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" La tarea del escritor consiste en mostrar como el contexto social influye en la psicología personal."
Tom Wolfe

Significado de "social" en el diccionario de español



La palabra social procede del latín sociālis.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


so · cial

Social es una palabra aguda de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Social es un adjetivo.
El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.



Sociedad es un concepto variado, que designa a un tipo particular de agrupación de individuos que se produce tanto entre los humanos como entre algunos animales. En ambos casos, la relación que se establece entre los individuos supera la manera de transmisión genética e implica cierto grado de comunicación y cooperación, que en un nivel superior puede calificarse como cultura.

definición de social en el diccionario español

La definición de social en el diccionario castellano es perteneciente o relativo a la sociedad. Otro significado de social en el diccionario es también perteneciente o relativo a una compañía o sociedad, o a los socios o compañeros, aliados o confederados.


antisocial · artificial · asocial · comercial · confidencial · esencial · espacial · especial · facial · inicial · insocial · judicial · oficial · parcial · policial · potencial · presidencial · provincial · psicosocial · residencial


socia · sociabilidad · sociabilización · sociabilizar · sociable · socialcristiano · socialdemocracia · socialdemócrata · socialismo · socialista · socialización · socializador · socializadora · socializante · socializar · sociata · sociativo · sociedad · societaria · societario


aeroespacial · asistencial · credencial · crucial · diferencial · extrajudicial · imparcial · interracial · marcial · nupcial · pericial · perjudicial · preferencial · presencial · racial · referencial · secuencial · servicial · superficial · sustancial

Sinónimos y antónimos de social en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «social» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «social» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


social · benéfico · colectivo · comunitario · general · individual · insecto · caculo · obra · razón · persona · capital · domicilio · gasto · ciencias · sociales · seguridad · sociedad · concepto · variado · designa · tipo · perteneciente · relativo · otro · también · compañía · socios · compañeros · aliados · confederados · desarrollo · aunque · presta · atención · temas · antiguos · bien · establecidos · libro · acerca · recientes · investigaciones · conducta · teoría · mente · niños · afecto · después · historia · trabajo · méxico · gestión · cómo · lograr · eficiencia · impacto · este · argumenta · vector · central · debe · orientar · programas · proyectos · producen · sobre · población · están · dirigidos · cambio · radical · forma · educación · antología · textos · clásicos · formación · pedagogía · social · algo · nuevo ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de social a 25 idiomas



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En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de social en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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85 millones de hablantes

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xã hội
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75 millones de hablantes

