Mots et Expressions du anglais

bor | bora | Bora Bora | boraces | borachio | boracic | boracite | borage | boraginaceous | borak | boral | borane | borate | borax | borazon | borborygmal | borborygmi | borborygmic | borborygmus | bordar | Bordeaux | Bordeaux mixture | bordel | Bordelaise | bordello | border | Border collie | border disease | border dispute | border guard | border incident | Border Leicester | Border Patrol | border police | border raid | border state | border taxes | border terrier | bordereau | bordereaux | borderer | bordering countries | borderland | borderless | borderline | borderline case | borderline personality disorder | Borders | Borders Region | Bordet | bordraging | bordure | bore | bore the pants off | boreal | Boreas | borecole | bored | boredom | boree | boreen | borehole | borel | borer | borer bomb | borescope | boresome | Borg | Borgerhout | Borges | Borgesian | Borghese | borghetto | Borgia | Borglum | borgo | boric | boric acid | boride | boring | boring machine | boring mill | boringly | boringness | Boris bike | Boris I | bork | Borlaug | borlotti bean | borm | Bormann | born | born on the wrong side of the blanket | born out of wedlock | born-again | born-free | borna disease | borne | Bornean | Borneo | borneol | Bornholm | Bornholm disease | bornite | bornitic | Borno | bornyl alcohol | Borodin | Borodino | borohydride | boron | boron carbide | boron nitride | boronia | boronic | borosilicate | borosilicate glass | Borotra | borough | borough council | borough-English | borrel | borrelia | Borromini | borrow | borrow pit | borrower | borrowing | borrowing rate | borrowing requirement | borrowings | Bors | borsch | borscht | borshch | borsic | borstal | borstal boy | bort | borty | bortz | borzoi
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