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Si te paras a contar los días de sol y los nublados en el año, verás que los días serenos han sido los más.

Significado de "año" en el diccionario de español



La procedencia de la palabra año la encontramos en el latín anĕus. También en el latín annus; y finalmente en el latín agnus 'cordero'.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


a · ño play
Año es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Año es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Un año o año terrestre o año sideral se refiere al tiempo orbital del planeta Tierra, o sea al tiempo que tarda dicho planeta en dar una vuelta completa alrededor del Sol. El término año también se usa para referirse al periodo orbital de cualquier planeta y, por extensión, se aplica a otros ciclos orbitales. La sencillez de esta definición oculta la complejidad de su cómputo. Se consideran diversos "años" según la referencia elegida para determinar su duración: ▪ El año es sideral o año sidéreo: Tiempo que trascurre entre dos pasos consecutivos de la Tierra por un mismo punto de su órbita. Generalmente usado por los astrónomos, es la medida más exacta de un año. Referencia: las estrellas. ▪ Duración: 365,256 363 004 días siderales, o 365,242 190 402 días solares medios, 365 días 6 horas 9 minutos 9,76 segundos, es decir, un día solar medio menos. ▪ El año trópico, año solar o año tropical: tiempo transcurrido entre dos pasos sucesivos del Sol por el equinoccio medio. En otras palabras, tiempo de Primavera a Primavera por ejemplo. Referencia: equinoccio vernal.

definición de año en el diccionario español

La definición de año en el diccionario castellano es forma sustantivos y adjetivos procedentes del latín. Soterraño, extraño, entraña. Otro significado de año en el diccionario es también en español ha formado algunos sustantivos verbales o derivados de sustantivos. Travesaño, espadaña.







Sinónimos y antónimos de año en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «año» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de año


año anualidad anuario añada espacio intervalo lapso período temporada tiempo sinódico embolismal jubileo estar años nuestra salud escolar emergente académico gracia terrestre forma sustantivos adjetivos procedentes latín soterraño extraño entraña otro formado algunos verbales derivados travesaño espadaña año luis marigómez nació nava asunción segovia joven cada evolutionary health program based idea that instead looking forward decades pain body slowly deteriorates possible live were maybe even younger rest your life postura

Traductor en línea con la traducción de año a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de año a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de año presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de año en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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570 millones de hablantes

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510 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

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280 millones de hablantes

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278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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260 millones de hablantes

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220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de año en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

