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Meaning of "formación" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra formación procede del latín formatĭo, -ōnis.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


for · ma · ción


Formación is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of formación in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of formation in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of forming or forming. Another meaning of training in the dictionary is form. The horse is of good training. Formation is also profile of wound with which the embroiderers garnish the leaves of the flowers drawn on the fabric.


actualización · administración · alimentación · aplicación · asociación · calificación · capacitación · clasificación · computación · comunicación · continuación · cotización · creación · decoración · duración · educación · fabricación · fundación · habitación · información


forma · formable · formador · formadora · formadura · formaje · formal · formaldehído · formaleta · formalete · formalidad · formalina · formalismo · formalista · formalización · formalizar · formalmente · formalote · formante · formar


aceptación · actuación · celebración · certificación · colaboración · combinación · instalación · investigación · navegación · operación · organización · participación · población · presentación · publicación · relación · reparación · reputación · situación · ubicación

Synonyms and antonyms of formación in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «formación» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of formación to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of formación from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «formación» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of formación in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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đào tạo
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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


de formación
de formación 
 The formative period of library automation was characterized by an initiation ritual in which librarians were asked to explain principles in terms of a logic with which they were not entirely conversant.
  formation ; fashioning.
 In 1970 she pointed to inconsistencies in the formation and arrangement of headings, the presence of useless ones, and variations in actual practice from what is thought to be practiced.
 The university is a major force in the fashioning of the constantly changing urban way of life.
formación de ampollas 
 Microbiological action contributes to loss of adhesion and blistering of anticorrosive organic coatings.
formación de burbujas 
 Microbiological action contributes to loss of adhesion and blistering of anticorrosive organic coatings.
formación de grumos 
 It also acts as an excellent soil additive that prevents the caking of soil in potted plants.
formación de grupos de presión 
lobbying representation
 He recommends that research, fund-raising or development work, and political or 'lobbying' representation be added to the responsibilities of Slavic librarians.
formación de hielo 
 Several chapters focus on precipitation, temperature, storms, icing, fog, and so forth.
formación de la colección  [Conjunto de decisiones que toma una biblioteca sobre cómo utilizar el presupuesto asignado a la compra de materiales, básicamente qué temas o materias se van a primar más en las compras]
collection building
 As Musiker indicates there is no question that librarians must take full account of non-print media in their collection building and exploitation.
formación de piquetes 
 This study examines responses to antiabortion picketing by women encountering picketers as they entered abortion clinics to have an abortion.
formación de un núcleo 
 This paper presents an algorithm for health care knowledge crystallization that, in addition to simulating the process of annealing, employs the notion of nucleation and growth on health care knowledge.
formación geológica 
geological formation
 Facts about the geological formation of Niagara Falls are given in this article, the second in a series about natural wonders.
formación nubosa 
cloud cover
 Refinements allow the user to search for: the originating agency; the date of exposure; the image format; the cloud cover; satellite; etc..
  instruction ; training ; schooling ; coaching ; seasoning ; grooming ; upbringing ; education.
 Probably in most libraries instruction in library use and the use of information retrieval tools needs to be available in a number of different modes.
 The user must become familiar with the facilities of this search software, and therefore may need more training than that which might be necessary for the retrieval of information in a data base which has been indexed with a controlled indexing language.
 Some people with little schooling do use the library, and for valuable purposes but they are more of an exception than the rule.
 Proofreaders are trained by coaching, as are editors.
 All the artists were influenced by their seasoning as commercial illustrators.
 Let's face it, personal grooming is the key to success, in business or in your social life.
 Children in modern society are faced with a ceaseless stream of new ideas, and responsibility for their upbringing has generally moved from parents to childminders and teachers.
 The social sciences class, 300, subsumes Economics, Politics, Law and education.
área de formación 
teaching unit
 Thirty-nine nurses on a medical teaching unit in a hospital in Canada participated in the project.
