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" Ni la ignorancia es falta de talento, ni la sabiduría es prueba de genio."
Marqués De Vauvenargues

Significado de "prueba" en el diccionario de español



prue · ba

Prueba es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Prueba es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Prueba puede referirse a: ▪ Prueba, un hecho utilizado para demostrar una acción, tesis o teoría en ciencias. ▪ Prueba,sinónimo de experimento, test estandarizado o ensayo químico; ▪ Prueba, en matemáticas; ▪ Prueba, en Derecho; ▪ Prueba en Lógica; ▪ Prueba, como sinónimo de examen; ▪ Prueba en informática, procesos que permiten verificar y revelar la calidad de un producto software. ▪ prueba Examen o experimentación para comprobar el buen funcionamiento de alguna cosa o su adecuación a un determinado fin.

definición de prueba en el diccionario español

La primera definición de prueba en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción y efecto de probar. Otro significado de prueba en el diccionario es razón, argumento, instrumento u otro medio con que se pretende mostrar y hacer patente la verdad o falsedad de algo. Prueba es también indicio, señal o muestra que se da de algo.


ajabeba · ameba · beba · ceba · comprueba · contraprueba · cubeba · esteba · falleba · gleba · greba · jabeba · jeba · manceba · reprueba · seba


proyector · proyectora · proyectura · prudencia · prudencial · prudencialmente · prudente · prudentemente · pruina · pruinoso · pruna · prunela · pruno · pruriginoso · prurigo · prurito · prusia · prusiana · prusiano · prusiato


alba · alcoba · aldaba · anúteba · arriba · baba · barba · bomba · caoba · ceiba · coba · córdoba · cuba · escriba · hierba · riba · rumba · samba · suba · tumba

Sinónimos y antónimos de prueba en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «prueba» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


prueba · amargura · argumento · cáliz · cata · comprobación · contraste · demostración · dolor · ensayo · estudio · examen · fundamento · indicio · infortunio · justificación · motivo · pena · razón · señal · sufrimiento · tanteo · tentativa · primera · lengua · española · efecto · probar · otro · instrumento · medio · pretende · mostrar · hacer · patente · verdad · falsedad · algo · también · muestra · valor · lorenzo · this · story · about · penguin · desire · obtaining · acceptance · gulls · process · discovers · meaning · true · friendship · importance · accepting · oneself · acceso · ciclos · formativos · grado · este · libro · texto · impartir · curso · preparación · superior · reconocimiento · judicial · proceso · civil · tratado · química · específica · colombiano · caballo · bombas · guía · paso · caballos · ponis · tengan · miedo · sean · más · seguros · montar · fáciles · manejar · mismosconsuelo · tiempos · menudo · difícil · nuestro · tenga · algún · propósito · consuelo · ayudará · comprender · dios · nunca · deja · desampara · especialmente · momentos ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de prueba a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de prueba a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de prueba presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de prueba en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de prueba en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  assaying ; edit sheet ; engraving ; field trial ; galley ; page proof ; proof slip ; proofsheet ; proving trial ; trial ; trial print ; trial run ; tangible evidence ; reassurance ; test ; proof copy ; proof ; galley proof ; proof sheet ; lab test ; test session ; test drive ; test run ; modelling exercise ; performance test ; ordeal ; audition ; tryout ; fitting ; assay ; laboratory test.
 Suppose you have classified, by UDC, the document 'Select methods of metallurgical assaying', class number 669.9.
 To print MARC record edit sheets, press 'Alt F3', which means to press and hold down the 'Alt' key, followed by pressing the 'F3' key.
 An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.
 Telidon was first demonstrated in 1978, and small-scale field trials videotex and teletext started in 1980.
 Final editing and corrections are done on this terminal, and galleys are sent to the customer.
 Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.
 Since it seems clear that many libraries will not be automating, they will have to depend on traditional sources of cataloging data such as cards, proof slips, and book catalogs.
 Alternatively a library may receive proofsheets of every LC catalogue record, and make a selection from these when items arrive.
 Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.
 The intention was to determine which department within each library has the responsibility for arranging trials of products.
 Trial prints (proofs) of the formes were then made, and compared with the copy from which they had been set.
 This course can be taken by librarians as well as readers and its trial run started in 1987.
 The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.
 Such reassurance becomes particularly important if the inquirer has not sampled the file, either in a printed format or in browsing online.
 The suppliers claim that tests show this to be sufficient for 980 of all entries.
 One can only point to the efforts being made at BNB to produce cataloguing records as quickly as possible from proof copies if at all feasible.
 The catalogue has been automated since 1984, and further proof of the library's value and ability to move with the times are shown by its 8,400 plus individual members.
 Checking is carried out by comparison of the galley proof against the manuscript.