al año
al año 
  per annum ; per year.
 BNB has two four-monthly cumulations per annum, which are superseded by an annual volume, and then triennial cumulations.
 The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.
  year ; grade.
 Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
 Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.
-3-6-5 días al año  
 There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.
 Toll free telephone support is available 24/7/365 and utilizes a state of the art system.
a años luz de 
light years away from
 Community information services seem light years away from the kind of electronic wizardry that is held out as the brave new information world of tomorrow.
al año  
per annum
per year
 BNB has two four-monthly cumulations per annum, which are superseded by an annual volume, and then triennial cumulations.
 The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.
algunos años más tarde 
some years on
 Even the same collection some years on will have altered, and the device, in order to remain effective, must evolve in keeping with the development of the collection.
a lo largo de todo el año 
throughout the year
 Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.
alumno de cuarto año 
fourth grader
 This paper reviews research on youth motivation for visiting amusement arcades and on the relationship among the school achievement, socioeconomic status, and self-esteem of fourth graders.
alumno de primer año 
first grader
 She was the mother of a precocious first grader named Steven.
alumno de quinto año 
fifth grader
 Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.
alumno de segundo año 
second grader
 The evaluation survey demonstrated how second graders felt they had benefited from the project.
alumno de séptimo año 
seventh grader
 A study of seventh graders at a school in Texas revealed 3 categories of aliterates: dormant, uncommitted, and unmotivated.
alumno de sexto año 
sixth grader
 The study was based on interviews with 9 groups of sixth graders of both sexes.
alumno de tercer año 
third grader
 The author examines the influence of CD-ROM storybooks on the reading comprehension and attitudes toward reading of 37 pairs of third graders.
alumno de un año 
 It describes the project, which aimed to introduce all 4th graders to artists and writers at the library, as to enable them to create slogans and posters about books and reading which were then judged and exhibited.
a medida que + avanzar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
a medida que + pasar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
a medida que + transcurrir + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
animal de un año de edad 
 Basically I was wondering what are the purpose of blinkers when it comes to getting a yearling used to be ridden.
anormal para la época del año 
 While the rain poured down, the course never became unplayable because of unseasonably dry weather over the winter in San Diego.
año a año 
year by year
 The technical developments which would underpin such a service are becoming more widely available year by year, if not week by week or day by day.
año académico  [En un centro de enseñanza, período durante el cual se imparten clases y se hacen exámenes y tanto profesores como alumnos están obligados a asistir] 
academic year
school year
 Periodically, the paid fines can be removed from the fines file (for instance, at the end of a fiscal or academic year).
 At last we were ready to tackle our most ambitious and anxiously awaited project of the school year.
año anterior, el 
past year, the
 Some 25% of students admitted to cheating in examinations and 50% to one or more instances of cheating on written assignments the past year.
año bisiesto 
leap year
 The study of leap year and its development offers an interesting real-world situation for students to exercise qualitative reasoning about operations on decimals.
año civil 
calendar year
 Vital statistics data relating to natality provide demographic and health data for births occurring during the calendar year = Las estadísticas demográficas relacionadas con la natalidad proporcionan información demográfica y de salud de los nacimientos que ocurren durante el año natural.
año contable 
accounting year
 Short-term plans, on the other hand, usually coincide with the accounting year.
año del calendario 
calendar year
 Vital statistics data relating to natality provide demographic and health data for births occurring during the calendar year = Las estadísticas demográficas relacionadas con la natalidad proporcionan información demográfica y de salud de los nacimientos que ocurren durante el año natural.
año de trabajo  [Trabajo realizado por una persona en un año]
man year
 For example, a competent, robust, efficient free text storage and retrieval system represents at least five man years of programming work.
año económico   
financial year
fiscal year
budget year
 The Community presents its expenditure plans in annual budget proposals, the financial year running from January to December.
 Periodically, the paid fines can be removed from the fines file (for instance, at the end of a fiscal or academic year).
 The federal government kicked off the 2013 budget year with a $120 billion deficit in October, a $22 billion increase from this time last year.
año escolar 
school year
 At last we were ready to tackle our most ambitious and anxiously awaited project of the school year.
año financiero   
financial year
fiscal year
budget year
 The Community presents its expenditure plans in annual budget proposals, the financial year running from January to December.
 Periodically, the paid fines can be removed from the fines file (for instance, at the end of a fiscal or academic year).
 The federal government kicked off the 2013 budget year with a $120 billion deficit in October, a $22 billion increase from this time last year.
año fiscal      
fiscal year
business year
accounting year
tax year
financial year
budget year
 Periodically, the paid fines can be removed from the fines file (for instance, at the end of a fiscal or academic year).
 Results indicated 78 percent expected 1974 to be a better business year than 1973.
 Short-term plans, on the other hand, usually coincide with the accounting year.
 Tax years run from 6 April one year to 5 April the following year.
 The Community presents its expenditure plans in annual budget proposals, the financial year running from January to December.
 The federal government kicked off the 2013 budget year with a $120 billion deficit in October, a $22 billion increase from this time last year.
año litúrgico 
liturgical year
 Advent Sunday is the fourth Sunday before Christmas and is the first day of the liturgical year for Western Christian Churches.
año luz 
light year
 In principle a spaceship could travel eight light years in ten earth years.
año maravilloso 
annus mirabilis
 1876 was the year which also saw the first edition of Dewey's Decimal classification: truly an annus mirabilis!.
año natural 
calendar year
 Vital statistics data relating to natality provide demographic and health data for births occurring during the calendar year = Las estadísticas demográficas relacionadas con la natalidad proporcionan información demográfica y de salud de los nacimientos que ocurren durante el año natural.
Año Nuevo 
New Year
 At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.
año pasado, el 
last year
 Last year, however, there was a report produced in the UK by IFLA Advisory Committee on Buildings.
año presupuestario 
budget year
 The federal government kicked off the 2013 budget year with a $120 billion deficit in October, a $22 billion increase from this time last year.
año próximo 
next year
 The library budget, for instance, was to be reduced next year by 10% as well = Por ejemplo, el presupuesto de la biblioteca además iba a ser reducido el año siguiente en un 10% .
año que viene 
next year
 The library budget, for instance, was to be reduced next year by 10% as well = Por ejemplo, el presupuesto de la biblioteca además iba a ser reducido el año siguiente en un 10% .
año sabático  [Año que un estudiante se toma libre, principalmente para viajar por el mundo, antes de iniciar sus estudios universitarios]
gap year
 The author examines the effect on a student's focus of taking a 'gap year'.
años anteriores 
earlier years
 Overall findings indicate that while the amount of research reported is remaining stable, the methods have improved somewhat in 1974, as compared to earlier years.
años de antigüedad 
length of service
 The principle is that an employee because of quality of service or length of service may advance up the scale.
años de entreguerras 
inter-war years
 During the economic crisis of the inter-war years, the development of Polish libraries was hampered by lack of funds and the inflationary cost of books.
