-bang in the centre?.
 I love getting off the subway at 42nd Street, walking up those stairs and just being smack in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of New York.
 Corsica is a small mountainous island situated slap-bang in the middle of the Mediterranean sea close to Italy and Sardinia.
 Now at the beginning of fall a new construction site is appearing and it's smack in the centre of town.
letra rota o a medio imprimir 
broken letter
 And if you examine a certain page where you will find a broken letter in one, then you will also find it in the other one.
línea de medio campo 
halfway line
 This football game consists in hitting the crossbar from the halfway line.
media docena  
half a dozen
 To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish.
 It was a half-dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.
media hora 
 In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.
Media Luna Roja, la  [Organización no gubernamental equivalente a la Cruz Roja en los países árabes]
Red Crescent, the
 The Blue Shield is the equivalent of the Red Cross/Red Crescent in the field of cultural heritage.
media luz 
 He immerses us in 'language that is unique for its copiousness,' now speaking 'of exquisite intimations that can occur only in a half-light,' then babbling 'of chamber-pots, leg-irons, factories and policemen'.
media maratón 
half marathon
 BRR annually organizes sport events such as marathons, half marathons, biathlons, triathlons, pentathlons, and decathlons.
media pensión 
half board
 Price per person sharing a double room (half board): EUR 575 incl. VAT.
media tinta 
 The design was cut in a wax ground so that, when the plate was immersed in acid, the furrows allowed the acid to bite into the copper, making grooves that would hold ink Mezzotint = El diseño se tallaba sobre una superficie de cera de modo que, cuando la lámina se sumergía en ácido, los surcos permitían que el ácido corroyera el cobre, haciendo surcos que recibían la media tinta.
media verdad  
half truth
 Father-son relationships in the African American family are shrouded in social myths and half truths.
 Genocide theorists deploy a welter of sociological facts and half-facts to buttress their case.
media vuelta  
 Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.
 The Attorney General was left with egg on his chin when no-one, not even his Prime Minister, bothered to inform him of this about-turn.
medio abierto  
half-way open
 The research and conclusions are published in full in the author's book 'The half-opened Door' = La investigación y las conclusiones se publicaron en su totalidad en el libro del autor "La puerta entreabierta".
 The window was half-way open as he sat taking the air with an infinite sadness of mien, like some disconsolate prisoner.
medio acabado 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
medio administrativo 
 The current situation has highlighted the inefficiency of employing highly paid librarians in quasi-clerical tasks.
medio adormilado  [Generalmente debido al sueño o al cansancio] 
half asleep
 She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.
 After that, I woke up with my mind awake and my body still half asleep.
medio cocido 
 Sony made a 'half-hearted, half-baked' response to cyberattacks that compromised personal information for as many as 100 million people.
medio de broma 
half laughingly
 'The business is growing so fast that we've been having a hard time,' he said half laughingly, half seriously = "El negocio está creciendo tan rápido que hemos estado pasando por momentos difíciles", dijo medio en broma, medio en serio.
medio despierto    [Generalmente debido al sueño o al cansancio] 
half awake
 Drowsily he slithered out of bed, opened his closet door and got dressed like he had done every morning before.
 As he groggily pulled the sweat-soaked sheet from his body, he rolled his head sideways to see the clock radio displaying 7:00 a.m.
 She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.
 'Okay, what's up?, you are never this awake in the morning,' I said yawning, still half awake = "Bueno, ¿qué pasa?, nunca estás tan despierto por la mañana," dije bostezando, aún medio despierto.
medio día  
one-half day
half day
 Sessions are one-half day each.
 Parents may no longer have to pick their children up early if plans to eliminate half days in Irish schools come to an end.
medio doblado 
 Her clothes were all heaped up in a corner, half-folded.
medio dormido      [Generalmente debido al sueño o al cansancio]
groggy [groggier -comp., groggiest -sup.]
half asleep
 Drowsily he slithered out of bed, opened his closet door and got dressed like he had done every morning before.
 As he groggily pulled the sweat-soaked sheet from his body, he rolled his head sideways to see the clock radio displaying 7:00 a.m.
 The groggy feeling you get after being awakened by an alarm is often the result of an interrupted sleep cycle.
 After that, I woke up with my mind awake and my body still half asleep.
