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" La mejor fuente de información son las personas que han prometido no contárselo a otros."
Marcel Mart

Significado de "información" en el diccionario de español



La palabra información procede del latín informatĭo, -ōnis.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


in · for · ma · ción

Información es una palabra aguda de 4 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Información es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



En sentido general, la información es un conjunto organizado de datos procesados, que constituyen un mensaje que cambia el estado de conocimiento del sujeto o sistema que recibe dicho mensaje. Para Gilles Deleuze, la información es un sistema de control, en tanto que es la propagación de consignas que deberíamos de creer o hacer que creemos. En tal sentido la información es un conjunto organizado de datos capaz de cambiar el estado de conocimiento en el sentido de las consignas trasmitidas. Los datos sensoriales una vez percibidos y procesados constituyen una información que cambia el estado de conocimiento, eso permite a los individuos o sistemas que poseen dicho estado nuevo de conocimiento tomar decisiones pertinentes acordes a dicho conocimiento. Desde el punto de vista de la ciencia de la computación, la información es un conocimiento explícito extraído por seres vivos o sistemas expertos como resultado de interacción con el entorno o percepciones sensibles del mismo entorno.

definición de información en el diccionario español

La primera definición de información en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es acción y efecto de informar. Otro significado de información en el diccionario es oficina donde se informa sobre algo. Información es también averiguación jurídica y legal de un hecho o delito.


actualización · administración · alimentación · aplicación · asociación · calificación · capacitación · clasificación · computación · comunicación · continuación · cotización · creación · decoración · duración · educación · fabricación · formación · fundación · habitación


infopista · informado · informador · informadora · informal · informalidad · informalismo · informalista · informalmente · informante · informar · informática · informático · informativa · informativista · informativo · informatización · informatizar · informe · informidad


aceptación · actuación · celebración · certificación · colaboración · combinación · instalación · investigación · navegación · operación · organización · participación · población · presentación · publicación · relación · reparación · reputación · situación · ubicación

Sinónimos y antónimos de información en el diccionario español de sinónimos



información · parlamentaria · génica · tratamiento · pobreza · genética · privilegiada · sangre · dominio · derecho · fuentes · sentido · general · conjunto · organizado · datos · procesados · constituyen · mensaje · cambia · estado · conocimiento · sujeto · primera · lengua · española · acción · efecto · informar · otro · oficina · donde · informa · sobre · algo · información · también · averiguación · jurídica · legal · hecho · delito · tecnologías · comunicación · quizás · magnificó · posible · pero · sirvió · mundo · entero · diese · cuenta · estamos · inmersos · sociedad · así · dependencia · tenemos · dirección · gestión · empresa · periodística · influencia · social · guía · estratégica · primer · libro · introduce · explica · conceptos · económicos · necesarios · navegar · economía · seguridad · redes · informática · investigación · mercados · métodos · recogida · análisis · recoge · adquisición · teoría · práctica · muestreo · valoración ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de información a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de información a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de información presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de información en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

tin tức
80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de información en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