años de la preadolescencia, los 
tween years, the
 More recently, these years have been identified as an important developmental stage known as preadolescence formally, and the 'tween years' popularly.
años de la pubertad, los 
tween years, the
 More recently, these years have been identified as an important developmental stage known as preadolescence formally, and the 'tween years' popularly.
años de posguerra, los 
post-war years, the
 Women's role as solo authors declined, however, during the Depression, World War II and the postwar years.
años de vacas flacas 
lean years
 Having grown fat on federal grants, some libraries have not been able to adjust to the recent lean years of reduced or withdrawn federal funds.
año siguiente 
next year
 The library budget, for instance, was to be reduced next year by 10% as well = Por ejemplo, el presupuesto de la biblioteca además iba a ser reducido el año siguiente en un 10% .
año solar  
tropical year
solar year
 The Gregorian calendar was constructed to give a close approximation to the tropical year, which is the actual length of time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.
 A solar year is the time it takes the Earth to complete its orbit around the Sun.
años sesenta, los  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
sixties, the
 Another colleague of mine has been intimately involved in the development of automated library systems since the early sixties.
años veinte, los 
twenties, the
 From a literary standpoint, Hecht described the decadence of the twenties.
años venideros, los 
years ahead, the
 It is believed that the years ahead will see an increase in such programs.
año terrestre 
earth year
 In principle a spaceship could travel eight light years in ten earth years.
año tras año   
year after year
year by year
year in and year out
 However, the periodicals are expensive and need to be continued year after year.
 The technical developments which would underpin such a service are becoming more widely available year by year, if not week by week or day by day.
 Audit rotation is designed to overcome two problems that can occur if an organization hires the same audit firm year in and year out.
año tropical 
tropical year
 The Gregorian calendar was constructed to give a close approximation to the tropical year, which is the actual length of time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.
a partir de ahora y + Cuantificador + algunos años 
for + Cuantificador + years to come
 These, and similar, questions are likely to form the subject of debate for some years to come.
apto para mayores de -1-3 años o menores acompañados  [Código utilizado en las películas americanas para indicar la adecuación del contenido según la edad de la población]
 Today, nudity, sex, and excessive violence are not an issue and even the raciest films would garner a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, and most are even tamer than that.
atípico para la época del año 
 While the rain poured down, the course never became unplayable because of unseasonably dry weather over the winter in San Diego.
a través de los años  
over the years
down the years
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 Down the years, the information industry has mapped out for itself the categories of information with which it is prepared to deal.
buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo 
New Year's resolution
 The article 'Keeping New Year's resolutions while counting down to the new millennium' discusses the following topics: self-discipline; losing weight; stopping smoking; starting an exercise programme; paying off bills; and meeting someone new.
cada año    
on a yearly basis
 The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
 This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
 This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.
 I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.
cada diez años 
 Annual indexes over several years may be cumulated to five-yearly or ten-yearly indexes.
cada dos años  [Compárese con biannually (que ocurre dos veces al año)]
 The UDC committee meets at least biennially, usually annually.
cada pocos años 
every few years
 They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.
celebrar el Año Nuevo 
ring in + the New Year
 It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.
chico o chica de trece años 
 The young man in the picture is myself snapped twenty-five years or so ago by a cheeky thirteen-year-old during the first few months of my first teaching job.
con el paso de los años 
with the passing of (the) years
 Its prediction that, with the passing of years, the taint of scandal will blow away, looks over-optimistic.
con el transcurso de los años  
over the years
with the passing of (the) years
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 Its prediction that, with the passing of years, the taint of scandal will blow away, looks over-optimistic.
conforme + avanzar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
conforme + pasar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
conforme + transcurrir + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
con + Número + año(s) de antelación 
Número + year(s) ahead
 The December issue is especially useful for its list of conferences planned up to ten years ahead.
con una antelación de un año 
a year ahead of schedule
 By Dec 74, a year ahead of schedule, the restoration department was able to close.
crisis de los siete años, la 
seven-year itch, the
 A longitudinal study of the career patterns of academic librarians is needed if this brain drain as a result of the 'seven-year itch' is to be prevented.
de acuerdo con la estación del año 
 Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
de cinco años 
five yearly [five-yearly]
 This catalogue has annual and five yearly cumulations.
de final de año 
 The article 'End-year management of information' explores the nature of data base management systems that manage information from on-line public access catalogues (OPACs).
de fin de año 
end of the year
 The party raged into the early morning hours drawing the attention of police, who have increased patrols in the area because of end of the year partying.
de hace años 
of years ago
 Another point worth noting is that most of the kiddie comis of years ago are long gone from the publishing scene = Otro punto que merece la pena mencionar es que la mayoría de los comics para niños de hace años han desaparecido hace tiempo del mundo editorial.
de hace muchos años 
 The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
del año catapún 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la nada 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la pera 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de la polca 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año de Maricastaña 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
del año maricastaño 
from the year dot
 This rather fat book gives a readable account of the history of mathematics from the year dot up to the last century.
de los últimos años 
in recent years
 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.
demasiado benigno para la época del año 
unseasonably mild
 A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.
demasiado caluroso para la época del año 
unseasonably warm
 Winds arriving from the south are expected to bring unseasonably warm temperatures followed by rain in some areas.
demasiado frío para la época del año 
unseasonably cold
 Thanks to a cold front that pushed its way into the region overnight, we're looking at unseasonably cold temperatures over the next week.
demasiado suave para la época del año 
unseasonably mild
 A cold front will approach the region today with increasing clouds as the day progresses and unseasonably mild temperatures.
de mediados de año 
mid-year [midyear]
 This paper gives a general overview of the microfilm industry world-wide, drawing on the comments of members of a discussion panel at the Mid-year meeting of the National Micrographics Association.
de mitad de año 
mid-year [midyear]
 This paper gives a general overview of the microfilm industry world-wide, drawing on the comments of members of a discussion panel at the Mid-year meeting of the National Micrographics Association.
dentro de unos años 
in a few years' time
 Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.
dentro de unos cuantos años 
in a few years' time
 Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.
de + Número + años de edad 
aged + Número
 Craig Duff, aged 57 and a tenured professional librarian at the associate professor rank, had worked at the Medical Center library for 29 years.
desde hace años   
over the years
for years past
for years
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.
