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Significado de "documento" en el diccionario de español



La palabra documento procede del latín documentum.

Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


do · cu · men · to

Documento es una palabra llana de 4 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Documento es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Un documento es un testimonio material de un hecho o acto realizado en el ejercicio de sus funciones por instituciones o personas físicas, jurídicas, públicas o privadas, registrado en una unidad de información en cualquier tipo de soporte en lengua natural o convencional. Es el testimonio de una actividad humana fijada en un soporte, dando lugar a una fuente archivística, arqueológica, audiovisual, etc. Entre los autores que más han investigado la naturaleza del documento, destacan el belga Paul Otlet y la francesa Suzanne Briet.

definición de documento en el diccionario español

La primera definición de documento en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es diploma, carta, relación u otro escrito que ilustra acerca de algún hecho, principalmente de los históricos. Otro significado de documento en el diccionario es escrito en que constan datos fidedignos o susceptibles de ser empleados como tales para probar algo. Documento es también instrucción que se da a alguien en cualquier materia, y particularmente aviso y consejo para apartarle de obrar mal.


alimento · apartamento · argumento · aumento · campamento · cemento · comento · complemento · departamento · elemento · fomento · fundamento · incremento · instrumento · medicamento · momento · monumento · parlamento · reglamento · segmento


doctrinador · doctrinadora · doctrinal · doctrinanza · doctrinar · doctrinaria · doctrinario · doctrinarismo · doctrinero · doctrino · docudrama · documentación · documentada · documentado · documental · documentalismo · documentalista · documentar · documentario · dodecaedro


amento · armamento · cargamento · compartimento · destacamento · detrimento · experimento · fragmento · impedimento · juramento · lamento · ornamento · pavimento · pegamento · sacramento · salvamento · suplemento · temperamento · testamento · tormento

Sinónimos y antónimos de documento en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «documento» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


documento · carné · diploma · escrito · pasaporte · salvoconducto · título · privado · auténtico · público · testimonio · material · hecho · acto · realizado · ejercicio · funciones · instituciones · personas · físicas · jurídicas · públicas · privadas · registrado · primera · española · carta · relación · otro · ilustra · acerca · algún · principalmente · históricos · constan · datos · fidedignos · susceptibles · empleados · como · tales · para · probar · algo · documento · también · instrucción · alguien · materia · particularmente · aviso · consejo · apartarle · obrar · validez · electrónico · eficacia · sede · cada · juicios · donde · aportan · documentos · electrónicos · diferentes · formatos · planteándose · problema · éstos · deben · considerarse · copia · original · este · libro · actualizado · últimas · reformas ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de documento a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de documento a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de documento presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de documento en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

