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Significado de "comercial" en el diccionario de español



co · mer · cial

Comercial es una palabra aguda de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Comercial puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.


definición de comercial en el diccionario español

La primera definición de comercial en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es perteneciente o relativo al comercio o a los comerciantes. Otro significado de comercial en el diccionario es dicho de una cosa: Que tiene fácil aceptación en el mercado que le es propio. Comercial es también anuncio.


arcial · artificial · bercial · confidencial · esencial · espacial · especial · imparcial · inercial · inicial · judicial · marcial · oficial · parcial · policial · potencial · presidencial · provincial · residencial · social


comentarista · comento · comenzadera · comenzadero · comenzador · comenzamiento · comenzante · comenzar · comer · comerciable · comercialidad · comercialismo · comercialización · comercializar · comerciante · comerciar · comercio · comestible · cometa · cometaria


aeroespacial · antisocial · asistencial · credencial · crucial · diferencial · extrajudicial · facial · interracial · nupcial · pericial · perjudicial · preferencial · presencial · racial · referencial · secuencial · servicial · superficial · sustancial

Sinónimos y antónimos de comercial en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «comercial» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


comercial · especulativo · mercante · mercantil · aviación · agente · efectos · comerciales · nombre · papel · balanza · primera · lengua · española · perteneciente · relativo · comercio · comerciantes · otro · dicho · cosa · tiene · fácil · aceptación · mercado · propio · comercial · también · anuncio · logística · marketing · para · distribución · fundamentos · técnicas · investigación · edición · manual · dirigido · todas · aquellas · personas · estudiantes · profesionales · docencia · gestión · empresa · deseosas · iniciarse · profundizar · área · negociación · negociador · tema · proceso · desarrollo · documentación · éxito · practicas · administrativas · contextos · best · selling · text · business · spanish · course · gives · post · intermediate · students · solid · foundation · vocabulary · basic · cultural · concepts · situational · practice · that · will · prepare · excel · aplicado · gracias · este · lector · podrá · diseño ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de comercial a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de comercial a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de comercial presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de comercial en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

