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Meaning of "registro" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra registro procede del latín regestum, singular de regesta, -orum.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


re · gis · tro


Registro is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of registro in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of registration in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of recording. Another meaning of registration in the dictionary is where you can register or see something. Registration is also on the clock or another machine, piece that serves to arrange or modify your movement.


calamistro · canistro · capistro · castro · contrarregistro · maestro · ministro · nuestro · rastro · rostro · secuestro · siniestro · sistro · sotaministro · sotoministro · suministro · superministro · teristro · viceministro · vuestro


regimiento · regio · regiomontana · regiomontano · región · regional · regionalismo · regionalista · regionalización · regionalizar · regionaria · regionario · regir · registrado · registrador · registradora · registral · registrar · regitiva · regitivo


alabastro · ambidiestro · ancestro · astro · austro · balastro · cabestro · calostro · camastro · catastro · claustro · diestro · estro · hermanastro · hijastro · lustro · monstro · mostro · padrastro · padrenuestro

Synonyms and antonyms of registro in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «registro» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «registro» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of registro to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of registro from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «registro» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of registro in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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570 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

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260 millions of speakers

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220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

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130 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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85 millions of speakers

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đăng ký
80 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  rec (record) ; record ; tuple ; booking record.
 A record number is a commonly used key field, sometimes abbreviated as rec no.
 A record is a complete unit of information about a person, item, product, book, patient, chemical, etc. and in a computer-held data base a record is all the information contained relating to a document.
 The model embodies a semantic synthesiser, which is based on an algorithm that maps the syntactic representation of a tuple or a record onto a semantic representation.
 Many libraries may also be involved in maintaining booking records of one type or another: in college libraries these often relate to instructional films hired during term.
base de datos de registros de catálogo 
catalogue record database
 One type of bibliographic data base is the catalogue record data base.
bloque funcional de relaciones entre registros 
linking entry block
 In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 - , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.
cambio de registro 
code switching
 Too often US library professionals have difficulty 'code switching' in order to accommodate the foreign students' needs and resort to familiar but ineffective patterns.
campo de registro  [Aplicado a una parte de un registro de una base de datos]
 Records are normally divided into fields.
capturar registros 
capture + records
 This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records.
Cinta de Intercambio de Registros MARC 
MARC Exchange Tape
 BLBSD offers the Selective Record Service and MARC Exchange Tapes.
copiar registros  [En la recuperación de información, operación por la cual ciertos registros de una base de datos se copian a un fichero para su posterior utilización] 
download + records
capture + records
 Records for the stock of a specific library are downloaded from the national data bases and added to the data base of catalogue records for the individual library.
 This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records.
cualidad de lo que constituye ser un registro 
 The author outlines the danger of assuming that computer-generated 'information' or 'data' is the equivalent of 'records' and offers several extended examples of what 'recordness' entails in the electronic world.
descargar registros  [En la recuperación de información, operación por la cual ciertos registros de una base de datos se copian a un fichero para su posterior utilización]
download + records
 Records for the stock of a specific library are downloaded from the national data bases and added to the data base of catalogue records for the individual library.
deseleccionar un registro 
unmark + record
 SORTing a set will unmark any marked records in the set.
detección de registros duplicados 
duplicate record detection
 This article illustrates DIALOG's duplicate record detection feature and speculates on the possible way in which the algorithm works.
directorio de un registro automatizado  [Indice sobre la localización de los campos de datos en un registro]
 The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