tài liệu
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de documento en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  document ; item ; material ; work ; stock item ; record ; paper.
 A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, periodical articles or reports).
 A catalogue is a list of the materials or items in a library, with the entries representing the items arranged in some systematic order.
 It is my understanding that the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition, (AACR2) will prescribe the same entry rules for all materials.
 An authority entry is an entry for which the initial element is the uniform heading for a person, corporate body, or work, as established by the cataloguing agency responsible.
 A new building will open in 1990, catering for 5 million stock items and 1,000 readers' seats.
 A record is a complete unit of information about a person, item, product, book, patient, chemical, etc. and in a computer-held data base a record is all the information contained relating to a document.
 In particular, a data base may be concerned to list separately individual periodical articles and single papers in conference proceedings.
acceso a los documentos  [En recuperación de información, acto que realiza una biblioteca de solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery
 This article examines resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery comparing the turnaround time for interlibrary loan in 1987 with that of 1989.
acción de guardar documentos 
 After several saves, the saved document summary screen might look like that shown in Figura 32 on page 38.
ADONIS (Distribución automática de documentos a través de sistemas de información en red) 
ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Information Systems)
 This article gives a history of ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Inforion Systems) project from the late 1970s to its inauguration in 1987.
análisis formal de documentos 
markup [mark-up]
 This article covers all the options from electronic markup or 'tagging' of the manuscript to desktop publishing and laser printing or image setting.
Archivo Británico de Documentos Públicos 
British Public Record Office
 The United States National Archives is the equivalent of the British Public Record Office and its principal bibliographic publications are National Archives Accessions and Guide to the Records in the National Archives.
archivo de documentos administrativos 
public record office
 This article discusses the impact of the public record office on the archival profession in the UK = Este artículo trata del impacto de los archivos de documentos administrativos en la profesión de archivero en el Reino Unido.
archivo de documentos públicos 
record office
 Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.
área de datos específicos de la clase de documento  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica utilizada para expresar información particular a los materiales especiales sólo tiene aplicación para los materiales cartográficos, denominándose entonces 'área de datos matemáticos', para la música impresa, 'área de datos específicos de música impresa', y para los archivos de ordenador, 'área de la clase y extensión del archivo']
material (or type of publication) specific details area
 The material (or type of publication) specific details area is used specifically for the description of cartographic materials and serials publications.
base de datos de documentos primarios 
source database
 Source databases contain the original source of data.
base de datos de documentos secundarios 
reference database
 Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.
búsqueda de documento conocido 
known-item search
 Statistical reports from several libraries attest to the 'fact' that the great majority of library users are performing topical subject searches, not author/title or known-item searches.
búsqueda de documentos concretos 
item search
 If a search was declared in the questionnaire as either a specific item search or a subject search but the log indicated otherwise, it was classed as an undeclared hybrid search.
Centro de Distribución de Documentos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLDSC) 
British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC)
 In order to provide information not covered by their own stock, most sizeable special libraries join the subscribers' service offered by the British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC) housed at Boston Spa in Yorkshire.
circulación de documentos  
flow of documents
stock circulation
 This should be an opportunity to improve the free flow of documents between countries through the interlibrary loan and document supply network.
 This article presents arguments in favour of traditional methods of stock circulation, theft detection, and catalogue storage.
codificar un documento 
mark up + document
 The first part of the project involves the use of SGML to mark up such documents for searching and display.
cola de documentos reservados y disponibles 
held-document-available queue
 For example, when documents on hold are returned, their document number are placed in the held-document-available queue.
colección de documentos impresos 
print collection
 There is a need for a media collection to supplement the already established print collections of the library.
colocación de los documentos de vuelta en los estantes 
 Reshelving by users could explain the discrepancy.
comprobación del documento  [Revisión de un ejemplar de un documento para cerciorarse de que se encuentra en buenas condiciones, completo y ordenado correctamente]
 Collating is the operation of inspection of a copy of a document to ensure that it is in good condition and that all components are complete and in their correct sequence.
conservación de documentos electrónicos 
electronic document preservation
 An emerging file format for preservation is PDF/A, which is aproposed international standard for long-term electronic document preservation.
conservador de documentos 
records custodian
 This institution is well-known for fostering the care and preservation of archives and training archives and records custodians.
contenido del documento 
document content
 Even where food processing only features as a minor aspect of the document content or as a side issue.
creación de documentos secundarios 
 The author presents recommendations for moving forward the development of a national preservation surrogacy strategy in line with other collection-based initiatives.
de acuerdo con este documento 
 The plan does not stipulate the content of research and it sees research activities, hereunder libraries, as a whole.
del documento específico 
 The additional document-related information required for each access-point file entry can be seen in Figure 52.
dependiente del documento 
 Syntactic relations, that is, those relationships that arise from the syntax, are document-dependent, and need not be constant.
depósito de documentos digitales 
 Repositories have broad mandates to acquire records, including business records, of cultural and historical importance to their respective communities.
depósito de documentos electrónico 
 Repositories have broad mandates to acquire records, including business records, of cultural and historical importance to their respective communities.
descripción de documentos de archivo 
archival description
 This article provides a chronology of key developments in the evolution of standards for archival description = Este artículo presenta una cronología de los avances más importantes en la evolución de las normas para la descripción de documentos de archivo.
descripción del documento 
document description
 Document descriptions may be included in catalogues, bibliographies and other listings of documents.
designación específica de la clase de documento  [Expresión usada para indicar el tipo específico de material al que pertenece un documento u objeto físico, por ej, disco]
specific material designation
 Specific material designation is a term used to indicate the special class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs, e.g. sound disc.
designación general de la clase de documento  [Expresión usada para indicar el tipo general de material al que pertenece un documento u objeto, por ej, grabación sonora]
general material designation
 General material designation is a term used to indicate the broad class of material to which an item belongs, e.g., sound recording.
difusión electrónica de documentos (DED)  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia en formato legible por máquina de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
electronic document delivery (EDD)
 However, despite the expanding contribution of online services and the impending impact of electronic document delivery (EDD), the printed word continues to have a major part to play in the transmission of EC information.
digitalización de documentos 
document imaging
 Government agencies are increasingly turning to document imaging to manage their large volumes of information that must be retained for long periods of time.