 She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.
medio en broma  
half laughingly
 This is a tongue-in-cheek report concerned with reducing not only the 'growth rate' of library collections but also their actual size.
 'The business is growing so fast that we've been having a hard time,' he said half laughingly, half seriously = "El negocio está creciendo tan rápido que hemos estado pasando por momentos difíciles", dijo medio en broma, medio en serio.
medio en serio 
half seriously
 'The business is growing so fast that we've been having a hard time,' he said half laughingly, half seriously = "El negocio ha ido creciendo tan rápido que hemos estado pasando por momentos difíciles," dijo medio en broma, medio en serio.
medio esperar 
half expect
 She said she guessed as much and she half expected it actually.
medio + Expresión Temporal 
half + a + Expresión Temporal
 This code had an important impact upon cataloguing practices in the United States and the United Kingdom, and endured for over half a century.
medio galope 
 I find canter easiest to ride because sometimes at a gallop horses can be very hard to pull up.
medio hecho  
halfway done
half done
 When the pasta is halfway done, return the skillet with the sauce to a medium heat, adding the oregano, capers and olives.
 Five years after they took control of war-ravaged Afghanistan, reconstruction remains a job half done.
medio leído 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
medio maratón 
half marathon
 BRR annually organizes sport events such as marathons, half marathons, biathlons, triathlons, pentathlons, and decathlons.
Medio Oeste, el  [Región Central de los Estados Unidos]
Midwest, the
 This committee was created to encourage interaction among the major university libraries of the Midwest.
Medio Oriente 
Middle East
 The P.L. 480 program for Middle East and South Asian countries, and the National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging are prime examples of this kind of effort to speed the cataloging of newly published materials.
medio pliego 
 Although it seldom happened in practice, it was possible to shuffle copies of the main sections and offcuts of 12 sheets or half-sheets and thus produce aberrant watermark patterns.
medio sumergido 
 This was the cylinder machine, which formed a web of paper not on an endless belt of woven wire but on a cylinder covered with wire mesh (looking like a large dandy roll) which revolved half-submerged in a vat of stuff.
medio terminado 
 A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
medio vacío 
 Libraries are changing into activity centres, where one can keep warm, or leave one's child to be entertained, but where the shelves are half-empty.
medio vestido  
partly dressed
half dressed
 He certainly invaded her privacy by using a telephoto lens to photograph her inside her home when she was topless or partly dressed.
 She was seen Sunday morning at 6 AM, only half dressed, barefoot and bleary-eyed outside a friend's house in London.
meter un litro en un recipiente de medio  [Proverbio]
squeeze a quart into a pint pot
 Faced with the task of squeezing a quart into a pint pot, many are turning towards new technology to compress information.
nacido en medio 
 Mating strategies also appeared to be influenced by birth order, most notably in the area of infidelity, with middleborns being the least likely birth order to cheat on a sexual partner.
nivel medio de gestión 
middle management
 The 3 levels of personnel requiring training are library administration, middle management and clerical staff.
oído medio 
middle ear
 The ear is responsible for hearing and balance and is made up of three parts - the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.
otitis media adhesiva 
glue ear
 Glue ear is a build-up of gunk inside the middle ear cavity and is the most likely reason that children under five will end up on the operating table.
pantalones de media caña  
knee breeches
 Knee breeches are very wide at the waist and thighs which offers great freedom of movement and can be worn over high stockings or with boots.
 Jodhpurs were the most accessible pants available to women in the 1920s and 30s, due to the popularity of horse riding.
partir por medio 
rend in + two
 Anthropology as a discipline is in danger of being rent in two by the tensions between those who practice it.
half + Pasado/Participio
 Sir Walter Greg also half regretted 'that 'bibliology' is past praying for' since it defined the study more precisely than the accepted word.
ponerse en medio 
get in + the way (of)
 At the end of the day, librarians must 'produce the goods' and prove their worth - professionalism could get in the way.
poner tierra de por medio entre y 
put + some distance between... and...
 Sometimes putting some distance between partners refreshes mutual attraction.
Posesivo + media naranja  [La pareja de alguien]  
Posesivo + significant other
Posesivo + better half
Posesivo + other half
 Reference group theory is based upon the principle that people take the standards of significant others as a basis for making self-appraisals, comparisons, and choices regarding need and use of information.