eliminación de registros duplicados 
duplicate elimination
 Standardization in such areas as thesaurus use, subject coding, multilingualism, and duplicate elimination can provide added user benefits.
el registro modelo 
 The record-of-record was still the three by five card created more economically, but, nonetheless, filed in an offline, manual catalog.
enriquecimiento de los registros 
record(s) enhancement
 The article 'Bibliographic records enhancement: from the drawing board to the catalog screen' discusses some issues related to the creation of enhanced records and their display in on-line catalogues.
estructura del registro 
record structure
 System designers can use these statistics to determine record structures and estimate space allocations.
fichero de registro por documento 
item record file
 An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number; each entry or record stores the total information relating to the document that is available in the system, including reference and index terms.
fichero de registro por término 
term record file
 A 'term record file' conversely, is a file that is ordered by index terms, with each entry an index term and the document representations 'listed' in association with that term.
fondo de registros bibliográficos  
bibliographic pool
bibliographic record pool
 If your library is making use of a bibliographic pool, the index to this pool should also be searched.
 The bibliographic record pool is a part of the DOBIS/LIBIS data base in which a library can store bibliographic records online for use in the acquisitions and cataloguing functions.
formato de registro 
record format
 All these networks have standard record formats, although it is regrettable that they all operate to different standards.
gestión de registros  [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para almacenar, recuperar y organizar la información que una organización posee]
record keeping [recordkeeping]
 All of the processing, acquisitions, shelving, and record-keeping that is done in a library is for the purpose of making information available to those who need it.
identificador de registro 
record identifier
 The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.
incluir como registro de encabezamiento secundario 
 This was assigned no subject tracings by LC and only the title was traced.
índice de registro por documento 
item record index
 Item record indexes, whatever their physical format, share certain advantages and disadvantages.
índice de registro por término 
term record index
 Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
longitud de registro 
record length
 The record length is the number of character positions in the record including the record label and the record separator.
modificar un registro  [Introducir modificaciones en un registro]
amend + record
 It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.
pasar registros a disco 
transfer + records + to disc
 You can use the F7 key to mark specific records for display, printing or transferring to disk.
Programa de Gestión de Registros y Archivos (RAMP)  [Programa de la UNESCO]
Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP)
 This a study prepared by Unesco's Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP) under contract with the International Council on Archives (ICA) to provide a summary of available techniques and processes for managing preservation and conservation of archives.
registro administrativo 
administrative record
 Class numbers are used widely in administrative records.
registro automatizado 
machine-readable record
 This study has many implications for an ongoing COMARC effort beyond the present pilot project because it is evident that a very small number of libraries can furnish machine-readable records with full LC/MARC encoding.
registro bibliográfico  [En informática documental, conjunto de campos que incluyen una cabecera, un directorio e información bibliográfica sobre una o más unidades bibliográficas que se consideran una entidad]    
bibliographic record
document record
bibliographical record
bibliographical record
bibliographical record
 Our focus in this book is on bibliographic records which contain information about documents such as books, periodical articles, conference, proceedings, theses, reports, standards and patents.
 The search statement is matched against the indexing assigned to the latest batch or document records that have been input to the system.
 The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.
 The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.
 The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.
registro catalográfico 
cataloguing record
 This, in addition to the virtually unlimited access points possible with a computer-based catalog, obviates the need for rigorous control over the heading data in a cataloging record.
registro de autoridad archivística 
archival authority record
 Such 'archival authority records' differ from their bibliographic counterparts in the functional roles they play in the descriptive process.
registro de catálogo colectivo  [Registro de un catálogo colectivo] 
joint record
joint catalogue record
 An important element of the creation of this joint catalogue record is that member libraries agree to a standard for cataloguing description for the creation of the joint record.
 An important element of the creation of this joint catalogue record is that member libraries agree to a standard for cataloguing description for the creation of the joint record.