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65 millones de hablantes

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50 millones de hablantes

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40 millones de hablantes

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30 millones de hablantes

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15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de social en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  social ; societal ; socialising [socializing, -USA] ; socialised [socialized, -USA] ; gregarious.
 She has been a vital and energetic voice in the movement to increase the sensitivity and responsibility of libraries to social issues, as well as a first-rate cataloger.
 A major concern of the journal will be the business, economic, legal, societal and technological relationships between information technology and information resource management.
 Thus teachers especially, because they have a captive audience, find themselves along with parents and a child's peers, one of a triumvirate of main socializing agents in a child's life.
 The client is rational and socialized and to a large extent determines self-destiny.
 The most popular activities are either those involving little physical effort (eg, listening to records), looking after the house & garden, or gregarious activities like going out for a drink.
acontecimiento social  
community event
 People are checking over the giant noticeboard of community events, 'for sale,' 'ads,' and 'help wanted' notices.
 Socials take place every Thursday evening, usually at around 8pm.
actitud social 
social attitude
 Modern discussion centered around film and TV has interrogated more profoundly the social attitudes and theories which lie behind the concept of the creative author.
actividad social 
social activity
 I can join a sporting club and combine developing skills with social activities.
activismo social 
social activism
 This article discusses the perceived malaise which besets the field in terms of fundamentalism, xenophobia, censorship, fetishism, feminism, genetic inbreeding and social activism.
acto social 
networking event
 These prestigious networking events will provide you with the latest news and trends in the design industry.
adaptación social 
social adjustment
 The author compares learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among 146 Bedouin students from polygamous and monogamous families.
agitación social 
social upheaval
 These voluntary groups attempt to influence decision makers and are an outgrowth of the political and social upheaval of the 1960s.
aislamiento social 
social isolation
 Despite these findings, the label 'social isolation' may not accurately describe mothers who maltreat their children.
animal social 
social animal
 Sociology starts from the premise that we are basically social animals, not just from force of habit but because we could not otherwise survive.
ansiedad social 
social anxiety
 Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.
antropología social 
social anthropology
 This article discusses social anthropology and the documentation of anthropology and ethnology in Africa.
aprovechada de la asistencia social 
welfare queen
 Sidel, who was raised by a single father, said the difference is that single fathers are lionized for stepping into the role while single mothers can be vilified as welfare queens or worse.
armonía social 
social harmony
 Social harmony is about promoting a spirit of community and neighbourliness.
asistencia social    
social relief
social care
social casework
 In UDC under 361 social relief we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.
 For example, at Woking, the stock has been split into about thirty sections, such as Health and welfare, War and warfare, retaining the Dewey sequence within each section.
 The aim of this project was therefore to collect information on the social care needs of families supporting children with autistic disorders.
 The role of the library was not regarded as counselling, social casework or advocacy, but simply facilitating access to information.
asistencia social para los mayores  
elderly care
elder care [eldercare]
 The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.
 This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.
asistente social 
welfare worker
 Reference service has always had a leg in the camp of social welfare, simply because reference librarians must have the social conscience of welfare workers if they are to provide patient guidance and assistance for those seeking to use library resources.
asistente social de barrio 
community worker
 Its main value, however, was in forging close links with the community workers, which proved invaluable when it came to compiling the local information file.
atención social 
social care
 The aim of this project was therefore to collect information on the social care needs of families supporting children with autistic disorders.
ayuda social 
welfare benefits
 A large part of the work of information and advice has been the interpretation of people's eligibility for welfare benefits and other social services.
bebedor social 
social drinker
 Part of this confusion is that many individuals are unclear about the differences in characteristics of social drinkers, problem drinkers and alcoholics.
beneficio social   
social benefit
social return
societal benefit
 If good buildings are erected, even in unpromising neighbourhoods, the subsequent social benefits and positive political responses may restore libraries to the eminence they once enjoyed.
 Economists have estimated the regional impacts and social returns realized through the provision of public education institutions.
 Many of the visionary reports now being published on the future information society contain unsupportable claims of potential societal benefit.
bienestar social    
social welfare
public welfare
social well-being
 The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.
 For example, at Woking, the stock has been split into about thirty sections, such as Health and welfare, War and warfare, retaining the Dewey sequence within each section.
 Our major goal is to promote employment, commerce, economic development, and public welfare in certain neighborhoods.
 The 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak in the UK had a significant impact on the economic and social well-being of rural communities.
cambio social  
social change
societal change
 We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.
 Societal changes shaking all established institutions to their foundations also threaten to engulf the public library.
capa social más distinguida, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
crust, the
 Go into the average good home of the crust, in the quietude of 'after-tea' and you will see a youthful miss sitting over something by Charlotte M Yonge or Charles Kingsley.
capital social 
social capital
 The author examines social capital as a theoretic construct with the potential to enhance the understanding of public relations contribution to the organisational bottom line.
casa social 
community house
 They also set up a trial information service in a nearby community house in order to gain some experience in running this kind of service.
causa social 
social cause
 Millennials say they are prepared to reward or punish a company based on its commitment to social causes.
centro de asistencia social 
welfare facility
 A special network linking major public sites like schools, libraries, hospitals and welfare facilities could be in place by the year 2000.
centro social    
community centre
community hall
drop-in centre
social centre
