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" Me gustaría vivir eternamente, por lo menos para ver cómo en cien años las personas cometen los mismos errores que yo."
Sir Winston Churchill

Significado de "ver" en el diccionario de español



La palabra ver procede del latín vidēre.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.



Ver es una palabra aguda de 1 sílaba.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Ver es un verbo y también puede actuar como un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El verbo es la parte de la oración que se conjuga y expresa acción y estado.

Los tiempos verbales se dan en tres modos: indicativo, subjuntivo e imperativo.



Se llama visión a la capacidad de interpretar nuestro entorno gracias a los rayos de luz que alcanzan el ojo. También se entiende por visión toda acción de ver. La visión o sentido de la vista es una de las principales capacidades sensoriales del hombre y de muchos animales. Existen diferentes tipos de métodos para el examen de la visión. El sentido de la vista o visión está asegurado por un órgano receptor, el ojo; una membrana, la retina, estos reciben las impresiones luminosas y las transmite al cerebro por las vías ópticas. El ojo es un órgano par situado en la cavidad orbitaria. Está protegido por los parpados y por la secreción de la glándula lagrimal. Es movilizado por un grupo de músculos extrínsecos comandados por los nervios motores del ojo. El ojo es, pues, el observatorio avanzado del cerebro que comprende el bulbo del ojo y el nervio óptico. Los ojos son sensibles a ondas de radiación electromagnética de longitudes específicas. Estas ondas se registran como la sensación de la luz.

definición de ver en el diccionario español

La primera definición de ver en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es percibir por los ojos los objetos mediante la acción de la luz. Otro significado de ver en el diccionario es percibir algo con cualquier sentido o con la inteligencia. Ver es también observar, considerar algo.



yo veo
él ve
nos. vemos
vos. veis / ven
ellos ven
Pretérito imperfecto
yo veía
él veía
nos. veíamos
vos. veíais / veían
ellos veían
Pret. perfecto simple
yo vi
él vio
nos. vimos
vos. visteis / vieron
ellos vieron
Futuro simple
yo veré
él verá
nos. veremos
vos. veréis / verán
ellos verán
Condicional simple
yo vería
él vería
nos. veríamos
vos. veríais / verían
ellos verían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he visto
has visto
él ha visto
nos. hemos visto
vos. habéis visto
ellos han visto
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había visto
habías visto
él había visto
nos. habíamos visto
vos. habíais visto
ellos habían visto
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube visto
hubiste visto
él hubo visto
nos. hubimos visto
vos. hubisteis visto
ellos hubieron visto
Futuro perfecto
yo habré visto
habrás visto
él habrá visto
nos. habremos visto
vos. habréis visto
ellos habrán visto
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría visto
habrías visto
él habría visto
nos. habríamos visto
vos. habríais visto
ellos habrían visto
El modo indicativo es el modo verbal que enuncia como real lo expresado por el verbo.


yo vea
él vea
nos. veamos
vos. veáis / vean
ellos vean
Pretérito imperfecto
yo viera o viese
vieras o vieses
él viera o viese
nos. viéramos o viésemos
vos. vierais o vieseis / vieran o viesen
ellos vieran o viesen
Futuro simple
yo viere
él viere
nos. viéremos
vos. viereis / vieren
ellos vieren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube visto
hubiste visto
él hubo visto
nos. hubimos visto
vos. hubisteis visto
ellos hubieron visto
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré visto
habrás visto
él habrá visto
nos. habremos visto
vos. habréis visto
ellos habrán visto
Condicional perfecto
yo habría visto
habrías visto
él habría visto
nos. habríamos visto
vos. habríais visto
ellos habrían visto
El modo subjuntivo se caracteriza por presentar una acción como posible o hipotética.
ve (tú / vos)
ved (vosotros) / vean (ustedes)
El modo imperativo es el modo gramatical empleado para expresar mandatos, órdenes o solicitudes taxativas.
Las formas no personales del verbo carecen de persona y número.

El infinitivo muestra la acción fuera de toda perspectiva temporal. El gerundio muestra la acción durante su transcurso. El participio muestra la acción tras su terminación.


acceder · alquiler · aprender · ayer · comer · conocer · creer · cualquier · haber · hacer · her · leer · mantener · mujer · obtener · poder · primer · ser · tener · volver


veo veo · vera · vera effigies · veracidad · veracruzana · veracruzano · veragüense · veramente · veranada · veranadero · veranar · veranda · veraneante · veranear · veraneo · veranera · veranero · veraniega · veraniego · veranillo


alzheimer · amanecer · aparecer · atender · caer · cáncer · carácter · correr · crecer · defender · entender · líder · per · perder · poner · responder · saber · taller · tercer · vender

