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Meaning of "derecho" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra derecho procede del latín directus, directo.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


de · re · cho play


Derecho can act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


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Law is the normative and institutional order of human behavior in society inspired by postulates of justice and legal certainty, based on existing social relations that determine their content and character in a given place and time. In other words, they are behaviors directed to the observance of norms that regulate the social coexistence and allow to resolve intersubjective conflicts. The final definition gives account of positive law, but not its foundation; For this reason jurists, philosophers and law theorists have proposed throughout the history diverse alternative definitions, and different legal theories without to date, there is no consensus on their validity. The study of the concept of law is carried out by one of its branches, the Philosophy of Law. However, the definition initially proposed bravely solves the problem of "validity" of the foundation of law, by integrating the value of justice into its concept. The validity of legal concepts and metajurídicos are studied by the theory of Law. Derecho es el orden normativo e institucional de la conducta humana en sociedad inspirado en postulados de justicia y certeza jurídica, cuya base son las relaciones sociales existentes que determinan su contenido y carácter en un lugar y momento dado. En otras palabras, son conductas dirigidas a la observancia de normas que regulan la convivencia social y permiten resolver los conflictos intersubjetivos. La definición final da cuenta del Derecho positivo, pero no su fundamento; por ello juristas, filósofos y teóricos del Derecho han propuesto a lo largo de la historia diversas definiciones alternativas, y distintas teorías jurídicas sin que exista, hasta la fecha, consenso sobre su validez. El estudio del concepto del Derecho lo realiza una de sus ramas, la Filosofía del Derecho. Con todo, la definición propuesta inicialmente resuelve airosamente el problema de "validez" del fundamento del Derecho, al integrar el valor Justicia en su concepto. La validez de los conceptos jurídicos y metajurídicos son estudiadas por la teoría del Derecho.

Definition of derecho in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of law in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is straight, equal, followed, without twisting to one side or another. This wall is not right. Another meaning of law in the dictionary is just, legitimate. Right is also founded, true, reasonable. La primera definición de derecho en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es recto, igual, seguido, sin torcerse a un lado ni a otro. Esta pared no está derecha. Otro significado de derecho en el diccionario es justo, legítimo. Derecho es también fundado, cierto, razonable.
Click to see the original definition of «derecho» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Synonyms and antonyms of derecho in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «derecho» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of derecho


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «derecho» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of derecho

Translation of «derecho» into 25 languages

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The translations of derecho from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «derecho» in Spanish.

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

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260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