 The answer to this relates directly to the second major factor contributing to unhappiness between a manager and his better half, i.e., a sense of professional jealousy between marital partners.
 Breaking wind often is typically the result of your diet and lifestyle - it won't kill you, though your other half might if you keep trumpeting in bed.
punto medio 
 This article reports on the nature of scaled, dichotomous relevance judgements which questioned the use of the mid-point in a scale as the break between relevant and non-relevant documents.
quedarse a medias 
fall (between/through) + the cracks
 Thus we see many students falling between the cracks - achieving neither mainstream success nor maintenance of their own cultural traditions.
quitar de en medio 
move + Nombre + out of the way
 Gently pick it up and move it out of the way, where no one will step on it.
quitarse de en medio  
take + Nombre + out
put + Nombre + on the chopping block
 My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out.
 I think this article is very inflammatory and unbelievably false - no one, especially Obama, has 'put social security on the chopping block'.
quitarse del medio   
run for + cover
scramble for + safety
scramble for + cover
 Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.
 With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.
 Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.
quitarse del medio de bulla y corriendo 
run for + safety
 Photo of policemen run for safety as protesters chase them away with stones and sticks near the site of a collapsed footbridge.
seis kilos y medio  [Unidad de peso británica equivalente a -1-4 libras y sin traducción directa al español]
 I am a lardy person, 18 stone, and as a part of my new fitness regime I have got myself back into cycling to work.
sin obstáculos de por medio 
 Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
tener un problema medio resuelto 
have + problem half licked
 A well run school has the problem half licked.
tentempié de media mañana 
 These are great with coffee as elevenses, but you could also serve them with ice cream as a dessert.
trabajo a medias  [Situación laboral en la que dos personas comparten un trabajo y el sueldo]
job share
 Non-traditional career patterns include part-time work; job share, flexitime, freelance and services by consultants and information brokers.
un día y medio 
one and a half days
 In the case of a Japanese company, the introduction of this new system resulted in the number of operatives from 215 to 12 and the processing time from 35 days to one and a half days.
verdad a medias  
half truth
 Father-son relationships in the African American family are shrouded in social myths and half truths.
 Genocide theorists deploy a welter of sociological facts and half-facts to buttress their case.
verse en medio de  [Generalmente usado en el pasado]
caught in the middle
 As the group of professionals most often caught in the middle of copyright infringement disputes, librarians have a duty to teach their users about these issues and hopefully avoid these disputes.
  average ; mainline ; mainstream.
 The average family does have very real information needs, even though these may not be immediately recognized as such.
 This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.
 Some children may be constrained by a mainstream curriculum that does not match their ability level.
ciudadano medio, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
average man, the
average citizen, the
 The average man is by nature indolent; he works as little as possible = El ciudadano medio es perezoso por naturaleza, trabaja lo menos posible.
 People don't understand why such spongers are spared while the average citizen is being punished.
como término medio 
on average
 For example, on average, the Science Museum has 70% of its objects in store.
de calidad media 
 To Pakistan and India, Britain is just another middle-ranking European country that has little to offer compared with the US.
de grado medio 
 To Pakistan and India, Britain is just another middle-ranking European country that has little to offer compared with the US.
de nivel cultural medio 
middlebrow [middle-brow]
 These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.
de nivel medio   [Adjetivo]
medium level [medium-level]
 In the 1st method, a medium level presentation was used to explain how to use the library.
 Obviously one must here distinguish between 'scholarly' texts, middle-range texts and what might be referred to derogatorily as 'crammers' (books intended to help students to pass examinations with the minimum amount of effort).
de precio medio 
 Paper boards spread to the generality of medium-priced editions in the period 1780-1820.
de rango medio 
 To Pakistan and India, Britain is just another middle-ranking European country that has little to offer compared with the US.
de talle medio 
 They were provided with medium-length duffel coats made of Italian wool with toggle fasteners and a hood.
de tamaño medio    
mid-sized [midsized]
mid-size [midsize]
 It was designed as a list of subject headings for use in the dictionary catalogues of medium-sized libraries.
 To a small or mid-sized business, information is critical for effective planning, growth and development.