distribución de documentos de préstamo interbibliotecario 
interlibrary loan document delivery
 This article discusses the history of telefacsimile technology and the uses to which it can be put in libraries focusing on its impact on interlibrary loan document delivery.
documento acreditativo de identidad 
proof of identity
 All applicants for a driver license must present proof of identity satisfactory to the department.
documento administrativo público 
public record
 This article maintains that archivists as custodians of the records have an ethical obligation to support the freest possible access to public records.
documento base  [Método de debate que toma como punto de partida un documento que presenta ideas, normalmente polémicas, que dan pie a ser rebatidas o apoyadas]
discussion document
 In a computer conference, a discussion document (or nominated topic) is commented upon by participants at various locations, over a period of time.
documento científico 
scholarly work
 ISI gives you an additional - and very powerful - way of locating articles... by CITATIONS, the references found at the end of scholarly works.
documento citado 
cited document
 A citation index lists, in alphabetical order by author's name, the citations made in any of the source documents, and indicates for each cited document, the source document which cites it.
documento citante 
citing document
 This article presents a probabilistic theory of indexing and similarity measure based on cited and citing documents.
documento clasificado 
classified document
 400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war, were discovered along with reams of other classified documents by a reporter.
documento compuesto   [Documento que combina imágenes y texto]
composite document
compound document
 Composite documents are documents which contain two or more discrete subjects.
 Compound documents are those which contain graphics, maps, photos, scientific notation, as well as those containing textual anomalies, such as footnotes, columnar text, handwriting and boxed text.
documento confidencial 
classified document
 400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war, were discovered along with reams of other classified documents by a reporter.
documento de archivo  [En archivística, documento que se ha de guardar permanentemente por el valor histórico, jurídico, u otro de su contenido o de su forma]  [En archivística, documento que se ha de guardar permanentemente por el valor histórico, jurídico, u otro de su contenido o de su forma]   [Generalmente reproducción en papel de una imagen]
archival document
archival record
archival file
archival print
 Archives are set of non-current archival documents preserved, with or without selection, by those responsible for their creation or by their successors for their own use or by other organizations because of their enduring value.
 Lawyers and historians have different and possibly conflicting needs with regard to archival records and archivists should consider the requirements of both professions to maintain a balanced collection.
 The initial task of the Archive, which in 1960 had a stock of 521 archival files, was to complete the transfer of stock from other archival workplaces and to make its stock available to research workers.
 The combination will yield an archival print that will last for many decades or up to a century without fading or degradation of colour.
documento de autoridad archivística  
archival authority record
archival authority record
 Such 'archival authority records' differ from their bibliographic counterparts in the functional roles they play in the descriptive process.
 Such 'archival authority records' differ from their bibliographic counterparts in the functional roles they play in the descriptive process.
documento de consulta  [Método de debate que toma como punto de partida un documento que presenta ideas, normalmente polémicas, que dan pie a ser rebatidas o apoyadas]
discussion document
 In a computer conference, a discussion document (or nominated topic) is commented upon by participants at various locations, over a period of time.
documento de debate  [Método de debate que toma como punto de partida un documento que presenta ideas, normalmente polémicas, que dan pie a ser rebatidas o apoyadas]
discussion paper
 The UKLDS or the UK Library Database System is a proposal from the Cooperative Automation Group (CAG) which was first disseminated in a discussion paper published in 1982.
documento de imagen en movimiento 
moving image document
 Images bear a different relationship to objects and events from that of words, and the manner in which moving image documents generate meaning differs from the way strings of words communicate.
documento de opinión  [Método de debate que toma como punto de partida un documento que presenta ideas, normalmente polémicas, que dan pie a ser rebatidas o apoyadas]
discussion document
 In a computer conference, a discussion document (or nominated topic) is commented upon by participants at various locations, over a period of time.
documento de renuncia 
waiver form
 By completing the form, we agree that the expenses established in the waiver form will be liability of and paid for by the insurance company.
documento derivado  [Documento secundario que resulta de adaptar, reorganizar o traducir uno o más documentos]
derivative document
 A derivative document is a secondary document resulting from adapting, rearranging, or translating one or more documents.
documento de texto 
textual document
 Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data = En este traller de trabajo son de interés especial los interfaces para los siguientes tipos de recursos: documentos de texto, datos estadísticos, información multimedia, información geospacial y datos de la genómica y la proteómica.
documento de trabajo   
working document
working draft
work document
 The working documents of the European Parliament provide an insight into the proceedings of parliamentary committees.
 This is a working draft outlining possible parameters of new qualitative and quantitative standards for public libraries.
 Before taking it to the tip I removed the hard drive which has all my photos and work documents on it.
documento electrónico  [Documento que existe en forma electrónica y al que se accede mediante medios informáticos]  
electronic document
machine readable document
electronic record
 The electronic document may be a research paper, a book, a directory, an encyclopedia, a bibliographic database or several of these stored on optical disk.
 In contrast, machine readable documents do not have any of the tactile, tangible characteristics of books which provide the necessary reassurance of immortality.
 Data warehouses have the attraction that they are repositories of stable and datable information but considerable harm could be done to the integrity of the electronic record if used inappropriately.
documento en papel 
paper document
 The organisation and retrieval of paper documents are discussed in the light of new perspectives opened up by optical discs, hypertext and artificial intelligence.
documento estatal 
state document
 The article discusses the evaluation of mass records (tax documents, estate documents, trusteeship documents).
documento falsificado 
forged document
 The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.
documento falso  
forged document
fake document
 The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.
 Unfortunately, there are thousands of students who have succeeded to obtain student visa with fake documents.
documento fuente  [Documento que contiene contribuciones o partes identificables por separado que no son física o bibliográficamente independientes]   
host document
original document
parent document
source document
 A component part is a document that for the purposes of bibliographic identification or access requires reference to a host document of which it forms a part.
 An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.
 An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.
 A citation index lists, in alphabetical order by author's name, the citations made in any of the source documents, and indicates for each cited document, the source document which cites it.
documento hallado 
 If a search returns more than one match, you can select a particular record by entering the record number and pressing <Enter>.
documento histórico  
historical document
historical paper
 Works of art are no longer sought after for their aesthetic qualities alone, but are seen as historical documents reflecting the time and place of their creation.
 The historical papers section includes more than 300 documents reflecting the struggle for national liberation.
documento icónico  [Documento en el que la representación pictórica es el rasgo predominante]
iconic document
 An iconic document is a document in which pictorial representation is the prominent feature.
documento impreso  [Por impresora]  
printout [print-out]
paper document