 These have the advantages of economy, and (if the subscriber desires) selectivity because the records on the proof sheets are divided into broad categories which can be obtained separately.
 The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.
 A cognitive walkthrough consists of a re-enactment of a test session in which the user is queried about their movements and decisions throughout the test session.
 The author presents an evaluation of PatentView in terms of product information, search and retrieval facilities, documentation, and test drive.
 Test run results show that by taking advantage of the favourable properties of holography shorter response times are obtained.
 The modelling exercise would indicate which model was most economic and which was most cost-effective.
 The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: hair cut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.
 The article has the title 'Ordeals of a frustrated European intermediary with competitive intelligence searching'.
 Applicants may receive information regarding these auditions by sending a one-page written resume to this office no later than October 20, 2008.
 Nearly 200 players submitted applications to be considered for the tryouts and the pool was narrowed to 84.
 At a shoe fitting she was told that the vamp was too long and she should switch to a shoe that showed more of her foot.
 Thus, an assay may be done for example to determine the level of thyroid hormones in the blood of a person suspected of being hypothyroid (or hyperthyroid).
 Some laboratory tests are precise, reliable indicators of specific health problems.
anterior a la prueba 
 Since the pioneering efforts of the 60s, use of the computer in pretrial and trial work has expanded significantly.
antes de la prueba 
pretest [pre-test]
 No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.
a prueba 
on trial
 In applications, in the office, in manufacturing industries, in commerce, the new technology is on trial.
a prueba de balas 
 Cheema said all three shots missed her as she greeted supporters through the sunroof of her vehicle, which was bulletproof and bombproof.
a prueba de bomas 
 Cheema said all three shots missed her as she greeted supporters through the sunroof of her vehicle, which was bulletproof and bombproof.
a prueba de bombas  
ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA]
 The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).
 Who else is going to flip the burgers, clean the resistant bomb-proof windows of the glitzy mile-high skyscrapers - also take out the garbage, wash the dishes, park the cars, sweep up the papers in the parks?.
a prueba de conejos 
 He wrote an article with the title 'A rabbit-proof fence: benefits and problems of isolation in Western Australia'.
a prueba de fallos 
 The technical safeguards available are not fail-safe.
a prueba de incendios 
fireproof [fire-proof]
 We designed a secure - and we will build it eventually - computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.
a prueba de inendios 
fireproof [fire-proof]
 We designed a secure - and we will build it eventually - computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.
a prueba de niños 
 New packaging designs have been developed that could save lives and make 'childproof' containers more user-friendly for adults.
a prueba de robos 
theft proof
 The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.
a prueba de tornados 
tornado proof
 We designed a secure - and we will build it eventually - computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.
a prueba de un tratamiento duro 
ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA]
 The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).
a prueba de viento 
 Windproof and showerproof this body warmer combines cosiness with complete freedom of movement.
a toda prueba 
 His mistaken assumption that cult heroes are supermen, and his unswerving devotion to an empirical testing of the play impose significant limitations on his account.
banco de pruebas   [Establecimiento de un criterio, norma o referencia con respecto al que se pueden fijar objetivos y evaluar los progresos realizados]
testbed [test bed]
 OPACS are thus considered to be appropriate test beds for end user searching.
 This article considers some of the common questions raised by librarians interested in benchmarking: how to determine what to benchmark; the best way to collect and analyze benchmarking information; and what needs to be done with the data.
cada vez más pruebas 
accumulating evidence
 There is accumulating evidence of reductions in red blood cell membrane essential fatty acids in patients with schizophrenia.
carga de la prueba, la 
burden of proof, the
 The burden of proof is a key element in dialectic argumentation but turn-taking eventually determines the winner of an argument.
chaleco a prueba de balas 
bullet-proof vest
 The experts respond to the following questions: will schools ever be free of weapons; will card access systems become common in public schools; will metal detectors solve school security problems; and will students ever be issued bullet-proof vests along with textbooks?.
como prueba de   
as a token of
as a sign of/that
in a move of
 Pearls were used in paintings and literature as a symbol of faith and virtue and as a token of vanity.
 A newly published study has been interpreted by some as a sign that search engines are damaging people's memory skills.
 In May 1926 Britains' miners walked out and in a move of solidarity other industry workers joined them, creating the first ever general strike in Britain.
como prueba de agradecimiento 
as a token of thanks
 The author discusses the phenomenon of votive paintings of ships, typically donated to churches by crews and captains as a token of thanks for deliverance from danger.
como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento 
as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation
 As a token of our appreciation, we are happy to provide you with a gift annual subscription.
como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud 
as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude
 As a token of our gratitude, you will find below a free two years license.
como pruebas 
in evidence
 This article discusses the admissibility of computer records and statements in evidence in criminal and civil proceedings.
corrección de pruebas  
proof correction
 DOBIS/LIBIS then formats the information entered and displays it for proofreading.