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130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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80 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  upright ; straight ; standing.
 The letters are upright, narrow, and angular, standing on crooked feet, and the ascenders are usually decorated with barbs or thorns; f and p do not normally descend below the base line.
 The right tail of the Bradford distribution has been considered to be straight or drooping.
 Although this painting depicts a single standing man, his generalised features suggest that this was not meant as a portrait.
caminar derecho 
walk + upright
 In human evolution, the transition from walking on all fours to walking upright didn't occur in a single step.
derecho hacia al norte 
due north
 An azimuth of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees is due east, 180 degrees is due south, and 270 is due west.
derecho hacia al sur 
due south
 By the way, this region and surrounding areas of the sky - being due south - are not seen from the Northern Hemisphere.
derecho hacia el este 
due east
 An azimuth of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees is due east, 180 degrees is due south, and 270 is due west.
derecho hacia el oeste 
due west
 An azimuth of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees is due east, 180 degrees is due south, and 270 is due west.
dos entuertos no hacen un derecho 
two wrongs do not make a right
 And while in multiplication two negatives may make a positive in reality two wrongs do not make a right.
hecho y derecho    
 By adulthood the child's literary consciousness has grown into a full-bodied appreciation of the work of the great imaginative writers.
 Obviously, staff will have to be instructed in the use of the new system, be it word processing or a full-scale circulation system.
 In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.
 From 1892 to 1932, this small library was directed by Genevieve Walton, who developed a one-room, one-person operation into a fully-fledged academic library.
irse derecho a 
make + a beeline for
 As they made a beeline for their favourite section their eye was attracted by books on other subjects and by different authors.
mantener derecho 
keep + Nombre + straight
 Techniques such as keeping your head straight and pulling the oars evenly are vital to know before rowing for any distance.
poner derecho   
set + Nombre + upright
stand + upright
stand + straight
 There are even parts of the tropics where the sun is sometimes vertical and a stick set upright in the ground will cast no shadow.
 Such protection and stiffening allows the pamphlet to stand upright on the shelves beside books on the same subject.
 He stands straight and understands every single thing you say - he still has all his buttons and you can discuss any subject with him.
por derecho (propio)  
as of right
by right
 In some cases there is an appeal as of right and a slightly different procedure applies.
 The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.
seguir derecho 
follow + Posesivo + nose
 We had no idea where we were going so we followed our noses down the main street.
  entitlement ; right.
 Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
bibliografía de derecho 
legal bibliography
 Legal bibliographies traditionally have been considered valuable tools for developing law library collections.
carta de derechos 
charter of rights
 A charter of rights will contribute to enhancing the protection of rights in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
carta de derechos humanos 
charter of human rights
 Germany therefore strongly supports the idea of a charter of human rights which would have pride of place among Europe's treaties.
conceder el derecho al voto 
 There were a total 1713 manumissions, 250 manumitted by colonial law and the remainder had been enfranchised by persons in England.
con derecho a voto 
eligible to vote
 Library use, expressed as the ratio between those eligible to vote and those registered as adult readers, was related to such factors as class, topograhy, communications and parking facilities.
con derecho de autor 
 A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.
con derechos de autor  
 In both cases, the public gets the chance to use copyrightable works.
 Failure to distinguish legitimate electro-copying as royalty-free or over-pricing of royalty-paid electro-copying will weaken their role in scholarly communication.
con pleno derecho 
with full rights
 An illiterate is a person who cannot read, write or do mathematical calculations well enough to be integrated into society as an individual with full rights.
conseguir el derecho para 
win + the right to
 In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.
dar derecho a 
entitle to
 Article 17 reads: 'Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library shall, upon request, open their parcels for inspection upon leaving the Library'.
Declaración de Derechos 
Bill of Rights
 Despite the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, guaranteeing freedom of expression, there seems to be an onslaught of people chipping away at this social foundation.
Declaración de los Derechos del Usuario 
Library Bill of Rights
 The response of libraries in some of these cases has been poor, taking the path of least resistance and not upholding the ALA's Library Bill of Rights.
de derecho 
de jure [iure]
 OSI is a de jure standard, formally approved by an official standards-making body and often having the status of a law or treaty.
de derecho pero no de hecho 
in name only
 Appointments for research leaves and tenure are still unavailable to some librarians who seem to be faculty in name only.
defender los derechos de Uno 
stand up for + Posesivo + rights
 This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness - standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others - as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.
defender + Posesivo + derechos 
stick up for + Posesivo + rights
 She sometimes finds it hard to stick up for her rights because she is so reserved.
defensor de los derechos civiles 
civil society activist
 Many civil society activists are becoming increasingly disenchanted with UN summits.
defensor de los derechos de los animales  
animal rights activist
animal rights campaigner
 The ease with which the home addresses of company directors may be obtained from databases has been highlighted by the dangers faced by directors of biotechnology companies by animal rights activists.
 Animal rights campaigners object strongly to bullfighting because they think that the killing of an animal should not be abused for entertainment.
defensor de los derechos de los ciudadanos 
citizen activist
 Cutbacks will have the most severe impact on citizen activists who rely heavily on accessible data and least impact on the lobbyists who are least dependent on government data.
defensor de los derechos humanos  
human rights activist
human rights campaigner
 With deep concern we have witnessed the attempts by Tunisian authorities to silence journalists and human rights activists in the run-up and during the summit.
 Human rights campaigners have welcomed an announcement by Iran that appears to end the execution of juvenile offenders.
demandar el derecho a 
press + Posesivo + claim
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
de pleno derecho  
in + Posesivo + own right
 Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.
 Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.
derecho a independizarse, el 
right to secede, the
 Indeed, the constitution of India, while recognizing that India is a multiethnic state, does not give any regional group the right to secede.
derecho a la lectura 
right to read