 These displays are circulated round libraries, advice centres, community centres, etc.
 Public facilities are grouped according to major domain areas such as recreation and leisure (art museum, zoo, swimming pool, movie theatres, and skating rink); community (grocery store, bus depot, community hall); etc.
 There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
 Public libraries and university libraries alike are frequently used as lounges and social centers rather than as information services.
centro social para veteranos de guerra 
Veterans' centre
 Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.
ciencias sociales   [Disciplina que trata especialmente los aspectos humanos del conocimiento] 
social sciences
soft sciences, the
social studies
 The social sciences class, 300, subsumes Economics, Politics, Law and Education.
 Emphasis is placed on the soft sciences, (the economic and social sciences).
 CIJE references are to articles from journals in the areas of elementary, secondary, and higher education, social studies, and so on.
clase social  
social class
social rank
 Social class and home access to information technology are shown as dividers impacting on the extent of use of all services offered by the learning resource centre = Se demuestra que la clase social y el acceso a la tecnología de la información desde casa son dos variables diferenciadoras que repercuten en la frecuencia de uso de todos los servicios ofertados por el centro de recursos para el aprendizaje.
 Although there is some indication that the manner of wearing an obi indicated social rank, this had little to do karate and more with social traditions.
clase social más alta 
higher echelon
 Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.
clase social más baja 
lower echelon
 The question is that we, from the lower echelons, cannot understand how the rich can be so egoistic as to go on and on with heaping up money.
clima social 
social climate
 The developmentof an indigenous book industry requires time, government support and encouragement, and a favourable economic and social climate.
club social  
civic club
social club
 Now the civic club is turning to problems involving the possible abuse of parking permits, which cost residents $40 a month per vehicle.
 The origins of this institution - part trade union, part friendly society, and part social club - are obscure, but chapels were well established by the mid sixteenth century in the larger continental shops.
cohesión social 
social cohesion
 One measure of a community's social capital is its level of social cohesion or how well members of a community perceive themselves to be connected.
comentario social 
social commentary
 Satire and comedy can be better vehicles for social commentary than straight-faced, serious drama.
complejo recreativo y social  [Conjunto de edificios con instalaciones deportivas, cafeterías, y salas dedicadas a diversos usos que el ayuntamiento habilita para el esparcimiento de los ciudadanos]
leisure centre
 The Stockholm Public Library provides library services in 32 hospitals, 1 gaol, 3 leisure centres for the handicapped and retired, and an institution for social rehabilitation.
complejo social  [Conjunto de edificios dedicados al servicio de la comunidad]
community complex
 However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.
comportamiento social  
social graces
social behaviour
 In all public contacts, one strives to maintain a basic level of social graces by deploying the force and warmth of one's personality to ensure that the other person is at ease.
 Understanding of these aspects a key to appreciating the influence of communications media on organizational and social behaviour.
compromiso social 
social engagement
 This study measures the connection between social engagement and levels of depression among the community-dwelling elderly.
concertación social 
social harmony
 Social harmony is about promoting a spirit of community and neighbourliness.
conciencia social 
social consciousness
 The change to democracy should not be considered a revolution, but rather an anti-revolution, ie, an appeal to individual & collective inner moral conviction, social consciousness, & human rights.
condiciones sociales  [Generalmente usado en plural]
walks (of/in) life
 Public libraries are present in many communities and serve people of all ages and from all walks of life.
condición social  
station in life
social condition
 Each of us - no matter what our politics, our religion, our race, or our station in life - must search his conscience for the answer to that question.
 Library services have changed to meet the new social conditions: there are improved services for business and for the handicapped.
conflictividad social 
social unrest
 Water shortages in the north of China lead to social unrest over accessto what limited supplies were available.
conflicto social 
social conflict
 These types of newspapers are more critical because they are more likely to be located in pluralistic communities, which contain more social conflict and criticism of dominant groups and value systems.
consejo social  [Grupo de personas que supervisan en última instancia el funcionamiento de un organismo público o semi-público, museo, universidad, asociación, banco, etc]  [Grupo de personas que supervisan en última instancia el funcionamiento de un organismo público o semi-público, museo, universidad, asociación, banco, etc] 
trustee board
 Some of the rules were imposed on Panizzi by the trustees of the British Museum, and Panizzi could only join his critics in denouncing those rules, such as the rules for entry of anonymous publications.
 In 1974 the Museum trust was funded to preserve local industrial and social heritage, including the library.
 This article highlights the general duties and responsibilities of library trustee boards as outlined by statute.
contexto social 
social context
 The author takes care to set the discussion in papermaking in the social and economic contexts of the times.
contrato social 
social contract
 Such universal ideals had to be replaced with nationalism, a concept of the nation based not on social contract, but on hereditary blood ties.
con una orientación social 
 The programs we devise come from my agreement with the philosophy that children's library services should be to some degree socially oriented.
convención social 
social convention
 Social conventions can influence the labeling of odors, especially those that have putrid, rancid, urinous or sweaty qualities.
conversación social 
social conversation
 It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
crítica social  
social commentary
social critique
 Satire and comedy can be better vehicles for social commentary than straight-faced, serious drama.
 This interpretation turns Dewey's social critique on its head by re-enforcing the political status-quo.
cuestiones sociales 
social affairs
 This class is conservative in politics, aristocratic in social affairs, and characteristically well-bred, well-educated, well-housed, and well-heeled.
cuestión social  
social issue
societal issue
 There are obviously important social issues to be considered here.
 The author explains the importance of the ethical, legal and societal issues raised by the emerging information society.
cultura social 
social culture
 Libraries, being a kind of phenomenon of social culture, play a positive role in social life.
debate social 
public discourse
 The study is situated within the contested public discourse about the importance of certain key institutions, such as the library, in public life = Este estudio se sitúa dentro del debate social abierto existente hoy sobre la importancia de ciertas instituciones clave, tal como la biblioteca, en la vida pública.