 He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.
desde hace muchos años   
for years
for many years now
for many years
 He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.
 For many years now, scientists have understood that the onset of cancer is a gradual, stepwise process that may unfold over the course of decades.
 Indexes have used controlled-language indexing and authority lists for many years.
desde hace varios años + Presente 
for several years + Pretérito Perfecto
 For several years the library has had a successful arrangement with a local bookstore to supply it with unusual and important local material that would otherwise fall through the net of its collection development effort = Desde hace varios años, la biblioteca mantiene un acuerdo satisfactorio con una librería local para que le suministre fondo local importante y poco común que, de otro modo, se le escaparía en el desarrollo de la colección.
desde hace ya algunos años 
for some years now
 For some years now, there has been proof that the devastating effects of the traumatization of children take their inevitable toll on society.
desde hace ya años 
for years now
 Secondly, we have been beaten with the idea for years now that we should catalog a work once and only once.
despedir el año 
ring out + the old year
 And while many people attend parties to ring out the old year and ring in the new, others enjoy spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home.
de tercer año 
 The article is entitled 'Teaching third-year medical students to search MEDLINE'.
de trece años de edad 
 This is a story about a thirteen-year-old boy who lives in New York and is so often the victim of street bullies that he hides in the subway, where he manages to make a home for himself.
de un año a otro   
from year to year
from one year to another
from one year to the next
 For details of its operation from year to year the main source of data is its annual report.
 Every effort is made to ensure continuity of index terms from one year to another = Se hace todo lo posible para asegurar la continuidad de los descriptores de un año para otro.
 The only reasonable conclusion which can be drawn from these statistics is that title output can vary quite considerably from one year to the next = La única conclusión que se puede extraer de estas estadísticas es que la producción de títulos pueden variar considerablemente de una añto a otro.
de un año de duración 
 They have been granted a one-year reprieve from deportation.
doce años 
a dozen years
 It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.
dos años 
two-year period
 Bell's two-year period of ineligibility begins on November 10, 2006.
dos veces al año  
twice yearly [twice-yearly]
semiannual [semi-annual]
 The journal was originally intended as a quarterly, but changed to twice yearly publication with the 1st issue of 1977.
 Information dissemination is via monthly and semiannual publications to subscribers.
durante algunos años  
for some years
over a period of years
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
durante años 
for years
 He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.
durante años y años 
for years and years (and years)
 The work that he has left will live on for years and years.
durante casi todo el año 
for the best part of the year
 Too warm and humid, and for the best part of the year flies and other insects made the drying of fish extremely difficult, if not impossible.
durante el año pasado 
over the past year
 However, over the past year they have launched a number of Internet products and services.
durante el próximo año 
over the next year
 Over 80 per cent of those questioned in Europe, the US and Japan expect further growth in expenditure of an average of 15 per cent over the next year.
durante el transcurso de muchos años 
over many years
 Local history collections are being built up in many countries, whether as deliberate policy, based on collections of local antiquaries, or developed casually over many years = En muchos países se están creando colecciones de historia local, ya sea como fruto de una política delibrada, a partir de de colecciones de anticuarios de la localidad, o creadas de un modo casual durante el transcurso de muchos años.
durante el último año 
over the last year
 Over the last years dramatic changes have occurred in the way libraries operate with the introduction of automated circulation systems.
durante la mayoría del año 
for most of the year
 Passing through mile after mile of surf beaches with hardly a soul to be seen for most of the year, you'll enjoy the solitude in an untouched wilderness.
durante la mayor parte del año  
for the best part of the year
for most of the year
 Too warm and humid, and for the best part of the year flies and other insects made the drying of fish extremely difficult, if not impossible.
 Passing through mile after mile of surf beaches with hardly a soul to be seen for most of the year, you'll enjoy the solitude in an untouched wilderness.
durante los dos últimos años 
during the past couple of years
 One of the major talking points on the electronic publishing scene during the past couple of years has been the need for internationally recognised standards.
durante los primeros años 
during the early years
 In World War 2 librarians generally sympathised with Britain, but many were isolationist or apathetic during the early years = En la Segunda Guerra Mundial los bibliotecarios generalmente simpatizaban con Gran Bretaña, aunque muchos mantuvieron una actitud no intervencionista o indiferente durante los primeros años.
durante los próximos años   
for the next few years
over the next few years
during the next few years
 There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.
 However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.
 Of all the factors influencing the on-line information services industry during the next few years, telephone deregulation could well be the most important.
durante los últimos años     
over the past few years
over recent years
during the past few years
in the past few years
over the last few years
 While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.
 Over recent years the number and frequency of firework displays (both public and private) has increased.
 During the past few years much importance has been attached to the study of the number, structure and behavior of the chromosomes.
 In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.
 Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.
durante los últimos + Número + años 
over the last + Número + years
 The growth of Internet access over the last five years is staggering = El crecimiento del acceso a Internet ha sido asombroso durante los últimos cinco años.
durante miles de años  
for aeons and aeons
for aeons
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
 They have been through many hardships for aeons.
durante millones de años  
for aeons and aeons
for aeons
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
 They have been through many hardships for aeons.
durante muchos años    [Referido al futuro]  
for many years
for years to come
for many years to come
over many years
for years and years (and years)
 Indexes have used controlled-language indexing and authority lists for many years.
 Ward's study is likely to remain a standard reference source for years to come, but trying to sort out the generalities from the particularities is a very difficult business.
 The traditional information sources will continue to play an important role for many years to come.
 Local history collections are being built up in many countries, whether as deliberate policy, based on collections of local antiquaries, or developed casually over many years = En muchos países se están creando colecciones de historia local, ya sea como fruto de una política delibrada, a partir de de colecciones de anticuarios de la localidad, o creadas de un modo casual durante el transcurso de muchos años.
 The work that he has left will live on for years and years.
durante todo el año 
throughout the year
 Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.
durante un año 
 This documentary chronicles the year-long deployment of one US battalion in Afghanistan.
durante varios años  
for a number of years
for several years
 So, unlike most state association or municipal library awarded grants, there was no stipulation of indenture to a state or a library for a number of years if the award was accepted.
 Nevertheless, funding proved a problem for several years.
el año entrante 
the coming year
 Department heads estimate their expenditures for the coming year and submit them to the town manager, who approves or disapproves them.
el año próximo   
the coming year
the following year
the year ahead