Sinónimos y antónimos de ver en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «ver» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


ver · acechar · advertir · atender · avistar · calcular · comprender · conocer · considerar · contemplar · conversar · curiosear · descubrir · distinguir · divisar · ensayar · especular · espiar · estudiar · examinar · experimentar · fiscalizar · primera · lengua · española · ojos · objetos · mediante · otro · algo · cualquier · inteligencia · nada · esta · novela · cuenta · historia · rodrigo · pesimista · crónico · polígamo · drogadicto · semialcohólico · paranoico · día · gana · sorteo · brinda · oportunidad · llevar · vida · lujos · tematización · mirada · pintura · propone · nueva · lectura · emergencia · moderna · desvelando · impresionismo · considerado · como · revolución · arte · moderno · oposición · académico · produce · cambio · radical · concerniente · acto · textos · conversaciones · aquí · recopilación · trabajos · periodísticos · wenders · compuesta · entrevistas · aparecidos · mayoría · después · invisible · acerca · kandinsky · considerada · difícil · abstracta · abre · paradójicamente · camino ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de ver a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de ver a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de ver presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de ver en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de ver en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

no ver
no ver 
  be blind to.
 Influence and control is currently wielded by sterile professionals who are blind to the need to develop services beyond print.
  descry ; discern ; see ; spot ; view ; view ; witness ; check out ; make out ; look down over ; look down on/upon ; catch + sight of ; lay + eyes on ; clap + Posesivo + eyes on ; set + eyes on ; get + a load of.
 He looked up and descried a gym class, all wet and draggled, scurrying back across the sodden football field.
 Such variations also make it difficult for a cataloguer inserting a new heading for local use to discern the principles which should be heeded in the construction of such a heading.
 Where the conference cannot be seen to have a name, then the work will normally be treated as a collection.
 When all necessary amendments have been spotted, edit the draft abstract and make any improvements to the style that are possible.
 Thus it is possible in an author sequence to view easily the works of one author.
 Many librarians viewed AACR1 as such a significant improvement upon its predecessors, that they were content.
 We sometimes only have to speak a word to witness a reaction in other people that should logically follow only if the object itself were present.
 Where problems do arise it is sensible to check out the training programme before blaming the assistant for poor performance of duties.
 She could just make out that he was standing against the wall near the door, ready to jump anyone who came out the door.
 There was one ram that was content to stay up in the cliffs and look down over his domain.
 The characters stand inside a mysterious domed structure looking down on the Earth watching the 19th century take shape.
 'Good grief!', he cried, catching sight of the clock.
 Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.
 Seriously, the blobfish is the worst looking creature I've ever clapped eyes on.
 That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!.
 If you thought your physics teacher was nuts - just wait until you get a load of this guy.
acercarse sin ser visto 
sidle up to
 'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.
agradable de ver 
 Her body was taut with ire, her cutis flushed with it, and all he could ponder about was how sightly she was.
alcanzar a ver 
 The shape of space: have cosmologists glimpsed signs that the universe is bounded?.
algo digno de ver 
a sight to behold
 Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.
al ver 
at the sight of
 At the sight of the park, something came back to Slake.
a mi modo de ver 
in my books
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
de buen ver 
good looking
 Our library and some others have prevailed upon a local vendor to prepare good looking, durable packaging for cassettes which makes them perfectly accommodative to the ordinary bookshelves.
dejar de ver 
become + blind to
 This task requires that the robot's intelligent controller does not becoming blind to the wide variety of anomalies that may occur.
dejar de verse temporalmente  
take + a break from each other
take + a break from one another
 We decided to talk it out and we're both just taking a break from each other, and in a while, we'll try talking to each other again.
 So Nicole and I have decided to take a break from one another for a little while.
dejarse ver    
have + visibility
show + Posesivo + face
break + cover
come out in + the open
 Obviously it would have been most desirable to have at least Ed Blume here yesterday to respond to some of Joan Marshall's particular criticisms, and more importantly, to have visibility.
 I've been told to get over here again and show my face!.
 Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president - as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.
 They came out in the open to show the world that they are together.
de muy buen ver 
 When I was 19, I met a man who was great-looking, had a profession, was fun to be with, and who just adored me, quirks and all.
dichosos los ojos que te ven 
a sight for sore eyes
 Many of the spring-flowering crocus bulbs are among our earliest bloomers - truly a sight for sore eyes after a long winter.
donde fueres haz lo que vieres 
when in Rome (do as the Romans do)
 'When in Rome do as the Romans do,' the key word being integrate within the society you live in = "Donde fueres haz lo que vieres", la idea clave es que debemos integrarnos en la sociedad en la que vivamos.
el ver televisión 
television viewing
 Prolonged television viewing is addictive and therefore dangerous to a child's wellbeing.
estar mal visto 
frown on/upon
 This kind of transfer is usually frowned upon by budgeting authorities, however.
estar por ver 
be an open question
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
forma de ver las cosas  
way of putting things together
bent of mind
 As in real-life management situations, participants usually reflect different perceptions of the situations, of the people involved, and of the interpersonal relations, and reflect their own frames of reference and ways of putting things together.
 Only when students have a scientific bent of mind, will a community and a country grow.
hacerse ver 
gain + exposure
 Authors gain exposure in their domain - isn't it why one publishes? - all the more so if it is through peer reviewing and what we hope will be a high quality conference.
hacer ver          
alert to
bring to + Posesivo + attention
bring to + the attention
call + attention to
bring + home
open + Posesivo + eyes to
bring + attention to
bring to + Posesivo + notice
get across
 Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.
 Errors in colleagues' work should be brought to their attention tactfully and not in the presence of others = A los compañeros se les debería hacer ver sus errores discretamente y no en presencia de otros.
 Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.
 The attention of the borrower is thus called to the presence of crossreferences.
 Schools need to make deliberate, carefully planned efforts to awaken parents to the part they play in the literary education of their children.
 The demands made of libraries by new technologies have brought home the need for rethinking in the areas of electrical cabling and soundproofing.
 Everyone who is a reader has his own list of books which at different times opened his eyes anew.
 In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