derechos sociales 
social rights
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
desarrollo social 
social development
 This has serious implications for the provision of certain categories of information, particularly in the area of social development.
descontento social  
civil unrest
social unrest
 The most vulnerable nations are Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, which have all experienced savage war and civil unrest in recent years.
 Water shortages in the north of China lead to social unrest over accessto what limited supplies were available.
desigualdad social 
social inequality
 Social inequality occurs when ideology and power combine in such a way as to make one group superior or inferior to another group.
desorden social 
social disorder
 This book maintains that the church in Africa carries the torch of hope for many Africans today in the midst of political and economic insecurity and social disorder.
deterioro social 
social decay
 Cordelia emerges amid the moral depravity and social decay as one who is honest and true to her beliefs.
de una clase social superior 
above + Posesivo + class
 It's the story of Heathcliff, an orphan who falls in love with a girl above his class, loses her, and devotes the rest of his life to wreaking revenge on her.
diferencia social 
social gap
 Moreover, the results show that the information gap between rich and poor nations seems to be greater than the social gap.
dimensión social 
social dimension
 The movies themselves were less important to them than the experience of movie-going and the social dimensions of that experience.
dinámica social  [Generalmente usado en plural]
social dynamics
 The system gave rise to a double-faced social dynamic - inside/inside - which proved itself able to adapt rather well to social change.
distancia social 
social distance
 Social distance, the aloofness and unapproachability of persons of different social strata, is both a symbol of class standing.
encuentro social 
networking event
 These prestigious networking events will provide you with the latest news and trends in the design industry.
enfermedad social 
social disease
 He is thus led to formulate anti-Semitism as a social disease, a psychosis, a paranoid schizophrenia of the mass mind.
entramado social, el 
social web, the
 He concludes that ceremonious leave-taking was a means of ensuring that the social web did not rupture when the spirit of adventure took hold.
entre grupos sociales 
 Intergroup dialogue is essential if we are to address the legacies of racism and other forms of social injustice in our society.
equiparación social 
social levelling
 They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.
escoria social de raza blanca 
white trash
 The south London 'white trash' it portrays are as marginalized in their council flats as any poor sharecroppers, but the novel neither condescends toward them nor sentimentalizes their plight.
espacio social 
social space
 These reflect tactics, stratagems and plans by means of which respondents navigate social space.
estatus social 
class standing
 Social distance, the aloofness and unapproachability of persons of different social strata, is both a symbol of class standing.
estigma social 
social stigma
 In the Dominican Republic, curly hair carries a social stigma & is considered to be worse than AIDS.
estratificación social 
social stratification
 With the rise of social stratification, humankind has developed 'class warfare' to heavily dysgenic proportions.
estrato social 
social stratum
 This system was described 'pillarisation' which was rooted in an agreement that divisions between different religious and social strata were so profound that individuals should live substantially within their own communities.
estructura social 
social structure
 Certainly there are very serious novels which, by means of a fictitious story, have a great deal to say about human relationships and social structures.
ética social 
social ethic
 The pursuit of professional status by librarians is not the best way to ensure the continuation of the 'social ethic' according to which librarians are educated.
etiquetado social 
social tagging
 That would create chaos in a shared folder scheme, but works well in a social tagging system.
evento social 
 Socials take place every Thursday evening, usually at around 8pm.
exclusión social 
social exclusion
 A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.
factores sociales 
social forces
 The author takes a realistic look at the political and social forces which have shaped libraries in Hungary.
fobia social 
social anxiety
 Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.
grupo social  
community group
social group
 These can be seen as extensions of the supportive role provided by Neighbourhood Advice Centres to community groups.
 The comic butt, the natural-born leader, and the bully are archetypal figures found in any social group.
habilidades sociales 
social skills
 Teaching the importance of using appropriate social skills belongs in every classroom regardless of grade or subject.
hábito social 
social custom
 Social customs sometimes caused problems in borrowing.
hacer vida social 
socialise [socialize, -USA]
 She is married and has a family, but does not spend much time in the director's office or socialize with her.
historia social 
social history
 But he will soon discover that even then all the accidents of birth, upbringing, education, and social history will prevent his truly knowing the very thing he wants to know - how can a white man experience directly what it means to be a black man.
igualdad social  [Acceso a los recursos para el desarrollo de las capacidades de un individuo para poder dirigir su propio destino y contribuir a la comunidad en igualdad de condiciones]  
social equality
social equity
 The women's movement and those concerned with women and development have long recognized that information is a means of empowerment for women.
 Social equality and economic growth should not be at odds.
 This is the way ahead for public services, based as they are on both social equity and diversified need.
inadaptación social 
social maladjustment
 Children of alcoholic mothers develop social maladjustment problems and addictions.
inadaptado social  
social misfit
 Many see his art as a vocation for lazybones and social misfits.
 A humane response to society's misfits will ultimately prove to be the best social defence against crime and the criminal = Una respuesta humanitaria a los inadaptados sociales resultará ser en última instancia la mejor defensa social contra la delincuencia y los delincuentes.
incompetente social  [Generalmente referido a una persona que dedica la mayor parte de su tiempo a la tecnología y que en consecuencia carece de las habilidades sociales necesarias para relacionarse con los demás]   
nerdy [nerdier -comp., nerdiest -sup.]
geeky [geekier -comp., geekiest -sup.]
 The book has the title 'The geek's guide to Internet business success'.
 A stereotypical image of a teenage nerd emerged in the drawings of secondary students but not in elementary children's drawings.
 I've always considered myself something of a nerd, even back when being nerdy wasn't cool - nowadays, everyone thinks they're a nerd.
 At the heart of the novel is a geeky high-school student who lives in Preston, Idaho.
incorporación social 
social inclusion
 Proposals should aim at explaining to the citizens in Latin America the benefits of the Information Society in the following four areas: local governance, education and cultural diversity, public health and social inclusion (or e-inclusion).
Indice de Citas de las Ciencias Sociales (SSCI) 
