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Meaning of "cielo" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra cielo procede del latín caelum.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


cie · lo play


Cielo can act as a noun and an interjection.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The determinant is a modifier that provides context to the noun, often in terms of quantity and possession.


Click to see the original definition of «cielo» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



Sky is often defined as the space in which the stars move and by visual effect seems to surround the Earth. In astronomy, heaven is synonymous with celestial sphere: an imaginary vault on which are distributed the Sun, the stars, the planets and the Moon. The celestial sphere is divided into regions called constellations. In mythology, among the Romans, Latin name of the god Uranus and the pre-Olympic deities. In meteorology the term sky refers to the dense gaseous zone of the atmosphere of a planet. The color of the sky is the result of diffuse radiation, the interaction of sunlight with the atmosphere. On a sunny day the sky of our planet is generally seen as heavenly. The color varies between orange and red during sunrise and sunset. When night comes the color becomes a very dark blue, almost black. During the day the sun can be seen in the sky, unless it is hidden by the clouds. During the night the moon, stars and, sometimes, some neighboring planets are visible in the sky. Some of the natural phenomena seen in the sky are the clouds, the rainbow and the aurora. Cielo se define a menudo como el espacio en el que se mueven los astros y por efecto visual parece rodear la Tierra. En astronomía, cielo es sinónimo de esfera celeste: una bóveda imaginaria sobre la cual se distribuyen el Sol, las estrellas, los planetas y la Luna. La esfera celeste se divide en regiones denominadas constelaciones. En mitología, entre los romanos, nombre latino del dios Urano y de las deidades preolímpicas. En meteorología el término cielo hace referencia a la zona gaseosa más densa de la atmósfera de un planeta. El color del cielo es resultado de la radiación difusa, interacción de la luz solar con la atmósfera. En un día de sol el cielo de nuestro planeta se ve generalmente celeste. El color varía entre el naranja y rojo durante el amanecer y al atardecer. Cuando llega la noche el color pasa a ser un azul muy oscuro, casi negro. Durante el día el sol se puede ver en el cielo, a menos que esté oculto por las nubes. Durante la noche la Luna, las estrellas y, en ocasiones, algunos planetas vecinos son visibles en el cielo. Algunos de los fenómenos naturales vistos en el cielo son las nubes, el arco iris y la aurora.

Definition of cielo in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of sky in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is apparent blue and diaphanous sphere that surrounds the Earth. Another meaning of heaven in the dictionary is atmosphere. Heaven is also God or his Providence. La primera definición de cielo en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es esfera aparente azul y diáfana que rodea la Tierra. Otro significado de cielo en el diccionario es atmósfera. Cielo es también dios o su Providencia.
Click to see the original definition of «cielo» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of cielo in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «cielo» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of cielo


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «cielo» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of cielo