 Department heads estimate their expenditures for the coming year and submit them to the town manager, who approves or disapproves them.
 Each year guidelines are published by 1 May for application in the following year = Todos los años se publican directrices para el 1 de mayo y se aplican el año siguiente.
 Also covered are the finances of the CLA, social events during the conference, funds and support for gays, and the year ahead for CLA.
el año que viene 
the following year
 Each year guidelines are published by 1 May for application in the following year = Todos los años se publican directrices para el 1 de mayo y se aplican el año siguiente.
el año siguiente 
the following year
 Each year guidelines are published by 1 May for application in the following year = Todos los años se publican directrices para el 1 de mayo y se aplican el año siguiente.
en años anteriores   
in prior years
in years past
in past years
 The analysis found substantial differences in price structure among regions, but less price differentiation based on quality than in prior years.
 But many shoppers said stores were not knocking down prices as much as in years past.
 Public libraries in the USA have experienced severe revenue shortages in past years, leading to reductions in services.
en + Cantidad + años 
in + Cantidad + years' time
 Maybe when that young author looks back in a few years' time, she'll realize just how much more she got out of it than a bit of fun and fame.
en dos años 
over a two-year period
 The purpose of this analysis was to document the change in body mass index (BMI) over a two-year period in poor women from urban Mexico.
en el año catapún 
in the dim and distant past
 Perhaps all these tribes are genetically linked and were partners in their explorations of new lands in the dim and distant past.
en el año del Señor 
in the year of our Lord
 It was in the year of our Lord 1993, nestled in the oldest mountains on Earth, that 13 kindred spirits joined their laughter in holy revelation.
en el año entrante 
in the coming year
 The author sketches some of the developments that we might expect to see in the coming years = El autor esboza algunos de los avances que podríamos esperar ver en los próximos años.
en el año próximo 
in the coming year
 The author sketches some of the developments that we might expect to see in the coming years = El autor esboza algunos de los avances que podríamos esperar ver en los próximos años.
en el año venidero 
in the coming year
 The author sketches some of the developments that we might expect to see in the coming years = El autor esboza algunos de los avances que podríamos esperar ver en los próximos años.
en el mismo número de años 
in as many years
 This is the second revision of the topic areas in as many years.
en el próximo año 
in the year ahead
 The author considers the future of libraries in the year ahead.
en el transcurso de algunos años 
over a period of years
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
en el último año 
over the last year
 Over the last years dramatic changes have occurred in the way libraries operate with the introduction of automated circulation systems.
en esta época del año  
around this time of year
at this time of (the) year
 Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.
 At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.
en los años intermedios 
in the intervening years
 In the intervening years reference collections and reference services have changed greatly with the introduction of electronic media.
en los años que siguieron 
over the ensuing years
 The establishment of the local situs intangibles tax in 1931 in Ohio and its use for sole support of public libraries led to various problems over the ensuing years.
en los dos últimos años 
during the past couple of years
 One of the major talking points on the electronic publishing scene during the past couple of years has been the need for internationally recognised standards.
en los primeros años de 
early in
 Couples are forced to make the decision between owner-occupation & council tenancy early in their marriages.
en los primeros años de vida 
early in life
 The reasonable reader readily sees that most of these traits should be acquired and fostered early in life.
en los próximos años 
in the next few years
 Again, this method looks very attractive compared with manual methods, and is likely to become available to large numbers of people in the next few years.
en los últimos años       
in recent years
over the recent past
in the last few years
over the past few years
during the past few years
in the past few years
over the last few years
 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about deprivation in rural areas.
 Developed libraries can quote a whole series of discrete services built up over the recent past, which somehow need to be integrated.
 Much has been written in the last few years about the so-called strategic role of information in the enterprise.
 While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.
 During the past few years much importance has been attached to the study of the number, structure and behavior of the chromosomes.
 In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.
 Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.
en los últimos años de 
in the last years of
 The author examines the role of the US public librarian in the last years of the 19th century when the country was undergoing massive social and philosophical changes.
en + Posesivo + años locos 
in + Posesivo + salad days
 Mandela, in his salad days, described himself as a communist, and throughout his life allied himself with communists.
en + Posesivo + años mozos 
in + Posesivo + salad days
 Mandela, in his salad days, described himself as a communist, and throughout his life allied himself with communists.
en sus años de apogeo 
in + Posesivo + heyday
 It was produced in earthenware, metalwork and bone china and in its heyday was used by the great transatlantic liners and by hotel and restaurant chains.
en sus años de auge 
in + Posesivo + heyday
 It was produced in earthenware, metalwork and bone china and in its heyday was used by the great transatlantic liners and by hotel and restaurant chains.
entrado en años    
a bit/little long in the tooth
advanced in years
advanced in life
 Training would be needed for the reception staff, who all said they were a bit long in the tooth for learning how to use a computer.
 To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.
 It has been some time since he had the ability to construct anything as he is advanced in years now.
 Originally employed as cowherd at the Abbey of Whitby, he became a singer when somewhat advanced in life.
en unos años  
within a few years
in a few years' time
 Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.
 Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.
en unos cuantos años  
within a few years
in a few years' time
 Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.
 Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.
en unos pocos años 
within a few years
 Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.
época del año 
 At first limited to the summer, tourism now flourishes in every season.
estar a años de distancia 
be years away
 Much research is being done in the area, but the optimal solution to these routing problems is still years away.
estudiante de penúltimo año  
junior student
 The joint programme includes visits to the library by junior students.
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante de último año  
senior student
 The aim of this project is to provide a specialised reference service to faculty and senior students.
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
estudiante universitario de primer año     
freshman [freshmen, -pl.]
first-year student
first year
college freshman
 This study yielded mixed results but has proven valuable in reshaping the freshman bibliographic instruction programme.
 One wondered, did daring first-year students lose their nerve at the last minute and kneel as evidence that their audacity in approaching this 'holy of holies' was tempered by the proper reverence?.
 University freshers lack basic life skills, with many never having cooked, cleaned, or shopped for themselves, according to research.
 They have a mentoring system in place whereby older students take some responsibility for first years within the induction week.
 College freshman enrolled in English composition classes were polled to determine their attitudes towards two different methods of bibliographic instruction: the lecture-discussion practicum and the workbook.
estudiante universitario de segundo año 
 The frequency of document use was highest among political science students and lowest among history students, and more frequent among seniors and juniors than freshmen and sophomores.