 The third and final stage of proof correction was the press proof, when a sheet was read for residual blemishes.
corrector de pruebas  
 Overlooking a correction may completely nullify the proofreader's work and make him a malpractitioner.
 The corrector preferred to have the copy read aloud to him by a reading-boy while he followed the proof and marked the mistakes.
corregir pruebas   [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio proofread]
 This is not to say that every book was proofed in three definable stages, for some books were less proofed than others.
 After the entry is complete, the full bibliographic information is then displayed, proofread, and, if is necessary, changed before filing it in the catalogs.
corregir una prueba 
correct + proof
 That night I was correcting a proof at about eleven o'clock when Balthasar began needling me.
dar pruebas 
provide + evidence
 Against that kind of thinking it is pointless to quote research figures and surveys and reports that provide evidence time and again of the importance of book ownership in the acquisition of the 'better education' everybody wants for their children.
demostrar Algo con pruebas 
demonstrate + in print
 It is, naturally, difficult to demonstrate this in print.
de prueba    
on a trial basis
on trial
 The Pennsylvania State University's Library is currently using Academic Indiz on Info Trac 2 on a trial basis.
 They also set up a trial information service in a nearby community house in order to gain some experience in running this kind of service.
 While all the respondents were particularly in favor of a religious marriage as a means to reinforce parental ties for offspring, they also favored a probationary prenuptial cohabitation period.
 In applications, in the office, in manufacturing industries, in commerce, the new technology is on trial.
después de la prueba 
posttest [post-test]
 No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.
durante un período de prueba 
on a trial basis
 The Pennsylvania State University's Library is currently using Academic Indiz on Info Trac 2 on a trial basis.
encontrar pruebas 
find + evidence
 No clear evidence was found to indicate that Roman Iberia had public libraries similar to those established elsewhere in the empire.
en prueba 
on trial
 In applications, in the office, in manufacturing industries, in commerce, the new technology is on trial.
existir pruebas de que 
there + be + evidence that
 MacKeller mentions the companionship system in connection with hurried work, but there is evidence that it was also used for ordinary work by the middle of the century.
falta de pruebas  
lack of evidence to the contrary
lack of evidence
 Jones's conviction that Cinque could not have been a slave trader is based primarily on the lack of evidence to the contrary and on the presumption that Cinque is innocent until proven guilty.
 You may only say that, given the presence of evidence of innocence, a lack of evidence of guilt would provide further evidence of innocence.
globo de prueba 
trial balloon
 And even if it is hard news, my guess is that this is just an official trial balloon to see what industry reaction will be.
hacer la prueba    
give it + a whirl
give it + a shot
give it + a try
give it + a twirl
 Sorry, but I just don't have time to download & give it a whirl right now.
 I decided to give it a shot even though I was still skeptical.
 I gave it a try earlier today and it seems promising.
 Since a solid set of love-handles seems a positive asset when it comes to belly dancing, I decided to give it a twirl.
hacer pruebas 
prove + trials
 Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.
hacer una prueba 
 If you are auditioning for a character who wears sneakers or flip flops, wear them.
haciendo pruebas 
trial and error
 There are a number of ways of finding out something one wants to know: observation, trial and error experiment; asking someone; looking it up for oneself.
las pruebas 
the writing on the wall
 To me the writing on the wall was pretty clear when we had this same discussion on this list last year and never received any reassurances from ISI.
lugar de prueba alfa  [Institución en donde se pone a prueba un programa o equipo informático]  [Lugar u organización donde se somete a prueba equipos o programas de ordenador]
alpha test site
alpha site
 Colorado State served as the alpha site for modification of ILLRKS to accept RLIN records.
 Colorado State served as the alpha site for modification of ILLRKS to accept RLIN records, allowing RLIN, OCLC, ALA and E-mail requests to be automatically merged into one file.
lugar de prueba beta  [Institución que a petición del fabricante pone a prueba un programa o equipo informático]
beta test site
 This article describes the experience of Providence College, Rhode Island, whose library was a beta test site during 1986.
lugar de pruebas 
test site
 In Jan 89, the Brandeis University Library was selected as a test site for the installation of Silverplatter's MultiPlatter local area network (LAN).
no superar la prueba de 
not stand the test of
 Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who 'loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens' just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.
no tener pruebas 
not have a leg to stand on
 Some lightbulb companies are still dragging their heels on the energy-saving lightbulb issue, but they haven't a leg to stand on.
oferta de prueba 
trial offer
 In spring 88 a trial offer of the CD-ROM version prompted the library to evaluate the data for possible acquisition.
pasar la prueba 
pass + muster
 The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
pasar la prueba de fuego 
pass + the acid test
 Over the years, herbal medicine has passed the acid test with its satisfactory results, and no one today can question its effectiveness.
pasar la prueba del algodón 
pass + the white-glove test
 The service was incredible and it definitely passed the white-glove test with flying colours.
pasar una prueba   
endure + ordeal
pass + a test
stand up
 Thesis writing is on the whole an ordeal a student must endure to receive a degree.
 Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.
 The vocabulary stood up well when used by persons whose mother tongue was not Italian.
pasar una prueba de sobra 
pass with + flying colours
 There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
período de prueba      
probationary period
trial period
trial run
period of probation
probation period
 That probationary period may vary from one month for clerical positions or jobs in which there may be rapid turnover to one year for professional positions.
 Eight thousand Prestel frames were earmarked for community information during the trial period.
 This course can be taken by librarians as well as readers and its trial run started in 1987.
 The length of probation may well vary, but the reason for it is to enable the employer and the employee to assess one another.
 If this is to be done, it is important that adequate warnings be given to the employee throughout the period of probation.
 In the case of new hires, there is normally a probation period of twelve months.
peso de la prueba, el 
burden of proof, the
 The burden of proof is a key element in dialectic argumentation but turn-taking eventually determines the winner of an argument.
poner a Alguien a prueba  
give + Nombre + a hard time
give + Nombre + a hard ride
 When she rejected him everyone around the table gave him a hard time and called him a loser.
 It took me years to work out a relationship with him and trust me I gave him a hard ride along the way - I was suspiscious, untrusting.
poner Algo a prueba 
push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits
 Beta test sites are expected to 'push the system to its limits'.
poner a prueba    [Pasado y participio tried]             
put to + the test
push + the envelope
put + Nombre + to the test
try + Nombre + on
push + Nombre + to the edge
put + Nombre + through + Posesivo + paces
drive + Nombre + to the edge
 Written in a telegram style, telegraphic abstracts stretch the skills of the abstractor in writing in an abbreviated yet unambiguous style.
 However, the definition of an 'author' has taxed cataloguers for many years.
 If we instruct it to ponder this question more leisurely, it will quickly try the user's patience with digressions concerning the less illustrious senior MOZART, LEOPOLD.
 His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.
 Currently, they are trying to charge Internet providers more because Internet use is overtaxing the telephone networks.
 This will be piloted during 1996 by academic libraries, systems vendors, publishers and intermediaries.
 There are 2 important areas where the librarian's interpretation of his role are put to the test: his involvement with audiovisual materials, and his attitude towards teaching.
 Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.
 The concept was trialled in 1995 and subscribers to this service will be transferred with no additional charge.
 Reliance on court libraries is futile as the libraries are already overstretched by the needs of the Bench.
 This paper describes the contention existing between those who are pushing the envelope of free speech on the Internet, sometimes anarchically and those trying to limit it, sometimes oppressively.
 There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
 The psychiatrist has been trying him on several different anti-depressants and group therapies, but none seems to be helping.
 But he was proved wrong as India pushed England to the edge and beat them hollow the following day.
 But the company is keen to name his successor by early next year so that Ratan Tata can put him through his paces.
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien  
test + Posesivo + patience
try + Posesivo + patience
 This hilarious show pranks unsuspecting guests, testing their patience to see just how long before they reach boiling point.
 He is to be praised for not wasting the reader's time and trying his patience with the dead issue of the possibility of the ordination of women.
poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo  
test + the patience of a saint
try + the patience of a saint
 This may be obvious but circumstances do arise that will test the patience of a saint; those are the times to keep plugging on until solution is found.
 Listening to your baby cry and cry and not knowing what to do can try the patience of a saint.
poner a prueba una idea  
test + idea
pilot + idea
 Analytical cataloguing is valuable in respect of any type of media, but many of ideas have been tested most thoroughly in the context of monographs and serials.
 One product of the initiatives described above has been action to pilot the ideas about managing information in 'opinion leaders' among government departments.
poseer pruebas 
have + evidence
 If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.
posterior a la prueba 
 Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.
presentar las pruebas ante 
lay + evidence before
 That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.
presentar pruebas 
give + evidence
 No conclusive evidence is given in support of digitising over other storage media.
programa de prueba beta  [Conjunto de pruebas realizadas por una institución de un programa o equipo informático con el compromiso de informar al fabricante de los resultados]
beta test programme
 Analysis of the log from a recent beta test programme at the Welch Medical Library indicates that most searches occur in the MEDLINE data base.
proporcionar pruebas 
provide + evidence
 Against that kind of thinking it is pointless to quote research figures and surveys and reports that provide evidence time and again of the importance of book ownership in the acquisition of the 'better education' everybody wants for their children.
prueba antidopaje   
drug testing
doping test
dope test
 But to enter into a contract, all pilots must submit to drug testing and sign a promissory of secrecy.