 In the library world leaders should have the courage to defend the right to read and the other high principles of the library profession.
derecho a la libertad de expresión  
right to free speech
right of free speech
 The film, intended to stress the right to free speech, was severely criticised as having definite racist overtones.
 The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.
derecho a la muerte 
right to die
 This article reviews a selection of valuable books, periodical articles, organizations and agencies providing information on euthanasia and right-to-die laws of US states.
derecho a la privacidad 
privacy right
 Laws relating to privacy rights have to be considered.
derecho a la vida 
right to live
 It is argued that materials that endanger lives should be banned from the Internet on the basis that every right, even free speech, needs to be balanced with others, especially the right to live.
derecho a leer 
right to read
 In the library world leaders should have the courage to defend the right to read and the other high principles of the library profession.
derecho al refugio, el 
right to refuge, the
 The Convention itself considers the violation of human rights a factor that excludes the right to refuge.
derecho al veto 
veto power
 The process of full participative management, or workers' self-management, which turns hierarchy upside down, so that administrative function, veto power and decision making come from the bottom of the structure.
derecho al voto   [Generalmente usado en plural] 
voting rights
right to vote, the
 Research undertaken recently for suffrage commemorative publications has shown little surviving documentation from many previously active women's organizations.
 A flyer was also provided with the letter explaining voting rights for felons.
 The right to vote and cast a secret ballot should be the foundation of democracy.
derecho a vivir 
right to live
 It is argued that materials that endanger lives should be banned from the Internet on the basis that every right, even free speech, needs to be balanced with others, especially the right to live.
derecho a votar   [Generalmente usado en plural] 
voting rights
right to vote, the
 Research undertaken recently for suffrage commemorative publications has shown little surviving documentation from many previously active women's organizations.
 A flyer was also provided with the letter explaining voting rights for felons.
 The right to vote and cast a secret ballot should be the foundation of democracy.
derecho a voto  [Generalmente usado en plural]  
voting rights
right to vote, the
 A flyer was also provided with the letter explaining voting rights for felons.
 Research undertaken recently for suffrage commemorative publications has shown little surviving documentation from many previously active women's organizations.
 The right to vote and cast a secret ballot should be the foundation of democracy.
derecho básico  
natural right
basic right
 In fact, Bentham said: 'The idea of rights is nonsense and the idea of natural rights is nonsense on stilts'.
 All persons in the United States, including foreign nationals, have certain basic rights that must be respected.
derecho constitucional  
constitutional right
constitutional law
 Prisoners rely on inadequate legal resources in prison law libraries to prepare legal cases to protect their constitutional rights.
 Except for civil laws, and the individual right of the private citizen etc., the king is bound to public law, constitutional law and divine law.
derecho de acceso 
access right
 University or industrial employment contracts seldom promise email accounts, space on servers, or other access rights.
derecho de acceso a la información 
right of access to information
 The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.
derecho de alquiler 
rental right
 The author focuses on the new rental right as it affects public libraries and educational libraries.
derecho de autor de la Corona  [En Canadá, nombre dado al derecho de autor que el estado tiene sobre toda la información producida por un organismo oficial]
Crown copyright
 In the first instance, Crown copyright in Canada reserves copyright of government information to the government, while in the USA there is no copyright of federal government information.
derecho de grabación de ondas sonoras o televisivas 
off-air recording right
 These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.
derecho de la comunidad 
community right
 The questionnaire was trying to determine whether users thought library services were a favour bestowed by the authorities, or a community right.
derecho del individuo 
individual's right
 The profession's responsibility is to uphold the individual's right to information, irrespective of its national origin.
derecho del trabajador 
labour right
 Labor rights are still a prickly subject in Wisconsin.
derecho de nacimiento 
 The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.
derecho de paso  
the right of way
right of entry
 Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress - there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence - a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.
 The right of entry is reserved during reasonable hours for inspection or repair deemed necessary.
derecho de pensión 
pension entitlement
 The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.
derecho de préstamo 
lending right
 These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.
derecho de reproducción 
reprographic right
 These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.
derecho de retención 
 Incoming paper records, such as mortgage, deeds and liens are now captured electronically using document scanners and stored on optical discs for quick access during searches.
derecho de servidumbre 
 This book is a concise guide to conservation easements (legal interests in private land that permanently limit development to protect agricultural, scenic, ecological and historic resources) for ranchers.
derecho de voto   [Generalmente usado en plural] 
voting rights
right to vote, the
 Research undertaken recently for suffrage commemorative publications has shown little surviving documentation from many previously active women's organizations.
 A flyer was also provided with the letter explaining voting rights for felons.
 The right to vote and cast a secret ballot should be the foundation of democracy.
derecho divino  
divine right
divine law
 The article is entitled 'The Divine Right of Kings: academic status viewed'.
 Divine law comes direct from God, usually with priests or tribal chief or king as intermediary.
derecho eterno 
eternal right
 One of the eternal truths is that happiness is created and developed in peace, and one of the eternal rights is the individual's right to live.
derecho exclusivo 
exclusive right
 Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.
derecho humano 
human right
 Information is power, a basic human need and fundamental human right.
derecho inalienable   
inalienable right
unalienable right
 Anyone who is denied access to needed information cannot truly pursue the happiness that is everyone's inalienable right.
 The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.
 The first principle of unalienable rights recognizes that everyone is naturally endowed by their Creator with certain rights that cannot be infringed or given away.
derecho laboral  
employment law
labour right
 Paternity leave is not recognised in employment law in Ireland.
 Labor rights are still a prickly subject in Wisconsin.
derecho legal 
legal right
 The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.
derecho natural  
natural right
natural law
 In fact, Bentham said: 'The idea of rights is nonsense and the idea of natural rights is nonsense on stilts'.