 Libraries of the future will spend larger and larger portions of their budgets not on books, but to finance patrons' acquisitions of print-outs of desired documents located through the online catalogue.
 The organisation and retrieval of paper documents are discussed in the light of new perspectives opened up by optical discs, hypertext and artificial intelligence.
 However, these 'libraries' also had a substantial number and apparently growing collection of materials from the U.S. and numerous website print-offs from anti-Castro groups.
documento informativo  [En la Internet, documentos de carácter general sobre esta red]
FYI (For Your Information)
 A subset of the RFCs, the FYIs (For Your Information) are documents which provide useful background information about the Internet.
documento interno 
internal document
 It must in fact be doubted whether 'internal documents' as a class could be said to have any characteristic by which the user might distinguish them from publications, except their relative elusiveness.
documento legal 
legal document
 LEXIS is a retrieval system for legal documents.
documento legible por máquina 
machine readable document
 In contrast, machine readable documents do not have any of the tactile, tangible characteristics of books which provide the necessary reassurance of immortality.
documento literario 
literary document
 Literature and literary documents are, obviously, far from forgotten or disregarded as part of the function of bibliography.
documento matriz 
master document
 If a master document number is entered, DOBIS/LIBIS displays a summary of the circulation status of all copies owned by the library.
documento multimedia 
multimedia document (MD)
 This article describes the architecture and the main features of DOMINO, a multimedia information retrieval system whose data base is a collection of multimedia documents (MDs) constituted of a mixing of texts and images.
documento oficial   
government document
official document
official record
 Citation analysis of 7 core periodicals of the geological literature for 1985, showed that government document citations averaged 16% of all reference citations.
 Of these, about 25 are involved in traditional Library activities (acquisition, cataloguing, management of periodicals, official documents, etc.).
 This book relies on official records, in the absence of independent Jewish testimony, to reconstruct Jewish life within the borders of the medieval duchy of Brunswick.
documento oficial municipal 
municipal document
 The article is entitled 'The ebbing of municipal documents and the flow of public information in New York'.
documento origen  [Documento que contiene contribuciones o partes identificables por separado que no son física o bibliográficamente independientes]
host document
 A component part is a document that for the purposes of bibliographic identification or access requires reference to a host document of which it forms a part.
documento pictórico  [Imagen asociada a datos y que forma parte de una base de datos bibliográfica]
image document
 The system provides the capability to index and store both alphanumeric data objects and image doucments on on-line storage media.
documento primario  [Documento que presenta información básicamente original]  [Publicación que recoge los resultados directos de la investigación científica] 
primary document
primary publication
primary source
 A primary document is a document which presents information which is essentially original in character.
 Abstracts are an important component of many primary and secondary publications, current-awareness services and computerized databases.
 Secondary sources are books, digests, articles, trend reports based on primary sources, both by native and foreign authors.
documento prohibido 
banned title
 About 3,000 formerly banned titles have been re-admitted to public libraries.
documento público  
public document
municipal document
 This category of material is currently referred to generically as 'public documents'.
 The article is entitled 'The ebbing of municipal documents and the flow of public information in New York'.
documento recuperado  [Respuesta positiva a una búsqueda automatizada que indica que la clave de búsqueda está presente en tantos documentos como número de 'ocurrencias' haya]
 The computer replies by listing the numbers of documents in each subcommand, and places 10752 hits in set 1.
documento recuperado no pertinente 
false drop
 False drops are cards which drop from the needle when the documents that the cards represent are not truly relevant to the topic of a search.
documento reservado 
held document
 When a held document is returned, it is reserved by the system for the first person on the hold list.
documento secreto 
classified document
 400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war, were discovered along with reams of other classified documents by a reporter.
documento secundario  [Documento secundario que resulta de adaptar, reorganizar o traducir uno o más documentos]  [Documento que es un producto derivado de documentos primarios o los o describe]  [Publicación que recoge el resultado de la transformación que experimentan los documentos primarios u originales tras ser sometidos a las operaciones de análisis y síntesis]  
derivative document
secondary document
secondary publication
document surrogate
 A derivative document is a secondary document resulting from adapting, rearranging, or translating one or more documents.
 A secondary document is a document which derives from or describes primary documents.
 Abstracts are an important component of many primary and secondary publications, current-awareness services and computerized databases.
 Any catalogue comprises a number of entries each entry representing or acting as a surrogate for a document.
 The paradigm of library science is presented as the transfer of documents and document surrogates.
documentos encontrados  [Número de veces que un término de búsqueda aparece en un documento]
 An entry in the inverted file consists of the term to be searched, the number of records containing the term (known as the number of postings), and the reference number of those records (known as the addresses).
documentos jurídicos  [Todo tipo de documento que declara la propiedad de algo o los privilegios de alguien y que tiene valor ante la justicia]
 A cartulary is a work in which the muniments, that is the title deeds to lands, properties, rights and privileges of a monastery, church, corporation or landholding family are recorded.
documento sonoro 
audio document
 In all, the compilation includes more than 130 video and audio documents, divided by theme.
documentos personales 
personal papers
 This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.
documentos primarios  
primary material
primary source material
 Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.
 Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.
documentos producto de investigación 
research materials
 We have the most comprehensive collection of research materials on chess and checkers in the world.
documento técnico 
technical document
 This article shows that simple, knowledge-intensive algorithms can successfully interpret many of the compounds found in technical documents.
documento vencido  [En circulación, documento cuya plazo de préstamo se ha cumplido] 
overdue document
 This package enables the library to carry out the following functions: title searches; keyword searches; generating overdues; generating chasers; printing applications, generating loan statistics; generating reports.
 This will cause the system to react differently to a request to renew an overdue document.
documento web 
Web document
 Automated 'crawlers' index the complete text of Web documents = Los 'motores de búsqueda' indizan el texto completo de los documentos web.
dominado por el documento impreso 
 If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
encargado de la gestión de documentos 
record(s) manager
 This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.
en este documento  
 The ideas contained herein will be central issues for consideration in the foreseeable future.
 During the period relevant hereto defendant Hamas organized, planned and executed acts of violence and terrorism against Jewish civilians .
enunciado de búsqueda de documentos multimedia 
multimedia query
 This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.
enviar un documento 
deliver + document
 Normally the claim category assigned to the vendor is left unchanged, since it reflects the time that vendor requires to deliver documents.
específico del documento  
 The additional document-related information required for each access-point file entry can be seen in Figure 52.
 Because authority file invariant and document-specific (variable) information are not separated in a MARC record, both are usually entered each time a document is cataloged.
etiqueta del documento 
document label
 Both the borrower identification label and the document label are read with a bar-code scanner.
etiquetado de documentos  [Proceso por el que se identifican las diferentes partes de las que constan los documentos]
document markup