 For people living in what might be called industrial-rural areas the best that could be expected locally would be a moderate provision in the local middle-sized town.
 Small to midsize companies are more likely to use technological surveillance (i.e., computer spy programs), as they're more readily available than undercover detective agencies, which can get a bit pricey.
de tipo medio  [Adjetivo]
 Obviously one must here distinguish between 'scholarly' texts, middle-range texts and what might be referred to derogatorily as 'crammers' (books intended to help students to pass examinations with the minimum amount of effort).
el ciudadano medio  [Expresión utilizada principalmente en los Estados Unidos]
the average Joe
 It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.
grado medio 
middle grade
 The author discusses the practical personnel problems facing junior and middle grade professional librarians = El autor analiza los problemas prácticos de personal a los que se enfrentan los bibliotecarios de grado medio y básico.
hombre medio, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
average person, the
 The average person does not basically dislike work, but may gain satisfaction from it or attempt to avoid it depending on past experiences.
ingresos medios 
middle income
 The need to develop the communications infrastructure in low and middle income countries is now recognized by donor agencies as a prerequisite for the provision of aid.
la ciudadana media  [Expresión utilizada principalmente en los Estados Unidos]
the average Jane
 It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.
nivel de dominio medio 
working knowledge
 Surely, the student must stand with a good working knowledge of the reference sources.
nivel medio 
middle range
 However, a glass ceiling exists which prevents competent women from moving upwards beyond the lower and middle ranges in organizations.
persona con nivel cultural medio  [Nombre]
middlebrow [middle-brow]
 People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.
por término medio 
on average
 For example, on average, the Science Museum has 70% of its objects in store.
precio medio 
average price
 A survey of top 10 commercial and learned society publishers found the 1989 average prices (pounds sterling) to be £207.78 for commercial and £217.85 for learned society publishers.
tener por término medio 
 Of course, a bookform catalog is always considerably out of date, e.g., the New York Public Library averages six months out of date.
término medio  
 A compromise between expressive and non-expressive notation is to be found in the Second Edition of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
 The concept of such co-operation is very interesting and we continue to build a history of Stumpers activity to assess the balance of 'giving and taking'.
valor medio  
mean value
 A scattergram indicates that the correlation between reading level and sentence idea density is stronger in the midranges.
 Immediately after the recognition of a cardiac cycle the program calculates mean values over a given time or a given number of beats.
  instrumentality ; means ; vehicle.
 But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use.
 The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
 This journal serves as a vehicle for the continuing education of librarians, as a showcase for current practice and as a spotlight for significant activities.
alfabetización en los medios de comunicación 
media literacy
 The article 'All that glitters may not be gold' argues that media literacy must become an integrated part of school curricula.
analista de medios de comunicación 
media analyst
 The media department is headed by a media director who has a staff of space buyers, time buyers, media analysts, and estimators.
anuncios en los medios de comunicación 
media releases
 This is a compilation of media releases and letters.
aprendizaje a través de medios electrónicos 
online learning
 The author considers the potential of the Internet as a medium for education and teaching with a critical eye and concludes that some of the assumptions about online learning are highly suspect.
aprendizaje por medio del ordenador 
computer-based learning (CBL)
 This article discusses the use of computer-based learning (CBL) for library user education and staff training.
bibliotecario de medios audiovisuales 
library media specialist
 To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.
bien dotado de medios 
 The low maternal mortality rates in well-resourced countries are not an automatic consequence of prosperity.
bien equipado de medios 
 The low maternal mortality rates in well-resourced countries are not an automatic consequence of prosperity.
búsqueda por medio de menús 
menu-assisted searching
 However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in Command Search via function keys.
búsqueda por medio de órdenes 
command search
 However, to ease the transition from menu-assisted searching to command search, most of the menus from Easy Menu Search can be accessed in command search via function keys.
codificación por medio de códigos de barras 
barcoding [bar-coding]
 A partial inventory of the collection was a by-product of bar-coding.
codificar por medio de códigos de barras 
barcode [bar-code]
 Significant developments are more flexible methods of payment and better circulation control through bar-coding of request forms.
conducir por medio de tubos 
 If ammonia gas is used, care must be taken to duct the gas through an external ventilator to prevent the operator being overcome by fumes.