 Hobbes' purpose in devising his doctrine of natural law was admittedly the destruction of independent ecclesiastical law.
derecho preferente de compra 
preemption [pre-emption]
 Companies mounted a successful campaign for federal preemption of all local moratoriums that communities had used to buy more time to assess issues, risks, and opportunities.
derecho público  
civic right
public law
 Here it is at last, the public library as a civic right.
 Except for civil laws, and the individual right of the private citizen etc., the king is bound to public law, constitutional law and divine law.
derechos  [Relativo a lo que una persona tiene derecho política, legal o moralmente]
 Although no attempt has been made to acquire exclusively rights to data bases, nine of its data bases are not available from any other source.
derechos afines 
neighbouring rights
 This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.
derechos cívicos 
civil rights
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
derechos civiles  
civil rights
civil liberties
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
 He is one of America's foremost defenders of civil liberties.
derechos de aduana 
customs duties
 These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).
derechos de amarre 
 The first night's moorage is free; thereafter, the moorage is 50 cents/foot/night.
derechos de atraque 
 The first night's moorage is free; thereafter, the moorage is 50 cents/foot/night.
derechos de autor  [Mención que figura en una obra, indicando el titular de los derechos de autor y el año de obtención de dichos derechos]  [Normalmente usado en plural]
royalty [royalties, -pl.]
 If no edition or imprint date can be ascertained, then an attempt is made to provide a date from amongst any other dates given on the work, such as copyright dates, and reprint dates.
 A royalty - either a fixed sum or a percentage of the retail price - was paid to the author on each copy sold.
derechos de la mujer 
women's rights
 The U.N.'s many agencies offer over 1000 titles annually on subjects as varied as women's rights, basic accounting and fertilizers.
derechos de la propiedad intelectual 
intellectual property rights
 The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.
derechos del ciudadano 
civil liberties
 He is one of America's foremost defenders of civil liberties.
derechos del consumidor 
consumer rights [consumers' rights]
 CACs have dealt with pre-shopping advice, education on consumers' rights and complaints about goods and services, advising the client and often obtaining expert assessments.
derechos de licencia 
licensing rights
 To understand photography licensing rights you must first understand that unless you are selling a print, you are not 'selling a photo' as such.
derechos de los animales 
animal rights
 In the light of the increased demand for information on 'green' issues such as animal rights, vegetarianism and factory farming, this article lists relevant organisations.
derechos democráticos 
democratic rights
 Gordon is no more a friend of democratic rights for all his waffle about giving 'power to the people'.
derechos de patente 
patent rights
 If it were not, Mr Dunlop would not have sold the patent rights in his pneumatic tyre for $1,000 instead of accepting a small royalty on each one manufactured.
derechos de propiedad 
property rights
 It is a fact that, even if we wish to take action to preserve electronic material preservation is costly and property rights are complicated.
derechos de reproducción 
reproduction rights
 The roles of the librarian, reproduction rights organizations, and authors are changing in the information chain.
derechos en materia de procreación 
reproductive rights
 This article highlights 5 World Wide Web sites giving information on reproductive rights legal history.
derechos humanos específicos de la mujer 
human rights of women
 Abuse is a violation of the human rights of women, which perpetuates the invisibility of women and the issues affecting them.
derechos individuales 
individual rights
 The experience of World War 2, particularly the atrocities of the Nazis, led to the internationalization of individual rights.
derecho soberano 
sovereign right
 They must take resolute measures for the abolition of this dictatorial regime and ardently defend the sovereign rights of its people.
derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR)  [Ley que obliga a las bibliotecas a compensar económicamente a los autores por el préstamo que se haga de sus libros]
public lending right (PLR)
 The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.
derechos políticos 
political rights
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
derechos reproductivos 
reproductive rights
 This article highlights 5 World Wide Web sites giving information on reproductive rights legal history.
derechos sociales 
social rights
 Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.
ejercer + Posesivo + derecho al voto 
exercise + Posesivo + right to vote
 In these situations, if the employer refuses to allow the employee leave in order to exercise her right to vote, then the employer has violated that right.
ejercer un derecho 
exercise + Posesivo + right
 Access to information and freedom of information are very important to them in exercising their rights as citizens = Para ellos, el acceso a información y la libertad de información son muy importantes para poder ejercer sus derechos como ciudadanos.
estado de derecho 
rule of law
 The rule of law calls for both individuals and the government to submit to the law's supremacy.
exigir el derecho a 
press + Posesivo + claim
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
hacer valer + Posesivo + derechos 
stick up for + Posesivo + rights
 She sometimes finds it hard to stick up for her rights because she is so reserved.
hacer valer sus derechos 
assert + Posesivo + rights
 Universities are beginning to assert their rights over their own intellectual property.
igualdad de derechos  
equal rights
equality of rights
 This paper discusses the extension of the library staff benefits (sickness, bereavement, parental leave) enjoyed by heterosexual couples to lesbian, bisexual, and gay library staff as part of a drive towards equal rights at the workplace.
 The data serves to show that the traditional model of non-remunerated work persists despite the equality of rights enshrined in the Constitution.
individualización de los derechos 
individualisation of rights
 This policy should facilitate the individualization of rights, even if this should result in the further demise of the traditional nuclear family.
infracción del derecho de autor 
copyright infringement
 There are laws which prohibit unlawful copyright infringement, but these are frequently contradictory and open to interpretation.
infracción de + Posesivo + derechos humanos 
breach of + Posesivo + human rights
 I showed one of the staff the video and he got quite bolshie with me, as my taping her was, according to him, a breach of her human rights.
infringir un derecho  
infringe + right
violate + a right
 The Act was finally allowed to lapse in 1695 and the Stationers' Company was unable to protect its members' rights against those who chose to infringe them.
 This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness - standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others - as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.
instrucción sobre los derechos de los ciudadanos 
community education
 Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.
ley del derecho a la privacidad   
privacy law
privacy protection law
Privacy Act
 As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good - patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance - run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.