registro de contabilidad 
financial record
 This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.
registro de documento pedido 
on-order record
 The on-order record needs noting-up and removing from the file.
registro de ejemplar  [En catalogación, registro individual correspondiente a un documento cuando de éste existen varios ejemplares en la colección]
copy record
 The system then finds the corresponding copy records and sets the inventory status off.
registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia 
subject tracing
 It would be useful to have at least optional, bracketed, supplied, possible subject tracings with the FICTION subhead, whereas now these are almost never, or at least most sparsely, supplied.
registro de encabezamientos secundarios  [Indicación añadida a un asiento bibliográfico de los encabezamientos bajo los que puede recuperarse un documento]
 Within a library network there is sometimes a central body which prepares and disseminates catalogue entries which may include the tracings and class marks.
registro de entrada  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc] 
accessions register
accession record
 Among the facilities provided by this automated system is the possibility of printing accessions registers.
 Improvement of the system by the computerisation of accession records is a further possibility.
registro de identificación  [En Internet, información que un servidor Web envía a un cliente Web y que éste a su vez envía al servidor siempre que establece una conexión con aquél con información de identificación]
 In the Internet, the most common meaning of 'cookie' refers to a piece of information sent by a web server to a web browser that the browser software is expected to save and to send back to the server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the server.
registro de longitud fija 
fixed-length record
 A data base of fixed-length records is easier to update since a new record can exactly take the place of an old one.
registro de personal 
personnel record
 She had just put the finishing touches on a draft of a study of the possibilities of automating personnel records.
registro de publicaciones seriadas 
serials record
 Other co-operatives and libraries also have serials records = Otras cooperativas y bibliotecas también tienen registros de publicaciones seriadas.
registro electrónico  
digital record
electronic record
 Respondents noted that neither photocopies nor digital records can satisfy the traditional needs of bibliographers = Los encuestados observaron que ni las fotocopias ni los registros digitales puede satisfacer las necesidades tradicionales de los bibliógrafos.
 Data warehouses have the attraction that they are repositories of stable and datable information but considerable harm could be done to the integrity of the electronic record if used inappropriately.
registro estructurado 
structured record
 A structured record, split into fields and, if necessary, subfields, facilitates the easy retrieval and rearrangement of the contents of the records for display and printing.
registro gráfico 
graphic record
 This 'maximisation of resources' is the principle lying at the heart of the whole concept of the library, which is the collective sharing and utilisation of graphic records for the benefit of society.
registro informático 
digital record
 Respondents noted that neither photocopies nor digital records can satisfy the traditional needs of bibliographers = Los encuestados observaron que ni las fotocopias ni los registros digitales puede satisfacer las necesidades tradicionales de los bibliógrafos.
registro lógico  [Grupo de palabras, caracteres, etc que se consideran una unidad en base a su función y uso más que por sus atributos físicos]
logical record
 Records relating to a specific entity, e.g. a specific indexing term, are logical records.
registro manuscrito  [Todo aquel documento que se escribe para dejar constancia de algo]
manuscript record
 Recordings of local dialects, folk songs and languages falling into disuse are other uses of what might be termed electronic manuscript records.
registro MARC 
MARC record
 Press the F1 key to search and retrieve MARC records from the laser discs.
registro matriz 
master record
 Entry of an 'm' leads to a display of the notes associated with the copy master record for this title.
registro notarial 
notarial record
 Yet, the abundant notarial records in these provincial archives provide an unrivalled opportunity to trace the connections between the Old and New Worlds = No obstante, el gran número de registros notariales en estos archivos provinciales nos proporciona una oportunidad única para encontrar las conexiones entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo.
registros demográficos  [Incluyen certificados de nacimiento, defunción, casamiento o divorcio principalmente]
vital records
 Hundreds of sites now offer searchable indexes to vital records, census data, and biographical or photograph files.
registro seleccionado 
marked record
 SORTing a set will unmark any marked records in the set.
salvar registros  [En la recuperación de información, operación por la cual ciertos registros de una base de datos se copian a un fichero para su posterior utilización]
download + records
 Records for the stock of a specific library are downloaded from the national data bases and added to the data base of catalogue records for the individual library.