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
 The Permuterm index (as featured in Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes) is similar to a Double-KWIC index in that it provides for simple coordination of index words.
inepto social    [Generalmente referido a una persona que dedica la mayor parte de su tiempo a la tecnología y que en consecuencia carece de las habilidades sociales necesarias para relacionarse con los demás] 
nerdy [nerdier -comp., nerdiest -sup.]
geeky [geekier -comp., geekiest -sup.]
 I've always considered myself something of a nerd, even back when being nerdy wasn't cool - nowadays, everyone thinks they're a nerd.
 A stereotypical image of a teenage nerd emerged in the drawings of secondary students but not in elementary children's drawings.
 The book has the title 'The geek's guide to Internet business success'.
 At the heart of the novel is a geeky high-school student who lives in Preston, Idaho.
influencia social 
social influence
 The future of the National Library of Medicine will be shaped by a number of scientific, technical, and social influences.
injusticia social 
social injustice
 The much-vaunted 'neutrality' of libraries, it was argued, was really a benign passivity in the face of social injustice.
inserción social 
social insertion
 This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.
integración social 
social integration
 The studies analyse the role of mass media in cultural life, social integration, and national development.
interacción social 
social interaction
 The next thing you know, people will never leave their house for any real social interactions and everyone will be gaming all day long.
jerarquía social 
social hierarchy
 This an important step toward challenging the unscrutinized value system that supports social hierarchy.
justicia social 
social justice
 The work on gaining acceptance for disabled people in the 1980s is to become more resolute in the 1990s in the name of social justice.
malestar social   
civil unrest
social malaise
social unrest
 The most vulnerable nations are Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, which have all experienced savage war and civil unrest in recent years.
 These bureaucratic organisations contribute to a social malaise, symptomatic, in the opinion of many workers, of a general social crisis which will accelerate in the decades ahead.
 Water shortages in the north of China lead to social unrest over accessto what limited supplies were available.
mal social 
societal ill
 This idea spread during an era in which reformers regarded the book as a curative for societal ills = Esta idea se difundió durante una era durante la que los reformistas consideraban el libro como un remedio para los males sociales.
marginación social 
social exclusion
 A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.
marginado social 
social outcast
 The novel often has an unjustified negative image as a book only loved by weirdos and social outcasts.
mediación social 
social mediation
 Finally, an integral component of social mediation is the use of language.
medios de comunicación de las redes sociales 
social media
 It seems that no matter what TV channel you put on, what website you read, or what social media site you're on, talk of him is rampant as the world awaits his decision on which team he'll sign with.
medios de comunicación social 
mass media
 Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.
mejora social 
social improvement
 In later life Martin focused his attention on social improvements.
memoria social 
social memory
 The author considers the complex, symbiotic relationships among social memory, popular culture, and historical events.
movimiento social 
social movement
 In all social movements across the world, you see that when a movement goes underground the activists become slower.
nivelación social 
social levelling
 They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.
norma social  
societal norm
social norm
 Change will only come about when informed decision making becomes a societal norm.
 This is a study of computer mediated communication (CMC) which attempts to provide empirical evidence of the emergence of social norms in computer conferencing.
orden social 
social order
 Social order is maintained through the concern of individuals for their reputations, which suffer if they are unsocial.
ostracismo social 
social ostracism
 These include guilt, a loss of self-confidence, social ostracism, and self-fulfilling behaviour.
parasitismo social 
social parasitism
 Social parasitism is a charge that is leveled against a group or class in society which is considered to be detrimental to the whole.
parásito social  
social parasite
 I have nothing against Aussies but I do have something against parasites who steal off someone else's ideas .
 In general, are members of the clergy more often social parasites or more often valuable members of society?.
política social 
social policy
 This article subjects the much-heralded Chilean 'model' of social policy reform to a critical analysis.
posición social  
social standing
social status
 Their observations give a fascinating and humorous insight into the social standing of public libraries in the Ireland of the early 1900's.
 A significantly higher percentage of female librarians were satisfied with the social status of their job and with their work.
práctica social  [Término reciente usado para referirse a las ideas o prácticas que los seres humanos se transmiten entre sí por imitación, a diferencia de los genes que se transmiten por transmisión genética]
 Memes are what is passed on when we imitate someone - and can be 'an idea, an instruction, a behaviour, a piece of information'.
presión social  
social pressure
social pressure
 Public libraries, in common with other public services are not immune to political, economic and social pressures.
 Information professionals usually serve people in a context of social pressures and internal politics.
prestación de la seguridad social 
social security benefit
 The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.
prestación social sustitut 
community service
 A hockey player has received a conditional discharge, community service and a suspension until January 2010 after pleading guilty to all charges.
prestigio social 
social prestige
 Most of these societies were matrilineal, meaning descent and property was passed down on the distaff side of the family and women had a very high social prestige.
problema social  
social problem
societal problem
 The speaker went on to urge librarians to become involved with the social problems of society today particularly unemployment.
 The focus on solutions to societal problems common to much interdisciplinary research makes such projects particularly newsworthy.
procedencia social 
social background
 For most people their social background is the most important factor in their development.
profesión de vocación social 
caring profession
 The view that the 'caring' professions, including librarianship, have of their clients is deeply insidious.
programa social 
social program(me)
 Librarians should be part of initiatives which work closely with community structures to address community based social programmes.
progreso social 
social progress
 He described cynicism as abandoning all hope that social change and progress is possible.
promoción social 
social advancement
 The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.
provenir de todas las clases sociales 
come from all + walks of life
 Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.
provenir de todos los estratos sociales 
come from all + walks of life
 Our members come from all walks of life but we maintain a strict standard of dress with men in white tie and tails and women in evening gowns.