 The recent proliferation of privacy protection laws has had a significant impact on transborder data flows, frequently inhibiting the free flow of information across national borders.
 The Privacy Act of 1974 increases employee record privacy for federal government employees by limiting access to those records.
libre de derechos de autor 
 Failure to distinguish legitimate electro-copying as royalty-free or over-pricing of royalty-paid electro-copying will weaken their role in scholarly communication.
luchar por los derechos 
campaign for + rights
 NACs see their role as champions of the inarticulate by either taking up their case or providing groups with the information weaponry to campaign for their rights.
margen derecho 
right margin
 Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.
material protegido por el derecho de autor  
copyright material
copyrighted material
 Problems of controlling the reproduction of copyright material are increasing with the development of new technology.
 A solution needs to be developed for solving the problem of making copyrighted material available over the Internet.
mención de derecho de autor  [En catalogación, indicación que aparece en un documento de la persona que posee el derecho de autor del mismo y el año en que se obtuvo]
statement of copyright
 The statement of copyright is an indication of the holder of the copyright of that work and of the year in which this right was obtained.
miembro con derecho a voto 
voting member
 A petition signed by five percent of voting members may also call a special meeting.
movimiento en defensa de los derechos de la mujer 
women's rights movement
 Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.
movimiento en defensa de los derechos de los animales 
animal rights movement
 The animal rights movement is opposed to all forms of animal exploitation and abuse.
movimiento por los derechos civiles 
civil rights movement
 Their views reflect the importance of libraries not only in their own lives but also for African Americans in general and the civil rights movement in particular.
obra amparada por el derecho de autor 
copyright work
 Libraries lend many types of copyright works including books, music, artistic works, gramophone records and cassettes.
obtener el derecho a 
secure + the right to
 Olsson went on to add that she was considering pressing her claim in court and secure the right to exhume the tomb.
obtener el derecho para 
win + the right to
 In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.
oficina de derechos de autor 
copyright office
 Usually a central cataloguing agency is based upon a national library or copyright office, where publishers are required by law to send at least one copy of every book published in that country.
pagar derechos reales 
pay + royalty
 By replacing parts of photocopying services with advanced personal computer technology libraries should make savings sufficient to pay royalty for each page copied.
por derecho (propio)  
as of right
by right
 In some cases there is an appeal as of right and a slightly different procedure applies.
 The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.
por derecho propio 
in + Posesivo + own right
 Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.
por su propio derecho 
in + Posesivo + own right
 Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.
propietario de los derechos de autor 
 The rightholders would get a standardised fee even where they have no bargaining power to market their rights individually.
protegido por el derecho de autor  
 These collectives are at present seeking compensation for copies made of copyrighted material based on the nature, volume and use of copies made.
 A licence is a legal agreement that gives permission to use a copyright-protected work.
reclamar el derecho a 
press + Posesivo + claim
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
reclamar el derecho a Algo 
stake + Posesivo + claim
 But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.
reivindicar el derecho a 
press + Posesivo + claim
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
reivindicar el derecho de Uno 
stake + Posesivo + claim
 But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.
reservados todos los derechos  [Frase que se incluye normalmente en el reverso de la portada de una publicacición para indicar que cualquier reproducción que se desee hacer del contenido de la misma necesita la autorización del autor]
all rights reserved
 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be photocopied, recorded or otherwise reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without the prior permission of the copyright holders and publisher.
reservarse el derecho de 
reserve + the right to
 The library reserves the right to obtain and distribute bookmarks with or without advertising from any sources.
respetar un derecho 
respect + right
 I am not suggesting that everyone should become a bookworm; there are plenty of healthy, happy and good people who do not want to read books and their right to not read must be respected.
sociedad de gestión de derechos de autor   
copyright collective
copyright collecting society
copyright collecting agency
 This can help teachers and students understand how copyright law and copyright collectives relate to the use of resources in the classroom.
 If you expect to derive income from your work, you could consider becoming a member of a copyright collecting society.
 It is a nonprofit copyright collecting agency whose aim is to guarantee that its members are compensated for public performances of their works.
socio con derecho a voto 
voting member
 A petition signed by five percent of voting members may also call a special meeting.
tarifa de derechos de autor 
royalty charge
 The data base connect charges sometimes include data base royalty charges, but for other hosts these will be charged separately.
tener derecho a     
be entitled to
have + a right to
entitle to
have + the right to
have + a say in
 The principles are still valid but, of course, in most instances the entitlement is reduced because of the method of calculating the area of new library to which a university is entitled.
 Moreover, the citizens of Europe have a right to know about the various measures and decisions taken in their name and which can have a direct impact upon their private or professional lives.
 Article 17 reads: 'Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library shall, upon request, open their parcels for inspection upon leaving the Library'.
 Members have the right to correct the texts of their speeches within one day of receipt of the provisional edition.
 Native Americans are determined not only to remain in control of their art but also to have a say in how it is interpreted.
tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión 
be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion
 I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they went off their rocker embracing our enemies.
tener derecho al voto 
have + the right to vote
 A democratic society is one in which people have the right to vote and elect their country's leadership and to hold those leaders accountable for the actions and decisions.
tener derecho a votar 
have + the right to vote
 A democratic society is one in which people have the right to vote and elect their country's leadership and to hold those leaders accountable for the actions and decisions.
tener derecho de paso 
have + the right of way
 The new owner doesn't like it, but hikers have had the right of way through these woods for decades.
tener el derecho de 
have + the right to
 Members have the right to correct the texts of their speeches within one day of receipt of the provisional edition.
titular del derecho 
payee entitled
 This has the dual purpose of encouraging compliance and protecting the interests of the payee entitled to child support.