dar información
dar información 
  provide + information ; give + information ; release + information.
 These indicators provide additional information about each field and again are identified for each field in the Appendix of the BiblioFile User Guide.
 Several pages of entries under one keyword are very discouraging, especially if the titles give insufficient information for some documents to be rapidly rejected.
 Research in developing countries into armament and disarmament is hampered by the reluctance of governments to release information.
  data [datum, -sing.] ; datum [data, -pl.] ; details ; information ; informativeness ; piece of information ; info ; information coverage ; field data ; bit of information.
 Statistical tabular and numerical abstract are a means of summarising numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.
 Thus, having entered the authority datum correctly once, we could be sure that no matter how many bibliographic records used it they would all do so with mechanical consistency.
 With minimum authorization, details of the circulation and order records are not displayed.
 Thus, the subject approach is extremely important in the access to and the exploitation of information, documents and data.
 The informativeness of the index depends upon the information contents of the titles that comprise the index.
 On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.
 The article is entitled 'CD-ROM reader as info walkman'.
 Serious attention should be given to the coordination and improvement of bibliographic control at a national level to avoid duplication of effort and gaps in information coverage.
 This paper discusses the technological revolution in field data collection systems for health sciences.
 Outside the portacabin there is a board with a few useful bits of information, such as the temperature of the water, visibility, and opening/closing times.
abuso de información confidencial  
insider trading
insider dealing
 Gambling creates problems such as the sale of lottery tickets to minors and those who cannot afford it, and encourages unlawful practices such as theft and insider trading.
 In addition, he suggests that the City men who made the markets spin exploited the gullible through insider dealing and rigged markets.
abuso de información privilegiada  
insider trading
insider dealing
 Gambling creates problems such as the sale of lottery tickets to minors and those who cannot afford it, and encourages unlawful practices such as theft and insider trading.
 In addition, he suggests that the City men who made the markets spin exploited the gullible through insider dealing and rigged markets.
acceso a la información por el autor 
author approach
 The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
acceso a la información por el título 
title approach
 The title approach to documents and the information that they contain arises in a variety of different contexts.
acceso a la información por la materia   [Dícese de aquel área de la biblioteconomía que engloba el tratamiento de la información desde el punto de vista de su contenido temático]
subject approach to information
subject approach
 Some aspects of the creation of a good alphabetical subject index, whether it be printed or machine-held, are common to any subject approach to information.
 This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.
actuación relacionada con la información 
information action
 The results of these polls can often be used as a basis for further information action.
ADONIS (Distribución automática de documentos a través de sistemas de informacion en red) 
ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Information Systems)
 This article gives a history of ADONIS (Automated Document Delivery Over Networked Inforion Systems) project from the late 1970s to its inauguration in 1987.
agencia de información 
information agency
 The public library can overcome its public image as a solely lending service and effectively promote itself as an information agency.
AGRIS (Sistema Internacional de Información sobre Agricultura)  [Base de datos de agricultura]
AGRIS (International Agricultural Information System)
 AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
aldea mundial de la información, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
global information village, the
 The huge economic problems faced by many countries in the world may result in a very slow growth in the number of connections to the international network, but to have any hope in sharing in the benefits of the global information village those connections will be vital.
alfabetización en información  [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita]
information literacy
 This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.
alfabeto en información 
information literate [information-literate]
 University library users need to become information-, computer-, and library-literate.
almacenamiento de la información  [Proceso de introducir datos en un fichero para su retención temporal o permanente y su posterior recuperación]
information storage
 The function of a thesaurus is to provide a standardized vocabulary for information storage and retrieval systems.
almacenamiento y recuperación automatizada de la información 
computerised information retrieval and storage
 This article reviews some of the new technological developments that are becoming available for computerised information storage and retrieval.
almacenamiento y recuperación de la información 
information storage and retrieval (ISR)
 The author characterises several categories of microcomputer software for information storage and retrieval (ISR).
analfabetismo en información 
information illiteracy
 Information illiteracy will be a key threat to prosperity and social inclusion in the knowledge society.
aparato para el uso de la información 
information appliance
 While information appliances will proliferate, they will not lessen the perception of an exasperating electronic environment.
aplicaciones para la información 
information solutions
 They provide pharmaceutical and medical supplies and information solutions as well as services and automation.
área de información  [Sección principal de la pantalla de monitor que utiliza DOBIS/LIBIS, paquete de automatización de bibliotecas, para presentarle al usuario la información solicitada]
communications area
 The note from the prediction pattern is displayed at the bottom of the communications area.
asesor de información 
information consultant
 The image of the librarian as clerk or custodian must change to one of information consultant if the profession is to survive.
asesoría y oficina de información itinerante en furgón 
mobile information and advice van
 However, it is hard to draw any definite conclusions about mobile information and advice vans as the evidence appears so contradictory.
Asociación Nacional de Oficinas de Información al Consumidor (NACAB) 
National Association of Citizens' Advice Bureaux (NACAB)
 Although each CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau) is independent, they must be members of the National Association of Advice Bureaux (NACAB), which lays down certain minimum standards for the registration of bureaux.
ASTINFO (Red Regional para el Intercambio de Información y Experiencias de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Asia y el Pacífico) 
ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific)
 The overall approach should be in line with the philosophy of ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific).
atender una petición de información 
satisfy + request for information
 In the attempt to satisfy your particular request for information, you would not expect to have to examine every document in that collection.
auditoría de la información  [Análisis y evaluación de los productos, servicios y fuentes de información existentes en una institución con la idea de desarrollar una estrategia que permita un marketing, uso, promoción o preparación más eficaz y efectivo]  [Análisis y evaluación de los productos, servicios y fuentes de información existentes en una institución con la idea de desarrollar una estrategia que permita un marketing, uso, promoción o preparación más eficaz y efectivo]
information audit
information auditing
 This article describes a framework for an information audit which records the decision-making chain used when designing, evaluating and implementing a new automated information system.
 Such information auditing is particularly important in science and technology information centres since it is here that the optimization of the resources is needed the most.
auditoría de sistemas de información  
information systems auditing
information systems audit
 This course explores the principles, history, and ongoing challenges of information systems auditing.
 As an information systems audit professional, one should keep abreast of all business developments, new threats and the latest technology for information.
autopista de la información  [Red de comunicaciones universal]
information highway
 At the same time that these governmental initiatives are being planned and executed, there is yet another 'information highway' developing.
basado en la información  
 For instance, a public library service might be said to have a 40:60 split in the provision of information and/or cultural materials, while an industrial library will be wholly information-based.
 Such information-intensive industries are highly vulnerable to trade barriers and protectionism.
base de datos con información confidencial 
intelligence database
 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.
BLAISE (Servicio de Información Automatizada de la Biblioteca Británica) 
BLAISE (British Library Automated Information Service)
 BLAISE, the British Library Automated Information Service, became operational in 1977.
bloque funcional de información descriptiva 
descriptive information block
 In UNIMARC the descriptive information block, block 2 - , contains those areas covered by the ISBD with the exception of notes and standard numbers.
broker de información  [Organismo, a veces una persona, que se dedica a localizar, recuperar y ofrecer información sobre cualquier materia y que cobra por ello]  [Organismo, a veces una persona, que se dedica a localizar, recuperar y ofrecer información sobre cualquier materia y que cobra por ello]
information broker
 An information broker is a commercial organization, sometimes an individual, that undertakes to locate, retrieve and provide information about any subject.
 This article sets out the advantages of using a broker especially one who is conversant with the intricacies of intellectual property.
buscador de información  
information seeker
 Their effective operation is not immediately obvious to the uninitiated and the cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
 Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.
buscar información  
mine + information
seek + information
 This article explores the appropriateness of the search paradigm as a framework for harvesting and mining information needed to make legal arguments.
 In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, New York, on 11th September 2001, the main World Wide Web based news Web sites were jammed by users seeking information.
búsqueda de información   
quest for + information
information seeking
 Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.
 Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.
 Information seeking in electronic environments will become a collaboration among end user and various electronic systems such that users leverage their heuristic power and machines leverage algorithmic power.
cadena de la información, la  [Etapas por las que pasa la información desde su creación hasta su difusión]
information chain, the
 After listing alarming trends in the publishing industry, cooperation by librarians and publishers in the information chain is recommended.
cadena de la información 
information provision chain, the
 Videodiscs are a medium which could lead to an undermining of the vendor's position in the information-provision chain.
campo de información 
data field
 In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 - , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.
capacidad de interpretar información espacial 
spatial literacy
 A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.
capacidad de interpretar información estadística 
statistical literacy
 A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.
capacidad de interpretar información gráfica 
graphic literacy
 Graphic literacy is the ability to understand, interpret, and analyze data represented graphically.
capacidad de manejar la información 
information handling
 Considerable progress has been made in the area of information handling.
cargar información 
load + information
 This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.
centro coordinador de información  [Organismo cuya tarea es la de recoger, conservar, difundir y hacer disponible documentos e información sobre estudios e investigaciones completadas, propuestas o en curso así como enviar a los usuarios a otras fuentes de información]
clearinghouse [clearing house]
 A clearing house is an organization with the tasks of collecting, preserving and making known and available documents and data relating to studies and research projects either completed, proposed or in progress as well as for guiding users to other sources of information.
centro de análisis de la información  [Organismo responsable de analizar, evaluar, condensar, sintetizar, volcar a nuevo soporte y diseminar el contenido de documentos y la calidad de la información de experimentos, investigaciones, avances, pruebas e ingeniería, y de resumir e dar a conocer esas evaluaciones]
information analysis centre
 An information analysis centre is an organization responsible for analyzing, evaluating, condensing, synthesizing, repackaging and the dissemination of the contents of documents and the quality of information derived from experiments, research, development, tests and engineering, and for summarizing and reporting such evaluation.
centro de información   [Organismo que lleva a cabo funciones de documentación y de gestión y difusión de información en diferente grado]
information agency
information centre
 The public library can overcome its public image as a solely lending service and effectively promote itself as an information agency.
 Thus, UDC has been extensively employed in special libraries and information centres in locations all over the world since the early 1900s.
Centro de Información al Ciudadano 
Public Information Center (PIC)
 The implementation of the Public Information Center (PIC) concept was agreed by the library administration in 1970 but seemed doomed from the start.
centro de información ciudadana  
community information centre
neighbourhood information centre (NIC)
 To their shame, public libraries did not invent such services despite their claim for generations to be 'a community information centre'.
 The Kahn report saw NICs (neighbourhood information centers) as 'social utilities comparable to the general public utilities (gas, electric, phone) and public services (post office, water supply) which are recognized as vital to the adequate functioning of the individual, the family and the neighborhood in modern society' = El informa Kahn consideraba que los centros de información ciudadana son "empresas de servicio social comparables a las empresas de servicio público generales (el gas, la electricidad, el teléfono) y a los servicios públicos (correos, abastecimiento de agua) que se reconocen que son vitales para el funcionamiento adecuado del indivudo, la familia y la vecindad en la sociedad moderna" .
centro de información laboral 
job information centre
 The library responds to community problems with specialized services, such as a job information centre.
centro de información sectorial 
sectoral information centre
 The objectives, structure, present and proposed sectoral information centres for science and technology in India are described.
Centro de Información sobre el Ayuntamiento  [Servicio de información sobre todas las cuestiones relativas al gobierno de la ciudad que es típico de los países escandinavos]
Kommune Information Centre
 Thus a Kommune Information Centre may well be one providing information about the local authority and should not be equated with 'community information centre'.
centro especializado de proceso de información  [Organismo cuya tarea es la de recoger, conservar, difundir y hacer disponible documentos e información sobre estudios e investigaciones completadas, propuestas o en curso así como enviar a los usuarios a otras fuentes de información]
clearinghouse [clearing house]
 A clearing house is an organization with the tasks of collecting, preserving and making known and available documents and data relating to studies and research projects either completed, proposed or in progress as well as for guiding users to other sources of information.
centro municipal de información  [Centro de información sobre el municipio y los servicios que ofrece]
local authority information outlet
 Most of the other local authority information outlets involve bulletins or news-sheets distributed free of charge.
circuito de la información, el  [Etapas por las que pasa la información desde su creación hasta su difusión]
information chain, the
 After listing alarming trends in the publishing industry, cooperation by librarians and publishers in the information chain is recommended.
circuito de la información 
information provision chain, the
 Videodiscs are a medium which could lead to an undermining of the vendor's position in the information-provision chain.
circulación de la información 
flow of information
 Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
comercialización de la información   
information brokerage
information broking
information brokering
 There are public and private sector organisations involved in information brokerage, and there seem to be prospects for further growth in this area.
 The essence of information broking is acting as an interface between the client and a multiplicity of information resources.
 The article 'The clouded crystal ball and the library profession' explains how the concepts of knowledge utilisation and information brokering are beginning to have an impact on the definition of the librarian's role.
Comité Conjunto para Sistemas de Información (JISC)  [En el Reino Unido, comisión encargada de coordinar los temas relacionados con la información electrónica en la educación superior]
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
 The author describes the role of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the development of a UK national electronic library for higher education users.
compañía dedicada a la información 
information company
 The author presents a view of portal sites as a radically different model from those currently embraced by traditional information companies.
competencias de información  [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita]
information literacy
 This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.
competencias en información  [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita]
information literacy
 This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.
compilador de información 
information gatherer
 Facsimile technology is becoming more accessible for the information gatherer.
comportamiento de búsqueda de información 
information-seeking behaviour
 How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.
compresión de información  [Técnica utilizada en informática para reducir el espacio utilizado por la información]
data compression
 Data compression is a technique for the reduction of the intrinsic redundancy in data representation to reduce data storage requirements and data transfer costs.
concienciar a Alguien de la importancia de la información 
raise + information awareness
 It is hoped that this will raise the information awareness of society and in turn speed the country's economic growth.
con conocimiento básico en el manejo de la información 
information literate [information-literate]
 University library users need to become information-, computer-, and library-literate.
con información 
 Non-book media is defined as information-bearing media which are not in the form of a book such as visual images, geographical artifacts, three-dimensional objects, music scores and recorded sound and microfilms.
con mucha información 
 New users of the directory, quite reasonably, expect a fully populated directory with all information accessible at high-speed.
conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de la información  [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita]
information literacy
 This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.
conocimientos en el manejo de la información 
 The article is entitled 'Turning techno-savvy into info-savvy: authentically integrating information literacy into the college curriculum'.
consciente de la importancia de la información 
information conscious
 The main findings are that civil engineers are, relatively speaking, not information conscious.
consumo de información 
consumption of information
 The subject of copyright affects everyone involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of information, from authors and publishers to school librarians and students.
contener información 
carry + information
 These Internet resources carry information of broad public interest.
contenido de la información 
information content
 Several features that need to be addressed include storage capacity, quality and accessibility of information content, information retrieval speed, economic factors, contract stipulations, workstation configurations, system security, and new staff training requirements.
conversión de información  [Trasvase de información de una forma de representación a otra según unas reglas concretas y sin pérdida de significado]
data conversion
 Data conversion consists of the changing of data from one form of representation to another, according to specified rules, completely preserving the meaning of the data.
crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, el  [Expresión utilizada para describir el aumento tan repentino de la información que hay disponible en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information explosion, the
 In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.
CRISP (Recuperación Automatizada de Información sobre Proyectos Científicos) 
CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects)
 CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) is a large data base maintained and operated by the National Institutes of Health, Maryland.
Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información 
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
 The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was a pair of United Nations-sponsored conferences about information, communication and, in broad terms, the information society that took place in 2003 in Geneva and in 2005 in Tunis.
cursos de gestión de información 
management course
 And it can be used in management courses in schools of library and information science, but also in less formal settings, such as workshops, conferences, in-service training programs, and the like.
dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente 
trot out + information
 The central section of the movie becomes bogged down by detective work that trots out a great deal of confusing plot information.
dar información   
provide + information
give + information
release + information
 These indicators provide additional information about each field and again are identified for each field in the Appendix of the BiblioFile User Guide.
 Several pages of entries under one keyword are very discouraging, especially if the titles give insufficient information for some documents to be rapidly rejected.
 Research in developing countries into armament and disarmament is hampered by the reluctance of governments to release information.
dar información adicional 
give + further details
 Further details are given as to the form of each of these components.
dar información de 
give + details of
 Each book has a book pocket permanently fixed inside the cover and on which are given details of the book.
derecho de acceso a la información 
right of access to information
 The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.
descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de información que en principio no es obvia]
knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
 Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) aims at identifying new knowledge about an application domain using the domain data stored in a database.
destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca 
library research skills
 This article describes the problems and successes encountered in the use of an interactive video system for teaching basic library research skills.
destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información 
information skills
 There is no doubt that IT has transformed attitudes and heightened the awareness of academics towards the significance of inculcating information skills = No hay duda de que la TI ha transformado las actitudes y ha hecho que los académicos sean más consciente de la importancia de inculcar las destrezas relacionadas con la información.
destrezas relacionadas con la información 
information skills
 There is no doubt that IT has transformed attitudes and heightened the awareness of academics towards the significance of inculcating information skills = No hay duda de que la TI ha transformado las actitudes y ha hecho que los académicos sean más consciente de la importancia de inculcar las destrezas relacionadas con la información.
difundir información 
hand out + information
 The whole issue is important because of the consequences of handing out inaccurate information.
difusión de información   
information provision
provision of information
dissemination of information
 He ended by calling for a national policy on information provision, more research into information needs and the effectiveness of current provision and an exploration of new ways to provide information.
 The World Health Organisation's document 'Health for all in year 2000' stresses prevention, which necessitates the public's active involvement and adequate provision of information for patients.
 The dissemination of information by local government is a multi-layered, complex operation.
difusión de la información  
information diffusion
information dissemination
 In addition, 4 major issues are presented regarding information diffusion: logical vs. emotional appeals, one-sided vs two-sided arguments, and order of presentation.
 It is becoming urgently necessary for libraries to take a decision as to their role in information dissemination.
difusión selectiva de la información  [Servicio facilitado por un centro de información, mediante el que se comunica periódicamente al usuario las referencias de nuevos documentos relacionados con su campo de trabajo, seleccionadas a partir de las descripciones de todos los documentos recibidos en un período dado]
SDI (selective dissemination of information)
 SDI is a current-awareness service geared towards the individual: each person receives a unique set of document notifications which should coincide with his special interests.
difusor de información 
information disseminator
 The heightened level of community awareness has led some local authorities to take the initiative and to become information disseminators in their own right.
dirigir información a 
direct + information towards
 Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.
disco con información  
data diskette
data disk
 The 'Recover Data Index' utility attempts to reconstruct a data diskette that for some reason has become unreadable to the system.
 As has been suggested elsewhere in this book, it is axiomatic that regular backup copies of data disks be taken, in order to ensure that data are not accidentally lost.
dispositivo de entrada de información mediante la voz 
voice input device
 There is, however, an increasing range of other devices to convert data to digital form: optical and magnetic document (character) readers, laser scanners, graphic tablets and digitizers, voice input devices, analogue-to-digital converters, telecommunication modems, etc.
distribución de información  
content distribution
content delivery
 The increasing popularity of multimedia streaming applications introduces new challenges in content distribution.
 Users come to expect personalization of the information and greater management of the content delivery.
distribución de información por suscripción 
 You can set up outbound syndication for your Web site and expose your content to the world in one afternoon using an XML technology called RSS.
distribuidor de información  [En Internet, generalmente empresa que se dedica comercialmente a ofrecer información]
information provider
 This paper deals with the advantages of optical publishing for information providers and traditional publishers, and how they can avail themselves of the technology.
distribuidor de información en línea  
online host
 Hosts also offer various support services such as manuals, search aids and training facilities.
 The article 'Online, past, present and future: repetition, reinvention, or reincarnation? offers advice to online hosts and databases producers for dealing with future trends.
dosier de información  [Paquete de objetos e información sobre un tema concreto] 
topic pack
package of information
 In addition to providing books the staff have introduced topic packs which are used for group discussion, and take to the elderly persons' homes old but familiar household objects which can stimulate reminiscences.
 Some libraries are developing packages of information for specific community groups.
dosiers de información para el público  [Conjunto de documentación sobre un tema específico, preparado por la biblioteca y a disposición del usuario sin necesidad de devolverlo]
self-help pack of information
 Allied to these sections were the compilation of self-help packs of information, each dealing with a particular problem or area of enquiry, eg buying or selling a house, one parent families, legal aid, redundancy etc.
ecología de la información  [Información vista desde la perspectiva tanto de la tecnología que se utiliza como de los valores de la gente que la usa en un contexto determinado]
information ecology
 Information ecologies are systems of people, technologies and values within local environments.
economía de la información  [Contribución que la información realiza a la economía de una institución o nación]
information economy
 Publishers must begin now to plan for a complete economic restructuring of the information economy.
elaborar información 
digest + information
 In many industrial and governmental libraries this kind of 'repackaging' is often an absolute requirement of the clients, who may with certain enquiries expect the librarian to select and digest the raw information for them as a matter of routine.
empresa de servicios de información  [Organismo, a veces una persona, que se dedica a localizar, recuperar y ofrecer información sobre cualquier materia y que cobra por ello]  [Organismo, a veces una persona, que se dedica a localizar, recuperar y ofrecer información sobre cualquier materia y que cobra por ello] 
information broker
information broking
 An information broker is a commercial organization, sometimes an individual, that undertakes to locate, retrieve and provide information about any subject.
 This article sets out the advantages of using a broker especially one who is conversant with the intricacies of intellectual property.
 The essence of information broking is acting as an interface between the client and a multiplicity of information resources.
empresario de la información 
 Infopreneurs are entrepreneurs who work exclusively with information.
encargado de la tecnología de la información 
information technologist
 However, to realize this potential, scientists and information technologists must forge new models of cooperation.
encontrar información 
dredge up + information
 It is never, however, easy to dredge up information on the exact scope of ephemera collections.
enseñanza en la búsqueda de información 
information instruction
 Results of a survey are discussed and show that chemistry departments face major obstacles in implementing information instruction.
enviar información a 
direct + output
 For example, enter SET PRINT COM2 if you want to direct output to a serial printer that is connected to the COM2 port of your computer.
enviar información de un modo automático 
push + information
 The information pushed from a server to a user actually comes as the result of a programmed request from the user.
envío de información por suscripción  [Aplicado generalmente a la web]
syndication feed
 However, the most popular syndication feed is RSS, and its development has been marked by in-fighting among those most interested in it.
era de la información 
information era
 Like the popular image of a prehistoric iceman taken from a glacier and warmed back to life, libraries were startled awake to a new information era = Como la imagen popular de un hombre prehistórico de la edad del hielo sacado de un glaciar y devuelto a la vida, las bibliotecas se despertaron sobresaltadas en una nueva era de la información.
era de la información, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information age, the
 Together we need to face up to the challenges of the Information Age.
escasez de información  
information scarcity
information underload
 This new partnership relation will make it possible for people to overcome both information scarcity and overload.
 This system tackles the problems of both information overload and underload.
esfera de la información, la 
infosphere, the
 A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere.
especialista de la información 
information specialist
 The results are seen in information specialists lacking in sensitivity in the implementation and exploitation of computer-mediated information systems.
estrategia de búsqueda de información 
information seeking pattern
 The information seeking patterns of a variety of academic social scientists were broken down into 6 characteristics: starting; chaining; browsing; differentiating; monitoring; and extracting.
estrategia de gestión de la información 
information management strategy
 As information now has a dominant role in society, an information management strategy has to be developed and integrated into the existing corporate structure.
exceso de información 
information overload
 The 1st of these problems is information overload caused by the proliferation of available data and publications.
explosión de la información, la  [Expresión utilizada para describir el aumento tan repentino de la información que hay disponible en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information explosion, the
 In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.
extracción de información (EI) 
information extraction (IE)
 Information extraction (IE) may be defined as the activity of extracting information about a pre-specified set of entities, relations or events from natural language texts and to record this information in structured representations called templates.
falta de información 
lack of information
 It is surprising, therefore, that people still talk about a lack of information on the European Community.
filtración de información 
leakage of information
 This article discusses whether national security would actually be endangered by a lack of exchange and communication of scientific ideas, and how extensive is the leakage of national security information in academia.
fórmula para la medición de la información de Brillouin 
Brillouin's information measure
 The Brillouin measure of an author's importance to a subject literature relates closely to that author's total contribution to the literature.
formulario de recogida de información 
data collection form
 Each data collection form is seen as an independent information holder, irrespective of the actual data it contains.
formulario para el envío de información 
submission form
 In another case, the library offered several interactive features, including online submission forms for music, book, and movie reviews and creative writing and artwork = En otro caso, la biblioteca ofrecía varios servicios interactivos, incluidos formularios electrónicos para el envío de reseñas sobre música, libros y películas y composiciones originales.
fuente de información   [Lugar donde se guarda información]  
information source
information store
source of information
source of data
 In talking about a subject we generally refer to a given area of knowledge, or to the contents of an information source of a given scope.
 It is obviously impracticable to search the entire information store in the satisfaction of a particular request for information.
 In general, the series statement is a source of information about the authority, approach and intention of the content of a document.
 The major sources of data are bibliographies and citations.
fuente de información electrónica 
electronic information source
 The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources = Los continuos cambios de nuestro entorno están obligando a muchos bibliotecarios a encontrar nuevas estrategias para guiar a los investigadores por el laberinto de las fuentes de información electrónicas.
fuente principal de información  [Fuente de los datos bibliográficos a la que se le da preferencia para confeccionar la descripción bibliográfica de una obra]
chief source of information
 The chief source of information is the source of bibliographic data to be given first preference as the source from which a bibliographic description (or portion thereof) is prepared.
fuentes de información 
information base
 The article 'Fluidity and intangibility: the stunning impact of an expanded information base' examines the concept of the expanded information base and resulting changes which will greatly affect librarians and their libraries.
gestionar información 
handle + information
 Provided that the methods taught are applied rigorously, the student gets a good grounding in elementary research methods and he learns to handle information.
gestión de la información  
information management
information handling
 After introducing the institutional framework of standardisation, the scope of applications is described, including library and office automation, information management and documentation.
 Considerable progress has been made in the area of information handling.
Gestión de los Recursos de Información (IRM)  [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para mejorar el almacenamiento y recuperación de la información y sus distintos tipos de soporte en una organización]
Information Resources Management (IRM)
 Information Resources Management (IRM) can put an organisation in a unique position to focus its internal and external information resources on the achievement of its mission or competitive advantage.
gestor de información 
information software package
 The Institute was made a distribution centre for UNESCO's information software package CDS/ISIS = El Instituto pasó a ser centro de distribución del gestor de información CDS/ISIS de la UNESCO .
gestor de la información  
information manager
information handler
 The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.
 New technologies are making long-cherished concepts held by all information handlers - librarians, archivists, record managers - seem mere provincialisms rather than sacred theory or immutable principles.
guerra de la información 
information warfare
 This article deals with the effect on libraries of the Internet, including the changing roles of librarians; information warfare, i.e. the role of electronic information and information systems in warfare, and of military information in peacetime; and enhanced interfaces to databases.
guía de fuentes de información 
 The author presents a pathfinder (a bibliography-cum-directory) arising out of research into the relationship between domestic violence and child custody.
hábito de búsqueda de información 
information-seeking habit
 A survey was carried out into the information needs and information-seeking habits of hospital physicians.
hacerse de información 
secure + information
 The alert interviewer may secure valuable unsolicited information as a by-product.
herramienta de recuperación de información 
retrieval tool
 In searching, a user will postcoordinate truncated keys derived from words in various elements of the entries, thereby making possible an extremely powerful retrieval tool.
herramienta para el uso de la información 
information appliance
 While information appliances will proliferate, they will not lessen the perception of an exasperating electronic environment.
herramienta para la gestión de la información 
information-managing tool
 This article examines opportunities for collaboration between specialists and research users in creating information-managing tools.
hoja con la información básica para Hacer Algo 
data sheet [datasheet]
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
industria de la información electrónica 
electronic information industry
 The quoted figures are used as a framework for a discussion of the dangers of overvaluing the electronic information industry.
industria de la información en línea, la  
online industry, the
online information industry, the
 The legal information market is one which is both large and virtually untapped by the online industry.
 The on-line information industry may be at risk from such moves.
industria de la información, la  [Término utilizado para referirse al conjunto de empresas que ofrecen empleo a documentalistas Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information industry, the
 The report suggests that structural changes within higher education and within the information industry affect the legitimacy, status, and territory of librarians' work.
información adicional  
further information
additional information
 Notes may give further information, therefore, about the title, author, edition, imprint, collation or series.
 Some additional information that might serve a user are descriptive notes, sources for obtaining the document, and price.
información administrativa 
management information
 A variety of the software packages which are available will support library housekeeping routines, such as: cataloguing, acquisitions and ordering, serials control, circulation control and management information.
información al consumidor   
consumer information
consumer advice
consumer affairs
 The recent closure of many CACs (Consumer Advice Centre) has seriously affected the availability of consumer information and advice.
 The information may range from the same kind as is available through teletext - news, stock market reports, weather forecast - to train timetables, what's on at the local cinema, or consumer advice.
 Such libraries now offer advice on benefits, employment, careers, housing, pensions, consumer affairs and other similar matters, or put people in touch with other sources.
información a modo de ejemplo 
sample data
 Sample data for the rest of the MARC record will be entered with the corresponding field indicator and subfield descriptions highlighted in the lower half of the screen.
información anterior al pedido  [Información bibliográfica relativa a un documento que se recoge antes de incluirlo en un pedido de tal modo que se pueda identificar de modo inequívoco]
preorder information
 The vendor's data base was not used as a source file for preorder information.
información a través de la voz 
voice information
 This article proposes that Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) can be used to educate groups of people by means of dialogue featuring an interactive exchange of textual, voice, graphic, and pictorial information.
información automatizada 
computerised information
 The US federal government is planning a super network or 'information superhighway' - the National Research and Education Network (NREN) - which will provide users with high speed access to enormous resources of computing power and enable them to exchange large quantities of computerised information.
información básica  
background information
background note
 For example, the child doing a project about birds will require books to give him background information, a record or cassette to let him hear a bird-song, and a film to help him to appreciate bird flight.
 Each section includes a background note, general information on library services and a detailed account of specific services.
información bibliográfica  
bibliographic data
bibliographic information
 Another interesting data base is BOOKS-INFO, a file of bibliographic data on books in print, from Brodart Inc.
 In a nutshell, I believe we must support all efforts to provide online computer access to bibliographic information.
Información Bibliográfica Automatizada (MARBI) 
MARBI (Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information)
 MARBI is an acronym for a committee with the strange but useful name ALA/RTSD/ISAD/RASD Interdivisional Committee on Representation of Bibliographic Information in Machine-Readable Form.
información bursátil  [Información diaria sobre el precio de las acciones de bolsa]
share prices
 Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.
información catalográfica 
cataloguing data
 Centralized cataloguing relates to a situation where one central agency assumes responsibility for the production of cataloguing data which is then made available to any library that may require it.
información científica  
scientific information
scholarly information
 They felt that they were increasingly at a disadvantage in not having the same access to the free flow of scientific information as the industrialized world.
 The author emphasises the importance of cooperation between publishers as producers and librarians as purchasers of scholarly information.
información científica y técnica 
scientific and technical information (STI)
 The importance of scientific and technical information (STI) to the research and development (R&D) and technological innovation processes is generally recognized.
información clínica 
clinical information
 The article is entitled 'Privacy in clinical information systems in secondary care'.
información comerciable  [Información por la que la gente paga dinero]
tradeable information
 A broad review of the UK information industry is followed by a discussion of the economics of tradeable information and data base publishing.
información comercial 
business information
 Information brokers are of use to organisations looking for industrial and business information.
información como artículo de consumo, la 
information commodity
 The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.
información como materia prima, la 
information commodity
 The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.
información complementaria   
supplementary information
further information
further details
 Last, a volume number or other supplementary information is requested.
 Notes may give further information, therefore, about the title, author, edition, imprint, collation or series.
 Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.
información comunitaria  [Información que contiene una biblioteca con objeto de ayudar al lector a desenvolverse mejor en la sociedad en la que vive, a disfrutar de sus derechos ciudadanos]
community information
 This paper reports a conference on present and future possibilities for interstate cooperation in the effective delivery of community information to citizens.
información confidencial   
inside information
confidential information
insider information
 The introductions to the chapters are by outstanding leaders in their fields who provide inside information about the nature of the work.
 This article outlines the new regulations concerning privacy, confidential information, computer fraud and intellectual and industrial property.
 Although it may be a bit thin in its use of standard academic sources of information, it is exceedingly strong on insider information and personal interviews.
información corporativa  [Información que una empresa recoge sobre sí misma para mejorar]
economic intelligence
 This is a comparative study of economic intelligence systems in Quebec, Canada, in European countries, in the US and in Japan.
información de agencia  [Cualquier material de prensa (información, tira cómica, fotografía, etc) que aparece en muchos periódicos a la vez, generalmente proporcionada por agencias de noticias]
syndicated matters
 The online version of a periodical might not include syndicated matters, obituaries, editorials or letters to the editor.
información de alojamiento 
housing information
 The author concentrates on the collection of housing information in the furnished rented housing market.
información de archivo 
archival information
 This article describes the major categories of information and problems relating to the use of audio recordings as archival information = Este artículo describe los tipos principales de información y problemas relacionados con el uso de las grabaciones en audio como información de archivo.