confundir los medios con el fin 
confuse + the means with the ends
 The issues, it seems to me, are in technology; for example, too often being too close to the operation, one tends to confuse the means with the end.
con medios insuficientes 
on a shoestring (budget)
 Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.
con medios muy escasos 
on a shoestring (budget)
 Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.
con medios muy exiguos 
on a shoestring (budget)
 Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.
con muy pocos medios 
on a shoestring (budget)
 Many information agencies exist on a shoestring budgets find it financially impossible to extend their hours.
con todos los medios a + Posesivo + alcance 
with all the means at + Posesivo + disposal
 To keep America safe, he determined that we would go after the terrorists with all the means at our disposal.
desplazamiento por medio del ordenador  [Operaciones que se pueden realizar a través del ordenador sin necesidad de desplazarse]
computer commuting
 This would herald the age of computer commuting, with customers dialling for bank statements and shopping orders.
documentalista de los medios de comunicación 
news librarian
 The article is entitled 'The news librarians: fast lane information professionals' = El artículo se titula "Los documentalistas de los medios de comunicación: profesionales de la información a toda pastilla".
dotar de medios 
 Britain's maritime defences are not properly resourced or co-ordinated to deal with the threat of terrorist attack, MPs has warned.
el fin justifica los medios 
the end justifies the means
 And when the end justifies the means, there are always a thousand untold consequences.
empresa de medios de comunicación 
media company
 The biography tells a fascinating story of an egocentric self-promoter who owned America's largest media company in the first half of the 20th century.
enseñanza a través de medios electrónicos 
online education
 The author draws attention to dangers online education may pose for traditional academic values.
enseñanza por medio del ordenador (CBI) 
computer-based instruction (CBI)
 While interaction may be the primary contributor to the effectiveness of computer-based instruction (CBI), individualisation is largely responsible for its efficiency.
entrevista en los medios de comunicación 
media interview
 This article outlines the benefits of a clear and accurate news release along with ways of dealing with a media interview.
equipar de medios 
 Britain's maritime defences are not properly resourced or co-ordinated to deal with the threat of terrorist attack, MPs has warned.
exceso de medios 
 Full USMARC is overkill for many library operations.
expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro  [Ampliación de una búsqueda por medio de los términos contenidos en una entrada del tesauro]
thesaurus expansion
 In such a case, it would make more sense to display all levels of the hierarchy below any term for which the user requests a thesaurus expansion.
industria de los medios de comunicación de masas 
mass communications industry
 The language and contents of the mass communications industry could degrade rationalism and thus jeopardize the production of scientific knowledge.
influido por los medios de comunicación 
 The problems which these media-inspired and media-influenced books present to children's librarians are touched upon.
inspirado por los medios de comunicación 
 The problems which these media-inspired and media-influenced books present to children's librarians are touched upon.
interfaz por medio de gráficos 
graphics interfacing
 Despite the proliferation of Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs), particularly the growing popularity of the Apple Macintosh, there has been little provision for graphics interfacing to dial-up on-line services.
máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía  
photocharging machine
 The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger.
 Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.
medio de ahorro 
economy measure
 SA (see also) references may also be made to an entire group of headings as an economy measure, for instance, Cranberries - Diseases and Pests SA names of pests eg Cranberry rootworm.
medio de almacenamiento 
storage medium
 For certain categories of material, the physical carrier consists of a storage medium (e.g., tape, film) sometimes encased in plastic, metal, etc., housing (e.g. cassette, cartridge) that is an integral part of the item.
medio de almacenamiento físico 
physical storage media
 The file media on which they are stored are the physical storage media, e.g. magnetic disc or tape, and the physical arrangement of records on the storage media is distinct from the user's logical perception of records.
medio de comunicación 
medium [media, -pl.]