광고 방송
85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

quảng cáo
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de comercial en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  commercial ; commercially available ; entrepreneurial ; fee-based ; marketing ; priceable ; for-profit ; consumer-like ; business-like ; business-related ; market-orientated [market orientated] ; profit-making ; profit-related ; readily available ; trade-oriented ; profit-orientated ; marketable ; business ; off-the-shelf ; commercially operated ; market-oriented [market oriented] ; profit-oriented ; out of the box ; profit-generating.
 It is these features which have led co-operative members to select these systems rather than those of the commercial software vendor.
 Computerized information-retrieval systems are also very prominent in commercially available online search systems and applications.
 It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.
 The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
 Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.
 Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.
 The friction in this industry between private, for-profit services and not-for-profit learned societies or government bodies is deep-seated.
 I tried to say at the very outset of my remarks that there probably has not been sufficient consumer-like and assertive leverage exerted upon our chief suppliers.
 It was generally felt that US libraries are organised on more business-like lines than those in the Netherlands.
 Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.
 In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated.
 Many types of budgets are not really applicable to libraries, since libraries are not primarily profit-making institutions.
 However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
 Librarians generally adopt the common strategy of simply using readily available sources of information.
 Trade-oriented scholarly presses also predict more titles, smaller press runs and higher prices.
 Information producers and sellers are profit-orientated.
 Central to this is the belief that information is a marketable commodity.
 A major concern of the journal will be the business, economic, legal, societal and technological relationships between information technology and information resource management.
 A standard off-the-shelf version costs 450 and fully tailored systems usually fall into the range 1,250 - 1,450.
 There are a number of microfilming centres in the country including two commercially operated microfilming services.
 The market oriented economy is changing the role of information and business information services.
 The author points out dangers inherent in the fact that on-line data bases are privately owned and profit-oriented.
 Software vendors provide manuals for the 'out of the box' programs they sell.
 Examples of determined efforts to erase the intellectual boundaries between the profit-generating models of business and the intellectual pursuits of the academic community are considered.
actividad comercial 
commercial activity
 This includes the liability for all bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, caused to any third party within the framework of their commercial activity.
anuncio comercial 
 Rather than take a whole lot of time on this, let me utter a brief commercial on behalf of a book which addresses precisely this area of women-related headings, Joan Marshall's 'On Equal Terms'.
aplicación comercial  
commercial application
business application
 Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.
 The author considers the impact the growth of sales of software suites of business applications are having on the PC industry.
aplicaciones comerciales 
commercial software
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
ardid comercial 
marketing ploy
 I wonder if Ms. Williams' sugar-coated Cuban tour was a marketing ploy by the Cuban government as an attempt to gain US sympathy.
argumento comercial 
business case
 In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.
asequible en establecimiento comercial 
over the counter
 With minor revision, the design recommendations were appropriate for developing over the counter medicinal leaflets.
asociación comercial 
trade association
 The Scottish Publishers Association (SPA) is a trade association currently representing 68 publishers, and was first established in 1974.
aventura comercial 
 This article examines problems and practices relating to transborder data flows in the light of the growing trend to transnational venturing in the electronic information services sector.
aviación comercial 
commercial aviation
 Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.
bajo comercial 
commercial premise
 The lessees of these commercial premises are paying more for water and electricity than in actual rent, not to mention the trading licenses.
balance comercial 
trade balance
 The USA needs to reconsider its policy on the transfer of information technology to the Third World in the light of the country's negative trade balance.
balanza comercial 
balance of trade
 The report displays import, export, and balance of trade information for more than 200 nations.
banco comercial 
business bank
 It used to be rare to find good small business banks.
barrera comercial 
trade barrier
 In a world divided by ideology, by trade barriers, by military threats and nuclear fears, we librarians are not powerless.
base de datos comercial 
commercial database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
bloqueo comercial 
trade blockade
 The author discusses the political and social crisis in Cuba, and the contribution of the USA through its trade blockade.
cadena comercial 
shop chain