 These standards view documents as hierarchical objects and it is likely that languages such as SGML will become widely used in the future for document markup.
experto en la confección de documentos web 
text mark-up expert
 The workshop brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources.
expurgo de documentos 
records disposition
 And this study will examine how new technology actually is affecting records creation, recordkeeping, and records disposition.
fichero de registro por documento 
item record file
 An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number; each entry or record stores the total information relating to the document that is available in the system, including reference and index terms.
formato generalizado para la codificación de documentos web 
generalised markup format
 This article describes the use of a generalised mark-up format for primary information that facilitates its conversion into an on-line full text data base.
gestión de documentos    [En una institución, se aplica a las tareas relacionadas con la creación, almacenamiento y recuperación de la documentación generada por la empresa]  [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para almacenar, recuperar y organizar la información que una organización posee]
document management
handling of documents
record(s) management
record keeping [recordkeeping]
 The 1990s will see a productivity breakthrough in document management.
 In virtually all of her professional positions she has been involved with the handling of documents.
 This paper divides the life of a record into 8 stages: the first four stages - from creation of a record to destruction or transfer to an archive - may be regarded as records management.
 All of the processing, acquisitions, shelving, and record-keeping that is done in a library is for the purpose of making information available to those who need it.
gestión de documentos electrónicos 
electronic document management
 Our primary focus over the years has been in the arena of providing electronic document management solutions.
gestión de imágenes de documentos 
document image management
 Document image management, or imaging, presents possibilities for dealing with the paper problem.
gestión electrónica de documentos  
electronic record keeping
electronic record management
 The growth of electronic record keeping has not resulted in the paperless office predicted by many.
 Electronic document management can trigger automation of other business processes.
gestión y conservación de documentos electrónicos 
electronic document preservation and management
 Companies who wish to avoid digital-related sactions must make fundamental changes in their approach to electronic document preservation and management.
grado de coincidencia entre el tema de un documento y el tema de búsqueda 
 Since topicality is a major factor in relevance, it is crucial to identify the range of relationship types that occur between the topics o user needs and the topics of texts relevant to those needs.
identificador del documento  [Nombre utilizado como descriptor]
document identifier
 An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number.
imagen digital de un documento 
digital image document
 The group agreed to develop and maintain reliable and affordable mechanisms to gain access to digital image documents.
índice de palabras del documento  [Relación entre las palabras del documento usadas en la búsqueda y el número total de términos de búsqueda usados]
textwords ratio
 Textwords ratio is the number of textwords divided by the number of search terms.
índice de registro por documento 
item record index
 Item record indexes, whatever their physical format, share certain advantages and disadvantages.
lector de documentos 
document scanner
 Incoming paper records, such as mortgage, deeds and liens are now captured electronically using document scanners and stored on optical discs for quick access during searches.
lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web 
markup language
 The author considers the need for standardisation to facilitate the interchange of data and describes how this might be achieved through a markup language such as SGML.
mapa que se inserta en otro documento 
inclusion map
 The findings, in the form of inclusion maps (resulting from multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis), provide new insights into geophysics national activity.
mercado de suministro de documentos 
document supply market
 Commercial vendors are completely outside conventional library systems, and might cream off the profitable end of the document supply market.
método de la Inversión de la Frecuencia de los Documentos (IDF) 
Inverse Document Frequency model (IDF)
 This study compares the Two-Poisson (2P), Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) and Discrimination Value (DV) models of document representation.
NAGARA (Asociación Nacional de Archiveros y Gestores de Documentos del Gobierno) 
National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA)
 The National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) have developed a model law and a more systematic understanding of the administration of access to public records.
número de documentos devueltos a los estantes  [En bibliometría, total de documentos que el auxiliar de biblioteca ha vuelto a colocar en su lugar en los estantes una vez usados por el usuario y depositados en el lugar establecido para ello Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
shelving statistics
 If a study must be conducted of the use made of the reference room, hourly head counts, shelving statistics, and inquiries as to the users' school or industrial affiliation may be employed.
número de identificación del documento 
library registration number
 On presenting his membership card, the librarian will draw up a 'slip holder pocket' containing the library registration number and the personal details of the borrower.
número del documento  
document identification number
document number
 The document identification number is a number which provides the unique identification of the document in the abstracting publication or other related product in which the document is announced.
 An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number.
número de referencia del documento 
document reference number
 Usually each of these names will be accompanied by document reference numbers or classification numbers and document citations.
obsolescencia del documento 
literature aging [literature ageing]
 Her paper was titled 'The main problems of studying literature aging'.
ordenación topográfica de los documentos 
document arrangement
 Plainly, catalogues do not suffer from the above four limitations of document arrangement.
ordenar los documentos recuperados en orden de 
rank + documents
 We might therefore argue that our information retrieval system should enable us to rank documents in response to a query using the weighted vector 'wij'.
ordenar los documentos recuperados en orden de pertinencia 
rank + document output
 Systems which rank document output do already exist, for example the SMART system discussed in chapter 28.
palabra del documento  [Concepto usado principalmente en indización para distinguir las palabras del texto de los descriptores usados para identificar un documento]
 Searchers used either textwords or descriptors to increase recall, depending on the specific conditions.
pantalla resumen del documento 
document summary screen
 When the end code is entered on the name summary screen and the document summary screen is redisplayed, the zero opposite the names label will be changed to the number of names added.
pedido de documento 
document ordering
 The network will support data base building, display, document ordering and online retrieval.
petición de documentos  [En recuperación de información, acto que realiza una biblioteca de solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery
 This article examines resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery comparing the turnaround time for interlibrary loan in 1987 with that of 1989.
petición de documentos por el lector 
document request
 Currently, online document request services are possible, but this is not usually a feature of the facilities of any but the largest co-operatives.
producción de documentos 
document production
 The use of international standards is important for users because it safeguards investments previously made in technical document production.
profesional encargado de la gestión de documentos 
records professional
 Although it is difficult to imagine when we consider the differences between archivists and records managers, these two types of records professionals share common origins and common agendas.
publicación de documentos del gobierno 
government publishing
 In 1846 the Joint Committee on Printing took a central role in government publishing.
publicación de documentos oficiales 
official publishing
 Olle is right, however, in implying that after a slow start interest in, and writing about, official publishing in Britain has increased dramatically in recent years.
redactar un documento 