 When the term was coined the predominant information and text-carrying medium in libraries was the book.
medio de interpretación 
medium of performance
 Medium of performance may be, for example, nocturne, piano, ballads, woodwind quartet, string orchestra.
medio de transmisión 
 The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.
medio de vida 
 Reference librarianship is 'as much a passion as a livelihood, less a profession than a privilege'.
medio físico 
physical medium
 Messages are transmitted by superimposing the signs on some form of physical medium - a carrier.
medio natural 
natural habitat
 And the academic library is the natural habitat of the absent-minded professor.
ways and means
 Teachers need to be more familiar with bibliographical ways and means: librarians should be more aware of problems from the teachers' perspective and make active efforts to inform teachers of sources of help.
medios de almacenamiento digital 
digital media
 This paper examines the options currently available for mass storage of digital media.
medios de almacenamiento óptico 
optical storage media
 The Library of Congress has been conducting experiments since 1979 with the library applications of optical storage media.
medios de comunicación 
news media
 This article stresses the importance of the cooperation of philanthropic organisations and the assistance of librarians, library associations and news media.
medios de comunicación de las redes sociales 
social media
 It seems that no matter what TV channel you put on, what website you read, or what social media site you're on, talk of him is rampant as the world awaits his decision on which team he'll sign with.
medios de comunicación de masas    
mass media
mass communications media
communications media
communications media
 Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.
 The system of mass communications media includes television, radio broadcasting, press, film and literature.
 The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.
 The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.
medios de comunicación impresos 
print media
 Sports journalism is one of the fastest growing areas in print and broadcast media.
medios de comunicación por radio y televisión 
broadcast media
 Sports journalism is one of the fastest growing areas in print and broadcast media.
medios de comunicación radiotelevisivos 
broadcast media
 Sports journalism is one of the fastest growing areas in print and broadcast media.
medios de comunicación social 
mass media
 Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.
medios de difusión de la información 
information media
 The confiscation of publications and recordings and other information media may only be carried out by means of a court order.
medios de microalmacenamiento de la información 
microstorage media
 The article '1,000 pages of biological information to microstorage for retrieval in a pharmaceutical information system' contains one section devoted to compare optical optical storage with other microstorage media such as microforms and digitised media.
medios de producción 
means of production
 Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.
medios digitalizados de almacenamiento de información 
digitised media
 The article '1,000 pages of biological information to microstorage for retrieval in a pharmaceutical information system' contains one section devoted to compare optical optical storage with other microstorage media such as microforms and digitised media.
medios económicos 
economic resources
 Owing to the lack of skilled staff and economic resources, traditional libraries are not always able to adequately collect, classify, record, preserve and store prints and negatives of historical importance.
medios informativos 
information media
 The confiscation of publications and recordings and other information media may only be carried out by means of a court order.
medios, los  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo y usada en singular] 
wherewithal, the
means, the
 The computer has now been provided with the wherewithal to complete the generation of index entries.
 These more diverse forms of knowledge transmission will emphasize the end result rather than the means.
medios oficiales 
official channels
 Furthermore, such visits allow valuable information unobtainable through official channels to be gleaned on an informal basis.
medios técnicos 
IT capabilities
 The Opto-Electronics Demonstrator integrates into a single system a wide range of IT capabilities, including CD-ROM and WORM optical discs, scanning, OCR, laser printers, low and high resolution displays, softstrips and page formatting techniques, based on IBM compatible computers.
medios visuales 
visual media
 With the spread of video equipment, an increasing number of visual media with local history content have come into being.
mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo 
flash up
 On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.
multimedia  [Adjetivo]
multimedia [multi-media]
 These changes will indubitably be ruled by the demands of commercial markets, largely multi-media entertainment, not the requirements of the academic community.
mundo de los medios de comunicación, el 
mediascape, the
 The empirical analysis revealed that the Internet is quite rapidly occupying its place in the mediascape = El análisis empírico reveló que Internet está rápidamente ocupando su lugar en el mundo de los medios de comunicación.
por medio 
out of
 But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.
por medio de     [También escrito thru en inglés americano]   
by means of
by way of
in the form of
via the medium of
by dint of
 Documents may be retrieved by means of the coding around the edge of the card.
 I do not remember the exact figures, but it was found that about 16 percent of the approaches to the catalog were by way of subject headings.
 Thesauri often boast an additional explicit statement of the structure of the relationships between terms in the form of categorised lists or displays.
 The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
 Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.
 Given this condition, each document can be displayed simultaneously in a number of classes via the medium of these substitutes arranged in the catalogue.