titular del derecho de autor  
rights-holder [rightsholder]
copyright holder
 The controls upon abuse of fair dealing will be complex, and I have no easy answers, but we shall have to find answers if we are not to be faced with requests from rights-holders for fees of a great magnitude for electro-copying.
 This has implications for the potential income of copyright holders such as publishers and authors.
titular de los derechos de autor 
 Of increasing importance amongst those factors will be the fee charged by the rights-owner for copyright clearance.
todos los derechos reservados  [Frase que se incluye normalmente en el reverso de la portada de una publicacición para indicar que cualquier reproducción que se desee hacer del contenido de la misma necesita la autorización del autor]
all rights reserved
 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be photocopied, recorded or otherwise reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without the prior permission of the copyright holders and publisher.
violación del derecho de la gente a + Nombre 
invasion of people's right to + Nombre
 This may be an invasion of people's right to privacy.
violación de los derechos humanos  
violation of human rights
human rights abuse
 Librarians are often victims of the violation of human rights.
 They have campaigned indefatigably for humane prison conditions and have been documenting and exposing human rights abuses.
violar los derechos 
invade + rights
 Gathering of this type of information that might be deemed to invade the private rights of an individual.
violar un derecho  
infringe + right
violate + a right
 The Act was finally allowed to lapse in 1695 and the Stationers' Company was unable to protect its members' rights against those who chose to infringe them.
 This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness - standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others - as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.
 The social sciences class, 300, subsumes Economics, Politics, Law and Education.
biblioteca de derecho 
law library
 This article highlights how law libraries use computer laboratories, and how architecture and furniture craftsmanship can marry traditional style with technology.
bibliotecario de biblioteca de derecho 
law librarian
 The infusion of computers and data bases into the law office and the tremendous increase in published legal materials have given rise to the need for the law librarian.
biblioteconomía para las bibliotecas de derecho 
law librarianship
 The article 'Dyspeptic ramblings of a retiring past president' considers issues facing the profession of law librarianship.
colección de derecho 
law collection
 The article 'The role of legal bibliographies in law collection development: an overdue debunking' evaluates the merit of the works recommended in the AALS list of law books recommended for libraries.
colección de libros de derecho en una prisión 
prison law library
 One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.
derecho administrativo 
administrative law
 Administrative law is one of the 3 basic areas of public law dealing with the relationship between government and its citizens, the other 2 being constitutional law and criminal law.
derecho canónico 
canon law
 Under classical canon law, a judicial separation `from bed and board' (a mensa et thoro) can be secured for adultery and heresy.
derecho civil 
civil law
 Academics at the conference spoke of particular concerns in their fields of civil law, English language and regional planning.
derecho comunitario 
Community law
 The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.
derecho constitucional  
constitutional right
constitutional law
 Prisoners rely on inadequate legal resources in prison law libraries to prepare legal cases to protect their constitutional rights.
 Except for civil laws, and the individual right of the private citizen etc., the king is bound to public law, constitutional law and divine law.
derecho consuetudinario 
common law
 There are four prominent common law defenses to a divorce suit: condonation, recrimination, collusion, and connivance.
derecho del consumidor 
consumer law
 The EU has started to clamp down on websites offering mobile phone services after more than half were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws.
derecho del trabajo 
employment law
 Paternity leave is not recognised in employment law in Ireland.
derecho de patentes 
patent law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
derecho de sucesión 
inheritance law
 Most countries have an inheritance law regarding the bequests that a deceased person includes in a will or living trust.
derecho divino  
divine right
divine law
 The article is entitled 'The Divine Right of Kings: academic status viewed'.
 Divine law comes direct from God, usually with priests or tribal chief or king as intermediary.
derecho eclesiástico 
ecclesiastical law
 Hobbes' purpose in devising his doctrine of natural law was admittedly the destruction of independent ecclesiastical law.
derecho empresarial 
business law
 The demand for professionals with a firm academic background in business law continues to grow.
derecho internacional 
international law
 International law & cyberspace are not worlds apart anymore.
derecho laboral  
employment law
labour right
 Paternity leave is not recognised in employment law in Ireland.
 Labor rights are still a prickly subject in Wisconsin.
derecho medioambiental 
environmental law
 The overall goal is to raise awareness and to improve general knowledge in international environmental law.
derecho mercantil 
commercial law
 The Committee is continually striving to provide its members on a timely basis with important information about developments in commercial law.
derecho natural  
natural right
natural law
 In fact, Bentham said: 'The idea of rights is nonsense and the idea of natural rights is nonsense on stilts'.
 Hobbes' purpose in devising his doctrine of natural law was admittedly the destruction of independent ecclesiastical law.
derecho parlamentario 
parliamentary law
 Usually, according to parliamentary law, the head of government must regularly call an election.
derecho penal  
criminal law
penal law
 However, as a sub-class of 343, criminal law, we require the entry Courts : Criminal 343.19.
 The new penal law is based on administrative regulations and is thus intended to be clearer and easier to enforce.
derecho público  
civic right
public law
 Here it is at last, the public library as a civic right.
 Except for civil laws, and the individual right of the private citizen etc., the king is bound to public law, constitutional law and divine law.
facultad de derecho 
law school
 We have long recognized the necessity for medical schools and law schools to lead the way in exploring new methods and new ideas - even ones that prove to be wrong or misguided.
ley de derechos de autor 
copyright law
 It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.
ley del derecho a la privacidad   
privacy law
privacy protection law
Privacy Act
 As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good - patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance - run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.
 The recent proliferation of privacy protection laws has had a significant impact on transborder data flows, frequently inhibiting the free flow of information across national borders.
 The Privacy Act of 1974 increases employee record privacy for federal government employees by limiting access to those records.
libro de derecho 
law book
 The article 'The role of legal bibliographies in law collection development: an overdue debunking' evaluates the merit of the works recommended in the AALS list of law books recommended for libraries.