 One moonlight night Sweeny was brought to our notice by his ejaculations of impatience at being obliged to come to a dead halt.
 The first word, 'communication,' should be familiar to librarians since we are in the business of getting across, linking up, in this age of enlightenment.
hacer ver claramente  
hammer + home + message
show + clearly
 Stanley C Holliday hammers home the same message by more whimsical means hinting darkly that a sticky end at the hands of irritated colleagues awaits all librarians who fail to make adequate and accurate notes.
 The results show clearly that occupational prestige does not depend upon salary or money factors (teaching being ranked second only to medical doctor).
impedir ver   
screen from + view
shield from + view
hide from + view
 Pool equipment must be screened from view with landscaping or walls that match the color and finish of the house.
 The idea that nursing mothers need to be 'shielded from view' may strike breastfeeding advocates as unnecessarily modest.
 Cigarettes and other tobacco products will now have to be hidden from view in all large shops and supermarkets in England.
ir a ver   
drop in on
check out
 I'm already planning a quick train ride to Edinburgh to see the art museums there an drop in on the Edinburgh Festival.
 Where problems do arise it is sensible to check out the training programme before blaming the assistant for poor performance of duties.
 We borrowed my Grandmother's car for a few days to jaunt over to the Pacific coast.
ir a ver a Alguien 
say + hi
 But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
la forma de ver las cosas 
the way + to see things
 So often the way one sees things depends on one's personal point of view.
lo + creer + cuando lo + ver 
Pronombre + will believe it when + Pronombre + see it
 As for corrective measures having been taken, we'll believe it when we see it.
los árboles no dejan ver el bosque 
cannot see the forest for the trees
 A major problem with most contemporary social studies textbook series is that they cannot see the forest for the trees.
manera de ver las cosas 
line of thought
 This line of thought leads to the headings 'Engagement' and 'Premarital counseling'; the latter advises 'See Marriage counseling'.
no aguantar ver a 
can't stand + sight
 The article is entitled 'Menstruation or, who says women can't stand the sight of blood?'.
no dejar ver    
hide + Nombre + from view
screen from + view
shield from + view
hide from + view
 It is not a part of the fetlock, but the fetlock hid it from view.
 Pool equipment must be screened from view with landscaping or walls that match the color and finish of the house.
 The idea that nursing mothers need to be 'shielded from view' may strike breastfeeding advocates as unnecessarily modest.
 Cigarettes and other tobacco products will now have to be hidden from view in all large shops and supermarkets in England.
no importa cómo lo veas  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
no importa cómo se vea  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
no poder ver a   
can't stand + sight
have it in for + Nombre
be at daggers drawn (with)
 The article is entitled 'Menstruation or, who says women can't stand the sight of blood?'.
 Computers don't have it in for him, they just can't tolerate his electrical charge.
 Throughout Mr Blair's time in office Mr Mandelson and Mr Brown were at daggers drawn.
no querer tener nada que ver Algo 
would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole
 The Education Secretary says there are some secondary schools in England she 'would not touch with a barge pole'.
no querer tener nada que ver con 
want + nothing to do with
 He wanted nothing to do with the straitjacket of guidelines and so-called standards = Él no quería tener nada que ver con el encorsetamiento que imponen las directrices y los "presuntos" estándares.
nos vemos  
I'll catch you on the flipside
I'll see you on the flipside
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
no tener nada que ver con  
be irrelevant to
have + nothing to do with
 The requirement of many communities in the USA that young children print their names legibly to qualify for a library card is irrelevant to a child's readiness to use the library.
 Religion has nothing to do with science - and vice versa.
no ver 
be blind to
 Influence and control is currently wielded by sterile professionals who are blind to the need to develop services beyond print.
no ver con buenos ojos 
not take + kindly to
 Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.
no verse afectado  
be none the worse for wear
be none the worse for (that)
 He even has found a fish's stomach with puncture holes caused by eating a catfish, and the fish was still none the worse for wear.
 The author concludes that although many of the innovations discussed did not survive, the schools were none the worse for their experimentation.
no verse comprometido por 
be uncompromised by
 The national library must ensure that its long term aims are uncompromised by short term market considerations.
no verse en peligro 
be uncompromised by
 The national library must ensure that its long term aims are uncompromised by short term market considerations.
no vérsele el pelo a Alguien 
not see hide nor hair of
 However, I never saw hide nor hair of her after that conversation.
no ver tres en un burro 
as blind as a bat
 John Lennon was as blind as a bat and couldn't see very far without his glasses on.
ojos que no ven 
out of sight, out of mind
 In the end, the company realised that being out of sight, out of mind - especially when it came to their finances - was not the safest or smartest route to take.
ojos que no ven corazón que no siente 
ignorance is bliss
 'Ignorance is bliss,' he liked to say, when refusing to embark upon a project that takes skills he doesn't have = "La ignorancia es felicidad," le gustaba decir, cuando rechazaba implicarse en un proyecto para el que no tenia cualidades.
pasar sin ser visto   
sneak under + Posesivo + radar
go under + Posesivo + radar
go + undetected
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable," dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
 I can't believe I let this song go under my radar for so long.
 Heart defects in young people can go undetected until serious trouble begins.
persona de buen ver 
 There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job - the pay.
persona de muy buen ver 
 I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.
persona que ve/observa 
 Children should be taught to be selective TV watchers and shown that television is a powerful advertising and propaganda tool.
quedar por ver  
be an open question
remain + to be seen
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
 Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.
referencia "véase" 
see reference
 'See' references are generally used to link two terms which represent similar concepts, but which are presented in a different form.
referencia "véase además" 
see also reference
 A 'see also' reference connects headings or index terms which are in some way related, where both of the headings are regarded as acceptable for use as headings for entries.
salir sin ser visto  
slip out
steal away
 The two deflated employees exchanged looks and slipped quietly out of the room.
 He had merely stolen away as inconspicuously as possible.
según lo ve + Nombre 
as seen through the eyes of + Nombre
 A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian' = Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".
ser algo por ver 
be an open question
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
se vea como se vea  
whatever way you look at it
whichever way you look at it
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
 Filmmaking is a very complex business, whichever way you look at it.
sin ser visto    
out of sight
 But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
 The user is required to pay a deposit to ensure that he or she doesn't slip out of the library undetected without paying for the information pages accessed.