información de autoridades  
authority data
authority information
 I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.
 I did de-emphasize it, because authority information is not nearly as important in an online catalog as it is in a bookform catalog, where it is absolutely imperative to have it.
información de contacto  
contact details
contact information
 Contact details of suppliers of the materials used are given.
 The author discusses alternative approaches to identifying potential experts in North America as well as their contact information using the Internet.
información de existencias por bibliotecas 
local holdings information
 CATIE can be used to maintain local holdings information by editing existing records, deleting unneeded records and adding new records.
información de fuente fidedigna 
authoritative information
 Modern governments are prolific publishers of reliable and impartially authoritative information which deserves to be carefully studied.
información de gestión  
management data
management information
 Management data, such as numbers of items borrowed, funds expended in various directions, current awareness notifications followed up (that is, items borrowed after announcement), are very important to a library.
 A variety of the software packages which are available will support library housekeeping routines, such as: cataloguing, acquisitions and ordering, serials control, circulation control and management information.
información de novedades 
press release
 These press releases are useful as they can indicate which other authorities are working on the same lines so that contact can be made and experience and ideas shared.
información de ocio  [En Internet, término usado para referirse a noticias sobre temas de ocio en general]
 Electronic networks must become not just technological pipelines for marketing and infotainment, but a healthy circulatory system that regenerates all parts of the body of humanity.
información deportiva 
sporting news
 Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with current news events, weather and sporting news.
información de precios 
price information
 For price and order information, write or phone the address given above.
información de precios de productos para el consumo  [Información diaria sobre los precios de mercado de ciertos productos claves para el ama de casa]
retail prices
 Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.
información de supervivencia 
survival information
 The white, middle-class-oriented public library still very much neglects the survival information needs of the disadvantaged.
información de texto completo 
full-text information
 He predicts that the demand for on-line full-text information will rise due to the increased importance of information in national economics.
información de última hora 
news flash
 The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.
información digital   
digital information
digital data
digital content
 Rather than bemoan the inevitable loss of the distinctive characteristics of the print era, let us build on the extraordinary strengths of digital information to preserve the best of our heritage.
 A second new technology is digital video interactive (DVI) an all-digital integrated system which has the ability to display one hour of motion video from compressed digital data stored on a single, standard CD-ROM disc.
 The library will supply the digital content during the project.
información documentada 
documented information
 Many developments have taken place rendering the present documented information obsolete.
información documental  
documentary information
document information
 The author presents arguments in favour of automating libraries and documentary information.
 1037 Web objects were examined for data in 4 categories: document information; use of meta fields; use of images and use of chemical names.
información económica 
business news
 These systems provide as a free service a wide variety of regularly updated information under such headings as news, finance, business news, weather, travel, sport etc.
información electrónica  
electronic content [e-content]
electronic information
 The author questions whether the technology is available to ensure broad access to electronic content in a convenient form.
 High percentages of respondents of all kinds in all fields and types of institutions expressed comfort with electronic information.
información empresarial   
business information
company information
industry information
 Information brokers are of use to organisations looking for industrial and business information.
 The article 'The seas of change: new sources for company information' briefly describes two new company information data bases.
 Some of the most valuable industry information can be compiled from company directory databases.
información en defensa de las minorías 
affirmative information
 It is the proper function of New Zealand libraries to provide affirmative and empowering information to minority groups such as lesbians and gay men.
información en línea 
online information
 This RFC is being distributed to members of the Internet community in order to make available some 'hints' which will allow new network participants to understand how to acquire online information and how to be a good Internet neighbor.
información en soporte  [Información registrada en soporte documental]
recorded information
 Recorded information is information stored in, on or by a data medium.
información en su estado primario 
raw information
 In many industrial and governmental libraries this kind of 'repackaging' is often an absolute requirement of the clients, who may with certain enquiries expect the librarian to select and digest the raw information for them as a matter of routine.
información envasada 
packaged data
 The Library will continue to take initiative in providing packaged data such as the book forms of the National Union Catalog, Films and Other Materials for Projection, Chinese Cooperative Catalog, and Monographic Series.
información errónea   [En una base de datos, información que se ha introducido erróneamente, generalmente, por falta de mecanismos de control y comprobación]  
dirty data
misstatement [mis-statement]
 This article examines the legal implications of supplying negligent misinformation, which only arises outside of contractual relationships.
 This article 'The dark side of online information dirty data' discusses the problem of product defects (or dirty data) in on-line data bases.
 The author examines the risk which the law librarian runs in crossing the boundary between identifying sources of information and offering legal advice, by a consideration of the law with respect to the liability for negligent misstatement.
 Barriers to business researchers are lack of reliable official statistics and data sources, market immaturity, political interference in the information and communications industry, and corruption and misreporting in the stock market.
información específica  [Unidad básica de información con vistas al intercambio]
data element
 The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.
información estadística  
statistical data
 Management information is available for loan statistics.
 Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.
información estratégica 
strategic information
 The primary role of strategic information is to convince the receptor to make a decision favourable to the information provider (initiator).
información factual 
factual information
 Factual information, in the form of statistics, and full text will become more central.
información fiable 
accurate information
 Accurate, timely information is particularly important in the field of pharmaceutical marketing.
información general 
 Figure 16 on page 24 gives an overview of searching.
información geoespacial 
geospatial data
 Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data = En este traller de trabajo son de interés especial los interfaces para los siguientes tipos de recursos: documentos de texto, datos estadísticos, información multimedia, información geospacial y datos de la genómica y la proteómica.
información geográfica 
 The RLG has completed the design for a geoinformation control and retrieval system, GEODATA.
información gráfica 
graphic information
 This article proposes that Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) can be used to educate groups of people by means of dialogue featuring an interactive exchange of textual, voice, graphic, and pictorial information.
información gubernamental 
government information
 The private sector is under no obligation to make government information available to the public at an affordable price.
información indígena 
indigenous information
 I am aware as I begin this plenary paper that members of the library profession that are drawn to this presentation are most likely interested in the issues for managing indigenous information.
información industrial  
industrial information
industry information
 Information brokers are of use to organisations looking for industrial and business information.
 Some of the most valuable industry information can be compiled from company directory databases.
información legal 
legal information
 The documentation centre was assigned the task of organising a public service of legal information for legal experts.
información local  [Información que contiene una biblioteca con objeto de ayudar al lector a desenvolverse mejor en la sociedad en la que vive, a disfrutar de sus derechos ciudadanos] 
community information
local knowledge
 This paper reports a conference on present and future possibilities for interstate cooperation in the effective delivery of community information to citizens.
 Every person has the right to ask questions about his or her environment and the quest for local knowledge is not restricted to any age group or level.
información no codificada 
non-coded information
 All non-coded (textual) information which is not to be indexed is kept in the notes area of the record.
información numérica 
numeric data
 Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.
información obtenida a través de intermediarios 
mediated information
 A telephone survey of US daily newspapers show that mate finding is becoming a matter of mediate information, suggesting a new function for the media.
información oficial   [Información emitida por los organismos oficiales sobre temas que atañen a los ciudadanos de un país]
official information
public information
 The government has been concerned about people's access to official information and feelings of alienation from the political process.
 The article is entitled 'NCLIS (National Commission on Libraries and Information Science) assessment of public information dissemination: some sound ideas tarnished by defense of obsolete approaches' = El artículo se titula "Evaluación de la difusión de información pública por la NCLIS (Comisión Nacional sobre Bibliotecas y Documentación): algunas ideas acertadas deslucidas por la defensa de métodos obsoletos".
información oficial del municipio 
municipal information
 An experiment was set up in 1977 in which the library is acting as a centre for municipal information.
información oral 
voice information
 This article proposes that Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) can be used to educate groups of people by means of dialogue featuring an interactive exchange of textual, voice, graphic, and pictorial information.
información para hacer pedidos 
order information
 For price and order information, write or phone the address given above.
Información para la Administración Pública (IPA) 
Information for Public Administration (IPA)
 The Federation Internationale de la Documentation (FID) addresses these issues through its Special Interest Group on Information for Public Administration (SIG/IPA).
información personal 
personal information
 The author discusses the influence of technology on the processing of personal and private information.
información pictórica  
pictorial information
pictorial data
 This article proposes that Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) can be used to educate groups of people by means of dialogue featuring an interactive exchange of textual, voice, graphic, and pictorial information.
 There is a growing need for the storage and management of pictorial data.
información por defecto  [Datos preestablecidos que aparecen automáticamente en los campos de una plantilla de trabajo y que normalmente el usuario puede alterar]
 To use the 'default,' or built-in command settings, simply press RETURN.
información pormenorizada 
step-by-step details
 Their 'best' alternative will also outline exactly how they plan to implement it, and provide step-by-step details of exactly what they would do.
información por omisión  [Datos preestablecidos que aparecen automáticamente en los campos de una plantilla de trabajo y que normalmente el usuario puede alterar]
 To use the 'default,' or built-in command settings, simply press RETURN.
información práctica 
practical information
 This yearbook will provide teachers and researchers interested in peace and conflict studies with practical information.
información preempaquetada  [Se aplica a todo tipo de información que el bibliotecario o documentalista no tiene que preparar, recoger o compilar sino que se adquiere con un contenido y un formato ya "predefinido" por el editor literario o comercial]
pre-packaged information
 The traditional role of libraries and librarians as handlers of pre-packaged information will still be relevant in most organisations for some time to come.
información primaria 
primary information
 From 1986 primary information has been retrievable using optical disc files and facsimiles.
información privada  
property data
private information
 The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.
 The author discusses the influence of technology on the processing of personal and private information.
información privilegiada  
insider information
privileged information
 Although it may be a bit thin in its use of standard academic sources of information, it is exceedingly strong on insider information and personal interviews.
 There are certain situations that may seem harmless but may result in the disclosure of privileged information to a third party.
información pública  [Información emitida por los organismos oficiales sobre temas que atañen a los ciudadanos de un país]
public information
 The article is entitled 'NCLIS (National Commission on Libraries and Information Science) assessment of public information dissemination: some sound ideas tarnished by defense of obsolete approaches' = El artículo se titula "Evaluación de la difusión de información pública por la NCLIS (Comisión Nacional sobre Bibliotecas y Documentación): algunas ideas acertadas deslucidas por la defensa de métodos obsoletos".
información puntual 
timely information
 Accurate, timely information is particularly important in the field of pharmaceutical marketing.
información que permite mejorar la situación social de Alguien 
empowering information
 It is the proper function of New Zealand libraries to provide affirmative and empowering information to minority groups such as lesbians and gay men.
información sanitaria 
health information
 High demands for health care elicit the provision of access to basic and specialized health information.
información secreta 
secret information
 I hope I'm not disclosing any secret information.
información secreta sobre un adversario 
 Intelligence means either an individual's analytical or reasoning abilities or information on an adversary.
información secundaria 
secondary information
 A half of the secondary information currently available will be transformed into electronic form, as another source predicts.
información sobre dietética 
dietary information
 Food/Analyst is unique as a CD-ROM product being the only title that provides nutrition and dietary information.
información sobre educación 
education information
 The author describes 3 data bases used for career education in Oregon where she is Education Information Specialist = La autora describe tres bases de datos utilizadas para la orientación profesional en Oregon donde es Especialista en Información sobre Educación.
información sobre el contenido 
subject information
 The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.
información sobre el tiempo que un determinado producto se anuncia en l 
air play data
 However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.
información sobre empresas 
business intelligence
 This article presents 5 examples of ways in which the Internet can be used by companies to gather business intelligence in a range of industries.
información sobre la competencia   [Conocimiento que una institución posee sobre lo que otras instituciones rivales han hecho y están haciendo con objeto de mejorar su competitividad]  
business intelligence
competitive intelligence
competitive business intelligence
competitor intelligence
 This article presents 5 examples of ways in which the Internet can be used by companies to gather business intelligence in a range of industries.
 Competitive intelligence systems enable an organisation to learn from what its competitors are doing now and have done in the past, and they integrate an organisation's internal information sources - reports, studies, numeric information, verbal information - with information available from outside sources.
 This is a system that automates the day to day tasks of gathering of competitive business intelligence from the Internet.
 Technology is now being implemented to arm organizations with this weapon - competitor intelligence - to improve business and win the war for customers.
información sobre la flota pesquera  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
fleet statistics
 The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.
información sobre la materia 
subject data
 In UNIMARC the subject analysis block, block 6 - , contains subject data constructed according to various systems, both verbal and notational.
información sobre localización y existencias  [Normalmente en un catálogo colectivo que aparece unida a una obra para indicar en qué biblioteca o bibliotecas se encuentra la obra o la revista en cuestión y el número de ejemplares o volúmenes]
copy-specific holdings and location information
 There is online access to current, detailed copy-specific holdings and location information in the individual library and from union list groups.
información sobre nutrición 
nutrition information
 Food/Analyst is unique as a CD-ROM product being the only title that provides nutrition and dietary information.
información sobre patentes 
patent information
 Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
información sobre propiedades inmobiliarias 
real estate information
 This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.
información sobre química 
chemical information
 This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.
información sobre salidas profesionales 
career(s) information
 Examples of such literature are careers information, educational courses handouts.
información sobre ubicación  [Normalmente en un catálogo colectivo siglas u otra información que aparece unida a un ejemplar para indicar la biblioteca que lo tiene y su signatura topográfica]
location information
 Its purpose is to improve access to location information for more effective interlibrary loan.
información sobre ubicación y existencias  [Normalmente en un catálogo colectivo que aparece unida a una obra para indicar en qué biblioteca o bibliotecas se encuentra la obra o la revista en cuestión y el número de ejemplares o volúmenes de que dispone]  [Normalmente en un catálogo colectivo que aparece unida a una obra para indicar en qué biblioteca o bibliotecas se encuentra la obra o la revista en cuestión y el número de ejemplares o volúmenes de que dispone]  [Normalmente en un catálogo colectivo que aparece unida a una obra para indicar en qué biblioteca o bibliotecas se encuentra la obra o la revista en cuestión y el número de ejemplares o volúmenes de que dispone]
holdings and location information
holdings information
holdings statement
 One major factor of importance in system design is the varying library and archival needs for authority control and holdings and location information.
 The author discusses practical steps involved in attaching holdings information to bibliographic records and keeping such records up to date.
 This International Standard applies to holdings statements for bibliographic items in any physical medium.
información sobre una disciplina 
discipline-oriented information
 She appeals to developing countries to develop information and documentation services for both discipline and mission-oriented information in order to enhance balanced intellectual and industrial development.
información sobre un producto 
product literature
 It goes without saying that advertising claims should be treated with caution, but product literature should contain all the necessary technical information about the system.
información sobre viajes 
travel information
 Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.
información técnica 
technical information
 It goes without saying that advertising claims should be treated with caution, but product literature should contain all the necessary technical information about the system.
información textual    [En informática, conocimiento del que un ordenador dispone sobre un texto generalmente a través de marcas de hipertexto]   
textual information
text information
text knowledge
textual data
textual matter
textual document
 All non-coded (textual) information which is not to be indexed is kept in the notes area of the record.
 A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.
 A prototype, natural language, text-knowledge system has emerged from the project and includes a data base manager to compile the text knowledge and to make it available to navigational commands.
 Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.
 A word processor is simply a computer which is dedicated to the manipulation of textual matter.
 Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data = En este traller de trabajo son de interés especial los interfaces para los siguientes tipos de recursos: documentos de texto, datos estadísticos, información multimedia, información geospacial y datos de la genómica y la proteómica.
información transmitida por fibra óptica 
fibre optic-based information
 I mentioned Japan's plan to install a fiber optic-based information superhighway into every home and office early in the next century.
información valiosísima 
nugget of information
 As mentioned before, reference departments often maintain files of such nuggets of information.
información visual 
visual information
 Much of the readily accessible visual information suffers from imperialistic, colonial, paternalistic, and propagandistic interpretations.
información viva  [Conjunto de registros de información que están siendo regularmente actualizado]
live information
 When Sam experimented with his idea in the research centre, he needed a live information base; and he found a nearby newspaper = Cuando Sam experimentó con su idea en el centro de investigación, necesitaba una fuente de información viva y encontró un periódico allí mismo.
Infraestructura Mundial para la Información 
Global Information Infrastructure (GII)
 The principles under which the G7 (Group of Seven) leading industrialized countries have agreed to collaborate on constructing a Global Information Infrastructure (GII) are presented.
institución relacionada con la información  
information organisation
information institution
 This will lead to the integration of the different categories of information organizations which have been created to manage different formats and media.
 The author describes briefly some of the information institutions involved in gathering and disseminating agricultural information in Romania.
Instituto de Información Científica (ISI) 
Institute of Scientific Information (ISI)
 Undoubtedly the most important citation indexes are the products of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI).
intercambiar información 
exchange + data
 A free-standing terminal is a computer in its own right, which processes and stores data about the transactions and which may also exchange data with a central computer at predetermined intervals, say at the end of a working day.
intercambio de información  
information exchange
information interchange
 The Broad System of Ordering (BSO) is a general classification scheme which was designed primarily for information exchange and switching.