beca de formación  [Período que una persona pasa en una biblioteca (o empresa) iniciándose a en el funcionamiento de la misma o reciclaje que una persona recibe en su trabajo]
in-service training
 However, even with shortcomings, the courses have played a positive role in the in-service training of librarians.
bibliotecario encargado de la formación de usuarios  [Bibliotecario que a veces da clases sobre el uso de la biblioteca y la búsqueda de información]
instruction librarian
 While this goal has remained consistent, the pedagogical models applied by instruction librarians have changed over time = Aunque este objetivo ha permanecido constante, los modelos pedagógicos utilizados por los bibliotecarios encargados de la formación de usuarios han cambiado con el tiempo.
con cierta formación 
 This impressive work, which serves educated adults and serious students, intends to be a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of the world's most important knowledge and information.
con la formación adecuada 
 The main directions in such training in higher education are the preparation of adequately-trained staff to provide user education.
conseguir una buena formación en 
get + a good grounding on
 Provided that the methods taught are applied rigorously, the student gets a good grounding in elementary research methods and he learns to handle information.
con una formación tecnológica digital 
 What role does - and will - the library play for our digitally-oriented clientele?.
curso de formación 
training course
 Help desks, training courses, manuals, newsletters and other search aids can influence the effectiveness of a searcher.
curso de formación continua 
continuing education course
 With the advent of automation, the demands for continuing education courses took on a sense of urgency.
departamento de formación 
teaching unit
 Thirty-nine nurses on a medical teaching unit in a hospital in Canada participated in the project.
de reciente formación 
 An exploration of the region has detected some 300 newly-formed stars whose average age is estimated to be a mere 300,000 years.
escuela de formación 
training school
 The visitors were shocked by the situation in the Gaza Strip, where there are no school, public or special libraries, library associations or training schools.
escuela de formación profesional 
vocational school
 Many vocational school libraries have limited stocks and staffing and teachers fail to promote reading.
formación académica  
academic background
formal education
 He is thus in danger of losing touch with its traditional constituency (upward-mobile students) whose academic and socioeconomic backgrounds would have previously indicated nearly automatic attendance.
 Strange as it may seem, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and formal education positively fortifies it.
formación básica en tecnología 
technical literacy
 These two programmes are intended to foster technical literacy.
formación continua      
continuing education (CE)
continuous education
continuing training
continuing professional development
continuing professional education
professional development
 Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.
 This article points out the importance of continuous education and stresses that the completion of formal training is only the beginning of a life-long programme.
 Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
 Continuing professional development is necessary for librarians to anticipate and position themselves for the changing information field and changing client needs.
 Medical libraries have considerable potential as resources for formal continuing professional education.
 The first part of this article discusses motives for career choice and professional development.
formación continuada  
continuing education (CE)
continuing training
 Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.
 Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
formación continua del personal 
staff development
 Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.
formación continua en el trabajo  
workplace training
workplace learning
 Streaming video on the World Wide Web is widely used for workplace training, distance education are other applications.
 This article describes a decision support system which stimulates workplace learning by enabling previous and present users of the system to exchange experience.
formación continua en medicina 
CME (Continuing Medical Education)
 The article 'Can the Internet raise the bar for CME?' describes the development of a Web site designed to deliver continuing medical education (CME).
formación de formadores 
train the trainers
 In short, the purpose of the workshops is to 'train the trainers' so that they, in turn, can directly educate others in their respective home countries.
formación del personal  
staff training
professional development
 The literature available makes it very clear that staff training is extremely important, for all staff, from director to custodians.
 The first part of this article discusses motives for career choice and professional development.
formación del profesorado  
teacher education
 This article describes the results of a survey to explore attitudes toward library instruction in teacher-training programmes.
 This is a new journal concerned with the implications for teacher education, both pre-service and in-service, of all aspects of information technology.
formación de padres  
parenting education
 The Internet is likely to prove a fruitful source of advice and chat on parenting topics.
