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Meaning of "enfermedad" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra enfermedad procede del latín infirmĭtas, -ātis.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


en · fer · me · dad


Enfermedad is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A disease is, in general terms, a process and, also, the consequent status of affection of a living being, characterized by a detrimental alteration of his state of health. The state or process of disease can be caused by several factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the diseased organism: these factors are called noxas. Health and disease are an integral part of life, the biological process, and environmental and social interactions. Generally, the disease is understood as the loss of health, whose negative effect is a consequence of a structural or functional alteration of an organ at any level. The sick girl, by Gabriël Metsu. The Doctor, by Samuel Luke Fildes.

Definition of enfermedad in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of disease in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a more or less serious alteration of health. Another meaning of disease in the dictionary is harmful passion or alteration in the moral or spiritual. Ambition is a disease that can hardly be cured Diseases of the soul or of the spirit. Illness is also a harmful abnormality in the functioning of an institution, community, etc.


ansiedad · antigüedad · brevedad · ebriedad · edad · falsedad · gravedad · humedad · mesmedad · novedad · obligatoriedad · piedad · precariedad · propiedad · saciedad · seriedad · sociedad · soledad · suciedad · variedad


enferma · enfermada · enfermamente · enfermar · enfermera · enfermería · enfermero · enfermiza · enfermizar · enfermizo · enfermo · enfermosa · enfermoso · enfermucha · enfermucho · enferozar · enfervorecer · enfervorizador · enfervorizadora · enfervorizar


ambigüedad · arbitrariedad · brusquedad · complementariedad · contrariedad · copropiedad · heredad · levedad · multipropiedad · necedad · notoriedad · obviedad · propriedad · salvedad · sequedad · sobriedad · subsidiariedad · terquedad · viudedad · voluntariedad

Synonyms and antonyms of enfermedad in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «enfermedad» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «enfermedad» into 25 languages