 This document relates to information interchange utilizing magnetic tape by providing magnetically recorded labels to identify and structure files.
intercambio electrónico de información 
electronic exchange of information
 The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.
intermediario de la información  
information intermediary
 These hosts are often searched by information intermediaries who have acquired specialist searching skills.
 The article carries the title 'Infomediaries in the Internet Era: Subscription Agents as Intermediaries and Aggregators in the Electronic Publishing World'.
introducir información 
provide + input
 The Centre also provides input into centralised information systems for the storage of information on theses, research reports, travel reports, translations and bibliographies.
jefe de los servicios de información 
chief information officer (CIO)
 A recent study indicates that roughly 1/3 of major US companies now have a chief information officer (CIO) who manages information in its broadest sense.
ladrón de información 
 Any element of an organization's information apparatus, from paper based files to computerized databases, from fax machines to cellular telephones, can render that organization easy prey to info-thieves.
libertad de información 
freedom of information (FOI)
 Libraries must continue in their traditional role as protectors of freedom of information (FOI).
libre circulación de la información 
free flow of information
 The author discusses the roles that various arms of the proposed structure can play to promote free flow of information = El autor describe las funciones que los diferentes departamentos de la estructura propuesta puede desempeñar para promover la libre circulación de la información.
licencia de acceso a información electrónica  
license [licence, -USA]
 The use of electronic information everywhere in the world is usually defined and described by contractual agreements, otherwise known as licenses = El uso de la información electrónica en todo el mundo normalmente se define y describe mediante acuerdos contractuales que se conocen como licencias.
 Licensing is increasing in importance as a means of gaining access to commercially available digital information = Las licencias están creciendo en importancia como forma de acceder a información digital comercial.
lleno de información 
 New users of the directory, quite reasonably, expect a fully populated directory with all information accessible at high-speed.
localizar información 
track down + information
 Users should be encouraged to track down information themselves.
más información  
further information
further details
 Notes may give further information, therefore, about the title, author, edition, imprint, collation or series.
 Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.
medios de difusión de la información 
information media
 The confiscation of publications and recordings and other information media may only be carried out by means of a court order.
medios de microalmacenamiento de la información 
microstorage media
 The article '1,000 pages of biological information to microstorage for retrieval in a pharmaceutical information system' contains one section devoted to compare optical optical storage with other microstorage media such as microforms and digitised media.
medios digitalizados de almacenamiento de información 
digitised media
 The article '1,000 pages of biological information to microstorage for retrieval in a pharmaceutical information system' contains one section devoted to compare optical optical storage with other microstorage media such as microforms and digitised media.
mercado de la información  
information market place
information market
 Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
 This article examines the problems of forming and developing the capitalist information market.
metainformación  [En el contexto de las redes de comunicaciones, información virtual a la que está disponible y cuya localización no es relevante]
 The article 'The production and use of meta-information' discusses how the advent of gateways and front-ends to the various on-line information services has created an environment of 'virtual information systems'.
microalmacenamiento de información 
 The article '1,000 pages of biological information to microstorage for retrieval in a pharmaceutical information system' contains one section devoted to compare optical optical storage with other microstorage media such as microforms and digitised media.
minipaquete de información 
 This mini-pack could be used by 'individuals in the community who are called upon to give information, such as parish clerks, the clergy, postmasters, trade union officials, mobile librarians, as well as people acting as village links'.
modelo de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima  [En la búsqueda de información, técnica consistente en ojear los materiales impresos situados en un área (física o del conocimiento) donde con anterioridad se ha encontrado material de interés]
best match model
 INSTRUCT is a text retrieval program which makes extensive use of the best match model of document retrieval, rather than the Boolean model which underlies the great majority of current text retrieval systems.
mostrador de información  
information desk
enquiry desk
 As a stranger enters the portals of the library, he is not overwhelmed by the high visibility of the reference or the information desk.
 The alternative programmes were evaluated qualitatively from student groups and from enquiry desk staff, with extremely positive results from both groups.
mundo de la información, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  
information world, the
information business, the
infosphere, the
 In the next decade those libraries that adhere to traditionalism will become backwaters whereas those committed to meeting the expectations of their clientele will become leaders in the information world.
 But like all of us in the information business, they have been forced to compete with the likes of Yahoo, Altavista, and
 A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere.
navegar por la red en busca de información 
surf for + information
 A customer arriving at an equiry desk with a question might be rather thrown by a staff member who said that they would go 'surfing' for the information, but it might take a couple of hours!.
necesidad de información 
information need
 Factors requiring special attention in the planning process in African countries include information needs of illiterates, information needs of women and children and the needs of rural communities.
NISTF (Grupo de Trabajo sobre los Sistemas Nacionales de Información de la Asociación de Archiveros Americanos) 
NISTF (Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force)
 Archives were largely uninvolved in such developments in the 1970s, until 1977 when the Society of American Archivists National Information Systems Task Force (NISTF) was formed.
no revelar información  
keep + silent
keep + silence
 As a consequence, the Jewish survivors of the genocide were under pressure to keep silent.
 Local policies have to keep silence about one, if not their principal object: regulating the presence of immigrants in the city.
no tener información 
be undocumented
 Friends of the Library groups are largely undocumented in the professional literature at non-doctoral granting colleges and universities.
objeto de información electrónico 
electronic information object
 The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.
obtener información     
obtain + information
glean + information
gain + information
pick up + information
secure + information
 Access time is the time taken by a computer to obtain information from its backing store.
 To glean that information, one must consult the classified sequence.
 Based on the information gained, it will then be necessary to determine what mix of solutions is most likely to improve the situation at affordable cost.
 Feaver remarked with the easy manner of familiars who are accustomed to sparring good-naturedly with each other that he certainly seemed to have picked up a great deal of miscellaneous information from that particular talk.
 The alert interviewer may secure valuable unsolicited information as a by-product.
obtener información de 
elicit + information from
 This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
oficina de información  
information office
visitor's centre
 For this purpose, press and information offices have been established in the capitals of the ten member countries.
 There are plans to transform vacated space in the old building into a visitor's centre with exhibitions and reading rooms.
Oficina de Información al Ciudadano (CAB) 
Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB)
 Although each CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau) is independent, they must be members of the National Association of Advice Bureaux (NACAB), which lays down certain minimum standards for the registration of bureaux.
oficina de información turística 
tourism information office
 If you want to call a taxi, your hotel or the nearest tourism information office can recommend a reliable service.
ofrecer información      
provide + information
provide + details
supply + information
offer + information
package + information
furnish + information
 These indicators provide additional information about each field and again are identified for each field in the Appendix of the BiblioFile User Guide.
 Within a large library system, a file could provide details of particular staff subject specialisms or the strengths of subject collections.
 This database supplies on-line information on current events, weather, sports, stock markets, health, travel and shopping.
 This section therefore considers some of the organizations which can offer information and advice.
 This article emphasises the need to find a solution to the problems of packaging information in ways that are both economical and acceptable to users.
 An information source is an individual or an organization which furnishes needed information and data to users.
operaciones de información 
information operations
 Increasing use of computers in libraries and information operations has forced library and information professionals to become familiar with the machine and its capabilities.
orientado hacia la información 
 By contrast, information-driven programmes have a totally different orientation being designed to produce personnel skilled in the application of IT to information problems.
PADI (Preservación de Información Digital Australiana) 
PADI (Preservation of Australian Digital Information)
 This article briefly reviews the activities of the Working Party of PADI (Preservation of Australian Digital Information) in devising guidelines for the management of electronic materials.
PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) 
PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System)
 PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System) is concerned with the identification, gathering, collecting, processing and dissemination of socio-economic development information produced in and about Africa.
país productor de información científica 
science producer
 This is however not the case for universities in the other countries even though there are significant differences between those countries as 'science producers'.
panel luminoso de información de tráfico 
variable road sign
 Variable road signs with solar panels can go dead when, for. instance, snow covers the power source.
pantalla de información  
screen display
 Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.
 Screen displays can be printed for further references.
pantalla de información breve  
short information display
short information screen
 The 'substitute short date' note replaces the date information on the short and the full information displays.
 If the first date is zero, only the second date is displayed on the short and full information screens.
pantalla de información completa  
full information display
full information screen
 The 'substitute short date' note replaces the date information on the short and the full information displays.
 If the first date is zero, only the second date is displayed on the short and full information screens.
paquete de información   [Información presentada en diferentes soportes con objeto de llegar al público repitiendo el mensaje de diferentes modos]
information kit
 Some libraries have purchased display stands to hold these packs, covering a range of current regional information, such as cooking, baking, business and the natural sciences.
 The article 'Signposts and semaphores: art of the western world' outlines an information kit used by libraries to help publicise the television programme 'Art of the Western World' in which the role of art in western society is explored.
para la gestión de información textual 
 This course's aim is to continue the study of computer applications in information management, with particular reference to text-handling applications.
para más información 
for further details
 For further details, if needed, the reader can then refer to the main file, under the class number indicated.
para mayor información sobre 
for details of
 For details of its operation from year to year the main source of data is its annual report.
para mayor información véase + Nombre 
see + Nombre + for further details
 For further details on the initial overall plan see chapter 3.
pedir información  
request + information
ask for + information
 Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.
 This worksheet helps students to write a formal letter asking for information.
pedir información de 
ask for + details of
 They ask for details of plays with particular 'mixes' of characters and sexes.
pedir información sobre 
enquire of
 In your particular region you would inquire of the region possibly through an index.
petición de información de referencia 
reference enquiry
 The survey, conducted in Sept 86, aimed to study and assess the extent of reference enquiry regarding AIDS.
plantilla de recogida de información 
data collection form
 Each data collection form is seen as an independent information holder, irrespective of the actual data it contains.
pobre en información 
 Unless the uneconomic sharing of all kinds of information becomes commonplace it will become impossible for inhabitants of info-rich and info-poor countries to communicate or transact with each other using the same assumptions.
pobres en información 
information have-nots
 On-line retrieval is also democratic, serving as a great equaliser between information haves and information have-nots.
pobres en información, los  [Expresión usada para referirse a las personas que carecen de los medios económicos o de otro tipo, tal como bibliotecas, para acceder a la información]
information-poor, the
 One likely effect of this would be that the information-rich would become richer and the information-poor poorer, a state of affairs which many would consider highly undesirable.
pobreza de información 
information poverty
 To do this, information services should recognize cultural pluralism and the need to eliminate information poverty.
política de información   
information provision
information strategy
information policy
 He ended by calling for a national policy on information provision, more research into information needs and the effectiveness of current provision and an exploration of new ways to provide information.
 The opinion is expressed that the survival of mankind depends directly on whether this information strategy is developed.
 Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.
política de información nacional 
national information policy
 In principle, the emergence of a national information policy as a framework for developing information resources and institutions was welcomed by most countries in Africa with a messianic zeal.
presentar información  
submit + information
package + information
 Research organizations are foten not interested in collecting and submitting accurate information.
 This article emphasises the need to find a solution to the problems of packaging information in ways that are both economical and acceptable to users.
presentar información de varios modos 
repackage + information
 Agricultural librarians should reprocess and repackage this information in more appropriate media.
procesamiento de información 
information processing
 The right place for information processing is on the desktop of the person who is going to use it.
proceso de transferencia de la información 
information transfer process
 Publishers, jobbers and librarians are part of a well defined information transfer process.
producto de la información 
information commodity
 The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.
profesional de la información    
information officer
information professional
information worker
info pro
 The nature of the users, their background, their work, the frequency with which they use the system, and their mode of access to the system (that is, through an intermediary information officer, or directly) are all factors to be considered.
 It is an issue that directly impacts upon us as information professionals, and one that offers us a large number of potential research questions that need answering.
 In particular we are concerned with those techniques which are of interest to librarians and information workers.
 The article is entitled 'More practices we'd like to see less: many vendors continue to 'ambush' the info pros - their most loyal customers'.
profesional de las bibliotecas y la información 
library and information professional
 Here you'll find events, specialist information and networking opportunities for library and information professionals.
profesional de la tecnología de la información 
informatics professional
 Medical librarians and informatics professionals believe the medical periodical literature can be useful in clinical practice.
profesionales de la información, los 
information community, the
 There are a lot of things that can be done for all segments of the library community, the information community, and the community that serves library and information users.
profesionales de las bibliotecas y la información, los 
library and information profession, the
 We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society = Debemos asegurarnos de que la IFLA pueda representar a la profesión de bibliotecario y documentalista de todo el mundo conforme nos precipitamos hacia la sociedad de la información.
promovido por el propio sistema de información 
 Medical professionals are convinced that the provision of information for doctors should be 'organization- and culture-led, rather than information-led'.
proporcionar información 
release + information
 Research in developing countries into armament and disarmament is hampered by the reluctance of governments to release information.
protección de información entre fronteras  [Conjunto de medidas tomadas por un país para evitar que cierta información generada en un país sea asequible en otro u otros países]
transborder data protection
 Some other countries, including Britain, are considering their position on both national and transborder data protection.
protección de la información 
data protection
 A revised version of the Austrian law on data protection in public and private spheres was passed in 1988.
proveedor de información a través de la red  [En Internet, generalmente empresa que se dedica comercialmente a ofrecer información]
content provider
 The workshop brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources.
punto de información 
information kiosk
 The library has introduced a public information kiosk that provides a direct connection to the library's online catalogue = La biblioteca ha introducido un quiosco de información público que tiene una conexión directa con catálogo en línea de la biblioteca.
que necesita la información 
 Of potential importance to commercial information services as clients is the information-dependent sector, such as accountants, lawyers and engineering consultants.
que transmite información 
 Non-book media is defined as information-bearing media which are not in the form of a book such as visual images, geographical artifacts, three-dimensional objects, music scores and recorded sound and microfilms.
recabar información 
solicit + information
 Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.
recoger información      [En Internet, operación que realizan ciertos programas diseñados para recoger información de las páginas existentes en la red para luego facilitar la búsqueda]
collect + data
collect + information
gather + information
summon + knowledge
harvest + information
 The preliminary work began immediately with the drafting of a questionnaire designed to collect pertinent data on the distribution of authority files.
 The LA is currently conducting a major survey to collect and monitor information on gender, ethnic origin and disability which will enable the LA to highlight and tackle problems of inequality in the profession.
 I am particularly indebted to her for a wealth of information gathered on a recent lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand.
 The online catalogue represents the library profession's effort to create a workstation that can summon knowledge from virtually any location and deliver it to the catalogue user.
 This article explores the appropriateness of the search paradigm as a framework for harvesting and mining information needed to make legal arguments.
recogida de información 
information gathering
 Abstracts are a vital aid in document selection and information gathering, and help to avoid duplication and delay in work in progress.
recopilar información  
gather + information
collate + information
 I am particularly indebted to her for a wealth of information gathered on a recent lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand.
 This library collates information from several sources and provides facilities for manipulation of the retrieved data.
recuperación de información 
data retrieval
 Data retrieval involves the satisfaction of a request for information by providing the information as a direct answer to the question.
recuperación de información de lógica di 
fuzzy data retrieval
 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.
recuperación de información de lógica difusa 
fuzzy data retrieval
 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.
recuperación de información en varias lenguas 
cross-language information retrieval (CLIR)
 Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is the circumstance in which a user tries to search a set of documents written in one language for a query in another language.
recuperación de información (RI)  [Acción, método y procedimiento utilizados en la recuperación de documentos concretos de una colección]
information retrieval (IR)
 Information retrieval (IR) involves the recovery of documents from a given collection which are relevant to a request.
recurso de información 
information asset
 As a Web user, you aren't likely to see the scheme in action on your screen because it's an under-the-hood way of communicating the identity of an information asset to a Web application.
recursos de información autodidácticos 
self help resources
 Education and self help resources raise awareness and can help prevent domestic violence.
red de información  
data network
information network
 In other cases, the capacity and performance of computer equipment prove to be the limiting factor, although continuing advances in fields like data networks, voice input and output, and computer vision keep pushing these limits further and further back.
 The failings of the disorganised and under-used Indonesian library services led to the development of a national system of information networks.
relacionado con la información 
 After all, the areas of diversification are catered for already by other types of information-related departments.
reorganizar la información 
repackage + information
 Agricultural librarians should reprocess and repackage this information in more appropriate media.
repleto de información 
information packed [information-packed]
 A successful programme must be time efficient and information packed.
responsable de la tecnología de la información 
information technologist
 However, to realize this potential, scientists and information technologists must forge new models of cooperation.
reunión de información  
information session
information meeting
 Information sessions are held regularly throughout the year on weekdays and Saturday mornings.
 One of the easiest ways to get all your questions answered is through one of our regularly scheduled information meetings.
reunir información 