rango social 
social rank
 Although there is some indication that the manner of wearing an obi indicated social rank, this had little to do karate and more with social traditions.
rechazado social 
social outcast
 The novel often has an unjustified negative image as a book only loved by weirdos and social outcasts.
redes sociales 
social networking
 The idea of social networking as an educational strategy is disturbing, because, by its definition, it slices through hierarchy and alters authority.
reforma social 
social reform
 Social reform was once the pet project of the enlightened Protestant middle class.
reformista social 
social reformer
 The political leaders, social reformers and Nobel Peace Laureates were appalled by this dangerous phenomenon but they were all in a fix as to what to do.
reinserción social 
social rehabilitation
 The Stockholm Public Library provides library services in 32 hospitals, 1 gaol, 3 leisure centres for the handicapped and retired, and an institution for social rehabilitation.
reintegración social 
social reintegration
 They should see to the social reintegration of children who are victims of foreign occupation, anti-personnel mines and sexual abuse.
relaciones sociales 
social relations
 Such changes have been managed in a way that leaves intact the system of social relations based on sexual segregation.
responsabilidad social 
social responsibility
 Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.
reunión social 
social gathering
 The study room was transformed for an evening into a coffee house where an intellectual and social gathering took place.
riesgo social 
social risk
 The article 'Facing social risks in IT development in South Africa' considers the development and implementation of information technology in South Africa.
salón social   
community room
drop-in lounge
community hall
 The retreat, held in an off-campus community room during the Christmas break following an unusually hectic autumn term, lasted a full day.
 This institution offers not only a wide range of information but also the facility of a meeting room, a drop-in lounge for social gatherings, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, displays, playgroups, coffee breaks, informal chats, seminars, study groups, films and slide shows.
 Public facilities are grouped according to major domain areas such as recreation and leisure (art museum, zoo, swimming pool, movie theatres, and skating rink); community (grocery store, bus depot, community hall); etc.
sátira social 
social satire
 The author uses animal characters to portray political and social satire.
seguridad social  
social security
national insurance
 It would not be good, for example, just giving someone who claimed to have a social security problem the address of the nearest office.
 130 employees in a large national insurance company were interviewed.
Seguridad Social Británica 
National Health Service (NHS)
 The UK Government's white paper on the National Health Service (NHS) recommends a radical overhaul of the NHS in terms of its management.
seguro social 
social insurance
 Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.
servicio social 
social service
 But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.
servicio social sustitutorio 
community service
 A hockey player has received a conditional discharge, community service and a suspension until January 2010 after pleading guilty to all charges.
servicios sociales   
human services
social care
welfare services
 Information technology applications in human services will become increasingly integrated = Cada vez más las aplicaciones de la tecnología de la información se integrarán en los servicios sociales.
 The aim of this project was therefore to collect information on the social care needs of families supporting children with autistic disorders.
 The political focus in South Africa centres on the issue of its underdeveloped population, facets of which are income, housing, education and welfare services.
sicología social 
social psychology
 Without any doubt, the specific area of social psychology research that has made the greatest impact on reference librarians in recent years has been non-verbal communication.
sistema social 
social system
 Access to information is also an important element in the working of social and political systems = El acceso a la información es también un elemento importante del funcionamiento de los sistemas sociales y políticos.
social demócrata 
social democratic
 Poul Qvist Joergensen, social democratic MP, expressed his Party's undecided attitude towards tax exemption for sponsorship.
subsidio de la seguridad social 
social security benefit
 The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.
tejido social, el   [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
social web, the
fabric of society, the
 He concludes that ceremonious leave-taking was a means of ensuring that the social web did not rupture when the spirit of adventure took hold.
 The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
tendencia social 
social trend
 The author reviews three recent books and one article on future social trends resulting from the information revolution.
trasfondo social 
social background
 There have been 5 periods, each with its own characteristics and social background.
urbanización de viviendas sociales 
council estate
 In Britain, this meant the dislocation and scattering of what were close-knit communities either to sprawling suburban council estates, often grossly lacking in amenities, or to blocks of high-rise flats.
valor social 
social value
 Moral objections are the most prominent, though these are contingent on current cultural & social values, which may shift, as evidenced by the growing acceptance of surrogate mothers, sperm banks, & the sale of body parts.
velada social 
social evening
 In practical terms, this gave the impetus for social evenings and singing competitions to be organised more often.
vida social 
social life
 I am too old any longer to play games or dance; my social life is restricted; and I cannot, as I used, take much interest in the future of the world, for I shan't live long enough to see what is going to happen in it.
vivienda social  [Alojamiento que el ayuntamiento alquila a las familias más necesitadas]   [Piso]
council tenancy
council house
council flat
 Couples are forced to make the decision between owner-occupation & council tenancy early in their marriages.
 They then moved out of London to a council house in Basingstoke and they still live in it, but they own it now, lock, stock and barrel.
 The south London 'white trash' it portrays are as marginalized in their council flats as any poor sharecroppers, but the novel neither condescends toward them nor sentimentalizes their plight.
viviendas sociales   
community housing
council housing
public housing
 Previous research has demonstrated that frail elderly living in subsidized high-rise apartments have greater unmet needs than elderly who reside in traditional community housing.
 Most of the larger cities have set up wholesale slum clearance programmes and rehousing in council housing and high-rise flats.
 The library provides mobile library services to all public housing areas of the city.
web social, la 
social web, the
 He concludes that ceremonious leave-taking was a means of ensuring that the social web did not rupture when the spirit of adventure took hold.
social demócrata
social demócrata 
  social democratic.
 Poul Qvist Joergensen, social democratic MP, expressed his Party's undecided attitude towards tax exemption for sponsorship.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra social