seleccionar registros 
mark + records
 You can use the F7 key to mark specific records for display, printing or transferring to disk.
separador de registro 
record separator
 The record is terminated by the record separator.
servicio de registros MARC, el  [Servicio de registros MARC ofrecido por algunas bibliotecas principalmente nacionales]
MARC service, the
 Progressing a stage further, it would be economically short-sighted, to say the least, for a large co-operative network such as OCLC in the United States or BLCMP in the UK, not to take advantage of the MARC service.
sistema de gestión de registros 
record(s) system
 Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.
tamaño del registro 
record size
 Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.
volcado de registros  
derived cataloguing
copy cataloguing
 This article differentiates between original and derived cataloguing suggesting that there should be little demand for original cataloguing in most small health libraries.
 Results revealed that copy cataloguing from the National Union Catalogue took less time and cost less than original cataloguing.
  register ; register ; registry ; records centre.
 James's methods in dealing systematically with each codex are illustrated by comparing the Ecloga with the 1574/75 register of Mathew Parker's library at Corpus Christi, Cambridge.
 During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries printers got over the resulting difficulties by adding (usually adjacent to the colophon) a summary of the signatures called the register.
 Its aim is to provide a reliable registry of all world serial publications.
 This article describes the background to the setting up of the Archdiocese of Chicago's archives and records centre.
cuadrar el registro 
make + register
 The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.
el registro de los registros 
 The record-of-record was still the three by five card created more economically, but, nonetheless, filed in an offline, manual catalog.
fichero de registro de transacciones  [En un ordenador que actúa como servidor de información, fichero en el que se registran automáticamente todas las operaciones realizadas por los usuarios]   
service log
computer log
server log
 A log in which equipment 'downtime' is noted will provide documentation useful for the justification of replacements or the arrangement of suitable maintenance schedules.
 Findings from the service logs gave rise to a list of library services that have the potential to result in economic benefits.
 In this study, a computer log is used to identify the individual differences among students in terms of contents usage and the amount of contents that are presented in Web-supported course sites.
 Server logs were designed to measure traffic and demand loads on a computer server, and they work well for this purpose.
mantener registro de 
keep + record of
 Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.
mantener un registro 
keep + log
 Computers are now used to typeset, maintain the subscription list, hold a data base of references, keep a log of all papers submitted and to produce standard letters and management reports.
mantener un registro de  
keep + track of
 DOBIS/LIBIS keeps track of such decisions for the library.
 Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = En en área de edición se incluyen los editores y compiladores de las ediciones de trabajos junto con la mención de edición.
registro catastral  
land registry office
land registry
 The register of landed property is excluded to a large degree because it can be consulted at the land registry office.
 The research is part of a larger ongoing project for the automated processing of land registry documents.
registro civil 
registry office
 This paper outlines the origins of records management in the UK, the origins of English registry offices, and the relationship between archives and records management.
registro civil, el   
family registry, the
civil registry, the
population registry, the
 A total of 234354 centenarians are unaccounted for across Japan despite still being registered as alive under the family registry.
 My mission was to obtain my daughter's birth certificate; simple enough in theory, but this is the civil registry in Georgia.
 Transferring the paper-based records of the Trinidad & Tobago population registry into digital format was determined as essential given the population size.
registro de actividades realizadas 
logbook [log book]
 With questionnaires, logbooks and interviews, the researcher was able to assess attitudes to and learning during the programmes.
registro de entrada  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc] 
accessions register
accession record
 Among the facilities provided by this automated system is the possibility of printing accessions registers.
 Improvement of the system by the computerisation of accession records is a further possibility.
registro de grupo de términos de búsqueda relacionados 
hedge book
 The hedge book is a means by which these subject hedges can be kept to hand at the online terminal to be consulted by end users.
registro de las pantallas consultadas 
screen log
 The verbal data obtained from each type of questionnaire were compared for reliability with the nonverbal data provided by the screen logs.
registro de operaciones realizadas  
transaction log
transaction logging
 In all cases a random transaction log was derived and this was used to diagnose system problems and identify patterns of behaviour.