 Dunkin' Donuts of America, Inc., the world's largest retail coffee and doughnut shop chain, uses the Informark system supplied by NDS a software package containing a demographic file of data from the 1980 USA Census and other commercial data bases.
calle comercial 
shopping mile
 It is the longest shopping mile in town with its famous KaDeWe, the biggest department-store on the European continent.
campaña comercial 
marketing campaign
 An effective marketing campaign will shape your customers image of your company in a positive manner.
carta comercial 
business letter
 This document is a long business letter detailing activities between a Scotch fish merchant and his Canadian suppliers.
casa comercial 
 Many packages are available for purchase or lease, but there are also strictly in-house packages and packages developed by specific software houses under contract from one organisation.
caso comercial 
business case
 In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.
catálogo comercial 
sales brochure
 No sales brochure can perform as well as personal contact and hands-on product demonstratons.
catálogo comercial de compra por correo 
mail order catalogue
 Telephone books, office files, and mail order catalogs are all examples of commonly used databases.
centro comercial      
shopping centre
shopping precinct
mall of shops
outlet mall
strip mall
 The library is poorly sited outside the shopping centre and on the brow of a hill, and faces competition from adjoining libraries.
 It was set up in 1972 at the instigation of a local councillor who wanted to introduce an information centre in shop-front premises in a new shopping precinct.
 However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.
 Similar types of studies also can be carried out to examine the distribution and social activities of people in extensive institutional spaces such as malls, plazas, walking arcades, and marketplaces.
 These maps, as those of us who are outlet junkie bargain-hunters know with assurance, are ones any shopper can pick up in any outlet mall.
 Now, in all likelihood, we have reached a saturation point at which there will be little construction of new strip malls for some time.
comercial -7 catálogo comercial 
trade catalogue
 Whether the item of information is in an encyclopaedia article, a textbook, a patent specification, an autograph letter, a citation in a bibliographic data-base, a trade catalogue, a newspaper article, an audio-cassette, or any possible alternative, it can only be traced by employing the access language of the collection.
comercial -7 stand comercial 
vendor exhibit
 The article 'A bustling New York ALA show' describes the vendor exhibits at the American Library Association Annual Conference in New York.
comercial -7 valor comercial 
marketing value
 In many cases needs other than those of the user are driving the further introduction of the Internet into libraries, e. g. the glamour and marketing value of connectivity, and the egos of librarians = En muchos casos necesidades diferentes a las de los usuarios están fomentando aún más la introducción de Internet en las bibliotecas, por ej., el carisma y el valor comercial de la red y el ego del bibliotecario.
compañía comercial 
business firm
 Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
correspondencia comercial 
business correspondence
 These model letters are not only for business correspondence, but also cover different topics such as invitations, sympathy, and congratulations to friends.
déficit comercial 
trade deficit
 The combination of trade deficit, budget deficit, and threat of war has international investors completely on edge.
déficit de la balanza comercial 
trade deficit
 The combination of trade deficit, budget deficit, and threat of war has international investors completely on edge.
de gran éxito comercial 
high selling
 Many high selling products eventually see a drop in sales and eventual discontinuation, usually after being superseded by a superior product.
demanda comercial  
market demand
commercial demand
 Electronic books will be cheaper to produce, easier to distribute and be published to meet any market demand.
 Commercial demand for photographs will grow and put increasing pressure on non-commercial institutions providing the service.
de modo comercial 
on a commercial basis
 Computer bureaux are organisations which sell computer time and other computing and associated facilities, on a commercial basis.
de un gran éxito comercial  
best selling [bestselling/best-selling]
 Similarly, Nicholas Meyer's best-selling 'Seven Percent Solution' includes interesting characters.
 Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.
de uso comercial 
 Smaller libraries may co-operate in a network and have shared access to a commercially-owned computer or may buy time on a computer belonging to another organization.
director comercial 
chief commercial officer
 Niklaus Meier assumes the Chief Financial Officer's responsibilities ad interim in addition to his current position as Chief Commercial Officer.
directorio comercial   
trade directory
traders' list
traders' catalogue
 Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.
 Large-scale maps and street plans of the locality and surrounding areas may be consulted, as may current traders' lists and catalogues.
 Large-scale maps and street plans of the locality and surrounding areas may be consulted, as may current traders' lists and catalogues.
directorio comercial por calles 
street directory
 The reference department contain quick reference material including street and trade directories, bus, train and air timetables, year-books, gazetteers, list of addresses, booklets, guide books, etc.
distrito comercial 
business district