pool + information
 This organisation pools information available in all countries that have an interest in the optimal use of global ocean resources.
revolución de la información, la 
information revolution, the
 The article 'Will developing countries miss the information revolution, too?' analyses the characteristics that developing nations require to increase on-line information use and to organise it.
rico en información  
 A modern, complex, information-rich society requires that archivists reexamine their role as selectors.
 Unless the uneconomic sharing of all kinds of information becomes commonplace it will become impossible for inhabitants of info rich and info poor countries to communicate or transact with each other using the same assumptions.
ricos en información 
information haves
 On-line retrieval is also democratic, serving as a great equaliser between information haves and information have-nots.
ricos en información, los  [Expresión usada para referirse a las personas que disponen de los medios económicos o de otro tipo, tal como bibliotecas, para acceder a la información]
information-rich, the
 One likely effect of this would be that the information-rich would become richer and the information-poor poorer, a state of affairs which many would consider highly undesirable.
sala de información 
information lobby
 The planned library will be part of a complex including a civic hall, information lobby, exhibition rooms and a restaurant.
sector de la información, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
information sector, the
infosphere, the
 These results indicate a general lack of awareness of the need for hard data as a basis for rationalising planning and development in the information sector.
 A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere.
según la información obtenida 
 ESA-IRS which carries over 100 top science and technology databases switched from connect-time to output-oriented pricing in 1989.
servicio de difusión selectiva de la información 
SDI service
 In a SDI service the user specifies his own individual interest in detail, and these are then expressed in terms of a user interest profile.
servicio de información   
information service
information delivery service
information utility
 Subject field definition arises from the scope of the information service or system that the indexing language is expected to serve.
 The six persons on the group represent libraries, abstracting and indexing services, publishing, and information delivery services.
 The formats that emerge can be used by libraries, publishers, and information utilities worldwide to convert printed works to electronic forms or to create original works in electric format, and thus foment the creation of networked electronic library collections.
Servicio de Información al Consumidor  
Consumer Advice Centre (CAC)
consumer advisory service
 An examination of the work of Consumer Advice Centres and of the information sources and support activities that public libraries can offer.
 There are over 70 local authority-run consumer advisory services each handling an average of about 20,000 enquiries a year.
servicio de información ciudadana  [Servicio bibliotecario cuyo objetivo es ayudar a los grupos menos privilegiados de su comunidad a resolver los problemas diarios que se le presentan en relación con su condición de ciudadanos de una sociedad tales como alojamiento, empleo, familia, derechos, educación, etc]
community information service
 The goal of a community information service is 'to concentrate on enabling people, particularly those in lower socio-economic groups, to act either individually or collectively on their problems'.
servicio de información electrónica 
electronic information service
 The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.
servicio de información en línea 
online information service
 It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.
servicio de información local  [Servicio bibliotecario cuyo objeto es mantener y publicar directorios y todo tipo de información relativa a la comunidad a la que sirve y en general actuar como punto de referencia hacia otros servicios que existen en su localidad]
local information service
 The goal of a local information service is 'building up detailed local information files and publishing directories and generally acting as a signposting agency to other services'.
servicio de información sectorial 
sectoral information service
 CARICOM (Caribbean Community) assists member states in the implementation of their national information systems by establishing sectoral information services when requested.
servicios de información  [Servicios bibliotecarios cuya función es suministrar al ciudadano información relativa a su comunidad y/o indicarles dónde pueden dirigirse]
Information and Referral services
 These became known as community information services or, more commonly, as Information and Referral (I&R) services, since their two main functions were to provide information about services and resources available in the community and, where necessary, to refer enquiries to the most appropriate source of help.
servicios de información bibliográfica 
bibliographical services
 Bibliographical services comprise those activities and organizations which are responsible for the compilation and dissemination of bibliographical tools.
servicios de información y referencia  [Servicios bibliotecarios cuya función es suministrar al ciudadano información relativa a su comunidad y/o indicarles dónde pueden dirigirse]
I&R services (Information and Referral)
 These became known as community information services or, more commonly, as Information and Referral (I&R) services, since their two main functions were to provide information about services and resources available in the community and, where necessary, to refer enquiries to the most appropriate source of help.
servidor de información 
information server
 The article is entitled 'The world of Internet: a client-server architecture and the new generation of information servers'.
SIGLE (Sistema de Información sobre Literatura Gris en Europa) 
SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe)
 A European seminar initiated by DG XII to investigate the problem of so-called 'grey literature' has led to the establishment of a system known as SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) to help deal with this category of documentation.
sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteri 
 Web search engines are stateless, losing previous search criteria.
síndrome de la sobrecarga de información 
information fatigue syndrome
 The information fatigue syndrome causes paralysis of the analytical capacity, constant searches for more information, increased anxiety and sleeplessness and self-doubt in decision making.
sin información sobre el estado anterior 
 Web search engines are stateless, losing previous search criteria.
sintetizar información 
synthesise + information
 Finally, then, how do you synthesize all of this information or research into something that will be practical and can be translated into something that can be used by librarians?.
sistema automatizado para la recuperación de información 
computerised information retrieval system
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información 
information storage and retrieval system
 This article relates the development of an information storage and retrieval system for combustion research.
sistema de cobro por la información usada 
information metering
 Information metering is a developing technology that enables an entire collection of information to be distributed at very low cost to a user in encrypted form, the user paying on a pay as you view basis.
sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) 
information management system (IMS)
 This article describes the features of Cardbox-Plus, an information management system (IMS) designed to function like an electronic version of a card index system, produced by Business Simulations Ltd = Este artículo describe las características de Cardbox-plus, un sistema de gestión de la información (SGI) que funciona como una versión electrónica de un sistema de indización de fichas, diseñado por Business Simulations Ltd.
sistema de información  [Sistema de comunicación que permite la comunicación y el proceso de información]
information system
 An information system is a communication system which enables the communication and processing of information.
Sistema de Información Bibliotecario 
 LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a major library automation project in Sweden.
sistema de información documental 
document information system
 The author discusses the costs and benefits of document information systems and some design methodological aspects that arise from the documentary nature of the data.
sistema de información integrado 
integrated information system
 In practice, development and use of integrated information systems that cross organizational boundaries often result in confusing power struggles, politicking and sometimes manifest sabotage.
sistema de información sectorial 
sectoral information system
 It is expected that this analysis will contribute to current discussions concerning finding a potential for establishing a sectoral information system or a cooperative information system in the country.
sistema de procesamiento de información 
information processing system
 This document specifies the use of a wide magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between information processing systems.
sistema de recuperación de información 
IR system
 Knowledge-rich learning depends on more complex sources of feedback, such as the structure within a document or thesaurus, to direct changes in the knowledge bases on which an intelligent IR system depends.
sistema de recuperación de información por medio de menús 
menu-based information retrieval system
 A menu-based information retrieval system displays, on a television or other terminal connected to a computer, a list of categories from which the user must select one by keying the code which represents the chosen category.
sistema de suministro de información 
information supply system
 Ever since 1976, the construction of an information supply system to cater for the demands of physics research has been planned and implemented.
sistema óptico de información 
optical information system
 This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
sistema para información geográfica (SIG)  [Sistema automatizado para gestionar y presentar información sobre la localización de diferentes objetos en lugar]
Geographical Information System (GIS)
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an automated system for creating, managing, analysing and displaying spatially referenced (mapped or mappable) data about a park's resources and facilities.
sistema para la información de gestión 
management information system (MIS)
 Management support systems (MSS) are becoming increasingly common and provide managers with the direct access to automation capabilities promised years ago by proponents of management information systems (MIS).
Sistema para la Información Geográfica (SIG) 
Geographic Information System (GIS)
 A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer hardware and software that enables geographic or spatial data to be recorded, manipulated and presented to the user.
sitio web de información  
content site
content Web site
 The article 'Ad-driven content sites are doomed' forecasts that advertisement driven content Web sites are likely to become obsolete.
 The article 'Ad-driven content sites are doomed' forecasts that advertisement driven content Web sites are likely to become obsolete.
sobrecarga de información 
information overload
 The 1st of these problems is information overload caused by the proliferation of available data and publications.
information overload
 The 1st of these problems is information overload caused by the proliferation of available data and publications.
sociedad de la información, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information society, the
 Much of what is written about the information society is blurred by vague definitions.
solicitar información  
request + information
ask for + information
 Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.
 This worksheet helps students to write a formal letter asking for information.
soporte de información  [Medio de representación, almacenamiento o transmisión de la información]
data medium
 The medium in, on or by which data can be stored, represented or communicated is known as data medium.
soportes de la información 
information carrying media
 A common catalogue encourages users to regard the different information carrying media as part of range of media.
subtítulo y/o información complementaria sobre el título  [Cualquier título que no sea el título propiamente dicho o el título paralelo, o cualquier frase explicativa que los acompañe]
other title information
 Other title information is any title borne by an item other than the title proper or parallel titles; also any phrase appearing in conjunction with the title proper, parallel titles, or other titles, indicative of the character, contents, etc. of the item or the motives for, or occasion of, its production or publication.
suministrar información  
dispense + information
purvey + information
 This article examines, through a discussion of Provincial legislation and relevant case law, how the Canadian judiciary has defined unauthorised practice and whether reference librarians who dispense legal information contravene the law.
 The ISBD punctuation only tags, not very clearly and not very consistently, the anatomy of an entry and purveys no other information.
suministro de información 
 In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
superautopista de la información  [Red de couminicaciones universal]
information superhighway
 The US federal government is planning a super network or 'information superhighway' - the National Research and Education Network (NREN) - which will provide users with high speed access to enormous resources of computing power and enable them to exchange large quantities of computerised information.
tareas relacionadas con la información 
information operations
 Increasing use of computers in libraries and information operations has forced library and information professionals to become familiar with the machine and its capabilities.
técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima 
best match technique
 The search uses a combinatorial 'best match' technique, rather than Boolean logic.
tecnología de envío de información de un modo automático  [Tecnología que utilizan ciertas aplicaciones informáticas para enviar automáticamente a los usuarios información de su interés a través de la red]
push technology
 The study evaluates the performance and features of 7 software packages which facilitate push technology in which information is delivered automatically (or pushed) to users' desktop personal computers (PCs) via the World Wide Web (WWW).
tecnología de la información  [Estudio del proceso y transmisión de información a través de medios electrónicos o automatizados Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular] 
 The origins of informatics are ascribed to Paul Otlet, the founder of documentation theory.
 This article argues the need to move forward with the infotech culture without abandoning the service culture.
tecnología de la información aplicada a la archivística 
archival informatics
 The Diploma was restructured into the following 5 subjects: introduction to archival studies; archival theory and methodology; archival and related legislation; archival techniques; and archival informatics.
tecnología de la información para ciencias de la salud  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
health informatics
 This article reviews recent developments and issues in health informatics, or the systematic applications of computerized information systems to healthcare information management.
tecnología de la información para medicina  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
medical informatics
 This book contains the texts of all the papers submitted to a 1977 conference on medical informatics.
tecnología de la información (TI)  [Uso de los ordenadores y otros métodos y tecnologías automatizadas para la organización, almacenamiento, recuperación y difusión de la información]
information technology (IT)
 Increasingly, of course, articles and publications are beginning to appear that are relevant to developments in information technology (IT).
tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TICs) 
information and communication technologies (ICTs)
 Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have generated a level of common international interest on a level unequalled since the construction of the railways.
técnologo de la información sanitaria 
 The author sets out the differing backgrounds of professional informaticians as well as some steps to achieving professionalisation.
tener acceso a información confidencial 
be on the inside
 He's a guy who was definitely on the inside, but he doesn't spend the whole book aggrandising himself or justifying everything he did.
tener poca información 
be information poor
 Generally speaking, developing countries are information poor.
teoría de la información 
information theory
 In this study the concept of entropy well-known in information theory and thermodynamics is applied to the fields of scientometrics and innovation research.
TIP (El Lugar de Información)  [Nombre dado al servicio de información ciudadana de la ciudad de Detroit]
TIP (The Information Place)
 Perhaps the most outstanding model to come out of the NIC project was that of Detroit's community information service, which was given the name 'The Information Place', TIP.
todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información 
access for all
 We took the view that to fulfil the principle of access for all libraries must continue to provide information in a variety of ways, for example through print and the oral tradition.
trabajo de información y de las bibliotecas 
library and information work
 The poor public image of library and information work implies that SLIS will continue to have difficulty in securing the resource base to compete effectively.
tráfico de información 
data traffic
 This program can also discover misconfigured or faulty applications that generate suspicious data traffic.
transferencia de información  [Acto de pasar información de una persona a otra o de un sistema de información a otro]
information transfer
 This paper discusses plans to enhance the service provided and to fulfill the goals of fast and accurate information transfer.
transferencia de información entre países  [Intercambio o utilización de la información generada en un país por otros]
transborder data flow (TBDF)
 The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.
transferencia electrónica de información 
electronic transfer of information
 The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.
transmisión de información   [Acto de pasar información de una persona a otra o de un sistema de información a otro]
information flow
information transmission
 Document analysis makes a significant contribution to communication and information flow.
 The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.
transmisión de información a través de la voz 
voice transmission
 Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.
transmitir información 
convey + information
 The selection of documents for abstracting must be closely allied with the proposed application of the abstract and the information that it conveys.
tratamiento de la información 
information handling
 Considerable progress has been made in the area of information handling.
tratamiento específico de la información  [Indización y recuperación de la información por el descriptor específico que define el contenido del documento y no por otro más general]
specific approach
 Entry should be direct, in accordance with Cutter's rule; any departure from direct entry leads to alphabetico-classed arrangement, which is contrary to the specific approach.
tratar información 
handle + information
 Provided that the methods taught are applied rigorously, the student gets a good grounding in elementary research methods and he learns to handle information.
trozo de información 
tidbit [titbit, -USA]
 The stories are told in the breathless voice of a gossip, full of juicy tidbits, and a shrewd understanding of what makes one life connect to another.
UAP (Accesibilidad Universal a la Información)  [Organismo de IFLA encargado de estudiar y mejorar el flujo internacional de la información]
UAP (Universal Availability of Information)
 The main aim of UAP (Universal Availability of Information) is to study the means of improving the flow of information across national boundaries and the various linguistic, cultural and political barriers which exist.
una cantera de información 
a quarry of information
 This should not be seen, she argues, simply as biography, nor as a quarry of information on social history, valuable though it may be for those purposes.
una mina de información 
a mine of information
 It is essential to read the manual, which is a mine of information on indexing problems.
unidad de información   
unit of information
information division
information subdivision
 Within fields, individual data elements or units of information may be designated as subfields.
 The university information division also sponsors a regular survey of research activity in the area of European integration.
 To illustrate the work of an information subdivision, 37 foreign journals are used, in which 63 articles were published on questions of proctology.
universo de la información, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
information universe, the
 We must develop and study intelligent interfaces that propagate out to the information universe and report back to us.
uso compartido de la información 
information sharing
 Networks became joined together into larger metanetworks as the advantages of information sharing and person-to-person communication became quickly apparent.
usuario de la información 
information browser
 We must develop and study intelligent interfaces acting as filters that we place on our information browsers as they explore the information universe.
usuario que busca información 
information searcher
 This article describes a new model for the searching of on-line and other information systems, called berrypicking, and argues that it is much closer to the behaviour of information searchers than traditional models of information retrieval.
véase + Nombre + para más información 
refer to + Nombre + for details
 Refer to the section 'Menu-Assisted Searching' on page 41 for details.
visualización de la información 
information visualisation
 Information visualisation is a technique for visually presenting large quantities of information to users.
tecnología de la información (TI)
tecnología de la información (TI) 
  information technology (IT).
 Increasingly, of course, articles and publications are beginning to appear that are relevant to developments in information technology (IT).
TICs (tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones)
TICs (tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones) 
  information and communication technologies (ICTs).
 Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have generated a level of common international interest on a level unequalled since the construction of the railways.
TI (tecnología de la información)
TI (tecnología de la información)-2 
  information technology (IT).
 Increasingly, of course, articles and publications are beginning to appear that are relevant to developments in information technology (IT).
abundante en TI 
 The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.
a través de la TI 
 The article is entitled 'The role of software patents in sustaining IT-enabled competitive advantage: a call for research'.
basado en la TI 
 Those SLIS wishing to make claims upon emerging IT-based information markets must, however, attempt more than the provision of modified programmes, if they are to attain credibility.
gracias a la TI 
 The article is entitled 'The role of software patents in sustaining IT-enabled competitive advantage: a call for research'.
mediante la TI 
 The article is entitled 'The role of software patents in sustaining IT-enabled competitive advantage: a call for research'.
producido por la TI 
 Even IT-induced changes in existing libraries were not huge transforming leaps into the previously unknown.
rico en TI 
 The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra información