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de social
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «social».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre social



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra social.
Arthur Schopenhauer
El instinto social de los hombres no se basa en el amor a la sociedad, sino en el miedo a la soledad.
La justicia es la venganza del hombre social, como la venganza es la justicia del hombre salvaje.
Georges Duhamel
El horror a la vida social es una prueba de inteligencia, de tendencia a la espiritualidad.
Gustave Flaubert
La fraternidad es una de las más bellas invenciones de la hipocresía social.
Hjalmar Schacht
La libertad sin orden es la muerte de toda organización social.
Juan Antonio Vallejo-Nágera
En muchos aspectos, la infancia es la época más importante de nuestra vida, cuando se gesta nuestra personalidad y se ponen los cimientos de lo que será nuestra futura conducta social.
Miguel De Unamuno
¿Qué es la razón? La razón es aquello en que estamos todos de acuerdo. La verdad es otra cosa. La razón es social; la verdad, individual.
Santiago Ramón Y Cajal
En la máquina social hay que ser motor, no rueda, personalidad, no persona.
Tom Wolfe
La tarea del escritor consiste en mostrar como el contexto social influye en la psicología personal.
Michel Houellebecq
La individualidad es apenas una ficción breve dentro de una especie social.


Descubre el uso de social en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con social y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Desarrollo social
Aunque presta atención a temas antiguos y bien establecidos, el libro se acerca a las recientes investigaciones acerca de la genética de la conducta, de la teoría de la mente de los niños, del desarrollo del afecto después de la ...
Rudolph Schaffer, 2000
Gestión social: cómo lograr eficiencia e impacto en las ...
En este trabajo se argumenta que el vector central que debe orientar la gestión social es el impacto que los programas y proyectos producen sobre la población a la que están dirigidos, lo que implica un cambio radical en la forma de ...
Ernesto Cohen, Rolando Franco, 2005
Educación social: antología de textos clásicos
La formación en Pedagogía Social es algo nuevo en España, dentro de la Licenciatura en Pedagogía; y la Diplomatura en Educación Social es también de creación muy reciente.
José María Quintana Cabanas, 1994
Responsabilidad personal y social a través de la educación ...
El libro describe las bases teóricas y metodológicas para una intervención psicosocial a través del deporte y la educación física. El modelo incluye estrategias de implantación y muestra resultados de éxito en diferentes contextos.
Carmina Pascual Baños, Melchor Gutiérrez Sanmartín, Amparo Escartí Carbonell, 2005
Memoria social
La memoria es un tema tan amplio que su tratamiento completo abarcaría de la psicología a la filosofía, de la neurología a la historia moderna y de la zoología a la «petite madeleine» de Proust.
James Fentress, Chris Wickham, 2003
Aprendiendo la práctica del trabajo social: guía de ...
El equipo de supervisores de prácticas de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, avalado por una larga experiencia en el desarrollo de esta tarea y en la elaboración de materiales docentes propios, presenta este manual, ...
La influencia social inconsciente: estudios de psicología ...
El fenómeno de la conversión abarca cualquier forma imaginable de cambio de opinión o de representación.
Serge Moscovici, Gabriel Mugny, Juan Antonio Pérez, 1991
Los valores en la práctica del trabajo social
Una característica del Trabajo Social ha sido el enorme esfuerzo que ha realizado a lo largo de toda su historia para aclarar teórica y prácticamente los compromisos morales en los que sustentaba su actividad.
Damián Salcedo Megales, 1999
Historia social de las lenguas de España
Sinopsis Historia Social de las Lenguas de España.
Francisco Moreno Fernández, 2005
El Estado del control social: un estudio sociológico de los ...
Desde una perspectiva sociológica ímás allá de Marxî, Melossi redescribe las teorías clásicas sobre el Estado (Maquiavelo, Hobbes, Locke) y el eventual desarrollo contemporáneo (Kelsen en particular) de la teoría jurídica y el ...
Dario Melossi, 1992