draft + document
 The situation could be rectified by drafting a new document, which could have a recommending status and which would help library staff in their effort to create conditions conforming to the standard.
red de suministro de documentos 
document supply network
 This should be an opportunity to improve the free flow of documents between countries through the interlibrary loan and document supply network.
registro de documento pedido 
on-order record
 The on-order record needs noting-up and removing from the file.
renovar el préstamo de un documento 
renew + a document
 The computer must know the number of times particular documents may be renewed.
reproducción de documentos 
documentary reproduction
 At the height of this burgeoning interest in new methods of documentary reproduction, the American Documentation Institute (ADI) was organized.
responsable de la gestión de documentos 
record(s) manager
 This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.
restauración de documentos 
document restoration
 Document restoration is a single component of a wider approach to disaster planning.
seguir la pista a un documento 
chase + item
 An automatic chasing system is provided for unfulfilled orders, but individual items may also be chased on demand.
seleccionar y presentar en un documento 
 Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
selección de documentos  [Toma de decisiones sobre la adquisición de documentos por compra, intercambio o donación, consultando bibliografías, catálogos, listas de editores y libreros o los propios documentos, et, para lograr un aumento y actualización equilibrados de los fondos de una biblioteca o centro de información y documentación]  [Operación por la que se decide sobre la adquisición de documentos por compra, intercambio, donación, consulta de bibliografías, catálogos o los mismos documentos para conseguir un equilibrio y actualización de las colecciones de una biblioteca o centro de documentación o información]
document selection
selection of documents
 Abstracts are a vital aid in document selection and information gathering, and help to avoid duplication and delay in work in progress.
 Selection of documents is the operation of deciding on the acquisition of documents by purchase, exchange or donation, consulting bibliographies, catalogues, publishers' and booksellers' lists or the documents themselves, etc., in order to achieve a balanced increase and up-dating of the collections of a library, or of a documentation and information centre.
servicio de entrega de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicio de petición de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicio de préstamo de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicio de suministro de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicio de transferencia de documentos  [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery service (DDS)
 Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.
servicios de documentos secundarios 
secondary services
 In practice critical abstracts are rare, and certainly do not usually feature in published secondary services.
servidor de documentos 
document server
 Academic sites will install document servers to make publications and electronic archives available on a global scale = Academic sites will install document servers to make publications and electronic archives available on a global scale.
servir un documento 
deliver + document
 Normally the claim category assigned to the vendor is left unchanged, since it reflects the time that vendor requires to deliver documents.
SGML (Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos)  [Sistema automatizado para identificar las partes de las que se compone un documento como título, resumen, introducción, resultados, etc]
SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language)
 The documents in the archive are encoded with the Standard Generalized Markup Language, which views a document as a hierarchical organisation of document elements.
sistema automatizado para la recuperación de documentos 
computerised document retrieval system
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
sistema de digitalización de documentos 
document imaging system
 In 1989, a document imaging system was planned which would provide users with desktop electronic access to full text of company technical reports.
sistema de gestión de documentos 
record(s) system
 Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.
sistema de gestión de documentos electrónicos 
electronic document management system (EDMS)
 A Document Management Roadshow has been touring some major cities in the UK, promoting the benefits of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS).
sistema de petición de documentos  [En recuperación de información, método que utiliza una biblioteca para solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery system
 Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.
sistema de suministro de documentos 
document supply system
 In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
sistema de transferencia de documentos  [En recuperación de información, método que utiliza una biblioteca para solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery system
 Experiments in improved document delivery systems, and the establishment of networks between libraries are under way.
sistema en el que el documento aparece representado en un único lugar del índice 
one-place system
 Both of the above issues arise because pre-coordinate systems are fundamentally one-place systems.
sistema para el análisis formal de documentos 
markup code
 Developments have been hampered by typesetters devising in-house markup codes, but this year a new standard has been introduced by BSI.
sistema para el análisis formal de documentos web  [Método para la identificación de las partes de un documento (título, parte, sección, párrafo, etc) según una estructura estándar para su posterior proceso automatizado]
markup system
 This article gives some background information on markup systems and gives a brief account of the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML).
solicitar un documento 
request + document
 The borrower identification is required each time a document is requested in self-service mode.
suministro de documentos 
document supply
 The term 'interlibrary loan' includes the supply of the copy of a document as well ('document supply').
transferencia de documentos  [En recuperación de información, acto que realiza una biblioteca de solicitar una copia de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]
document delivery
 This article examines resource sharing, interlibrary loan and document delivery comparing the turnaround time for interlibrary loan in 1987 with that of 1989.
tratamiento de documentos  
document processing
document handling
 Careful and detailed document processing is important since archive material is useful at council meetings and conferences and as a source of information for long-term research planning.
 The notion of an expert system is briefly reviewed so as to discuss its significance and to raise a number of issues relevant to document handling, particularly in the case of illustrations.
Tratamiento de Imágenes de Documentos (DIP) 
Document Image Processing (DIP)
 This article is a review of the current state of Document Image Processing (DIP) applications and the progress of supply and demand for DIP systems in the UK.
UNDEX (Indice de Documentos de las Naciones Unidas)  [Antes conocida como UNDI: lista de todas las publicaciones de las diferentes agencias de las Naciones Unidas]
UNDEX (United Nations Documents Index)
 Until the early 1960s UNDEX (then known as UNDI - United Nations Documents Index) was the principal source of bibliographic information about the publications of the various United Nations specialized agencies.
UNDI (Indice de Documentos de las Naciones Unidas)  [Actualmente conocido como UNDEX: lista de todas las publicaciones de las diferentes agencias de las Naciones Unidas]
UNDI (United Nations Documents Index)
 Until the early 1960s UNDEX (then known as UNDI - United Nations Documents Index) was the principal source of bibliographic information about the publications of the various United Nations specialized agencies.
vector de los documentos 
document vector
 A query is treated in the same way, and the query vector is then compared with the document vectors, using the cosine correlation coefficient to give a measure of the extent to which they coincide.
vida útil de un documento  [Tiempo que un documento permanece en los estantes de la biblioteca]
shelf life
 The research concluded that the best way to extend shelf life was by using traditional binding.
XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos) 
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
 XML (Extensible Markup Language) is an extension of HTML which simplifies the creation of specialized markup languages for any application domain without requiring knowledge of Standard Generalized Markup Language.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra documento