Translation of «cielo» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of cielo to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of cielo from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «cielo» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of cielo in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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  sky [skies, -pl.].
 She lingered there a moment and watched the cars move on the highway with a hushing swiftness against the cold gray sky.
azul cielo 
sky blue
 Her love of nostalgia is apparent in the decoration - the walls are bright pistachio green and sky blue.
cielo amenazador 
threatening skies
 Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.
cielo + amenazar + lluvia 
sky + look + menacing
 The sky looks menacing, as it gets ready to dump another layer of snow to blanket the ground.
cielo de la boca, el 
roof of the mouth, the
 The roof of the mouth (palate) is divided into two parts. The front part has ridges and is hard (hard palate); the back part is relatively smooth and soft (soft palate) .
cielo despejado  
cloudless sky
clear sky
 An example is a picture of an aircraft moving from right to left across a cloudless sky.
 The day dawned with clear skies and a slight breeze.
cielo encapotado 
overcast sky
 It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.
cielo estrellado 
starry sky
 The third heaven is not the sky, for Genesis reveals that the empyrean heaven was created on the first day, and the starry skies not till the second.
cielo nublado 
overcast sky
 It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.
cielo raso 
cloudless sky
 An example is a picture of an aircraft moving from right to left across a cloudless sky.
el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanecer augura mal tiempo  [En inglés británico se utiliza shepherd y en americano sailor]
red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning
 The old adage of 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning', has bearing only in the Northern Hemisphere.
mover cielo y tierra 
move + heaven and earth
 I say in the interests of the club and its supporters, Phil Gartside should swallow his pride and move heaven and earth to get Sam back here.
poner el grito en el cielo                       
be (all) up in arms
kick up + a stink
kick up + a fuss
blow + Posesivo + top
make + a row
make + a ruckus
kick up + a row
blow + Posesivo + lid
blow + Posesivo + stack
scream + blue murder
froth at + the mouth
shout + blue murder
be in full cry (over)
foam at + the mouth
hit + the roof
kick up + a storm
hit + the ceiling
go through + the roof
go through + the ceiling
raise + the roof
shout + bloody murder
scream + bloody murder
make + a big deal about
 And everyone who reads, writes, sings, does research, or teaches should be up in arms but the real question is why so few people are complaining.
 Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.
 If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.
 Yoga is better for people who are always blowing their top and who are therefore prone to high blood pressure.
 Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.
 At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.
 The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.
 Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't - instead she took the high road and simply just left.
 She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the sales manager's office talking to herself.
 She hates water for some reason, and whenever we go to put her togs on, she screams blue murder, and it is a 15 minute struggle to get her togs on.
 This luxurious hotel was not a likely setting for union leaders to froth at the mouth over government cutbacks.
 There are more religously motivated killings in America than what you have in Nigeria and yet nobody is shouting blue murder.
 The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.
 All of Washington is foaming at the mouth over the prospect of more pork-barrel spending.
 When she heard that, she hit the roof - and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.
 Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.
 It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.
 Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.
 I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.
 I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.
 I can picture Mr. Mukhtar in the stands on a cold winter's afternoon, beer in hand, wearing his scarf, shouting bloody murder.
 Within ten minutes, the child suddenly woke up out of her semi-comatose state, stood up in the crib and started screaming bloody murder.
 He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.
recorrer cielo y tierra 
travel + far and wide
 But some folks will still travel far and wide to pick up that perfect pet.
regalo llovido del cielo 
 Originally the advent of on-line interactive searches was hailed by some as a boon to users who could henceforward conduct their own searches.
remover (el) cielo y (la) tierra      
hunt + high and low
look + high and low
leave + no stone unturned
move + heaven and earth
search + high and low
search + high and wide
 They hunted high and low, even examining the waste-paper baskets, but to no avail.
 They went backstage and looked high and low for Andre, but he was gone.
 In out search for Mom's wedding ring, we left no stone unturned.
 I say in the interests of the club and its supporters, Phil Gartside should swallow his pride and move heaven and earth to get Sam back here.
 After searching high and low I found a company with one of the cheapest prices.
 I've been searching high and wide for this without any luck.
His eyes lift up to heaven, the best of books in his hand.
¡el Cielo nos guarde!
heaven forbid
God forbid
As far as Hernandez could determine, no one dared to approach him with suggestions for needed changes in library policy or procedure or, heaven forbid, in his personal management style.
Disability can affect us all and God forbid you have an accident or something and become disabled ... How would you feel?.
bendición del cielo
gift from God
And in his still beating heart, he knew that his recovery was a miracle: a gift from God, a stroke of luck.
caído del cielo
He was heaven sent for me and I'll always be grateful that he helped us the way he did.
A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
cielo, el [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
heavens, the
Standing in the early morning on the balcony of her apartment, she was smote as she always was by the grandeur of the sky turning to scarlet as the rim of darkness in the east released the sun for its sluggish trek through the heavens.
cielo en la tierra, el
heaven on earth
Eden was supposed to be like heaven on earth, and Adam and Eve and their descendants were meant to live forever.
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
Cielo Santo!
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
estar en el séptimo cielo
be on cloud nine
float on + air
walk on + air
tread on + air
be in seventh heaven
The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).
She felt the rush of adrenaline and sense of floating on air as the plane lifted off for a tour over the harbor.
She is 'walking on air' after grabbing the limelight by flaunting her fabulous new figure.
Who is this young woman who goes out stealthily like this, and meets a young man, and comes back feeling as if she had been treading on air?.
The salary was barely enough to get by, but I was in seventh heaven: at long last, I had the opportunity to do scientific research.
írsele a Uno el santo al cielo
lose + track of time
it + go + right/straight out of + Posesivo + mind
eBay is the absolute easiest way to lose track of time and the world going on around you.
I should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of my mind.
llovido del cielo
He was heaven sent for me and I'll always be grateful that he helped us the way he did.
A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
maná caído del cielo
manna from heaven
A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles - Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus - is provided.
poner el grito en el cielo