 3 different interfaces for on-line public access ctalogues were evaluated using transaction logging as a methodology.
registro de salida de cartas 
outward letterbook
 The New Zealand Post Office Museum and Archives acquired the outward letterbooks and a number of registers (of correspondence, paid vouchers, overtime payments, registered letters etc) from several post offices in New Zealand.
registro de transacciones 
 Logsheets show that most end-user searches are for research purposes, although some are for patient care.
registro fiscal 
tax roll
 The tax roll generally lists the owner of each piece of property, a description of the property and other details that affect the property's assessed value.
registro temporal de transacciones 
time log
 She has done some of the best work on the use of time logs and time management.
  accessioning ; stock recording ; registration.
 Accessioning involves giving the item a unique number so that if it is lost the cost can be easily discovered.
 The stages of book preparation, known as processing, can be tabulated as follows: check of book with invoice; quick collation; accessioning or stock recording; classification; cataloguing; lettering on spine; labelling; final check of all processes before shelving.
 The borrower file is then searched to obtain a list of all those borrowers with registration dates before the cut-off date.
certificado de fecha de registro 
time stamp [timestamp]
 This pan-European service enables copyright owners to register their content online followed by certification and a time stamp.
dar registro  [Operación por la que un documento se ingresa en la biblioteca al darle un número de entrada en un libro de registro en el que además suele constar el autor, título y año de publicación del mismo]
 Accession is the procedure by which acquisitions are entered into a collection after checking the order and after collating.
fecha de registro  [Fecha en la que los datos esenciales de un documento se anotan en el libro de registro de la biblioteca] 
accession date
time stamp [timestamp]
 The accession date of a document is the date on which it was entered into the accessions register.
 This pan-European service enables copyright owners to register their content online followed by certification and a time stamp.
ficha de número de registro  [Ficha en la que se anotan los números de registro de todos los documentos de la colección que tratan de la materia asignada a esa ficha y que aparece normalmente en su borde superior]
accessions card
 It is of course possible to stamp 'Withdrawn' on the accessions card, but it would be better not to lead the reader up this blind alley if it can be avoided.
libro de registro  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc]  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc] 
accessions register
accessions book
accessions ledger
 Among the facilities provided by this automated system is the possibility of printing accessions registers.
 Such a file is the accessions book in a library, or a file of data on magnetic tape, and to find entries by any but the chronological approach involves sequential scanning of the whole file.
 The stock is listed numerically in an accessions ledger or card file so that if the accession number of an item is known one can consult the file, find details about the item and discover what its location is in the resource centre.
libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas 
letterbook [letter book]
 This article presents the letterbooks of six New Zealand chief post offices, (early 1880s-late 1910s) and their value as social and administrative archives.
máquina de registro de préstamos por medio de la fotografía  
photocharging machine
 The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger.
 Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.
número de registro  [A veces escrito accessions number Número consecutivo que se le asigna a cada documento que se ingresa en la biblioteca]  [En catalogación, número que se incluye en la ficha catalográfica correspondiente al número de registro del documento]
accession number
card number
 Primary and instant access to records is by accession number, but the program creates indexes to all other elements in an entry and these can also be used for searching.
 Each item catalogued by the Library is given a serial number ('card number') and these numbers are noted in the cumulative book index through which the cards are ordered.
orden de registro 
search warrant
 School officials do not need to have a search warrant prior to searching a student, but may conduct a search on the basis of reasonable suspicion.
sistema de registro 
recording system
 Before the centre opened in mid-1977, the research worker, the agencies and the librarians agreed on a common recording system for enquiries so that use of the Centre could be monitored.
 It was found that someone had dumped a load of builders' rubble down a manhole blocking the sewer and causing havoc.
caja de registro eléctrico 
wiring compartment
 Consideration must be given to vertical rises (from floor to floor), wiring compartment (don't underestimate need), horizontal cable distribution, and ducting systems.
pozo de registro 
 It was found that someone had dumped a load of builders' rubble down a manhole blocking the sewer and causing havoc.
tapa de registro 
manhole cover
 Grooves in manhole covers are necessary to provide traction in all kinds of weather to the vehicles above.