 It contains 3 major components: adult literacy, early childhood education, and parenting education.
formación de postgrado  
postgraduate education
postgraduate training
 Some institutions in England offer some form of post-graduate education in librarianship for those having a first degree, usually in other disciplines.
 There is a need for good postgraduate training in archives work.
formación de profesorado en prácticas 
in-service teacher training
 Nationwide in-service teacher training was organization and software development intensified.
formación de usuarios  [Conjunto de destrezas que una persona debe poseer para saber buscar, recuperar y gestionar la información que necesita]  [Tareas y actividades desarrolladas normalmente por los bibliotecarios para enseñar a los lectores a usar la biblioteca]   [Explicaciones y demostraciones seguidas para mostrar a los usuarios el funcionamiento de una biblioteca o servicio de información]  [Curso que se imparte a estudiantes universitarios para enseñarles el uso de la biblioteca y la búsqueda de información]      
information literacy
library instruction
information skills
library user education
bibliographic instruction (BI)
user education
library user training
user instruction
user training
patron instruction
reader education
 This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.
 The advent of complex information technologies requires a new paradigm for library instruction and the instructional role of academic librarians.
 There is no doubt that IT has transformed attitudes and heightened the awareness of academics towards the significance of inculcating information skills = No hay duda de que la TI ha transformado las actitudes y ha hecho que los académicos sean más consciente de la importancia de inculcar las destrezas relacionadas con la información.
 Various recommendations are made for the improvement of the programmes, including the introduction of a course in library user education in the universities which will be taken by all first year students.
 Members of Iowa State University's graduating class of 1986 were surveyed about their attitudes toward having been required to take a course in bibliographic instruction.
 It seems natural to employ the microcomputer for user education, since computer-aided learning (CAL) is one of the principal ways in which microcomputers are used in schools and colleges.
 This article examines the benefits of a good sense of humour to librarians involved in library user training.
 And as has often been pointed out, the increased provision of user instruction has tended to strengthen rather than dispel the myth of reader self-sufficiency.
 The project will measure the need for user training in the use of electronic journals.
 It has been found that the larger the library, the greater the tendency for both formal and informal patron instruction to occur = Se ha descubierto que mientras más grande es la biblioteca, mayor es la tendencia a que se ofrezcan cursos de formación de usuarios tanto formal como informal.
 The data considered by the Review Committee strongly suggests that reader education will need to be a major priority in the next few years.
formación documental  [Aprendizaje de los métodos y técnicas que nos ayuden a obtener y utilizar información]
information education
 Information education should be carried out at all levels of the education system.
formación en diferentes tareas  
cross-training [cross training]
multiskilling [multi-skilling]
 Cross training is the process of teaching an individual new job skills in a position other than his or her normal one.
 Cross-training or multiskilling involves training employees to be prepared to perform tasks outside their normal work activities.
formación en el mundo real 
real-world training
 The location has not only provided real-world training but it has also given them the chance to experience an environment that differs greatly from their home state.
formación en el trabajo  [Período que una persona pasa en una biblioteca (o empresa) iniciándose a en el funcionamiento de la misma o reciclaje que una persona recibe en su trabajo]    
in-service training
in-service education
on-the-job training
in-service support
 However, even with shortcomings, the courses have played a positive role in the in-service training of librarians.
 The author discusses the importance of preservice and inservice education and suggests a training programme for special librarians.
 In-service work indicates that many teachers welcome guidance on teaching information skills in primary schools.
 But only 20% had attended a taught course, been on atraining attachment or received on-the-job training.
 In-service support becomes especially important when teachers are not well trained.
formación en el uso de la biblioteca 
library literacy
 The author defines what is meant by 'library literacy' and suggests that librarians should aim to educate users, and in particular student users more broadly in the skills needed to make full use of a library.
formación en enfermería 
nursing education
 For instance, in the sample search, both the terms MEDICAL EDUCATION and nursing education might be pertinent.
formación en informática 
computer literacy
 The rapid rise of computer literacy in the world has led to a demand for the easy availability of many kinds of information.
formación en prácticas 
 In-service work indicates that many teachers welcome guidance on teaching information skills in primary schools.
formación in situ  [Período que una persona pasa en una biblioteca (o empresa) iniciándose a en el funcionamiento de la misma o reciclaje que una persona recibe en su trabajo] 