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de información
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «información».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre información



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra información.
Gertrude Stein
Todo el mundo recibe tanta información durante todo el día que pierde su sentido común.
Carl Sagan
Saber mucho no es lo mismo que ser inteligente. La inteligencia no es sólo información, sino también juicio, la manera en que se recoge y maneja la información.
Marcel Mart
La mejor fuente de información son las personas que han prometido no contárselo a otros.
Juan Pablo II
La libertad de buscar y decir la verdad es un elemento esencial de la comunicación humana, no sólo en relación con los hechos y la información, sino también y especialmente sobre la naturaleza y destino de la persona humana, respecto a la sociedad y el bien común, respecto a nuestra relación con Dios.


Descubre el uso de información en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con información y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: ...
Quizás se magnificó el posible efecto, pero sirvió para que el mundo entero se diese cuenta de que estamos inmersos en la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento, así como de la dependencia que tenemos de las tecnologías de la ...
'Ramón Carlos Suárez y Alonso', 2010
El dominio de la información: una guía estratégica para la ...
El dominio de la información es el primer libro que introduce y explica los conceptos económicos necesarios para navegar en la economía de la red.
Carl Shapiro, Hal R. Varian, 2000
Investigación de mercados: métodos de recogida y análisis de ...
Recoge: Adquisición de información; Teoría y práctica del muestreo; Valoración, selección de escala y diseño del cuestionario; Procesamiento y análisis de datos; Preparación del informe y aspectos éticos.
Juan Antonio Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Laurentino Bello Acebrón, Rodolfo Vázquez Casielles, 2005
Desarrollo de sistemas de información: una metodología ...
El libro también ofrece un conjunto de ejercicios y problemas sobre el desarrollo de sistemas de información, un glosario con los términos más importantes y una extensa bibliografía, que ayudarán al lector en su proceso de aprendizaje ...
Vicenç Fernández Alarcón, Upc Edicions Upc, 2006
Derecho a la vida privada y libertad de información: un ...
Hay situaciones en que la vida privada de un ser humano parece plantear exigencias que chocan con la necesidad de otros de tener una amplia información sobre lo que sucede en la vida social.
Eduardo Novoa Monreal, 1979
Historia de la sociedad de la información
Armand Mattelart es un autor de referencia en las ciencias de la información.
Armand Mattelart, 2007
Información radiofónica
Este manual de Información Radiofónica es un instrumento que se ofrece a los estudiantes de las Facultades de Comunicación con el objetivo de ayudarles a adquirir las rutinas de trabajo propias de los profesionales de la radio ...
Pilar Martinez-Costa, 2002
La era de la información: economía, sociedad y cultura
Tras analizar la revolución tecnológica que está modificando la base de la sociedad a un ritmo acelerado, Manuel Castells aborda el proceso de globalización que amenaza con hacer prescindibles a los pueblos excluidos de las redes de ...
Manuel Castells, 1999
Técnicas e instrumentos para la recogida de información
Al realizar cualquier investigación en Educación, ya sea en el contexto del aula o en cualquier otro, se necesita utilizar instrumentos y emplear técnicas acordes con los mismos.
Juan Antonio GIL PASCUAL, 2011
Organización y transformación de los sistemas de información ...
Organización y transformación de los sistemas de información en la empresa recoge de forma completa los aspectos de gestión que las organizaciones deben de considerar desde que identifican las necesidades de incorporación de ...
Carmen de Pablos Heredero, José Joaquín López Hermoso Agius, Santiago Martín Romo Romero, 2012