 The secretary pointed out that all main approaches to the city lead to the courthouse square, the hub of the city's business district.
diversificación comercial 
business diversification
 This is the result of a large company's process of business diversification based on the use of new technologies and the extension of its market area into Europe.
edición comercial  [Venta de libros]
trade publishing
 Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
edificio comercial 
commercial building
 They specialize in providing seasonal decor for large commercial buildings and office towers.
editor comercial  
commercial publisher
trade publisher
 A survey of top 10 commercial and learned society publishers found the 1989 average prices (pounds sterling) to be £207.78 for commercial and £217.85 for learned society publishers.
 Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
editorial comercial  
publishing firm
publishing press
 Books are either commissioned by publishers, or else authors (or their agents) offer scripts and ideas to publishing firms.
 Oxford and Cambridge both have publishing presses which were founded to promote and disseminate knowledge.
embargo comercial 
trade embargo
 Tariff barriers, currency restrictions and trade embargoes often make the task of the librarian impossible if the intention is to plan the free flow of material and information as openly as possible.
emporio comercial 
emporium [emporia, -pl.]
 A sociological definition of culture, in today's terms, has to take account not only of Notre Dame and Beethoven, but also of McDonald hamburger emporia, discotheques and the culture of Disneyland.
empresa comercial  
business firm
commercial business
 Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
 This article explores some of the ways that companies are - or will be - using the Internet to improve the marketing of their commercial businesses.
encuadernador comercial 
trade binder
 By 1832, then, trade binders in London had evolved a satisfactory but still largely manual technique for cloth casing, and they were quickly copied in America.
establecimiento comercial 
commercial establishment
 Others believe that a library should not leave the provision of desired services to commercial establishments and research firms who must make a profit.
estafa comercial 
business scam
 The author reviews a number of Web sites that offer product warnings and business scam alerts.
estratagema comercial 
marketing ploy
 I wonder if Ms. Williams' sugar-coated Cuban tour was a marketing ploy by the Cuban government as an attempt to gain US sympathy.
estrategia comercial   
business plan
market strategy
business strategy
 Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.
 Following the information gathering phase the next step is to build the market strategy.
 A business strategy is what is used when an opportunity or a crisis occurs.
ética comercial 
business ethics
 This article focuses on the business ethic and its encroaching influence in not-for-profit organizations like most libraries.
éxito comercial  
commercial success
financial success
 In that case it is, at its level, both a commercial and artistic success, since the publishers do not expect every book to be a runaway bestseller.
 The paperback shelves in many retail outlets are stocked with books which, in spite of their print-runs, may or may not be a financial success.
explotación comercial 
commercial exploitation
 The article 'Businesses are rushing onto the Net at warp speed' is devoted to the commercial exploitation of the Internet = El artículo "Las empresas están precipitándose hacia la red a velocidad estelar" se dedica a la explotación comercial de Internet.
exposición comercial 
trade exhibition
 This article reports on the Computers in Libraries (CIL) '98 conference and trade exhibition held in Washington, DC, 2-4 March 1998.
firma comercial    
commercial firm
commercial enterprise
business firm
 Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.
 The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
 Some commercial enterprises subsidise satellite communications for academic institutions.
 Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.
galería comercial  
shopping arcade
walking arcade
 This grid of streets contains a number of bars, restaurants, art galleries, cafes, shops, and shopping arcades.
 Similar types of studies also can be carried out to examine the distribution and social activities of people in extensive institutional spaces such as malls, plazas, walking arcades, and marketplaces.
horario comercial 
business hours
 In order to improve the quality of library services it is essential to provide suitable equipment and premises and to determine suitable library business hours.
idea comercial 
business idea
 Experience shows that there is a big difference between a feasible business idea and a fundable business idea.
imagen comercial 
brand image
 Oxford University Press have been very successful in establishing their 'brand image' with the Oxford dictionaries which have distinguished editors of impeccable qualifications but the books are still marketed primarily as Oxford books.
industria de las exposiciones comerciales 
trade show industry
 They are warning municipalities to be leery of building new convention halls because of recent and projected reductions in the nation's trade show industry.
institución comercial 
commercial organisation
 A library is not usually an independent commercial organization; it normally depends on a parent body for financial support.
interés comercial  
commercial interest
business interest
 The article 'Apologia for alternatives' examines the situation where professional standards may have to give way to commercial interests.
 Special libraries in commercial organisations are the growth area and many, such as banks, have libraries containing collections in subjects outside their immediate business interests.