 Differentials long attributed to marital status may in part reflect previously unobserved effects of sexual orientation.
 More through inattention than any attempt at concealment, the shaping of the twenty-first century is happening offstage, out of sight.
tener algo que ver con 
have + something to do with
 Classes of children can sometimes prove to be stubbornly set against having anything to do with book introductions, and it is better then to engage them in other activities rather than be doggedly determined to have one's own way and to go on in the face of their antagonism.
tener mucho que ver con  
have + a great deal to do with
have + a lot to do with
 When it becomes evident that the elastic properties of available materials had a great deal to do with the bow, he branches off on a side trail which takes him through textbooks on elasticity.
 Your genes have a lot to do with it, but there are ways to change your night-owl or early-bird habits to accomplish more each day.
tener (mucho) que ver con 
have (a lot) to do with
 This blog talks about anything that has to do with sports, concerts, theater, and all entertainment.
tener poco que ver 
have + little to do
 The various kinds of non-book media can be grouped into categories; this has little to do with their containing material whether video tape, ink on paper or holes in cards.
tener que ver con         
be concerned with
relate to
hold + a stake in
have + a stake in
be a question of
be a party to
have + a hand in
bear (up)on
 Now we are concerned in this work with the organisation of knowledge and information retrieval in a specific context.
 The first issue concerns the consistent description of subjects.
 Notes may relate to any of the previous elements of the description, i.e. title, authorship, edition, editorship, publisher area, physical description area or series area.
 More needs to be done by all parties that hold a stake in highway safety to reduce fatalities significantly.
 We both have a stake in our futures in Rolling Ridge and so I have no choice, if I want to continue at the library.
 I think it's not a question of putting people out of work; it's redeploying people.
 The documentary is about how everyone was a party to what happened - it was not just the greedy bankers.
 For the benefit of all users of the thesaurus who have not had a hand in its initial compilation some written record describing the anticipated use of the thesaurus is valuable.
 There have been a number of reference books/bibliographies produced which bear on this problem.
una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra 
one thing + have + nothing to do with the other
 But one thing has nothing to do with the other - just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.
una vista digna de ver 
a sight to behold
 Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.
un espectáculo digno de ver 
a sight to behold
 Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.
véase     [Abreviatura generalmente usada entre paréntesis para indicarle al lector que consulte la palabra anterior en otra parte del mismo texto]
see under
qv (quod vide -latín)
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' see under.
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
 A name-title reference is a reference in which the refer-from line, the refer-to line, or both consist of the name of a person or a corporate body and the title of an item.
 CRT terminal is American terminology for a visual display unit (qv).
véase además 
see also
 Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' see also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.
véase como ejemplo 
 Witness the viability and influence of Panizzi's ideology despite the vulnerability of many of his rules = Véase como ejemplo la viabilidad e influencia de la ideología de Panizzi a pesar de la vulnerabilidad de muchas de sus reglas.
véase desde  
see from
 A change made to AEROPLANES - JET-ASSISTED TAKE-OFF would be automatically reflected in the 'see from' notes associated with AEROPLANES - ASSISTED TAKEOFF.
 A name-title reference is a reference in which the refer-from line, the refer-to line, or both consist of the name of a person or a corporate body and the title of an item.
véase + Nombre + para más información 
refer to + Nombre + for details
 Refer to the section 'Menu-Assisted Searching' on page 41 for details.
Veo, Veo  [Juego infantil]
I Spy
 At its simplest level, the public library offers children a game of I Spy.
ver a la lejanía  
see far off in(to) + the distance
see far off
 Sometimes the moonlight is so bright you can actually see far off into the distance.
 And when they saw him far off, even before he came near to them, they conspired to kill him.
ver Algo a través de los ojos de Alguien 
look at + Nombre + through + Posesivo + eyes
 The author considers fiction that looks at war through children's eyes, examining personal and moral issues raised by war this century.
ver Algo con humor 
a funny eye for
 The author demonstrates a wickedly funny eye for human frailty without succumbing to cynicism or misanthropy.
ver Algo de color de rosa           
look at + Nombre + through rose-tinted spectacles
see + Nombre + through rose-tinted glasses
look at + Nombre + through rose-tinted glasses
view + Nombre + through rose-coloured glasses
view + Nombre + through rose-tinted glasses
view + Nombre + through rose-tinted spectacles
view + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectacles
see + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectacles
see + Nombre + through rose-coloured glasses
look at + Nombre + through rose-coloured glasses
look at + Nombre + through rose-coloured spectacles
 Elderly people are able to look at the world through rose-tinted spectacles because negative memories fade more quickly as we age.
 The problem is, as with everything in the past, we do have a tendency to see things through rose tinted glasses.
 This is not about looking at life through rose-tinted glasses - we make sure our clients understand and work with their reality, warts and all!.
 I have seen racial slurs, and quite frankly, anyone bugged by them do not get out much, or view life through rose-coloured glasses.
 It's time to wake up and smell the coffee and stop viewing life through rose-tinted glasses.
 They are emotional, dreamy people with strong creative instincts, and tend to view life through rose-tinted spectacles.
 The world has no use for a religious faith that bids its adherents to view life through rose-coloured spectacles, oblivious to the evil in the universe.
 They have created an album which features music so upbeat and beautiful it's hard not to see the world through rose-coloured spectacles.
 This book is dedicated to all teenagers who see the world through rose-coloured glasses and are tempted to embark on an early marriage.
 Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.
 I was young in those days, and perhaps apt to look at things through rose-coloured spectacles, especially where the fair sex was concerned.
ver Algo desde el punto de vista + Adjetivo 
view + Nombre + through + Adjetivo + eyes
 She views librarianship through traditional eyes and plans to go into public service.
ver Algo desde una nueva perspectiva  
view + Nombre + in a new light
see + Nombre + in a new light
 Overall, the electronic office environment will force organizations to view archives in a new light.
 The fact that its author ran a circulating library suggests that much of his advice can be seen in a new light.
ver Algo desde una perspectiva + Adjetivo 
see + Nombre + in a + Adjetivo + light
 Publishers began to see the possibilities in a less threatening economic light.
ver Algo venir  [El uso de handwriting en lugar de writing es menos frecuente] 
the (hand)writing + be + on the wall
see it + coming
 Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.
 The inference is that they cannot be held accountable for something so unusual, so extraordinary, and so unforecastable that that no one saw it coming.