be (all) up in arms
kick up + a stink
kick up + a fuss
blow + Posesivo + top
make + a row
make + a ruckus
kick up + a row
blow + Posesivo + lid
blow + Posesivo + stack
scream + blue murder
froth at + the mouth
shout + blue murder
be in full cry (over)
foam at + the mouth
hit + the roof
kick up + a storm
hit + the ceiling
go through + the roof
go through + the ceiling
raise + the roof
shout + bloody murder
scream + bloody murder
make + a big deal about
And everyone who reads, writes, sings, does research, or teaches should be up in arms but the real question is why so few people are complaining.
Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.
If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.
Yoga is better for people who are always blowing their top and who are therefore prone to high blood pressure.
Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.
At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.
The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.
Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't - instead she took the high road and simply just left.
She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the sales manager's office talking to herself.
She hates water for some reason, and whenever we go to put her togs on, she screams blue murder, and it is a 15 minute struggle to get her togs on.
This luxurious hotel was not a likely setting for union leaders to froth at the mouth over government cutbacks.
There are more religously motivated killings in America than what you have in Nigeria and yet nobody is shouting blue murder.
The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.
All of Washington is foaming at the mouth over the prospect of more pork-barrel spending.
When she heard that, she hit the roof - and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.
Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.
It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.
Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.
I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.
I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.
I can picture Mr. Mukhtar in the stands on a cold winter's afternoon, beer in hand, wearing his scarf, shouting bloody murder.
Within ten minutes, the child suddenly woke up out of her semi-comatose state, stood up in the crib and started screaming bloody murder.
He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.
¡Santo Cielo!
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
sentirse en el séptimo cielo
feel like + a million dollars
feel like + a million bucks
Last night I slept like a baby and feel like a million dollars today!.
You'll accomplish nothing but you'll feel like a million bucks!!.
His eyes lift up to heaven, the best of books in his hand.
¡el Cielo nos guarde!
heaven forbid
God forbid
As far as Hernandez could determine, no one dared to approach him with suggestions for needed changes in library policy or procedure or, heaven forbid, in his personal management style.
Disability can affect us all and God forbid you have an accident or something and become disabled ... How would you feel?.
bendición del cielo
gift from God
And in his still beating heart, he knew that his recovery was a miracle: a gift from God, a stroke of luck.
caído del cielo
He was heaven sent for me and I'll always be grateful that he helped us the way he did.
A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
cielo, el [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
heavens, the
Standing in the early morning on the balcony of her apartment, she was smote as she always was by the grandeur of the sky turning to scarlet as the rim of darkness in the east released the sun for its sluggish trek through the heavens.
cielo en la tierra, el
heaven on earth
Eden was supposed to be like heaven on earth, and Adam and Eve and their descendants were meant to live forever.
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
Cielo Santo!
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
estar en el séptimo cielo
be on cloud nine
float on + air
walk on + air
tread on + air
be in seventh heaven
The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).
She felt the rush of adrenaline and sense of floating on air as the plane lifted off for a tour over the harbor.
She is 'walking on air' after grabbing the limelight by flaunting her fabulous new figure.
Who is this young woman who goes out stealthily like this, and meets a young man, and comes back feeling as if she had been treading on air?.
The salary was barely enough to get by, but I was in seventh heaven: at long last, I had the opportunity to do scientific research.
írsele a Uno el santo al cielo
lose + track of time
it + go + right/straight out of + Posesivo + mind
eBay is the absolute easiest way to lose track of time and the world going on around you.
I should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of my mind.
llovido del cielo
He was heaven sent for me and I'll always be grateful that he helped us the way he did.
A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
maná caído del cielo
manna from heaven
A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles - Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus - is provided.
poner el grito en el cielo
be (all) up in arms
kick up + a stink
kick up + a fuss
blow + Posesivo + top
make + a row
make + a ruckus
kick up + a row
blow + Posesivo + lid
blow + Posesivo + stack
scream + blue murder
froth at + the mouth
shout + blue murder
be in full cry (over)
foam at + the mouth
hit + the roof
kick up + a storm
hit + the ceiling
go through + the roof
go through + the ceiling
raise + the roof
shout + bloody murder
scream + bloody murder
make + a big deal about
And everyone who reads, writes, sings, does research, or teaches should be up in arms but the real question is why so few people are complaining.
Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.
If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.
Yoga is better for people who are always blowing their top and who are therefore prone to high blood pressure.
Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.
At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.
The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.
Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't - instead she took the high road and simply just left.
She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the sales manager's office talking to herself.
She hates water for some reason, and whenever we go to put her togs on, she screams blue murder, and it is a 15 minute struggle to get her togs on.
This luxurious hotel was not a likely setting for union leaders to froth at the mouth over government cutbacks.
There are more religously motivated killings in America than what you have in Nigeria and yet nobody is shouting blue murder.
The left, meanwhile, is in full cry over the commission's allegedly draconian cuts in Social Security benefits.
All of Washington is foaming at the mouth over the prospect of more pork-barrel spending.
When she heard that, she hit the roof - and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.
Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.
It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.
Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.
I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.
I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.
I can picture Mr. Mukhtar in the stands on a cold winter's afternoon, beer in hand, wearing his scarf, shouting bloody murder.
Within ten minutes, the child suddenly woke up out of her semi-comatose state, stood up in the crib and started screaming bloody murder.
He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.
¡Santo Cielo!
Good heavens!
Good heavens, if American culture isn't about wearing baggy pants, baseball caps and talking like a rube, what is it all about then?.
sentirse en el séptimo cielo
feel like + a million dollars
feel like + a million bucks
Last night I slept like a baby and feel like a million dollars today!.
You'll accomplish nothing but you'll feel like a million bucks!!.
  Posesivo + little muffin.
 She has an eye disability she was born with and her mother hates that her little muffin gets made fun of for her problems.