Trends of use of registro



Principal search tendencies and common uses of registro
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «registro».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about registro



Famous quotes and sentences with the word registro.
Percy B. Shelley
La poesía es el registro de los mejores y más dichosos momentos de los más dichosos y mejores espíritus.


Discover the use of registro in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to registro and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Registro de la presión arterial: modalidades, normas y ...
Introducción. Normas generales para un registro fiable de la tensión arterial de consulta.
José Sabán Ruiz, 2012
Registro y notificación de accidentes del trabajo y ...
Será difícil poner en práctica el registro de accidentes, especialmente en empresas pequeñas. Canadá. Para garantizar la coherencia del apartado ii) del párrafo b), en el que se aborda la notificación de los accidentes de trayecto y de los ...
Los Sistemas de registro en la atención primaria de salud
La participación explícita de los pacientes facilita el reconocimiento de los problemas y aumenta los beneficios de la actividad sanitaria. De hecho, la concordancia entre el registro del problema por el proveedor y el reconocimiento del mismo ...
Equipo CESCA., Juan Javier Gérvas Camacho, 1987
Manual de derecho mercantil
La calificación habrá de basarse en lo que resulte de los títulos presentados y en los correspondientes asientos del Registro, y se entenderá limitada a los efectos de extender, suspender o denegar la inscripción, anotación, nota marginal o ...
Adolfo Ruiz de Velasco y del Valle, 2007
El proceso penal español: jurisprudencia sistematizada
255. Requisitos. La sentencia del Tribunal Supremo 1844/2002, de 30 de enero, hace una sintética exposición de los requisitos necesarios para la legalidad de la autorización de un registro domiciliario cuando señala que «la normativa y la ...
Luis María Uriarte Valiente, Tomás Farto Piay, 2007
La Ley de venta a plazos de bienes muebles
X. INTERCOMUNICACIÓN ENTRE EL REGISTRO DE VENTA A PLAZOS Y EL REGISTRO DE LA JEFATURA CENTRAL DE TRÁFICO El Reglamento General de vehículos prevé en su articulado la posibilidad de anotar en el Registro de ...
Consejo General de los Colegios Oficiales de Corredores de Comercio (Spain), 2000
Tratado de Derecho Civil: Partes Preliminar y General
El Reglamento Consular (decreto del Ministerio de Relaciones N° 172, de 1977, publicado en el Diario Oficial de 29 de julio del mismo año) faculta a los cónsules para actuar en calidad de Ministros de Fe Pública y de Oficial del Registro ...
Arturo Alessandri R., Manuel Somarriva U., Antonio Vodanovic H, 1998
Curso de derecho mercantil
Roberto Goldschmidt, María Auxiliadora Pisani Ricci, Gabriel Rodríguez e Ivanova Beirutti Ruiz, 2001
Principios y aplicaciones digitales
Un registro de desplazamiento es un bloque de construcción digital muy importante. Los registros se suelen emplear para almacenar momentáneamente la información binaria que aparece en la salida de una matriz de decodificación.
Albert Paul Malvino, Donald P. Leach, 1988
En el registro de las devoluciones sobre compras, Austin puede realizar el abono en una cuenta especial. Devoluciones y rebajas sobre compras, que sirve como registro continuo de mercancías defectuosas. La cuenta Devoluciones y ...
Charles T. Horngren, Walter T. Harrison, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term registro is used in the context of the following news items.
Registro Civil respondió a las declaraciones de Xavier Burbano del ...
El Registro Civil dio su versión tras las declaraciones dadas por Xavier Burbano, miembro del Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social (CPCCS), ... «El Telégrafo, Sep 16»
Lobo ya está inscrito con ese nombre en el Registro Civil de ...
Lobo ya está inscrito en el Registro Civil de Fuenlabrada (Madrid), adonde sus padres han acudido esta mañana a recoger la documentación oficial sobre el ... «El Mundo, Aug 16»
La Dirección General de Registros admitirá "Lobo" como nombre ...
El director general de los Registros y del Notariado, Javier Gómez Gálligo, ha anunciado este miércoles que tiene la intención de admitir "Lobo" como nombre ... «, Aug 16»
Arranca el registro para el cambio de identidad de transexuales y ...
Cuando esté en la ventanilla del Servicio de Registro Civil (Sereci), dirá que se llamará César Javier y que en su carné también tendrá que decir que es de ... «, Aug 16»
Registro de Imei de los celulares en Colombia
Igualmente, para hacer el registro, el Ministerio TIC creó la página web donde los usuarios sólo deben hacer clic en su operador ... «, Jul 16»
Policía francesa detiene a una persona durante registro en la casa ...
PARÍS (Sputnik) — La policía francesa detuvo a un hombre durante un registro en la casa del conductor del camión que envistió la noche del jueves contra una ... «Sputnik Mundo, Jul 16»
Divulgan el registro de Renato Sanches, que certifica sus 18 años
LISBOA.- La divulgación del registro de nacimiento del medio portugués Renato Sanches ha puesto punto y final a las especulaciones sobre la edad real del ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
Comienza el pre-registro de solicitantes de asilo en Grecia
El Servicio de Asilo griego comienza hoy una operación a gran escala para hace un pre-registro de las solicitudes de protección internacional de los ... «Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, Jun 16»
Oxxo aclara que solo acepta pagos del Registro Civil en Ciudad de ...
Oxxo precisó que sólo acepta pagos de documentos del registro civil en la Ciudad de México después de que medios difundieran que emitiría actas de ... «Forbes Mexico, May 16»
El Parlamento aprueba la directiva sobre registro de datos de ...
El Parlamento aprobó el jueves la nueva directiva que regula el uso del registro de datos de pasajeros (PNR) aéreos para la prevención, detección, ... «Parlamento Europeo, Apr 16»


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