 The Belarus shot-putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk has been stripped of her London 2012 gold medal after failing a doping test.
 The number of sportspersons who failed dope test in the first seven months this year stood at a whopping 101, the highest in the last four years.
prueba antidoping   
drug testing
doping test
dope test
 But to enter into a contract, all pilots must submit to drug testing and sign a promissory of secrecy.
 The Belarus shot-putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk has been stripped of her London 2012 gold medal after failing a doping test.
 The number of sportspersons who failed dope test in the first seven months this year stood at a whopping 101, the highest in the last four years.
prueba beta  [Comprobación realizada por una institución de un programa o equipo informático con el compromiso de informar al fabricante de los resultados]
beta test
 The IEE's CD-ROM is now in beta test at 10 sites in the USA and 2 in the UK.
prueba cloze  [Examen de lengua en el que el alumno tiene que rellenar los espacios en blanco de un texto]
cloze test
 Although the use of the cloze test bypasses the need for standardized testing, the danger of choosing a passage which is not reflective of the whole work must be noted.
prueba concluyente 
conclusive evidence
 Little reliable research has been conducted nor conclusive evidence found to prove that librarians are falling prey to technostress.
prueba de acidez 
litmus test
 Consequently, the process of retrieval and knowledge discovery from this huge amount of heterogeneous complex data builds the litmus-test for the research in the area.
prueba de alcoholemia  
breath test
alcohol testing
 Results of breath tests administered to persons wearing tongue studs are inadmissible in court.
 Results from two nationwide surveys reveal that alcohol testing of employees is on the rise.
prueba de ansiedad 
anxiety test
 Here you will find an anxiety test for panic attacks as well as some helpful advice from someone who suffers from an axiety disorder.
prueba decisiva 
litmus test
 Consequently, the process of retrieval and knowledge discovery from this huge amount of heterogeneous complex data builds the litmus-test for the research in the area.
prueba de compra 
proof of purchase
 If you no longer have a valid proof of purchase, warranty coverage will be determined by the manufacturing date code.
prueba de desgaste 
wear test
 A standard wear test was developed which all buckrams must pass in future in order to be chosen for library bindings.
prueba de detección de consumo de drogas 
drug testing
 But to enter into a contract, all pilots must submit to drug testing and sign a promissory of secrecy.
prueba de detección del cáncer  
health facility
cancer screening
 Cancer screenings are conducted at all health facilities in the region.
 The questions concerned primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, diet, sun exposure, etc.) and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal, prostate and other cancers).
prueba de fuego, la 
acid test, the
 The article is entitled 'Automated acquisitions: the acid test'.
prueba de identidad 
proof of identity
 All applicants for a driver license must present proof of identity satisfactory to the department.
prueba de laboratorio  
lab test
laboratory test
 The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.
 Some laboratory tests are precise, reliable indicators of specific health problems.
prueba de la densidad 
density test
 This article describes 3 methods - the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test - which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.
prueba del algodón, la 
white-glove test, the
 The social worker is not there to do a 'white-glove test' of your home, but is there to ensure that you and your family are suitable to adopt a child.
prueba de la máxima proximidad 
nearest neighbour test
 This article describes 3 methods - the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test - which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.
prueba del embarazo 
pregnancy test
 If you're not sure when your next period is due, you can do a pregnancy test 21 days after you last had unprotected sex.
prueba del hecho de que 
evidence of the fact that
 It will be global learning, thus evidence of the fact that learning has no boundaries.
prueba del solapamiento 
overlap test
 This article describes 3 methods - the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test - which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.
prueba de paternidad 
paternity test
 A prenatal paternity test is a conclusive way to determine if a man is the father of an unborn child.
prueba de prensa 
press proof
 The third and final stage of proof correction was the press proof, when a sheet was read for residual blemishes.
prueba de referencia 
benchmark test
 The benchmark tests as specified in the contract were conducted by regular library staff.
prueba de rendimiento  [Pruebas a las que se somete un producto para determinar sus tiempos de respuesta con respecto a ciertas operaciones]  [Evaluación a la que se someten varios productos y cuyo resultado aparece publicado en revistas de la especialidad]  
achievement test
performance test
 Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.
 The benchtests in the journals are, generally speaking, more objective though they can rarely assess long-term reliability and in most cases assume a degree of technical knowledge.
 Stepchildren score lower than biological children on achievement tests and exhibit more behavior problems.