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de documento
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «documento».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre documento



Descubre el uso de documento en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con documento y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
La validez del documento electrónico y su eficacia en sede ...
Cada vez son más los juicios donde se aportan documentos electrónicos en diferentes formatos, planteándose el problema de si éstos deben considerarse como una copia o un original.Este libro -actualizado con las últimas reformas ...
Andrés Jaume Bennasar, Lex Nova, 2010
Documento marco sobre la formación en Cáritas
Nueva publicación que recoge la riqueza de Cáritas en su modo de hacer en el ámbito formativo, señalando elementos programáticos y orientadores para toda propuesta formativa a desarrollar en el futuro.
El documento de seguridad: Análisis técnico y jurídico. Modelo
Pieza fundamental y eje sobre el que giran todas estas medidas es el Documento de Seguridad, obligatorio para todos los responsables de ficheros de las entidades antes mencionadas.
Emilio Del Peso Navarro, Miguel Angel Ramos González, Mar Del Peso Ruiz, 2010
El documento Saldaña
La mujer que lo custodiaba ha sido brutalmente asesinada y el documento Saldaña ha desaparecido.
Pedro de Paz, 2008
Del texto a la iconografía: Aproximación al documento ...
La comprensión del teatro de inicios de la época barroca en su dimensión espectacular, a través del análisis de documentos figurativos conservados en España en torno a este momento, constituye el núcleo de esta investigación sobre ...
Alicia Álvarez Sellers, 2008
Ofimática Profesional WORD 2007
Crear un documento maestro Un documento maestro permite reunir varios documentos Word (denominados subdocumentos) con el fin de gestionar simultáneamente los números de página, títulos, notas, etc. de los subdocumentos.
Vv.aa, 2007
Word 2003: funciones básicas
Dicha linea representa su posición en el documento. En función del resultado esperado, utilice las teclas de desplazamiento siguientes: Carácter siguiente/ anterior GJ/E3 Principio de la palabra siguiente/anterior Ictnll — > Ij/lct7rii <— i Final ...
VV Staff, Vv.aa, 2004
Microsoft Office XP 8 en 1
Puede insertar columnas para todas las páginas de un documento o colocarlas solamente en una sección en particular. Las columnas con las que trabaje en Word se conocen como columnas de estilo boletín o "de flujo continuo".
Joe Habraken, 2001
Documento conclusivo
DOCUMENTO. CONCLUSIVO. Introducción. 1 . Con la luz del Señor resucitado y con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo, Obispos de América nos reunimos en Aparecida , Brasil, para celebrar la V Conferencia General del Episcopado ...
La fotografía como documento social
La fotografia, que puede ser interpretada como elemento de conocimiento y como obra de arte con frecuencia, a la vez que informacion y arte, es un instrumento de comunicacion sujeto a muchos avatares y a toda clase de manipulaciones.
Gisèle Freund, 2001