Trends of use of derecho



The term «derecho» is very widely used and occupies the 502 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «derecho» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of derecho
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «derecho».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «derecho» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «derecho» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about derecho



Famous quotes and sentences with the word derecho.
Amado Nervo
Sé fuerte para tener derecho de ser pacífico.
Auguste Comte
Nadie tiene más derecho que el de cumplir con su deber.
Benjamin Constant De Rebecque
La libertad no es otra cosa que aquello que la sociedad tiene el derecho de hacer y el estado no tiene el derecho de impedir.
El derecho riguroso es una especie de injusticia.
Claude A. Helvetius
Son insensatos los hombres a los que una violencia respetada acaba por parecerles un derecho.
¿Es la libertad algo más que el derecho a vivir como se desee? Nada más.
Georges Clemenceau
Toda tolerancia llega a ser, a la larga, un derecho adquirido.
Guy Mollet
La coalición es el arte de llevar el zapato derecho en el pie izquierdo sin que salgan callos.
Henri Lacordaire
El derecho viene a perecer menos veces por la violencia que por la corrupción.
James R. Lowell
La democracia da a cada uno el derecho de ser su propio opresor.


Con un poco de tuerto, llega el hombre a su derecho.
Entra con pie derecho si quieres hacer tu hecho.
Juez cadañero, derecho como sendero.
No hay derecho contra derecho.
A tuerto o a derecho, nuestra casa hasta el techo.
A veces con tuerto, el hombre hace derecho.
Andar derecho y mucho beber, no puede ser.
Año derecho, de la era al barbecho.
Brazo derecho, servidor de damas y defensor de su fama.
Buey viejo lleva el surco derecho.