 The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: hair cut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.
prueba determinante 
litmus test
 Consequently, the process of retrieval and knowledge discovery from this huge amount of heterogeneous complex data builds the litmus-test for the research in the area.
prueba de tornasol 
litmus test
 Consequently, the process of retrieval and knowledge discovery from this huge amount of heterogeneous complex data builds the litmus-test for the research in the area.
prueba de validación 
validation test
 The high accuracy level obtained by validation tests of this model supports its utility for the management of rhea populations in other cattle ranches of the region.
prueba documental 
documentary evidence
 This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.
prueba dura 
 The article has the title 'Ordeals of a frustrated European intermediary with competitive intelligence searching'.
prueba evidente 
living proof
 In this series, the writer looks at local people who are living proof that it is possible to live with, rather than die of, cancer.
prueba fehaciente   
competent proof
living proof
evidential proof
 The district court concluded that plaintiffs had failed to adduce competent proof that the amount in controversy in this suit exceeded $50000.
 In this series, the writer looks at local people who are living proof that it is possible to live with, rather than die of, cancer.
 In the video below, you will gain staggering amounts of evidential proof that many religions are guilty of plagiarism.
prueba final 
 A heavy reliance on midterms and finals were associated with lower teacher ratings across disciplines.
prueba física 
physical evidence
 Forecasting the weather does not come under the heading of astrology or claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, rather it is based on physical evidence and experience.
prueba inequívoca 
ironclad proof
 To some this is an ironclad proof of the irrelevance of semantics to linguistics.
prueba in situ 
field test
 This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.
prueba material 
physical evidence
 Forecasting the weather does not come under the heading of astrology or claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, rather it is based on physical evidence and experience.
prueba nuclear 
nuclear weapons testing
 From Truman's approval for nuclear weapons testing in Nevada on 18 Dec 1950 the AEC adopted a four-pronged approach: inundating the public with positive information on nuclear power; emphasising defence needs; highlighting the nonmilitary benefits of testing; and reassuring the citizenry that testing was not hazardous to health.
prueba palpable 
living proof
 In this series, the writer looks at local people who are living proof that it is possible to live with, rather than die of, cancer.
prueba rápida  
quiz form
quiz [quizzes, -pl.]
 Nevertheless, a spirit duplicator could be very useful in a children's library for the production of project worksheets or quiz forms.
 Just to make sure you pay attention to these e-lessons; each e-lesson will include a self-marking quiz.
 Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are final reports, or other reports well supported by sound methodology and convincing evidence.
 Johnson's corrected proofs for the first edition of the 'Prefaces to the poets' show him skimming the text, tinkering with the accidentals but not revising them systematically.
 Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.
pruebas cada vez más concluyentes 
mounting evidence
 There is mounting evidence that omega-3 fatty acids from fish help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
pruebas circunstanciales 
circumstantial evidence
 The article is entitled 'Can you measure circumstantial evidence? The background of probative formalisms for law'.
pruebas contundentes 
hard evidence
 The verdict in the Oxford case was the result of limitations in the law of high treason combined with the absence of hard evidence that Oxford actually intended to assassinate the Queen.
pruebas convincentes 
convincing evidence
 There is no convincing evidence that a higher being exists.
pruebas de rendimiento  [Establecimiento de un criterio, norma o referencia con respecto al que se pueden fijar objetivos y evaluar los progresos realizados]
 This article considers some of the common questions raised by librarians interested in benchmarking: how to determine what to benchmark; the best way to collect and analyze benchmarking information; and what needs to be done with the data.
pruebas en contra 
evidence to the contrary
 It is believed to be confirmed by empirical evidence, with other empirical evidence to the contrary being neglected.
pruebas forenses 
forensic evidence
 It deals with the relationship between photography and forensic evidence by looking at the case of the Shroud of Turin.
pruebas indirectas 
circumstantial evidence
 The article is entitled 'Can you measure circumstantial evidence? The background of probative formalisms for law'.
prueba sobre el terreno  
field test
field trial
 This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.
 Telidon was first demonstrated in 1978, and small-scale field trials videotex and teletext started in 1980.
pruebas previas  [Hablando de patentes, cualquier tipo de prueba que demuestra que aquello para lo que se pide una patente ha sido descrito antes y por lo tanto invalidando la solicitud]
prior art
 To be patentable, a new product or process must never have been described or suggested in the prior art.
prueba univariante 
univariate test
 In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.
prueba viviente 
living proof
 In this series, the writer looks at local people who are living proof that it is possible to live with, rather than die of, cancer.
puesta a prueba  
 Formal logic used to be a keen instrument in the hands of the teacher in his trying of students' souls.
 The standards are now being rewritten and prepared for piloting.
puesto a prueba 
 Electronic publishing is something librarians shouldn't be doing, given their already overstretched human and financial resources.
realizar una prueba  
conduct + trial
take + test
 Swedish Radio has conducted a trial of its teletext service, Extratext, by allocating teletext receivers to people with impaired hearing.