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  disease ; illness ; infirmity ; sickness ; ill health ; disorder ; malady.
 For example, a fairly straightforward document such as 'A medical dictionary of diseases' would be summarized as: Medicine/Disease/Dictionary.
 Thus the base could contain some facts about deficiency and illness, for example.
 We must also consider those people who could and would use a library but are prevented from doing so by physical factors such as infirmity.
 The induction course will give all the necessary employment details relating to such matters as the amount of leave entitlement, insurance stoppages, what to do in case of sickness, etc..
 Donker Duyvis continued in that office until his enforced retirement (due to ill health) in 1959.
 Consider this title 'A handbook of heart disease, blood pressure and strokes: the cause, treatment and prevention of these disorders'.
 Melancholy followed him like his shadow in his journey; and on his return to Rome his malady increased.
ausencia por enfermedad 
sickness absence
 Problem drinking, drink driving and criminality are important risk factors for receipt of disability pension and high levels of sickness absence in young men.
baja por enfermedad  
sick leave
sickness leave
 Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.
 There are of course any number of reasons for this, but the whole sickness leave debate in society has obviously raised people's awareness.
con enfermedades mentales 
mentally challenged
 The author presents the results of a survey of 250 rural libraries to evaluate if and to what extent they have made changes to accommodate the needs of mentally and physically challenged users.
contraer una enfermedad  
contract + a disease
contract + an illness
 They contract that well-known institutional disease I call 'hardening of the categories'.
 In 1792, when he was forty-seven, the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya contracted a serious illness that left him stone deaf.
control de las enfermedades 
disease control
 Disease prevention is a better management practice than disease control.
embates de la enfermedad, los 
ravages of disease, the
 Vaccines are among the most effective weapons for protecting horses against the ravages of disease.
enfermedad adquirida 
acquired disorder
 A congenital disorder is any medical condition that is present at birth usually hereditary, as contrasted with an acquired disorder.
Enfermedad + aguda 
acute + Enfermedad
 The smaller the size of the iris, the more likely for the diagnosis to be acute iritis.
enfermedad bacteriana 
bacterial disease
 Cockroaches can be carriers of a high number of bacterial and viral diseases such as catarrhal colitis, infectious hepatitis, and salmonellosis.
enfermedad bucal 
mouth disease
 He claimed he had hand, foot and mouth disease and was told he suffered from hypochondriasis.
enfermedad cardíaca  
heart disease
heart condition
 Such conditions as heart disease, cancer, and arteriosclerosis can be prevented or postponed through proper nutrition, weight control, exercise, and stress management.
 He was born with a severe heart condition but now, after a couple of years of training, he is the 'wonder boy' that all the doctors want to meet.
enfermedad cardíaca isquémica 
ischemic heart disease
 Ischemic heart disease was the predominant cause of natural death behind the wheel.
enfermedad cardiovascular  
cardiovascular disorder
cardiovascular disease
 Over the past dozen years, this program has been developed to assist physicians in reasoning about cardiovascular disorders.
 Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed, as well as how development of coronary disease can be attenuated or arrested by a prolonged routine of jogging.
enfermedad cardiovascular hipertensiva 
hypertensive cardiovascular disease
 Several lines of investigation have indicated the existence of abnormalities in salt and water metabolism in hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
enfermedad celíaca 
coeliac disease
 In people with coeliac disease the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten causing small bowel damage.
enfermedad cerebrovascular  
cerebrovascular disease
cerebrovascular disorder
 Use of these drugs includes the treatment of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, arterial disease, cerebrovascular disease, and coronary thrombosis.
 Among these health problems, atherosclerotic diseases including ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disorder are of particular importance.
enfermedad congénita  
congenital disorder
congenital disease
 A congenital disorder is any medical condition that is present at birth usually hereditary, as contrasted with an acquired disorder.
 Congenital disease means that the problem is present from birth.
enfermedad contagiosa  
infectious disease
communicable disease
 Mexico is undergoing an intense epidemiological transition characterised by a decline in the incidence of infectious diseases and a rapid increase in the importance of chronic illnesses and accidents.
 We now know enough in reference to the prevention and cure of communicable diseases so that the average human life might be lengthened by a third.
enfermedad coronaria 
coronary disease
 Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are discussed, as well as how development of coronary disease can be attenuated or arrested by a prolonged routine of jogging.
enfermedad coronaria del corazón 
coronary heart disease
 Second hand smokers can suffer a range of smoking related diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease and cancer.
enfermedad crónica  
chronic disease
chronic illness
 This data base is a combination of subfiles dealing with chronic diseases and health education.
 Mexico is undergoing an intense epidemiological transition characterised by a decline in the incidence of infectious diseases and a rapid increase in the importance of chronic illnesses and accidents.
enfermedad cutánea 
skin disease
 Cutaneous mycoses are the most common fungal skin diseases seen in dogs.
enfermedad de Alzheimer 
Alzheimer's disease
 A brief review of the characteristics of Alzheimer's Disease (Senile Dementia) is followed by notes on sources of information on the subject.
enfermedad de arteria coronaria 
coronary artery disease
 Modest regular exercise can substantially lower the risk of death from coronary artery disease, colon cancer, and complications from diabetes.
enfermedad de Crohn 
Crohn's disease
 Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation or ulceration of the digestive tract.
enfermedad de la lengua azul 
bluetongue disease
 Bluetongue disease (also called catarrhal fever) is a non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants.
enfermedad de la piel 
skin disease
 Cutaneous mycoses are the most common fungal skin diseases seen in dogs.
enfermedad de la sangre 
blood disease
 First of all, I was very excited by hematology, this field of medicine treating blood diseases.
enfermedad de las vacas locas 
mad cow disease
 Information on the news items relevant to 'mad cow disease' was collected for a period of 100 days starting very close to the eruption of the crisis.
enfermedad de la vid 
 One week elapsed between discovery of the damage and the day archivists were called to begin restoration, so mildew in bound volumes became a problem.
enfermedad del corazón 
heart disease
 Such conditions as heart disease, cancer, and arteriosclerosis can be prevented or postponed through proper nutrition, weight control, exercise, and stress management.
enfermedad del legionario 
legionnaire's disease
 Unpleasant surprises such as legionnaire's disease may still emerge from time to time.
Enfermedad del Linotipista 
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
 This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).
enfermedad del siglo viente 
twentieth-century disease
 'Twentieth-century disease,' or 'total allergy syndrome,' is a condition attributed to hypersensitivity to the environment that may sometimes be seen as so serious that the patient is incapable of living in the modern world = "La enfermedad del siglo veinte", o el "síndrome de alergia total", es un síntoma atribuído a la hipersensibilidad al ambiente que ocasionalmente puede parecer tan serio que el paciente es incapaz de vivir en el mundo moderno.
enfermedad del sistema nervioso 
nervous system disease
 However, smoking also worsens a relatively common nervous system disease called multiple sclerosis.
enfermedad del sistema nervioso central 
central nervous system disease
 Protein holds promise for drug therapy for central nervous system diseases.
enfermedad del sueño 