Trends of use of cielo



The term «cielo» is very widely used and occupies the 817 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «cielo» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of cielo
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «cielo».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «cielo» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «cielo» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about cielo



Famous quotes and sentences with the word cielo.
André Gide
Mi propia posición en el cielo con relación al Sol no debe hacerme encontrar menos bella la aurora.
Eduardo Marquina
Oro, poder y riquezas muriendo has de abandonar, al cielo sólo te llevas lo que des a los demás.
Los que atraviesan los mares cambian de cielo pero no de condición.
Juan Ruiz De Alarcón
Del cielo es la inclinación; el sí o el no todo es mío; que el hado en el albedrío no tiene jurisdicción.
Robert L. Stevenson
No pido otra cosa: el cielo sobre mí y el camino bajo mis pies.
Valerio Máximo
Mirad no suceda que, mientras guardáis la tierra, perdáis el cielo.
Victor Hugo
Dios es la plenitud del cielo, el amor es la plenitud del hombre.
La música es la armonía del cielo y de la tierra.
Benjamin Franklin
El cielo cura y el médico cobra la minuta.
Rabindranath Tagore
Engarza en oro las alas del pájaro y nunca más volará al cielo.


Bajando se sube al cielo.
Quien escupe al cielo, en la cara le cae.
Quien ha de ser arriero, no mire al cielo.
Si de ésta escapo y no muero, no más bodas en el cielo.
Amigo bueno, sólo Dios del cielo.
Arreboles al ocaso, a la mañana el cielo raso.
Boda y mortaja, del cielo baja.
Cielo a corderos, agua a calderos.
Cielo de junio, limpio como ninguno.
Cielo de lanas, si no llueve hoy, lloverá mañana.