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término información en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Política Firmaron dictamen de la ley de Acceso a la Información
Con las firmas de senadores opositores y oficialistas el proyecto de ley de Acceso a la Información, que obliga a los tres poderes del Estado a responder ... «Télam, Sep 16»
Gobierno de Venezuela investiga a varios medios por "ocultar ...
El ministro de Comunicación e Información de Venezuela, Luis Marcano, dijo este martes que algunos medios regionales están siendo investigados por ... «El Nuevo Herald, Ago 16»
INAI pide al 'Altiplano' información sobre estancia de 'El Chapo'
El Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) determinó, en atención al principio de máxima ... «La Jornada en linea, Ago 16»
Blanqueo: limitarán la facultad de la UIF para compartir información
El Gobierno acotó la polémica facultad de la Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF) de compartir información de los contribuyentes que se sumen al blanqueo ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Polémica por el posible uso de información privada sensible
Allí, unas pocas líneas declaran: "La Unidad de Información Financiera (UIF) podrá, a su discreción, comunicar información a otras entidades públicas con ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Para Ocaña, el juez Casanello tenía información desde 2013 sobre ...
La legisladora porteña por Confianza Pública Graciela Ocaña aseguró que el juez Sebastián Casanello y el fiscal Guillermo Marijuan tenían desde el año 2013 ... «El Cronista, Jun 16»
Secretarías, estados y municipios incumplen en su obligación de ...
Secretarías, estados y municipios incumplen en su obligación de transparentar información. La Ley General de Transparencia indica que deben publicar en su ... «Animal Politico, Jun 16»
Diputados aprobó la ley de Acceso a la Información Pública y resta ...
El proyecto de acceso a la información, clave para mejorar la transparencia, fue enviado por el Poder Ejecutivo. Ahora será girado al Senado. La iniciativa ... «LA NACION, May 16»
Aprobaron el proyecto de libre acceso a la información pública
La importancia de este proyecto radica en que reglamenta un derecho humano contemplado en la Constitución Nacional, que es el acceso a la información ... «LA NACION, May 16»
Panamá se compromete con OCDE a intercambiar información fiscal
Panamá se comprometió la semana pasada a compartir información bancaria de manera automática, a partir del 2018, solo con aquellos países con los que ... «La Nación Costa Rica, May 16»


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