in-service training
 However, even with shortcomings, the courses have played a positive role in the in-service training of librarians.
 In-service work indicates that many teachers welcome guidance on teaching information skills in primary schools.
formación interna  [Período que una persona pasa en una biblioteca (o empresa) iniciándose a en el funcionamiento de la misma o reciclaje que una persona recibe en su trabajo]  
in-service training
in-service support
 However, even with shortcomings, the courses have played a positive role in the in-service training of librarians.
 In-service support becomes especially important when teachers are not well trained.
 In-service work indicates that many teachers welcome guidance on teaching information skills in primary schools.
formación laboral  
job training
job training
 We should be strengthening our investments in job training to improve the job prospects of the unemployed when good jobs do become available.
 We should be strengthening our investments in job training to improve the job prospects of the unemployed when good jobs do become available.
formación ocupacional 
work education
 This article discusses the work of libraries in the area of work education which includes the provision of career guidance.
formación paternal 
parenting education
 It contains 3 major components: adult literacy, early childhood education, and parenting education.
formación permanente  [Se utiliza este concepto para referirse a la actitud de muchos lectores mayores que siguen utilizando la biblioteca como medio de aprendizaje]  [Situación en la que el individuo continúa interesándose por aprender cosas nuevas durante toda la vida]
lifelong learning
lifelong education
 With the trend towards 'lifelong learning' in Japan, user demands are increasing and users require easier access to information.
 This article discusses the role that libraries play in education in general with emphasis on lifelong education.
formación práctica 
hands-on training
 Today most graduate students have few opportunities for hands-on training.
formación profesional    
vocational training
professional education
professional training
further education
 Vocational training is currently subject to strong pressure to change.
 Professional education got off to an early start in Spain.
 80% find their professional training only partly corresponding to the job requirements.
 The single term 'college library' covers a broad spectrum of further and higher education, ranging from those housed in colleges of further education, to those in polytechnics and colleges of higher education.
formación reglada 
formal education
 Strange as it may seem, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and formal education positively fortifies it.
formación requerida  [Expresión utilizada en las ofertas de trabajo]
job specs
 So far, from looking at job specs, it is not obvious to me that there is a demand for elaborate technical skills at this point.
instituto de formación profesional 
technical school
 The investigations have encompassed 200 pupils from 4 secondary schools preparing for university as well as from 4 technical schools.
los que no han recibido formación específica  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
uninstructed, the
 Some search statements are so obscure that they would catch out the uninstructed.
para la formación autodidacta 
 In the academic world, students are likely to make much increased use of self-instructional materials of various kinds as student numbers expand without a parallel increase in total university resources.
período de formación 
formative period
 The exhibition focuses on the years between 1961 and 1964, the formative period of Warhol as a painter and graphic artist.
proceso de formación 
instructional process
 This article repors the results of a questionnaire survey which focused on how in-service teachers relate to working cooperatively with school librarians in the instructional process.
programa de formación   
training programme
training scheme
instructional programme
 Training programmes, search aids and various publications all support the SDC ORBIT services.
 Training schemes can be introduced so that staffs can learn to do better the jobs they have always done.
 Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
programa de formación en el trabajo  [Reciclaje que el personal de una biblioteca (o empresa ) recibe en su propio lugar de trabajo o programa para la iniciación en el funcionamiento de una biblioteca (o empresa) para los nuevos empleados]
in-service training program(me)
 A community college district librarian is assigned the task of developing an in-service training program for five community colleges and answering some questions about learning.
recibir formación 
take + instruction
 We are looking for a backing vocalist, someone experienced, someone with ideas for vocal arrangements and able to also take instruction.
servirse de la formación de Uno 
draw on/upon + background
 John Mackinlay drew on his military background to analyze the warring factions and their demobilization following the Abuja Agreements.
sin formación 
 He goes on to show that a similar percentage of people are 'relatively ill-educated' and that this might 'reinforce the idea that the majority will not be in the market for new technology information systems'.
sin formación previa 
 EasyNet is an American-based, menu-driven information retrieval system which links untrained users to over 800 data bases from nearly 20 on-line service vendors.