sleeping sickness
 The author reveals the close links between African ideas about the forcible extraction of vital fluids and European views about sleeping sickness, insect vectors, and deforestation.
enfermedad del tiroide 
thyroid disease
 Tremors have many causes and can be inherited, be related to illnesses such as thyroid disease, or caused by fever, hypothermia, drugs or fear.
enfermedad de Lyme 
Lyme disease
 Leaders should be aware of the rare incidence of Lyme disease, which is transmitted by animal ticks.
enfermedad de Parkinson 
Parkinson's disease
 Scientists suspect that iron accumulation plays a role in neurodegenerative processes such as Parkinson's disease.
enfermedad de Peyronie 
Peyronie's disease
 A man who suffers from penile curvature, also known as Peyronie's disease, may become so self conscious about his crooked penis that he loses an interest in sex.
enfermedad discapacitante 
crippling illness
 The only crippling illness I have is continuing to bandy words with someone who seems dead set on humiliating himself with constant references to rape.
enfermedad endémica  
endemic illness
endemic disease
 Some other sources highlight the implementation of measures to control the development of endemic illnesses, particular to the 19th century, namely, dysentery, diphtheria, smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy, & yellow fever, among others.
 Tuberculosis, the paradigmatic endemic disease of the nineteenth century, was a social disease and a social problem.
enfermedad física 
physical illness
 Somatization is the expression of physical symptoms in the absence of medically explained physical illness.
enfermedad genética 
genetic disease
 Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetic diseases that cause progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscles.
enfermedad heredada   
inherited disorder
inherited illness
inherited disease
 With this database we hope to reduce the incidence of inherited disorders in dogs by providing information to owners and breeders.
 They brought along with them some inherited illnesses common to the people of the regions from whence they came.
 They study the causes of a wide range of inherited diseases, including neuromuscular defects, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity and cancer .
enfermedad hereditaria 
hereditary disease
 Examples of hereditary disease consists of sickle cell anemia, cancer of the breast, as well as diabetes and hypertension can also be in that category.
enfermedad infecciosa 
infectious disease
 Mexico is undergoing an intense epidemiological transition characterised by a decline in the incidence of infectious diseases and a rapid increase in the importance of chronic illnesses and accidents.
enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria 
inflammatory bowel disease
 Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation or ulceration of the digestive tract.
enfermedad laboral 
occupational disease
 They sought to prevent occupational accidents and disease by incorporating health and safety standards in contracts.
enfermedad mental    
mental illness
mental disease
brain disorder
mental disorder
 This article reports on a use of computer aided instruction and multimedia technology to meet the information needs of a special population - people who have severe and persistent mental illnesses.
 It is very commong to accuse people of being irrational or having a mental disease when they engage in conduct not approved of or understood.
 Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that typically strikes people when they are quite young .
 These tendencies were evident in speculation about the causes of conditions such as paresis & 'hereditary' mental disorders.
enfermedad neurodegenerativa 
neurodegenerative disease
 American scientists grow brain cells taken from dead bodies, in an advance they say could one day treat neurodegenerative diseases.
enfermedad neurológica 
neurological disorder
 In all experimental embryos, neurological disorders such as trembles and loss of equilibrium were observed.
enfermedad poco común 
rare disease
 There was a new pharmaceutical policy enacted in 1983 known as the Orphan Drug Act designed to increase the availability of so-called 'orphan drugs' used to treat rare diseases.
enfermedad profesional 
occupational disease
 They sought to prevent occupational accidents and disease by incorporating health and safety standards in contracts.
enfermedad rara 
rare disease
 There was a new pharmaceutical policy enacted in 1983 known as the Orphan Drug Act designed to increase the availability of so-called 'orphan drugs' used to treat rare diseases.
enfermedad respiratoria 
respiratory disease
 616.2 is a subdivision of class '616 Disease' and it specifies 'respiratory diseases'.
enfermedad reumática 
rheumatic disease
 Three models of the classification criteria were compared, by testing them with 292 clinical cases from a hospital for rheumatic diseases.
enfermedad reumática del corazón 
rheumatic heart disease
 Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.
enfermedad siquiátrica 
psychiatric illness
 Patients hospitalized for treatment of psychiatric illness commonly receive pro re nata anti-anxiety and hypnotic agents.
enfermedad social 
social disease
 He is thus led to formulate anti-Semitism as a social disease, a psychosis, a paranoid schizophrenia of the mass mind.
enfermedad terminal 
terminal illness
 Changes can also be seen in attitudes towards children suffering from serious or terminal illnesses.
enfermedad transmisible 
communicable disease
 We now know enough in reference to the prevention and cure of communicable diseases so that the average human life might be lengthened by a third.
enfermedad tropical 
tropical disease
 The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.
enfermedad vascular periférica 
peripheral vascular disease
 Moderate intake of alcoholic beverages, including red wine, reduces the risk of peripheral vascular disease.
enfermedad venérea 
venereal disease (VD)
 Many people who would normally practise safe sex do become pregnant, or else catch venereal diseases, through having unprotected sex while drunk.
enfermedad viral 
viral disease
 Bluetongue disease (also called catarrhal fever) is a non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants.
estar de baja por enfermedad 
be off work sick
 If by that you mean not having two pennies to rub together, then its because being off work sick on half pay tends to do.
estragos de la enfermedad, los 
ravages of disease, the
 Vaccines are among the most effective weapons for protecting horses against the ravages of disease.
gravedad de la enfermedad  
severity of illness
seriousness of illness
 Strangles vaccines reduce the severity of illness, but might produce some side-effects.
 Seriousness of illness is used to make decisions as to whether to perform invasive procedures such as surgery.
insecto portador de enfermedad 
insect vector
 The author reveals the close links between African ideas about the forcible extraction of vital fluids and European views about sleeping sickness, insect vectors, and deforestation.
llamar al trabajo para excusarse por enfermedad 
call in + sick
 He accused her of lying when they said she was at the movies when she had called in sick.
maldita enfermedad 
dreaded lurgy, the
 We have all had the dreaded lurgy, one after the other - first Amelie, then Charlie, then Han and now me.
padecer una enfermedad 
suffer from + a condition
 It is suggested that visits to a toy library could be of great benefit to children suffering from this condition.
prevención de enfermedades 
disease prevention
 Disease prevention is a better management practice than disease control.
propagar una enfermedad 
spread + disease
 The main justifications, couched mostly in race-neutral terms, were that the squatters would increase crime, decrease property values, spread disease, & despoil the natural environment.
seguro de enfermedad 
health insurance
 Libraries must also ensure that pertinent medical history, health insurance, and criminal background information has been obtained prior to any volunteer starting to perform duties for the library.
tener una enfermedad  
be in ill health
be in bad health
 His grieving wife, Carol, had an inkling that Paul was in ill health, as he was off-colour for quite some time.
 The evidence suggests that people who live in poor housing are more likely to be in bad health than persons living in good housing.
transportar enfermedades 
carry + disease
 This film explains that germs live in dirt, carry disease, and can be washed away as part of one's personal cleanliness habits.