intereses comerciales  
marketplace forces
market forces
 There is not yet agreement on which marketplace forces affecting our information economy are important.
 If market forces are given free rein, the new technology could result not only in an information elite among users, but perhaps more dangerously an elite group of information providers.
libro comercial  [Libro dirigido al público en general como opuesto dirigido a un público especializado]
trade book
 Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.
licencia comercial 
trading licence
 The lessees of these commercial premises are paying more for water and electricity than in actual rent, not to mention the trading licenses.
local que da a una calle comercial 
shop-front premise
 Most CACs were set up in high street shop-front premises, often rather plushily furnished.
mantener relaciones comerciales 
do + business
 A CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983 which revealed that companies doing business in Europe employed 1/2 million people.
marca comercial   
brand name
trade name
 Obvious examples are the unique proper nouns such as brand names and company names.
 SilverPlatter Information System is a servicemark of SilverPlatter International licensed to SilverPlatter Information, Inc.
 Another special feature is that the trade name or brand name may be used as the name of the publisher, if this is provided.
mercado comercial 
commercial market
 These changes will indubitably be ruled by the demands of commercial markets, largely multi-media entertainment, not the requirements of the academic community.
modelo comercial 
business model
 But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.
mundo comercial, el 
commercial world, the
 Some folks in the commercial world enjoy all the internal get-ahead mutual sniping and jealous backbiting and ambitious politicking that goes on in it.
nación comercial 
trading nation
 The USA and the European Union (EU), as major agricultural producing and trading nations, played important roles in drawing up the agreement.
no comercial  
non-profit making
non-commercial [noncommercial]
 SWALCAP is a non-profit making organisation based at the University of Bristol.
 The model, which was developed in a commercial environment, might be adapted to the non-commercial environment of the academic library.
novedad comercial 
industry update
 Whether you need industry updates, technical resources or best practices tips, you can rely on our knowledge bank for the help you need.
papel comercial 
commercial paper
 The U.S. government's bailout plan did little to improve conditions in the commercial paper market where spooked investors continue to favor short-term debt.
para uso comercial 
 Smaller libraries may co-operate in a network and have shared access to a commercially-owned computer or may buy time on a computer belonging to another organization.
parque comercial 
business estate
 This project will entail the construction and development of a business estate.
plaza comercial 
strip mall
 Now, in all likelihood, we have reached a saturation point at which there will be little construction of new strip malls for some time.
poco comercial 
 University presses were founded specifically to meet the intellectual demand for valuable scholarship, even whenthat demand is uncommercial.
polígono comercial 
business estate
 This project will entail the construction and development of a business estate.
potencia comercial 
commercial power
 From being a predator, England was becoming a major commercial power on whose ships others preyed.
presentación comercial 
technical presentation
 The four-day interdisciplinary workshop will include a very exciting agenda consisting of invited speeches, technical presentations, and panel discussion sessions = Las jornadas interdisciplinares de cuatro días de duración tendrán un programa muy interesante con conferenciantes invitados, presentaciones técnicas y paneles de debate.
producto comercial  
retail product
commercial product
 Of 33 retail products examined, including skinless sausages, hot-dog sausages and frankfurters, 25 (75%) contained levels of mineral hydrocarbons from 10 to 105 milligrams per kilogram.
 This library can only be furnished with commercial products if usage is billable and protected.
programa informático comercial    
commercial application
commercial software
pre-written software
off-the-shelf software
 Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
 The title of the article is 'Pre-written software: identification, evaluation and selection'.
 This is one area in which off-the-shelf software will be of little use, except perhaps for very general introductions.
programas comerciales 
commercial software
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
propiedad comercial  
business property
commercial property
 In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties.
 Their next property auction will see a total of 40 properties come under the hammer in its biggest commercial property auction since launching in 2010.
propuesta comercial 
business proposition
 But I seem to get an awful lot of people trying to interest me in dubious-sounding business propositions.
proyecto comercial 
marketing project
 The author describes a marketing project for a bibliographic data base in the social sciences.
razonamiento comercial 
business case
 In the face of an economic downturn, many business managers will push back development requests that lack a clearly defined business case.
recursos comerciales 
commercial resources