ver a lo lejos   
see far off in(to) + the distance
see + Nombre + far off
see far off
 Sometimes the moonlight is so bright you can actually see far off into the distance.
 She looked for her stepmother with her daughter and saw them far off, near the door where the peasants were sitting.
 And when they saw him far off, even before he came near to them, they conspired to kill him.
ver a través de  
see through
see through
 This is an examination of attitudes towards the reference interview by librarians over the past 100 years as seen through the literature.
 Books can seldom be disbound for the benefit of bibliographers (although it is worth remembering that they sometimes have to be rebound, when they are completely dismembered), but we can now see through printing ink by means of betaradiography.
ver bien 
 The decision to revert to standard spelling must have been widely welcomed in countries where DC is used but English is not the native language.
ver con los mismos ojos 
see + eye to eye (with/on)
 Although there is consensus on the priority of some strategies, execs from different departments don't see eye to eye on many others.
ver con los prismáticos 
 Quickly, I glassed him and saw he was a really big buck even through thick brush.
ver con recelo 
have + reservations (about)
 Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.
ver con un ojo crítico 
view with + a critical eye
 What is described should be viewed with a critical eye.
ver de antemano 
 This function is valuable because you can preview changes before saving the MARC record or printing catalog cards.
ver de primera mano 
see + first-hand
 But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.
ver de refilón 
see + Nombre + out of the corner of + Posesivo + eye
 Justine saw it out of the corner of her eye, and automatically sped up her steps.
ver desde una nueva perspectiva 
shed + new light on
 This `rereading' of the JCR, which presents the JCR product differently, makes it possible to shed new light on the large subpopulation of journals not at the top of the rankings.
ver desventajas 
see + drawbacks
 I don't see drawbacks, only advantages.
ver de un vistazo 
see + at a glance
 These titles line allow the librarian to see at a glance which step of procedure he has reached.
ver doble 
see + double
 Children who develop strabismus usually don't see double because the brain is still developing and can correct for the problem.
ver el chiste de Algo 
see + the funny side
 I would have thought with all the dope you guys smoke you would have been able to see the funny side of those comments.
ver el lado cómico de Algo 
see + the funny side
 I would have thought with all the dope you guys smoke you would have been able to see the funny side of those comments.
ver el motivo de Algo 
glean + the reason for
 The reason for this can be gleaned when one considers that a magnetic tape drive might transfer data to and from the processor at 20,000 characters per second.
ver el mundo desde una perspectiva diferente 
see + the world in a different light
 New structures do not simply appear, they emerge as a result of seeing the world in a different light.
ver el porqué 
see + the point
 I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.
ver el propósito 
see + the point
 I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.
ver el sentido 
see + the point
 I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.
ver en la lejanía   
see + Nombre + far off
see far off
see far off in(to) + the distance
 She looked for her stepmother with her daughter and saw them far off, near the door where the peasants were sitting.
 And when they saw him far off, even before he came near to them, they conspired to kill him.
 Sometimes the moonlight is so bright you can actually see far off into the distance.
ver en pantalla  [Acción por la cual en una pantalla de ordenador la información ya vista desaparece y aparece una nueva]
 In this case when the <Page Down> key was pressed the display scrolled till the cursor reached the end of the record.
ver en persona 
see + first-hand
 But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.
ver faltas en 
see + faults in
 After having read many novels by many different authors, one gets less partisan, one is able to see faults even in one's favorites.
ver grabación en vídeo 
video playback
 A monitor is a television-type display, used for video playback and as a computer VDU.
ver inconvenientes 
see + drawbacks
 I don't see drawbacks, only advantages.
ver la finalidad 
see + the point
 I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.
ver la luz  
see + the light
light bulb + go off in + Posesivo + head
 Apologies to those telephone company employees who saw the light years ago and have been trying to convince their employers.
 While reading this passage a light bulb went off in my head, and I realized my biggest obstacle for breaking free from bulimia was my unbelief.
ver la luz al final del túnel 
see + the light at the end of the tunnel
 I once thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just the light from a torch of some bastard bringing me more work.
ver la luz del día 
see + the light of day
 The article 'OSI: will it ever see the light of day?' concludes that the promise of OSI has been bold and ambitious but that its delivery has been significantly delayed beyond its initial projections = El artículo "OSI: ¿verá alguna vez la luz del día?" concluye que la promesa de OSI ha sido osada y ambiciosa pero que su publicación se ha visto retrasada considerablemente por encima de las previsiones iniciales.
ver la muerte de cerca  
have + a brush with death
stare + death in the face
 People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.
 British holidaymaker has told how she stared death in the face during a horror boating accident in Ibiza.
ver la oportunidad 
see + a chance
 Muriel saw a chance to escape the oppression of her family by tricking her mother into giving her a blank cheque.
ver la posibilidad 
see + the possibility
 Publishers began to see the possibilities in a less threatening economic light.
ver las cosas de diferente manera 
see + things differently
 It also prevents the development of another type of catalogers who see things differently.
ver las cosas de diferente modo 
see + things differently
 It also prevents the development of another type of catalogers who see things differently.
ver las cosas desde una perspectiva 
see + things from + perspective
 The key to improving matters is to see things from the manager's perspective and to work round his/her shortcomings.
ver las cosas de una manera diferente 
see + things differently
 It also prevents the development of another type of catalogers who see things differently.
ver las cosas de un modo diferente 
see + things differently
 It also prevents the development of another type of catalogers who see things differently.
ver las cosas en su conjunto 
see + things as a whole
 Patterns can only be discovered when we see things as a whole.
ver las cosas en su totalidad 
see + things as a whole
 Patterns can only be discovered when we see things as a whole.
ver las cosas positivas 
look on + the bright side
 Looking on the bright side, this crisis has shown us that some people just shouldn't be homeowners.
ver las cosas positivas de la vida 
look on + the bright side of life
 A genetically-driven tendency to look on the bright side of life is a core mechanism underlying resilience to general life stress.
ver las estrellas 
see + stars
 Seeing stars is usually due to a lack of blood reaching the brain, and thus a lack of oxygen.
ver la tele 
watch + the telly
 The article is entitled 'Is watching the telly play?'.
ver la utilidad 
see + the point
 I can't see the point of telephone books in this day and age.
verle la gracia a Algo 
see + the funny side
 I would have thought with all the dope you guys smoke you would have been able to see the funny side of those comments.