Trends of use of formación



Principal search tendencies and common uses of formación
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «formación».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about formación



Famous quotes and sentences with the word formación.
Ludwig B. Henz
Sólo mediante la repetición de actos buenos y nobles es posible lograr la adecuada formación moral que caracteriza siempre a la buena educación.
Isabel Allende
La guerra es la obra de arte de los militares, la coronación de su formación, el broche dorado de su profesión. No han sido creados para brillar en la paz.
Martin Luther King
De mi formación cristiana he obtenido mis ideales y de Gandhi la técnica de la acción.


Discover the use of formación in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to formación and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La formación: teoría y práctica
INDICE: La formación y el entorno empresarial. Planteamiento sistemático de la formación. Métodos y vías de formación. Análisis de contenidos. Objetivos de la formación. Principios y condiciones del aprendizaje.
Roger Buckley, Jim Caple, 1991
Interculturalidad, formación del profesorado y educación
El libro aporta modelos, métodos y experiencias que ayudan a comprender y a analizar la formación de profesionales que laboran en espacios amplios de la sociedad multicultural.
10 ideas clave: la formación permanente del profesorado : ...
De estructura clara que ayuda a la reflexión sobre cada una de las ideas que se plantean, el libro aborda la necesidad de cambio en las políticas y en las prácticas de la formación permanente del profesorado.
Francisco Imbernón, Francisco Imbernón Muñoz, 2007
La formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado: ...
Unir la formación al desarrollo de la profesión no es un fenómeno reciente. Se trata de ver la formación como un aprendizaje constante, acercando ésta al desarrollo de actividades profesionales y a la práctica profesional.
Francisco Imbernón, 1994
Vínculos afectivos: formación, desarrollo y pérdida
Este volumen reúne una selección de los escritos y conferencias más representativos de J. BOWLBY, quien, con su teoría del apego, nos ofrece la única opción explicativa del desarrollo afectivo humano.
John Bowlby, 1986
Manual para la formación en medio ambiente
El informe del Club de Roma de 1972 donde -por primera vez- se reconoció que no podía haber crecimiento económico ilimitado con recursos limitados fue el punto de partida de la conservación del medio ambiente en todo el mundo.A partir ...
varios, 2008
La formación del espíritu científico
Cuando se investigan las condiciones psicológicas del progreso de la ciencia, se llega muy pronto a la convicción de que hay que plantear el problema del conocimiento científico en términos de obstáculos, es en el acto mismo de conocer ...
Gaston Bachelard, 2000
Formación y práctica docente en el medio rural
Este estudio partó de un proyecto de investigación con el propósito de caracterizarla desde la perspectiva cualitativa en dos dimensiones: el proceso pedagógico en su cotidianidad en el aula y el contexto escolar histórico, ...
María Elena Díaz Orozco, Rodrigo Gallegos Valdés, 1996
La investigación educativa como herramienta de formación del ...
Investigar, en educación como en cualquier otra disciplina, es imprescindible para generar cambios. Sin investigación no hay campo de conocimiento. Hay tradición, rutina, copia, dependencia y estatismo.
Francesc Imbernón, 2002
La Formación Universitaria a Debate: Análisis de Problemas y ...
Crisis y calidad son los dos atributos más obsesivos que están sacudiendo actualmente a nuestra universidad.
Vicenç Benedito, Virginia Ferrer i Cervero, Virginia Ferrer, 1995


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term formación is used in the context of the following news items.
Macri presentó el Programa Nacional de Formación de Enfermería
El presidente Macri sostuvo que el Programa Nacional de Formación de Enfermería se inscribe en el marco de la política que lleva adelante el gobierno de ... «, Aug 16»
Facturas falsas y formación: el juez apuntilla a una patronal ...
Entre los investigados figura también el exdirector de Economía y Formación de la patronal de Castellón, José Antonio Espejo. Del mismo modo, por serán ... «El Confidencial, Jul 16»
El Tribunal de Cuentas no ve ilegalidades en los cursos de formación
El Tribunal de Cuentas no aprecia ilícitos contables en la gestión de los fondos de formación en Andalucía y desestima las denuncias de la Fiscalía de Cuentas ... «Cadena SER, Jul 16»
La DGT cesa a la subdirectora de Formación Vial por el supuesto ...
La DGT ha destituido a la subdirectora adjunta de Formación Vial, Marta Carrera, tras el escándalo por el supuesto amaño en la concesión de los cursos para ... «, Jul 16»
Giro radical en el caso de los cursos de formación: la juez archiva la ...
La macrocausa pierde fuelle al menos en cuanto a responsabilidades políticas. El caso de los cursos de formación en Andalucía y sus posibles ... «, Jun 16»
Susana Díaz anuncia nuevos cursos de formación para el empleo
«Saldrán en el BOJA a lo largo de la semana, lo que va a ser una noticia importante porque los cursos de formación se van a volver a poner en marcha» en ... «, Jun 16»
Susana Díaz comparece por el fraude de los cursos de formación ...
La presidenta de la Junta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz, ha negado este martes que exista un fraude en los cursos de formación subvencionados por el Gobierno ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
El testigo protegido de la formación: "Es el negocio del siglo en la ...
El testigo protegido de la juez Mercedes Alaya en el caso de la formación, el funcionario Teodoro Montes, ha explicado este viernes que los cursos se ... «El Mundo, Apr 16»
La Junta remite 41.800 expedientes de la formación al Parlamento
Los Servicios Centrales de la Dirección General de Formación Profesional para el Empleo han comenzado este viernes el envío al Parlamento de Andalucía de ... «EL PAÍS, Apr 16»
Andalucía recupera los cursos de formación suspendidos por el ...
Los cursos de formación, paralizados por la presidenta del Gobierno andaluz, Susana Díaz, tras la detección de un fraude que la Junta eleva a 72 millones y ... «EL PAÍS, Apr 16»


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