 This article outlines some of the virtual shopping malls and storefronts available and explains how to find out about commercial resources on the net = Este artículo describe en líneas generales algunos de los centros comerciales y tiendas virtuales existentes y explica cómo encontrar recursos comerciales en la red.
relaciones comerciales   
business dealings
trade relations
commercial relations
 I've had business dealings with them.
 In the field of external relations, the Parliament has initiated meetings with parliamentary delegations with which the European Community has important trade relations.
 The guidelines are concerned with both professional and commercial relations but do not seek to establish ethical standards.
rentabilidad comercial 
business profitability
 The author outlines the extent to which local firms in Singapore are tapping into the Internet to increase business profitability.
representante comercial  
business traveller
company representative
 All over, hotel minibars and surcharges continue to be a major irritant for business travelers.
 Not all conference attendants were librarians, many were exhibitors and company representatives.
riesgo comercial 
business risk
 As ecommerce grows, maintaining control over online transactions and business risks creates challenges that may not be apparent to end users.
ruta comercial 
trade route
 Without the technologies of alphabet and book, transmitted along trade routes, our culture, from Iceland to Greece, would not exist.
secreto comercial 
competitive information
 A major concern for organisations today is the protection of competitive information from thieving.
sector comercial, el    
profit-oriented sector, the
profit sector, the
commercial sector, the
for-profit sector, the
 The disadvantages probably outweigh the advantages, probably because quantitative objectives are less relevant to the library service than to the business and profit-oriented sector.
 This article describes a questionnaire survey of special librarians in the profit and not-for-profit sector to determine their use of interactive communications technology.
 As the environment faced by academic libraries becomes less stable, much can be learned from the commercial sector = Debido a que el entorno al que se enfrentan las bibliotecas universitarias se está desestabilizando, hay que aprender mucho del sector comercial.
 They also have a greater proportionate representation from the for-profit sector.
sector no comercial, el  
not-for-profit sector, the
non-profit sector, the
 This article describes a questionnaire survey of special librarians in the profit and not-for-profit sector to determine their use of interactive communications technology.
 The marketing approach in the non-profit sector emphasizes the adoption of marketing-oriented administration in libraries to increase their value.
servicio comercial 
commercial service
 Many libraries now make use of commercial services which store the LC cataloguing records on microfiche.
servidor comercial  [En Internet, página web a través de la cual se puede solicitar productos y realizar la transacción económica necesaria para pagar por ellos]
commercial site
 This paper looks at competing formats for cashless transactions, and gives examples of commercial sites.
sistema comercial  
market system
commercial system
 In holding fast to a belief in health promotion, they resisted being coopted by a now discredited market system.
 Only a limited number of commercial systems for managing journal acquisitions are available in software format.
situado en la calle comercial 
shop-front [shopfront]
 This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.
socio comercial  
business associate
trading partner
 Jackie Chan's long-time business associates have dismissed speculations that they have ended their partnership with the actor.
 This database includes import and export statistics on over 60,000 products from over 19 countries and their trading partners.
software comercial 
commercial software
 Commercial software is used ranging from games to tutorial programs, including computer languages and programming.
título comercial  [Libro en venta al público]
trade title
 Generally, we buy from an annual universe of perhaps 35,000 to 40,000 English-language, American-published trade titles.
truco comercial 
marketing ploy
 I wonder if Ms. Williams' sugar-coated Cuban tour was a marketing ploy by the Cuban government as an attempt to gain US sympathy.
valor comercial 
commercial paper
 The U.S. government's bailout plan did little to improve conditions in the commercial paper market where spooked investors continue to favor short-term debt.
vehículo comercial 
commercial vehicle
 According to the law, commercial vehicles are not allowed to park in private estates = Por ley, a los vehículos comerciales no se le está permitido aparcar en fincas privadas.
venta comercial 
commercial sale
 There are many types of companies that carry false advertising in their products in order to increase commercial sales.
viajante comercial 
business traveller
 All over, hotel minibars and surcharges continue to be a major irritant for business travelers.
visión comercial 
business acumen
 They have business acumen - the ability to focus on the basics and make money for the company.
vuelo comercial 
commercial flight
 Efforts to train thousands of federal agents to protect commercial flights during heightened terror alerts have been abandoned.
zona comercial   
business district
shopping area
shopping district
 The secretary pointed out that all main approaches to the city lead to the courthouse square, the hub of the city's business district.
 NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
 This unique preserve encompasses mountains, rivers and lakes, numerous theme parks, shopping districts and other tourist attractions.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra comercial