verle las orejas al lobo  [El uso de handwriting en lugar de writing es menos frecuente] 
the (hand)writing + be + on the wall
see it + coming
 Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.
 The inference is that they cannot be held accountable for something so unusual, so extraordinary, and so unforecastable that that no one saw it coming.
verlo con + Posesivo + propios ojos 
see it with + Posesivo + own two eyes
 Even though everyone told Jessica about Chester's affairs, she did not believe it until she saw it with her own two eyes.
ver lo que Alguien realmente piensa 
see into + Posesivo + heart
 She smiled and thought, if only these people could see into her heart and understand her, they would all be at her feet.
ver lo que + avecinarse  [El uso de handwriting en lugar de writing es menos frecuente] 
the (hand)writing + be + on the wall
see it + coming
 Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.
 The inference is that they cannot be held accountable for something so unusual, so extraordinary, and so unforecastable that that no one saw it coming.
ver lo que pasa 
take it from there/here
 I'm looking for someone to meet online, have a chat with and if we connect take it from there.
ver mundo  
see + life
see + the world
 Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.
 Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.
ver + Nombre + con nuevos ojos 
view + Nombre + through fresh eyes
 In the process of sharing materials, ideas, and information with their overseas colleages, the Fellows viewed life and librarianship through fresh eyes.
ver + Nombre + desde la perspectiva de + Nombre 
see + Nombre + through + Nombre + eyes
 Yet there are managers who see their employees through Theory X eyes and prefer to manage from a hierarchical and tightly controlled perspective.
ver personalmente 
see + first-hand
 But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.
come across
 Since many who read my articles are writers I'm sure what I am about to say will come across like preaching to the choir.
verse (con) 
meet up (with)
 Try to meet up with them, and share the experience of your first IFLA conference.
verse con 
hook up with
 He's such a sex fiend he's started hooking up with guys.
verse en la necesidad 
be constrained to
 A library is no longer constrained to choose either a classified or a dictionary catalogue.
verse en la necesidad de 
be left with + the need to
 In which case, the librarian is left with the need to reach sensible agreements with those supporting and delivering IT services to ensure that the services are reliable and available.
verse en la necesidad urgente de 
be hard pressed
 Therefore, the information industry will be hard pressed to keep pace with these rapid changes.
verse en la situación 
find + Reflexivo + in the position
 Furthermore, we may find ourselves in the position of not knowing all of the information we require.
verse en medio de  [Generalmente usado en el pasado]
caught in the middle
 As the group of professionals most often caught in the middle of copyright infringement disputes, librarians have a duty to teach their users about these issues and hopefully avoid these disputes.
verse envuelto en  
become + involved in
get + involved with/in
 If the searcher approaches the index as a conventional index he is liable to become involved in extensive scanning of the many entries under each heading in order to discriminate between relevant and less relevant documents.
 This article aims to cover tools that shed light on what the stakes might be in getting involved with CD-ROM technology = Este artículo intenta analizar las herramientas que nos aclaren cuáles podrían ser los riesgos de involucrarse con la tecnología del CD-ROM.
verse forzado a 
be pitchforked into
 But Mr Dixit died suddenly and Mr Narayanan, then in charge of internal security, was pitchforked into the job.
verse frustrado  
become + frustrated
get + frustrated
 Management became frustrated with the lack of progress being made and prematurely cancelled the project.
 He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.
vérselas canutas     
have + a devil of a time
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
vérselas con 
contend with
 This variety of physical forms presents unhelpful complexities to a user, who may have to contend with computer print-out book form, conventionally printed indexes, microfiche and online indexes and catalogues, in even relatively simple searches.
vérselas moradas    
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
vérselas negras        
jump through + hoops
have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre
have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre
have + a devil of a time
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.
 'Well, Laura, it looks as if you have your work cut out for you!' remarked Lachaise, a knowing smile spreading over her face.
 Time for a change, but whoever gets in, will sure have their job cut out for them thanks to good old Bush.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
vérsele a Alguien el pelo 
show + Posesivo + (true) colours
 But then they showed their true colors by voting against the changes necessary to make the program effective.
vérsele a Alguien el plumero  
give + Reflexivo + away
show + Posesivo + (true) colours
 Abbott grew just a bit too cocky and started sending the cops 'souvenirs' of his heists, then made an unfortunate little slip that gave himself away.
 But then they showed their true colors by voting against the changes necessary to make the program effective.
verse muy afectado por 
have + a high stake in
 Libraries depend on vendors for a much broader range of services and have a high stake in what happens in the industry.
verse negro  
have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre
have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre
 'Well, Laura, it looks as if you have your work cut out for you!' remarked Lachaise, a knowing smile spreading over her face.
 Time for a change, but whoever gets in, will sure have their job cut out for them thanks to good old Bush.
verse obligado a 
be pitchforked into
 But Mr Dixit died suddenly and Mr Narayanan, then in charge of internal security, was pitchforked into the job.
verse obligado a no + Infinitivo 
be enjoined from + Gerundio
 Then due to the difficulty of altering a manual file and the pressure to catalog more new books faster, s/he is administratively enjoined from attending to such details.
verse superado sólo por 
be second only to
 Wood is not only a supremely abundant raw material, but it can also be made into a product which is second only to pure rag paper for appearance, strength, and durability.
verse venir 
be on the cards
 The strongest clue that a reshuffle is on the cards is the regularity with which the press has started to attack specific ministers.
ver televisión 
watch + television
 By contrast, other quite literate people prefer to spend their leisure watching television, listening to the radio, going to the cinema or any of a hundred other forms of recreation.
ver un fantasma  [Expresión de haberse quedado impresionado o impactado por algo]
see + a ghost
 'When you walked in here, Tony, you looked as if you'd just seen a ghost' = "Tony, cuando entrastes aquí parecía como si hubieras visto un fantasma".
ver ventajas 
see + advantages
 I don't see drawbacks, only advantages.
vistas desde fuera  [Adverbio]
 Although outwardly libraries may appear identical to the public, a corporate identity enables one library to be distinguished from another.
visto desde la perspectiva de + Nombre 
as seen through the eyes of + Nombre
 A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian' = Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".
vivir para ver 
never + cease to amaze
 It never ceases to amaze me how kids don't need any introduction with other kids to play with them.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra ver