Trends of use of enfermedad



Principal search tendencies and common uses of enfermedad
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «enfermedad».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about enfermedad



Famous quotes and sentences with the word enfermedad.
Abel Dufresne
El aburrimiento es la enfermedad de las personas felices.
Alberto Moravia
La vejez es una enfermedad como cualquier otra en la cual al final uno se muere irremisiblemente.
Amos Alcott
La enfermedad del ignorante es ignorar su propia ignorancia.
Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Ser necio de nacimiento es una enfermedad incurable.
Cuatro cosas es necesario extinguir en su principio: las deudas, el fuego, los enemigos y la enfermedad.
Duque De Levis
El aburrimiento es una enfermedad cuyo remedio es el trabajo; el placer sólo es un paliativo.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Querer conservar la salud siguiendo un régimen demasiado riguroso es una enfermedad irritante.
Georg Ch. Lichtenberg
El sentimiento de la salud se adquiere solamente mediante la enfermedad.
Georg Ch. Lichtenberg
La enfermedad es la mayor imperfección del hombre.
Heinrich Heine
La vida es una enfermedad; el mundo un gran hospital, y la muerte, el médico que nos cuida a todos.


A enfermedad ignorada, pocas medicinas y a estudiarla.
A veces el remedio es peor que la enfermedad.
Dios te guarde de lodos al caminar y de larga enfermedad.
En prisión y enfermedad, se conoce la amistad.
Enfermedad a plazo fijo, señal es de nuevo hijo.
Enfermedad larga, cruz a la espalda.
Es gran parte de la salud el conocer la enfermedad.
La enfermedad y el anciano, siempre de la mano.
Líbrete Dios de la enfermedad que baja de Castilla y de el hambre que de Andalucía sube.
Para la enfermedad de años no hay medicina.