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de comercial
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «comercial».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre comercial



Descubre el uso de comercial en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con comercial y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Fundamentos y técnicas de investigación comercial
Fundamentos y técnicas de investigación comercial 11a Edición es un manual dirigido a todas aquellas personas, estudiantes, profesionales de la docencia o de la gestión de la empresa, deseosas de iniciarse o profundizar en el área de ...
Ildefonso Grande Esteban, Ildefonso Grande, Elena Abascal, 2011
Negociación comercial
La negociación comercial: el negociador. Tema 2. El proceso de la negociación comercial. Tema 3. Desarrollo de la negociación. Tema 4. Documentación de la negociación.
Editorial Vértice, 2008
Éxito Comercial: Practicas Administrativas Y Contextos ...
The best-selling text for the Business Spanish course, ÉXITO COMERCIAL gives post-intermediate students of Spanish a solid foundation in business vocabulary, basic business and cultural concepts, and situational practice that will prepare ...
Michael Scott Doyle, T. Bruce Fryer, Ronald Cere, 2005
Excel aplicado a la gestión comercial
Gracias a este manual, el lector podrá iniciarse en el diseño de una hoja de cálculo para poder funcionar con Microsoft Excel y hacer un uso útil del mismo aplicado al sector comercio.
Editorial Vértice, 2007
Manual del director comercial
El Manual del Director Comercial es una obra dirigida tanto a los profesionales que dirigen grupos de venta, como a todos los comerciales, asesores, representantes y vendedores que aspiran a mejorar en su carrera o necesitan crear una ...
José Ángel Olmedo Alonso, 2005
La comunicación comercial
Este libro hace un pormenorizado repaso de las técnicas de comunicación necesarias para mantener una relación eficaz con el cliente durante el proceso de venta.
Editorial Vértice, 2007
Distribución comercial aplicada
- Selección del canal: estrategias de distribución del fabricante.- Relaciones en el canal de distribución.- Estrategias del distribuidor.- Estrategia de localización.- Estrategia de Merchandising.- La logística de la distribución.
Gestión de la distribución comercial
INDICE: Introducción: la importancia de la distribución:alcance de la distribución.
Alan West, 1991
Aplicaciones de investigación comercial
El libro se estructura en cuatro capítulos que tratan aplicaciones de investigación comercial para la segmentación de mercados, la imagen y el posicionamiento y decisiones de mix marketing; producto y precios, comunicación y ...
Elena Abascal Fernández, Elena Abascal, 1994
Diccionario de la comunicación comercial
Este diccionario contiene más de dos mil términos extraidos del lenguaje que utilizan los profesionales de la publicidad, el marketing y la comunicación comercial.
Jesús Mondría, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término comercial en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Las primeras imágenes de la búsqueda del atacante del centro ...
Un tiroteo en el centro comercial Olympia de Múnich, Alemania, generó la ... Las personas que estaban en el centro comercial fueron desalojadas por la policía. «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
10 muertos en tiroteo en Munich, incluido atacante, que se suicidó
Police secures the area inside a shopping center in Munich on July 22, 2016 following 1 de 7 | Un policía asegura el área dentro del centro comercial de Munich ... «CNNEspañ, Jul 16»
Munich: ¿quién era el responsable del tiroteo en un centro comercial?
Esta vez, el objetivo fue un centro comercial en Munich, donde 9 personas fueron asesinadas a tiros por un joven, quien –aparentemente– se suicidó después ... «, Jul 16»
Ahora en Munich: ataque a tiros en un centro comercial, con 10 ...
El cuerpo del joven, que usó una pistola, fue hallado en una calle aledaña del centro comercial donde se produjo el tiroteo, con signos claros de suicidio, ... «Diario El Día, Jul 16»
Policía de Munich inicia operativo por tiroteo en centro comercial
MUNICH, Alemania, 22 jul (Xinhua) -- La policía de la ciudad alemana de Munich reportó esta noche que emprendió una operación a gran escala en un centro ... «Xinhua, Jul 16»
Balacera en centro comercial de Alemania deja varios muertos y ...
(CNN en Español),- Terminó el tiroteo en el centro comercial de Olympia-Einkaufszentrum en Munich, Alemania, según le dijo una vocera de la policía a CNN. «Noticias Entravision, Jul 16»
El déficit comercial baja un 30,9% hasta mayo tras un nuevo récord ...
El déficit comercial alcanzó los 6.521,7 millones de euros en los cinco primeros meses del año, lo que supone un descenso del 30,9% respecto al mismo ... «, Jul 16»
El oso más triste del mundo vive en centro comercial ¡para diversión ...
El centro comercial de la provincia de Guanghzou es el lugar donde el oso polar vive triste y confinado en un pequeño habitad con el único propósito de que ... «TVNotas, Jul 16»
Exportaciones de México caen en mayo y déficit comercial se reduce
Las exportaciones de México tropezaron en mayo después de un leve respiro el mes precedente, en tanto que el déficit comercial total se estrechó el mes ... «AméricaEconomí, Jun 16»
Detenido tras una falsa amenaza de bomba contra un centro ...
Las fuerzas de seguridad belgas han detenido este martes a dos personas relacionadas con una falsa alerta de bomba en el centro comercial City 2 de ... «, Jun 16»


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