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de ver
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «ver».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre ver



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra ver.
Achille Tournier
Cuando los hermosos ojos de una mujer se comienzan a velar con lágrimas, quien empieza a no ver claro es el hombre.
Alfred Hitchcock
Ver un asesinato por televisión puede ayudarnos a descargar los propios sentimientos de odio. Si no se tienen sentimientos de odio, podrán obtenerse en el intervalo publicitario.
Charles C. Colton
Es una pobre lectura la que se hace sólo por ver cómo termina un libro.
La naturaleza ha puesto en nuestras mentes un insaciable deseo de ver la verdad.
Fiódor Dostoievski
Al hombre le gusta ver a su amigo humillado ante él; para la mayoría la amistad está basada en la humillación.
George Meredith
Es menos doloroso ver el objeto por el cual suspiramos en vano, que suspirar vanamente por un objeto invisible.
El envidioso enflaquece al ver la opulencia del prójimo.
John Ray
Ver es creer, pero sentir es estar seguro.
Proverbio Africano
Sólo un tonto mete los dos pies en el agua para ver su profundidad.
Sir Winston Churchill
Me gustaría vivir eternamente, por lo menos para ver cómo en cien años las personas cometen los mismos errores que yo.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término ver.
Más vale pan y ensalada que ver la procesión de las ánimas.
Oír, ver y callar, recias cosas son de obrar.
A la feria muchos van a ver y no a comprar.
A la galga y a la mujer, no le des la carne a ver.
Al papel y a la mujer, hasta el culo le has de ver.
Casadita y con hijos te quisiera ver, que doncella y hermosa cualquiera lo es.
Cuando comía todo, mi mujer lo escondía; y ahora que no puedo comer, todo me lo deja ver.
Dicen del que sin ver mundo se 'está', no le sirve de 'ná'.
En el bien comer, el precio no has de ver.
La huerta y la mujer, por la mañana has de ver.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de ver en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con ver y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Nada que ver
Esta novela cuenta la historia de Rodrigo, un pesimista crónico, polígamo, drogadicto, semialcohólico y paranoico que un día gana un sorteo que le brinda la oportunidad de llevar una vida de lujos.
Jorge Dorantes, 2001
Ver y no ver: la tematización de la mirada en la pintura ...
Se propone una nueva lectura de la emergencia de la pintura moderna, desvelando que en el impresionismo -considerado como la primera revolución del arte moderno en oposición al arte académico- se produce un cambio radical concerniente a ...
Victor I. Stoichita, 2005
El acto de ver: textos y conversaciones
He aquí una recopilación de trabajos periodísticos de Wim Wenders compuesta por textos y entrevistas aparecidos en su mayoría después de 1988.
Wim Wenders, 2005
Ver lo invisible. Acerca de Kandinsky
Considerada «difícil», la pintura abstracta abre paradójicamente el camino hacia una cultura verdaderamente popular y confluye con el arte preocupado por lo sobrenatural, con el arte sagrado, como nos explica Michel Henry. «Lo que, a ...
Michel Henry, 2008
Ver lo evidente: Cómo definir y ejecutar la futura ...
'Ver lo evidente' es una guía para aquellos directivos que deseen innovar en su negocio más allá de los obstáculos que se presenten - en el complejo entorno del mercado global, este modelo da a luz una nueva manera de enriquecer e ...
Erich Joachimsthaler, 2008
El ciego que aprendió a ver
¿Estamos satisfechos con nuestras vidas? No es mas ciego el que no puede ver, sino el que puede ver y no quiere...
Ana Aparicio Balsera, 2007
Ver y leer a Magritte
Este trabajo colectivo, recopilación de unas Jornadas conmemorativas sobre el pintor belga René Magritte en su centenario, pretende introducir al lector profano en lo que supuso para el hombre del siglo XX el surrealismo en general y ...
Bárbara Fernández Taviel de Andrade, 2000
La Administración Que Deja Ver el Fondo: Manual de ...
La administracion que deja ver el fondo constituye una herramienta imprescindible para las ONG.
Guillermo Arboleya, Alejandro López, 2000
Los ejercicios del ver: hegemonía audiovisual y ficción ...
En la simbolización y ritualización del lazo social se entretejen los flujos y redes comunicacionales de manera cada día más densa, lo que produce un des-ordenamiento cultural.
Jesús Martín-Barbero, Germán Rey, 1999
Ver a Dios con el Corazón
Bajo el apelativo de "un cartujo", se oculta un orante y padre espiritual que quiere transmitir sus vivencias a todos los que desean comenzar o seguir una vida de oración continua.
Un Cartujo, 2001