Discover the use of enfermedad in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to enfermedad and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Anatomía de una enfermedad o La voluntad de vivir
Libro que narra la historia de una enfermedad particular.
Norman Cousins, 1993
En el poder y en la enfermedad: Enfermedades de jefes de ...
The New England Journal of Medicine En el poder y en la enfermedad trata de la interrelación entre la política y la medicina. El autor se declara fascinado por ella y la ha analizado en ambos campos.
David Owen, 2011
Enfermedad, dolor y muerte desde las tradiciones ...
El libro está dividido entres partes que corresponden a las tres tradiciones analizadas. Consta de treinta artículos escritos por veintisiete autores.
Francisco Javier de la Torre Díaz, 2011
La Enfermedad Depresiva
La depresión no es locura ni debilidad de carácter; es una enfermedad con muchos rostros, frecuentemente ligada a la soledad, y hoy muy difundida.
Henri Loo, Henri Lôo, Thierry Gallarda, 2001
Diseño ergonómico en la prevención de la enfermedad laboral
INDICE: La oculta belleza de la silla de Toro Sentado.
Antonio Bustamante, 1995
La Enfermedad Como Simbolo/ Illness As a Symbol: Manual De ...
This is a books that challenges accepted ideas of exactly what illness really is. Symptoms are bodily expressions of psychological conflicts, able through their symbolism to reveal the patient's true problems.
Ruediger Dahlke, 2006
Diario de una enfermedad mental (Esquizofrenia)
Diario de una enfermedad mental es un libro para todo aquel que quiera conocer y comprender la enfermedad mental, narrada desde la experiencia de una persona que la ha vivido.
Antonio Ramos Bernal, 2013
La Diabetes Mellitus como enfermedad sistémica: Control ...
Introducción. Epidemiología de la macroantiopagía diabética.
José Sabán Ruiz, 2012
Comprender la enfermedad mental
Se aborda en este libro los aspectos más generales y esenciales de las enfermedades mentales.
Fernando Leal Herrero, Universidad de Murcia, 2002
La enfermedad como símbolo
The authors view disease symptoms as messages indicating unresolved conflicts, and they explain how to interpret their symbolic significance, while offering practical steps to remedy them.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term enfermedad is used in the context of the following news items.
Hepatitis, una enfermedad silenciosa: cómo evitar su contagio
Hoy, en el Día Mundial contra la Hepatitis, las estadísticas mundiales indican que esta enfermedad es la octava causa de muerte en el mundo, por delante de ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Tratamiento para la enfermedad de Stephen Hawking llegaría en ...
Tratamiento para la enfermedad de Stephen Hawking llegaría en cinco años. Se trata de fármacos contra la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA), que aunque ... «LaTercera, Jun 16»
Eric Clapton confesó que padece una enfermedad nerviosa que le ...
En una entrevista con la revista británica Classic Rock, el legendario músico de 71 años reveló que padece una enfermedad que podría alejarlo de los ... «, Jun 16»
8 señales de la enfermedad celiaca
La enfermedad celiaca es una entidad frecuente que afecta aproximadamente a una de cada cien personas, siendo más frecuente en las mujeres. «, May 16»
Esclerosis múltiple, una enfermedad más allá de los genes
La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad inflamatoria y neurodegenerativa del sistema nervioso central que compromete el cerebro, el nervio óptico y la ... «El Heraldo, May 16»
Thalía responde a Carmen Salinas tras burlarse de su enfermedad ...
“Al escuchar este tipo de comentarios tan a la ligera, se me vienen a la mente las miles de personas que perdieron la batalla contra esta enfermedad. Pienso en ... «People en Español, Apr 16»
El párkinson, la segunda enfermedad neurológica más frecuente en ...
Más de 160.000 personas sufre párkinson en España, una cifra que convierte a este trastorno crónico, degenerativo e invalidante en la segunda enfermedad ... «RTVE, Apr 16»
La enfermedad silenciosa que acecha tras lo que comes
En el Día Mundial de la Salud la OMS presenta su primer informe sobre la diabetes, esa enfermedad que acecha silenciosa en nuestro día a día. En nuestra ... «Hipertextual, Apr 16»
¿Qué es la enfermedad de Lyme, que padecen Thalía, Richard ...
Conmocionó en el mundo del espectáculo las declaraciones de la cantante mexicana Thalía, quien manifestó que volvió a recaer en la enfermedad de Lyme, ... «LA NACION, Apr 16»
Tuberculosis, una enfermedad antigua muy presente
"Estos datos ofrecen una luz de esperanza en una enfermedad donde la mayoría de los casos son curables", sostiene la doctora Sara Quirós, coordinadora del ... «El Mundo, Mar 16»


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