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término social en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
(Ampl.) La Seguridad Social pierde 19.559 afiliados extranjeros en ...
La Seguridad Social perdió 19.559 cotizantes extranjeros en agosto, un 1,1% en relación al mes anterior, según ha informado este jueves el Ministerio de ... «, Sep 16»
La deuda social: uno de cada cinco chicos tiene problemas de ...
... postergados” del Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina, de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), que será presentado mañana en el Auditorio Santa ... «Clarí, Sep 16»
La Seguridad Social pierde 11.356 afiliados en Murcia en agosto
En el conjunto del país, la Seguridad Social perdió en agosto una media de 144.997 afiliados (-0,81%) respecto al mes anterior, lo que situó el número de ... «, Sep 16»
La Seguridad Social pierde 144.997 afiliados en agosto, hasta los ...
El secretario de Seguridad Social, Tomás Burgos, durante la rueda de prensa que ha ofrecido hoy para presentar los datos de la afiliación registrada en el mes ... «EFE, Sep 16»
Los chinos lideran las altas en la Seguridad Social de los ...
Así lo informa la Seguridad Social que asegura que uno de cada seis trabajadores extranjeros es autónomo. Sorprende que la nacionalidad con mayor número ... «OKDIARIO, Ago 16»
La Seguridad Social gana 2.133 afiliados en Murcia en julio
En el conjunto del país, la Seguridad Social ganó en julio una media de 84.721 afiliados (+0,48%) respecto al mes anterior, lo que situó el número de ocupados ... «, Ago 16»
Echenique ya pagaba a su cuidador en negro y sin Seguridad ...
Por tanto, Echenique sería reincidente en el fraude a la Seguridad Social. Cuando transcendieron inicialmente los hechos, el dirigente de Podemos aseguró ... «OKDIARIO, Jul 16»
Echenique reconoce su fraude a la Seguridad Social y lo justifica ...
Casualmente, el mismo día que se conoció que el dirigente de Podemos había defraudado a la Seguridad Social, Echenique alardeaba en su cuenta de Twitter ... «OKDIARIO, Jul 16»
La Seguridad Social paga la pensión a 30.000 fallecidos
El Tribunal de Cuentas describe en su informe una situación caótica en el seno de la Seguridad Social, que impide saber cuándo fallecen los perceptores de ... «La Vanguardia, Jul 16»
El número de extranjeros afiliados a la Seguridad Social en Asturias ...
A nivel nacional la Seguridad Social ganó 16.783 cotizantes extranjeros en junio, un 0,9% en relación al mes anterior, según ha informado este jueves el ... «, Jul 16»


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