existir desde hace años 
be around for years
 Several examples are the veritable overnight adoption of FAX transmission, even though the technology had been around for years.
Feliz Año Nuevo 
Happy New Year
 We sent him a Christmas card and a text to say Happy New Year, but not heard a pip back from him.
fin de año  
EOY (end of year)
end of the year
 I see that RefViz is a new product offering at ProCite, and currently (through EOY) on discount.
 The party raged into the early morning hours drawing the attention of police, who have increased patrols in the area because of end of the year partying.
hace algunos años 
some years ago
 Research by engineers some years ago showed that the probability of incorrect dialling began to rise steeply if the length of the number increased to nine or more digits.
hace años 
years ago
 This explains why some books that were enormously important to us years ago seem, on rereading them now, to be quite astonishingly lacking in value.
hace miles de años 
aeons ago
 Again, in the past, as many aeons ago as there are grains of sand in the Ganges, a Buddha named Jewel Nature appeared in the world.
hace muchísimos años 
a great many years ago
 To point out that this question was answered a great many years ago is, as the lawyers say, 'incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial'.
hace muchos años 
many years ago
 The arbitrary surnames, for instance, given Jews in the German area many years ago were often derogatory, and those remain their personal names.
hace + Número + años 
Número + years ago
 Accordingly, it was decided some 7 years ago to replace the manual systems with a single automated library system.
hace un año 
a year ago
 If anyone had mentioned galleys to me a year ago, I would have thought of ancient ships powered by oarsmen, Ben-Hur style.
hace unos pocos años 
a few years ago
 Until a few years ago, the Internet was available only to institutions that could afford the high cost of an Internet mode.
hace un par de años 
a couple of years ago
 We could begin such a service by adding to the directory of social services done a couple of years ago.
hace varios años 
several years ago
 Non-print media are extremely useful sources of information but, despite Marshall McLuhan's predictions of several years ago, the book has not yet been ousted.
los -3-6-5 días del año 
 There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.
los años cincuenta 
 The question during the revision that was carried out in the fifties and sixties was to recognize that there is a difference between the diverse needs of the catalogs of public libraries and of research libraries.
los años maravillosos 
the halcyon days
 Hard times lie ahead, the halcyon days are gone - perhaps forever.
los años treinta 
 You remember that in the thirties, two people, Books and Lewis, had special rules for maps.
mayor de -2-5 años 
mature adult
 One of the earliest of these was the open university, which aims to extend and widen educational opportunities for mature adults.
menores de cinco años, los  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
under-fives, the
 Some libraries have barriers to access for prams and pushchairs, and lack the facilities which would help to encourage library use by parents and the under-fives.
metido en años    
a bit/little long in the tooth
advanced in years
advanced in life
 To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.
 Training would be needed for the reception staff, who all said they were a bit long in the tooth for learning how to use a computer.
 It has been some time since he had the ability to construct anything as he is advanced in years now.
 Originally employed as cowherd at the Abbey of Whitby, he became a singer when somewhat advanced in life.
miles de años  
aeon [eon]
thousands of years
 In general usage, an aeon (sometimes spelled eon ) is a period of time arbitrarily designated by humans.
 In one form or another, cashiers have been around for thousands of years.
millones de años 
aeon [eon]
 In general usage, an aeon (sometimes spelled eon ) is a period of time arbitrarily designated by humans.
niños entre cinco y siete años 
 Meanwhile, there was further discussion about the kind of stories that five-to-sevens most enjoy and that would be best for them.
Número + al año 
Número + annually
 In addition, IFLA Headquarters presently receives $37,000 annually as seeding money for publications and for the organization of the annual General Conference.
Número + años de diferencia 
Número + year gap
 In the 10-year gap between the publication of her first book and her second, she stretched her imagination to match the diversity and ruggedness of America.
Número + años después 
Número + years on
 Three years on, and we are bored to death with the war on terror.
Número + cada año 
Número + annually
 In addition, IFLA Headquarters presently receives $37,000 annually as seeding money for publications and for the organization of the annual General Conference.
para el año próximo 
for the year ahead
 The document outlines the organisation's vision for the future, its objectives and core values, and contains an action plan for the year ahead.
pasar al siguiente año fiscal 
roll over
 Basketing, in a publishing context, is the practice whereby there is agreement between publisher and author that unearned royalty balances from previous contracts are rolled over and accounted jointly with the royalties to be earned by that author's new book.
pasar año(s) antes de que 
be year(s) before
 In conclusion, in terms of the future of automated catalogs, the Wright brothers have just flown and it will be many years before the supersonic transport catalog is generally available for the majority of libraries.
período de cinco años  
five-year period
period of five years
 The views of a sample of parents with children in secondary schools in London were examined over a five-year period.
 The tribunal ordered his name to be removed from the register and that a period of five years must elapse before he would be allowed to apply for reregistration.
por dos años 
 In addition to his work with the UCLA Library and the Washington, D.C. Public Library, he held successive two-year positions in Zambia and Uganda.
primer año de carrera 
freshman year
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
primer año de estudios superiores 
freshman year
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
próximos años, los  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
next few years, the
years ahead, the
 In the course of the next few years it became clear that a detailed revision of the classification scheme was becoming essential.
 It is believed that the years ahead will see an increase in such programs.
que dura todo el año 
 There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.
que dura todo un año 
 This documentary chronicles the year-long deployment of one US battalion in Afghanistan.
sabiduría de los años, la 
wisdom of years, the
 Now with the wisdom of years I try to reason things out and the only people I fear are those who never have doubts.
según la estación del año 
 Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
todo el año   
all year (a)round
the whole year (a)round
 There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.
 It is summer at the moment but a sledge makes a great birthday present all year round for adults and children alike.
 There are people who swim the whole year around in Sydney, but these are generally regarded as eccentric.
todos esos años 
all those years
 Nor did they know that their father had kidnapped Jaycee and held her in captivity all those years.
todos los años   
on a yearly basis
year in and year out
 This service will be produced on a yearly basis.
 Audit rotation is designed to overcome two problems that can occur if an organization hires the same audit firm year in and year out.
 This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.
un año antes de 
a year ahead of
 It could be issued to libraries at least a year ahead of user requirements.
un año antes de lo previsto 
a year ahead of schedule
 By Dec 74, a year ahead of schedule, the restoration department was able to close.
un año tras otro 
year after year
 However, the periodicals are expensive and need to be continued year after year.
una vez al año  
once a year
 The National Union Catalog is still published with quarterly updates, and is cumulated annually and quinquennially.
 Annual reports have the disadvantage, of course, of appearing only once a year.
víspera de Año Nuevo 
New Year's Eve
 The New Year's Eve edition of the New York Times asserted that Argentines and Nicaraguans helped U.S.-trained Honduran troops to kill leftists in the 1980s.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra año