 The software that allows students to take a multiple choice test on a computer to determine how well they understood what they have read.
recoger pruebas   
collect + evidence
gather + evidence
accumulate + evidence
 It is felt, however, when the evidence is collected, in most cases, out-of-school adults will be better served with a formal bibliographic instruction programme.
 A questionnaire was circulated to the EURIM conference attenders to gather evidence on the application of research to practical problems = Se distribuyó un cuestionario a los asistentes al congreso EURIM para recoger pruebas sobre la aplicación de la investigación a los problemas prácticos.
 Evidence is accumulating to show that videotaping the reference desk operation helps reference librarians see how - as well as how not - to do it.
resultados de pruebas 
test data
 This means that it must be well documented, with for example user manuals, test data and guidance on setting up systems.
sacar una prueba 
pull + a proof
 Having imposed a forme, the compositor carried it to the press room, where a press crew was required to pause in its work and pull a proof for him, often on an old press kept for the purpose.
ser la prueba de fuego de Algo 
test + Nombre + to the limit
 Motocross is one of the most physically demanding forms of motorcycle sport and tests both rider and their machines to the limit.
ser prueba suficiente 
be proof enough
 For Miller, though, two decades of eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations with the new chairman are proof enough.
ser una prueba más de 
strengthen + evidence
 His book strengthens evidence that what the Wright brothers flew in 1903 was a glider, not an aeroplane.
someter a prueba 
place + strain on
 When such systems become asynchronous, with one element dominating the other, it places great strain on the system, and it will, eventually, disintegrate.
terreno de pruebas 
testing ground
 This tool has provided both a very significant testing ground for the techniques, and also an influential disseminator of the methods.
tira de prueba  [Tira de cartulina usada en laboratorios que sumergido en un líquido cambia de color indicando las características del mismo]
test strip
 The laboratory analysis reports characteristics of: (1) odor, color, and clarity; (2) specific gravity; (3) sediment; (4) test strips; and (5) albumin and phosphates.
versión de prueba  
test drive
trial version
 The author presents an evaluation of PatentView in terms of product information, search and retrieval facilities, documentation, and test drive.
 Technical details are accessible via the LAURIN homepage from which a free trial version of their image capturing tool can also be downloaded.
vuelo de prueba 
test flight
 A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra prueba



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de prueba
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «prueba».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre prueba



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra prueba.
Diego De Torres Villarroel
Prueba en dar algo a tu prójimo, que puede ser que te sepa mejor distribuir que amontonar.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
La prueba de una inteligencia de primera categoría es la capacidad de mantener dos ideas opuestas en la mente al mismo tiempo, y todavía conservar la capacidad de funcionar.
Friedrich M. Von Klinger
El que no ha sido puesto a prueba por la buena y la mala suerte muere como un soldado que no ha visto nunca al enemigo.
Georges Duhamel
El horror a la vida social es una prueba de inteligencia, de tendencia a la espiritualidad.
Hermann Von Keyserling
Ninguna prueba, ninguna rectificación ni desmentido puede anular el efecto de una publicidad bien hecha.
Jeremy Bentham
La característica de la verdad es que no necesita otra prueba que la verdad.
Lew Wallace
Nunca está el hombre sometido a una prueba tan grande como el exceso de su buena fortuna.
Marqués De Vauvenargues
Ni la ignorancia es falta de talento, ni la sabiduría es prueba de genio.
Michel E. De Montaigne
Una prueba de la propia bondad está en confiar en la bondad de los demás.
Robert G. Ingersoll
La prueba más grande de valor en este mundo es saber sobrellevar una derrota sin perder el ánimo.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término prueba.
Por la prueba se conoce al amigo.
Al buen amigo lo prueba el peligro.
Chasco se lleva quien a su amigo prueba.
El infortunio pone a prueba a los amigos y descubre a los enemigos.
El oro se prueba con el fuego; la mujer, con el oro; y el hombre, con la mujer.
En el obrar se prueba la amistad.
En la adversidad se prueba la amistad.
Fruta nueva, ¿quién no la prueba?
La paciencia, en los trabajos se prueba.
Quien afirma prueba; no quien niega.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de prueba en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con prueba y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
La prueba de valor de Lorenzo
This story is about Lorenzo, a penguin, and his desire of obtaining the acceptance of the gulls. In the process, he discovers the meaning of true friendship and the importance of accepting oneself as you are.
Matemáticas: Prueba de acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado ...
Este es un libro de texto para impartir las Matemáticas del Curso de Preparación de la Prueba de acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior.
Alicia Espuig, 2011
Un caballo a prueba de bombas
Una guía paso a paso para hacer que los caballos y los ponis no tengan miedo y sean más seguros de montar, más fáciles de manejar y más seguros de sí mismos
Perry Wood, 2006
Consuelo en tiempos de prueba
En medio de la prueba, a menudo es difícil ver que nuestro sufrimiento tenga algún propósito. Consuelo en tiempos de prueba nos ayudará a comprender que Dios nunca nos deja ni nos desampara, especialmente en los momentos difíciles.