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término documento en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Se extiende hasta marzo de 2017 el plazo para tramitar el ...
“La nueva gestión logró un 90% de la población con documento digital”, indicó Morán, quien agregó que en estos meses se ha trabajado en muchas ciudades. «Télam, Jul 16»
A partir del 1 de agosto únicamente será válido el documento de ...
Desde el Registro del Estado Civil y Capacidad de las Personas recordaron que a partir del 1 de agosto únicamente tendrá validez el documento de identidad ... «El Diario 24, Jul 16»
Pasaporte peruano fue elegido el mejor documento de Latinoamérica
El pasaporte electrónico de Perú ganó el premio al mejor documento de identidad del 2016, otorgado en la High Security Printing Latinoamérica, con base en ... «América Televisión, Jun 16»
Investigan a Boudou por falsear datos en su documento de identidad
Deberá declarar el 24 de mayo por el delito de "falsedad ideológica de documento público". El exvicepresidente argentino compró tres vehículos con un DNI ... «Diario El País, May 16»
El Archivo Histórico Provincial recupera la memoria de Peñarrubia ...
El Archivo Histórico Provincial de Málaga, que gestiona la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta, dedica el Documento del Mes de mayo al municipio malagueño ... «Sur Digital, May 16»
Cervantes se 'matricula' en la Universidad de Sevilla
La Universidad de Sevilla ha presentado un documento del siglo XVI que contiene dos firmas autógrafas de Miguel de Cervantes que, aunque se conocía su ... «El Mundo, Abr 16»
DNI: aprende obtener documento a los 17 años
Si bien los ciudadanos de 18 años de edad están facultados, y obligados, a tramitar el Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), no son los únicos. Los jóvenes ... «Diario Ojo, Abr 16»
Piden 4 años para una persona acusada de falsear un documento ...
El Fiscal solicita una pena total de cuatro años de prisión para una mujer acusada de un delito de falsificación de documento privado y estafa al presentar un ... «, Abr 16»
El PP elabora un documento por un pacto educativo que ponga el ...
El Partido Popular ha elaborado un documento de partida para avanzar en la consecución de un pacto educativo real, participativo, que vuelva a poner el foco ... «, Abr 16»
Una herencia que no era pesada
Página/12 accedió a los documentos con los que Cambiemos busca atraer inversiones de Estados Unidos. Allí se destacan la educación, el desempleo de ... «Página 12, Abr 16»


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