 This article discusses the treatment of the main character of a biography in its index recommending the introduction of logical grouping within the subentries by dint of much editing.
por medio de isótopos 
 This is a collection of isotopically studied rocks from West Greenland that are over 3 billion years old.
por medio de otro(s) 
by proxy
 It is in this way that students gain experience by proxy and get a feel for handling problems in the flesh-and-blood world.
por medio de una agencia 
on a bureau basis
 In other applications, minicomputers may be shared by other sectors of an organisation, or exploited on a bureau basis.
proporcionar los medios para 
provide + the material for
 He believed that Jewish mysticism and Zionism could provide the material for the historical redemption of the Jews.
ser un medio para llegar a un fin 
be the means to an end
 Shera and Egan's definition of bibliographic organization provides a reminder that the compilation of bibliographies is not an end in itself but merely the means to an end.
streaming media  [En Internet, ficheros de imágenes y sonido cuyo contenido empieza a mostrarse en el ordenador que los solicitó casi al mismo tiempo que se están recibiendo sin tener que esperar a haberse transmitido en su totalidad]
streaming media
 Streaming media is defined as an audiovisual presentation delivered via the Internet that may be viewed while simultaneously being downloaded to a user's computer.
técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa 
fuzzy IR technique
 This article illustrates the possibilities of using weighted and fuzzy IR techniques.
terapia por medio de aromas 
aroma therapy
 Psychotherapy methods, such as music, laughter, aroma therapy and bibliotherapy have been known for a considerable time.
tratar por todos los medios de 
take + (great) pains to
 Manic-depressives who are aware of their mental illness usually take great pains not to let the cat out of the bag, fearing it will damage their career and poison relationships.
tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo 
be at pains to + Infinitivo
 In my previous books on reference work I have been at pains to explain that they were not written as 'how-to-do-it' manuals.
un medio para alcanzar un fin 
a means to an end
 In a business setting, technical documentation is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end.
un medio para conseguir un fin 
a means to an end
 In a business setting, technical documentation is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end.
un medio para llegar a fin 
a means to an end
 In a business setting, technical documentation is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end.
utilizar al máximo por medio del ordenador 
 Other systems also employ a thesaurus in offering the facility to explode search profiles.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra medio



El término «medio» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 228 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «medio» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de medio
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «medio».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «medio» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «medio» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre medio



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra medio.
Eduardo Zamacois
El medio es algo que se pega al carácter, como el perfume a los vestidos.
Émile Faguet
El medio infalible para rejuvenecer una cita es darla con exactitud.
Fray Luis De León
Estar en paz consigo mismo es el medio más seguro de comenzar a estarlo con los demás.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Hablar mucho de sí mismo puede ser un medio de ocultarse.
Gregorio Marañón
En medio del clamor de los aplausos el hombre inteligente cerrará los ojos, y con la mente pedirá a los que le aclaman: «¡Perdón por haber vencido!».
Harry E. Fosdick
La democracia se basa en la convicción de que existen posibilidades extraordinarias en el pueblo medio.
Es más seguro interesar a los hombres por medio de lo absurdo que por medio de ideas justas.
El medio más seguro de mantener la palabra dada es no darla nunca.
Oscar Wilde
El mundo se ha reído de sus propias tragedias, como único medio de soportarlas.
Irás con más seguridad por el término medio.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término medio.
Barba remojada, medio afeitada.
Viento en popa es medio puerto.
Obra empezada, medio acabada.
A chica cama si queréis remedio, echaos en medio.
A chica cama, echarse en medio.
A traidor, traidor y medio.
Abril, siempre vil: al principio, al medio y al fin.
Al flojo cavador, meterlo en medio, y grande azadón.
Camino comenzado, medio andado.
Con mala persona el remedio es mucha tierra en medio.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de medio en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con medio y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
La exposición, un medio de comunicación
El libro concibe la exposición como el medio de comunicación propio de los museos, a través del cual se pueden divulgar los conocimientos científicos y la valoración histórica, estética o cultural que se haya realizado previamente de ...
Ángela García Blanco, 1999
Este es el primer libro que combina los conocimientos científicos sobre la forma en que el cuerpo se adapta al entreno con los principios prácticos para trazar programas de entrenamiento para corredores de fondo y medio fondo.
David E. Martin, Peter N. Coe, 2007
Juan Carlos Colado Sánchez es doctor en Educación Física y Deportes.