Discover the use of cielo in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to cielo and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Sobre el cielo y la tierra: Las opiniones del Papa Francisco ...
El Papa Francisco y el Rabino Abraham Skorka, rector del Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano, son dos tenaces promotores del diálogo interreligioso, a través del cual buscan construir horizontes comunes sin diluir las particularidades que ...
Jorge Bergoglio- Abraham Skorka,, 2012
Del cielo y del infierno
De los últimos tres siglos, los dos grandes relatos visionarios más valorados y que mayor influencia han ejercido en nuestra cultura son, sin duda, El matrimonio del Cielo y del Infierno (1790) de William Blake y 'Del Cielo y del Infierno ...
Emanuel Swedenborg, 2002
El cielo es real: La asombrosa historia de un niño pequeño ...
El cielo es real es la verdadera historia del hijo de cuatro años del pastor de un pequeño pueblo de Nebraska que durante una operación de emergencia visitó el cielo.
Todd Burpo, 2011
Pon al cielo a trabajar
Usa ya el Poder Creativo del Universo.
Jean Slatter, 2008
A tres metros sobre el cielo
Babi es una estudiante modelo y la hija perfecta.
Federico Moccia, 2010
El niño que volvió del cielo: un relato extraordinario de ...
En 2004, el autor y sus seis años de edad, hijo, Alex, estaba en un terrible accidente que dejó a Alex paralizado.
Kevin Malarkey, 2011
El Cielo
Como sera el cielo? Autor reconocido. [This, the last book J. Oswald Sanders wrote before his death at age 90 is a rare digest of biblical insights into the timeless topic of heaven.
J. Oswald Sanders, 2004
El Cielo Es Tan Real!
No una ni dos, sino que fueron diez las veces que el Señor se le presentó a Choo Thomas en un mes, y la llevó a un viaje impresionante.
Choo Thomas, 2005
Una Escalera Al Cielo
Este conjunto de relatos tiene como escenario común a la ciudad de Bogotá, una urbe de más de siete millones de habitantes, que reúne las tensiones, conflictos y contradicciones de toda gran ciudad.
Mario Mendoza Z., 2004
Al asalto del Cielo: Historia de Santa Catalina de Siena
El autor, con el vigor, amenidad y la maestría que le caracterizan, nos acerca a la historia de Catalina de Siena y a la gran misión para la que Dios le había destinado.
Louis De Wohl, 1988


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term cielo is used in the context of the following news items.
Viernes con mucha niebla y cielo nublado y un fin de semana para ...
El Servicio Meteorológico nacional prevé hoy para Rosario y la región neblinas y bancos de niebla, cielo algo nublado con viento leves a moderados del sector ... «, Jul 16»
Cielo algo nublado y con anuncio de lluvias
Los platenses y la Región vivirán una jornada con cielo nublado o parcialmente nublado, tiempo desmejorando, vientos moderados del sector este, ... «Diario El Día, Jul 16»
Sociedad Miércoles con neblinas, cielo algo nublado y una máxima ...
Según el SMN, se prevén neblinas y bancos de niebla y vientos leves y con una mínima de 7 grados. El jueves se estima cielo nublado y probabilidad de ... «Télam, Jun 16»
Sábado con cielo nublado y una máxima de 14 grados
Para este sábado se espera cielo parcialmente nublado, con neblinas ... Este sábado el cielo estará nublado, con probabilidad de lloviznas aisladas y vientos ... «El Diario Sur, Jun 16»
Jornada con cielo nublado y una mínima de 4 grados
Jornada con cielo nublado y una mínima de 4 grados. Así lo informó el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN). La temperatura máxima esperada es de 16 ... «Diario UNO de Entre Ríos, Jun 16»
Hoy será un día con cielo algo nublado, pero con temperaturas muy ...
En ese orden, Saldívar precisó que para mañana "vamos a tener condiciones de buen tiempo también. El cielo se va a mantener con poca nubosidad, pero las ... «, Jun 16»
Miércoles con cielo algo nublado y una máxima de 13 grados
Para hoy se espera cielo algo nublado, vientos moderados o regulares del sudoeste y baja sensación térmica. La mínima será de 6 grados y la máxima de 15. «El Diario Sur, Jun 16»
Un día feriado que se presenta con cielo nublado, mucha humedad ...
El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional pronosticó para hoy en Rosario y su zona de influencia por la mañana neblinas, cielo nublado, vientos leves del noreste. «, May 16»
¿Destello y estruendo en el cielo de México fue un meteorito?
Por la misma vía, la Sociedad Astronómica de Puebla indicó que “varios testigos hablan de una luz verde y blanca en el cielo, y después se escuchó una ... «La Opinión, May 16»
Rosario espera buen tiempo, pero con cielo parcialmente nublado y ...
Para hoy las condiciones del tiempo sean de cielo con nubosidad en aumento. Hay un manto de nubes que cubre el norte y centro de la provincia y que se ... «, May 16»



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