El término «año» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 99 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «año» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de año
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «año».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «año» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «año» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre año



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra año.
André Maurois
Un lector apasionado debe tener una biblioteca limitada, y releer cada año los mismos libros.
Nadie es tan viejo que no crea poder vivir otro año más.
Un granjero siempre se hará rico el año que viene.
Hans Christian Andersen
El libro de la naturaleza alcanza cada año una nueva tirada.
Horace Walpole
El año que viene es una pompa de jabón que tal vez estalle antes de llegar a nosotros.
Isaac Asimov
Si cada año estuviéramos ciegos por un día, gozaríamos en los restantes trescientos sesenta y cuatro.
Si te paras a contar los días de sol y los nublados en el año, verás que los días serenos han sido los más.
Proverbio Chino
Si haces planes para un año, siembra arroz. Si los haces por dos lustros, planta árboles. Si los haces para toda la vida, educa a una persona.
Rabindranath Tagore
Se va la juventud año tras año; los días de primavera son fugaces y las frágiles flores mueren pronto. El sabio nos advierte que la vida es tan sólo una gota de rocío en una hoja de loto.
Ralph W. Emerson
Grabad esto en vuestro corazón: cada día es el mejor del año.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término año.
Al cabo de un año, el perro se parece a su amo.
Helada en abril, hambre todo el año.
Por una vieja que murió, todo el año pestilencia.
Que va a Santa Coloma, en un año va y en otro torna.
Tal día hizo un año, ni para mi provecho ni para mi daño.
La probabilidad de hacer mal se encuentra cien veces al día; la de hacer bien una vez al año.
Año bisiesto, vende la hoja y quema el cesto.
Año de muchas espigas, anuncio de buenas migas.
Año de peras, nunca lo veas.
Año malo, panadera en todo cabo.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de año en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con año y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Luis Marigómez nació en Nava de la Asunción (Segovia) en 1957.
Luis Marigómez, 2008
Más joven cada año:
An evolutionary health program based on the idea that instead of looking forward to decades of pain as the body slowly deteriorates, it's possible to live as if you were 50, maybe even younger, for the rest of your life.
Chris Crowley, Henry S. Lodge, 2006
Predique por un Año
This series is part of the collection of Distinguished Resources from Portavoz.
Roger Campbell, 2009
El año I de la revolución rusa
La interpretación y análisis, así como el reconocido talento de escritor y narrador de Victor Serge, convierten a esta obra en uno de los frescos históricos más bellos de la epopeya del siglo xx.
Victor Serge, 1999
Einstein 1905: un año milagroso: cinco artículos que ...
En la maraña de sucesos y personajes que nutren la historia de la ciencia se han conocido momentos muy singulares de los que han surgido cambios revolucionarios. 1905 fue uno de esos hitos.
John Stachel, 2001
Un año para toda la vida
Mariela Michelena, cuya actividad clínica le ha permitido observar de cerca a muchos bebes y a muchas madres, no pretende con este libro ofrecer un manual de puericultura ni un recetario psicológico, sino acompañar a cualquier mamá, ...
Mariela Michelena, 2011
El año que trafiqué con mujeres
Estúpido de mí, en ese momento no podía ni imaginar que, menos de un año después, yo mismo sería capaz de negociar la compra de niñas indígenas de trece años para subastar su virginidad en mis supuestos prostíbulos españoles ...
Antonio Salas, 2010
Predique por un Año Seis
"The sixth volume in the very popular series of sermon outlines is now available in Spanish and provides 104 sermon outlines, sufficient for two sermons each Sunday for the year. "
Roger F. Campbell, 2005
El año I de la era ecológica
Creemos esas fuerzas y seguirán las soluciones.” Tenemos herramientas formidables para poner un dique al hambre y salvar la Tierra. Lo que nos falta es una voluntad común.» Nicolas Hulot
Edgar Morin, Nicolas Hulot, 2008
1925. Historias de un año sin historia
1925, un año sin mayor significación, es celebrado por Félix Luna en este libro diferente a los que integran su vasta obra. «1925» es un deleite para la lectura por los diversos personajes, lo variopinto de los lenguajes usados, el ...
Félix Luna,, 2011