Discover the use of derecho in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to derecho and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La vaguedad en el derecho
La vaguedad en muchos casos produce indeterminaciones en la aplicación del Derecho.
Timothy A. O. Endicott, 2006
Derecho constitucional
Indice: I.-Derecho y Estado; II.-Teoría de la Constitución y fuentes del Derecho; III.
Fernando Santaolalla López, 2004
Bioética y derecho
Esa labor se lleva a cabo desde la idea de que lo que denominamos Bioética y derecho no es sino una manifestación más de esa voluntad decidida de reflexionar sobre las novedades científicas y tecnológicas.
Víctor Méndez Baiges, Héctor Claudio Silveira Gorski, 2007
Pensar el Derecho: Curso de filosofía jurídica
Las principales cuestiones de la reflexión jurídica de todos los tiempos presentadas de una manera clara, amena, integradora y desde una perspectiva humanista.
Javier Barraca, 2005
Antropología jurídica: perspectivas socioculturales en el ...
La obra constituye, al mismo tiempo, una introducción a un campo de estudio interdisciplinario de importancia creciente -el estudio sociocientífico del derecho- y un aporte a la reflexión aún incipiente sobre el fenómeno del derecho en ...
Esteban Krotz, 2002
Derecho internacional publico / Public International Law: ...
"Para resarcir un poco la injusticia académica que confiere a los Tratados en Derecho una etiqueta de 'apartado' o 'anexo', el presente trabajo pretende reunir en un solo documento, la información disponible acerca de estos acuerdos; ...
guerrero Verdejo Sergio, 2003
Filosofía, política, derecho
Desde el principio de universalidad, los estudios que aquí se reúnen permiten acercarse a cuestiones tan polémicas y significativas como la tolerancia, la diversidad cultural, las relaciones entre política y ética o las implicaciones ...
Ernesto Garzón Valdés, Javier de Lucas Martín, 2001
El derecho romano en la historia de Europa: historia de una ...
El famoso estudioso británico del Derecho, Peter G. Stein, expone la historia del Derecho romano desde sus comienzos en la Roma republicana.
Peter Stein, 2001
Introducción al derecho: (Derecho público). I
Lucrecio Rebollo Delgado, Ramón Pais Rodríguez, 2004
Introducción histórica al Derecho romano
Juan de Churruca, Rosa Mentxaca, 2008


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term derecho is used in the context of the following news items.
Santos respalda que Fuerza Pública tenga derecho a voto tras paz ...
Tras escuchar al presidente, Barreras abogó en su cuenta de Twitter por acabar con el conflicto “y no con los derechos”, una reacción en línea con los ... «El Nuevo Herald, Jul 16»
UE pide a Turquía respetar el Estado de derecho
En su respuesta al intento de golpe de Estado, el gobierno de Turquía infringe las normas del Estado de derecho, denuncia la Comisión Europea mientras las ... «AméricaEconomí, Jul 16»
El TS da la razón al primer hombre que pidió el 'derecho al olvido' y ...
El Tribunal Supremo ha dado la razón a Mario Costeja, la primera persona que reivindicó el ya acuñado término de 'derecho al olvido' al denunciar a Google ... «, Jul 16»
Perú multa a Google por caso de derecho al olvido
Esta semana surgió una nueva demanda con respecto al derecho al olvido y Google, esta vez, de manos de Perú. Este país latinoamericano sancionó al ... «AméricaEconomí, Jun 16»
México no hace suficiente para respetar derecho a la vida: ONU
"Las medidas de protección siguen siendo insuficientes e ineficaces; la impunidad y la falta de rendición de cuentas en relación a violaciones al derecho a la ... «, Jun 16»
La CNSE apoya la concentración organizada por el Cermi junto a sus organizaciones miembro con el fin de exigir el derecho al voto para todas las personas ... «Te Interesa, Jun 16»
Meade, miembro honorífico de la Academia de Derecho Fiscal
“Se trata, dijo, de un instrumento para construir ciudadanía a partir del ejercicio pleno de los derechos sociales y la participación de la gente en las políticas ... «, Jun 16»
La Corte Suprema y el derecho a huelga
El fallo restringe el derecho a huelga y directamente se lo niega a las comisiones internas, cuerpo de delegados o a cualquier colectivo de trabajadores que ... «La Izquierda Diario, Jun 16»
No hay derecho a dejar a un niño sin clases: Nuño
La tarde de este viernes, el secretario de Educación Pública, Aurelio Nuño, sostuvo que el derecho más importante un niño, "y nada puede estar por encima de ... «, Apr 16»
Día Mundial del Libro y del Derecho de Autor
La celebración del Día Mundial del Libro y del Derecho de Autor se estableció en 1995 en París durante la Conferencia General de la Organización de las ... «teleSUR TV, Apr 16»



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