J. C. Brumfield, 2009
La prueba de los amigos
Felix Lope de Vega y Carpio (Madrid, 1562-Madrid, 1635). Espana. Nacio en una familia modesta, estudio con los jesuitas y no termino la universidad en Alcala de Henares, parece que por asuntos amorosos.
Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, 2012
MANUAL DE PRUEBAS DIAGNÓSTICAS. Traumatología y ortopedia
Prólogo Prefacio y agradecimientos Glosario CAPÍTULO 1 Columna y pelvis Prueba de Spurling Prueba de distracción Prueba de depresión del hombro Signo de Bakody Prueba de Valsalva Prueba de Lhermitte Prueba de Jackson Prueba de ...
Antonio Jurado Bueno, Ivan Medina Porqueres, 2007
La prueba en el procedimiento contencioso-administrativo
David Ordóñez Solís es magistrado, doctor en Derecho, licenciado especial en Derecho europeo por la Universidad de Bruselas y miembro del Team Europe y de la Red de Expertos en Derecho de la Unión Europea del Consejo General del Poder ...
David Ordóñez Solís, 2011
La Prueba Del Rorschach: Un manual de aplicación Pluricultural
Plantea la posibilidad de usar el psicoanálisis para poblaciones cultural y económicamente diferentes de aquellas para las cuales se elaboró.
Anne Bar Din, 2001
La prueba de las promesas
Don Mendo, dona Ana, Beltran y el Conde aparecen en otras obras de Ruiz de Alarcon como Las paredes oyen, El examen de maridos, El tejedor de Segovia, Los pechos privilegiados, Ganar amigos y La verdad sospechosa.
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza, 2012
Talento a prueba de crisis
A lo largo de la obra, Leila Navarro ofrece numerosas claves para desarrollar las habilidades imprescindibles para convertir las crisis en oportunidades de crecimiento y de verdadero desarrollo personal.
Leila Navarro, 2011


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término prueba en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Diez farmacias asturianas realizarán la prueba rápida del VIH
Elena FERNÁNDEZ-PELLO Diez farmacias asturianas ofrecerán la prueba rápida del VIH (Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida) a partir del 15 de septiembre. «La Nueva España, Sep 16»
Corea del Norte pudo realizar una prueba nuclear
MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — Es altamente probable que Corea del Norte haya realizado una prueba nuclear, declaró una fuente del Gobierno de Corea del Sur. «Sputnik Mundo, Sep 16»
Por error de los jueces, a Gaviria le descontaron 6 puntos de Scratch
Fernando Gaviria perdió la oportunidad de ganar una medalla en los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro, al quedar cuarto en la general de la prueba del ... «, Ago 16»
Brock Lesnar da positivo en segunda prueba
NUEVA YORK, Estados Unidos, Jul. 19, 2016.- El peleador estadounidense Brock Lesnar falló una segunda prueba antidopaje en una muestra del 9 de julio, ... «, Jul 16»
El príncipe Harry se hace la prueba del VIH/SIDA y lo transmiten en ...
El príncipe Harry se sometió a una prueba de VIH este jueves en un momento que fue transmitido en vivo por la página de Facebook de la Familia real para ... «People en Español, Jul 16»
La NASA prueba con éxito el que nos llevará a Marte
El vídeo de la prueba, cuyo nombre clave era “QM-2", ya ha sido publicado por la NASA. El ensaño consistió en un total de 82 pruebas diferentes a lo largo de ... «Gizmodo en Español, Jun 16»
Gabriel García Márquez en la prueba de lengua castellana de ...
Gabriel García Márquez en la prueba de lengua castellana de Selectividad en Catalunya Alumnos del examen de Selectividad momentos antes de iniciar el ... «La Vanguardia, Jun 16»
La Selectividad pone a prueba los sueños de 19.942 estudiantes
Las pruebas del Selectivo están al caer y no hay tiempo que perder. Unas décimas arriba o abajo pueden ser determinantes, la diferencia entre acceder a una ... «El Mundo, Jun 16»
Educación envía requerimientos a siete comunidades por la prueba ...
En tercer lugar, han añadido, hay cinco comunidades que han regulado y efectuado correctamente la prueba en mayo: Castilla y León, Galicia, La Rioja, ... «, Jun 16»
«La nueva prueba de acceso a la Universidad no puede ser una ...
Asturias estrena la última PAU con Hume y Platón, la Constitución Española del 78 y un texto sobre Valle-Inclán. La vicerrectora de Estudiantes aboga por una ... «La Voz de Asturias, Jun 16»


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