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término ver en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Tigre-Boca, en vivo: cómo ver online el partido de la fecha 5 de ...
El encuentro será televisado por Telefé y se podrá ver online en el sitio web del canal (no requiere ser cliente de un cableoperador, aunque puede tener ... «LA NACION, Oct 16»
'American Horror Story' 6x03: ver el mundo arder
El formato decididamente distinto que los creadores de American Horror Story, Ryan Murphy y Brad Falchuk, han decidido darle a esta sexta temporada ha sido ... «Hipertextual, Sep 16»
Nueva edición de la campaña 'Ver para Aprender' sobre la ...
Visión y Vida ha anunciado el lanzamiento de la segunda edición de su campaña 'Ver para Aprender' para sensibilizar a educadores y familias sobre la ... «, Sep 16»
Cómo y dónde ver el debate presidencial del siglo
¡Podrás ver el debate desde cualquier lugar! Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump. EN VIVO por TWITTER @TelemundoNews 9pm/8c/6pac #Decision2016 ... «La Opinión, Sep 16»
Cómo puedes ver el debate presidencial en Estados Unidos y 5 ...
Pero si estás fuera del país y lo quieres ver, no te preocupes, las redes sociales también van a hacer transmisiones en vivo: Twitter: los usuarios de Twitter ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Enseñar a ver lo que no se ve
El éxodo que Europa no quiere ver"- retrata la situación de los refugiados de la guerra. Al mismo tiempo, en Buenos Aires, el libro El silencio, el último trabajo ... «LA NACION, Sep 16»
¿Por qué no puedo ver los 12 puntos de la imagen?
En esta imagen podrás ver que hay 12 puntos distribuidos regularmente por toda ella. Ver los 12 puntos no es el reto, consiste en verlos a la vez. Si no puedes ... «Superdeporte, Sep 16»
Reyes: “El torneo será una buena prueba para ver cómo llegamos a ...
Es bueno enfrentarse a estos equipos porque nos vamos a ver con ellos muchas veces esta temporada. No sé qué nivel vamos a ver pero lo daremos todo para ... «Real Madrid, Sep 16»
¿Es capaz de ver los 12 puntos negros a la vez? Una ilusión óptica ...
Teóricamente, deberíamos ver todos los puntos a la vez, pero en nuestro campo de visión solo aparecen algunos de ellos al tiempo que otros desaparecen. «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Sep 16»
Cinco efectos cognitivos de ver pornografía
Según un estudio de Max Planck Institution, existe una relación entre ver pornografía y la reducción en el tamaño del cerebro. Sin embargo, no está claro si ver ... «Sputnik Mundo, Ago 16»


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