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término año en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Gente de Zona, "los artistas del año" en los Premios Billboard
Gente de Zona y Marc Anthony ganaron con "La gozadera" el premio a Canción Tropical del año. Con esta canción el dúo cubano también se coronó como ... «Martí Noticias, Abr 16»
Año bisiesto ¿Qué es y por qué existe?
Al emperador Julio César se le ocurrió crear el año bisiesto. Si cada año nosotros contamos esos 365 días, perdemos esas 5 horas que deberemos recuperar. «EL PAÍS, Feb 16»
Papa pide suspender ejecuciones en el Año de la Misericordia
El papa Francisco pidió el domingo a los gobernantes de los países que aún aplican la pena de muerte suspender las ejecuciones durante este año de Jubileo ... «, Feb 16»
Grammy 2016: La reñida pelea por la canción del año
Grammy 2016: La reñida pelea por la canción del año. La categoría enfrentará a los dos artistas más nominados: la ídola pop Taylor Swift y Kendrick Lamar, ... «LaTercera, Feb 16»
Cam Newton fue elegido MVP del año en la NFL
El Regreso del Año fue para el profundo de Kansas City, Eric Berry, que en 2014 no pudo jugar para combatir el Linfoma de Hodgkin (un cáncer del sistema ... «La Opinión, Feb 16»
Todo listo para celebrar el Año Nuevo chino: 2016, el año del Mono ...
En cambio en el año del mono se espera un auténtico baby boom en el país. No ya tanto por las supersticiones sino por el cambio en la política del hijo único ... «, Feb 16»
Agresiones sexuales en masa en la noche de Año Nuevo horrorizan ...
Una multitud en los alrededores de la catedral y la estación de tren en Colonia (Alemania) el pasado 31 de diciembre. En la víspera de Año Nuevo, docenas de ... «Clarí, Ene 16»
Hermanos mellizos nacieron en distinto día y año
"Es una gran bendición tener dos nuevos hijos, un niño y una niña, para el Año Nuevo", dijo Luis, según lo publicado por ABC. La pareja también tiene otra hija, ... «Clarí, Ene 16»
Enorme incendio en un rascacielos de Dubai poco antes de año ...
Un gran incendio se desató en un rascacielos en el centro de Dubai, cerca del lugar donde se tenía que efectuar un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales por fin de ... «BBC Mundo, Ene 16»
El Papa incluye a una 'reina maga' en la misa de Año Nuevo del ...
... iniciativa del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. La tradicional misa que cada primer día del año se celebra en el Vaticano también ha contado con una 'reina maga'. «, Ene 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Año [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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