Juan Carlos Colado Sánchez, 2004
La construcción social y política del medio ambiente
Este libro aborda al medio ambiente como producto de la percepci n y la reflexi n.
José Luis Lezama, 2004
Formación y práctica docente en el medio rural
Este estudio partó de un proyecto de investigación con el propósito de caracterizarla desde la perspectiva cualitativa en dos dimensiones: el proceso pedagógico en su cotidianidad en el aula y el contexto escolar histórico, ...
María Elena Díaz Orozco, Rodrigo Gallegos Valdés, 1996
Identidad y medio ambiente: enfoques para la sustentabilidad ...
Este mar que nos une y nos distingue tiene en sí una problemática que solamente las naciones pertenecientes a la región pueden atender de manera eficiente sin atentar contra la identidad, contra el medio ambiente, contra la historia ...
Liliana Gómez Luna, 2003
Psicología y medio ambiente
El tema analizado minuciosamente por LEVY-LEBOYER en esta obra despierta hoy día un interés general.
Claude Lévy-Leboyer, 1985
Manual para la formación en medio ambiente
El informe del Club de Roma de 1972 donde -por primera vez- se reconoció que no podía haber crecimiento económico ilimitado con recursos limitados fue el punto de partida de la conservación del medio ambiente en todo el mundo.A partir ...
varios, 2008
El medio es el masaje
A partir de la idea del cambio -de la persona, la familia, la educación, los barrios, los gobiernos o las relaciones-, McLuhan y Fiore exploran, sondean y analizan nuestro mundo con sagacidad, ejemplos y humor, mirando ávidamente a su ...
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel, 1988
Teoría del medio ambiente: modelización
Una visión muy original de la modelización.
J. L. Usó Domènech, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término medio en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Medio Ambiente activa el nivel 2 de peligrosidad en incendio de ...
La Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas Agrarias y Territorio ha decretado a las 08.00 horas de hoy el nivel 2 de peligrosidad para el incendio ... «Te Interesa, Ago 16»
Medio Rural califica la concentración de incendios de «actividade ...
La sucesión de incendios que asola Galicia desde el lunes es, para la conselleira do Medio Rural, Ángeles Vázquez, una «actividade anormal». Con el fin de ... «La Voz de Galicia, Ago 16»
Medio Maratón de la CDMX: Estas son las calles y estaciones ...
Este domingo se corre el Medio Maratón de la Ciudad de México: seis estaciones del Metrobús serán cerradas temporalmente y hay cambios en la ruta del ... «Animal Político Versión Móvil, Jul 16»
Los asentamientos y la violencia bloquean la paz en Medio Oriente
Avanzar hacia el fin del conflicto en Medio Oriente requiere que Israel detenga la expansión de los asentamientos en los territorios ocupados y que los ... «El Observador, Jul 16»
España: el conflicto de Oriente Medio en los programas electorales
Durante la pasada década especialmente, el conflicto de Oriente Medio fue un debate más en la arena política. Por ejemplo, durante la segunda guerra del ... «elmedio, Jun 16»
El gasto medio de los hogares españoles registró en 2015 su primer ...
Después de ocho años, el gasto medio de los hogares españoles vuelve a repuntar. Según los datos publicados este lunes por el Instituto Nacional de ... «, Jun 16»
Frases para desear un felíz Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2016
El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente se celebra el día 5 de junio de cada año, con el objetivo de sensibilizar a la población en temas que afectan al bienestar del ... «, Jun 16»
Cambio climático: La degradación del medio ambiente causa ...
Por todo lo anterior, la ONU asegura que invertir en un medio ambiente saludable puede traer múltiples beneficios: dos millones de casos de cáncer de piel y ... «, May 16»
Medio ambiente enfermo causa 15% de muertes en Costa Rica
Lo mismo sucede con algunos químicos”, expresó en un comunicado de prensa, María Neira, directora del departamento de Salud Pública, Medio Ambiente y ... «La Nación Costa Rica, Mar 16»
Los secretos de Juan y Medio: solterón, zapatos con alzas, su lío ...
-Su verdadero nombreJuan José Bautista Martín, conocido artísticamente como Juan y Medio.Su nombre artístico, Juan y Medio, se lo debe a la madre de un ... «Vanitatis, Mar 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Medio [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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